FRC Forecast Basf Ar23

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BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2024 167

Forecast In this section:

Economic Environment in 2024
Outlook 2024
Opportunities and Risks
We expect the global economy to grow by 2.3% in 2024, slightly weaker than in 2023 (+2.6%). The sharp rise in
interest rates over the course of 2023 is expected to dampen growth in the United States and Europe and the catch-up
effects in services consumption are anticipated to weaken. We expect that the demand structure will gradually
normalize and that the share of goods consumption in private consumption will rise again. We expect growth of 2.2%
for global industrial production (2023: +1.4%). Following the sharp declines in many countries in the previous year, we
expect slightly stronger growth of 2.7% for global chemical production (2023: +1.7%).

Economic Environment in 20241

and Europe. This has a negative impact on growth in capital cool (2024: +1.4%, 2023: +2.5%). GDP growth in the Eastern
At a glance expenditures and construction investments and dampens the ability E.U. countries is expected to accelerate somewhat as the high
of private households to spend on interest-sensitive consumer inflation rates and interest rates should decrease noticeably
▪ Continued weak growth in Europe
goods. Recovery in China is extremely volatile, particularly with (2024: +2.1%, 2023: +0.5%).
▪ Lower growth in North America and Asia regard to the stability of the real estate sector and the development
▪ Sideways movement in chemical production in Europe and the of the labor market. The geopolitical situation remains tense, In the United Kingdom, we expect growth to remain weak
United States especially in light of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. In our (2024: +0.4%, 2023: +0.5%), as the higher interest rate level is
▪ Further growth in chemical production in Asia forecast, we assume that these conflicts will not escalate further in increasingly reflected in mortgage interest rates for private
2024, but we also do not anticipate a fundamentally positive households. In view of the high home ownership rate and shorter
turnaround. fixed-interest periods, this effect is generally stronger in the United
Economic momentum slowed at the end of 2023. We expect that Kingdom than in other European countries.
this weak phase will continue in the first half of 2024 and that growth
will only accelerate somewhat over the course of the year. Overall Trends in the global economy in 2024 Following strong growth in 2023 (+2.5%), we expect a slowdown in
macroeconomic growth in the E.U. is expected to remain at a low the United States (2024: +1.8%). Here too, the persistently high
level in the year’s average. By contrast, we expect a slowdown on We expect GDP growth to remain largely unchanged in the level of interest rates will slow down growth in private consumption
average over the year in North America and Asia. European Union (E.U.) (2024: +0.8%, 2023: +0.5%). As catch-up as well as capital expenditures and construction investments.
effects in tourism are weakening and demand for goods is expected Furthermore, the depletion of savings built up during the coronavirus
Uncertainty about future developments remains high. The to stabilize, we forecast growth rates to converge more strongly crisis is increasingly unable to support consumption. The
purchasing power of private households is on the rise due to wage in Western Europe. While Germany is expected to grow by 0.3% forbearance of student loan repayments, which was introduced
increases in the previously resilient labor markets of Northwestern again in 2024 following the slight decline in GDP (2023: -0.1%), we during the coronavirus pandemic, ended in fall 2023 and is now
Europe and the United States. However, interest rates are likely to anticipate growth in France (+0.8%) and Italy (+0.5%) to remain placing an additional burden on private household budgets.
remain high despite decreasing inflation rates in the United States largely unchanged. In Spain, however, the economy is likely to

1 Our assumptions account for current estimates by external institutions, including economic research institutes, banks, multinational organizations and consulting firms.
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2024 168

We expect economic recovery in China to continue. Due to the Outlook for gross domestic product 2024 vehicles to only stagnate (-0.5%) after the strong growth of the
higher starting point, however, growth in 2024 will slow compared Real change compared with previous year previous year (+9.4%), which was impacted by catch-up effects.
with the previous year (2024: +4.5%, 2023: +5.2%). The World 2.3% Global automotive production will therefore remain at a level of
international economic environment remains weak and exports are around 90 million vehicles. The share of battery electric vehicles
European Union 0.8%
therefore not expected to provide any strong growth stimulus (BEVs) in the total production volume is expected to increase further
United States 1.8%
overall. Domestic demand continues to be burdened by the crisis in from around 12% in 2023 to 15% in 2024. Developments will differ
Emerging markets of
the real estate sector and tight public budgets at provincial level. Asia excluding China
4.9% from region to region: A slight overall decline is expected in Asia.
Private household consumption is expected to grow only moderately While Chinese car production is expected to stagnate at a high level,
China 4.5%
in this environment. declines are anticipated for Japan and South Korea. In contrast, we
Japan 0.8%
are forecasting further slight growth for North and South America.
In the other emerging markets of Asia, we expect stable growth South America 1.0% We expect production in the E.U. and the United Kingdom to
overall (2024: +4.9%, 2023: +4.7%) against the backdrop of largely decline. However, Western Europe also saw the strongest growth in
constantly growing domestic demand and the gradual recovery in the previous year.
export demand from China. In India, growth momentum is expected Trends in gross domestic product 2024-2026
to slow slightly, mainly due to a slowdown in investment growth in Average annual real change The energy and raw materials sector is expected to grow slightly
an environment of higher interest rates (2024: +6.2%, 2023: +6.5%). World 2.6% faster in 2024 than in 2023. The expected slightly higher industry
growth and the associated increase in demand for energy and
European Union 1.3%
We expect weaker growth in Japan (2024: +0.8%, 2023: +1.8%), non-energy raw materials will contribute to this. In addition, a
United States 1.7%
as exports are growing more slowly now that the recovery effects in normalization of weather conditions after a warmer-than-average
Emerging markets of
the automotive industry have come to an end and import prices for Asia excluding China
5.0% 2023 is expected to increase demand for oil and gas to heat
raw materials and precursors have risen due to the weaker yen. By buildings.
China 4.7%
contrast, the growth rate of private consumption should remain
Japan 0.9%
stable, as real incomes are rising moderately. Growth in the construction industry is well below the long-term
South America 1.9% average due to high interest rates in Europe and the United States
Growth in South America is expected to weaken in 2024 (2024: and the real estate crisis in China. While we expect a further decline
+1.0%, 2023: +1.4%). Growth in the region is being supported by in residential construction in 2024, particularly in Europe and the
declining inflation rates in most countries and falling interest rates in Outlook for key customer industries United States, nonresidential construction is likely to continue to
many countries. This is offset by narrower fiscal leeway. Particularly grow. Investment in public and private infrastructure is likely
in Argentina, further consolidation measures are required to fight Overall, we anticipate growth of 2.2% (2023: +1.4%) in global to remain high, leading to continued dynamic growth in the
hyperinflation and stabilize the currency and to restructure public industrial production. Industrial production is expected to grow again infrastructure sector. Overall, we expect only slightly higher growth
finances. slightly in the advanced economies (2024: +0.4%, 2023: -0.4%). for the construction industry compared with the previous year.
Growth in the emerging markets is expected to accelerate slightly
(2024: +3.5%, 2023: +2.8%). Consumer goods production is expected to grow at around the
same rate as global GDP. Wage and salary increases in Europe and
We are forecasting weak growth of only +1.1% for the entire the United States are leading to real income growth in many cases,
transportation industry1 (2023: +9.5%). We expect global which should support consumer demand, particularly in the areas of
production volumes of passenger cars and light commercial textiles and clothing, electrical household appliances and consumer

