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List of library books on 31/03/2022
Kinesiotherapy & Functional diagnosis

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Therapeutic Exercise Huber, Frances E. Acc No - 3 EX1®

2 Introduction to massage therapy Braun, Mary Beth 2nd Ed. Acc No - 9 EX2®
Evidence-based Therapeutic Massage, A Practical Guide for
3 Holey, Elizabeth 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2 EX3®
4 Muscle testing , Techniques of Manual Examination Hislop, Helen J. 8th Ed. Acc No - 10 EX4(I-1)
5 Muscle testing , Techniques of Manual Examination Hislop, Helen J. 8th Ed. Acc No - 29 EX4(I-2)
Isokinetics , Muscle Testing, Interpretation and Clinical
6 Dvir, Zeevi 2nd Ed. Acc No - 4 EX5®
7 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1 EX6®
8 Comprehensive Physical therapy Assistant board review Brister, S. Acc No - 32 EX7®
9 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 7 EX8®
10 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1062 EX8(I-1)
11 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1063 EX8(I-2)
12 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1064 EX8(I-3)
13 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1439 EX8(I-4)
14 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1440 EX8(I-5)
15 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1441 EX8(I-6)
16 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1442 EX8(I-7)
17 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1443 EX8(I-8)
18 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1444 EX8(I-9)
19 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1781 EX8(I-10)
20 Muscles Testing and Function With Posture And Pain Kendall, F.P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1782 EX8(I-11)
21 Pain in Your Neck Ramani, P.S. Acc No - 11 EX9®
22 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 26 EX10(i)
23 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 27 EX11(i)
24 Yoga For Your Heart Datey, K.K. Acc No - 21 EX12®
25 Arnould-Taylor's Principles and Practice of Physical Therapy 4th Ed. Acc No - 8 EX13®
26 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 3rd Ed. Acc No - 23 EX14(I-1)
27 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 3rd Ed. Acc No - 233 EX14(I-2)
28 Handbook of Clinical Massage Cassar, Mario-Paul 2nd Ed. Acc No - 5 EX15®
29 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 6 EX16(i)
30 Yoga Physical Education for Women Yogendra, Sitadevi Acc No - 13 EX17®
31 Self Development Sadhakas Acc No - 14 EX18®
32 Guide to Yoga Meditation Shri Yogendra Acc No - 15 EX19®
33 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras Sadhakas Acc No - 16 EX20®
34 Thorson's Principles of Self Healing Lawson, David Acc No - 17 EX21®
35 Changing the Lifestyle Acc No - 18 EX22®
Yogendra, Hansaji
36 Growing with Yoga Acc No - 19 EX23®
Yogendra, Hansa
37 Yoga For Back And Joint Disorders 1st Ed. Acc No - 20 EX24®
Evidence-based Therappeutic Massage, A Practical Guide for
38 Holey, Elizabeth 3rd Ed. Acc No - 563 EX25®
39 Stop Worrying about Backache Ramani, P.S. Acc No - 12 EX26®
40 Therapeutic Exercise Basmajin, John V. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1304 EX27®
Yogendra, Hansa
41 Yogic Life : A Cure For Asthma & Bronchitis 5th Ed. Acc No - 2132 EX28®
42 Massage Manipulation And Traction Licht, Sidney Acc No - 1287 EX29®
43 Massage Manipulation And Traction Licht, Sidney Acc No - 1289 EX29(I-1)
44 Massage Manipulation And Traction Licht, Sidney Acc No - 1314 EX29(I-2)
Yogendra, Hansa
45 Pregnancy Parenthood & Yoga 6th Ed. Acc No - 2133 EX30®
46 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 4th Ed. Acc No - 561 EX31®
47 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 4th Ed. Acc No - 24 EX32(I-1)
48 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 4th Ed. Acc No - 31 EX32(I-2)
49 Essentials Of Exercise Therapy Sharma, Mukesh 1st Ed. Acc No - 1797 EX33®
50 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 28 EX34(i)
Yogendra, Hansa
51 Yoga For Children: Teacher's Handbook 4th Ed. Acc No - 2134 EX35®
52 Your Mind Your Best Friend Acc No - 22 EX36®
Yogic Life For Control Of Diabetes : A Practical Guide To A Fuller Yogendra, Hansa
53 5th Ed. Acc No - 2135 EX37®
Life Jayadeva
54 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 2nd Ed. Acc No - 33 EX38(I-1)
55 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1635 EX38(I-2)
56 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 25 EX39®
57 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1218 EX39(I-1)
58 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1219 EX39(I-2)
59 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1220 EX39(I-3)
60 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1221 EX39(I-4)
61 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1222 EX39(I-5)
62 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1223 EX39(I-6)
63 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1224 EX39(I-7)
64 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1225 EX39(I-8)
65 Yogic Exercises Physiologic and Psychic Processes Ray, Dutta S. Acc No - 1226 EX39(I-9)
66 Orthopedic Massage : Theory and Technique Lowe, Whitney Acc No - 30 EX40®
67 Aromatherapy Massage Acc No - 34 EX41®
Concise Exercise Therapy : A Comprehensive Textbook for P.T.
68 Meena, Roshan L. Acc No - 35 EX42®
and O. T.
69 Ayurveda ( Marathi ) Lele, R.D. Acc No - 49 EX43®
70 Asana Why And How? Tiwari, O. P. Acc No - 1267 EX44®
71 A Manual Therapists Guide to Movement Browne, Gordon Acc No - 58 EX45®
Narayanan, S.
72 Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises Acc No - 62 EX46®
73 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 5th Ed. Acc No - 318 EX47(I-1)
74 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 5th Ed. Acc No - 1632 EX47(I-2)
75 A Physiotherapist's Guide to Clinical Measurement Fox, John Acc No - 174 EX48®
76 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 7th Ed. Acc No - 1960 EX49®
77 Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Brody, Lori Thein 3rd Ed. Acc No - 562 EX50®
How To Reverse Heart Disease : The Yogic Way, Research, Facts Yogendra, Hansa
78 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2137 EX51®
And Programme Jayadeva
Managing Common Musculoskeletal Conditions By Physiotherapy
79 Mohanty, P.P. Acc No - 175 EX52®
& Yoga
80 Principles of Exercise Prescription Bhutkar, Milind V. Acc No - 176 EX53®
Sinha, Akhoury
81 Principles and Practice of Therapeutic Massage 2nd Ed. Acc No - 177 EX54®
Sinha, Akhoury
82 Principles & Practice Of Therapeutic Massage 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2129 EX55®
83 Therapeutic Exercise From Theory to Practice Higgins, Michael Acc No -1006 EX56®
84 Therapeutic Exercise From Theory to Practice Higgins, Michael Acc No - 559 EX56(i)
85 Yoga And Rehabilitation Patel, Nilima Acc No - 547 EX57®
The Exercise Professional's Guide to Optimizing Health : Strategies
86 Roitman, Jeffrey L. Acc No - 564 EX58®
for Preventing & Reducing Chronic Disease
Cyclopaedia Yoga : A Systematic Study Programme Of Yoga Yogendra,
87 8th Ed. Acc No - 2136 EX59®
Education For The Child And The Adult (Vol-2) Jayadeva
88 Cyclopaedia Yoga : Stress And Mental Health (Vol-3) 6th Ed. Acc No - 2139 EX60®
89 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1312 EX61®
90 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 618 EX61(I-1)
91 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1535 EX61(I-2)
92 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1536 EX61(I-3)
93 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1537 EX61(I-4)
94 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1543 EX61(I-5)
95 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1544 EX61(I-6)
96 Practical Exercise Therapy Hollis, Margaret 4th Ed. Acc No - 1545 EX61(I-7)
Yogendra, Hansa
97 Yoga For Back And Joint Disorders 5th Ed. Acc No - 2138 EX62®
Kaminsky, Leonard
98 ACSM's Health Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual 4th Ed. Acc No - 651 EX63®
Daniels & Worthingham's Muscle Testing : Techniques of Manual
99 Hislop, Helen J. 9th Ed. Acc No - 660 EX64®
Examination & Performance Testing
Daniels & Worthingham's Muscle Testing : Techniques of Manual
100 Hislop, Helen J. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1065 EX64(I-1)
Examination & Performance Testing
Daniels & Worthingham's Muscle Testing : Techniques of Manual
101 Hislop, Helen J. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1066 EX64(I-2)
Examination & Performance Testing
Reese, Nancy
102 Muscle And Sensory Testing 3rd Ed. Acc No - 685 EX65®
103 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 6th Ed. Acc No - 693 EX66(I-1)
104 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 6th Ed. Acc No - 822 EX66(I-2)
105 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 6th Ed. Acc No - 560 EX66(I-3)
106 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 6th Ed. Acc No - 1633 EX66(I-4)
The Physiotherapist's Pocket Guide to Exercise : Assessment,
107 Glynn, Angela Acc No - 721 EX67®
Prescription and Training
108 Yoga For Youngsters Sadhakas 1st Ed. Acc No - 2140 EX68®
Principles of Assessment and Outcome Measurement For
Fawcett, Alison
109 Occupational Therapists And Physiotherapists : Theory, Skills & Acc No - 730 EX69®
Reese, Nancy
110 Joint Range of Motion And Muscle Length Testing 2nd Ed. Acc No - 733 EX70®
111 Postural Assessment : Hands-On Guides for Therapists Johnson, Jane Acc No - 737 EX71®
ACSM's Resources for Clinical Exercise Physiology :
American College
112 Musculoskeletal, Neuromuscular, Neoplastic, Immunologic, and 2nd Ed. Acc No - 749 EX73®
of Sports Medicine
Hematologic Conditions
Narayanan, S.
113 Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises Acc No - 805 EX74®
Narayanan, S.
114 Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises Acc No - 806 EX74(i)
The Physiotherapist's Pocket Book : Essential Facts At Your
115 Kenyon, Karen 2nd Ed. Acc No - 821 EX75®
The Physiotherapist's Pocket Book : Essential Facts At Your
116 Kenyon, Karen 2nd Ed. Acc No - 884 EX75(i)
117 ACSM's Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity And Exercise Nigg, Claudio R. Acc No - 854 EX76®
118 The Concise Guide to Physiotherapy Assessment (Vol-1) Ainslie, Tim Acc No - 859 EX77®
119 The Concise Guide to Physiotherapy Treatment (Vol-2) Ainslie, Tim Acc No - 860 EX78®
Exercise Therapy In The Management of Musculoskeletal
120 Wilson, Fiona Acc No - 867 EX79®
121 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 722 EX80®
122 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 878 EX80(I-1)
123 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 895 EX80(I-2)
124 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No -976 EX80(I-3)
125 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1131 EX80(I-4)
126 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1132 EX80(I-5)
127 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1571 EX80(I-6)
128 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 751 EX80(I-7)
129 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 843 EX80(I-8)
130 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 637 EX80(I-9)
131 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 63 EX80(I-10)
132 The Principles of Exercise Therapy Gardiner, Dena M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 617 EX80(I-11)
133 The Ancient Science & Art of Pranic Healing Choa Kok Sui Acc No - 879 EX81®
134 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 881 EX82®
135 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 882 EX82(I-1)
136 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 2141 EX82(I-2)
137 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 2142 EX82(I-3)
138 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 2143 EX82(I-4)
139 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 2144 EX82(I-5)
140 Yoga For Health and Peace 8th Ed. Acc No - 2145 EX82(I-6)
141 Get Fit For Free : Home Workouts Yoga & Pilates Newson, Angie Acc No - 914 EX83®
Healthy Bones, Muscles & Joints : A Lifelong Guide to Staying
142 Dixon, Louise Acc No - 915 EX84®
Active & Supple
Clinical Assessment Skills for Physiotherapists and Occupational Potturi,
143 Acc No - 938 EX85®
Therapists/Allied Health Professionals Gowrishankar
Reese, Nancy
144 Joint Range of Motion And Muscle Length Testing 3rd Ed. Acc No - 946 EX86®
145 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 953 EX87®
146 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 954 EX87(I- 1)
147 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No -995 EX87(I- 2)
148 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No -996 EX87(I- 3)
149 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1133 EX87(I- 4)
150 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1134 EX87(I- 5)
151 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1135 EX87(I- 6)
152 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1136 EX87(I- 7)
153 Massage For Therapists Hollis, Margaret 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1137 EX87(I- 8)
154 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 7th Ed. Acc No - 1215 EX88®
155 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 7th Ed. Acc No - 1216 EX88(I-1)
156 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 7th Ed. Acc No - 1217 EX88(I-2)
157 Therapeutic Exercise Foundation and Techniques Kisner, Carolyn 7th Ed. Acc No - 1265 EX88(I-3)
158 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No -1002 EX89®
159 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No -1003 EX89(I - 1)
160 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1199 EX89(I - 2)
161 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1200 EX89(I - 3)
162 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1201 EX89(I - 4)
163 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1202 EX89(I - 5)
164 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1203 EX89(I - 6)
165 Measurement Of Joint Motion: A Guide to Goniometry Norkin, Cynthia C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1204 EX89(I - 7)
Narayanan, S.
166 Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises Acc No -1004 EX90®
Narayanan, S.
167 Textbook of Therapeutic Exercises Acc No -1005 EX90(i)
168 ACSM's Health Related Physical Fitness Assessment Manual Liguon, Gary 5th Ed. Acc No - 1101 EX91®
169 Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Brody, Lori Thein 4th Ed. Acc No - 1352 EX92®
170 Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Brody, Lori Thein 4th Ed. Acc No - 1353 EX92(I-1)
171 Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Brody, Lori Thein 4th Ed. Acc No - 1993 EX92(I-2)
172 Therapeutic Exercise : Moving Toward Function Brody, Lori Thein 4th Ed. Acc No - 2094 EX92(I-3)
Mackinnon, Laurel
173 Exercise Management : Concepts And Professional Practice Acc No - 1357 EX93®
Pagliarulo, Michael
174 Introduction to Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 1364 EX94®
Exercise Testing And Exercise Prescription For Special Cases :
175 Skinner, James S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1383 EX95®
Theoretical Basis And Clinical Application
Exercise Testing And Exercise Prescription For Special Cases :
176 Skinner, James S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1384 EX95(i)
Theoretical Basis And Clinical Application
177 Alternative Therapies Bhagat, Swati Acc No - 256 EX96®
178 Exercise Therapy : Prevention & Treatment of Disease Gormley, John Acc No - 272 EX97®
The Physiotherapist's Pocket Book : Essential Facts At Your 1st South
179 Kenyon, Karen Acc No - 1519 EX98®
Fingertips Asia Ed.


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Clayton / Forster,
1 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 44 EL1(i)
Belanger, Alain-
2 Therapeutic Physical Agents Acc No - 56 EL2®
Clayton / Forster,
3 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 64 EL3(i)
4 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Ahmad, Saeed Acc No - 59 EL4®
5 Physical Principles of Medical Ultrasonics Hill, C.R. Acc No - 61 EL5®

6 Electrotherapy Simplified Nanda, Basanta K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1936 EL6®

7 Electrotherapy Simplified Nanda, Basanta K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1937 EL6(I-1)

8 Electrotherapy Simplified Nanda, Basanta K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1938 EL6(I-2)

9 Electrotherapy Simplified Nanda, Basanta K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1939 EL6(I-3)

Clinical Electrophysiology : Electrotherapy And Electrophysiologic Robinson, Andrew

10 3rd Ed. Acc No - 565 EL7®
Testing J.
11 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 3rd Ed. Acc No - 60 EL8®
12 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1286 EL8(i)
13 A Textbook of Biophysics Roy, R. N. Acc No - 65 EL9®
14 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 4th Ed. Acc No - 1288 EL10®
15 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 4th Ed. Acc No - 1285 EL10(I-1)
16 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 4th Ed. Acc No - 1315 EL10(I-2)
17 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1311 EL11®
18 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1316 EL11(I-1)
19 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1317 EL11(I-2)
20 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1322 EL11(I-3)
21 Principles and Practice of Electrotherapy Kahn, Joseph 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1323 EL11(I-4)
22 Clinical Electrotherapy Nelson, Roger M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1299 EL12®
23 Clinical Electrotherapy Nelson, Roger M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1603 EL12(I)
24 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 48 EL13®
25 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 47 EL13(I-1)
26 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1290 EL13(I-2)
27 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1305 EL13(I-3)
28 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1306 EL13(I-4)
29 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1307 EL13(I-5)
30 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1319 EL13(I-6)
31 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1320 EL13(I-7)
32 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1321 EL13(I-8)
33 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Kitchen, Sheila 11th Ed. Acc No - 1629 EL13(I-9)
Clayton / Forster,
34 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 43 EL14®
Clayton / Forster,
35 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 636 EL15(i)
36 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Low, John 3rd Ed. Acc No - 53 EL16®
37 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Low, John 3rd Ed. Acc No - 54 EL16(I-1)
38 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Low, John 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1875 EL16(I-2)
39 Therapeutic Modalities : The Art & Science Knight, Kenneth L. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 658 EL17®
Cameron, Michelle
40 Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice 2nd Ed. Acc No - 50 EL18(i)
Mitra, Pushpal
41 Handbook of Practical Electrotherapy Acc No - 55 EL19®
Mitra, Pushpal
42 Handbook of Practical Electrotherapy Acc No -1007 EL19(i-1)
Mitra, Pushpal
43 Handbook of Practical Electrotherapy Acc No -1008 EL19(i-2)
44 Basics Electrotherapy Khatri, Subhash Acc No - 46 EL20®
45 Basics Electrotherapy Khatri, Subhash Acc No - 45 EL20(i)
46 Electrotherapy : Evidence-Based Practice Watson, Tim 12th Ed. Acc No - 1284 EL21®
47 Essentials Of Electrotherapy 1st Ed. Acc No - 1595 EL22®
48 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 52 EL23(i)
Cameron, Michelle
49 Physical Agents in Rehabilitation from Research to Practice 3rd Ed. Acc No - 51 EL24®
Michlovitz, Susan,
50 Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention 4th Ed. Acc No - 556 EL25®
51 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 683 EL26(I-1)
52 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 689 EL26(I-2)
53 Clayton's Electrotherapy Kitchen, Sheila 10th Ed. Acc No - 1313 EL27®
54 Clayton's Electrotherapy Kitchen, Sheila 10th Ed. Acc No - 1324 EL27(i)
Clayton / Forster,
55 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 752 EL28(I-1)
Clayton / Forster,
56 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 842 EL28(I-2)
Clayton / Forster,
57 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 9th Ed. Acc No - 1258 EL28(I-3)
Clayton / Forster,
58 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice 8th Ed. Acc No - 769 EL29(i)
59 Basics Electrotherapy Khatri, Subhash 2nd Ed. Acc No - 797 EL30®
Nanda, Basanta
60 Electrotherapy Simplified 2nd Ed. Acc No - 798 EL31®
61 Fundamentals of Electrotherapy and Biomedical Physics Kakkad, Ashish Acc No - 799 EL32®
62 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 901 EL33®
Physical Agents in Rehabilitation : An Evidence-Based Approach Cameron, Michelle
63 5th Ed. Acc No - 1067 EL34®
To Practice H.
64 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice Forster, Angela 8th Ed. Acc No - 1128 EL35®
65 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice Forster, Angela 8th Ed. Acc No - 1129 EL35(I-1)
66 Clayton's Electrotherapy : Theory and Practice Forster, Angela 8th Ed. Acc No - 1130 EL35(I-2)
67 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1237 EL36®
68 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1238 EL36(I-1)
69 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1239 EL36(I-2)
70 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1240 EL36(I-3)
71 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1521 EL36(I-4)
72 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1572 EL36(I-5)
73 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 1874 EL36(I-6)
74 Electrotherapy Explained Principles and Practice Robertson, Val 4th Ed. Acc No - 2032 EL36(I-7)
Ganvir, Shyam
75 Electrotherapy With Model Answers 1st Ed. Acc No - 1560 EL37®
76 Concise Electrotherapy : Principles & Practice Meena, R. L. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1561 EL38®
Mohan, S.
77 MCQ's In Electrotherapy Acc No - 2039 EL39®
78 Principles of Electrotherapy : Theory And Practice 1st Ed. Acc No - 2051 EL40®


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Clinical Electroneurography (An Introduction to Nerve Conduction

1 Smorto, Mario P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 41 ED2®
2 Electromyography In Clinical Practice : A Case Study Approach Katirji, Bashar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 99 ED3®
3 Clinical Neurophysiology Misra, UK Acc No - 42 ED4®
4 Electrotherapy in Rehabilitation Gersh, Meryl Roth Acc No - 57 ED6®
5 Johnson's Practical Electromyography Pease, William S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 870 ED7®
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders : Clinical -
6 Preston, David C. 4th Ed. Acc No - 2091 ED10®
Electrophysiologic Correlations
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders : Clinical -
7 Preston, David C. 4th Ed. Acc No - 2092 ED10(I-1)
Electrophysiologic Correlations
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
8 Misra, UK 3rd Ed. Acc No - 664 ED11®
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
9 Misra, UK 3rd Ed. Acc No -1009 ED11(i-1)
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
10 Misra, UK 3rd Ed. Acc No -1010 ED11(i-2)
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
11 Misra, UK 3rd Ed. Acc No -1011 ED11(i-3)
Evoked Potentials
Electrodiagnosis In Diseases Of Nerve And Muscle : Principles and
12 Kimura, Jun 4th Ed. Acc No - 677 ED12®
Electromyography and Neuromuscular Disorders : Clinical -
13 Preston, David C. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 747 ED13®
Electrophysiologic Correlations
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
14 Misra, UK 4th Ed. Acc No - 1776 ED14®
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
15 Misra, UK 4th Ed. Acc No - 1777 ED14(I-1)
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
16 Misra, UK 4th Ed. Acc No - 1778 ED14(I-2)
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
17 Misra, UK 4th Ed. Acc No - 1779 ED14(I-3)
Evoked Potentials
Clinical Neurophysiology : Nerve Conduction Electromyography
18 Misra, UK 4th Ed. Acc No - 1780 ED14(I-4)
Evoked Potentials

