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Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning: A Comprehensive Exploration

The process of conducting a literature review in the rapidly evolving field of mobile technologies
and learning, such as that outlined by Naismith et al., presents a unique set of challenges and
complexities. This review requires an extensive dive into both the current state and historical context
of mobile learning, encompassing various dimensions such as educational theories, technological
advancements, implementation strategies, and empirical outcomes. Given the interdisciplinary nature
of this field, which intersects mobile computing, educational psychology, instructional design, and
more, researchers and scholars must navigate a vast and diverse array of sources.

The task of assembling, synthesizing, and critically analyzing the relevant literature demands a high
level of expertise and dedication. Researchers are required to sift through a multitude of scholarly
articles, conference papers, and reports, discerning the quality and relevance of each piece to the
topic at hand. This involves not only understanding the technological aspects of mobile learning but
also the pedagogical principles that guide effective learning experiences. Furthermore, the rapid pace
of technological change adds another layer of difficulty, as new developments can quickly render
existing studies outdated.

Creating a comprehensive literature review in this domain also requires a keen awareness of the
global landscape of mobile learning. Studies and implementations vary widely across different
cultural and educational settings, necessitating a nuanced analysis that considers these diverse
contexts. The integration of mobile technologies in education is influenced by factors such as
accessibility, infrastructure, and societal attitudes towards technology, making it imperative for
researchers to adopt a holistic perspective.

Given these challenges, individuals embarking on a literature review in mobile technologies and
learning may find the process to be daunting and time-consuming. For those seeking to produce a
high-quality review without the extensive effort and expertise required, there are professional
services available that can offer valuable assistance. One such service is ⇒ ⇔, which
specializes in providing expert writing support for academic endeavors. With a team of skilled
writers who are well-versed in the intricacies of mobile learning and other educational technologies,
⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for producing a thorough and insightful literature
review. Whether you're a student, educator, or researcher, this service can help streamline the
process, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the topic that meets the highest academic standards.

In conclusion, the task of compiling a literature review on mobile technologies and learning presents
a significant challenge, requiring a deep engagement with a wide range of complex and evolving
topics. For those looking to undertake this endeavor with the support of seasoned professionals, ⇒ ⇔ provides an excellent resource to ensure the successful completion of a high-
quality literature review.
We'll show you how to make this tough task simpler. Preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic and its
impact on a nursing simulation curriculum. Elementary schools, for instance, can be said to provide
many opportunities for families to increase their informal social capital and high schools, colleges
and universities often provide a student with guidance and counseling services not easily accessible
elsewhere. Search for literature: Reviewers described the literature search details and justified how
they ensured the search’s comprehensiveness. The analysis of these terms guided the systematic
review of the research literature that follows. The third model includes account-based systems that
are open. At an institutional level it can be said that most schools are not equipped to create VLEs
where students can thrive, even those schools that are virtual by design. Now we understand that the
building is new, and this is the third year since we moved in. For most studies, the individual
participant (40) was the unit of analysis, with few studies having the firm as the unit of analysis, and
only one study using the training session as a unit of analysis. Such an agenda will strengthen how e-
learning can be leveraged to enhance the process of improving actions through better knowledge and
understanding in an organization. In most of the studies, the main objective was to increase
employees’ adoption, satisfaction, and usage of the e-learning system. Unleashing the Power of AI
Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. The detailed landscape is depicted in the
Appendix and Figs. 3 and 4; with the results indicating the limited utilization of the various e-
learning capabilities (e.g., social, collaborative) to achieve objectives connected with those
capabilities (e.g., social learning and behavioral change, collaborative learning and overcoming
barriers). Marshall, S. (2006). New Zealand Tertiary Institution E-learning Capability: Informing and
Guiding eLearning Architectural Change and Development. Download references
Acknowledgements Author information, authors and affiliations. The emphasis is on the
characteristics of personalized learning that need to be taken into consideration to have a well-
developed concept of personalized learning. Perception of the learning environment by students in a
new medical school in Saudi Arabia: areas of concern. Griggs’ emphasis on storytelling as a catalyst
for deeper reflection also aligns with our observations. One such drawback involves some of the
online collaboration tools used. Primarily, papers published after the 2000s are focused on more
technology-enhanced personalized learning. Examining anxiety, life satisfaction, general health,
stress and coping styles during COVID-19 pandemic in Polish sample of university students.