1 The transportation industry includes the production of motor vehicles, motor vehicle parts and the construction of other vehicles (especially ships and boats, trains, air and spacecraft, and two-wheelers).
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Economic Environment in 2024 169

goods (care products). Demand for furniture, on the other hand, is advanced economies following the sharp decline in the previous In South America, chemical production will presumably grow
expected to stagnate. However, we do not expect the furniture year (2024: +0.8%, 2023: -4.9%). Growth in the emerging markets slightly (2024: +1.3%; 2023: -4.7%). We expect to see slowly
industry to shrink any further after the sharp decline in 2023. is expected to slow slightly (2024: +3.5%, 2023: +4.8%). increasing demand from the consumer goods industries and
growing automotive production. Demand for chemical products
The electronics industry is expected to grow more strongly again In China, the world’s largest chemical market, we are forecasting from the agricultural sector is also expected to continue to grow.
in 2024 after stagnating in the previous year. While growth in lower but still high growth in chemical production of 4.0%
traditional consumer electronics is likely to slow down, we again following the strong growth in the previous year (2023: +7.5%). We Outlook for chemical production 2024 (excluding pharmaceuticals)
expect increases in computers and communication electronics due expect growth stimulus to come primarily from the consumer goods Real change compared with previous year
to the short product life cycles. Overall, however, the expected and electronics industries. Following the considerable decline in World 2.7%
growth in 2024 remains below the average of previous years. chemical production in the other emerging markets of Asia, we
European Union 0.8%
expect a gradual recovery (2024: +3.0%, 2023: -2.4%). The main
United States 1.1%
We anticipate a recovery in growth in the health and nutrition growth driver is India with expected growth of 4.5%.
Emerging markets of
sector. After the decline in pharmaceutical production in Asia in Asia excluding China
2022 and 2023, we expect a normalization in 2024. For the nutrition We anticipate gradual stabilization in the E.U. Although the situation
China 4.0%
sector, we assume global growth in line with GDP growth. Due to for the European chemical industry remains challenging in view of
Japan 0.0%
the stronger growth in the pharmaceutical sector, we are forecasting its high cost level by international standards and the weak global
slightly higher growth than GDP for the health and nutrition sector. industrial economy, production is expected to stabilize at the current South America 1.3%

low level (2024: +0.8%) following the sharp declines of previous

Production in agriculture will presumably grow more moderately in years (2023: -7.6%, 2022: -5.2%). This trend was already evident in
2024. However, regional trends vary greatly. For Western Europe, the course of 2023. The considerable fall in gas prices and the slow Trends in chemical production 2024–2026 (excluding pharmaceuticals)
moderate growth in agricultural production is expected again after recovery in demand for goods due to gains in purchasing power are Average annual real change
the hot summer of 2023 if weather conditions normalize. Growth in expected to support demand for chemicals in Europe. World 2.9%
Eastern Europe is expected to remain stable, provided that
European Union 1.0%
production in Ukraine can be maintained at the current level. In Demand for chemicals is also expected to recover slightly in the
United States 1.2%
North America, growth is expected to increase slightly. By contrast, United States (2024: +1.1%, 2023: -1.0%) following the previous
Emerging markets of
we expect agricultural production in South America to grow slightly year, which was characterized by destocking and weak industrial Asia excluding China
slower overall. However, this varies widely by country: While growth growth. We anticipate slight growth for most customer industries in
China 4.1%
in Brazil is expected to weaken after the strong previous year, we the manufacturing sector. Further growth is also expected for the
Japan 0.4%
anticipate that it will pick up in the other countries in the region. For automotive industry in North America. However, developments
Asia, which accounts for 65% of global agricultural production, we remain uncertain against the backdrop of high interest rates and the South America 2.1%

are forecasting a slight slowdown in growth in the agricultural sector associated risk of recession, particularly with regard to the
overall. construction sector.

For Japan, we are forecasting stagnation in chemical production

Outlook for the chemical industry after the sharp decline in the previous year (2024: 0.0%,
2023: -6.6%). Following very strong growth in the previous year,
Global chemical production (excluding pharmaceuticals) is expected automotive production is expected to fall. Although the other
to grow by 2.7% in 2024, faster than in the previous year customer industries are compensating for this decline overall, they
(2023: +1.7%). We anticipate weak growth in production in the are unlikely to provide any additional growth stimulus.
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Outlook 2024 170

Outlook 2024
In line with the Differentiated Steering approach that we introduced at the beginning of the year, we are reporting two new most important key
performance indicators for the BASF Group at financial level, which are forecast below at Group and segment level: income from operations before
depreciation and amortization and special items (EBITDA before special items) and free cash flow or the corresponding segment cash flow. In addition,
we will continue to forecast Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions for the BASF Group.

