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2023-01-20 ICS: 93.


ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023


Δυναμική συμπύκνωση εδαφών

Dynamic soil compaction

Pricing class: 6
ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023


This Hellenic Technical Specification revises and

replaces ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2009.

This Hellenic Technical Specification was prepared by

Experts and checked and evaluated in its field by a
Curator/Special - Expert, who assisted the work of the
Technical Committee ELOT/TE 99 “Specifications of
Technical Works”, the secretariat of which belongs to
the Directorate for Standardisation of the Hellenic
Organization for Standardization (ELOT).

The text of this Hellenic Technical Specification ELOT

TS 1501-11-03-01-00 was adopted on 2023-01-20 by
ELOT/TE 99 in accordance with the Regulation on the
drafting and publication of Hellenic Standards and

The European, international and national standards

referred to in the standardisation references are
available by ELOT.

 ELOT 2023

All rights are reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this Standard may be reproduced or used in any form
or way, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without the written consent of the publisher.


ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT


Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 4

1 Objective.................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Standardization references...................................................................................................... 5

3 Terms and definitions............................................................................................................... 5

4 Requirements............................................................................................................................ 6

4.1 General requirements............................................................................................................... 6

4.2 Requirements for geotechnical surveys.................................................................................7

4.3 Requirements for aggregates................................................................................................... 7

4.4 Particular requirements............................................................................................................ 7

4.5 Requirements for equipment.................................................................................................... 8

5 Methodology for the execution of works.................................................................................9

5.1 Application of dynamic compaction........................................................................................9

5.2 Tolerances............................................................................................................................... 10

5.3 Data held.................................................................................................................................. 10

6 Acceptance criteria for a finished work.................................................................................10

6.1 Tests......................................................................................................................................... 10

6.2 Checks...................................................................................................................................... 11

6.3 Acceptance of finished dynamic compaction.......................................................................11

7 Method of measurement of works......................................................................................... 11

Annex A (informative) Health, safety and environmental protection conditions......................................12

Bibliography.................................................................................................................................................... 14

© ELOT ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023


This Hellenic Technical Specification (HTS) is part of the technical texts originally prepared by the Ministry
for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works and the Institute for Constructions Economy (ΙΟΚ)
and was subsequently edited by ELOT in order to be applied to the construction of national public technical
works, with a view to produce works that are robust and capable of meeting and satisfying the needs which
have dictated their construction, and be beneficial for the society as a whole.

Under a contract between NQIS/ELOT and the Ministry for Infrastructure and Transport (online publication
number 6ΕΟΒ465ΧΘΞ-02Τ), ELOT was assigned the editing and update as 2nd Edition of three hundred
fourteen (314) Hellenic Technical Specifications (HTS), in accordance with the applicable European
Standards and Regulations and the procedures laid down in the Regulation on the drafting and publication
of Hellenic Standards and Specifications and in the Regulation on the establishment and operation of
Technical Standardization Instruments.

This Hellenic Technical Specification was prepared by the contractor of the restricted tender No 1/2020 for
the award of the work “Revision of the 1st edition of 314 HTS” (online publication number ΩΕΕΑΟΞΜΓ-
ΞΗΔ), checked and evaluated in its field by a Supervisor/Specialist - Expert and submitted for Public
Consultation. It was approved by the Technical Committee ELOT/TE 99 “Specifications of Technical
Works”, which was set up by the Decision of the Managing Director of the NQIS, Δν.Σ. 285-19/08-02-2019

This HTS covers the requirements arising from the EU law, the relevant New Approach Directives currently
in force and the National Law, and refers to and is compatible with harmonised European standards.

ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT

Dynamic soil compaction

1 Objective

The purpose of this Technical Specification is to improve the mechanical characteristics of the soil using
the dynamic soil compaction.

2 Standardization references

This Technical Specification incorporates –by way of references– provisions of other publications, whether
dated or not. These references refer to the respective parts of the text and a list of these publications is
presented thereafter. In case of references to dated publications, any subsequent amendments or revisions
thereof shall apply to this document when incorporated in it by means of amendment or revision. With
regard to references to undated publications, their latest version shall apply.