Learning is formed through an individual’s interactions, including the conveyance of knowledge and
skills from others and experiences. Ennouamani, Mahani and Akharraz ( 2020 ) argued that learners
are different in terms of their needs, knowledge, personality, behavior (Pliakos et al., 2019 )
preferences, learning style, culture, as well as the parameters of the mobile devices that they use.
This system develops customized instructional methods and learning content for individual learners
with unique characteristics and interests. Lee et al. ( 2018 ) suggested that learner-centered learning
and personalized learning are blended and considered together. Lee et al. ( 2018 ) defined a
personalized learning plan (PLP) that refers to a customized instructional plan (Somyurek, 2015 )
that considers individual differences and needs, characteristics, interests, and academic mastery.
Flipgrid: Flipgrid is a tool that allows learners to create and share short videos and can be used for
reflections, discussions, or short presentations. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF
CHALLENGES International Research Journal Commerce arts science In current period there has
been considerable interest in the use of mobile technology in education sector in India, although the
technology is still evolving in the field of education. While determining our final research terms for
this scoping review, we had initially searched for studies that were exclusively for the K-12 sphere
and unsuspectingly this did not prove to be fruitful. Payment options will be referred to as fare
products in the following. However, a number of unique usability challenges are still unresolved,
including small screen size, device orientation changes, and an array of interaction methods (tap,
flick, pinch, etc.) These challenges may be particularly acute for people with learning disabilities.
Some report a positive group experience, while others are disappointed with the final outcome.
Not Applicable. The purpose of this scoping review is to isolate and investigate the existing data and
research that identifies if the synchronous face-to-face visual presence of a teacher in a virtual
learning environment (VLE) is a significant factor in a student’s ability to maintain good mental
health. Pharmacy students perceptions of their distance online learning experience during the
COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey study. In conjunction with a well-designed
curriculum, instructional practice plays a crucial role in how children learn. In the same vein, research
has emphasized the importance of alignment of eOL (both in processes and in technologies) within
the organization. The SMS ticket can then be presented to inspectors or. On the right side, we
summarize the objectives as they were identified from our review (i.e., the objectives category in the
Appendix ). The PLPs allow learning to be personally relevant, engaging, appropriate to the learners’
capabilities, and respectful of individual differences, making learning useful and motivational.
Moreover, learning will and should take many different forms. Proper instruction, blended
instruction, differentiation, proactive supports, real-world connections, and applications are
hallmarks of good, sound personalized learning. Schmid and Petko ( 2019 ) pointed out that a look
at international research literature shows that personalized learning is a multilayered construct with
numerous definitions and various forms of implementation. Because the required competences of an
enterprise evolve, the development of competence models needs to be agile and to leverage state-of-
the art technologies that align with the organization’s processes and models. Personalized learning is
a complex activity approach that is the product of self-organization (Chatti, 2010; Miliband, 2006 )
or learning and customized instruction that considers individual needs and goals. Future studies
focusing on what components are being used for each personalized learning approach simultaneously
need to acknowledge it as a term that will evolve by time as we learn more about human psychology
and develop more technologies. In the first section, five prior studies from TCRP. Putting a
framework together can help with practical personalized learning for all and can be developed as it
faces challenges. Another early study was conducted in Nassau County, which is on Long Island
outside of. It is an excellent point, and instead of studying the diseases all at once and getting me
lost, it has been divided into two sections. The developed system is good, friendly, and it can
improve the distant education systems. An access point, used to make a wireless network covers
huge areas, makes the service available to users in a wide range. Another important advantage is that,
if the selected studies give consistent results, SLRs can provide evidence that the phenomenon is
robust and transferable (Kitchenham and Charters 2007 ). 3.1 Article Collection Several procedures
were followed to ensure a high-quality review of the literature of eOL. It is very beneficial for
Students to get knowledge in their desire field. The second section summarized numerous academic
papers, conference. Benefits Specific to Online Collaborative Learning Roberts (2004) describes
additional benefits specific to collaborative learning in the online environment. Auditing With Ai: a
Theoretical Framework for Applying Machine Learning Inclusion Criteria. It is further compounded
in the noting of pre-existing intervention groupings as it is perhaps the result of simple pragmatism in