market. We do not expect any significant growth stimulus in the E.U. special items. We anticipate slight earnings growth in the Materials
Outlook for 2024 at a glance We are forecasting a gradual slowdown in the United States as a segment. In the Surface Technologies segment, we are forecasting
result of high interest rates. The geopolitical situation remains critical earnings at the prior-year level. EBITDA before special items in the
▪ EBITDA before special items of between €8.0 billion and €8.6 billion
against the backdrop of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and Agricultural Solutions segment will likely decrease slightly.
▪ Free cash flow of between €0.1 billion and €0.6 billion
other geopolitical tensions, particularly between the United States
▪ CO2 emissions of between 16.7 million metric tons and
17.7 million metric tons and China. In our forecast, we assume that these conflicts will not We forecast the BASF Group’s free cash flow to be between
▪ Capital expenditures of around €6.2 billion escalate even further in 2024, but we also do not anticipate a €0.1 billion and €0.6 billion (2023: €2.7 billion). This is based on
fundamentally positive turnaround. All in all, global industrial expected cash flows from operating activities from €6.6 billion to
production will likely expand by 2.2% overall (2023: +1.4%). €7.1 billion, minus expected payments made for property, plant and
We expect the weakness in global economic momentum from 2023 Global chemical production is expected to grow faster in 2024, by equipment and intangible assets2 in the amount of €6.5 billion. The
to continue in the first half of 2024. The main reason for this will be 2.7% (2023: +1.7%). This will be driven primarily by the expected high investment-related cash outflow is mainly due to investments in
the expected persistently high interest rates, which will continue to growth in the Chinese chemical industry. Our planning assumes an the new Verbund site in China, which will reach their absolute peak
dampen growth in the United States and Europe. The positive trend average oil price of $80 for a barrel of Brent crude and an exchange in 2024.
in service consumption will no longer be a significant factor. Global rate of $1.10 per euro.
economic growth is only expected to accelerate somewhat later in For more information on our expectations for the economic environment in 2024, The BASF Group’s free cash flow comprises the cash flows of the
see page 167 onward
the year, meaning that we expect the global economy to grow by segments and additionally includes transactions that are not
For more information on the material opportunities and risks that could affect our forecast,
2.3% overall in 2024 (2023: +2.6%). In Europe, the comparatively see page 173 onward
allocated operationally as well as adjustments of other noncash
very high energy prices and unfavorable framework conditions for effects. For 2024, we expect a considerable decline in cash flows in
industrial value creation continue to slow down economic all segments compared with 2023. The investment-related cash
development. Earnings and free cash flow forecast for outflow for the construction of the new Verbund site in China will
the BASF Group1 primarily affect the Chemicals segment. In the other segments, the
We expect that demand for industrial goods will normalize only expected decline in cash flows is likely to result primarily from a
gradually and that the share of goods in private consumption will rise The BASF Group’s EBITDA before special items is expected to rise lower cash inflow from the reduction in working capital compared
again only slowly. For this reason, we only expect very moderate to between €8.0 billion and €8.6 billion in 2024 (2023: €7.7 billion). with the strong previous year.
growth in most of our customer industries. Conversely, we expect Volume and margin growth in all segments will contribute here. Rising For more information on the calculation of free cash flow and segment cash flow, see page 37
weak growth overall in the automotive industry following strong fixed costs due to inflation but also in connection with the construction
growth in 2023, which was characterized by catch-up effects. of our new Verbund site in China will weigh down earnings in some
Recovery in China remains extremely uncertain, particularly with segments. The Nutrition & Care, Industrial Solutions and Chemicals
regard to the real estate sector and the development of the labor segments are expected to considerably increase EBITDA before

1 For EBITDA before special items and free cash flow, “slight” represents a change of 0.1%–10.0%, while “considerable” applies to changes of 10.1% and higher. “At prior-year level” indicates no change (+/-0.0%).
2 Capex plus investments in intangible assets and IT
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Outlook 2024 171

Forecast at Group level Forecast for the segments

Million €

In the Chemicals segment, we anticipate a considerable increase in

2023 2024 forecast income from operations before depreciation, amortization and
EBITDA before special items 7,671 €8.0 billion–€8.6 billion special items (EBITDA before special items) in 2024 despite the
continued difficult environment. Expected volume growth in both
divisions will contribute to this. However, higher fixed costs, mainly
2023 2024 forecast
in connection with the construction of the new Verbund site in
Cash flows from operating activities 8,111 €6.6 billion–€7.1 billion Zhanjiang, China, and scheduled turnarounds, will have an offsetting
– Payments made for property, plant and equipment and effect. Compared with 2023, we expect a considerable decline in
5,395 €6.5 billion
intangible assets the segment cash flow: This will be caused by expected turnarounds
Free cash flow 2,715 €0.1 billion–€0.6 billion as well as higher investment expenditure.

Compared with 2023, we anticipate a slight growth in EBITDA

before special items for the Materials segment. This will be
Forecast by segment attributable to targeted volume and margin growth in both divisions.
Million €
However, in the Monomers division, EBITDA before special items is
EBITDA before special itemsa Segment cash flowa
expected to decrease slightly overall. The main reason for this will be
2023 2024 forecast 2023 2024 forecast
considerably higher fixed costs, as positive one-time effects from
Chemicals 1,167 Considerable increase -936 Considerable decrease the previous year will not occur. Compared with the prior-year figure,
we expect a considerable decline in the segment cash flow,
Materials 1,650 Slight increase 1,369 Considerable decrease
particularly as a result of a lower cash inflow from working capital.
Industrial Solutions 965 Considerable increase 1,292 Considerable decrease

The Industrial Solutions segment is expected to considerably

Surface Technologies 1,520 At prior-year level 1,488 Considerable decrease
increase EBITDA before special items compared with 2023. This will
Nutrition & Care 565 Considerable increase 503 Considerable decrease be driven by higher volumes and margins in both divisions, in
Agricultural Solutions 2,270 Slight decrease 1,746 Considerable decrease particular as a result of the expected global economic recovery in
the second half of 2024. However, margin growth for Dispersions &
a For EBITDA before special items and cash flow, “slight” represents a change of 0.1%–10.0%, while “considerable” applies to changes of 10.1% and higher. “At prior-year level” indicates no change (+/-0.0%). Resins will be dampened by increasingly competitive market
conditions. Despite the increase in earnings, segment cash flow is
anticipated to be considerably below the previous year, as planned
CO2 emissions forecast for the BASF Group with targeted measures to reduce emissions, such as increasing growth will lead to more cash being tied up in receivables and
energy efficiency and optimizing processes as well as continuing the inventories.
CO2 emissions are expected to be between 16.7 million metric tons shift to electricity from renewable energies through the shareholding
and 17.7 million metric tons in 2024. We anticipate additional in the Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm, for example. The Surface Technologies segment’s EBITDA before special items
emissions compared with the previous year from higher production in 2024 is expected to be at the prior-year level. A slight increase in
volumes based on rising demand. We will counteract this increase earnings in the Catalysts division as a result of expected volume
growth in the battery materials business should offset the expected
slight decline in earnings in the Coatings division. Cash flow in both
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Outlook 2024 172

divisions is expected to decline considerably. In the Catalysts our growth projects – the new Verbund site in China, and the Capex by region 2024–2027
division, planned investments and a higher amount of cash tied up expansion of the battery materials business. The investment volume 40%
in working capital, especially in the battery materials business, is in the next four years will thus be considerably below that of the Asia Pacific
expected to lead to lower cash flow. Cash flow in the Coatings planning period 2023 to 2026 (€24.5 billion). 22%
division will probably decline, mainly as a result of higher expenditure North America
€19.5 billion
on efficiency measures. Projects currently being planned or underway include: 1%
South America, Africa,
In the Nutrition & Care segment, we expect a considerable increase Capex: selected projects 35% Middle East
Europe 2%
in EBITDA before special items, in particular due to higher volumes
Alternative sites currently being investigated
and margins. Both divisions are aiming for volume growth above the Location Project
market average. Higher fixed costs, mainly as a result of the Chalampé, France Construction of a world-scale-production plant for
construction of our new Verbund site in China, are likely to dampen hexamethylenediamine
earnings development. Cash flow in both divisions is expected to be Geismar, Louisiana Capacity expansion at MDI plants Dividend
considerably below the prior-year level. In the Care Chemicals Ludwigshafen, Germany Modernization of chloroformates and acid chlorides plant
division, this will be mainly attributable to a higher amount of cash We have an ambitious dividend policy and offer our shareholders an
Zhanjiang, China Construction of an integrated Verbund site
tied up in working capital compared with 2023. Cash flow in the attractive dividend yield. We aim to increase our per-share dividend
Nutrition & Health division will decline mainly as a result of increasing each year or maintain it at the prior-year level.
investment expenditures for aroma ingredients in Ludwigshafen, Capex by segment 2024–2027 Information on the proposed dividend can be found on page 15
Germany, and in Zhanjiang, China.
31% 10%
In the Agricultural Solutions segment, we expect EBITDA before Chemicals
Nutrition & Care Financing
special items to decline slightly in 2024. This will be mainly driven by
higher fixed costs due to inflation as well as negative currency €19.5 billion 4% In 2024, we expect cash outflows in the equivalent amount of
effects, which can only be partially offset by higher sales volumes. In 14%
Agricultural Solutions around €0.5 billion from the scheduled repayment of bonds. To
addition, the receipt of a one-time payment had a positive impact on Materials refinance maturing bonds and to optimize our maturity profile, we
earnings in 2023. Segment cash flow is expected to be considerably 30% continue to have medium to long-term corporate bonds and our
lower in 2024 compared with the prior-year figure, mainly due to a 4% Other (infrastructure, R&D) global commercial paper program at our disposal.
higher amount of cash tied up in working capital. Industrial Solutions Information on our financing policies can be found from page 69 onward