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation

1 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 709 CBR1®
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
2 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 710 CBR1(I-1)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
3 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 711 CBR1(I-2)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
4 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2018 CBR1(I-3)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
5 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2019 CBR1(I-4)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
6 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2020 CBR1(I-5)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
7 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2021 CBR1(I-6)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
8 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2022 CBR1(I-7)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
9 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2023 CBR1(I-8)
for Physiotherapy
Textbook of Community Medicine & Community Rehabilitation
10 Rao, Bhaskara T. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2024 CBR1(I-9)
for Physiotherapy
11 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar Acc No - 817 CBR2®
12 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar Acc No - 818 CBR2(I-1)
13 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar Acc No - 819 CBR2(I-2)
14 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, waqar Acc No -1019 CBR2(I-3)
15 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, waqar Acc No -1020 CBR2(I-4)
16 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar Acc No - 549 CBR2(I-5)
Nagar, Satya
17 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation Acc No - 958 CBR3®
Nagar, Satya
18 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation Acc No - 959 CBR3(I-1)
Nagar, Satya
19 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation 1st Ed. Acc No - 2003 CBR3(I-2)
Nagar, Satya
20 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation 1st Ed. Acc No - 2114 CBR3(I-3)
Nagar, Satya
21 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation 1st Ed. Acc No - 2115 CBR3(I-4)
Nagar, Satya
22 Essentials of Community-Based Rehabilitation 1st Ed. Acc No - 2116 CBR3(I-5)
23 Community Based Rehabilitation of Persons With Disabilities Pruthvish, S. Acc No - 320 CBR4®
24 Comprehensive Textbook on Disability Chavan, B. S. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2130 CBR5®
25 Textbook Of Rehabilitation Sunder, S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 631 CBR6®
26 Textbook Of Rehabilitation Sunder, S. 3rd Ed. Acc No -1021 CBR6(I-1)
27 Textbook Of Rehabilitation Sunder, S. 3rd Ed. Acc No -1022 CBR6(I-2)
28 Services for the Handicapped in India Taylor, Wallace W. Acc No - 307 CBR7®
29 Short Notes In Community Medicine Shetty, P. V. D. Acc No - 1342 CBR8®
30 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 4th Ed. Acc No - 597 CBR9®
Textbook Of Community Medicine - Based on Gupta : Textbook of
31 Gupta, Piyush Acc No -983 CBR10®
Preventive and Social Medicine
32 Community Medicine With Recent Advances Suryakantha, A. H. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 813 CBR11®
33 Disaster Management for Health Care Professionals Joshi, Sonopant G. Acc No - 548 CBR12®
Demeter, Stephen
34 Disability Evaluation Acc No - 287 CBR13®
35 Community Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Bhalwar, Rajvir 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1518 CBR14®
36 Synopsis In Preventive And Social Medicine Bhalerao, Vijaya R. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1650 CBR15®
37 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1844 CBR16®
38 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1845 CBR16(I-1)
39 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1846 CBR16(I-2)
40 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1847 CBR16(I-3)
41 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1848 CBR16(I-4)
42 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1849 CBR16(I-5)
43 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1850 CBR16(I-6)
44 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1851 CBR16(I-7)
45 Textbook of Community Medicine Kulkarni, A. P. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1852 CBR16(I-8)
46 Textbook Of Rehabilitation Sunder, S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1877 CBR17®
47 Short Notes In Community Medicine Shetty, P. V. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1995 CBR18®
48 Short Notes In Community Medicine Shetty, P. V. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1996 CBR18(I-1)
49 Short Notes In Community Medicine Shetty, P. V. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1997 CBR18(I-2)
50 Short Notes In Community Medicine Shetty, P. V. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1998 CBR18(I-3)
51 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2071 CBR19®
52 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2072 CBR19(I-1)
53 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2073 CBR19(I-2)
54 Physiotherapy in Community Health And Rehabilitation Naqvi, Waqar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2074 CBR19(I-3)
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
55 1st Ed. Acc No - 1266 CBR20®
(Vol - 1) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
56 1st Ed. Acc No - 2107 CBR20(I-1)
(Vol - 1) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
57 1st Ed. Acc No - 2108 CBR20(I-2)
(Vol - 1) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
58 1st Ed. Acc No - 2109 CBR20(I-3)
(Vol - 1) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
59 1st Ed. Acc No - 2110 CBR21®
(Vol - 2) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
60 1st Ed. Acc No - 2111 CBR21(I-1)
(Vol - 2) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
61 1st Ed. Acc No - 2112 CBR21(I-2)
(Vol - 2) Vijay
Textbook of Prevention Practice And Community Physiotherapy Bellare, Bharati
62 1st Ed. Acc No - 2113 CBR21(I-3)
(Vol - 2) Vijay
63 Community Rehabilitation In Neurology Barnes, Michael P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2153 CBR22®
National Health Programs Of India : National Policies And
64 Kishore, J. 14th Ed. Acc No - 2158 CBR23®
Legislations Related To Health
Disabled Village Children : A Guide for Community Health
65 Werner, David 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2161 CBR24®
Workers, Rehabilitation Workers & Families


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Industrial Therapy Key, Glenda L. Acc No - 1298 IN1®

2 Industrial Therapy Key, Glenda L. Acc No - 1347 IN1(I-1)
3 Industrial Therapy Key, Glenda L. Acc No - 1601 IN1(I-2)
4 Industrial Therapy Key, Glenda L. Acc No - 2148 IN1(I-3)
5 Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace : Principle & Practice Nordin, Margareta 2nd Ed. Acc No - 326 IN2®
6 Current Occupational & Environmental Medicine LaDou, Joseph 3rd Ed. Acc No - 294 IN3®
7 Industrial And Occupational Health Haldar, S. K. Acc No -968 IN4®
8 Ergonomics & the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders Sanders, Martha J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2155 IN5®
9 Ergonomics & the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders Sanders, Martha J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 302 IN5(I)
10 Ergonomics : Man In His Working Environment Murrell, Hywel Acc No - 682 IN6®
11 Ergonomics For Rehabilitation Professionals Kumar, Shrawan Acc No - 729 IN7®
Posture Body Mechanics & Ergonomics : for the Spine & Saunders, H.
12 Acc No - 1410 IN8®
Extremities Duane
13 Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Workplace : Principles & Practice Nordin, Margareta 1st Ed. Acc No - 1954 IN9®


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Guccione, Andrew
1 Geriatric Physical Therapy Acc No - 330 GR1(i)
Guccione, Andrew
2 Geriatric Physical Therapy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 673 GR2®
Guccione, Andrew
3 Geriatric Physical Therapy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1072 GR2(i-1)
Guccione, Andrew
4 Geriatric Physical Therapy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1411 GR2(i-2)
Kauffman, Timothy
5 Geriatric Rehabilitation Manual 2nd Ed. Acc No - 655 GR3®
Kauffman, Timothy
6 Geriatric Rehabilitation Manual 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1597 GR3(I)
7 Orthopedic Assessment & Treatment Of The Geriatric Patient Lewis, Carole B. Acc No - 289 GR4®
8 Geriatric Physical Therapy : A Case Study Approach Staples, William H. Acc No - 917 GR5®
Multani, Narinder
9 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 270 GR6®
Multani, Narinder
10 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 808 GR6(I-1)
Multani, Narinder
11 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 1987 GR6(I-2)
Multani, Narinder
12 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 1988 GR6(I-3)
Multani, Narinder
13 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 1989 GR6(I-4)
Multani, Narinder
14 Principles of Geriatric Physiotherapy Acc No - 1990 GR6(I-5)
American College
15 ACSM's Exercise for Older Adults Acc No - 851 GR7®
of Sports Medicine
Rehabilitation of the Older Person : A Handbook for the
16 Squires, Amanda J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 284 GR8®
Interdisciplinary Team
17 Advances In Geriatrics Shankar, P. S. Acc No - 883 GR9®
18 Medical Care Of The Elderly Hall, M. R. P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 446 GR10®
19 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1886 GR11®
20 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1887 GR11(I-1)
21 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1888 GR11(I-2)
22 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1889 GR11(I-3)
23 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1890 GR11(I-4)
24 Guccione's Geriatric Physical Therapy Avers, Dale 4th Ed. Acc No - 1891 GR11(I-5)
25 Symptomatic Approach In Geriatrics Shankar, P. S. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2055 GR12®
Functional Fitness For Older Adults : Ready To Use Programs For
26 Brill, Patricia A. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2159 GR13®
Improving Quality Of Life
27 Geriatric Physical Therapy : A Clinical Approach Lewis, Carole B. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2164 GR14®


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Women's Health A Textbook For Physiotherapists Aua, R. Sapsford 1st Ed. Acc No - 1542 WH1®
2 Women's Health A Textbook For Physiotherapists Aua, R. Sapsford 1st Ed. Acc No - 39 WH1(I)
3 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1372 WH2®
4 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1327 WH2(I-1)
5 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 36 WH2(I-2)
6 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1373 WH2(I-3)
7 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1374 WH2(I-4)
8 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1976 WH2(I-5)
9 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1977 WH2(I-6)
10 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1978 WH2(I-7)
11 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1979 WH2(I-8)
12 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1980 WH2(I-9)
13 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 1981 WH2(I-10)
14 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Polden, Margaret Acc No - 2044 WH2(I-11)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
15 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 37 WH3®
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
16 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2096 WH3(I-1)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
17 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2097 WH3(I-2)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
18 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2098 WH3(I-3)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
19 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2099 WH3(I-4)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
20 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2100 WH3(I-5)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
21 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2101 WH3(I-6)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
22 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2102 WH3(I-7)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
23 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2103 WH3(I-8)
Textbook of Physiotherapy for Obstetric and Gynecological
24 Madhuri, GB 1st Ed. Acc No - 2104 WH3(I-9)
25 Multidisciplinary Management of Female Pelvic Floor Disorders Acc No - 38 WH4®
Christopher R.
26 Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor Kari, Bo Acc No - 40 WH5®
27 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mantle, Jill 2nd Ed. Acc No - 566 WH6®
28 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mantle, Jill 2nd Ed. Acc No - 665 WH6(I-1)
29 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mantle, Jill 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2050 WH6(I-2)
30 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Mantle, Jill 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2131 WH6(I-3)
31 Physiotherapy In Pregnancy : Antenatal, Postnatal & Baby Care Hiranandani, Malti Acc No - 1331 WH7®
32 Physiotherapy In Pregnancy : Antenatal, Postnatal & Baby Care Hiranandani, Malti Acc No - 2081 WH7(I-1)
33 Physiotherapy In Pregnancy : Antenatal, Postnatal & Baby Care Hiranandani, Malti Acc No - 2082 WH7(I-2)
Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction : Practical Physical Medicine +
34 Chaitow, Leon Acc No - 728 WH8®
Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor : Bridging
35 Kari, Bo 2nd Ed. Acc No - 939 WH9®
Science and Clinical Practice
36 Role of Physiotherapist in Obstetric & Gynecological Conditions Changela, Purvi K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 960 WH10®
37 Role of Physiotherapist in Obstetric & Gynecological Conditions Changela, Purvi K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2121 WH10(I-1)
38 Role of Physiotherapist in Obstetric & Gynecological Conditions Changela, Purvi K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2122 WH10(I-2)
39 Role of Physiotherapist in Obstetric & Gynecological Conditions Changela, Purvi K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2123 WH10(I-3)
Therapeutic Management of Incontinence & Pelvic Pain : Pelvic
40 Haslam, Jeanette 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1390 WH11®
Organ Disorders
Therapeutic Management of Incontinence & Pelvic Pain : Pelvic
41 Laycock, J. Acc No - 1397 WH11(i)
Organ Disorders
42 Physiotherapy in Obstetrics 1st Ed. Acc No - 2126 WH12®
43 HET's Manual Of Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Desai, Het 1st Ed. Acc No - 2127 WH13®
44 Female Urinary Incontinence In Practice Parsons, Matthew 1st Ed. Acc No - 2160 WH14®


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 45th ed. Acc No - 670 SO1(I)

Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
2 7th Ed. Acc No - 1300 SO2®
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
3 7th Ed. Acc No - 1910 SO2(I-1)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
4 7th Ed. Acc No - 1911 SO2(I-2)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
5 7th Ed. Acc No - 1912 SO2(I-3)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
6 7th Ed. Acc No - 1913 SO2(I-4)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
7 7th Ed. Acc No - 1914 SO2(I-5)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
8 7th Ed. Acc No - 1915 SO2(I-6)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
9 7th Ed. Acc No - 1916 SO2(I-7)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
10 7th Ed. Acc No - 1917 SO2(I-8)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
11 7th Ed. Acc No - 1918 SO2(I-9)
Reconstruction : Vol - 1 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
12 6th Ed. Acc No - 1301 SO3®
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
13 6th Ed. Acc No - 1919 SO3(I-1)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
14 6th Ed. Acc No - 1920 SO3(I-2)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
15 6th Ed. Acc No - 1921 SO3(I-3)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
16 6th Ed. Acc No - 1922 SO3(I-4)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
17 6th Ed. Acc No - 1923 SO3(I-5)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
18 6th Ed. Acc No - 1924 SO3(I-6)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
19 6th Ed. Acc No - 1925 SO3(I-7)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
20 6th Ed. Acc No - 1926 SO3(I-8)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
Indian Social Problem's : Social Disorganization and Madan, Gurumukh
21 6th Ed. Acc No - 1927 SO3(I-9)
Reconstruction : Vol - 2 Ram
22 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No -1015 SO4®
23 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No -1016 SO4(I-1)
24 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1735 SO4(I-2)
25 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1736 SO4(I-3)
26 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1737 SO4(I-4)
27 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1738 SO4(I-5)
28 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1739 SO4(I-6)
29 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1740 SO4(I-7)
30 Sociology For Physiotherapists and Nurses Acc No - 1741 SO4(I-8)
31 Sociology for Physiotherapists Acc No - 187 SO5(I)
32 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No -1017 SO6®
33 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No -1018 SO6(I-1)
34 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1742 SO6(I-2)
35 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1743 SO6(I-3)
36 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1744 SO6(I-4)
37 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1745 SO6(I-5)
38 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1746 SO6(I-6)
39 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1747 SO6(I-7)
40 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1748 SO6(I-8)
41 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1956 SO6(I-9)
42 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1957 SO6(I-10)
43 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1958 SO6(I-11)
44 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 1959 SO6(I-12)
45 Textbook of Sociology for Physiotherapy Students Neeraja, K.P. Acc No - 189 SO7(I)
46 A Text Book of Sociology for Physiotherapy & B(MLT) Kumari, Neelam Acc No - 612 SO8®
47 A Text Book of Sociology for Physiotherapy & B(MLT) Kumari, Neelam Acc No - 887 SO8(i-1)
48 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 48th Ed. Acc No - 1753 SO9®
49 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 48th Ed. Acc No - 1754 SO9(I-1)
50 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 48th Ed. Acc No - 1755 SO9(I-2)
51 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 48th Ed. Acc No - 1756 SO9(I-3)
52 An Introduction to Sociology Bhushan, Vidya 48th Ed. Acc No - 1757 SO9(I-4)


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Physical Therapy Management An Integrated Science Walter, Jane Acc No - 200 MG1®
2 The Art & Science Of Writing A Scientific Paper Mishra, Devendra 1st Ed. Acc No - 1562 MG2®
3 Pedagogy In Physiotherapy Education Ram, C. S. Acc No - 1592 MG3®
4 Fundamentals of Biostatistics Acc No - 203 MG4®
Sanjeev B.
5 Dictionary of Physiotherapy Lakhau 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1593 MG5®
Stress Management A Comprehensive Handbook of Techniques
6 Smith, Jonathan C. Acc No - 188 MG6®
and Strategies
7 Communication Skills in Clinical Practice Sethuraman, K.R. Acc No - 190 MG7®
8 Research Methods for Clinical Therapists Hicks, Carolyn M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 183 MG8®
9 The Art of Teaching Medical Students Bhuiyan, P.S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 185 MG9®
10 The Art of Teaching Medical Students Bhuiyan, P.S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 184 MG9(i)
11 The Final Word Medico-Legal Verdicts Purnapatre, S. Acc No - 186 MG10®
12 Methods In Biostatistics Mahajan, B. K. Acc No - 202 MG11®
13 Dictionary of Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart Acc No - 66 MG12®
14 Clinical Reasoning in the Health Professions Higgs, Joy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 195 MG13®
15 Hands On : Developing Your Differential Diagnostic Skills Browning, Simon Acc No - 194 MG14®
Essentials of Research Methods in Health, Phy. Edu. , Exercise
16 Berg., Kris E. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 182 MG15®
Sc.& Recreation
17 Foundations of Clinical Research Applications To Practice Portney, Leslie G. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1602 MG16®
18 Physical Therapy Research Principles and Applications Acc No - 191 MG17®
World Health
19 International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health Acc No - 1596 MG18(I)
20 Introduction to Physical Therapy for Physical Therapist Assistants Dreeben, Olga Acc No - 181 MG19®
21 Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy Herbert, Rob Acc No - 180 MG20®

22 Physical Therapy Examination Review A Manual Murugesan, V. Acc No - 179 MG21®

23 Physiotherapy Secrets : Multiple Choice Question Mohanty, P.P. Acc No - 178 MG22®
24 Evidence-Based Rehabilitation : A Guide to Practice Law, Mary 2nd Ed. Acc No - 201 MG23®
World Health
25 International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health Acc No - 814 MG24®
26 Managerial And Supervisory Principles For Physical Therapists Nosse, Larry J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 567 MG25®
27 Principles and Practice of Biostatistics Dixit, J. V. 5th Ed. Acc No - 82 MG26®
28 Insight on Medicolegal Issues Aggarwal, K.K. Acc No - 83 MG27®
Medical Statistricks & Clinical Trials : A Serious fun book for the
29 Nair, Tiny Acc No - 84 MG28®
30 Applied Statistics in Health Sciences Rao, NSN 2nd Ed. Acc No -550 MG29®
Publish and Flourish : A Practical Guide for Effective Scientific Sholapurkar, Amar
31 Acc No - 552 MG30®
Writing A.
Research Methodology for Health Professionals : Including
32 Goyal, R. C. Acc No - 551 MG31®
Proposal, Thesis and Article Writing
Research Methodology for Health Professionals : Including
33 Goyal, R. C. Acc No - 1380 MG31(I-1)
Proposal, Thesis and Article Writing
Research Methodology for Health Professionals : Including
34 Goyal, R. C. Acc No - 1381 MG31(I-2)
Proposal, Thesis and Article Writing
Research Methodology for Health Professionals : Including
35 Goyal, R. C. Acc No - 1992 MG31(I-3)
Proposal, Thesis and Article Writing
Boissonnault :
36 Primary Care for The Physical Therapist : Examination & Triage 2nd Ed. Acc No - 602 MG32®
William G.
37 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 607 MG33®
38 Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy Herbert, Rob 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1607 MG34®
39 Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics Bais, Vinod Kumar Acc No - 613 MG35®
40 Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics Bais, Vinod Kumar Acc No - 888 MG35(i)
Shepard, Katherine
41 Handbook of Teaching for Physical Therapists 2nd Ed. Acc No - 619 MG36®
42 Teaching Today : A Practical Guide Petty, Geoff 3rd Ed. Acc No - 638 MG37®
43 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1613 MG38®
44 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1614 MG38(I-1)
45 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1615 MG38(I-2)
46 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1616 MG38(I-3)
47 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1940 MG38(I-4)
48 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1941 MG38(I-5)
49 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1942 MG38(I-6)
50 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1943 MG38(I-7)
51 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1944 MG38(I-8)
52 Hospital Administration & Management Pai, Pragna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1945 MG38(I-9)
Text Book Of Medical Bioethics, Attitude And Communication For
53 Tayade, Motilal 1st Ed. Acc No - 1799 MG39®
Medical Students
54 Principles of Biostatistics Pagano, Marcello 2nd Ed. Acc No - 688 MG40®
Browner, Warren
55 Publishing & Presenting Clinical Research 3rd Ed. Acc No - 691 MG41®
56 Handbook of Teaching And Learning For Physical Therapists Jensen, Gail M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 732 MG42®
57 ACSM's Career & Business Guide for the Fitness Professional Pire, Neal I. Acc No - 856 MG43®
Methods In Biostatistics for Medical Students and Research
58 Mahajan, B. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 877 MG44®
59 ACSM's Research Methods Acc No - 949 MG45®
Lawrence E.
60 Research Methods in Kinesiology And The Health Sciences Hall, Susan J. Acc No - 961 MG46®
61 Law : The Doctor Must Know Bhatt, Hitesh J. Acc No -966 MG47®
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And Khanal, Arun
62 8th Ed. Acc No -1012 MG48®
Research Workers Bhadra
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And Khanal, Arun
63 8th Ed. Acc No -1013 MG48(I-1)
Research Workers Bhadra
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And Khanal, Arun
64 8th Ed. Acc No -1014 MG48(I-2)
Research Workers Bhadra
2nd Rev.
65 Research Methodology : Methods & Techniques Kothari, C. R. Acc No - 1804 MG49(I)
66 MCQs for Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) Entrance Examination Kumar, Suraj 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1885 MG50®
67 MCQs for Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) Entrance Examination Kumar, Suraj 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2105 MG50(I-1)
68 MCQs for Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) Entrance Examination Kumar, Suraj 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2106 MG50(I-2)
69 Principles and Practice of Biostatistics Dixit, J. V. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1084 MG51®
70 Principles and Practice of Biostatistics Dixit, J. V. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1085 MG51(i)
71 Research Methodology & Medical Statistics Dornala, Sathya N. Acc No - 1334 MG52®
72 Hospital Management : Vol - 1 Saxena, Manisha Acc No - 1335 MG53®
73 Hospital Management : Vol - 2 Saxena, Manisha Acc No - 1336 MG54®
74 Hospital Management : Vol - 3 Saxena, Manisha Acc No - 1337 MG55®
Documentation For Rehabilitation A Guide to Clinical Decision
75 Quinn, Lori 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1365 MG56®
Making In Physical Therapy
76 Principles of Medical Education Singh, Tejinder 4th Ed. Acc No - 1378 MG57®
77 Principles of Medical Education Singh, Tejinder 4th Ed. Acc No - 1379 MG57(i)
78 Research Methodology : Methods & Techniques Kothari, C. R. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1387 MG58®
79 Research Methodology : Methods & Techniques Kothari, C. R. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1388 MG58(i-1)
80 Research Methodology : Methods & Techniques Kothari, C. R. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1389 MG58(i-2)
81 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1961 MG59®
82 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1962 MG59(I-1)
83 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1963 MG59(I-2)
84 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1964 MG59(I-3)
85 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1965 MG59(I-4)
86 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1966 MG59(I-5)
87 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1967 MG59(I-6)
88 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1968 MG59(I-7)
89 Principles of Hospital Administration & Planning Sakharkar, B. M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1969 MG59(I-8)
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And
90 Banerjee, Bratati 9th Ed. Acc No - 1982 MG60®
Research Workers
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And
91 Banerjee, Bratati 9th Ed. Acc No - 1983 MG60(I-1)
Research Workers
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And
92 Banerjee, Bratati 9th Ed. Acc No - 1984 MG60(I-2)
Research Workers
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And
93 Banerjee, Bratati 9th Ed. Acc No - 1985 MG60(I-3)
Research Workers
Mahajan's Methods in Biostatistics for Medical Students And
94 Banerjee, Bratati 9th Ed. Acc No - 1986 MG60(I-4)
Research Workers
Research Methods For Clinical Therapists : Applied Project Design
95 Hicks, Carolyn M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 2149 MG61®
And Analysis
Research Methods For Clinical Therapists : Applied Project Design
96 Hicks, Carolyn M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 2156 MG61(I-1)
And Analysis