observing VLE implementations where they are available to be observed. Future studies can be built
on this approach to develop a general framework. Indeed, the most notable shift in education has
been toward the use of the online classroom and it is foreseeable that the continuation of this
paradigm will be unavoidable. Adaptive learning is one of the terms that has been used
interchangeably with personalized learning. Med Educ Online. 2018;23(1):1530558.. Akinla O,
Hagan P, Atiomo W. It can be defined as “a learning process within organizations that involves the
interaction of individual and collective (group, organizational, and inter-organizational) levels of
analysis and leads to achieving organizations’ goals” (Popova-Nowak and Cseh 2015 ) with a focus
on the flow of knowledge across the different organizational levels (Oh 2019 ). This is also identified
in our literature review since we found only limited specialized e-learning systems in domain areas
that have traditionally benefited from such technology. The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
(Tavilla, 2015) published an early study summarizing.
Here is how to write a good literature review: Step 1: Search Relevant Literature Start by searching
for scholarly sources that you will cite in your paper that are closely related to your research topic.
Learning is formed through an individual’s interactions, including the conveyance of knowledge and
skills from others and experiences. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 34
(1), 12. Relevance of the curriculum structure to students’ learning The feeling of being stressed by
the compact courses and the required learning material in the curriculum was shared by many
students. It is an excellent point, and instead of studying the diseases all at once and getting me lost,
it has been divided into two sections. Themes were developed based on the identified patterns of the
codes. Touch screen mobile devices are highly flexible and customizable, allowing designers to create
inclusive user interfaces that are accessible to a broader user population. Addressing facility
inadequacies, such as enhancing library resources and outdoor spaces, is necessary to create a
conducive learning environment. These tools help to cultivate positive relationships, academic and
personal confidence, and good mental health (Huang et al., 2019; Lan et al., 2018; Papanastasiou et
al., 2019; Stone, 2019 ). This has led us to wonder if the technology is available, why is it not being
utilized and studied in a way that reflects its full capabilities. Coda: review and revise It is fair to
say that the move to an entirely distance learning programme is the single biggest and most rapid
change that many educators will ever have had to make. Hence, in order to derive meaningful
theoretical and practical implications, as well as to identify important areas for future research, it is
critical to understand how the core capabilities pertinent to e-learning possess the capacity to
enhance organizational learning. This is also identified in our literature review since we found only
limited specialized e-learning systems in domain areas that have traditionally benefited from such
technology. The approach the groups used in handling the discussions was generally analytical
problem-solving, and in some situations, it was more oriented toward generating recommendations,
such as practical steps, to improve the learning environment. The images or other third party material
in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a
credit line to the material. A defined method was set in this research for selecting journals, to keep
the process methodologically reliable and scientifically consistent. In their study, they identified
three main factors in approaches to studying: orientations toward personal meaning, reproducing,
and achieving. For further inquiry, we would suggest research that included groups of whole
divisions across multiple school boards allowing for parallel interpretation and consistency. While
determining our final research terms for this scoping review, we had initially searched for studies that
were exclusively for the K-12 sphere and unsuspectingly this did not prove to be fruitful. The
findings suggest that medical colleges should involve students more in decision-making related to
their education and ensure the practical relevance of the educational content. Thus, keeping them in
the design and implementation cycle of eOL will increase eOL adoption and satisfaction as well as
reduce the risks and barriers. In consideration of the area of attendance, it must be understood that
the traditional taking of attendance has a layered purpose: to ensure the “safe arrival” of students, to
give proof of student attendance for funding allocation, and to link a student to the legal liability of
a teacher as well as to allow teachers to exercise interventions for students who are truant. There are
also opportunities for improving organizations’ learning flow, which might not be feasible with
formal learning and training. In order to construct the main research dimensions of eOL research and
to look more deeply at the research objectives of the studies (the information we coded as objectives
in the Appendix ), we performed a content analysis and grouped the research objectives. Example:
When reviewing research on the efficacy of a medical treatment, sections might be organized based
on experimental methods, observational studies, and clinical trials. Spector ( 2013 ) claimed that
there would be more robust information to support personalized learning as technology develops.
