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62 Presentations 3: audience interaction ME.) losing and dealing with questions ‘Anne-Marie is bringing her presentation (see Unit 61), toa close and invites questions from the audience. These are her answers to some of the questions. That's a fair point. |know that some consultants Well, I think that goes beyond the don't have a very goad image Rut | think that the scope of today’s presentation results from our organization, Gem Consultants, Today wanted to concentrate on speak for themselves. can give you examples of consultants’ skills, not go into enormously reduced costs or increased profits at particular case studies in consultancy. companies that have used our services ... Well, we've run out of time and | think thats a goad placa ta tap. { Pmatraid we've run out of time. But ‘you'd like to come and discuss that. That's not really my field. But | can put you in c i ‘touch with someone in my organization who is with me now, I'll try and give you an ‘working on internet applications. answe’ think that’s a good prace to stop. Thank you for listening. The questioner would like to know what sort of background the people we recruit usually have. Is ‘that right? Well, we recruit some of our consultants straight out of business school, but mainly... BE) intercuttural aspects 2 Avoid mannerisms - irritating wavs of moving and speaking - such as overusing ‘Er. b Be careful with humour. For example, don’t make jokes about peoole in the audience. Dress formally unless you know for sure that the occasion is informal Maintain eye contact by looking round the room at each person inthe audience for about a second, before moving on to the next person, Don't concentrate on just one or two people. © Face the audience at all times: don’t speak to the equipment or the screen, f Remain standing: don’t sit. Stay more or less in one place and don’t move around too much. Smiling is fine at appropriate moments, but not too much it can szem insincere - as if you don’t. mean it. h Use gesture - hand movements - to empha than just one finger. i Respect the audience. Don’t make exaggerated claims - don’t say things are better than they really are. key points. Point with your whole hand, rather 132 Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate Exercises 62.1 Match these questions (1-6) from the audience with the answers a-f) that Anne-Marie gives in A opposite. 1 Sorry, but I didnt hear the end of the question - could you repeat what the questioner said? 2 In what ways do you think the internet is going to change the vay management consultants work in the future? 3. Some companies refuse to use management consultants. What do you say to people who say that consultants are a waste of time and money? 4 What's the average salary for your consultants? 5 don't know if you have time to atiower this, bul can you tell me how I can apply to work for Gem: 6 You say that Gem have enormously increased profits at some companies. Can you give on2 or two examples of this? Oooooag 62.2 Look at this presentation that a sales person gave to potential customers. Match his mistakes with the points in B opposite. Cree + Howris body language used in presentations in your country? Which gestures are acceptable and which are not? ‘+ Which of the things mentioned in B opposite do you find the most annoying? Why? Business Vocabulary in Use Intermediate 133,

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