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Pulmonary Rehabilitation : Guidelines to Success Hodgkin, John E. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 81 CR1®
2 Chest Physiotherapy in the Intensive Care Unit Mackenzie, Colin F. Acc No - 80 CR2®
Webber, Barbara
3 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems 1st Ed. Acc No - 79 CR3®
Webber, Barbara
4 Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems 1st Ed. Acc No - 1534 CR3(I)
Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care (Respiratory and Cardiac
5 Hough, Alexandra 2nd Ed. Acc No - 78 CR4®
6 Assisted Ventilation at Home : A Practical Guide Kinnear, W. J. M. Acc No - 92 CR5®
7 Current Respiratory Care MacDonnell, K. F. Acc No - 91 CR6®
8 Preventive Therapy in Asthma Morley, J. Acc No - 76 CR7®
9 Aerosols Airways and Asthma Trautlin, Joseph J. Acc No - 86 CR8®
10 Resuscitation Brooks, D.K. Acc No - 87 CR9®
Evaluating Tobacco Control Activities : Experiences and Guiding Chollat-Traquet,
11 Acc No - 88 CR10®
Principles Claire
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
12 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 90 CR11(i)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
13 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 85 CR12(i)
14 Prevention and Rehabilitation is Ischemic Heart Disease Long, Charles Acc No - 72 CR13®
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
15 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 89 CR14®
16 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 6th Ed. Acc No - 94 CR15®
17 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 6th Ed. Acc No - 329 CR15(i)
18 Moses Manual on Diabetes Mellitus Das, Sidhartha Acc No - 461 CR16®
19 Chest Medicine Shankar P.S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 77 CR17®
20 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy : A Guide to Practice Irwin, Scot 4th Ed. Acc No - 95 CR18®
21 Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy : A Guide to Practice Irwin, Scot 4th Ed. Acc No - 2067 CR18(I)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
22 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 74 CR19®
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
23 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 75 CR20(I-1)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
24 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1325 CR20(I-2)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
25 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1894 CR20(I-3)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
26 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1895 CR20(I-4)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
27 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1896 CR20(I-5)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
28 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1897 CR20(I-6)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
29 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1898 CR20(I-7)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
30 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1899 CR20(I-8)
Cash's Textbook of General Medical & Surgical Conditions for
31 Downie, Patricia A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1900 CR20(I-9)
Principles Of Exercise Testing & Interpretation : Including Wasserman,
32 4th Ed. Acc No - 601 CR21®
Pathophysiology & Clinical Applications Karlman
Mitra, Pushpal
33 Handbook of Practical Chest Physiotherapy Acc No - 73 CR22®
Pierce, Lynelle N.
34 Management of the Mechanically Ventilated Patients 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1296 CR23®
Pierce, Lynelle N.
35 Management of the Mechanically Ventilated Patients 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1538 CR23(I-1)
Pierce, Lynelle N.
36 Management of the Mechanically Ventilated Patients 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1599 CR23(I-2)
37 Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Hillegrass, Ellen 3rd Ed. Acc No - 676 CR24®
38 The Brompton Hospital Guide To Chest Physiotherapy Gaskell, D. V. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1297 CR25®
39 The Brompton Hospital Guide To Chest Physiotherapy Gaskell, D. V. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2150 CR25(I)
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
40 4th Ed. Acc No - 93 CR26®
Practice Donna
41 Acute Care Handbook for Physical Therapists Paz, Jaime C. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 67 CR27®
42 Multidisciplinary Approaches to Breathing Pattern Disorders Chaitow, Leon Acc No - 69 CR28®
43 Emergency Physiotherapy Harden, Beverley Acc No - 68 CR29®
44 ECG Electrocardiography Mehta, Pradip J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 71 CR30®
45 Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : A Clinical Manual Watchie, Joanne 2nd Ed. Acc No - 210 CR32®
46 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Donner, Claudio F. Acc No - 211 CR33®
47 Text Book Of Physiotherapy in Surgical Conditions Mitra, Pushpal K. Acc No - 116 CR34®
48 The Paradox Of Angina Persisting After Coronary Recanalization Marzilli, Mario Acc No - 459 CR35®
STEMI ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction : 128
49 Ferrari, Roberto Acc No - 460 CR36®
Questions & Answers
50 An Introduction To Electrocardiography Schamroth, Leo 6th Ed. Acc No - 240 CR37(i)
51 An Introduction To Electrocardiography Schamroth, Leo 7th Ed. Acc No - 568 CR38®
52 An Introduction To Electrocardiography Schamroth, Leo 7th Ed. Acc No - 1591 CR38(I)
53 Chest X-Ray Made Easy Corne, Jonathan 3rd Ed. Acc No - 569 CR39®
54 Crofton & Douglas's Respiratory Diseases -- Vol- 1 Seaton, Anthony 5th Ed. Acc No - 570 CR40®
55 Crofton & Douglas's Respiratory Diseases -- Vol- 2 Seaton, Anthony 5th Ed. Acc No - 571 CR41®
Braunwald's Heart Disease : A Textbook of Cardiovascular
56 Bonow, Robert O. 9th Ed. Acc No - 572 CR42®
Kacmarek, Robert
57 EGAN's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 10th Ed. Acc No - 610 CR43®
58 Blueprints : Cardiology Awtry, Eric H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 620 CR44®
59 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 623 CR45®
60 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2026 CR45(I-1)
61 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2027 CR45(I-2)
62 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2028 CR45(I-3)
63 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2029 CR45(I-4)
64 Understanding Mechanical Ventilation : A Practical Handbook Hasan, Ashfaq 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2030 CR45(I-5)
Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems : Adults &
65 Pryor, Jennifer A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 714 CR46®
Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems : Adults &
66 Pryor, Jennifer A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 715 CR46(i-1)
Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems : Adults &
67 Pryor, Jennifer A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 716 CR46(i-2)
68 Cardiovascular Physiology In Exercise And Sport Bell, Christopher Acc No - 723 CR47®
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
69 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 753 CR48(I-1)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
70 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1259 CR48(I-2)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
71 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1326 CR48(I-3)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
72 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 899 CR48(I-4)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
73 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1878 CR48(I-5)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
74 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 70 CR48(I-6)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
75 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1892 CR48(I-7)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
76 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1893 CR48(I-8)
Cash's Textbook of Chest, Heart & Vascular Disorders for
77 Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 2042 CR48(I-9)
78 Basics of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Malik, Rajni Acc No - 800 CR49®
79 Principles & Practice of Mechanical Ventilation Tobin, Martin J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 816 CR50®
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : An Evidence-
80 DeTruk, Willam E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 820 CR51®
Based Approach
Pilbeam's Mechanical Ventilation: Physical And Clinical
81 Cairo, J. M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 847 CR52®
82 Ponangi's ECG Basics Sarma, P. H. B. S. Acc No - 1880 CR53®
83 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 8th Ed. Acc No - 911 CR54®
84 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 8th Ed. Acc No -993 CR54(i-1)
85 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 8th Ed. Acc No -994 CR54(i-2)
86 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor 5th Ed. Acc No - 948 CR55®
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
87 5th Ed. Acc No - 1068 CR56®
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
88 5th Ed. Acc No - 1391 CR56(I-1)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
89 5th Ed. Acc No - 1392 CR56(I-2)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
90 5th Ed. Acc No - 2012 CR56(I-3)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
91 5th Ed. Acc No - 2013 CR56(I-4)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
92 5th Ed. Acc No - 2014 CR56(I-5)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
93 5th Ed. Acc No - 2015 CR56(I-6)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
94 5th Ed. Acc No - 2016 CR56(I-7)
Practice Donna
Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Physical Therapy : Evidence and FrownFelter,
95 5th Ed. Acc No - 2017 CR56(I-8)
Practice Donna
96 Electrocardiogram for Undergraduate Students Pazare, Amar R. Acc No - 1263 CR57®
97 Lectures in Cardiovascular Physiology Nageswari, K. Sri Acc No - 1264 CR58®
Amundsen, Louis
98 Cardiac Rehabilitation Acc No - 1343 CR59®
Pierce, Lynelle N.
99 Guide To Mechanical Ventilation And Intensive Respiratory Care Acc No - 1344 CR60®
100 Exercise And The Heart Froelicher, Victor F. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1345 CR61®
101 Chest X-Ray Made Easy Karthikeyan, D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1348 CR62®
102 Chest X-Ray Made Easy Karthikeyan, D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1349 CR62(i)
1st South
103 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1350 CR63®
Asia Ed.
1st South
104 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1351 CR63(I-1)
Asia Ed.
1st South
105 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1520 CR63(I-2)
Asia Ed.
1st South
106 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1931 CR63(I-3)
Asia Ed.
1st South
107 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1932 CR63(I-4)
Asia Ed.
1st South
108 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1933 CR63(I-5)
Asia Ed.
1st South
109 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1934 CR63(I-6)
Asia Ed.
1st South
110 Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy : Adults & Paediatrics Main, Eleanor Acc No - 1935 CR63(I-7)
Asia Ed.
111 BAUM's Textbook of Pulmonary Diseases Crapo, James D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1382 CR64®
112 Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation Chang, David W. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1395 CR65®
113 Interpretation Of Pulmonary Function Tests : A practical Guide Hyatt, Robert E. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1396 CR66®
114 Cardiological Society of India : Cardiology Update 2018 Goswami, Kewal C. Acc No - 1398 CR67®
115 P. J. Mehta's Understanding ECG Electrocardiography Mehta, Pradip J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1611 CR68(I-1)
116 P. J. Mehta's Understanding ECG Electrocardiography Mehta, Pradip J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1612 CR68(I-2)
117 P. J. Mehta's Understanding ECG Electrocardiography Mehta, Pradip J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 2011 CR68(I-3)
Pulmonary Function Tests And Interpretation In Health And
118 Shankar P.S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1619 CR69®
Pulmonary Function Tests And Interpretation In Health And
119 Shankar P.S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1620 CR69(I-1)
Pulmonary Function Tests And Interpretation In Health And
120 Shankar P.S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2069 CR69(I-2)
Pulmonary Function Tests And Interpretation In Health And
121 Shankar P.S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2070 CR69(I-3)
Shah's Electrocardiography : For Family Physicians & Medical
122 Shah, Sailesh N. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1644 CR70®
123 ECG Simplified Patel, Kirti C. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1645 CR71®
124 Essentials of Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Hillegrass, Ellen 4th Ed. Acc No - 1908 CR72®
Kacmarek, Robert
125 EGAN's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care 12th Ed. Acc No - 1909 CR73®
126 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2056 CR74®
127 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2057 CR74(I-1)
128 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2058 CR74(I-2)
129 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2059 CR74(I-3)
130 The ECG Made Easy Hampton, John R. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2060 CR74(I-4)
Hyatt's Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests : A Practical
131 Scanlon, Paul D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 2093 CR75®
Exercise In Health And Disease : Evaluation And Prescription For
132 Pollock, Michael L. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2162 CR76®
Prevention And Rehabilitation


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Exercise Physiology : Energy, Nutrition and Human Performance McArdle, William

1 5th Ed. Acc No - 204 SM1(i1) + (i2)
(Chapter-1 to 20) + (Chapter 21 to 32) D.
2 The Physiology of Training Whyte, Gregory Acc No - 223 SM2®
3 ABC Of Sports Medicine McLatchie, Greg Acc No - 212 SM3®
4 Sports Medicine : Principles of Primary Care Scuderi, Giles R. Acc No - 213 SM4®
5 Sports Physical Therapy Sanders, Barbara Acc No - 218 SM5®
Subotnick, Steven
6 Sports Medicine of the Lower Extremity 2nd Ed. Acc No - 220 SM6®
7 Sports Medicine Williams, J. G. P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 208 SM7®
8 Physical Therapy for Sports Kuprian, Werner 2nd Ed. Acc No - 217 SM8®
Evaluation Treatment & Outcomes Functional Movements in
9 Brownstein, Bruce Acc No - 205 SM9®
Ortho & Sp. Ph. Th.
10 20 Common Problems in Sports Medicine Puffer, James C. Acc No - 206 SM10®
11 Clinical Skills Documentation Guide for Athletic Training Amato, Herb 2nd Ed. Acc No - 207 SM11®
12 Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine Brukner, Peter 3rd Ed. Acc No - 219 SM12®
13 Physiology Of Sports And Exercise Majumdar, Pralay Acc No - 224 SM13®
14 Sports Physiotherapy : Applied Science and Practice Zuluaga, Maria 1st Ed. Acc No - 1600 SM14®
15 Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy Malone, Terry R. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 222 SM15®
Strickland, James
16 Hand Injuries in Athletes Acc No - 338 SM16®
17 Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Brotzman, S. Brent 2nd Ed. Acc No - 305 SM17®
Krishnan, Sumant
18 The Shoulder and the Overhead Athlete Acc No - 335 SM18®
19 ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Pescatello, Linda S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 604 SM19®
20 Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention Comfort, Paul Acc No - 245 SM20®
21 Examination of Orthopedic and Athletic Injuries Starkey, Chad 3rd Ed. Acc No - 225 SM21®
Exercise Physiology : Nutrition, Energy and Human Performance McArdle, William
22 7th Ed. Acc No - 247 SM22(i1) + (i2)
(Chapter-1 to 20) + (Chapter 21 to 32) D.
Sports Injuries : A Unique Guide to Self-Diagnosis and
23 Read, Malcolm 3rd Ed. Acc No - 573 SM23®
24 Atlas Of Living And Surface Anatomy For Sports Medicine Harris, Philip Acc No - 574 SM24®
25 Clinical Sports Nutrition Burke, Louise 4th Ed. Acc No - 575 SM25®
ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Ehrman, Jonathan
26 6th Ed. Acc No - 576 SM26®
Prescription K.
27 ACSM's Foundations of Strength Training & Conditioning Ratamess, Nicholas Acc No - 608 SM27®
28 An Illustrated Guide to Taping Techniques : Principles & Practice Hewetson, Tom 2nd Ed. Acc No - 669 SM28®
29 Textbook of work Physiology : Physiological Bases of Exercise Astrand, Per-Olof 4th Ed. Acc No - 674 SM29®
30 Paediatric Exercise Physiology Armstrong, Neil Acc No - 717 SM30®
31 Clinical Exercise : A Case - Based Approach Cameron, Melainie Acc No - 718 SM31®
32 Exercise Physiology : Integrating Theory And Application Kraemer, William J. Acc No - 735 SM32®
O'Conner, Francis
33 ACSM's Sport's Medicine : Comprehansive Review Acc No - 852 SM33®
34 ACSM's Resources for The Group Exercise Instructor Desimone, Grace Acc No - 853 SM34®
35 Netter's Sports Medicine Acc No - 861 SM35®
Christopher C.
36 Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation : An Evidence-Based Approach Brotzman, S. Brent 3rd Ed. Acc No - 865 SM36®
Foundations of Athletic Training : Prevention, Assessment & Anderson, Marcia
37 5th Ed. Acc No - 868 SM37®
Management K.
McArdle, William
38 Exercise Physiology : Nutrition Energy & Human Performance 8th Ed. Acc No - 950 SM38®
McArdle, William
39 Exercise Physiology : Nutrition Energy & Human Performance 8th Ed. Acc No - 1069 SM38(I-1)
McArdle, William
40 Exercise Physiology : Nutrition Energy & Human Performance 8th Ed. Acc No - 1758 SM38(I-2)
NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training : National Strength &
41 Earle, Roger W. Acc No - 952 SM39®
42 Nutritional Biochemistry Sharma, D. C. Acc No -967 SM40®
43 A Guide To Sports And Injury Management Bundy, Mike Acc No -997 SM41®
44 Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine Brukner, Peter 3rd Ed. Acc No -1025 SM42®
45 Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine Brukner, Peter 3rd Ed. Acc No -1026 SM42(i)
46 ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Riebe, Deborah 10th Ed. Acc No - 1099 SM43®
47 ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription Riebe, Deborah 10th Ed. Acc No - 1100 SM43(i)
Potteiger, Jeffery
48 ACSM's Introduction to Exercise Science 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1104 SM44®
49 Nutrition Science Gajalakshmi, R. Acc No - 1332 SM45®
50 Principles Of Therapeutic Nutrition & Dietetics Sharma, Avantina Acc No - 1333 SM46®
ACSM's Resources for the Exercise Physiologist : A Practical Guide
51 Magyari, Peter 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1358 SM47®
for the Health Fitness Professional
Anthropometrica : A Textbook of Measurement For Sports &
52 Norton, Kevin Acc No - 96 SM48®
Health Education
Dey, Swapan
53 A Textbook of Sports & Exercise Physiology 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2128 SM49®
54 Exercise Physiology Porcari, John 1st Ed. Acc No - 1618 SM50®
Giangarra, Charles
55 Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation : A Team Approach 4th Ed. Acc No - 1928 SM51®
Giangarra, Charles
56 Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation : A Team Approach 4th Ed. Acc No - 1929 SM51(I-1)
Giangarra, Charles
57 Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation : A Team Approach 4th Ed. Acc No - 1930 SM51(I-2)
58 Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine Brukner, Peter 5th Ed. Acc No - 2002 SM52®
59 MCQ's In Sprots Physiotherapy (With Explanatory Answers) Vijay, S. Arun Acc No - 2038 SM53®
60 Taping Techniques : Principles & Practice MacDonald, Rose 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2163 SM54®