Capital expenditures (Capex) Surface Technologies Events after the reporting period

We are planning capital expenditures (additions to property, plant There have been no significant changes in the company’s situation
and equipment excluding acquisitions, IT investments, restoration or market environment since the beginning of the 2024 business
obligations and right-of-use assets arising from leases) of around year.
€6.2 billion for the BASF Group in 2024, including €3.3 billion for our
growth projects, in particular the construction of the new Verbund
site in China. For the period from 2024 to 2027, we are planning
capital expenditures totaling €19.5 billion, including €6.8 billion for
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 173

Opportunities and Risks

GRI 2, 201

The goal of BASF’s risk management is to identify and evaluate opportunities and risks as early as possible and to take appropriate measures to
seize opportunities and limit risks. The aim is to avoid risks that pose a threat to BASF’s continued existence and to make improved managerial decisions to
create value. We define opportunities as potential successes that exceed our defined goals. We understand risk to be any event that can negatively impact
the achievement of our short-term operational or medium-term strategic goals.

supply of energy, industrial raw materials and intermediates. The outlook for the EBITDA of the BASF Group. Opportunities and risks
At a glance wars in Ukraine and the Middle East pose significant risks for market that have an impact on net income from shareholdings and cash
development and the supply of raw materials in Europe. flow from the shares in Wintershall Dea are monitored and tracked
▪ Integrated process for opportunity and risk identification,
through BASF’s involvement in the relevant governing bodies as a
assessment and reporting
Furthermore, there are risks to demand due to high interest rates shareholder.
▪ Decentralized management of specific opportunities and risks:
and consumers’ reduced purchasing power. Opportunities will arise For more information on the nonintegral, equity-accounted shareholding in Wintershall Dea, see
aggregate reporting at Group level Note 10 to the Consolidated Financial Statements from page 253 onward
in particular from stronger growth in demand resulting from better
▪ Material opportunities and risks for 2024 arise from overall
macroeconomic development than assumed.
economic developments and margin volatility

In addition to the uncertainties surrounding market growth, material

Where appropriate, we measure and manage opportunities and opportunities and risks for our earnings arise from margin volatility.
risks in terms of probability and economic impact in the event they To assess the opportunities and risks arising from the volatility of
occur. Where possible, we use statistical methods to aggregate market growth, margins and currencies, we switched to forward-
opportunities and risks into risk categories. In addition, we use a looking market-related assumptions in 2023 in order to reflect the
qualitative evaluation scale for opportunities and risks to assess specific expectations of the market. In previous years, this was
both business and sustainability aspects that cannot be quantified. based on historical volatilities with a greater fluctuation range.
In this way, we achieve an overall view of opportunities and risks,
allowing us to prioritize risks at Group level and take effective risk According to our assessment, there continue to be no significant
management measures. individual risks that pose a threat to the continued existence of
the BASF SE or the BASF Group. The same applies to the sum of
individual risks, even in the case of a global economic crisis.
Overall assessment
Ultimately, however, residual risks (net risks) remain in all
For 2024, we anticipate that global economic growth will slow entrepreneurial activities that cannot be ruled out, even by
slightly as a result of higher inflation – albeit lower compared with comprehensive risk management.
2023 – and persistently high interest rates. General macroeconomic
uncertainty will remain exceptionally high. As a non-integral shareholding, income from Wintershall Dea AG,
Kassel/Hamburg, Germany, is reported in net income from
A further escalation of current geopolitical conflicts could lead to shareholdings. The opportunities and risks resulting from the
disruptions in global supply chains and greater restrictions on the shareholding in Wintershall Dea are therefore not included in the
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 174

Potential short-term effects on EBITDA of key opportunity and risk Risk management process and internal control system the regions advances the implementation of appropriate risk
factors subsequent to measures takena
management practices in daily operations. Financial risks are an
Outlook The BASF Group’s risk management process is based on the exception. The management of liquidity, currency and interest
Possible variations related to:
- 2024 +
international risk management standard COSO II Enterprise Risk rate risks is conducted in the Corporate Finance department. The
Business environment and sector
Management – Integrated Framework and comprises the risk management of commodity price risks takes place in the Global
management system, the internal control system and compliance Procurement unit or in authorized Group companies.
Market growth
management. Its key features are as follows: – The BASF Group’s management is informed of short-term
Margins operational opportunities and risks that fall within an observation
Competition period of up to one year in the monthly Management’s Report
Organization and responsibilities produced by Corporate Finance. In addition, Corporate Finance
– Risk management and the internal control system is the provides information twice a year on the aggregated opportunity/
Company-specific opportunities and risks responsibility of the Board of Executive Directors. It defines the risk exposure of the BASF Group. Furthermore, any arising
basic requirements and processes as well as the organization of individual risks which have an impact of more than €10 million on
the risk management system. It also determines the processes for earnings or risks qualitatively evaluated to have a material impact
Supply chain
approving investments, acquisitions and divestitures. on our sustainability targets as well as reputational risks, must be
Investments/production – The Board of Executive Directors is supported by the Corporate reported immediately. The Supervisory Board is informed
Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations Center. Corporate Finance and Corporate Development, which annually about short-term operational opportunities and risks as
are units within the Corporate Center, and the Chief Compliance well as the risk management system and its further development.
Officer (CCO) coordinate the risk management process at a – As part of strategy development, the Corporate Development
Information technology
Group level, examine financial and sustainability-related unit additionally conducts strategic opportunity/risk analyses with
Compliance/legal opportunities and risks, and provide the structure and appropriate a five-year assessment period. These analyses are annually
Tax methodology. Opportunity and risk management is thus reviewed as part of strategic controlling and are adapted if
integrated into the strategy, planning and budgeting processes. necessary. Scenarios are also developed to map possible
– BASF’s risk committee reviews the BASF Group’s risk portfolio impacts beyond the five-year horizon, for example from
Financial at least twice a year to evaluate any adjustments to risk climate-related developments. The Board of Executive Directors
Exchange rate volatility management measures and informs the Board of Executive and Supervisory Board are informed annually about strategic
Other financial opportunities and risks
Directors of these. Members of the risk committee are the opportunities and risks.
president of Corporate Finance (chair), the president of Corporate – We also regularly consider exceptional situations at global,
€100 million
€100 million €500 million
Development, the president of Corporate Legal, Compliance & regional and local level – from process safety incidents and goods
€500 million €1,000 million Insurance and the heads of the Corporate Audit, Corporate spillages to pandemics and cyberattacks – which are very rarely
€1,000 million €1,500 million Environmental Protection, Health, Safety and Quality, Corporate successful but can have a fundamental impact. In addition, a
€1,500 million €2,000 million
Treasury, and Group Reporting & Performance Management crisis organization exists to proactively create contingency plans
a Using a 95% confidence interval per risk category based on planned values; summation is not permissible.
departments. where necessary and appropriate. The crisis management
– The management and control of specific opportunities and risks organization is activated in the event of a sudden crisis.
is largely delegated to the divisions, the service and research units For more information on emergency response, see page 129 onward and for more information on
health and safety, see page 143 onward
and the regions, and is steered at a regional or local level. This
also applies to sustainability-related topics relevant to BASF
including the impact of climate change on BASF. A network of risk
managers in the divisions, service and research units as well as in
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 175

