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Hanna Kaye I. Tuba, LPT.

New Janiuay, Mlang, North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

June 29, 2028

Mr. John P. Nicolas

Mariano Untal High School
Bagontapay, Mlang North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

Dear Mr. Nicolas

I hope you are healthy and happy when you receive this letter. I'm writing to thank
Mariano Untal High School for giving me the chance to serve as a teacher and to
convey my deepest gratitude. I wanted to take a moment to express how happy and
enthusiastic I am with the support and optimism I have received in my work since joining
the faculty.

I want to start by expressing my gratitude for the inviting atmosphere that Mariano Untal
High School promotes. I feel like a crucial member of a committed team because of the
workplace's welcoming and cooperative atmosphere. My professional development as a
teacher has been greatly influenced by the open lines of communication, support, and
respect among colleagues. I am genuinely impressed by the dedication and
professionalism exhibited by the teaching staff at Mariano Untal High School. The
creative teaching methods and dedication to providing our students with engaging and
stimulating learning experiences are clear indications that the school places a high
value on a high-quality education. The focus on professional growth and the multiple
opportunities offered to improve our teaching abilities have been crucial in helping me
improve my pedagogical strategy and student outcomes.
I want to express my gratitude to the administration for their consistent support and
direction. My career and sense of competence have been greatly influenced by your
leadership and mentoring. Thanks to your constant support and helpful criticism, I've
been able to develop professionally and have a beneficial influence on my students'
lives. I would be remiss not to mention the incredible students at Mariano Untal High
School. Working with people who are so intelligent, driven, and caring and who exhibit a
desire to learn and develop is a privilege. It has been really satisfying to see how they
are developing and how happy they are with their accomplishments. The school's strong
sense of community guarantees that students feel encouraged and fostered, which is
essential for their growth both academically and personally.

I'd want to end by expressing my gratitude for Mariano Untal High School's outstanding
professional atmosphere. It is a very great place to work because of the unwavering
support, atmosphere of cooperation, and dedication to quality. I am privileged to be a
member of the teaching staff and look forward to continuing to positively contribute to
the goals of the school and the development of our kids.

Thank you for your leadership and for providing me with this wonderful opportunity. It is
an absolute pleasure to be a member of the Mariano Untal High School community, and
I am excited about the future we will shape together.

Yours sincerely,


Hanna Kaye I. Tuba, LPT.
New Janiuay, Mlang, North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

June 29, 2028

Mr. John P. Nicolas

Mariano Untal High School
Bagontapay, Mlang North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

Dear Mr. Nicolas,

I hope this letter finds you well. I'm writing to convey my profound disappointment and
rising unhappiness with the conditions and work environment at Mariano Untal High
School as they stand right now. I resign from my position as a teacher at Mariano Untal
High School, effectively this Friday. I do so with great sadness.

First off, I find the administration's lack of resources and support to be quite
demoralizing. As a teacher, I am adamant that collaboration between faculty and
management is necessary to create a learning environment. My capacity to give my
kids the greatest education possible has been hampered by the instances where my
worries and suggestions were either rejected or not taken seriously. Additionally, there is
confusion and inconsistency in the classroom as a result of the constant changes in the
curriculum and instructional strategies. As a professional, I recognize the value of
adjusting to new educational approaches, but due to a lack of adequate training and
direction, I feel unable to meet the changing requirements of my pupils.

The workload and demands put on the faculty at Mariano Untal High School have
gotten out of hand. My time has been significantly taken by the high administrative
workload, which includes an excessive amount of paperwork and meetings, leaving me
with few opportunity to concentrate on lesson planning, grading, and giving my students
helpful feedback. This has hampered my ability to create a supportive learning
environment and degraded educational outcomes.

Although I am aware that every organization has its share of difficulties, it is depressing
to see the decline in educational standards and the effects it is having on Mariano Untal
High School's pupils and faculty. Sincerely, I hope that my resigning, something good
will happen and that the working environment and support systems at the school will be
carefully examined.