ELOT EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules –

Ευρωκώδικας 7: Γεωτεχνικός σχεδιασμός - Μέρος 1: Γενικοί κανόνες

ELOT ΕΝ ISO 22476-1 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Field testing - Part 1: Electrical
cone and piezocone penetration test -- Γεωτεχνικές έρευνες και δοκιμές -
Δοκιμές πεδίου - Μέρος 1: Δοκιμή διείσδυσης ηλεκτρικού κώνου και

ELOT ΕΝ ISO 22476-2 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Field testing - Part 2: Dynamic
probing -- Γεωτεχνικές έρευνες και δοκιμές - Δοκιμές πεδίου - Μέρος 2:
Δοκιμή δυναμικής διείσδυσης

ELOT ΕΝ ISO 22476-3 Geotechnical investigation and testing - Field testing - Part 3: Standard
penetration test -- Γεωτεχνικές έρευνες και δοκιμές - Δοκιμές πεδίου -
Μέρος 3: Τυποποιημένη δοκιμή διείσδυσης

DIN 4150-2 Vibrations in buildings - Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings

DIN 4150-3 Vibration in buildings - Part 3: Effects on structures

3 Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions are used in this Technical Specification:

3.1 Dynamic Compaction

It is called the compaction process in loose and compressible soil formations (with relatively easy
drainability) by the successive free fall of a hammer of approximately 10 to 20 t from a height of 8 to 30 m,
on the surface of the soil to be compacted.

© ELOT ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023

This drop creates impact waves and introduces high pressures into the soil, resulting in a reduction of soil
resources through redeployment of granules (in the case of dry or partially saturated soils) or by the
development of high overpressures (partial liquidation) and subsequent degeneration (solidification). Due to
the vibrations caused by the drop in weight, before applying the method, the possibility of adverse
influences on adjacent buildings should be investigated.

The technique is particularly suitable for improving the properties of artificial backfilling by accidental
discharge, because in addition to the achieved compaction, the heterogeneity of these materials is largely
eliminated. Another reason why dynamic compaction is suitable for artificial coatings of granular materials,
is that conventional compaction techniques (vibration rollers) are difficult to apply to areas with gravel,
shingles, demolition materials, etc.

Soil compaction is achieved by a number of hammer impacts at each position, between which there is
sufficient time to allow the overpressure of the pores from the previous impact to be relieved. The energy
introduced into the ground with each impact of the hammer shall be equal to the product of the hammer
weight multiplied by the drop height: E = B x h.

The grid in the initial compaction is relatively wide to condense the deeper layers of the subsoil and avoid
the creation of a hard surface layer.

3.2 Final phase of dynamic compaction (Boarding phase)

It is applied during the final phase of dynamic compaction, in which the fall of the hamm er is made from a
relatively smaller height (5 to 8 meters) to a continuous drop grid, which overlap by about 10 % (therefore,
the dimensions of the grid are slightly smaller than the hammer floor dimensions). This final phase aims at
uniform compaction of the surface layers of the foundation.

4 Requirements
4.1 General requirements
The general requirements for the execution of the operations of dynamic soil compaction are as follows:

1. Existence of sufficient data from the geotechnical investigation of the formations found in the area of
application of dynamic compaction. Geotechnical research prior to the application of dynamic
compaction is necessary:

a) to characterise the geotechnical layers and whether they are suitable for this method; and

b) to quantify the mechanical characteristics of the subsoil prior to their improvement.

The most suitable soils for dynamic compaction are sandy gravel, sands, sludge sands, generally
granular materials with a plasticity index of PI=0, with a permeability of k> 10 -5 m/s. The method can
be applied above and under the aquifer.

2. It is necessary to make a clear reference to the structural characteristics of neighbouring buildings and
other projects (e.g. utilities) in order to investigate the possibility of adversely affecting them by the
application of the method. In general, in all phases of the work, the impact of dynamic compaction on
neighbouring structures by the vibrations caused should be monitored.

