Benefits of Energy Management System

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Benefits of Energy Management System (EMS) proposed for Waraq :

1. First Step Towards ISO 50001 :

This system is first step for achieving ISO 50001 certification, which can differentiate a company in
the market, demonstrating its commitment to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.
This certification can enhance the company's reputation, attract environmentally conscious
customers, and provide a competitive edge over non-certified competitors.

2. Cost Savings :

This system shall enable Waraq to identify areas of high energy consumption and inefficiencies,
allowing the company to implement measures to reduce energy usage and lower utility bills. By
optimizing energy consumption patterns, Waraq can significantly cut down on operational costs.

3. Improved Efficiency :

The proposed system shall provide real-time monitoring of energy-consuming equipment and
systems. This shall allow Waraq to identify and rectify inefficiencies promptly, optimizing
equipment performance and overall energy usage.

4. Data Driven Decision Making :

The proposed system shall collect & analyze power data of multiple locations in Plant, thereby
giving a comparative study & report of energy consumption in different scenarios of respective
units. This data shall allow the Management to identify performance (in terms of energy
consumption) of each unit, thereby allowing the Management to make data-driven decisions
related to Operations & Maintenance to bring down costs.

5. Equipment Longevity & Maintenance Savings :

The constant real time power monitoring of the equipments by the proposed system shall assist
the Operations & Maintenance team to identify equipments consuming excessive power & having
inefficient operation. This shall allow concerned teams to schedule advance preventive
maintenance of such equipments, thus avoiding wear & tear thereby prolonging the lifespan of the
equipment & minimizing probability of any major failure. The system shall serve as a platform to
enhance lifespan of critical equipments & to minimize any major maintenance / breakdown related

6. Reduced Cost of Insurance Premiums :

As mentioned above, this system is the first step for any company to acquire ISO 50001
Certification. ISO 50001 Certification serves to reduce the cost of insurance premiums, enabling in
savings that can be utilized in investments and business growth.

7. Safety Enhancement :

This system shall enable the concerned teams to detect abnormal conditions that risk safety by
identifying any fault scenario in the systems. Required alarms can be raised & escalated on priority
to respective teams, thus expediting corrective action to rectify or isolate faulty system. This way,
safety of the Plant, People & Assets in terms of Electrical & Operational aspects shall be enhanced.

8. WAGES Metering :

This platform shall help Waraq team go beyond managing electrical energy use by integrating the
metering and management of all other utilities including water, compressed air, gas, and steam.

It shall serve to measure energy usage against organization’s business performance, e.g. energy vs.
units of output.

9. Power Factor Management :

Mitigate penalties on utility bills due to lagging power factor by metering active and reactive power.

10. Return On Investment :

The cumulative effect of energy cost savings, operational efficiency improvements, maintenance
cost reductions, and other monetary benefits leads to a higher return on investment for the EMS

Direct Impact On Cost & Savings : Summary of Technical Team Report - Proposed EMS
Benefits referenced from our recent inhouse Factory implementation (Jafza Manufacturing
Unit, Dubai)

1. Energy Savings Potential:

The Energy Management System (EMS) is projected to yield energy savings of approximately 10-

2. Cost Savings :

Reference from our recent factory implementation indicates a tangible cost saving of around 20%.

3. Enhanced Maintenance Efficiency:

Early detection of changes in energy consumption patterns allows for timely maintenance alerts to
operators, resulting in an efficiency improvement of 8-10% in maintenance operations.

4. Environmental Impact:

Implementation of the EMS has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions by 15%, aligning with
sustainability goals over a span of 2+ years.

Contingent Factors:

The actual outcomes are contingent upon factors such as facility size, usage, and monitoring
patterns. The effectiveness of the EMS integration into daily operations plays a crucial role in
realizing these benefits. Above given figures have been achieved at period of 2+ years usage of the


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