I'd like to use this chance to show my appreciation to the coworkers I've had the honor
of working with. Throughout my time at Mariano Untal High School, their
professionalism and constant commitment to the kids have served as an inspiration.
Please consider this letter as formal notice of my resignation. I will do my utmost to
ensure a smooth transition for my successor, and I am open to discussing any
necessary arrangements to facilitate this process.

Thank you for the opportunities and experiences I have gained during my time at
Mariano Untal High School. I wish the school, its staff, and the students continued
success and growth in the future.

Yours sincerely,


Hanna Kaye I. Tuba, LPT.
New Janiuay, Mlang, North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

June 29, 2028

Mr. John P. Nicolas

Mariano Untal High School
Bagontapay, Mlang North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

Subject: Application for the position of teacher at Mariano Untal High School

Dear Mr Nicolas,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I'm writing to Mariano Untal
High School to say how much I'd like to teach there. I am certain that, as a passionate
and committed educator, my knowledge, expertise, and enthusiasm perfectly
complement the objectives and ideals of your prestigious university. I have had the
honor of working with a variety of student groups over the course of my [length of
experience] as a teacher, in both public and private educational settings. I now possess
a thorough understanding of sound pedagogical principles and the skills necessary to
modify my teaching strategies in order to meet the individual needs of each student as a
result of my experiences.

One of my main convictions is that education is the key to releasing each person's full
potential. In order to encourage students to actively participate in their learning, I work
to establish a lively and welcoming classroom environment. I want to enable my pupils
to develop into critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and responsible global citizens by
creating a nurturing and supportive environment. I have a strong dedication to
professional growth in addition to my passion for teaching.
I am always looking for new ways to improve my teaching abilities and keep up with the
most recent educational trends and methodologies. Using cutting-edge methods,
instructional technology, and linkages to the real world, I try to motivate my students and
make learning a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

I genuinely believe that in order to create a complete educational experience,

collaboration between instructors, parents, and the larger school community is
essential. I'm excited to contribute to a thriving and harmonious school climate as a
team member. To ensure the success and welfare of my pupils, I actively look for
opportunities to work with colleagues, take part in extracurricular activities, and
communicate with parents. I am convinced that my excellent communication and
organizational abilities will allow me to successfully handle the administrative duties
associated with the teaching profession. I have experience developing lesson plans,
evaluating students' progress, and giving prompt and helpful comments. I recognize the
value of keeping lines of communication open with parents and coworkers to promote a
cooperative and helpful educational community.

Mariano Untal High School has consistently impressed me with its commitment to
academic excellence, student welfare, and community involvement. The school's
mission statement resonates deeply with my own educational philosophy, and I am
eager to contribute my skills and expertise to your dedicated team of educators.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and how I can
contribute to the continued success of Mariano Untal High School. I have attached my
resume for your perusal, and I am happy to provide any additional documents or
references upon request.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of joining
Mariano Untal High School and making a positive impact on the lives of your students.

Yours sincerely,


Hanna Kaye I. Tuba, LPT.
New Janiuay, Mlang, North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

June 29, 2028

Mr. John P. Nicolas

Mariano Untal High School
Bagontapay, Mlang North Cotabato, Philippines, 9402

Dear Mr. Nicolas;

As an aspiring teacher, I am applying to Mariano Unta High School because my

research indicate that your outstanding school program will provide me with the best
possible preparation to enter this field. Your organization has an outstanding reputation,
and the feedback I have received from students and alumni have convinced me to

Thank you for considering me for this position, and I hope that my accompanying
resume will give you a better sense of the type of teacher I am. I look forward to
meeting you in person and sharing with you my teaching philosophy while learning more
about this job opportunity.

If you have any questions for me or if I can be of assistance in any way, please let me
know you may reach me at 09073184078 or email me at

Thank you and have a great day!

Sincerely yours,


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