3. Usually, the method is applied at distances of at least 50m from adjacent structures, to avoid damage
from vibrations and soil materials that may be hurled during the hammer impact. At shorter than the
above distances dynamic compaction can be applied with a fall schedule corresponding to reduced
energy per hammer drop and increase in the number of falls in order to achieve the desired result. Of
course, by reducing the drop energy per impact, the depth of impact of the improvement decreases,
and therefore the effectiveness of the method is reduced if a deep improvement is required.

ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT

4. The projected future structures in the area where dynamic compaction is to be applied determine the
way and intensity of the application of the method (depending on their surface, their loads and their
sensitivity to differential sediments).

The mass (M) and dimensions of the hammer, as well as the drop height, are determined by the depth
of influence of the improvement (D) given by the empirical formula D=n√MH, where n=0.3 – 0.6.

4.2 Requirements for geotechnical surveys

The improvement of the mechanical characteristics of the soil by the dynamic compaction method shall be
based on the geotechnical characteristics assessed before and after the application of the method. Please
note that the compaction control with plate loads has a limited depth (2 times the diameter of the plate).
The necessary geotechnical surveys should be carried out in accordance with the requirements and
recommendations of ELOT EN 1997-1 and the series of ELOT EN ISO 22476.

These geotechnical surveys shall include sample drilling accompanied by on-site tests, which may be:
1. Penetrometer tests with static or dynamic cone
2. Penetration tests (electric cone and piezocone, dynamic, standard) in accordance with the standards
ELOT EN ISO 22476-1, ELOT EN ISO 22476-2 and ELOT EN ISO 22476-3
3. Pressometer tests
4. Test plate loads etc.
5. Geophysical testing
6. Exploratory drilling of possible gas detection in landfills, where the method is often applied.

4.3 Requirements for aggregates

During the dynamic compaction work it is also necessary to perform earthworks, mainly between the
successive compaction phases, in order to restore the smoothness of the working floor, disturbed by the
formation of cavities (“craters”) at the hammer drop positions. These wells are filled with appropriate inert
materials (e.g. gravel) after a number of hammer drops in one position, so that at the next repeat of the
method the ground surface has flattened.

The ground surface, as formed after the final phase of dynamic compaction, is not always suitable for
laying the foundations of the project under construction because the impact waves created by the fall of the
hammer at one point cause the surface layer to loosen in the neighbouring area.

For this reason, after the completion of the “boarding” phase, the final compaction of the surface or the
filling of the embankment with some soil layers of selected materials by classical methods (use of vibratory
roller) is required.

The materials incorporated or used shall meet ELOT EN 1997-1 Standard and the requirements resulting
from those referred to in this Technical Specification.

4.4 Particular requirements.

The activities set out in Table 1, which are directly combined with the study and application of dynamic
compaction, should be followed before the application of dynamic compaction. Please note that the order in
which these activities are presented in Table 1 below does not necessarily represent their sequencing.

© ELOT ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023

Table 1 – List of activities for the study and application of dynamic compaction

s/n Activity
1 Disposal of geotechnical investigation data
2 Decision on the manufacturing method and initial test applications of the method
Obtaining all necessary legal authorisations from the Authorities and third natural or legal
4 Design and study of the method
5 Identification of all relevant manufacturing phases
6 Execution of initial test areas (if required) and on-site and/or laboratory tests
7 Evaluation of the results of initial testing applications
Selecting the most suitable grid to apply the method and other parameters, (fall height,
hammer weight, etc.)
Instructions on the construction methodology and the time sequence of construction works
to be followed
Specifications for carrying out the necessary measurements for the possible impact of
10 work on neighbouring structures (i.e. type, accuracy and frequency of measurements) and
interpretation of the relevant records
Supervision of the implementation work of dynamic compaction and definition of quality
control requirements
Recording of the effects of construction works on neighbouring structures and
presentation of the results
Quality control of the result of the application of the method (tests, topographical

4.5 Requirements for equipment

In order to perform the dynamic compaction, the following equipment is necessary:

1. Earthmoving machinery for carrying out all kinds of earthworks before, during, and after dynamic
compaction, such as excavators, loaders, trucks, bulldozers, graders, etc.

