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1. How can one tackle the problem of inequality among different social classes?

- People nowadays rely on their professions for earnings. But some people also rely on
the income that they already own in addition to their earnings from their jobs. Raising
taxes on the wealthiest and using the money to support the poor is one of the solutions
to wealth inequality. In my opinion, it is wiser to invest in more jobs to earn your income
than to depend entirely on your financial status. What would happen to you if you
continue to seek that you'd have enough money when there is no more left? You should
learn a profession that will allow you to make money as soon as possible instead of
waiting until there is no more left.

2. Specific negative effects of environmental pollution that have influenced people’s lives.
- Pollution is the disastrous effect of human activity on the natural habitat, and it has
been an alarming problem. As we all know there are calamities that keep attacking us
human’s lives without any warnings. Some of the effects of this disaster can be about
health and how it damaged our vegetation. One of the health risks from environmental
pollution is respiratory infection and heart and lung diseases, while on the other hand
crops and trees are growing in a polluted area which causes them to lose the nutrients
that they are trying to gain while building up. I can say that these have truly affected
everyone’s lives because some lost their lives fighting with the mentioned diseases while
other humans are trying to endure the pollutants that may have harmed their everyday
3. Do you remember the last time you acted bravely? What is the most courageous thing
you have ever done in your life?
- The last time I acted bravely was when my family had been separated. I can say that I
was brave that time even though I felt weak and have been shattered in pieces, because
it taught me a big lesson that I will never forget in my life. There are reasons that I'm
thankful for because I wouldn't be myself today if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t learn how
to stand up on my own feet if I keep relying on my own family. Growing up with a broken
family has never been easy for me. It took me some time to adjust and to conquer my
feelings every time I saw a complete family. A lot of times, I questioned myself If I do
deserve to feel envious if I see a happy family which I know that was never experienced
by me. Facing this story of my life is the most courageous thing that I have ever done.
Showing an image of a strong version of myself was also the thing that I’m very proud of.
I was young and clueless when that happened but now I was awake to the truth that
everything has a reason for that to happen.

4. Recollect an event or story of your life that is in some way important for you and from
which you have derived some kind of lesson or message.
- Back in the year 2016, where everything appears to be ethereal in my eyes. It was a
wonderful year to celebrate Christmas for the reason that everyone’s smile seems to be
natural. I can truly say that this event was really important for me because it will never
feel the same again as now. Seeing my family complete is what I wanted to feel for the
rest of my life. Hearing laughter and having a glimpse of my cousins playing with me was
a good memory to think of again. But this thought taught me a lesson that It's better to
have love and loss than never to have loved at all. It may be a painful experience but still
the happiest memory that I am ever thankful for. We can't always win in life but
experiencing a complete family was one of the best wins that I’ve ever had for a short

5. Your favorite book author. What makes him/her special?

- To be honest I am not a fan of books, but there’s this story that has catched my
heart. It was written by thewishingwel and It is called alpas. She is a special
author for me because her story tells me what freedom in love feels like and what
forgiveness in life looks like. I also appreciate the way she talks about the future
of the characters which helped me feel motivated to do my studies and to
achieve my goals in life. Aside from that, my favorite author and I have a lot of
things in common that is why I feel like her sometimes. She raised my standard
so much because she became successful because of that book and it made me
feel proud since she deserves everything that she’s having in her life right now. I
love how she uses her real life experiences in some parts of the story because it
is very realistic and very easy to imagine. I thank her for writing one such kind of
a book like that because it made me realize things that I was blind for before.
6. What is your greatest concern about the future?
- Honestly, I am really afraid of what my future would look like. But what I am
looking out for the most is If will I become a professional medical doctor. I can’t
stop overthinking and imagining about what I will become, for I have known that
what I am doing right now is for the sake of my dream job that I am wishing to
become like in the future. I know that I'm still at the first step of achieving my
dream job, but I don’t want to waste any of my efforts if any of my hopes for the
time ahead will not happen. Aside from that I also think about my future lifestyle,
would it be successful for me? I know that there’s no such person who hasn't
lived the life that they desire. But no one can be stopped from overthinking about
their future, I just always keep in mind that every hard work has its rewards.

7. The role of communication in your life.

- Communication is very important for me. It helps me build a relationship with
other people. It expresses my ideas and what I feel like. This is also used to
describe something which forms an image in a person’s mind by the use of
words. Conveying messages seems to be very helpful for me and my friends
because without this we wouldn’t get to know each other. Another advantage of
communication is that it helped me in my studies, In a way of asking questions to
my teachers and classmates politely. The world without communication would be
very silent and boring, People won’t understand each other without speaking or
saying their thoughts. That is why communication is very useful.

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