MKTG 4th

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Amas, Kidapawan City

Fourth Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2022-2023
Name: __________________________________________ Score: ______________
Grade / Section / Strand: ___________________________ Date: ______________

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space provided before the number.
Write in CAPITAL LETTERS only.
____ 1. It is a benefit of relationship marketing where sellers should maintain good attitude to the buyers.
A. Delivery and meeting expectations C. Repeat Business
B. Word-of-mouth marketing D. Reduced marketing cost

____ 2. It is a strategy designed for customer loyalty, interaction, and long-term engagement to be fostered.
A. Customer Relationship C. Relationship Marketing
B. Marketing D. None of these are correct.

____ 3. Another benefit of relationship marketing is where trust and loyalty go hand in hand and it is super
beneficial for all business.
A. Understanding customer characteristics C. Prevents negative transition
B. Product Market Expansion D. Identification with the company

____ 4. If the company knows what its customers’ needs are, it will help reduce wastage due to trial and error
A. Delivery and meeting expectations C. Repeat Business
B. Understanding customer characteristics D. Prevents negative transition

____ 5. The following are benefits in developing and implementing customer relationship except one.
A. Innovation C. Customer Feedback
B. Customer Profile D. Customer Profitability

____ 6. The company’s employees must be ready to deliver beyond the company’s boundaries on customer
A. Product Market Expansion C. Repeat Business
B. Identification with the company D. None of these are correct.

____ 7. Customer relationship involves the following except one.

A. Marketing communications C. Sales Support
B. Technical assistance D. Buying Patterns

____ 8. The following are characteristics of relationship marketing except one.

A. It focuses on partners and customers rather than on the company’s products.
B. It relies on cross-functional teams rather than on departmental-level work.
C. It relies more on talking and learning than on listening.
D. It focuses on the long-term rather than the short-term.

____ 9. The following are levels of relationships that can be formed with customers who have purchased a
company’s product except.
A. Proactive C. Accountable
B. Active D. Reactive

____ 10. The salesperson solicits from the customer any product improvement suggestions and any specific
A. Accountable C. Partnership
B. Basic D. Reactive

____ 11. It is a marketing strategy a company uses to determine if it can produce a viable product consumer
want or need, whether the company can produce enough products to fill the need, and the marketing
method by which the need can be filled.
A. New concept in Marketing C. Tradition Concept in Marketing
B. Sales Concept D. Marketing Concept
____ 12. This concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services through personal is?
A. Marketing Concept C. Production Concept
B. Sales Concept D. None of the above

____ 13. An organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value
to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its
A. Marketing C. Production
B. Marketing Research D. Sales

____ 14. This concept refers to the views that organizations must satisfy the needs of consumers in a manner
that gives for society’s benefit.
A. Marketing Concept C. Production Concept
B. Sales Concept D. None of the above

____ 15. Top-level broad goals to show how the business can benefit from channels. So, goals are the
broad aims used to shape strategy. They describe how marketing will contribute to the business in
key areas of growing sales, communicating with audience and saving money.
A. SMART Objectives C. Objectives
B. Goals D. None of the above

____ 16. This is a type of customer who is not loyal to the brand because he or she keeps looking for the
best deals which may lead to patronizing other brands.
A. stranger C. true friend
B. butterfly D. freeloader

____ 17. Recent research has shown that ____________ prove to be more profitable than ordinary
A. loyal customers C. freeloader
B. freeloader D. strangers

____ 18. Facilitates real-time correspondence between the customer and the company
A. email and sms C. live chat support
B. social networking sites D. mobile applications

____ 19. This is a type of customer whose needs match the company’s offerings.
A. stranger C. butterfly
B. true friend D. freeloader

____ 20. This refers to anything that can be given up to receive the desired product or service.
A. cost C. needs
B. value D. wants

____ 21. This is a type of customer on whom companies need not to invest because his or her needs do not
match the companies’ goods or services.
A. stranger C. true friend
B. butterfly D. freeloader

____ 22. Given the amount of time people spend on using their smartphones, companies know that creating
______________ increases their visibility and provides value to their customers.
A. live chat support C. social networking sites
B. mobile applications D. email and sms

____ 23. Most of the companies provide a _____________ that customers can call for inquiries, concerns,
and technical support.
A. mobile apps C. social networking sites
B. social media apps D. customer hotline

____ 24. It pertains to an unexpected purchase or service experience that may go beyond what the
customers desire.
A. desired customer value C. unanticipated customer value
B. basic and expected levels D. customer value

____ 25. This is a type of customer who are loyal but not profitable because of the limited fit between their
needs and the company’s offerings.
A. freeloader C. true friend
B. butterfly D. stranger

____ 26. What refers to anything that can be given up to receive the desired product or service which can be in
the form of money?
A. Customer Value C. Value
B. Cost D. Action

____ 27. Which among the following is NOT a relationship Development strategies?
A. Conduct special events and provide sponsorship. C. Offer customer awards.
B. Communicate with customers frequently and effectively. D. Enhance customer service.

____ 28. Why should companies practice relationship development strategies?

A. To maintain constant communication with customers.
B. To develop an edge over competitors.
C. To retain loyal customers.
D. To gain new customers.

____ 29. The following are functions in creating customer value, EXCEPT __________.
A. Finance C. Communication
B. Human Resource Services D. Resources

____ 30. Among the levels of customer value, what is the first opportunity for a business to get ahead of the
A. Unanticipated customer value C. Enhance Customer Service
B. Desired customer value D. Conduct special events and provide sponsorship.

II. TRUE or FALSE. Write True if the Statement is correct and false if not.

1. According to Serrano, Relationship marketing involves creating, maintaining and enhancing

strong relationships with customers and other stakeholders.

2. Relationship marketing requires that all the company’s departments work together with marketing
as a team to serve the customer.

3. Customer relationship is the development of an ongoing connection between a company and its

4. Delivery and meeting expectations is where the company’s employees must be ready to deliver
beyond the company’s boundaries on customer demand.

5. Relationship marketing is a facet of customer relationship management (CRM) that focuses on

customer loyalty and long-term customer engagement rather than shorter-term goals like
customer acquisition and individual sales.

6. Satisfaction is the measure off how well customer expectations from a purchased product or
service have been met.

7. Demand refers to the value of customer’s place on a product or service.

8. Wants are more psychological indicating preferences that can improve the consumer’s life

9. Customer value is the satisfaction felt by a customer immediately after making purchase relative
to what has actually been given up to receive them.

10. Customer loyalty is founded on excellent customer services.

11. The creation of customer value does not rely on marketing alone.
12. A key factor in relationship marketing is not a customer loyalty.
13. The levels of customer value indicate what the customers expect and do not expect from their
purchased decisions.

14. Unanticipated customer value pertains to an unexpected purchase or service experience that
may go beyond what the customer desire.

15. Strangers are customers whose needs do not fit the company’s offering.

III. Enumeration.

The five (5) benefits in Developing and Implementing Customer Relationship

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do” – John Wooden


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