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Annexure P-1


CH NO-MAT468422E5J00639 EN No. 41JB4112870

Description of Weights(in kg) Description of Tyre sixe A GVW-. 036000 RLW
026,000.00 ULW-010000 No of Cyl 06 Reg. Dt. 11-11-2014 AS1789317 "Dhurbl
AS 783335,, Finance Wheelbase 005505 Colour Standing Cable 00 Sealing Cup
Other- Tandem...
Modal. TATA LPT 3118 TO BOIL 9X2 TS Mfg by TATA MOTORS LTD Year Mfg Tax
Class Body Type Fuel Used DIESEL Goods carrier. TRUCK FULL BODY 31-12-2019
09/2014 I.A.A.AS-170591340 Dhuleri, Assam DTO Ann SI.N No-17133629
Annexure P-4


In the Court of Authorized Officer -Cum- Divisional Forest Officer, Cachar Division: Silchar. OR No
DH/6 of 2018-19

Govt. of Assam-versus- Faijul Haque

Brief description of the Case

Date: 17.01.2020 signature

The Brief description of the prosecution is that on 12/08/2018 staff of Lailapur Beat and AFPF
personal while performing patrolling duty At Lailapur area on NH-54 road found vehicle No.AS-17-B-
9317 coming from Mizoram which was detained for checking and at the time of checking the driver
of the said vehicle produced Mizoram T.P. No.0378747 dtd.07-08-2018 against the loaded teak log,
but logs were found unmarked and doubtful. Then, the matter was Informed to Range Forest Officer
and accordingly as per his instruction, the loaded truck was brought to the Range H.Q. Dholai for
further checking. On verification after unloading by engaging labourers, total 132 nos. of Teak logs
was loaded in the truck, but as per T.P. it was 121 Nos. also major discrepancy in the measurement
of length and girth of logs, white tallying with the T.P. and also most of the logs were found
unmarked and indistinct in rnumbering. The driver was also present at the time of verification on 13-
08-2018 but fled away since morning 14-08-2018 which was reported to O/C. Dholai Police Station
vide letter No. DH/39(A)/Police Correspondence/570 dtd.19-08-2018. However, on being satisfied
that the teak logs were illegal and doubtful, the logs Vol-14.427m3 (Teak log=132 Nos) along-with
vehicle bearing Regd. No. AS-17-B-9317 was seized U/S.40, 41 & 49 of AFR Vol-VII of 1891 and 34 (2)
(C). Then seizing officer issued Farm No. 31(A) vide letter No. DH/13(OR)/569(A) dtd.14- 08-2018 to
(1) Sri Dilip Chandra Barua, C/O. S.S. Traders, Polasbari, Kamrup (2) M.U. Ahmed, Address-Polasbari,
Guwahati, Kamrup asking them to produce legality and proof of origin of forest produce within 30
(thirty) days. The matter was reported to Authorised Officer -cum- Divisional Forest Officer, Cachar
Division, Silchar vide letter No. DH/13(OR)/560-561 dtd.14-08-2019. Then Range Forest Officer,
Hawaithang Range, Dholai also submitted a preliminary report to the DFO, Cachar Division, Silchar
vide letter No DH/13(OR)/563 dtd. 14-08-2019 informing about the detaining of the vehicle and
followed by a detail report vide letter No. DH/48/Mizoram Timber/572 dtd. 19-08-2019. On the

hand, the notice issued to 1) Sri Dilip Chandra Barua, C/O. S.S. Traders, Polasbari, Kamrup (2) M.U.
Ahmed, Address-Polasbari, Guwahati, Kamrup returned back as the address was not found. So
finding no other alternative a letter sent to DTO Cachar, Silchar for providing the actual name and
address of the owner of vehicle for ascertaining their address. But no reply received from DTO,
Cachar, Silchar Then it came to know that original owner of the vehicle is Faijul Haque, C/O. Sakir
Hussain, Chagalia, Golakganj, Dhubri, then seizing officer issued Form No. 31(A) vide letter No.
DH/13(OR)/568 dtd. 14-08-2018 to (1) Faijul Haque, C/O. Sakir Hussain, Chagalia, Golakganj, Dhubri,
(owner of the vehicle) (2) Inamul Hussain, S/O. Johur Uddin, Nararthali, Kumargram, Alipurduar,
West Bengal, (driver of the vehicle) to produce legality and proof of origin of forest produce. Hence a
prima facie case has been established against the accused (1) Faijul Haque, C/O. Sakir Hussain,
Chagalia, Golakganj, Dhubri (2) Inamul Hussain, S/O. Johur Uddin, Nararthali, Kumargram,
Alipurduar, West Bengal, (3) Sri Dilip Chandra Barua, C/O. S.S. Traders, Polasbari, Kamrup. Then
Authorised Officer -cum- Divisional Forest Officer, Cachar Division, Silchar issued Form No. 31(B) to
Faijul Haque, C/O. Sakir Hussain, Chagalia, Golakganj, Dhubri (Owner of the vehicle). In his reply
Faijul Haque stated that one person of Mizoram called him & talked with him over phone and asked
him for transportation of teak logs from Mizoram after proper verification & measurement in front
of Mizoram Forest Officials alongwith up-to-date T.P. & GST to which he agreed for transportation of
same in his vehicle he gave permission to his driver Inamul Hussain, S/O. Johur Uddin, Nararthali,
Kumargram, Alipurduar, West Bengal for transportation of the same, but on the way during
transportation on 12-08-2018 the loaded truck was seized by the forest officials and kept under their
custody. He further stated that he was completely unaware about the forest rules and regulation
and assured that it will not repeat in future. He requested to release the above mentioned vehicle
and for which he is ready to pay fine/compensation whatever imposed upon him. Then Authorised
Officer -cum- Divisional Forest Officer, Cachar Division, Silchar issued Form No. 31(C) to Faijul Haque,
C/O. Sakir Hussain, Chagalia, Golakganj, Dhubri (Owner of the vehicle) to