Manual Therapy

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Maitland, Geoffrey
1 Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation 7th Ed. Acc No - 257 MT1(I-1)
Maitland, Geoffrey
2 Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation 7th Ed. Acc No - 1862 MT1(I-2)
3 Text Book of Orthopaedic Medicine : Volume -1 Cyriax, James 8th Ed. Acc No - 291 MT2®
4 Text Book of Orthopaedic Medicine : Volume -2 Cyriax, James 11th Ed. Acc No - 239 MT3®
5 Milady's Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Beck, Mark F. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 228 MT4®
6 Spinal Manipulation Bourdillon, J. F. 4th Ed. Acc No - 229 MT5®
7 Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia : Trigger Point Management Rachlin, Edward S. Acc No - 279 MT6®
8 Mosby's Basic Science for Soft Tissue and Movement Therapies Fritz, Sandy Acc No - 230 MT7®
9 Vertebral Musculoskeletal Disorders Corrigan, Brian Acc No - 227 MT8®
Mechanically Assisted Manual Techniques : Distraction Bergmann, Thomas
10 Acc No - 264 MT9®
Procedures F.
11 Clinical Anatomy and Management of Low Back Pain : Vol-1 Giles, L. G. F. Acc No - 263 MT10®
12 Clinical Anatomy and Management of Thoracic Spine Pain : Vol-2 Giles, L. G. F. Acc No - 254 MT11®
13 Clinical Anatomy and Management of Cervical Spine Pain : Vol-3 Giles, L. G. F. Acc No - 242 MT12®
14 Muscle Energy Techniques Chaitow, Leon 4th Ed. Acc No - 1621 MT15®
15 Manual Therapy in Children Acc No - 255 MT16®
16 Manual Therapy for the Peripheral Nerves Barral, Jean-Pierre Acc No - 278 MT17®
17 Joint Mobilization Manipulation : Extremity and Spinal Techniques Edmond, Susan L. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 266 MT18®
18 Fibromyalgia Syndrome : A Practitioner's Guide to Treatment Chaitow, Leon 2nd Ed. Acc No - 238 MT19®
Palpation and Assessment Skills : Assessment & Diagnosis
19 Chaitow, Leon 2nd Ed. Acc No - 265 MT20®
Through Touch
20 Complementary Therapies in Rehabilitation Davis, Carol M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 252 MT21®
21 Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation Hengeveld, Elly 4th Ed. Acc No - 577 MT22(I-1)
22 Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation Hengeveld, Elly 4th Ed. Acc No - 303 MT22(I-2)
23 Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation Hengeveld, Elly 4th Ed. Acc No - 1863 MT22(I-3)
Atlas Of Surface Palpation : Anatomy Of The Neck, Trunk, Upper
24 Tixa, Serge 2nd Ed. Acc No - 579 MT23®
and Lower Limbs
25 Technique Skills In Chiropractic Byfield, David Acc No - 578 MT24®
26 Maintaining Body Balance Flexibility and Stability Chaitow, Leon Acc No - 304 MT25®
27 Positional Release Techniques Chaitow, Leon 3rd Ed. Acc No - 269 MT27®
28 Clinical Reasoning for Manual Therapists Jones, Mark A. Acc No - 244 MT28®
Clinical Neurodynamics : A New System of Musculoskeletal
29 Shacklock, Michael Acc No - 226 MT29®
30 Muscle Energy Techniques Chaitow, Leon 3rd Ed. Acc No - 235 MT30®
31 Manual Physical Therapy Of The Spine Olson, Kenneth A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1624 MT31®
Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual With Trigger Point, Referral Muscolino, Joseph
32 Acc No - 403 MT32®
Patterns & Stretching E.
33 Maitland's Clinical Companion : An Essential Guide for Students Banks, Kevin Acc No - 394 MT33®
Orthopaedic Manual Therapy Diagnosis : Spine and
34 Aad Ven Der El Acc No - 404 MT34®
Temporomandibular Joints
Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques : Practical Case
35 Chaitow, Leon Acc No - 399 MT35®
Study Exercise
Body Mechanics for Manual Therapists : A Functional Approach to
36 Frye, Barbara 3rd Ed. Acc No - 398 MT36®
The Balanced Body : A Guide to Deep Tissue and Neuromuscular Scheumann,
37 3rd Ed. Acc No - 401 MT37®
Therapy Donald W.
38 A Massage Therapist's Guide to Lower Back & Pelvic Pain Chaitow, Leon Acc No - 397 MT38®
A Massage Therapist's Guide to Treating Headaches and Neck
39 Fritz, Sandy Acc No - 400 MT39®
40 Reflex Zone Therapy for Health Professionals Lett, Ann Acc No - 402 MT40®
Functional Anatomy : Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Kinesiology &
41 Cael, Christy Acc No - 659 MT41®
Palpation for Manual Therapists
Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation : Management of
42 Hengeveld, Elly 8th Ed. Acc No - 666 MT42®
Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders - Vol-1
Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation : Management of
43 Hengeveld, Elly 5th Ed. Acc No - 667 MT43®
Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders - Vol-2
Manual of Mulligan Concept : Step by Step Guide to Deliver
44 Kumar, Deepak Acc No - 686 MT44®
Manual Therapy
Manual of Mulligan Concept : Step by Step Guide to Deliver
45 Kumar, Deepak Acc No - 687 MT44(i)
Manual Therapy
Cases in Differential Diagnosis For The Physical And Manipulative
46 Beirman, Robyn Acc No - 724 MT45®
47 Mobilisation With Movement : The Art And The Science + DVD Vicenzino, Bill Acc No - 725 MT46®
Modern Neuromuscular Techniques : Advanced Soft Tissue
48 Chaitow, Leon 3rd Ed. Acc No - 727 MT47®
Techniques + DVD
49 Soft Tissue Release : Hands-On Guides for Therapists Johnson, Jane Acc No - 736 MT48®
50 Myofascial Trigger Points : Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment Irnich, Dominik Acc No - 742 MT49®
51 Myofascial Trigger Points : Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment Irnich, Dominik Acc No - 2000 MT49(I-1)
52 Myofascial Trigger Points : Comprehensive Diagnosis & Treatment Irnich, Dominik Acc No - 2068 MT49(I-2)
53 Manual Therapy " NAGS ", "SNAGS", "MWMS" etc. Mulligan, Brian R. 6th Ed. Acc No - 766 MT50®
Manual Therapy for The Low Back & Pelvis : A Clinical Orthopedic Muscolino, Joseph
54 Acc No - 815 MT51®
Approach E.
Manipulation of the Spine, Thorax & Pelvis : An Osteopathic
55 Gibbons, Peter 3rd Ed. Acc No - 848 MT52®
Muscolino, Joseph
56 Advanced Treatment Techniques for the Manual Therapist : Neck Acc No - 869 MT53®
Myofascial Release : A step-by-step guide to more than 60
57 Duncan, Ruth Acc No - 880 MT54®
Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques : The Lower
58 Chaitow, Leon 2nd Ed. Acc No - 941 MT55®
59 Joint Mobilization Manipulation : Extremity and Spinal Techniques Edmond, Susan L. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 942 MT56®
60 Joint Mobilization Manipulation : Extremity and Spinal Techniques Edmond, Susan L. 3rd Ed. Acc No -998 MT56(I-1)
61 Joint Mobilization Manipulation : Extremity and Spinal Techniques Edmond, Susan L. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1994 MT56(I-2)
62 Functional Anatomy for Physical Therapists Hochschild, Jutta Acc No - 962 MT57®
63 Muscle Energy Techniques Chaitow, Leon 4th Ed. Acc No - 1070 MT58®
The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual With Trigger Points, Muscolino, Joseph
64 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1096 MT59®
Referral Patterns & Stretching E.
The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual With Trigger Points, Muscolino, Joseph
65 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1097 MT59(I-1)
Referral Patterns & Stretching E.
The Muscle and Bone Palpation Manual With Trigger Points, Muscolino, Joseph
66 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1999 MT59(I-2)
Referral Patterns & Stretching E.
67 Greenman's Principles of Manual Medicine DeStefano, Lisa A. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1102 MT60®
Kaltenborn, Freddy
68 Manual Mobilization of the Joints : The Extremities Vol- 1 8th Ed. Acc No - 1294 MT61®
Kaltenborn, Freddy
69 Manual Mobilization of the Joints : The Spine Vol - 2 6th Ed. Acc No - 1295 MT62®
Manual Mobilization of the Joints : Traction-Manipulation Of The Kaltenborn, Freddy
70 1st Ed. Acc No - 2146 MT63®
Extremities and Spine Vol - 3 M.
A Practical Guide To Fascial Manipulation : An Evidence & Clinical
71 Luomala, Tuulia 1st Ed. Acc No - 1639 MT64®
Based Approach
Kaltenborn, Freddy
72 Manual Mobilization of the Joints : The Spine Vol - 2 4th Ed. Acc No - 2151 MT65®
73 Mobilisation of the Nervous System Butler, David S. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2152 MT66®


No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 The Physiology of the Joints : Volume : 1, Upper Limb Kapandji, I. A. 5th Ed. Acc No - 232 KN1(i)
2 The Physiology of the Joints : Volume : 2, Lower Limb Kapandji, I. A. 5th Ed. Acc No - 317 KN2(i)
The Physiology of the Joints : Volume : 3, The Trunk & The
3 Kapandji, I. A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 280 KN3(i)
Vertebral Column
Levangie, Pamela
4 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 3rd Ed. Acc No - 309 KN4(i)
Levangie, Pamela
5 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 4th Ed. Acc No - 262 KN5®
6 Kinesiology : Scientific Basis of Human Motion Luttgens, Kathryn 7th Ed. Acc No - 2001 KN6(I)
Understanding Joints : A Practical Guide to the Structure &
7 Kingston, Bernard Acc No - 308 KN7®
Whittle, Michael
8 Gait Analysis : An Introduction 4th Ed. Acc No - 339 KN8®
9 Principles of Biomechanics & Motion Analysis Griffiths, Iwan W. Acc No - 236 KN9®
10 The Physiology of the Joints : Volume : 1, Upper Limb Kapandji, I. A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 231 KN10(R1)
11 The Physiology of the Joints : Volume : 2, Lower Limb Kapandji, I. A. 5th Ed. Acc No - 259 KN10(R2)
The Physiology of the joints : Volume : 3, The Spinal Column,
12 Kapandji, I. A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 260 KN10(R3)
Pelvic Girdle & Head
13 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Smith, Laura K. 5th Ed. Acc No - 261 KN11®
14 Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System Nordin, Margareta 4th Ed. Acc No - 634 KN12®
15 Basic Biomechanics of The Musculoskeletal System Nordin, Margareta 4th Ed. Acc No - 1071 KN12(I)
Gowitzke, Barbara
16 Understanding the Scientific Bases fo Human Movement 2nd Ed. Acc No - 315 KN13®
17 MCQs in Biomechanics Kumar, Senthil Acc No - 314 KN14®
18 MCQs in Biomechanics Kumar, Senthil Acc No - 98 KN14(I-1)
19 MCQs in Biomechanics Kumar, Senthil Acc No - 2040 KN14(I-2)
20 Biomechanics Of Musculoskeletal Injury Gozna, Eric R. Acc No - 237 KN15®
Kinesiology : The Mechanics & Pathomechanics Of Human
21 Oatis, Carol A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 316 KN16®
22 Biomechanical Basis Of Human Movement Hamill, Joseph 4th Ed. Acc No - 1445 KN17®
23 Biomechanical Basis Of Human Movement Hamill, Joseph 3rd Ed. Acc No - 580 KN17(i)
Muscolino, Joseph
24 Kinesiology : The Skeletal System and Muscle Function Acc No - 251 KN18®
Applied Kinesiology : A Training Manual & Reference Book of
25 Frost, Robert Acc No - 250 KN19®
Basic Principles & Practice
26 Kinesiology For Occupational Therapy Rybski, Melinda Acc No - 249 KN20®
27 Principles of Mechanics and Biomechanics Bell, Frank Acc No - 554 KN21®
28 Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy Lippert, Lynn S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 555 KN22®
29 Clinical Kinesiology And Anatomy Lippert, Lynn S. 4th Ed. Acc No -1027 KN22(I-1)
30 Clinical Kinesiology And Anatomy Lippert, Lynn S. 4th Ed. Acc No -1028 KN22(I-2)
Levangie, Pamela
31 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 557 KN23®
Levangie, Pamela
32 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No -823 KN23(I-1)
Levangie, Pamela
33 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 1205 KN23(I-2)
Levangie, Pamela
34 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 1206 KN23(I-3)
Levangie, Pamela
35 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 1207 KN23(I-4)
Levangie, Pamela
36 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 1208 KN23(I-5)
Levangie, Pamela
37 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Ed. Acc No - 1209 KN23(I-6)
38 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 558 KN24®
Levangie, Pamela
39 Joint Structure and Function : A Comprehensive Analysis 4th Ed. Acc No - 477 KN25(i)
40 Essential Physics For Manual Medicine Young, Martin Acc No - 581 KN26®
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System : Foundation for Neumann, Donald
41 Acc No - 609 KN27®
Physical Rehabilitation A.
A Text Book of Biomechanics ( Exclusively designed for
42 Singh, Arunjit Acc No - 616 KN28®
Physiotherapy Students as per Syllabus )
A Text Book of Biomechanics ( Exclusively designed for
43 Singh, Arunjit Acc No - 886 KN28(i)
Physiotherapy Students as per Syllabus )
44 Applied Orthopaedic Biomechanics Dutta, Santosh K. Acc No - 663 KN29®
Mansfield, Paul
45 Essentials of Kinesiology For The Physical Therapist Assistant 2nd Ed. Acc No - 684 KN30®
46 Human Movement : An Introductory Text Evertt, Tony 6th Ed. Acc No - 741 KN31®
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual & Movement
47 Myers, Thomas W. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 849 KN32®
48 Kinesiology : Scientific Basis of Human Motion Luttgens, Kathryn 8th Ed. Acc No - 1291 KN33®
49 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 921 KN34®
50 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 922 KN34(I-1)
51 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No -1029 KN34(I-2)
52 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No -1030 KN34(I-3)
53 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1210 KN34(I-4)
54 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1211 KN34(I-5)
55 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1212 KN34(I-6)
56 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1213 KN34(I-7)
57 Brunnstrom's Clinical Kinesiology Houglum, Peggy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1214 KN34(I-8)
58 Gait Analysis : Normal and Pathological Function Perry, Jacquelin 2nd Ed. Acc No - 933 KN35®
Muscolino, Joseph
59 Kinesiology : The Skeletal System and Muscle Function 3rd Ed. Acc No - 944 KN36®
Muscolino, Joseph
60 Kinesiology : The Skeletal System and Muscle Function 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1098 KN36(i)
Kinesiology : The Mechanics & Pathomechanics Of Human
61 Oatis, Carol A. 3rd Ed. Acc No -999 KN37®
Kinesiology : The Mechanics & Pathomechanics Of Human
62 Oatis, Carol A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1103 KN37(I-1)
Kinesiology : The Mechanics & Pathomechanics Of Human
63 Oatis, Carol A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1437 KN37(I-2)
Kinesiology : The Mechanics & Pathomechanics Of Human
64 Oatis, Carol A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1438 KN37(I-3)
Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual & Movement
65 Myers, Thomas W. 3rd Ed. Acc No -1000 KN38®
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System : Foundation for Neumann, Donald
66 3rd Ed. Acc No -1001 KN39®
Physical Rehabilitation A.
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System : Foundation for Neumann, Donald
67 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1435 KN39(I-1)
Physical Rehabilitation A.
Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System : Foundation for Neumann, Donald
68 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1436 KN39(I-2)
Physical Rehabilitation A.
69 Biomechanics of Sport And Exercise McGinnis, Peter M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1356 KN40®
MCQ's In Biomechanics & Applied Anatomy (With Explanatory
70 Arun, B. Acc No - 2041 KN41®
71 Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine White, Augustus A. Acc No - 1551 KN42®

Rehabilitation Medicine; General

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Physical Rehabilitation Assessment and Treatment (Chapter 1 to

1 O'sullivan, Susan B. 4th Ed. Acc No - 258 RH1 (i1) + (i2)
18) + (Chapter 19 to 33)
2 Physical Rehabilitation (Chapter 1 to 17) + (Chapter 18 to 33) O'sullivan, Susan B. 5th Ed. Acc No - 327 RH2 (i1) + (i2)
3 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 5th Ed. Acc No - 825 RH2(i3)
4 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 5th Ed. Acc No - 625 RH2(i4)
5 Physical Rehabilitation (Chapter 1 to 16) + (Chapter 17 to 32) O'sullivan, Susan B. 6th Ed. Acc No - 694 RH3(R1) + (R2)
6 Physical Rehabilitation (Chapter 1 to 16) + (Chapter 17 to 32) O'sullivan, Susan B. 6th Ed. Acc No - 695 RH3(i1) + (i2)
7 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1719 RH4®
8 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1720 RH4(I-1)
9 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1721 RH4(I-2)
10 Physical Rehabilitation O'sullivan, Susan B. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1722 RH4(I-3)
Myers, Rose
11 Saunders Manual of Physical Therapy Practice Acc No - 331 RH5®
Pedretti's Occupational Therapy : Practice Skills for Physical Pendleton, Heidi
12 6th Ed. Acc No - 311 RH6®
Dysfunction McHugh
Occupational Therapy & Physical Dysfunction : Enabling
13 Curtin, Michael 6th Ed. Acc No - 283 RH7®
Physiotherapy in Deformity Correction and Pain Relief : Including
14 Irudayarai, R. Louis Acc No - 274 RH8®
Case Studies
Human Sexuality & Rehabilitation Medicine: Sexual Functioning
15 Shaked, Ami Acc No - 301 RH9®
Following Spinal Cord Injury
16 Essentials of Physiotherapy Panda, U N Acc No - 267 RH10®
17 Management in Rehabilitation : A Case-Study Approach Schuch, Charles P. Acc No - 271 RH11®
18 The Rehabilitation Specialist's Handbook Rothstein, Jules M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 295 RH12®
19 Oxford Handbook of Clinical Rehabilitation Ward, Anthony B. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 458 RH13®
20 Orthotics In Functional Rehabilitation of the Lower Limb Acc No - 300 RH14®
Deborah A.
21 Orthotics In Rehabilitation : Splinting the Hand and Body McKee, Pat Acc No - 319 RH15®
Sinha, Akhoury
22 Orthoses, Prostheses & Assistive Devices for Physiotherapists Acc No - 807 RH16®
23 Orthotics : A Comprehensive Clinical Approach Edelstein, John E. Acc No - 321 RH17®
Lusardi, Michelle
24 Orthotics & Prosthetics in Rehabilitation 2nd Ed. Acc No - 325 RH18(i)
Lusardi, Michelle
25 Orthotics & Prosthetics in Rehabilitation 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1073 RH19®
Introduction To Orthotics : A Clinical Reasoning & Problem- Coppard, Brenda
26 4th Ed. Acc No - 913 RH20®
Solving Approach M.
27 Therapeutic Footwear : A Comprehensive Guide Tyrrel, Wendy Acc No - 862 RH21®
28 Amputation & Prosthetics : A Case Study Approach May, Bella J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 286 RH22®
29 Pocketbook of Physiotherapy Management in Amputation Khanna, Nidhi Acc No - 297 RH23®
30 Tidy's Physiotherapy Thomson, Ann 12th Ed. Acc No - 324 RH24(i)
31 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 13th Ed. Acc No - 288 RH25(i)
32 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 14th Ed. Acc No - 282 RH26(I-1)
33 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1628 RH26(I-2)
34 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 656 RH27®
35 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1949 RH27(I-1)
36 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1950 RH27(I-2)
37 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1951 RH27(I-3)
38 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1952 RH27(I-4)
39 Tidy's Physiotherapy Porter, Stuart B. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1953 RH27(I-5)
ACSM's Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases
40 Durstine, J. Larry 3rd Ed. Acc No - 770 RH28®
And Disabilities
41 Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Basics Garrison, Susan J. Acc No - 298 RH29®
42 Manual of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation Acc No - 281 RH30®
Christopher M.
Braddom, Randall
43 Handbook of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Acc No - 275 RH31®
44 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation : Secrets O'young, Bryan J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 299 RH32®
45 Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Krusen, Frank H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 680 RH33®
46 Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Krusen, Frank H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 681 RH33(i)
Braddom, Randall
47 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Acc No - 340 RH34®
48 Rehabilitation Medicine : Principles & Practice DeLisa, Joel A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 313 RH35®
49 Rehabilitation Medicine GoodGold, Joseph Acc No - 312 RH36®
50 Clinical Wound Management Gogia, Prem P. Acc No - 323 RH37®
51 Principles & Techniques of Patient Care Pierson, Frank M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 322 RH38®
Physical Rehabilitation : Evidence-Based Examination, Evaluation, Cameron, Michelle
52 Acc No - 310 RH39®
& Intervention H.
53 Principles & Practice Of Physical Rehabilitation Vyas, Neeta J. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2054 RH40®
Prosthetics & Orthotics in Clinical Practice : A Case Study
54 May, Bella J. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2079 RH41®
Delisa's Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation : Principles And
55 Frontera, Walter R. 6th Ed. Acc No - 2095 RH42®
Pain Management

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist Sluka, Kathleen A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 934 PM1®
2 Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist Sluka, Kathleen A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1636 PM1(I-1)
3 Mechanisms and Management of Pain for the Physical Therapist Sluka, Kathleen A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1637 PM1(I-2)
4 Basics of Pain Management Das, Gautam Acc No - 937 PM2®
5 Basics of Pain Management Das, Gautam Acc No - 1338 PM2(i)
6 Clinical Methods in Pain Medicine Das, Gautam Acc No - 1339 PM3®
7 MCQ's in Pain Medicine Roy, Chinmoy Acc No - 1565 PM4®

