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DOC ID: HR-Leave Policy-v1.1

INTERNAL Information


Revision History

Version Author Approver

Sl. Change Distributio
& Date
No. Summary n
Revision Name Designation Name Designation
31stMarch Mukunda
1 1.0 Lokesh MR Head-HR COO New Policy All
2023 R
14th Dec Mukunda
2 1.1 Lokesh MR Head-HR COO Modification 4
2023 R

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Table of Content

1.0 OBJECTIVE: ................................................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 APPLICABILITY:.............................................................................................................................................. 3
3.0 POLICY OWNER:............................................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 SICK Leave:.................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.0 EARNED LEAVE: ............................................................................................................................................ 4
6.0 COMPENSATORY OFF: .................................................................................................................................. 4
7.0 Review & Revision: ....................................................................................................................................... 5
8.0 MATERNITY LEAVE:....................................................................................................................................... 5
9.0 LOSS OF PAY: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
10.0 Controlling Absence Guidelines ................................................................................................................... 5
Overview of Procedural Stages ............................................................................................................................ 5

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directly from Theorem Document Control database. Printed versions are uncontrolled. User must verify correct revision before use.

The objective of this policy is to state the procedure and guidelines for granting leaves to employees
with the good intention of providing rest, recuperation of health and for fulfilling social obligations.


This policy applies to all Full time Employees of Newjaisa Technologies Limited


❑ Sanctioning of leave is at Management discretion based on exigencies of business or seriousness of the

❑ Leave year is from 1st January to 31st December.
❑ Eligible leave is credited to the employees on the 1st of January every year.
❑ The different types of leaves given under the policy are:
▪ Casual Leave (CL)
▪ Sick Leave (SL)
▪ Earned Leave (EL)
▪ Maternity Leave (ML)
▪ Loss Of Pay (LOP)
❑ The Leave policy is applicable for all permanent staff of the company.
❑ Employees who are appointed during the course of the year shall be entitled to the above leaves on pro-
rate basis.
❑ Employees whose date of joining service falls between 1st to the 15th of a month are entitled to get the
leave credit for that month.
❑ Employees whose date of joining service falls between 16th to the end of the month are not entitled for
the leave credit for that month.
❑ If an employee is relieved on any day between 1st to 15th of a month, then he / she is not entitled for
leaves due for that month.
❑ If an employee happens to leave on any day between 16th to the end of the month, then he / she is
entitled for leaves due for that month.


3.1 The responsibility of educating and enforcing this policy shall be with HR- Operations.

3.2 The HR-Operations in consultation with the management shall be responsible for implementing
the recommendations in the policy.

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4.1 SL and CL:6 days of Casual Leave and 6 days of Sick leave in a calendar year.
4.2 A minimum of half SL/CL can be availed & a maximum of 3 days in a row can be taken.
4.3 If SL extends beyond 3 days, then the excess days taken will be treated under LOP.
4.4 It is up to the Management’s discretion to sanction more than 3 days of SL at a stretch.
4.5 National / Festival / Declared / weekly off days can be prefixed or suffixed to SL.
4.6 Maximum of 5 SL/CL will be carry forwarded to the next year and remaining or unutilized CL/SL
will lapse as on 31st December
4.7 When leave is taken without prior sanction (under certain unavoidable circumstances), the
absence should be notified to the respective reporting manager on the same day through phone.
4.8 Approved leave application should reach the HR department within 2 working days of re-joining.


5.1 1.5 EL for every month

5.2 EL will be credited to permanent staff only on completion of six months of service with the
5.3 The days served under probation will be taken into account for EL eligibility.
5.4 EL can be availed only on prior approval.
5.5 National / declared / festival / weekly off days can be prefixed or suffixed to EL.
5.6 Balanced EL remaining unutilized as on 31st December can be carried forward.
5.7 EL can be accumulated for a maximum of 45 days.
5.8 Accumulated EL over and above 45 days can be encashed on the 31st of March or during final
settlement in case of resignation / termination.
5.9 At the time of resignation/ termination the balance EL will be encashed at the basic pay rate as
on the day of resignation. Any absence of more than the number of EL sanctioned will be treated
as leave without pay, unless given valid reasons to the management.