2. Crawler lifting cranes with a lifting capacity of more than 50 tons and with a sufficient boom length to be
able to lift the hammer up to the maximum drop height required for the proper performance of the
work. The lifting capacity of the crane should be great for the additional reason that it should be able
to take on the strong vibrations caused by rapid lifting and then free fall of the hammer

3. Steel hammers weighing between 10 and 20 tonnes of suitable dimensions (e.g. 2 x 3 m), of square or
circular cross-section

4. Equipment for carrying out geotechnical control operations after application of the method (e.g. drilling
machines, penetrometers, press meters, etc.)

Cranes, earthmoving machinery, drilling machines, etc. and their operators should carry the required
permits/approvals, as applicable.

ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT

5 Methodology for the execution of works

5.1 Application of dynamic compaction
The dynamic compaction method requires specialised knowledge and experience since a particularly
heavy lifting crane is required, while lifting and free weight fall requires highly experienced handling.

The application of the method requires:

1. Evaluation of existing geotechnical research
2. The choice of phases and parameters of falls (fall height, hammer weight, number of impacts, number
of phases, waiting time between phases and nowhere of application)
3. Performing dynamic compaction in a test field (within the area of interest) in order to finalise the
characteristics of the method
4. Application of the method in phases
5. Checking the result in the final state (and often in intermediate phases)

Dynamic soil compaction is carried out in the following phases:

1. Initial phase (prior to the start of dynamic compaction), which includes the preliminary works where
the workplace is prepared by carrying out land-moving and flattening works (excavation,
embankment, soil transport, etc.). The purpose of this work is to form a smooth, flat and as far as
possible horizontal work floor to facilitate the movement of machinery. Where deposits to be
concentrated are too loose or where the aquifer level is very close to the ground surface, it may be
necessary to lay a layer of granular material with a thickness of approximately 1.0 m (‘blanket’) in
order to prevent unforeseen immersions of heavy mechanical equipment. Preliminary work includes
the installation of a topographical landside network before and during dynamic compaction to monitor
achieved compression. It shall also be necessary to install an axle rail with appropriate safeguards
so that the hammer impact points are easily re-characterised on the ground and that the positions of
the subsequent phases of the method are implemented. It goes without saying that the preparatory
work includes geotechnical research prior to the implementation of the improvement.

2. Phase of separation of the area to be subjected to dynamic compaction, in individual areas

depending on the uses, with corresponding requirements, and the structures to be based on them, in
accordance with the requirements of the Study. In the case of buildings, the corresponding area
includes a width of about 5 meters outside the boundaries of the foundations of the building. Also, in
the case of buildings, the impact points (i.e. the grid points of the weight drop positions) during the
first phase of dynamic compaction are usually selected at the locations of the building support. The
grid of the fall sites generally thickens from phase to phase of impact energy on the ground, so that
first the deeper soil layers are condensed and then the surface ones. In each of these zones, the
criteria for acceptance (adequacy) of compaction shall be specified, in accordance with the
requirements of the Study and the results of the initial application of dynamic compaction in the test

3. Phases of sequential enforcement of impact energy on the ground. By selecting the appropriate time
interval between both two consecutive hammer impacts in one drop position and between two
consecutive crossings (phases), the total (and compaction) soil regression is achieved. In the case
where the condensed formations are saturated with water, sufficient time (up to three weeks) should
elapse between the phases for the release of pores overpressures. Any water flowing and
concentrated in the craters should be removed before another pass is applied. The depth of the
created crater shall not exceed 1/2 the width of the hammer. During the execution of the compaction
works it is also necessary to carry out earthworks.

4. The final phase, in which the (thicker) grid of hammer drop positions is drawn and the energy input
per square metre of ground surface is typically less than that of the previous phase. During the final
phase of the dynamic compaction, called the “iron phase”, the hammer drops from a relatively

© ELOT ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023

smaller height (5 to 8 meters) to a continuous drop point of approximately 10 % overlap (therefore,

the dimensions of the grid are slightly smaller than the floor dimensions of the hammer). This final
phase aims at uniform compaction of the surface layers of the foundation. The soil surface, as
formed after the final phase of the dynamic compaction, is not always suitable for the foundation of
the project under construction, so after the completion of the “iron” requires the final compaction of
the surface or the filling of the embankment with some soil layers of select materials.