Neurological Rehabilitaion

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation (Chapter 1 to 16) +

1 Umphred, Darcy A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 149 NR1G(R1 + R2)
(Chapter 17 to 34)
2 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Umphred, Darcy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 582 NR2G(I)
3 Motor Control : Theory and Practical Applications Acc No - 150 NR3G®
4 Cognitive & Perceptual Rehabilitation : Optimizing Function Gillen, Glen Acc No - 156 NR4G®
Oosterhuis, Hans J.
5 Myasthenia Gravis Acc No - 112 NR5G®
G. H.
6 Human Motor Development : A Lifespan Approach Payne, V. Gregory 3rd Ed. Acc No - 132 NR6G®
7 Physiotherapy in Neuro-Conditions Rai, Glady Samuel Acc No - 122 NR7G®
8 Physiotherapy in Neuro-Conditions Rai, Glady Samuel Acc No - 707 NR7G(I-1)
9 Physiotherapy in Neuro-Conditions Rai, Glady Samuel Acc No - 1806 NR7G(I-2)
10 Neuromotor Examination of the Limbs : A Photographic Atlas Smorto, Mario P. Acc No - 123 NR8G®
11 Neurorehabilitation : Principles & Practice Taly, A. B. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 121 NR9G®
Occupational Therapy and Mental Health : Principles, Skills &
12 Creek, Jennifer Acc No - 135 NR10G®
13 Handbook of Neurorehabilitation Good, David C. Acc No - 138 NR11G®
14 Assistive Communication Aids : For The Speech Impaired Enderby, Pam Acc No - 129 NR12G®
15 The Basic Neurology of Speech Espir, Michael L. Acc No - 104 NR13G®
16 Physiotherapy a Psychosocial Approach French, Sally 2nd Ed. Acc No - 120 NR14G®
17 Mental Handicap Dutton, Gordon Acc No - 127 NR15G®
Heaton-Ward, W.
18 Mental Handicap : Formerly Mental Subnormality 5th Ed. Acc No - 126 NR16G®
19 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 137 NR17G®
20 Brain Injury Rehabilitation : A Neurobehavioural Approach Wood, Rodger LI. Acc No - 105 NR18G®
Rehabilitation for Mental Health Problems : An Introductory
21 Hume, Clephane 2nd Ed. Acc No - 108 NR19G®
Starting Again : Early Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
22 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 140 NR20G®
or Other Severe Brain Lesion
Neurological Differential Diagnosis : An illustrated Approach With
23 Patten, John Acc No - 168 NR21G®
288 Figures
24 Neurological Physiotherapy : A Problem-Solving Approach Edwards, Susan 2nd Ed. Acc No - 141 NR22G®
25 Rehabilitation of Movement : Theoretical Basis of Clinical Practice Pitt-Brooke, Judith Acc No - 136 NR23G®
26 Physical Management in Neurological Rehabilitation Stokes, Maria 2nd Ed. Acc No - 139 NR24G®
27 Movement Disorders 1 and 2 Reissue Marsden, C. David Acc No - 111 NR25G®
28 Movement Disorders 3 Marsden, C. David Acc No - 421 NR26G®
29 Vestibular Rehabilitation Herdman, Susan J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 632 NR27G®
30 Neurologic Examination 1st Ed. Acc No - 161 NR28G®
Robert Jay
31 Neurological Physiotherapy : A Problem-Solving Approach Edwards, Susan 2nd Ed. Acc No - 167 NR29G(i-1)
32 Neurological Physiotherapy : A Problem-Solving Approach Edwards, Susan 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1369 NR29G(i-2)
33 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 128 NR30G®
34 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 125 NR30G(I-1)
35 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 754 NR30G(I-2)
36 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 876 NR30G(I-3)
37 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 900 NR30G(I-4)
38 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1260 NR30G(I-5)
39 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1573 NR30G(I-6)
40 Cash's Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists Downie, Patricia A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1812 NR30G(I-7)
41 Differential Diagnosis in Neurology Acc No - 114 NR31G®
Robert Jay
42 Muscle Disorders In Childhood Dubowitz, Victor 2nd Ed. Acc No - 117 NR32G®
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation : Patterns &
43 Knott, Margaret 2nd Ed. Acc No - 115 NR33G®
44 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 113 NR34G®
Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury : Physical Therapy
45 Campbell, Maggie Acc No - 166 NR35G®
Practice in Context
46 Neurological Disorders: A Handbook For Family Physicians Sharma, Alok 1st Ed. Acc No - 1574 NR36G®
Lindsay, Kenneth
47 Neurology And Neuro Surgery Illustrated 5th Ed. Acc No - 583 NR37G®
Lindsay, Kenneth
48 Neurology And Neuro Surgery Illustrated 5th Ed. Acc No - 1675 NR37G(I-1)
49 Physical Management For Neurological Conditions Stokes, Maria 3rd Ed. Acc No - 584 NR38G®
50 Physical Management For Neurological Conditions Stokes, Maria 3rd Ed. Acc No - 639 NR38G(i)
51 Clinician's Manual on Mild Cognitive Impairment Golomb, James Acc No - 130 NR39G®
Brown, Theodore
52 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Clinics Of North America Acc No - 159 NR40G®
53 Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System Walton, John 10th Ed. Acc No - 145 NR41G®
Campbell, William
54 Dejong's The Neurologic Examination 7th Ed. Acc No -986 NR42G®
Campbell, William
55 Dejong's The Neurologic Examination 7th Ed. Acc No - 553 NR42G(I)
56 Spasticity : Diagnosis and Management Brashear, Allison Acc No - 585 NR43G®
Crepeau, Elizabeth
57 Willard & Spackman's Occupational Therapy 11th Ed. Acc No - 586 NR44G®
Radomski, Mary
58 Occupational Therapy For Physical Dysfunction 7th Ed. Acc No - 1759 NR45G®
Radomski, Mary
59 Occupational Therapy For Physical Dysfunction 6th Ed. Acc No - 600 NR45G(I)
60 Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System Donaghy, Michael 12th Ed. Acc No - 2080 NR46G®
Brain's Diseases of the Nervous System (Chapter 1 to 19) +
61 Donaghy, Michael 12th Ed. Acc No - 626 NR46G(I1+I2+I3)
(Chapter 20 to 34) + (Chapter 35 to 43)
62 Motor Control : Translating Research Into Clinical Practice 4th Ed. Acc No - 668 NR47G®
Bobath Concept : Theory & Clinical Practice In Neurological
63 Raine, Sue Acc No - 678 NR48G®
64 Adams & Victor's Principles Of Neurology Ropper, Allan H. 10th Ed. Acc No -1034 NR49G®
65 Pocketbook of Neurological Physiotherapy Lennon, Sheila 1st Ed. Acc No - 713 NR50G®
Management of Spinal Cord Injuries : A Guide For
66 Harvey, Lisa Acc No - 726 NR51G®
67 Functional Movement Development : Across the Life Span Cech, Donna J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 731 NR52G®
68 Enabling Technologies : Body Image And Body Function Acc No - 739 NR53G®
69 PNF In Practice : An Illustrated Guide Adler, Susan S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 740 NR54G®
Goetz, Christopher
70 Textbook of Clinical Neurology 3rd Ed. Acc No - 746 NR55G®
71 Textbook of Neuro-Physiotherapy Jain, Shalu 1st Ed. Acc No - 1594 NR56G®
Somers, Martha
72 Spinal Cord Injury : Functional Rehabilitation 3rd Ed. Acc No - 748 NR57G®
73 Holistic Approach to Neuro Physiotherapy Mokashi, M. G. Acc No - 771 NR58G®
Starting Again : Early Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
74 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 803 NR59G®
or Other Severe Brain Lesion
Starting Again : Early Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
75 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 804 NR59G(i-1)
or Other Severe Brain Lesion
Starting Again : Early Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury
76 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1370 NR59G(i-2)
or Other Severe Brain Lesion
77 Neurological Assessment : A Clinician's Guide Jones, Karen J. Acc No - 850 NR60G®
78 Muscle Gene Therapy : Methods & Protocols Duan, Dongsheng Acc No - 846 NR61G®
Motor Speech Disorders : Substrates, Differential Diagnosis &
79 Duffy, Joseph R. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 858 NR62G®
Peripheral Nerve Injury : An Anatomical & Physiological Approach
80 Carp, Stephen J. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1604 NR63G®
For Physical Therapy Intervention
Peripheral Nerve Injury : An Anatomical & Physiological Approach
81 Carp, Stephen J. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2075 NR63G(I-1)
For Physical Therapy Intervention
Peripheral Nerve Injury : An Anatomical & Physiological Approach
82 Carp, Stephen J. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2076 NR63G(I-2)
For Physical Therapy Intervention
83 Neurology Simplified Khadilkar, S. V. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1609 NR64G®
Martin, Suzanne
84 Neurologic Interventions For Physical Therapy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 912 NR65G®
Martin, Suzanne
85 Neurologic Interventions For Physical Therapy 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1368 NR65G(i)
86 Motor Control : Translating Research Into Clinical Practice 5th Ed. Acc No - 930 NR66G®
87 Motor Control : Translating Research Into Clinical Practice 5th Ed. Acc No - 931 NR66G(I-1)
88 Motor Control : Translating Research Into Clinical Practice 5th Ed. Acc No - 1075 NR66G(I-2)
89 Manual of Traumatic Brain Injury : Assessment And Management Zollman, Felise S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 932 NR67G®
90 Neuroscience : Fundamentals for Rehabilitation 4th Ed. Acc No - 943 NR68G®
91 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Umphred, Darcy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 951 NR69G®
92 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Umphred, Darcy A. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1074 NR69G(I)
Physiotherapy In Neurological Conditions With Assessment & Potturi,
93 Acc No -985 NR70G®
Treatment Protocols Gowrishankar
Physiotherapy In Neurological Conditions With Assessment & Potturi,
94 1st Ed. Acc No - 2052 NR70G(I)
Treatment Protocols Gowrishankar
95 Emergency Medicine : Textbook Of Trauma Kumar, Pramod 1st Ed. Acc No - 1563 NR71G®
96 Neurological Examination Made Easy Fuller, Geraint 5th Ed. Acc No - 1354 NR72G®
97 Rehabilitation After Traumatic Brain Injury Eapen, Blessen C. Acc No - 1355 NR73G®
Herndon, Robert
98 Handbook of Neurologic Rating Scales 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1360 NR74G®
99 Bickerstaff's Neurological Examination in Clinical Practice 7th Ed. Acc No - 1361 NR75G®
100 Neurology Secrets Kass. Joseph S. Acc No - 1362 NR76G®
101 Vestibular Rehabilitation Herdman, Susan J. 4th Ed. Acc No -1023 NR77G®
102 Vestibular Rehabilitation Herdman, Susan J. 4th Ed. Acc No -1024 NR77G(i)
Motor Behavior : Connecting Mind And Body For Optimal
103 Ives, Jeffrey C. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1610 NR78G®
104 Physiotherapy In Mental Health & Psychiatry Probst, Michel 1st Ed. Acc No - 1625 NR79G®
105 Bickerstaff's Neurological Examination in Clinical Practice Spillane, John 6th Ed. Acc No - 1879 NR80G(I)
106 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2004 NR81G®
107 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2005 NR81G(I-1)
108 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2006 NR81G(I-2)
109 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2007 NR81G(I-3)
110 Neurological Differential Diagnosis Patten, John 2nd Ed. Acc No - 2031 NR81G(I-4)
111 MCQ's for Physiotherapists In Neurology Prabha, K. Lakshmi Acc No - 2037 NR82G®
112 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Lazaro, Rolando T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2087 NR83G®
113 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Lazaro, Rolando T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2088 NR83G(I-1)
114 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Lazaro, Rolando T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2089 NR83G(I-2)
115 Umphred's Neurological Rehabilitation Lazaro, Rolando T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2090 NR83G(I-3)
Campbell, William 1st South
116 Dejong's The Neurologic Examination Acc No - 2124 NR84G®
W. Asian Ed.
Campbell, William 1st South
117 Dejong's The Neurologic Examination Acc No - 2125 NR84G(I-1)
W. Asian Ed.
118 Neurological Problems in Childhood Gordon, Neil Acc No - 131 NR1P®
119 Children with Severe Disabilities & the Move Curriculum Thomson, Gilbert Acc No - 165 NR2P®
120 Treatment of Cerebral Palsy & Motor Delay Levitt, Sophie 4th Ed. Acc No - 164 NR3P(I-1)
121 Treatment of Cerebral Palsy & Motor Delay Levitt, Sophie 4th Ed. Acc No -1031 NR3P(I-2)
122 Treatment of Cerebral Palsy & Motor Delay Levitt, Sophie 4th Ed. Acc No -1032 NR3P(I-3)
123 Physiotherapy & the Growing Child Burns, Yvonne R. Acc No - 101 NR4P®
Illingworth's The Development Of The Infant & Young Child : Illingworth, Ronald
124 9th Ed. Acc No - 1805 NR5P(I)
Normal And Abnormal S.
Tecklin, Jan
125 Pediatric Physical Therapy : With 13 Contributors 3rd Ed. Acc No - 119 NR6P(i)
Early Management Of Cerebral Palsy Including Children With
126 Bole, Suryakant V. Acc No - 106 NR7P®
Developmental Delays
Shepherd, Roberta
127 Physiotherapy in Pediatrics 3rd Ed. Acc No - 118 NR8P®
128 Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy Long, Toby 2nd Ed. Acc No - 587 NR9P®
Campbell, Suzann
129 Physical Therapy For Children 3rd Ed. Acc No - 144 NR10P®
O'Shea, Roberta
130 Pediatrics For the Physical Therapist Assistant Acc No - 162 NR11P®
131 Physiotherapy For Children Pountney, Teresa Acc No - 143 NR12P®
132 Treatment of Cerebral Palsy & Motor Delay Levitt, Sophie 6th Ed. Acc No - 2025 NR13P®
133 Occupational therapy For Children Case-Smith, Jane 6th Ed. Acc No - 341 NR14P®
134 Cerebral Palsy Slaich, Veena Acc No - 157 NR15P®
The Spastic Forms Of Cerebral Palsy : A Guide to the Assessment
135 Ferrari, Adriano Acc No - 158 NR16P®
of Adaptive Functions
136 Functional Neurorehabilitation Through The Life Span Bertoti, Dolores B. Acc No - 342 NR17P®
The Normal Child : Some Problems Of The Early Years and Their Illingworth, Ronald
137 10th Ed. Acc No - 588 NR18P®
Treatment S.
Illingworth's The Development Of The Infant & Young Child : Illingworth, Ronald
138 10th Ed. Acc No - 589 NR19P®
Normal And Abnormal S.
Illingworth's The Development Of The Infant & Young Child : Illingworth, Ronald
139 10th Ed. Acc No - 1991 NR19P(I-1)
Normal And Abnormal S.
140 A Clinical Guide To Autistic Spectrum Disorders Evans, Patricia Acc No - 590 NR20P®
Developing Ocular Motor And Visual Perceptual Skills : An Activity
141 Lane, Kenneth A. Acc No - 591 NR21P®
Campbell, Suzann
142 Physical Therapy For Children 4th Ed. Acc No - 592 NR22P®
Vision Beyond Acuity : Explore Your Visual World Eye Exercise
143 Tajane, Ganesh B. Acc No - 603 NR23P®
with fun for better visual health
144 Treatment of Cerebral Palsy & Motor Delay Levitt, Sophie 5th Ed. Acc No - 647 NR24P®
145 Infant Motor Development Piek, Jan P. Acc No - 675 NR25P®
Tecklin, Jan
146 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 745 NR26P®
Tecklin, Jan
147 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 750 NR27P(I-1)
Tecklin, Jan
148 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 1394 NR27P(I-2)
Tecklin, Jan
149 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 2008 NR27P(I-3)
Tecklin, Jan
150 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 2009 NR27P(I-4)
Tecklin, Jan
151 Pediatric Physical Therapy 5th Ed. Acc No - 2010 NR27P(I-5)
152 Cerebral Palsy : From Diagnosis to Adult Life Rosenbaum, peter Acc No - 866 NR28P®
Cerebral Palsy In Infancy : Targeted Activity To Optimize Early Shepherd, Roberta
153 Acc No - 929 NR29P®
Growth And Development B.
154 Campbell's Physical Therapy for Children Palisano, Robert J. 5th Ed. Acc No - 945 NR30P®
155 Posture And Movement Of The Child With Cerebral Palsy Stamer, Marcia 1st Ed. Acc No - 2147 NR31P®
156 Community Re-Entry For Head Injured Adults Ylvisaker, Mark Acc No - 151 NR1A®
157 Alzheimer's Disease : A Handbook for Caregivers Hamdy, Ronald C. Acc No - 134 NR2A®
158 The Assessment And Therapy Of Parkinsonism Marsden, C. D. Acc No - 142 NR3A®
Duncan, Pamela
159 Stroke Rehabilitation : The Recovery Of Motor Control Acc No - 133 NR4A®
Thompson, Simon
160 Occupational Therapy For Stroke Rehabilitation Acc No - 107 NR5A®
B. N.
161 Neurological Rehabilitation : Optimizing Motor Performance Carr, Janet H. Acc No - 124 NR6A®
162 Parkinson's Disease & Movement Disorders Jankovic, Joseph 6th Ed. Acc No - 1640 NR7A®
163 Stroke Caplan, Louis R. Acc No - 109 NR8A®
164 The Stroke Patient : Principles Of Rehabilitation 1st Ed. Acc No - 2157 NR9A®
165 Adult Hemiplegia : Evaluation and Treatment Bobath, Berta 3rd Ed. Acc No - 654 NR10A®
166 Adult Hemiplegia : Evaluation and Treatment Bobath, Berta 3rd Ed. Acc No -987 NR10A(I-1)
167 Adult Hemiplegia : Evaluation and Treatment Bobath, Berta 3rd Ed. Acc No -988 NR10A(I-2)
168 Stroke Rehabilitation : A Function-Based Approach Gillen, Glen 2nd Ed. Acc No - 152 NR11A®
169 Neurological Rehabilitation : Optimizing Motor Performance Carr, Janet H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 605 NR12A®
Physical Therapy For The Stroke Patient : Early Stage
170 Mehrholz, Jan Acc No - 606 NR13A®
Bronstein, Adolfo
171 Clinical Disorders of Balance, Posture & Gait 2nd Ed. Acc No - 622 NR14A®
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
172 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 801 NR15A®
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
173 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 802 NR15A(I-1)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
174 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1371 NR15A(I-2)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
175 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 103 NR15A(I-3)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
176 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1970 NR15A(I-4)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
177 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1971 NR15A(I-5)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
178 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1972 NR15A(I-6)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
179 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1973 NR15A(I-7)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
180 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1974 NR15A(I-8)
Adult Hemiplegia
Right in the Middle : Selective Trunk Activity in the Treatment of
181 Davies, Patricia M. Acc No - 1975 NR15A(I-9)
Adult Hemiplegia
Steps to Follow : The Comprehensive Treatment Of Patients With
182 Davies, Patricia M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 918 NR16A®
Steps to Follow : The Comprehensive Treatment Of Patients With
183 Davies, Patricia M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 919 NR16A(i-1)
Steps to Follow : The Comprehensive Treatment Of Patients With
184 Davies, Patricia M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 920 NR16A(i-2)
Steps to Follow : The Comprehensive Treatment Of Patients With
185 Davies, Patricia M. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 110 NR16A(i-3)
186 Neurological Rehabilitation : Optimizing Motor Performance Carr, Janet H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 955 NR17A®
187 Neurological Rehabilitation : Optimizing Motor Performance Carr, Janet H. 2nd Ed. Acc No -1033 NR17A(I-1)
188 Neurological Rehabilitation : Optimizing Motor Performance Carr, Janet H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1393 NR17A(I-2)
189 A Practical Guide to Hemiplegia Treatment Brahmachari, Ipsit Acc No - 963 NR18A®
190 Brunnstrom's Movement Therapy In Hemiplegia Sawner, Kathryn A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1346 NR19A®
191 Brunnstrom's Movement Therapy In Hemiplegia Sawner, Kathryn A. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1955 NR19A(I-1)
192 Tetraplegia & Paraplegia : A Guide for Physiotherapists Bromley, Ida 6th Ed. Acc No - 2154 NR20A®
193 Facilitation Techniques : Based on NDT Principles Bly, Lois Acc No - 2165 NR21A®