– BASF’s CCO manages the implementation of our Compliance Organization of the BASF Group’s risk management
Management System, supported by additional compliance
officers worldwide. The CCO regularly reports to the Board of Supervisory Board

Executive Directors on the status of implementation as well as on External auditors

Corporate Audit a
any significant results and provides a status report to the
Supervisory Board’s Audit Committee at least once a year, Board of Executive Directors

including any major developments. The Board of Executive

Chief Compliance Officer b
Directors immediately informs the Audit Committee about
Risk Committee
significant incidents.
For more information on compliance, compliance management and monitoring adherence to our
compliance principles, see page 202 onward
Corporate Center
Corporate Corporate
– Risk-specific monitoring and control systems, some of which Corporate Legal, Corporate Corporate
Corporate Corporate Environmental Communications & Corporate Net Zero
Compliance & Taxes & Human
are decentralized, have been set up for each area identified in the Development Finance Protection, Health, Government Investor Relations Accelerator
Insurance Duties Resources
Safety & Quality Relations
risk portfolio. The results of the monitoring processes are
incorporated into regular risk reporting to the Risk Committee
and the Board of Executive Directors. Compared with internal
control systems in financial reporting, these monitoring and
control systems in other subject areas have a lower degree of Divisions Regions Service units Research units

formalization. As a rule, however, they also include organizational a The Corporate Audit department is part of the Corporate Center.

security precautions such as compliance with the basic principles b The Chief Compliance Officer is the head of the Corporate Legal, Compliance & Insurance unit.

of transparency, dual control, segregation of duties and least

privilege, deployment of sufficiently qualified employees and management system, internal control system and the compliance relating to our targets as comprehensively as possible. We derive
adequate IT systems. The design of internal controls depends on management system. In addition, the Supervisory Board’s Audit the sustainability-related opportunities and risks from the materiality
the subject area. It ranges from monitoring the development of Committee addresses the effectiveness and appropriateness of analysis.
specific key indicators and evaluating internal and external reports these systems as part of its monitoring activities. The suitability – The positive contributions and negative impacts of our business
or benchmarking analyses to formalized committee meetings in of the early risk detection system set up by the Board of Executive activities on sustainability topics along the value chain, and the
which decisions are made on applications for investments or Directors in accordance with section 91(2) of the German Stock impact of sustainability topics on our business are assessed in a
research projects, for example. In addition, the appropriateness Corporation Act is assessed and evaluated by the auditors. materiality analysis. Opportunities and risks for our business
and effectiveness of the topic-specific internal control systems is activities that could arise from material sustainability topics, or
monitored by the Corporate Center units responsible for the for sustainability topics that could arise from our business
respective topics. To this end, the individual Corporate Center Tools activities, can only rarely be measured in specific financial
units choose different approaches depending on the subject area, – The Governance, Risk Management, Compliance (GRC) terms and mainly have a medium to long-term impact. Relevant
such as the evaluation of questionnaires for self-assessment of Policy, applicable throughout the Group, forms the framework for sustainability topics are systematically considered in our
the effectiveness of the internal control system, sample tests to risk management and is implemented by the operating divisions, strategic and operational risk management through our integrated
validate the implementation and effectiveness of internal controls the service and research units and the regions according to their risk catalog.
or the monitoring of compliance-related key indicators. specific business conditions. For more information on our materiality analysis, see page 49 onward
– The Corporate Audit department is responsible for regularly – A catalog of opportunity and risk categories helps identify all
auditing the effectiveness and appropriateness of the risk relevant financial and sustainability-related opportunities and risks
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 176

– We also systematically assess opportunities and risks with Board of Executive Directors are also expressly obligated to follow Significant features of the internal control and risk
effects that cannot yet be measured in monetary terms, such these principles. management system with regard to the Group financial
as climate and reputational risks. To reflect these, risks for For more information on our Group-wide Compliance Program, see page 202 onward reporting process
companies in connection with the transition to a low-emission
economy (transition risks) as well as physical risks as defined – Based on the reviews and findings of the risk management The Combined Management’s Report and the Consolidated
by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures process, the Board of Executive Directors has no indication that Financial Statements are prepared by a unit in the Corporate
(TCFD), among other, were added to this catalog. BASF’s risk management system and the internal control system Finance department. The Consolidated Financial Statements are
– Because global climate policy ambitions and the implementation are not adequate or effective in all material respects. derived from the separate financial statements of the subsidiaries
of the relevant measures play a decisive role in the ongoing growth and joint operations, taking into account the relevant data for the
of the chemical industry and its customer industries, we defined joint ventures and associated companies accounted for using the
and quantified global long-term scenarios (up to 2050) with equity method. The BASF Group’s accounting process is based on
various global warming paths. To assess the impact of different a uniform accounting guideline that, alongside accounting policies
global climate policy approaches on our business units, the based on the International Financial Reporting Standards applicable
scenarios were discussed by the business units in workshops. in the European Union, defines the significant processes and
Feedback was incorporated into the ongoing development of deadlines for the Group. There are binding directives for the internal
the scenarios. A dataset of scenario-specific macroeconomic reconciliations and other accounting operations within the Group.
parameters will be provided to test the economic feasibility of Standard software is used to carry out the accounting processes for
investments and business strategies. Our decentralized specialists the preparation of the individual financial statements as well as for
use a central decision tree to document reportable sustainability the Consolidated Financial Statements. There are clear rules for the
risks within the meaning of section 289b et seq. of the German access rights of each participant in these processes.
Commercial Code. No reportable residual net risks within the
meaning of section 289b et seq. of the German Commercial Employees involved in the accounting and reporting process meet
Code were identified for 2023. the qualitative requirements and participate in training on a regular
For more information on our sustainability management processes, see page 48 onward basis. There is a clear assignment of responsibilities between the
specialist units, companies and service units involved. We strictly
– We use standardized evaluation and reporting tools for the adhere to the principles of segregation of duties and dual control, or
identification and assessment of risks. The aggregation of the “four-eyes principle.” Complex actuarial reports and evaluations
opportunities, risks and sensitivities at division and Group level are produced by specialized service providers or specially qualified
using a Monte Carlo simulation helps us to identify effects employees.
and trends across the Group. We base our sensitivities to oil
and gas prices and currency developments on forward-looking An internal control system for financial reporting continuously
assumptions in order to reflect specific market expectations monitors these principles. To this end, methods are provided to
and improve the quality of our forecasts. We also aggregate ensure that evaluation of the internal control system in financial
qualitatively assessed risks at Group level using a risk portfolio. reporting is structured and uniform across the BASF Group. They
– Our Group-wide Compliance Program aims to ensure adherence also work in accordance with the international risk management
to legal regulations and the company’s internal guidelines. standard, COSO II Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated
Our global employee Code of Conduct firmly embeds these Framework.
mandatory standards into everyday business. Members of the
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 177