However, many difficulties arose, including misunderstandings of the labelling (a live 'Welcome'
button was not tapped, whereas a short list of instructions was erroneously seen as a menu and so
erroneously tapped to access each step in the process) and an over-sensitive zoom feature. Does the
research use the usual methods, or is it trying something new. For example, one participant (P4M)
stated, Not just the doctor can decide roleplay topics, the students themselves can choose as well. It
takes an enormous amount of energy and resources to run stimulating programs that speak honestly
to curriculum content, allow for individual learning needs, and that are cognizant to the social-
emotional well-being of students.
When schools reopened toward the end of September 2020, protocols and safety standards had been
improved and implemented in ways that would encourage some families to opt for in-person learning
while for others, the risk was still too great. By the end, you'll know how to create a compelling
literature review and add your own ideas to the mix. This enabled us to summarize the contemporary
research on eOL according to five major categories, each of which is describes further below. United
States had deployed a mobile fare payment app. In an effort to compile the most useful sources for
our research, a broadening rather than narrowing approach to our search terms was employed as it
was discovered that limited resources existed in the field we were exploring. Step 6: Edit and
Proofread In the final phase, conduct a thorough review, focusing on clarity and coherence.
Reimagining the role of technology in education: 2017 national education technology plan update.
Competing interests The authors report that there are no competing interests to declare. However,
employees were seen as static entities within the organization, with limited work investigating how
eOL-based training exposes employees to new knowledge, broadens their skills repertoire, and has
tremendous potential for fostering innovation (Lin and Sanders 2017 ). Mannade 2017, AM
Publications,India In today's digital era, due to development in wireless communication technology,
proliferation of electronics gazettes usage especially smartphones is at peak point across the globe.
The noted benefits were divided into four overarching categories to include social, psychological,
academic, and assessment. International journal of clinical practice, 69 (11), 1257-1267. I related
what I studied with a situation—I mean the clinical relation of the lecture. I saved as a favorite it to
my bookmark site list and will be checking back soon. Appraise quality: The reviewers explicitly
listed the criteria used to decide which papers they will exclude for insufficient quality in the search
query. Today’s personalized learning theories are inspired by educational philosophy from the
progressive era in the previous century, especially John Dewey’s ( 1915, 1998 ) emphasis on
experiential, learner-centered learning, social learning, extension of the curriculum, and fitting for a
changing world. First, we had to make some methodological decisions (e.g., selection of databases,
the search query) that might lead to certain biases in the results. Those findings are compared to
trends discernible in the responses to a questionnaire survey of three year groups at Cranleigh School
(years 9, 10 and 12). Studies were included if they examined consumers’ preference for food
naturalness and contained empirical data. This gap can be filled up by focusing on higher-order
thinking skills cultivation by supporting these skills through personalized learning environments. New
York City (Sion et al., 2016). During the planning stages prior to deployment of a mobile. Besides
the minimization of bias and support for reproducibility, an SLR allows us to provide information
about the impact of some phenomenon across a wide range of settings, contexts, and empirical
methods. Given these unsettling statistics, we would have thought that the rich and varied K-12
arena would have been a sphere where there would be a surfeit of mental health research related to
VLE utilization. Two rider surveys were conducted, and the authors concluded that younger riders
were more. Both groups consisted of heterogenous type of participants from all academic levels as
shown in Table 1. When students relate their learning to real-life situations, they are, in essence,
crafting a narrative that might foster more profound reflection. Notably, the educational institution’s
role, including that of faculties, has been addressed in literature. In recent years has been an increase
in the research of the use of technology to support autistic users to develop their communication
skills and to improve learning. Our study’s findings resonate with this, as during the focus group, the
reflections leaned toward discussing personal experiences. In this case, peer feedback is used to
strengthen their work.