Musculo-Skeletal Medicine

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 Rehabilitation Of The Hand : Surgery And Therapy, Vol-1 Hunter, James M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 365 OS1P(R1)
2 Rehabilitation Of The Hand : Surgery And Therapy, Vol-2 Hunter, James M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 368 OS1P(R2)
Principles of Musculoskeletal Treatment & Management : A
3 Petty, Nicola J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1617 OS2P®
Handbook for Therapists
4 Arthritis And Physical Medicine : Volume -11th Licht, Sidney Acc No - 396 OS3P®
5 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 483 OS4P(i)
6 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy Secrets Placzek, Jeffrey D. Acc No - 466 OS5P®
7 Textbook of Orthopedic Physiotherapy Kapoor, P. S. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2053 OS6P®
Orthopedic Physical Assessment ( Chapter 1 to 9 ) + ( Chapter 10
8 Magee, David J. 4th Ed. Acc No - 393 OS7P( i1) + (i2 )
to 18 )
9 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1590 OS7P(I-3)
10 The Orthopaedic Physical Examination Reider, Bruce Acc No - 462 OS8P®
11 The Biomechanics of Back Pain Adams, Michael A. Acc No - 456 OS9P®
12 Low Back Pain Syndrome Cailliet, Rene 4th Ed. Acc No - 451 OS10P®
13 Low Back Pain Syndrome Cailliet, Rene 4th Ed. Acc No - 1038 OS10P(I-1)
14 Low Back Pain Syndrome Cailliet, Rene 4th Ed. Acc No - 1039 OS10P(I-2)
15 Low Back Pain Syndrome Cailliet, Rene 4th Ed. Acc No - 1040 OS10P(I-3)
16 Hand Pain and Impairment Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 450 OS11P®
17 Hand Pain and Impairment Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1041 OS11P(I-1)
18 Hand Pain and Impairment Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1042 OS11P(I-2)
19 Hand Pain and Impairment Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1043 OS11P(I-3)
20 Soft Tissue Pain and Disability Cailliet, Rene 2nd Ed. Acc No - 454 OS12P®
21 Soft Tissue Pain and Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1078 OS12P(I-1)
22 Soft Tissue Pain and Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1079 OS12P(I-2)
23 Soft Tissue Pain and Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1080 OS12P(I-3)
24 Knee Pain And Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 455 OS13P®
25 Knee Pain And Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1044 OS13P(I-1)
26 Knee Pain And Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1045 OS13P(I-2)
27 Knee Pain And Disability Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1046 OS13P(I-3)
28 Shoulder Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 452 OS14P®
29 Shoulder Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1047 OS14P(I-1)
30 Shoulder Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1048 OS14P(I-2)
31 Shoulder Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1049 OS14P(I-3)
32 Neck And Arm Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 453 OS15P®
33 Neck And Arm Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1050 OS15P(I-1)
34 Neck And Arm Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1051 OS15P(I-2)
35 Neck And Arm Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1052 OS15P(I-3)
36 Foot and Ankle Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 356 OS16P®
37 Foot and Ankle Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1053 OS16P(I-1)
38 Foot and Ankle Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1054 OS16P(I-2)
39 Foot and Ankle Pain Cailliet, Rene 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1055 OS16P(I-3)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
40 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 390 OS17P®
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
41 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 355 OS17P(I-1)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
42 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1811 OS17P(I-2)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
43 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1901 OS17P(I-3)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
44 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1902 OS17P(I-4)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
45 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1903 OS17P(I-5)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
46 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1904 OS17P(I-6)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
47 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1905 OS17P(I-7)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
48 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1906 OS17P(I-8)
Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics And Rheumatology For
49 Downie, Patricia A. Acc No - 1907 OS17P(I-9)
Orthopedic Rehabilitation Assessment and Enablement With 133
50 Leong, John C. Y. Acc No - 354 OS18P®
Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists : Screening for
51 Catherine 4th Ed. Acc No - 385 OS19P®
Donatelli, Robert
52 Physical Therapy of the Shoulder 4th Ed. Acc No - 386 OS20P®
53 Physiotherapy in Orthopaedics : A Problem-Solving Approach Atkinson, Karen 2nd Ed. Acc No - 387 OS21P®
54 Diagnostic Imaging for Physical Therapists Swain, James Acc No - 380 OS22P®
55 Rheumatological Physiotherapy David, Carol Acc No - 375 OS23P®
56 Rheumatological Physiotherapy David, Carol Acc No - 1092 OS23P(i-1)
57 Rheumatological Physiotherapy David, Carol Acc No - 1093 OS23P(i-2)
58 Rheumatological Physiotherapy David, Carol Acc No - 1094 OS23P(i-3)
Donatelli, Robert
59 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy 4th Ed. Acc No - 376 OS24P(I)
Horstmann, Helen
60 Orthopaedic Management in Cerebral Palsy 2nd Ed. Acc No - 364 OS25P®
Orthopedic Physical Assessment ( Chapter 1 to 8 ) + ( Chapter 9
61 Magee, David J. 5th Ed. Acc No - 594 OS26P(i1)+(i2)
to 18 )
Neuro-Musculoskeletal Examination and Assessment : A
62 Petty, Nicola J. 4th Ed. Acc No - 657 OS27P®
Handbook for Therapists
Spinal Control : The Rehabilitation Of Back Pain : State of the Art
63 Hodges, Paul W. Acc No - 662 OS28P®
& Science
Special Tests In Musculoskeletal Examination : An Evidence -
64 Hattam, Paul Acc No - 712 OS29P®
Based Guide for Clinicians
65 Rehabilitation of The Hand And Upper Extremity (Vol - 1) Skirven, Terri M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 719 OS30P(i-1)
66 Rehabilitation of The Hand And Upper Extremity (Vol - 2) Skirven, Terri M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 720 OS30P(i-2)
67 Musculoskeletal Assessment : Joint Motion And Muscle Testing Clarkson, Hazel M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 734 OS31P®
Low Back Disorders : Evidence -Based Prevention And
68 McGill, Stuart 2nd Ed. Acc No - 738 OS32P®
69 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 744 OS33P®
70 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 824 OS33P(I-1)
71 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1037 OS33P(I-2)
72 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1522 OS33P(I-3)
73 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1859 OS33P(I-4)
74 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1860 OS33P(I-5)
75 Orthopedic Physical Assessment Magee, David J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1861 OS33P(I-6)
76 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 767 OS34P(I-1)
77 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 1261 OS34P(I-2)
78 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 1328 OS34P(I-3)
79 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 1876 OS34P(I-4)
80 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant Acc No - 2046 OS34P(I-5)
81 Essentials of Orthopaedics For Physiotherapists Ebnezar, John Acc No - 768 OS35P®
82 Physiotherapy of the Shoulder Mohanty, P. P. Acc No - 809 OS36P®
83 Physiotherapy of the Shoulder Mohanty, P. P. Acc No - 810 OS36P(i)
84 Examination of the Hand And Wrist Tubiana, Raout Acc No - 845 OS37P®
85 Kinetic Control : The Management of Uncontrolled Movement Comerford, Mark Acc No - 855 OS38P®
86 Macnab's Backache Wong, David A. 4th Ed. Acc No - 857 OS39P®
Craniofacial Pain : Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment, Treatment Von Piekartz, Harry
87 Acc No - 863 OS40P®
& Management J. M.
Wessely, Michelle
88 Essential Musculoskeletal MRI : A Primer For the Clinician Acc No - 864 OS41P®
89 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 2nd Ed. Acc No - 593 OS42P®
90 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 2nd Ed. Acc No - 903 OS42P(I-1)
91 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1570 OS42P(I-2)
92 Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination, Evaluation and Intervention Dutton, Mark 3rd Ed. Acc No - 916 OS43P®
93 Tests and Exercises for the Spine Fischer, Peter Acc No - 935 OS44P®
Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities ,
94 Sharmann, Shirley Acc No - 936 OS45P®
Cervical and Thoracic Spines
Movement Stability & Lumbopelvic Pain : Integration of Research
95 Vleeming, Andry 2nd Ed. Acc No - 947 OS46P®
and Therapy
96 Differential Screening of Regional Pain In Musculoskeletal Practice Sebastian, Deepak Acc No - 964 OS47P®
97 The Biomechanics of Back Pain Adams, Michael A. 3rd Ed. Acc No -990 OS48P®
98 Physical Therapy Treatment of Common Orthopedic Conditions Baheti, Neeraj D. Acc No - 956 OS49P®
99 Physical Therapy Treatment of Common Orthopedic Conditions Baheti, Neeraj D. Acc No - 957 OS49P(i)
100 Rehabilitation of The Hand And Upper Extremity (Vol - 1) Skirven, Terri M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1076 OS50P(R1)
101 Rehabilitation of The Hand And Upper Extremity (Vol - 2) Skirven, Terri M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1077 OS50P(R2)
Donatelli, Robert
102 Physical Therapy Of The Shoulder 5th Ed. Acc No - 1081 OS51P®
Donatelli, Robert
103 Physical Therapy Of The Shoulder 5th Ed. Acc No - 1605 OS51P(I-1)
Donatelli, Robert
104 Physical Therapy Of The Shoulder 5th Ed. Acc No - 1606 OS51P(I-2)
Donatelli, Robert
105 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy 4th Ed. Acc No - 1082 OS52P®
Donatelli, Robert
106 Orthopaedic Physical Therapy 4th Ed. Acc No - 1083 OS52P(I)
107 Pathalogy And Intervention In Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Magee, David J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1095 OS53P®
108 Treat Your Own Neck McKenzie, Robin 5th Ed. Acc No - 1292 OS54P®
109 Treat Your Own Knee McKenzie, Robin Acc No - 1293 OS55P®
110 Treat Your Own Back McKenzie, Robin 7th Ed. Acc No - 1303 OS56P®
111 Neuromuscular Rehabilitation in Manual & Physical Therapies Lederman, Eyal Acc No - 1367 OS57P®
112 Orthopedic Review for Physical Therapists Loth, Timothy S. Acc No - 392 OS58P®
Whiplash, Headache And Neck Pain : Research-based directions
113 Jull, Gwendolen Acc No - 361 OS59P®
for Physical Therapies
Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders Physical
114 Hertling, Darlene 4th Ed. Acc No - 595 OS60P®
Therapy Principles & Methods
115 Hand and Upper Extremity Rehabilitation : A Practical Guide Burke, Susan L. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 273 OS61P®
116 Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient Maxey, Lisa 2nd Ed. Acc No - 285 OS62P(i)
117 Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient Maxey, Lisa 3rd Ed. Acc No - 661 OS63P®
118 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1524 OS64P®
119 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1864 OS64P(I)
120 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 4th Ed. Acc No - 2061 OS65P®
121 Essentials Of Orthopaedics And Applied Physiotherapy Joshi, Jayant 4th Ed. Acc No - 2062 OS65P(I)
122 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. Acc No - 529 OS1G®
123 Disorders of the Heel, Rearfoot and Ankle Acc No - 369 OS2G®
Chitranjan S.
The Problem Knee : Diagnosis and Management in the Younger
124 Macnicol, M. F. Acc No - 371 OS3G®
125 Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures Apley, A. Graham 6th Ed. Acc No - 372 OS4G®
126 Integrated Clinical Science : Musculoskeletal Disease Dickson, Robert A. Acc No - 373 OS5G®
127 Disorders of the Patello-Femoral Joint Ficat, R. Paul Acc No - 374 OS6G®
128 Outline of Orthopaedics Adams, John C. 11th Ed. Acc No - 357 OS7G®
Clinical Examination OF The Musculoskeletal System : Assessing Buchanan, W.
129 Acc No - 358 OS8G®
Rheumatic Conditions Watson
130 Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Adams, John C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 359 OS9G®
131 Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Adams, John C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 370 OS9G(i)
132 The Textbook of Orthopaedics Ebnezar, John 3rd Ed. Acc No - 389 OS10G1®
Clinical Examination Methods in Orthopaedics - Supplement of T.
133 Ebnezar, John 3rd Ed. Acc No - 457 OS10G2®
B. of Orthopaedics
134 Apley's System of Orthopaedics And Fractures Soloman, Louis 8th Ed. Acc No - 367 OS11G®
135 Clinical Orthopedic Tests : An Illustrated Reference Gogia, Prem P. Acc No - 366 OS12G®
136 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 344 OS13G®
137 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 708 OS13G(i-1)
138 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 790 OS13G(i-2)
139 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 875 OS13G(i-3)
140 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 902 OS13G(i-4)
141 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No -975 OS13G(i-5)
142 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 3rd Ed. Acc No -1589 OS13G(i-6)
143 Orthopaedics Vora, Laxmikant N. Acc No - 343 OS14G®
144 Orthopaedics : Principles and Their Application : Volume - 1 Turek, Samuel L. 4th Ed. Acc No - 388 OS15G®
145 Orthopaedics : Principles and Their Application : Volume - 2 Turek, Samuel L. 4th Ed. Acc No - 349 OS16G®
146 Watson-Jones Fractures and Joint Injuries, Vol.-1 Wilson, J. N. 6th Ed. Acc No - 350 OS17G®
147 Watson-Jones Fractures and Joint Injuries, Vol.-2 Wilson, J. N. 6th Ed. Acc No - 353 OS18G®
148 Alfacalcidol for Osteoporosis Dambacher, M. A. Acc No - 345 OS19G®
149 Clinical Orthopaedic Examination McRae, Ronald 5th Ed. Acc No - 346 OS20G®
150 Outline of Fractures Adams, John C. 10th Ed. Acc No - 276 OS21G®
151 Outline of Orthopaedics Adams, John C. 11th Ed. Acc No - 277 OS22G(i)
152 Practical in Undergraduate Orthopaedics Sheth, Binoti Acc No - 788 OS23G®
153 Essential Orthopaedics Maheshwari, J. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 478 OS24G®
The Foot & Ankle In Rheumatold Arthritis : A Comprehensive
154 Helliwell, Phili Acc No - 246 OS25G®
Moskowitz, Roland
155 Osteoarthritis : Diagnosis & Medical / Surgical Management 4th Ed. Acc No - 248 OS26G®
156 Common Vertebral Joint Problems Grieve, Gregory P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 234 OS27G®
157 Functional Anatomy of the Spine Oliver, Jean Acc No - 395 OS28G®
158 Clinical Orthopaedic Diagnosis Pandey, Sureshwar 2nd Ed. Acc No - 512 OS29G®
Berquist, Thomas
159 Imaging of Orthopaedic Fixation Devices & Prostheses Acc No - 363 OS30G®
160 Musculoskeletal Examination Gross, Jeffrey M. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 362 OS31G®
161 Neuro-Musculoskeletal Clinical Tests : A Clinician's Guide Day, Richard Acc No - 360 OS32G®
Hypermobility Syndrome : Recognition & Management for
162 Keer, Rosemary Acc No - 482 OS33G®
163 Textbook of Orthopaedics Sud, Alok 1st Ed. Acc No - 1523 OS34G®
Natarajan, Mayil
164 Text Book Of Orthopaedics and Trumatology 7th Ed. Acc No - 97 OS35G®
165 Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures Soloman, Louis 9th Ed. Acc No - 650 OS36G®
166 Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures Soloman, Louis 9th Ed. Acc No - 1631 OS36G(I-1)
167 Essential Orthopaedics ( Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari, J. 5th Ed. Acc No - 811 OS37G®
168 Essential Orthopaedics ( Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari, J. 5th Ed. Acc No - 812 OS37G(I-1)
169 Essential Orthopaedics ( Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari, J. 5th Ed. Acc No - 2043 OS37G(I-2)
170 Essential Orthopaedics ( Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari, J. 4th Ed. Acc No - 844 OS38G(I-1)
171 Essential Orthopaedics ( Including Clinical Methods) Maheshwari, J. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1569 OS38G(I-2)
172 Treatment & Rehabilitation of Fractures 1st Ed. Acc No - 1598 OS39G®
173 Orthopaedic : Practical Examination Made Easy Jaiswal, Nitin P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1622 OS40G®
174 Orthopaedic : Practical Examination Made Easy Jaiswal, Nitin P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1646 OS40G(i)
175 Quick Orthopedics Review : Concise Summary And MCQ's Mohindra, Mukul 1st Ed. Acc No - 1564 OS41G®
176 Handbook of Fracture Classifications Mohindra, Mukul Acc No -980 OS42G®
177 Handbook of Fracture Classifications Mohindra, Mukul Acc No - 2083 OS42G(I-1)
178 Handbook of Fracture Classifications Mohindra, Mukul Acc No - 2084 OS42G(I-2)
179 Short Textbook of Orthopedics For Undergraduate Students Ebnezar, John Acc No -981 OS43G®
180 Text Book Of Orthopaedics Sheth, Binoti Acc No -982 OS44G®
181 Clinical Orthopaedic Examination McRae, Ronald 6th Ed. Acc No -989 OS45G®
Turek's Orthopaedics : Principles And Their Applications (Volume -
182 Jain, Anil K. 7th Ed. Acc No -991 OS46G®
Turek's Orthopaedics : Principles And Their Applications (Volume -
183 Jain, Anil K. 7th Ed. Acc No -992 OS47G®
184 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1035 OS48G®
185 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1036 OS48G(I-1)
186 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1828 OS48G(I-2)
187 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1829 OS48G(I-3)
188 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1830 OS48G(I-4)
189 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1831 OS48G(I-5)
190 Apley & Solomon's System of Orthopaedics and Trauma Blom, Ashley 10th Ed. Acc No - 1832 OS48G(I-6)
191 Practical Fracture Treatment McRae, Ronald 5th Ed. Acc No - 1363 OS49G®
192 Oxford Textbook of Trauma and Orthopaedics 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1366 OS50G®
193 The Basics Of Arthritis Kandoi, Manoj R. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1608 OS51G®
194 Clinical Cases In Orthopaedics Kandoi, Manoj R. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1623 OS52G®
195 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1676 OS53G®
196 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1677 OS53G(I-1)
197 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1678 OS53G(I-2)
198 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1679 OS53G(I-3)
199 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1680 OS53G(I-4)
200 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1681 OS53G(I-5)
201 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1682 OS53G(I-6)
202 Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics Hamblen, David L. 14th Ed. Acc No - 1683 OS53G(I-7)
203 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1684 OS54G®
204 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1685 OS54G(I-1)
205 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1686 OS54G(I-2)
206 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1687 OS54G(I-3)
207 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1688 OS54G(I-4)
208 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1689 OS54G(I-5)
209 Adams's Outline of Fractures : Including Joint Injuries Hamblen, David L. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1690 OS54G(I-6)

General Medicine

No. Name of the Book Author's Name Edition Acc No. Reference No.

