Create A C++ Function That Computes The Sum, Diff, Prod, Quotient, and Modulus

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Create a C++ function that will compute the sum, difference, product, quotient, and modulus of

two inputted integer numbers


*This is only an example, you can input any number for a and b

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int addition (int a, int b)

int r = a + b;

return r;

int subtraction (int a, int b)

int s = a - b;

return s;

int multiplication (int a, int b)

int t = a*b;

return t;

int division (int a, int b)

int u = a/b;

return u;

int modulo (int a, int b)

int v = a%b;

return v;

int main()

int a, b;

cout<<"Input values for a and b \na: ";


cout<<"b: ";


int c = addition (a,b);

int d = subtraction (a,b);

int e = multiplication (a,b);

int f = division (a,b);

int g = modulo (a,b);

cout<<"The sum of the 2 integers is " <<c;

cout<<"\n\nThe difference of the 2 integers is "<<d;

cout<<"\n\nThe product of the 2 integers is "<<e;

cout<<"\n\nThe quotient of the 2 integers is "<<f;

cout<<"\n\nThe modulus of the 2 integers is "<<g;

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