Rathubs B.inggris

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Name : Rathu Bintang S

Class : 3-A
NPM : 24081122031

Write an outline for an essay

Outline :
a. Litle : The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Lives
b. Introduction Paragraf
1 Body paragraph:
1. General Statement :
-Interaction in virtual communication
-Social media has become an important aspect of life

2. Thesis Statement :
-The influence of social media on teenagers' lives

c. Body Paragraph :
Topic Sentence :

-Children's growth in the digital era

-Mobile devices and social networks

Supporting Sentence :

-Changes in interactions with parents and peers

-Positive and negative impacts

d. Concluding Paragraph :
-The importance of awareness and self-control
-Challenges and responsibilities of teenagers in using social media
-Emphasize balanced use of social media

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