1 An Orientation to HIV / AIDS Counselling : A Guide for Trainers WHO Acc No - 429 GM1®
2 A Message Therapists Guide To Pathology Werner, Ruth Acc No - 428 GM2®
3 Cutaneous Disorders of the Lower Extremity Dockery, Gary L. Acc No - 427 GM3®
4 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 14th Ed. Acc No - 426 GM4(i)
5 Emergency Radiology : A Manual of Diagnosis & Decisions Rhea, James T. Acc No - 425 GM5®
6 Emergency Procedures And Techniques Simon, Robert R. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 424 GM6®
7 Obesity : Technical Monograph Joshi, Shashank R. Acc No - 405 GM7®
8 SRB's Manual Of Surgery Bhat, Sriram M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 481 GM8®
9 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 2nd Ed. Acc No - 443 GM9(I)
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics : Goodman Gilman
10 8th Ed. Acc No - 442 GM10®
Vol-1 Alfred
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics : Goodman Gilman
11 8th Ed. Acc No - 439 GM11®
Vol-2 Alfred
12 Text Book of Microbiology 4th Ed. Acc No - 414 GM12(i)
13 Text Book Of Gynaecology : Including Contraception Dutta, D. C. Acc No - 413 GM13(i)
14 Y. M. Bhende's General Pathology : Vol-1 Bhende, Y. M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 412 GM14®
15 Y. M. Bhende's General Pathology : Vol-2 Bhende, Y. M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 411 GM15®
16 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 410 GM16(i)
17 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 406 GM17(i-1)
18 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 407 GM17(i-2)
19 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice of Surgery Mann, Charles V. 21st Ed. Acc No - 465 GM18(i)
20 Renal Failure - Who Cares? Parsons, F. M. Acc No - 449 GM19®
Phonological Disability In Children : Studies In Disorders Of
21 Ingram 2nd Ed. Acc No - 448 GM20®
22 Emergencies In General Practice BMJ Acc No - 447 GM21®
23 Human Anatomy And Physiology For Pharmacy Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1446 GM22®
Peitzman, Andrew
24 The Trauma Manual Acc No - 408 GM23®
Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine (Chapter 1 to 13) +
25 Davidson 19th Ed. Acc No - 431 GM24(I1 + I2)
(Chapter 14 to 23)
26 A Simple Guide to Trauma Huckstep, R. L. 5th Ed. Acc No - 436 GM25®
27 Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay 5th Ed. Acc No - 432 GM26(i)
28 Medicine For Students Golwalla, Aspi F. 17th Ed. Acc No - 433 GM27(i)
29 Orientated Sectional And Surface Anatomy OF The Living Person Sit, K. H. Acc No - 485 GM28®
30 Concise Medical Physiology Chaudhuri, Sujit K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 434 GM29®
31 API Text Book Of Medicine Shah, Siddharth N. 7th Ed. Acc No - 415 GM30®
Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine (Chapter 1 to 13) +
32 Davidson 19th Ed. Acc No - 416 GM31(I1 + I2)
(Chapter 14 to 23)
33 Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine Davidson 19th Ed. Acc No -965 GM31(I-3)
34 Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine Davidson 19th Ed. Acc No -1587 GM31(I-4)
35 Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine Davidson 19th Ed. Acc No - 1883 GM31(I-5)
36 Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine : Volume : 1 Harrison 16th Ed. Acc No - 430 GM32®
37 Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine : Volume : 2 Harrison 16th Ed. Acc No - 409 GM33®
38 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 18th Ed. Acc No - 420 GM34(i)
39 Atlas Of Human Anatomy Netter, Frank H. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 419 GM35®
40 Guyton & Hall Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 11th Ed. Acc No - 435 GM36(I-1)
41 Guyton & Hall Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 11th Ed. Acc No - 1582 GM36(I-2)
42 Guyton & Hall Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 11th Ed. Acc No - 1808 GM36(I-3)
43 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 437 GM37(I-1)
44 Biochemistry (Chapter 1 to 14) + (Chapter 15 to 34) Satyanarayana, U. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 422 GM37(I-2)
45 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 484 GM37(I-3)
46 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 759 GM37(I-4)
47 Clinical Neuroanatomy Snell, Richard S. 6th Ed. Acc No - 423 GM38®
48 Robbins and Cotran : Pathologic Basis of Disease Kumar, Vinay 7th Ed. Acc No - 418 GM39®
49 Companion For Obstetrics & Gynec Practical Examination Doshi, Haresh U. Acc No - 525 GM40®
50 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 6th Ed. Acc No - 441 GM41(I-1)
51 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 6th Ed. Acc No - 545 GM41(I-2)
52 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 6th Ed. Acc No - 782 GM41(I-3)
53 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 440 GM42(I-1)
54 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 153 GM42(I-2)
55 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 640 GM42(I-3)
56 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 772 GM42(I-4)
57 Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 19th Ed. Acc No - 495 GM43®
58 Text Book of Pharmacology for Physiotherapy Acc No - 470 GM44®
59 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 3rd Ed. Acc No - 293 GM45®
60 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 17th Ed. Acc No - 489 GM46®
A Manual On Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations &
61 Das, Somen 6th Ed. Acc No - 490 GM47®
Differential Diagnosis
62 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 3rd Ed. Acc No - 491 GM48(i)
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper &
63 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 488 GM49(I-1)
Lower Limbs
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper &
64 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 487 GM49(I-2)
Lower Limbs
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 2, Thorax and
65 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 486 GM50(I-1)
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 2, Thorax and
66 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 469 GM50(I-2)
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 2, Thorax and
67 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 839 GM50(I-3)
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
68 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 468 GM51(I-1)
Neck and Brain
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
69 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 510 GM51(I-2)
Neck and Brain
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
70 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 546 GM51(I-3)
Neck and Brain
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper &
71 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 542 GM52®
Lower Limbs
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper &
72 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 838 GM52(I-1)
Lower Limbs
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper &
73 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 1253 GM52(I-2)
Lower Limbs
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 2, Thorax and
74 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 543 GM53®
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 2, Thorax and
75 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 1254 GM53(I-1)
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
76 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 646 GM54®
Neck and Brain
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
77 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 690 GM54(I-1)
Neck and Brain
Cunningham's Manual Of Practical Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head and
78 Cunningham 15th Ed. Acc No - 1255 GM54(I-2)
Neck and Brain
79 Principles Of Physiology Pramanik, Debasis 2nd Ed. Acc No - 516 GM55®
80 Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students Snell, Richard S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 498 GM56®
81 Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students Snell, Richard S. 4th Ed. Acc No - 464 GM57(i)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
82 Chaurasia, B. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 332 GM58(i)
83 A First Hand Book Of Medical Instruments Bhowmik, A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 351 GM59®
84 Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 467 GM60®
85 Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 148 GM60(I-1)
86 Clinical Neuroanatomy Snell, Richard S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 496 GM61(i)
87 Text Book Of Human Neuro-Anatomy Singh, Inderbir 4th Ed. Acc No - 471 GM62®
88 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 519 GM63®
89 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 539 GM63(I-1)
90 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 700 GM63(I-2)
91 Under Graduate Surgery Nan, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 904 GM63(I-3)
92 Medicine For Students Golwalla, Aspi F. 21st Ed. Acc No - 527 GM64®
Bailey & Love's : Short Practice of Surgery (Chapter 1 to 33) +
93 Russell, R. C. G. 24th Ed. Acc No - 521 GM65(R1+R2+R3)
(Chapter 34 to 60) + (Chapter 61 to 81)
94 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No - 507 GM66®
95 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No - 537 GM66(I-1)
96 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No - 701 GM66(I-2)
97 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No - 760 GM66(I-3)
98 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No - 896 GM66(I-4)
99 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 6th Ed. Acc No -972 GM66(I-5)
100 Oxorn-Foote Human Labor & Birth Oxorn, Harry 5th Ed. Acc No - 506 GM67®
101 Text Book Of Gynaecology : Including Contraception Dutta, D. C. 4th Ed. Acc No - 497 GM68®
Manual Of Practical Physiology For Physical Therapy,
102 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1447 GM69®
Occupational Therapy, MLT & Other Allied Courses
Manual Of Practical Physiology For Physical Therapy,
103 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1866 GM69(I)
Occupational Therapy, MLT & Other Allied Courses
104 Practical Gynecology And Obstetrics 3rd Ed. Acc No - 503 GM70®
Shashank V.
105 Practical Surgery 2nd Ed. Acc No - 502 GM71®
Shashank V.
106 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 2nd Ed. Acc No - 492 GM72(I-1)
107 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 2nd Ed. Acc No - 765 GM72(I-2)
108 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 2nd Ed. Acc No - 898 GM72(I-3)
109 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 509 GM73(I-1)
110 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 644 GM73(I-2)
111 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 523 GM74(I-1)
112 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 645 GM74(I-2)
113 Review Of Medical Physiology Ganong, William F. 22nd Ed. Acc No - 508 GM75®
114 Text Book Of Medical Biochemistry Chatterjea, M. N. 6th Ed. Acc No - 505 GM76®
115 Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Murray, Robert K. 26th Ed. Acc No - 518 GM77®
116 Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry Champe, Pamela C. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 501 GM78®
117 McMinn's Color Atlas Of Human Anatomy Abrahams, Peter H. 5th Ed. Acc No - 500 GM79®
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
118 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 474 GM80®
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
119 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 641 GM80(I-1)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
120 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 697 GM80(I-2)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb, Abdomen
121 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 473 GM81®
And Pelvis
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb, Abdomen
122 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 642 GM81(I-1)
And Pelvis
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb, Abdomen
123 Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 698 GM81(I-2)
And Pelvis
124 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 472 GM82®
125 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 643 GM82(I-1)
126 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 699 GM82(I-2)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
127 Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 476 GM83(I-1)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
128 Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 378 GM83(I-2)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
129 Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 777 GM83(I-3)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb And
130 Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 515 GM84(I-1)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb, Abdomen
131 Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 778 GM84(I-2)
And Pelvis
132 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 417 GM85(I-1)
133 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 241 GM85(I-2)
134 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3, Head, Neck & Brain Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 779 GM85(I-3)
135 de Gruchy's Clinical Haematology in Medical Practice Firkin, Frank 5th Ed. Acc No - 526 GM86®
136 Principles Of Forensic Medicine Nandy, Apurba 2nd Ed. Acc No - 504 GM87®
137 Haematology Pujari, Nandan R. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 475 GM88®
138 API Text Book Of Medicine Sainani, G. S. 5th Ed. Acc No - 520 GM89(i)
139 Singhal's Forensic Medicine & Jurisprudence Singhal, S. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 499 GM90®
Eroschenko, Victor
140 diFlore's Atlas of Histology With Functional Correlations 10th Ed. Acc No - 531 GM91®
141 Hand Book Of Leprosy Jopling, W. H. 5th Ed. Acc No - 493 GM92®
142 Knowledge Update Programme - TRS Vol- 1 Acc No - 146 GM93®
Complation Of Published Research Papers And Research Articles
143 VYASA Acc No - 100 GM94®
Of VYAS, Vol - II
Virology : A Condensed Review For the Students Of Medicine &
144 Nair, Shilpa U. Acc No - 511 GM95®
145 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 893 GM96(I-1)
146 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1578 GM96(I-2)
147 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 513 GM96(I-3)
148 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1802 GM96(I-4)
149 Leprosy For Medical Practitioners & Paramedical Workers Yawalkar, S. J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 290 GM97®
150 Leprosy For Medical Practitioners & Paramedical Workers Yawalkar, S. J. 6th Ed. Acc No - 514 GM98(i)
151 Anatomy And Physiology For Physiotherapists Moffat, D. B. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 528 GM99®
Behrman, Richard
152 Nelson Text Book Of Pediatrics 17th Ed. Acc No - 522 GM100®
153 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 5th Ed. Acc No - 517 GM101(i)
154 Hutchison's Clinical Methods Mason, Stuart 17th Ed. Acc No - 524 GM102®
155 Text Book Of Human Osteology Singh, Inderbir Acc No - 530 GM103®
156 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1452 GM104(i)
157 Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay 5th Ed. Acc No - 328 GM105®
158 Abnormal Psychology And Modern Life Carson, Robert C. 9th Ed. Acc No - 533 GM106®
159 Concise Medical Physiology Chaudhuri, Sujit K. Acc No - 544 GM107(i)
160 Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students Snell, Richard S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 337 GM108(i)
161 Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics : Vol - 1 Satoskar, R. S. 13th Ed. Acc No - 192 GM109(i)
162 Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics : Vol - 2 Satoskar, R. S. 13th Ed. Acc No - 173 GM110(i)
163 Y. M. Bhende's General Pathology : Vol -1 Bhende, Y. M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 193 GM111(i)
164 Y. M. Bhende's General Pathology : Vol -2 Bhende, Y. M. 5th Ed. Acc No - 196 GM112(i)
165 Surface And Radiological Anatomy Halim, A. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1556 GM113®
166 MCQ's in Human Anatomy Chopade, D. K. Acc No - 2036 GM114®
167 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 6th Ed. Acc No - 333 GM115(I-1)
168 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 6th Ed. Acc No - 703 GM115(I-2)
169 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 6th Ed. Acc No - 1588 GM115(I-3)
170 Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 9th Ed. Acc No - 535 GM116(i1 + i2)
171 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1404 GM116(I-3)
172 Prevention Of Mental Handicap In Developing Countries Lingam, S. Acc No - 391 GM117®
Psychiatry For Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy : Based on
173 Bhatia, M. S. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1557 GM118®
Revised Syllabus
174 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 15th Ed. Acc No - 377 GM119(i)
175 Concise Medical Physiology Chaudhuri, Sujit K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 379 GM120(i)
176 Atlas Of Anatomy Tank, Patrick W. Acc No - 479 GM121®
177 Pediatrics For Medical Graduates 1st Ed. Acc No - 1517 GM122®
Arun Babu
Textbook of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology : A
178 Godkar, Praful B. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1500 GM123®
comprehensive Clinical Approach With Theory and Practicals
179 Microbiology For Physiotherapy Students Nagoba, B. S. Acc No - 652 GM124®
180 Microbiology For Physiotherapy Students Nagoba, B. S. Acc No - 334 GM124(i)
181 Psychiatric Rehabilitation : A Practical Guide Ekdawi, Mounir Y. Acc No - 352 GM125®
182 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 5th Ed. Acc No - 494 GM126(I-1)
183 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 5th Ed. Acc No - 243 GM126(I-2)
184 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 5th Ed. Acc No - 792 GM126(I-3)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
185 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 197 GM127R1
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
186 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 198 GM127R2
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
187 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 199 GM127R3
Duderstadt, Karen
188 Pediatric Physical Examination : An Illustrated Hand Book Acc No - 209 GM128®
189 Text Book of Microbiology 5th Ed. Acc No - 253 GM129(i)
190 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 306 GM130(i)
191 Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine : Vol -1 Braunwald, Eugene 11th Ed. Acc No - 160 GM131R1
192 Harrison's Principles Of Internal Medicine : Vol -2 Braunwald, Eugene 11th Ed. Acc No - 381 GM131R2
193 C. C. Chatterjee's Human Physiology (Vol-1) John, Nitin Ashok 13th Ed. Acc No - 1558 GM132®
194 C. C. Chatterjee's Human Physiology (Vol-2) John, Nitin Ashok 13th Ed. Acc No - 1559 GM133®
195 The Foot in Diabetes Boulton, J. M. 4th Ed. Acc No - 169 GM134®
196 Manual Of Medical Therapeutics Woodley, Michele 27th Ed. Acc No - 147 GM135®
197 CIMS : Antimicrobial Guide Acc No - 383 GM136®
198 ADA / PDR Medications For The Treatment Of Diabetes White, John R. Acc No - 170 GM137®
199 Drugs & Dosages : A Quick Glance : Vol - 2 Acc No - 171 GM138®
200 Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome Darnley, Simon Acc No - 172 GM139®
201 A Guide To National Leprosy Eradication Program For Doctors Gupta, S. C. Acc No - 102 GM140®
202 Drugs For The Heart Opie, Lionel H. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 336 GM141®
203 Human Genetics Gangane, S. D. Acc No - 216 GM142®
204 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 221 GM143(I)
205 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 215 GM144(I-1)
206 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 214 GM144(I-2)
207 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 776 GM144(I-3)
208 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No -969 GM144(I-4)
209 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 791 GM144(I-5)
210 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1256 GM144(I-6)
211 Text Book of Human Neuro-Anatomy Singh, Inderbir 6th Ed. Acc No - 784 GM145®
212 Practical ENT Prabhat, Divya 2nd Ed. Acc No - 292 GM146®
213 Text Book of Microbiology 6th Ed. Acc No - 540 GM147(i)
214 Fundamentals Of Medical Physiology Sing, Harminder 1st Ed. Acc No - 1516 GM148®
215 Essentials Of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1581 GM149(I)
216 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 927 GM150®
217 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 538 GM150(I-1)
218 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 761 GM150(I-2)
219 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No -971 GM150(I-3)
220 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 534 GM150(I-4)
221 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 532 GM150(I-5)
222 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 928 GM150(I-6)
223 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1813 GM150(I-7)
224 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1814 GM150(I-8)
225 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1815 GM150(I-9)
226 Introduction to Psychology Morgan, Clifford T. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1816 GM150(I-10)
227 Clinical Photographic Dissector Of The Human Body Loukas, Marios 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1511 GM151®
228 Concise Medical Physiology Chaudhuri, Sujit K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 268 GM152(i)
229 Shaw's Text Book Of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 13th Ed. Acc No - 536 GM153(i)
230 Win Over Diabetes Jain Rohit Acc No - 382 GM154®
231 Essential Pathology for Physiotherapy Students Mohan, Harsh 1st Ed. Acc No - 1507 GM155®
232 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 3rd Ed. Acc No - 163 GM156(i)
233 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 1 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1505 GM157®
234 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 1 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1729 GM157(I-1)
235 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 1 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1731 GM157(I-2)
236 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 1 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1733 GM157(I-3)
237 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 2 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1506 GM158®
238 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 2 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1730 GM158(I-1)
239 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 2 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1732 GM158(I-2)
240 Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology : Vol - 2 Pal, Gopal Krushna 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1734 GM158(I-3)
241 Rheumatology : Vol - 1 Klippel, John H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 154 GM159R1
242 Rheumatology : Vol - 2 Klippel, John H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 155 GM159R2
243 Kelley's Text Book Of Rheumatology : Vol - 1 Ruddy, Shaun 6th Ed. Acc No - 347 GM160R1
244 Kelley's Text Book Of Rheumatology : Vol - 2 Ruddy, Shaun 6th Ed. Acc No - 348 GM160R2
Caring for the Patient with Cancer At Home : A Guide for Patients
245 Cassileth, Barrie R. Acc No - 296 GM161®
& Families
Belekar, Dnyanesh
246 Case Clinics In General Surgery 1st Ed. Acc No - 463 GM162®
247 Pharmacology For Physiotherapist Sharma, H. L. Acc No - 480 GM163®
248 Pharmacology For Physiotherapist Sharma, H. L. Acc No - 1525 GM163(I-1)
249 Pharmacology For Physiotherapist Sharma, H. L. Acc No - 1526 GM163(I-2)
250 Pharmacology For Physiotherapist Sharma, H. L. Acc No - 1527 GM163(I-3)
251 Pharmacology For Physiotherapist Sharma, H. L. Acc No - 1528 GM163(I-4)
Biochemistry For Physiotherapy And Allied Health Sciences
252 Shetty, Beena V. Acc No - 541 GM164®
253 Manual Of Practical Medicine Alagappan, R. 4th Ed. Acc No - 384 GM165®
254 Essentials of Medical Microbiology Sastry, Apurba S. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1509 GM166®
255 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 4th Ed. Acc No - 596 GM167®
Human Physiology And Biochemistry For Physical Therapy &
256 Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1449 GM168®
Occupational Therapy
257 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 598 GM169®
258 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1699 GM169(I-1)
259 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1700 GM169(I-2)
260 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1701 GM169(I-3)
261 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1702 GM169(I-4)
262 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1703 GM169(I-5)
263 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1704 GM169(I-6)
264 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1705 GM169(I-7)
265 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1706 GM169(I-8)
266 Mahajan & Gupta Textbook Of Preventive And Social Medicine Roy, Rabindra Nath 4th Ed. Acc No - 1707 GM169(I-9)
267 Gray's Anatomy : The Anatomical Basis Of Clinical Practice Standring, Susan 40th Ed. Acc No - 599 GM170®
268 Concise Microbiology Baveja, C. P. Acc No - 611 GM171®
269 A Text Book of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Wani, Imtiyaz Acc No - 614 GM172®
270 A Text Book of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Wani, Imtiyaz Acc No - 889 GM172(i)
A Text Book of Medical Biochemistry (For BPT & BDS Students as
271 Randhawa, S. S. Acc No - 615 GM173®
per Syllabus)
272 Tutorials in Pediatric Differential Diagnosis Field, David 2nd Ed. Acc No - 621 GM174®
273 Text Book of Microbiology 9th Ed. Acc No - 624 GM175®
274 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay 9th Ed. Acc No - 635 GM176®
275 Text Book of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 7th Ed. Acc No - 629 GM177®
276 Revision Exercise Based on Textbook Of Biochemistry Vasudevan, D. M. 7th Ed. Acc No - 630 GM178®
277 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 3rd Ed. Acc No - 628 GM179®
278 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 2nd Ed. Acc No - 653 GM180®
279 Text Book of Human Neuro-Anatomy ( Fundamental & Clinical ) Singh, Inderbir 8th Ed. Acc No - 633 GM181®
280 Textbook Of Anatomy : Upper Limb & Thorax ( Vol -1 ) Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1512 GM182®
281 Textbook Of Anatomy : Abdomen & Lower Limb ( Vol -2 ) Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1513 GM183®
282 Textbook Of Anatomy : Head, Neck & Brain ( Vol -3 ) Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1514 GM184®
General Anatomy With Systemic Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy,
283 Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1515 GM185®
Medical Genetics
Textbook of General Anatomy With Systemic Anatomy,
284 Devi, V. Subhadra 1st Ed. Acc No - 1501 GM186®
Radiological Anatomy
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Anatomy : Upper Limb, Thorax - Vol-
285 Devi, V. Subhadra 7th Ed. Acc No - 1502 GM187®
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Anatomy : Lower Limb, Abdomen &
286 Devi, V. Subhadra 7th Ed. Acc No - 1503 GM188®
Pelvis - Vol-2
Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Anatomy : Head & Neck,
287 Devi, V. Subhadra 7th Ed. Acc No - 1504 GM189®
Neuroanatomy - Vol-3
288 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 648 GM190®
289 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1539 GM190(I-1)
290 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1540 GM190(I-2)
291 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1541 GM190(I-3)
292 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1817 GM190(I-4)
293 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1818 GM190(I-5)
294 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1819 GM190(I-6)
295 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1820 GM190(I-7)
296 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1821 GM190(I-8)
297 Munn's Introduction to Psychology Fernald, L. Dodge 5th Ed. Acc No - 1822 GM190(I-9)
298 Essentials of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 649 GM191®
299 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections with MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 6th Ed. Acc No - 671 GM192®
300 Berne & Levy Physiology Koeppen, Bruce M. 6th Ed. Acc No - 672 GM193®
World Health
301 Standards For TB Care In India Organization - Acc No - 679 GM194®
302 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 12th Ed. Acc No - 1801 GM195®
303 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Guyton, Arthur C. 12th Ed. Acc No - 692 GM196®
304 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 696 GM197®
305 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 5th Ed. Acc No - 1508 GM198®
306 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1529 GM199®
307 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1530 GM199(I-1)
308 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1531 GM199(I-2)
309 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1532 GM199(I-3)
310 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1533 GM199(I-4)
311 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1823 GM199(I-5)
312 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1824 GM199(I-6)
313 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1825 GM199(I-7)
314 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1826 GM199(I-8)
315 A Handbook Of Psychiatry Shah, L. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1827 GM199(I-9)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
316 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1546 GM200®
Hurlock, Elizabeth
317 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1547 GM200(I-1)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
318 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1548 GM200(I-2)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
319 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1549 GM200(I-3)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
320 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1550 GM200(I-4)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
321 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1670 GM200(I-5)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
322 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1671 GM200(I-6)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
323 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1672 GM200(I-7)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
324 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1673 GM200(I-8)
Hurlock, Elizabeth
325 Developmental Psychology : A Life Span Approach 5th Ed. Acc No - 1674 GM200(I-9)
326 Textbook of Pathology For Physiotherapy Mandal, A. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1552 GM201®
327 Textbook of Pathology For Physiotherapy Mandal, A. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1553 GM201(I-1)
328 Textbook of Pathology For Physiotherapy Mandal, A. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1869 GM201(I-2)
329 Textbook of Pathology For Physiotherapy Mandal, A. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1870 GM201(I-3)
330 Textbook of Pathology For Physiotherapy Mandal, A. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1871 GM201(I-4)
331 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1554 GM202®
332 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1555 GM202(I-1)
333 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1865 GM202(I-2)
334 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 5th Ed. Acc No - 702 GM203(i)
335 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 22nd Ed. Acc No - 826 GM204®
336 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 20th Ed. Acc No - 704 GM205(I-1)
337 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 20th Ed. Acc No - 908 GM205(I-2)
338 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 14th Ed. Acc No - 705 GM206(i)
339 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 5th Ed. Acc No - 706 GM207(I-1)
340 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 5th Ed. Acc No - 444 GM207(I-2)
341 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 5th Ed. Acc No - 764 GM207(I-3)
342 Textbook of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 5th Ed. Acc No - 897 GM207(I-4)
Hutchison's Clinical Methods : An Integrated Approach to Clinical
343 Glynn, Michael 23rd Ed. Acc No - 743 GM208®
344 Robbins and Cotran : Pathologic Basis of Disease Kumar, Vinay 7th Ed. Acc No - 755 GM209(i)
345 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 14th Ed. Acc No - 756 GM210(i)
346 Differential Diagnosis Of Common Complaints Seller, Robert H. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1638 GM211®
347 Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Mathew, K. George 6th Ed. Acc No - 1641 GM212®
348 Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Mathew, K. George 6th Ed. Acc No - 1642 GM212(I-1)
349 Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Mathew, K. George 6th Ed. Acc No - 1643 GM212(I-2)
350 Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Mathew, K. George 6th Ed. Acc No - 2063 GM212(I-3)
351 Medicine : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Mathew, K. George 6th Ed. Acc No - 2064 GM212(I-4)
352 Manual of Rheumatology Rao, U. R. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1626 GM213®
353 Rheumatology : In Primary Care Wagh, Shrikant 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1627 GM214®
354 Textbook of Medical Physiology Khurana, Indu Acc No - 758 GM215(i1+i2)
355 Text Book of Microbiology 7th Ed. Acc No - 762 GM216(i)
356 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 763 GM217(I-1)
357 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 871 GM217(I-2)
358 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 4th Ed. Acc No - 445 GM218(I)
359 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 1st Ed. Acc No - 438 GM219(I)
360 P. J. Mehta's Common Medical Symptoms Mehta, Nihar 7th Ed. Acc No - 1649 GM220®
361 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 773 GM221(i)
362 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 774 GM222(i)
363 Fundamentals of Biochemistry Deb, A. R. 8th Ed. Acc No - 775 GM223®
364 Singhal's Biochemistry Singhal, Leela 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1647 GM224®
365 Singhal's Biochemistry : Case Studies Singhal, Leela 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1648 GM225®
366 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 1st Ed. Acc No - 780 GM226®
Kamath, Sandhya
367 API Text Book Of Medicine Vol-1 11th Ed. Acc No - 1749 GM227®
Kamath, Sandhya
368 API Text Book Of Medicine Vol-1 11th Ed. Acc No - 1751 GM227(I-1)
Kamath, Sandhya
369 API Text Book Of Medicine Vol-2 11th Ed. Acc No - 1750 GM228®
Kamath, Sandhya
370 API Text Book Of Medicine Vol-2 11th Ed. Acc No - 1752 GM228(I-1)
371 API Text Book Of Medicine Shah, Siddharth N. 7th Ed. Acc No - 781 GM229(I-1)
372 API Text Book Of Medicine Shah, Siddharth N. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1330 GM229(I-2)
373 Essentials Of Microbiology Anuradha, De 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1652 GM230®
374 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 15th Ed. Acc No - 783 GM231(i)
375 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1695 GM232®
376 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1696 GM232(I-1)
377 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1697 GM232(I-2)
378 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1698 GM232(I-3)
379 Textbook of Medical Pharmacology 1st Ed. Acc No - 785 GM233®
380 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 13th Ed. Acc No - 786 GM234(i)
A Manual On Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations &
381 Das, Somen 3rd Ed. Acc No - 787 GM235(i)
Differential Diagnosis
Textbook of Dermatology : Including Sexually Transmitted
382 Shrivastava, S. B. Acc No - 1450 GM236®
Infections And Leprosy
383 An Illustrated Handbook of Skin & Sexually Transmitted Diseases Khopkar, Uday 2nd Ed. Acc No - 789 GM237(i)

384 Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Murray, Robert K. 29th Ed. Acc No - 627 GM238®