It is also possible, in order to limit the impact of vibrations on neighbouring buildings, to require the
excavation of a perimeter trench separating the condensed areas from existing structures in order to reflect
the impact waves.

It is stressed that in all phases of the dynamic compaction work, the impact of dynamic compaction on
neighbouring structures by the vibrations caused should be monitored.

5.2 Tolerances
From the results of each test field and depending on the geotechnical characteristics identified from
position to position, it is possible to adapt the programme of application of dynamic compaction.

For this reason, the deviation tolerances of the applied compaction dynamics are those defined in each
study or required by the geotechnical conditions in situ, always with the approval of the competent

5.3 Data held

During the dynamic compaction process, all necessary data should be recorded in a standard form called
the Register of Executed Dynamic Compaction.

The record of the work performed should record: the point of application of the dynamic compaction with its
numbering, the date of compaction, drop height, hammer weight, number of impacts, number of impactors
on the ground (number of phases), waiting time between the above phases.

6 Acceptance criteria for a finished work

For the quality control of the dynamic soil compaction, the following tests and controls are required:

6.1 Tests
The following tests shall be carried out:
1. In order to calculate the optimal number of impacts (strokes) in each phase, before the start of the
main work at different project positions, a test scope of the method should be performed. During the
tests, the change in the subsidence by the number of impacts and over time, and, if necessary, the
reduction of the pressure of the pores over time, shall be recorded for each impact energy imposed.
2. Geotechnical surveys applied before (for the selection of the final programme of application of the
method) and after the application of the method (to assess the effectiveness of compaction),
consisting mainly of pressometer tests, SPT tests, penetometer tests, plate loading test, geophysical
tests, etc.

After the completion of the compaction work and with the help of the initial geotechnical surveys, the final
implementation programme of the method will be selected.

ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT

6.2 Checks
The purpose of the checks carried out between the phases of application of dynamic compaction, but also
after the final phase, is to demonstrate the implementation of the desired improvement of soil
characteristics and the fulfilment of the requirements of the Study. Checks usually include:
1. Spatial weighting to calculate the altitudes of the soil surface after compaction (taking into account
the volume of additional backfilling used to fill the craters), resulting in an average percentage
change in the volume of the soil (estimating an average depth of influence of compaction)
2. Recordings of vibration measuring instruments in neighbouring buildings, on the magnitude of
vibrations caused, in accordance with the requirements referred to in DIN 4150-2 and DIN 4150-3.
3. Work schedule including the required time between successive phases
4. Construction plans of areas of application of the method depending on the energy required

6.3 Acceptance of finished dynamic compaction

In order to accept the finished dynamic compaction, the data in the Register and the data in the Quality
Control file should be used.

Dynamic compactions whose tests do not demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this and the
Study shall be rejected.

7 Method of measurement of works

Measurement, when required, is performed in square meters of improved surface area that were actually
fully constructed according to the Study and accepted in accordance with this Technical Specification.

Measurement can be distinguished considering the size of the energy applied to this surface in case of light
and heavy compaction.

The above measured operations include:

1. The provision of the necessary personnel and equipment with all accessories and/or tools
2. The ingress (from any distance) of the equipment with all accessories and/or tools, the positioning of
the equipment in a state of operational readiness and its collection after completion of the work
3. Damping and lay-time of equipment
4. The works of the test field
5. The geotechnical surveys and measurements required to control the desired compaction
6. Carrying out all the required tests, checks, etc. for the full and artistic performance of the work in
accordance with this Technical Specification, as well as any corrective measures (work and
materials), if non-conformities are found during the tests and checks

The backfilling materials used (e.g. for filling craters) shall be measured separately per cubic metre (m 3) in
accordance with the relevant Technical Specifications.

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Annex A

Health, safety and environmental protection conditions

Α.1 General
During the execution of the works, the applicable provisions on Occupational Health and Safety Measures
shall be met and employees shall be equipped with the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
as appropriate, which should comply with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/425.