The PLP includes the notions of individualization, differentiation, and personalization that allows
learning to be personally relevant, engaging, appropriate to the learners’ capabilities, and respectful
of individual differences, making learning useful and motivational. A considerable number of studies
utilized the firm (rather than the individual employee) as the unit of analysis. Therefore, in this paper
we present a systematic literature review (SLR) (Kitchenham and Charters 2007 ) on the confluence
of e-learning and organizational learning that uncovers initial findings on the value of e-learning to
support organizational learning while also delineating several promising research streams. The rest of
this paper is organized as follows. Example: In a review of psychological studies on memory,
sections could be organized around cognitive, behavioral, and neuroscientific theories. Note: The size
of the circles depicts the frequency of studies, with the smallest circle representing one study and the
largest representing five studies. Therefore, personalized learning models can help to meet individual
needs and goals. All focus group discussion sessions took place during a lockdown because of the
COVID-19 pandemic, which mandated the use of technology to conduct the sessions. Then the
entire paper was read to determine if the paper was to be included in the literature review by looking
for components and definitions of personalized learning and star the ones to be included in the
review. Overall, our research has shown that authentic, high quality VLEs are ones that have as their
primary focus the communication between students and their teachers and between students and
their peers. Future research Our findings revealed that there is no unified agreement on what
components to consider planning a personalized adaptive learning environment. In other words,
although each of the studies carried out an investigation within a given level (except for Garavan et
al. 2019 ), there is a recognition and discussion of the different levels. The analysis of these terms
guided the systematic review of the research literature that follows. These database searches
occurred between January 31, 2021, and February 7, 2021. Miliband ( 2006, as cited in Lee, Huh,
Lin and Reigeluth, 2018 ) promoted personalized learning to be the solution to tailoring the learning
according to individuals’ needs and prior experience so as to allow everyone to reach their maximum
potential through customized instruction (Hsieh and Chen, 2016; Lin, Yeh, Hung and Chang, 2013
).The customized instruction that includes what is taught, how it is taught, and the pace at which it is
taught. The fourth section presents the research findings derived from the data analysis based on the
specific areas of focus. In the following discussion of these gaps, we will humbly aim to make
moderate suggestions for further inquiry that could enrich the current available research. So,
whatever part of the research paper you need help with, we will deliver. First, most studies agree that
employees’ or trainees’ experience is extremely important for the successful implementation of eOL.
Here, students identify readings and resources to support the discussion as opposed to allowing the
readings and resources to be the driver. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and
Learning, 10 (2). All the discussion sessions took place during a lockdown because of the COVID-
19 pandemic between December 2020 and February 2021. Online teaching and learning practices
related to social, cognitive and teaching presence were identified. K-12 students often spend more
than half their waking hours in school environments and VLEs; it is notably unclear why most of the
studies observed in this scoping review are unilaterally disinterested in exploring an identified area of
need for mental health support. The results of experiments on the use of mobile education were
analyzed and presented in tabular diagram form. There is support in the research literature for using
collaborative, problem-based learning and authentic performance-based assessment within online
learning programmes. Download citation Received: 10 November 2023 Accepted: 30 January 2024
Published: 14 February 2024 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will
be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Relations
between students’ perceptions of the teaching-learning environment and teachers’ approaches to
teaching: a qualitative study. Setting and curricular framework Majmaah University is an evolving
educational institution in the region. However, the focus was clearly on the empirical evidence, the
terminology employed (“e-learning”) is an umbrella term that covers the majority of the work in the
area, and the coding of papers was checked by two researchers. Consent for publication All
participants have consented for publication in the consent form.

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