385 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1340 GM239®
386 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1341 GM239(I-1)
387 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1853 GM239(I-2)
388 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1854 GM239(I-3)
389 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1855 GM239(I-4)
390 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1856 GM239(I-5)
391 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1857 GM239(I-6)
392 Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections With MCQ's Khopkar, Uday 7th Ed. Acc No - 1858 GM239(I-7)
393 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 793 GM240®
394 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 794 GM240(I-1)
395 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 1407 GM240(I-2)
396 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 1423 GM240(I-3)
397 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 1424 GM240(I-4)
398 A Short Text Book Of Psychiatry Ahuja, Niraj 7th Ed. Acc No - 1425 GM240(I-5)
399 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 795 GM241®
400 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 796 GM241(I-1)
401 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 831 GM241(I-2)
402 Text & Practical Physiology For MLT Jain, A. K. Acc No - 1448 GM242®
403 Anatomy Prep Manual : Last Minute Revision In Anatomy Bhave, Shailesh N. 1at Ed. Acc No - 1651 GM243®
404 Atlas Of Human Anatomy Netter, Frank H. 5th Ed. Acc No - 827 GM244®
405 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 828 GM245®
406 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 978 GM245(I-1)
407 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1401 GM245(I-2)
408 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 757 GM245(I-3)
409 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 2) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 829 GM246®
410 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 2) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No -979 GM246(I-1)
411 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 2) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1402 GM246(I-2)
412 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 2) Shah, Siddharth N. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1634 GM246(I-3)
413 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 8th Ed. Acc No - 830 GM247®
414 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1091 GM247(I-1)
415 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 8th Ed. Acc No - 2047 GM247(I-2)
416 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Paul, Vinod 9th Ed. Acc No - 1833 GM248®
417 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Paul, Vinod 9th Ed. Acc No - 1834 GM248(I-1)
418 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Paul, Vinod 9th Ed. Acc No - 2035 GM248(I-2)
419 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 6th Ed. Acc No - 832 GM249(I-1)
420 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 6th Ed. Acc No - 1408 GM249(I-2)
421 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 6th Ed. Acc No - 1575 GM249(I-3)
422 Textbook of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 6th Ed. Acc No - 874 GM249(I-4)
423 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 3rd Ed. Acc No - 833 GM250(I-1)
424 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1409 GM250(I-2)
425 Pathology Quick Review And MCQ's Mohan, Harsh 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1576 GM250(I-3)
426 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 834 GM251®
427 B. D. Chaurasia's Hand Book Of General Anatomy Chaurasia, B. D. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1577 GM251(I-1)
428 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 20th Ed. Acc No - 835 GM252®
429 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 7th Ed. Acc No - 836 GM253®
430 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 7th Ed. Acc No - 905 GM253(I-1)
431 Text Book of Obstetrics : Including Perinatology & Contraception Dutta, D. C. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1406 GM253(I-2)
432 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, K. 8th Ed. Acc No - 837 GM254®
433 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 21st Ed. Acc No - 1691 GM255®
434 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 21st Ed. Acc No - 1692 GM255(I-1)
435 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 21st Ed. Acc No - 1693 GM255(I-2)
436 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 21st Ed. Acc No - 1694 GM255(I-3)
437 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1835 GM256®
438 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1836 GM256(I-1)
439 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1837 GM256(I-2)
440 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1838 GM256(I-3)
441 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1839 GM256(I-4)
442 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1840 GM256(I-5)
443 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1841 GM256(I-6)
444 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1842 GM256(I-7)
445 Pediatric Clinical Methods Singh, Meharban 6th Ed. Acc No - 1843 GM256(I-8)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1, Upper Limb and
446 Chaurasia, B. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 840 GM257®
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2,Lower Limb, Abdomen
447 Chaurasia, B. D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 841 GM258®
And Pelvis
448 Human Physiology And Biochemistry For Physiotherapy Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1867 GM259®
449 Human Physiology And Biochemistry For Physiotherapy Jain, A. K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1868 GM259(I)
450 Essentials of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 872 GM260(I)
451 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 873 GM261(I-1)
452 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1630 GM261(I-2)
453 Prep Manual for Undergraduates : Medicine Mathew, K. George 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1881 GM262(I)
454 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy Chakraborty, N. 1st Ed. Acc No - 894 GM263®
455 Textbook of Microbiology Baveja, C. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 885 GM264®
456 Textbook of Microbiology Baveja, C. P. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1405 GM264(i)
457 A Text Book of Pharmacology for Physiotherapy Singh Uppal, P. P. Acc No - 890 GM265®
Skin Diseases & Sexually Transmitted Infections with an Update
458 Khopkar, Uday 5th Ed. Acc No - 891 GM266(i)
on HIV Infection
459 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 14th Ed. Acc No - 892 GM267(i)
460 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1580 GM268®
461 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Srivastava, S. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1872 GM269®
462 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Srivastava, S. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1873 GM269(I)
Short Textbook Of Pharmacology For Dental & Allied Health Udaykumar,
463 1st Ed. Acc No - 1882 GM270®
Sciences Padmaja
464 Pharmacology For Medical Graduates Shanbhag, Tara V. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1946 GM271®
465 Pharmacology For Medical Graduates Shanbhag, Tara V. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1947 GM271(I-1)
466 Pharmacology For Medical Graduates Shanbhag, Tara V. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1948 GM271(I-2)
467 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 2045 GM272®
468 Textbook of Microbiology Baveja, C. P. 4th Ed. Acc No - 2048 GM273®
A Manual on Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations &
469 Das, Somen 8th Ed. Acc No - 906 GM274(i)
Differential Diagnosis
470 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 19th Ed. Acc No - 907 GM275(I-1)
471 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 19th Ed. Acc No - 1257 GM275(I-2)
472 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 19th Ed. Acc No - 1579 GM275(I-3)
473 Atlas Of Human Anatomy Netter, Frank H. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1884 GM276(I)
474 Kelley's Text Book Of Rheumatology : Vol - 1 Firestein, Gary S. 8th Ed. Acc No - 909 GM277®
475 Kelley's Text Book Of Rheumatology : Vol - 2 Firestein, Gary S. 8th Ed. Acc No - 910 GM278®
Golwalla's Medicine For Students : A Reference Book For The
476 Golwalla, Aspi F. 25th Ed. Acc No - 923 GM279®
Family Physician
Golwalla's Medicine For Students : A Reference Book For The
477 Golwalla, Aspi F. 25th Ed. Acc No - 924 GM279(I)
Family Physician
478 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 925 GM280®
479 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 926 GM280(I-1)
480 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1453 GM280(I-2)
481 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1454 GM280(I-3)
482 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1455 GM280(I-4)
483 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1456 GM280(I-5)
484 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1457 GM280(I-6)
485 Practical Physiology Joshi, Vijaya D. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1458 GM280(I-7)
486 Psychology For Physiotherapy Mangal, S. K. 1st Ed. Acc No - 2049 GM281®
487 Seidel's Guide to Physical Examination Ball, Jane W. 8th Ed. Acc No - 940 GM282®
488 Davidson's Principles & Practice Of Medicine Ralston, Stuart H. 23rd Ed. Acc No - 2065 GM283®
489 Davidson's Principles & Practice Of Medicine Ralston, Stuart H. 23rd Ed. Acc No - 2066 GM283(I)
490 Complete Microbiology for MBBS Baveja, C. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2077 GM284®
491 Complete Microbiology for MBBS Baveja, C. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 2078 GM284(I)
A Manual on Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations &
492 Das, Somen 5th Ed. Acc No -970 GM285(I)
Differential Diagnosis
493 Davidson's Principles & Practice Of Medicine Boon, Nicholas 20th Ed. Acc No - 1809 GM286(I-1)
494 Davidson's Principles & Practice Of Medicine Boon, Nicholas 20th Ed. Acc No - 1810 GM286(I-2)
495 Text Book Of Human Neuroanatomy Singh, Inderbir 7th Ed. Acc No - 1803 GM287(I)
496 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No -973 GM288(I)
497 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 2nd Ed. Acc No -974 GM289(I)
498 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 15th Ed. Acc No -977 GM290®
499 Howkins & Bourne Show's Textbook of Gynaecology Padubidri, V. G. 15th Ed. Acc No - 1400 GM290(I)
500 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Munjal, Y. P. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1585 GM291®
501 API Text Book Of Medicine (Volume - 1) Munjal, Y. P. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1586 GM292®
502 Anatomy for MLT & Other Allied Courses Chauhan, Renu Acc No - 1451 GM293®
Shenoy, K.
503 Manipal Manual Of Surgery 4th Ed. Acc No -984 GM294®
504 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1056 GM295®
505 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1057 GM295(I-1)
506 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1058 GM295(I-2)
507 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 5th Ed. Acc No - 2033 GM295(I-3)
508 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1059 GM296®
509 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1414 GM296(I-1)
510 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1415 GM296(I-2)
511 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1416 GM296(I-3)
512 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1417 GM296(I-4)
513 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1418 GM296(I-5)
514 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1419 GM296(I-6)
515 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1420 GM296(I-7)
516 Pharmacology For Physiotherapy Students 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1421 GM296(I-8)
517 Essentials Of Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1060 GM297®
518 Essentials Of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1061 GM298®
519 Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine Walker, Brian R. 22nd Ed. Acc No - 1086 GM299®
520 Davidson's Principles And Practice of Medicine Walker, Brian R. 22nd Ed. Acc No - 1087 GM299(I)
521 Textbook of Medical Physiology Khurana, Indu 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1088 GM300®
522 Pharmacology For Medical Graduates Shanbhag, Tara V. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1089 GM301®
523 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1090 GM302(I-1)
524 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1403 GM302(I-2)
525 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1583 GM302(I-3)
526 Ghai : Essential Pediatrics Ghai, O. P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1800 GM302(I-4)
527 Ananthanarayan & Paniker's : Text Book of Microbiology 8th Ed. Acc No - 1584 GM303®
528 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1105 GM304®
529 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1106 GM304(I-1)
530 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1107 GM304(I-2)
531 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1108 GM304(I-3)
532 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1109 GM304(I-4)
533 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1110 GM304(I-5)
534 Clinical Anatomy By Regions Snell, Richard S. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1111 GM304(I-6)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1 - Upper Limb and
535 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1112 GM305®
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1 - Upper Limb and
536 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1113 GM305(I-1)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1 - Upper Limb and
537 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1114 GM305(I-2)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 1 - Upper Limb and
538 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1115 GM305(I-3)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2 - Lower Limb,
539 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1116 GM306®
Abdomen & Pelvis
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2 - Lower Limb,
540 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1117 GM306(I-1)
Abdomen & Pelvis
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2 - Lower Limb,
541 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1118 GM306(I-2)
Abdomen & Pelvis
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 2 - Lower Limb,
542 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1119 GM306(I-3)
Abdomen & Pelvis
543 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3 - Head & Neck Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1120 GM307®
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 4 - Brain -
544 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1121 GM308®
545 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3 - Head & Neck Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1122 GM307(I-1)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 4 - Brain -
546 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1123 GM308(I-1)
547 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3 - Head & Neck Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1124 GM307(I-2)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 4 - Brain -
548 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1125 GM308(I-2)
549 B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 3 - Head & Neck Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1126 GM307(I-3)
B. D. Chaurasia's Human Anatomy : Vol - 4 - Brain -
550 Chaurasia, B. D. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1127 GM308(I-3)
551 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1138 GM309®
552 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1139 GM309(I-1)
553 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1140 GM309(I-2)
554 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1141 GM309(I-3)
555 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1142 GM309(I-4)
556 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1143 GM309(I-5)
557 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1144 GM309(I-6)
558 Inderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Neuroanatomy Bhuiyan, Pritha S. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1145 GM309(I-7)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
559 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1146 GM310®
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
560 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1147 GM310(I-1)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
561 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1148 GM310(I-2)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
562 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1149 GM310(I-3)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
563 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1150 GM310(I-4)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
564 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1151 GM310(I-5)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
565 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1152 GM310(I-6)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
566 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1153 GM310(I-7)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 1 : Upper And Lower
567 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1154 GM310(I-8)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
568 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1155 GM311®
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
569 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1156 GM311(I-1)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
570 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1157 GM311(I-2)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
571 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1158 GM311(I-3)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
572 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1159 GM311(I-4)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
573 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1160 GM311(I-5)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
574 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1161 GM311(I-6)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
575 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1162 GM311(I-7)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 2 : Thorax, Abdomen &
576 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1163 GM311(I-8)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
577 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1164 GM312®
578 Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1165 GM312(I-1)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
579 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1166 GM312(I-2)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
580 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1167 GM312(I-3)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
581 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1168 GM312(I-4)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
582 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1169 GM312(I-5)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
583 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1170 GM312(I-6)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
584 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1171 GM312(I-7)
Kadasne's Text Book of Anatomy : Vol - 3 : Head, Neck, Face And
585 Kadasne, D. K. Acc No - 1172 GM312(I-8)
586 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1173 GM313®
587 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1174 GM313(I-1)
588 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1175 GM313(I-2)
589 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1176 GM313(I-3)
590 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1177 GM313(I-4)
591 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1178 GM313(I-5)
592 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1179 GM313(I-6)
593 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1180 GM313(I-7)
594 Textbook of Clinical Neuroanatomy Singh, Vishram 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1181 GM313(I-8)
595 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1182 GM314®
596 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1183 GM314(I-1)
597 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1184 GM314(I-2)
598 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1185 GM314(I-3)
599 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1186 GM314(I-4)
600 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1187 GM314(I-5)
601 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1188 GM314(I-6)
602 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1189 GM314(I-7)
603 Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Vasudevan, D. M. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1190 GM314(I-8)
604 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1191 GM315®
605 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1192 GM315(I-1)
606 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1193 GM315(I-2)
607 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1194 GM315(I-3)
608 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1195 GM315(I-4)
609 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1196 GM315(I-5)
610 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1197 GM315(I-6)
611 Biochemistry Naik, Pankaja 4th Ed. Acc No - 1198 GM315(I-7)
612 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1227 GM316®
613 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1228 GM316(I-1)
614 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1229 GM316(I-2)
615 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1230 GM316(I-3)
616 Guyton & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Hall, John E. 2nd Ed. Acc No - 1231 GM316(I-4)
617 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1232 GM317®
618 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1233 GM317(I-1)
619 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1234 GM317(I-2)
620 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1235 GM317(I-3)
621 Biochemistry Satyanarayana, U. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1236 GM317(I-4)
622 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1241 GM318®
623 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1242 GM319®
624 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1243 GM318(I-1)
625 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1244 GM319(I-1)
626 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1245 GM318(I-2)
627 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1246 GM319(I-2)
628 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1247 GM318(I-3)
629 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1248 GM319(I-3)
630 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1249 GM318(I-4)
631 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1250 GM319(I-4)
632 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 1 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1251 GM318(I-5)
633 Text Book Of Physiology, Vol - 2 Jain, A. K. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1252 GM319(I-5)
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635 Textbook of Medical Physiology Khurana, Indu 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1784 GM320(I-1)
636 Textbook of Medical Physiology Khurana, Indu 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1785 GM320(I-2)
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639 Human Anatomy And Physiology - I Randhawa, S. S. Acc No - 1262 GM323®
640 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1268 GM324®
641 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1269 GM324(I-1)
642 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1270 GM324(I-2)
643 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1271 GM324(I-3)
644 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 9th Ed. Acc No - 1318 GM324(I-4)
645 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1786 GM324(I-5)
646 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1787 GM324(I-6)
647 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1788 GM324(I-7)
648 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1789 GM324(I-8)
649 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Thorax And Abdomen) Vol - 1 Datta, A. K. 10th Ed. Acc No - 1790 GM324(I-9)
650 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1276 GM325®
651 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1277 GM325(I-1)
652 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1278 GM325(I-2)
653 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1279 GM325(I-3)
654 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1308 GM325(I-4)
655 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Head & Neck) Vol - 2 Datta, A. K. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1660 GM325(I-5)
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Essentials of Human Anatomy (Superior And Inferior Extremities)
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Essentials of Human Anatomy (Superior And Inferior Extremities)
661 Datta, A. K. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1273 GM326(I-1)
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Essentials of Human Anatomy (Superior And Inferior Extremities)
668 Datta, A. K. 5th Ed. Acc No - 1668 GM326(I-8)
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670 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1280 GM327®
671 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1281 GM327(I-1)
672 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1282 GM327(I-2)
673 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1283 GM327(I-3)
674 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1310 GM327(I-4)
675 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1791 GM327(I-5)
676 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1792 GM327(I-6)
677 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1793 GM327(I-7)
678 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1794 GM327(I-8)
679 Essentials of Human Anatomy (Neuro-Anatomy) Vol - 4 Datta, A. K. 4th Ed. Acc No - 1795 GM327(I-9)
680 Samson Wright's Applied Physiology Keele, Cyril A. 13th Ed. Acc No - 1302 GM328®
681 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 18th Ed. Acc No - 1329 GM329(I-1)
682 P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine : For Students & Practitioners Mehta, Pradip J. 18th Ed. Acc No - 1807 GM329(I-2)
Shenoy, K.
683 Manipal Manual Of Surgery 5th Ed. Acc No - 2085 GM330®
Shenoy, K.
684 Manipal Manual Of Surgery 5th Ed. Acc No - 2086 GM330(I-1)
685 Clinical Neuroanatomy Snell, Richard S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1359 GM331®
Cunningham, F.
686 Williams Obstetrics 25th Ed. Acc No - 1375 GM332®
687 Obstetrics Illustrated Hanretty, Kevin P. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1376 GM333®
688 Gynaecology Illustrated Bain, Catrina 6th Ed. Acc No - 1377 GM334®
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691 Park's TextBook of Preventive And Social Medicine Park, K. 21th Ed. Acc No - 1399 GM336®
692 Text Book of Pathology Mohan, Harsh 8th Ed. Acc No - 1412 GM337®
693 Pathology Quick Review Mohan, Harsh 5th Ed. Acc No - 1413 GM338®
694 Essentials Of Medical Pharmacology Tripathi, K. D. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1422 GM339®
695 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1426 GM340®
696 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1427 GM340(I-1)
697 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1428 GM340(I-2)
698 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1429 GM340(I-3)
699 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1430 GM340(I-4)
700 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1431 GM340(I-5)
701 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1432 GM340(I-6)
702 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1433 GM340(I-7)
703 Short Textbook Of Psychiatry Bhatia, M. S. 7th Ed. Acc No - 1434 GM340(I-8)
704 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1459 GM341®
705 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1460 GM341(I-1)
706 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1461 GM341(I-2)
707 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1462 GM341(I-3)
708 Physiology : Prep Manual For Undergraduates Joshi, Vijaya D. 6th Ed. Acc No - 1463 GM341(I-4)
709 Berne & Levy Physiology Koeppen, Bruce M. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1464 GM342®
710 Berne & Levy Physiology Koeppen, Bruce M. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1465 GM342(i)
Ananthanarayan & Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology With
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715 Ananthanarayan & Paniker's Textbook of Microbiology With Kanungo, Reba 10th Ed. Acc No - 1470 GM343(I-4)

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717 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1472 GM344(I-1)
718 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1473 GM344(I-2)
719 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1474 GM344(I-3)
720 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1475 GM344(I-4)
721 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1566 GM344(I-5)
722 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1567 GM344(I-6)
723 Textbook of Microbiology for Physiotherapy Baveja, C. P. 1st Ed. Acc No - 1568 GM344(I-7)
Medical Microbiology & Parasitology : Prep Manual for
724 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1476 GM345®
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725 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1477 GM345(I-1)
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726 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1478 GM345(I-2)
Medical Microbiology & Parasitology : Prep Manual for
727 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1479 GM345(I-3)
Medical Microbiology & Parasitology : Prep Manual for
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729 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1481 GM345(I-5)
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730 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1482 GM345(I-6)
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732 Nagoba, B. S. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1510 GM345(I-8)
733 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1484 GM346®
734 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1485 GM346(I-1)
735 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1486 GM346(I-2)
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737 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1488 GM346(I-4)
738 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1489 GM346(I-5)
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740 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1491 GM346(I-7)
741 Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapeutics Satoskar, R. S. 25th Ed. Acc No - 1492 GM346(I-8)
1st Ed.
742 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1493 GM347®
1st Ed.
743 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1494 GM347(I-1)
1st Ed.
744 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1495 GM347(I-2)
1st Ed.
745 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1496 GM347(I-3)
1st Ed.
746 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1497 GM347(I-4)
1st Ed.
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748 Robbins Basic Pathology Kumar, Vinay Acc No - 1499 GM347(I-6)
749 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 10th Ed. Acc No - 1653 GM348®
750 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 10th Ed. Acc No - 1654 GM348(I-1)
751 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 10th Ed. Acc No - 1655 GM348(I-2)
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753 A Concise Text Book Of Surgery Das, Somen 10th Ed. Acc No - 1657 GM348(I-4)
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756 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1708 GM349®
757 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1709 GM349(I-1)
758 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1710 GM349(I-2)
759 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1711 GM349(I-3)
760 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1712 GM349(I-4)
761 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Gynecology Dutta, D. C. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1713 GM349(I-5)
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767 D. C. Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics Dutta, D. C. 9th Ed. Acc No - 2034 GM350(I-2)
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769 Essentials of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1725 GM351(I-1)
770 Essentials of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 8th Ed. Acc No - 1727 GM351(I-2)
771 Essentials of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 8th Ed. Acc No - 2117 GM351(I-3)
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774 Review of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1726 GM352(I-1)
775 Review of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 1728 GM352(I-2)
776 Review of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2118 GM352(I-3)
777 Review of Medical Physiology Sembulingam, K. 3rd Ed. Acc No - 2120 GM352(I-4)
Williams, Norman
778 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 1 27th Ed. Acc No - 1760 GM353®
Williams, Norman
779 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 2 27th Ed. Acc No - 1761 GM354®
Williams, Norman
780 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 1 27th Ed. Acc No - 1762 GM353(I-1)
Williams, Norman
781 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 2 27th Ed. Acc No - 1763 GM354(I-1)
Williams, Norman
782 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 1 27th Ed. Acc No - 1764 GM353(I-2)
Williams, Norman
783 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 2 27th Ed. Acc No - 1765 GM354(I-2)
Williams, Norman
784 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 1 27th Ed. Acc No - 1766 GM353(I-3)
Williams, Norman
785 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 2 27th Ed. Acc No - 1767 GM354(I-3)
Williams, Norman
786 Bailey & Love's : Short Practice Of Surgery Vol - 1 27th Ed. Acc No - 1768 GM353(I-4)
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