produce photo copy of Insurance Certificate & photo copy of Registration

Certificate. Then he produced the same. Then Authorised Officer -cum- Divisional Forest Officer,
Cachar Division, Silchar issued Form No. 31(D)

to (1) Shri Dilip Chandra Barua, C/O. S.S. Traders, Polasbari, Kamrup (2)

M.U. Alimed, Address-Polasbari, Guwahati, Kamrup (3) Feijul Haque, C/O. Sakir Hussain, Chagalis,
Golskganj, Dhubri (4) Inamul Hussain, S/O Johur Uddin, Nararthali, Kumargram, Alipurduar, West
Bengal. In his reply Faijul Haque, C/O, Sakir Hussain, Chagafia, Golakganj, Dhubri (owner of the
vehicle) stated that one person namely M.A. Mazumder called him & talked with him over phone
and asked him for transportation of teak logs from Mizoram after proper verification &
measurement in front of Mizoram Forest Officials slongwith up-to-date T.P. & GST he agree for
transportation of same in his vehicle he gave permission to his driver Inamul Hussain, S/O. Johur
Uddin, Nararthali, Kumargram, Alipurduar, West Bengal for transportation of the same, but on the
way during transportation on 12-08-2018 the loaded truck was seized by the forest officials and kept
under their custody. He further stated that he was completely unaware about the forest rules and
regulation and assured that it will not repeat in future. He requested to release the above
mentioned vehicle and for which he is ready to pay fine/compensation whatever imposed upon him
in his reply Inamul Hussain, S/O. Johur Uddin, Nararthali, Kumargram, Alipurduar, West Bengal,
driver of the vehicle stated that he loaded the seized timber from Mizoram and way towards
Guwahati, the forest officials of Cachar Forest Division, Silchar stopped the vehicle and brought the
vehicle to Range Office, Dholai. He further stated that a person namely M.A. Mazumder gave him
the pass permit of the above sawn timber & he gave it to forest officials. He further stated that he is
an illiterate person & it was not possible for him to verify the genuinely of the pass permit given to
him & he is completely unaware about the forest rules and regulation and assured that it will not be
repeated him in the future. He is ready to pay fine/compensation whatever imposed upon him.


Under the above mentioned facts which have come into light after cross examination of the involved
accused person, 1, Sri S.1. Choudhary, Authorized Officer cum Divisional Forest Officer, Cachar
Division, Silchar do pass the following orders under the provisions of 49-A, AFR Act 1891 as Amended
in 1995. As the seized sawn timber Vol-14.427m3 (Teak log 132 Nos.) is illegally brought by the said
vehicle No. AS-17-B- 9317 with major discrepancy in the measurement of length and girth of logs,
while tallying with the T.P. and also most of the logs were found

unmarked and indistinct numbering & the owner of the timber did not submit reasonable ground,
the timber Vol-14.427m3 (Teak log 132 Nos.) is hereby confiscated to the State of Assam

From the investigation it was found that the driver of the vehicle collected the seized sawn timber
from Mizoram and the owner of the vehicle Faijul Haque, C/O. Sakir Hussain, Chagalia, Golakganj,
Dhubri did not exercise reasonable and due precaution against the use of vehicle for commission of
forest offence and thus the vehicle bearing AS-17-B-9317 is confiscated to the department under
Section 49(4) of the Assam Forest Regulation (Amendment) Act., 1995

Given under my signature and seal on the 17-01-2020 All concerned be informed

Authorized officer-cum
Divisional forest officer division,


Memo NO. B/13(OR)/565-566


1. The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Cachar, Silchar for favour of kind information
2. The Range Officer, Hawaithang Range, Dholai for information and necessary action to
confiscate the vehicle & timber and to form a lot of the confiscated timber and put up for
disposal of same by sealed tender process
Authorized officer-cum Divisional
forest officer division, silchar

Memo No. A/13(OR) 121 Date 30.01.2020

Copy to the Chief Conservator of Forests, Southern Assam Circle, Silchar for favour of kind


Authorized officer-cum Divisional

forest officer division, silchar


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