Material risks for the BASF Group regarding a reliable control weaknesses have been resolved does the company’s managing Margins
environment for proper financial reporting are reviewed and updated director confirm the effectiveness of the internal control system. Opportunities and risks for the BASF Group primarily result from
on an annual basis. Risks are compiled into a central risk catalog. – Internal confirmation of the internal control system higher or lower margins in the Chemicals and Materials segments in
All managing directors and chief financial officers of each particular. Declining margins for a number of products and value
Moreover, a centralized selection process identifies companies that consolidated Group company must confirm to the Board of chains could further increase pressure on margins. Additional
are exposed to particular risks, that are material to the Consolidated Executive Directors of BASF SE every half-year and at the end of shortages of raw materials could have both a negative and positive
Financial Statements of the BASF Group, or that provide service the annual cycle, in writing, that the internal control system is impact on margins. This would have a corresponding effect on our
processes. The selection process is conducted annually. Persons effective with regard to accounting and reporting. EBITDA.
responsible for implementing the requirements for an effective
control system in financial reporting are appointed at the relevant The year’s average oil price for Brent crude was $82 per barrel in
companies. 2023, compared with $101 per barrel in the previous year. For 2024,
Operational opportunities and risks we anticipate an average oil price of $80 per barrel.
The process for identifying, evaluating, managing and controlling
risks related to preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements as
well as monitoring these processes in the selected companies Market growth Competition
comprises the following steps: The development of our sales markets is one of the strongest We continuously enhance our products and solutions in order to
sources of opportunities and risks. For more details on our remain competitive. We monitor the market and the competition,
– Evaluation of the control environment assumptions regarding short-term growth rates for the global and try to take targeted advantage of opportunities. We mitigate
Adherence to internal and external guidelines that are relevant to economy, regions and key customer industries, such as the increasing competitive risks, especially in the Agricultural Solutions
the maintenance of a reliable control environment for financial chemicals, automotive and construction sectors, see Economic division, as far as possible with suitable measures, such as
reporting is checked by means of a standardized questionnaire. Environment in 2024 on pages 167 to 169. increasing our competitiveness through the targeted promotion of
– Identification and documentation of control activities innovations, for example in the area of sustainability, ongoing cost
In order to mitigate the risks to the financial reporting processes We also consider opportunities and risks caused by deviations in management and continuous process optimization.
listed in our central risk catalog, critical processes and control assumptions. Macroeconomic opportunities arise from an easing
activities are documented. of geopolitical conflicts and the resulting increase in the supply of
– Assessment of control activities energy, industrial raw materials and other intermediate goods. Regulation/policy
After documentation, a review is performed to verify whether the Risks for us can arise from intensified geopolitical tensions, new
described controls are capable of adequately covering the risks. Increases in energy prices caused, for example, by the wars in trade sanctions, a lack of global coordination for stricter emission
In the subsequent test phase, spot checks are carried out to test Ukraine and the Middle East, and the even higher inflation rates limits for production plants and stricter energy and chemicals
whether, in practice, the controls were executed as described and resulting from this for manufacturer and consumer prices also pose legislation as well as a lack of acceptance of new technologies in the
were effective. a risk to the economy. Additional macroeconomic risks result from E.U. Furthermore, risks can also arise from regulatory delays in the
– Monitoring of control weaknesses the escalation of geopolitical conflicts and a further intensification of expansion of capacities and infrastructure for electricity from
The responsible leaders receive reports on any control weaknesses the trade conflict between the United States, and, to some extent, renewable sources, low-emission hydrogen and the necessary CO2
identified and their resolution, and an interdisciplinary the E.U. and China. infrastructure.
committee investigates their relevance to the BASF Group. The
Board of Executive Directors and the Audit Committee are Weather-related influences can result in positive or negative effects However, political measures could also give rise to opportunities.
informed if control weaknesses with a considerable impact on on our business, particularly in the Agricultural Solutions segment. For example, we view opportunities around the world to increase
financial reporting are identified. Only after material control energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a
strategic opportunity for increased demand for products such as
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 178

our insulation foams for buildings, catalysts, battery materials for with climate change. For example, due to an increase in heat waves, developments in order to identify potential risks at an early stage
electromobility, or our solutions for wind turbines. we have implemented several measures at the Verbund sites in and enable suitable measures to be taken.
Ludwigshafen, Germany, and Geismar, Louisiana, in recent years to For more information on our compensation system, see page 135
increase cooling capacity, such as expanding and optimizing the For more information on risks from pension obligations, see page 180