6.1 If an employee is required to work on any important assignment on a National / Festival /

Declared / weekly off day, he is eligible for Compensatory off on any other working day.
6.2 Official approval is required from the department head / management to work on such National /
Festival / Declared / weekly off days. No compensatory offs will be entertained when worked on
these days without proper approval.
6.3 The compensatory off has to be availed within a period of three months from the date worked.

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6.4 Compensatory off when not availed within the stipulated time period will lapse.
6.5 Only two days of compensatory offs can be combined and availed at a stretch.


This policy will be reviewed as it is deemed appropriate, but no less frequently than every 12


As per Maternity Act


9.1 LOP can be applied by an employee when no other leave is available.

9.2 A maximum of 3 LOP can be availed on the approval of the management. (Exceptional cases
like ML/SL, etc.)
9.3 If the employee fails to report to duty on the specified date after the sanctioned LOP, it is
deemed that the employee has abandoned his service with the company on his own accord.
9.4 LOP can be implicated on disciplinary grounds with regard to attendance by the management
regardless to the availability of the other types of leave.
9.5 LOP days will not be taken for EL eligibility.


The length of time lost by employees through illness must however be monitored to ensure that each member
of staff is able to do their job, effectively and without putting themselves or others at risk. It is not the intention
of the Company to penalize the genuinely sick, however it must be recognized that an employee who is
medically unfit to carry out his/her contractual duties may not be able continue in that employment.

Managers will consider cases of sickness absence on an individual basis and ensure the provision of appropriate
support, advice and Occupational Health / Approved Doctor input where appropriate. However, it is recognized
that in some cases, patterns/levels of absence will be unacceptable and formal management action will be

Employees who become aware that they have an illness problem are encouraged to inform their manager at
the earliest opportunity. All such requests will be dealt with as speedily and compassionately as possible.

Overview of Procedural Stages

On return from absence all employees must be having formal discussion by their immediate line manager. At
this 1:1 the employee and the line manager must complete a 'Return to work' form agreeing the reason for the
absence, the period of absence and, where appropriate, what course of action is required as a result of the
absence. This form must be signed by both parties before being forwarded to the employee’s file

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Stage 1

In situations where an employee's sickness record is giving some cause for concern, then the employee's Line
Manager will discuss those concerns with the employee, providing support and counselling where appropriate.
It is essential that any message conveyed in this manner is clear and unambiguous.

Stage 2

If there is no obvious improvement in the health of the employee or any sign of patterns emerging in an
employee's absence then the line manager would arrange for the employee to meet the next-in-line manager
who would 'formally' review the employee’s case. At this formal stage the employee must be offered the
opportunity for appropriate representation by a work colleague.

The employee must be given the outcome of this meeting in writing and where appropriate they must be given
notice that their level of absence is unacceptable and a period of time to improve.

Stage 3

If the employee fails to improve in the given time scale then a formal second Review must be undertaken.

Prior to the Meeting the employee must be seen by the Occupational Health / Approved Doctor who will give
his opinion on the employee's health. The employee must be given the results of this meeting in writing. Where
appropriate they must be given notice that their level of absence is unacceptable and that they are given a
period of time during which to reduce their level of absence. The employee must also be informed at this stage
if any further absences may result in their employment being terminated due to incapacity.

Stage 4

If there is still no improvement within the laid down time scale a Review will be held with the appropriate
Senior Manager / Director. The employee must be offered the opportunity for appropriate representation at
this meeting. The Director / Manager will review all the available evidence including the Doctor's report.

If there are no special circumstances the employee will be dismissed on the grounds of incapacity and their
inability to meet the acceptable standards of attendance required by the Company.

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directly from Theorem Document Control database. Printed versions are uncontrolled. User must verify correct revision before use.

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