The provisions laid down in the approved Health and Safety Plan (HSP)/Health and Safety File (HSF) of
the work, according to Ministerial Decisions ΓΓΔΕ/ΔΙΠΑΔ/οικ/889 (ΦΕΚ/16 Β’/14-01-2003) and
ΓΓΔΕ/ΔΙΠΑΔ/οικ/177 (ΦΕΚ/266 Β’/14-01-2001) shall also be strictly met.

Α.2 Hazard sources in the execution of works

1. Where applicable, working conditions in a confined space or even at a certain height from the ground

2. Risk of electric shock.

3. Risk of short-circuit and fire or fire spread to hydraulic oils.

4. Risk of transporting heavy objects

5. Working in noise conditions

6. Working under lifting machinery

7. Risk of material hurling from the fall of hammer to the ground

8. Causing vibrations in neighbouring structures

Α.3 Health and safety measures

In any case, the provisions of the project’s Safety and Health Plan (SAP) shall be implemented.

The following minimum requirements are noted:

The provisions of the Safety – Health Plan (SSP) of the project should be applied. It is also mandatory to
comply with Directive 92/57/EU, the “Minimum Health and Safety Requirements for Temporary and Mobile
Works” (as transposed into Greek legislation by Presidential Decree 305/96) and with the Greek legislation
on health and safety (Presidential Decree 17/96 and Presidential Decree 159/99, etc.).

It is mandatory to comply with the following legal texts, which are related to the safety and hygiene of civil
engineering workers.

1. Presidential Decree 1073/16-9-81 “On safety measures in the execution of works on construction
sites of building and all kinds of civil engineering projects”

ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023 © ELOT

2. Presidential Decree 396/94 Government Gazette:221/Α/94 “Minimum safety and health requirements
for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at work in compliance with Council Directive

Workers should in all cases be equipped with the required personal protective equipment (PPE), depending
on the object and location of the work to be carried out and the type of equipment used. The PPE should
be in good condition, free of damage, bear a CE marking and a declaration of conformity in accordance
with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and fall under the following Standards:

Table A1 – Requirements for PPE

Type of PPE Relevant Standard

Protective gloves against mechanical risks ELOT EN 388

Industrial safety helmets ELOT EN 397

Protective clothing – General requirements ELOT EN ISO 13688

Personal protective equipment – Safety footwear ELOT EN ISO 20345

All individual mechanical devices shall comply with the applicable Standards for Machinery Safety. Specific
requirements of the transport equipment of the fluids used should be taken into account due to the
development of high pressures.

© ELOT ELOT TS 1501-11-03-01-00:2023


[1] Presidential Decree 85/91 (Government Gazette 38/Α91), on the protection of workers from the risks
arising from exposure to noise at work in compliance with Directive 86/188/EEC.

[2] Presidential Decree 305/96, “Minimum safety and health requirements at temporary or mobile
constructions sites, in compliance with Directive 92/57/EEC”, in conjunction with Circular No
130159/7.5.97 of the Ministry for Labour and Circular No 11 (Protocol No. Δ16α/165/10/258/ΑΦ/
19.5.97) of the Ministry for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works regarding the above
Presidential Decrees (Α΄ 212).

[3] Presidential Decree 396/94, Government Gazette 221/Α/94, “Minimum safety and health
requirements for the use by workers of personal protective equipment at work in compliance with
Council Directive 89/656/EEC”.

[4] Presidential Decree 397/94, (Government Gazette 221/Α/94) Minimum safety and health
requirements for the manual handling of loads involving a risk in particular to the back and back of
workers in compliance with Council Directive 90/269/EEC.

[5] Presidential Decree 1073/16-9-81, “On safety measures in the execution of works on construction
sites and of all kinds of civil engineer”.

[6] ELOT ΕΝ 12096, Mechanical vibration - Declaration and verification of vibration emission values --
Μηχανικές δονήσεις - Δήλωση και επαλήθευση των τιμών μετάδοσης δονήσεων.

[7] ELOT ΕΝ 16228-1 Drilling and foundation equipment - Safety - Part 1: Common requirements --
Εξοπλισμός γεώτρησης και θεμελίωσης – Ασφάλεια - Μέρος 1: Κοινές απαιτήσεις.

[8] Regulation (EU) 2016/425, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on
personal protective equipment and repealing Council Directive 89/686/EEC.


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