Procurement and supply chain central recooling plants and optimizing cooling water flows. These
Operational risks in procurement are a key topic for BASF, as they optimization measures are designed to prevent production outages
can impact the company’s supply capability and therefore its due to extreme heat waves. Information technology
competitiveness. Operational risks in procurement include BASF employs a large number of IT systems. We use technologies
disruptions and delays in the delivery of raw materials due to Short-term risks from investments can result from, for example, such as artificial intelligence, big data and the Internet of Things to
weather conditions, supplier insolvencies, quality concerns or technical malfunctions or schedule and budget overruns. We counter develop new business models, corporate concepts and strategies
geopolitical events, for example. To counter these risks, BASF relies these risks with stringent project management and controlling. and to respond appropriately to changing customer behavior. The
on comprehensive risk assessment and control along the entire global cybersecurity team is tasked with protecting these IT systems
supply chain, on global competition and close cooperation with and the data and business processes they handle. In a connected,
suppliers. We take far-reaching measures to avoid such risks or Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations ever-evolving world, the challenge of protecting BASF against
minimize their effects. We constantly monitor the market in order to identify possible attackers is becoming ever greater and more complex.
acquisition targets and develop our portfolio appropriately. In
addition, we collaborate with customers and partners to jointly The threat environment has changed in recent years, as attackers
Investments/production develop new, competitive products and applications. have become better organized, use more sophisticated technology
We try to prevent unscheduled plant shutdowns by adhering to high and have far more resources available. This development reflects the
technical standards and by continuously improving our plants. We Acquisitions and divestitures entail both opportunities and risks. fact that internet-based cyberattacks are extremely lucrative: A variety
reduce the effects of an unscheduled shutdown on the supply of These arise in connection with the conclusion of a transaction, or it of vulnerabilities in software and hardware products constantly
intermediate and end products through diversification within our being completed earlier or later than expected. They relate to the provide new incentives to develop malware, and anonymization
global production Verbund. regular earnings contributions gained or lost as well as the technologies make it almost impossible to trace and punish attacks.
realization of gains or losses from divestitures if these deviate from
In the event of a production outage – caused by an accident, for our planning assumptions. A successful attack can, for example, negatively affect plant
example – our global, regional or local emergency response plans For more information on opportunities and risks from agreed transactions, see page 45 availability, delivery quality or the accuracy of our financial reporting.
and crisis management structures are engaged, depending on the Unauthorized access to sensitive data, such as personnel records
scope of impact. Every region has crisis management teams on a or customer data, competition-related information or research
local and regional level. They not only coordinate the necessary Personnel results, can result in legal consequences or jeopardize our
emergency response measures, they also initiate immediate Due to BASF’s worldwide compensation principles, the development competitive position. This could also cause monetary losses, a
measures for damage control and resumption of normal operations of personnel expenses is partly dependent on the amount of variable potential loss of reputation and even a loss of customers’ and
as quickly as possible. compensation, which is linked to the company’s success, among partners’ confidence in the security of our products and services.
other factors. The correlation between variable compensation and the
Crisis management also includes dealing with extreme weather success of the company has the effect of minimizing risk. Another To minimize such risks, BASF uses globally uniform processes and
conditions such as hurricanes (for example, at the sites on the Gulf of factor is the development of interest rates for discounting pension systems to ensure IT availability and IT security, which are based on
Mexico in Freeport, Texas, and Geismar, Louisiana) or significantly obligations. Furthermore, changes to the legal environment of a the recognized ISO 27001 standard. These include stable and
elevated water temperatures in rivers due to extended heat waves, particular country can have an impact on the development of redundantly designed IT systems, backup processes, virus and
which limit the available cooling capacity. Appropriate precautions are personnel expenses for the BASF Group. For countries in which access protection, encryption systems, and integrated and
taken at the sites in the case of a potential change in risk associated BASF is active, we therefore constantly monitor the relevant standardized IT infrastructure, applications and processes. The
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 179

systems used for information security are constantly tested, We use our internal control system to limit risks from potential appreciation of the U.S. dollar against the euro by $0.01 would
continuously updated, and expanded if necessary. In addition, our infringements of rights or laws. For example, we try to avoid patent increase the BASF Group’s EBITDA by around €40 million,
employees receive regular training on information and data protection. and licensing disputes whenever possible through extensive assuming other conditions remain the same. On the production
IT-related risk management is conducted using Group­ -wide clearance research. As part of our Group-wide Compliance side, we counter exchange rate risks by producing in the respective
regulations for organization and application, as well as an internal Program, our employees receive regular training. currency zones.
control system based on these regulations.
Financial currency risks result from the translation of receivables,
We employ modern security concepts to keep pace with advanced Tax liabilities and other monetary items in accordance with IAS 21 at the
attackers. These range from efficient detection and professional The recognized tax-related opportunities and risks only concern closing rate into the functional currency of the respective Group
response to defense against attacks and minimizing their potential taxes that impact the BASF Group’s EBITDA in the short term. company. In addition, we incorporate planned purchase and sales
impact. Strong cybersecurity alliances are also crucial here. BASF These arise when BASF has taken a position that differs from the transactions in foreign currencies into our financial foreign currency
works closely with security authorities and security associations, for opinion of a competent administrative authority. If a tax payment has risk management. If necessary, we hedge these risks using
example as a founding member of the German Cyber Security already been made and could be reclaimed, we present this as an derivative instruments.
Organization (DCSO) and the Cyber Security Sharing and Analytics opportunity. Conversely, if a potential payment is outstanding in
(CSSA) platform in Berlin, Germany. accordance with the administrative opinion, this is a risk. We
primarily evaluate opportunities and risks with regard to their Financing costs
BASF has also established an information security management probability of occurrence and, if necessary, set up a provision for the Financing costs are determined in particular by net debt and interest
system and is internationally certified according to DIN EN ISO/IEC relevant risk. If a provision is not necessary, we take this into rates. Interest rate risks result from possible changes in the relevant
27001:2017. account in determining EBITDA-relevant risks for the BASF Group. market interest rates and credit risk premiums. These can cause a
change in the fair value of fixed interest rates and fluctuations in the
interest payments for variable-rate financial instruments, which
Compliance/legal Financial opportunities and risks would positively or negatively affect earnings. We use interest rate
We constantly monitor current and potential legal disputes and swaps and, in individual cases, combined interest and currency
proceedings, and regularly report on these to the Board of Executive Detailed guidelines and procedures exist for dealing with financial derivatives to hedge market interest rate risks. The credit risk
Directors and Supervisory Board. In order to assess the risks from risks. Among other things, they provide for the segregation of premiums are mainly influenced by our credit rating and the market
current legal disputes and proceedings and any potential need to financial instrument trading and back-office functions. conditions at the time of issue. In the short to medium term, BASF
recognize provisions, we prepare our own analyses and assessments is largely protected from the possible effects on its interest result
of the circumstances and claims considered. In addition, in individual We continuously monitor activities in countries with transfer thanks to the balanced maturity profile of its financial indebtedness.
cases, we consider the results of comparable proceedings and, if restrictions as a part of risk management. This includes, for
needed, independent legal opinions. Risk assessment is particularly example, regular analysis of the macroeconomic and legal
based on estimates as to the probability of occurrence and the range environment, shareholders’ equity and the business models of the Risks from metal and raw materials trading
of possible claims. These estimates are the result of close cooperation operating units. The chief aim is the management of counterparty, Some of BASF’s divisions are exposed to strong fluctuations in raw
between the relevant operating and service units together with transfer and currency risks for the BASF Group. materials prices. BASF uses commodity derivatives to hedge these
Corporate Legal and Corporate Finance. If sufficient probability of market price risks. In addition, BASF holds limited unhedged
occurrence is identified, we recognize a provision for the proceeding precious metal and oil product positions for trading on its own
concerned. Should a provision be unnecessary, we continue to Exchange rate volatility account. The value of these positions is exposed to market price
assess whether these litigations nevertheless represent a risk for the Our competitiveness on global markets is influenced by fluctuations volatility. Adverse changes in market prices negatively affect the
BASF Group’s EBITDA as part of general risk management. in exchange rates. For BASF’s sales, opportunities and risks arise in earnings and equity of BASF. These risks are continuously
particular when the U.S. dollar exchange rate fluctuates. A full-year
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 180

monitored by a central risk management system and limited by strict and BASF Pensionstreuhand e.V. in Germany, in addition to the Strategic opportunities and risks
guidelines. large pension plans of our Group companies in North America, the
United Kingdom and Switzerland. To address the risk of
underfunding due to market-related fluctuations in plan assets, we Long-term demand development
Liquidity risks have investment strategies that align return and risk optimization to We assume that growth in chemical production (excluding
Risks from fluctuating cash flows are recognized in a timely manner the structure of the pension obligations. Stress scenarios are also pharmaceuticals) will be slightly higher than that of the global gross
as part of our liquidity planning. We have access to extensive simulated regularly by means of portfolio analyses. Adjustments to domestic product over the next five years and about as strong as
liquidity at any time thanks to our good ratings, our unrestricted the interest rates used in discounting pension obligations lead the five-year average prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Through
access to the commercial paper market and committed bank credit immediately to changes in equity. To limit the risks of changing our market-oriented and broad portfolio, which we will continue to
lines. financial market conditions as well as demographic developments, strengthen in the years ahead, for example, through investments in
BASF has, for a number of years now, offered its employees almost new production capacities, research and development activities or
In the short to medium term, BASF is largely protected against exclusively defined contribution plans for future years of service. acquisitions, we aim to achieve volume growth that slightly exceeds
potential refinancing risks by the balanced maturity profile of its Some of these contribution plans include minimum interest this market growth. Should global economic growth see
financial indebtedness as well as through diversification in various guarantees. If the pension fund cannot generate this, it must be unexpected, considerable deceleration, for example, because of an
financial markets. provided by the employer. A sustained low interest rate environment ongoing weak period in the emerging markets, protectionist
could make it necessary to recognize pension obligations and plan tendencies or bottlenecks in the energy markets, the expected
assets for these plans as well. growth rates could prove too ambitious. Additional risks arise from
Risk of asset losses geopolitical tensions and outright military conflicts, which could
We limit country-specific risks with measures based on country impact supply chains and reduce efficiency in the international
ratings, which are continuously updated to reflect changing allocation of resources.
environment conditions. We selectively use investment guarantees
to limit specific country-related risks. We lower credit risks for our Moreover, the ambitions of global climate policy and its
financial investments by engaging in transactions only with banks implementation will significantly impact the structure of demand
with good credit ratings and by adhering to fixed limits. We from our customer industries. This is shown by a comparison of
continuously monitor creditworthiness and adjust limits accordingly. climate policy scenarios that envisage limiting global warming to
We reduce the risk of default on receivables by continuously below two degrees Celsius with alternative scenarios that allow for
monitoring the creditworthiness and payment behavior of our more warming. In ambitious climate policy scenarios, the structure
customers and by setting appropriate credit limits. Risks are also of demand changes due to the use of alternative energy sources
limited through the use of individual hedging strategies, such as and raw materials, high investment in resource-conserving
guarantees. Due to the global activities and diversified customer technologies, and changing customer preferences. By contrast,
structure of the BASF Group, there are no major concentrations of macroeconomic growth rates typically vary little compared with
credit default risk. scenarios with pathways with higher levels of warming.

Market opportunities in such scenarios include, for example,

Risks from pension obligations alternative surface coatings for wind and solar modules, feedstocks
BASF grants most employees company pension benefits from either that make plastics easier to recycle, stronger demand for insulation
defined contribution or defined benefit plans. We predominantly materials for buildings, increased electromobility with changed
finance company pension obligations externally through separate demand for plastics, insulation materials, coolants and battery
plan assets. This particularly includes BASF Pensionskasse VVaG materials, and more alternative proteins in agriculture. By contrast,
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 181

fossil feedstocks and the production technologies and product sustainable products. To be successful in these fields, we have
segments based on fossil feedstocks will become less important. Regulation/policy launched specific research and investment opportunities for the
This requires further decarbonization of production processes and We expect continued regulatory and societal pressure to achieve sustainable transformation of BASF. Furthermore, in order to steer
alternative sources of raw materials in order to remain competitive. environmentally friendly energy production, emission-free energy our innovation portfolio toward increased sustainability, we also
For more information on the corporate strategy, see page 27 onward consumption and a climate-neutral resource and raw material base. began applying the Sustainable Solution Steering method, revised in
The political approaches to address these issues will vary greatly 2023, to the evaluation of innovation projects and integrated it at an
from region to region. However, particularly in Europe, we expect early stage of our research and development processes.
Development of competitive and customer landscape measures with a continuously high level of detailed regulation,
We expect competitors from Asia, North America and the Middle including changes to chemical and industry-related regulations that There are technical and commercial risks of failure associated with
East in particular to gain increasing significance in the years ahead, have the potential to significantly impact the competitiveness of every single research and development project. We address this by
especially as a result of advantageous raw materials and energy BASF’s operations and product portfolio as well as that of our maintaining a balanced and comprehensive project portfolio as well
prices. Furthermore, we predict that many producers in countries customers. as through professional, milestone-based project management.
rich in raw materials will expand their value chains in consumer-
oriented sectors. In addition, the proliferation of large-scale digital We see the risk of the current geopolitical shifts leading to the Further risks may arise from increasing state protectionism and the
marketplaces for chemicals could impact existing customer and establishment of uncoordinated or divergent global legislative demand for localization of intellectual property in order to achieve
supplier relationships. standards and regulatory systems, not just in relation to chemicals technological independence. Through our Know-How Verbund in
or the regulatory framework for digitalization, but also to climate, research and development, we ensure that critical intellectual
We expect a continuous rise in customer demand for sustainable environmental, social and corporate governance criteria. We see property is generated and protected in countries with high
solutions – for example, for products with a low carbon footprint, risks but also opportunities in the setting of international standards intellectual property standards.
made from recycled, circular or bio-based raw materials that are for specific product categories or technologies.
biodegradable, or for products with other measurable sustainability We expect that the digital disruption of established processes will
benefits. However, an increase in customer demand for sustainable We explain our strategy in meetings with political decision-makers lead to a considerable increase in efficiency and effectiveness in
solutions is also highly dependent on regulation. Companies with a and social stakeholders. In doing so, we also inform ourselves of the some fields through the use of artificial intelligence, among other
proven track record of providing more sustainable solutions will be changes we must undergo and advocate for a favorable and stable things. BASF is therefore committed to taking a leading role in the
able to achieve higher growth and profitability as a result. regulatory framework at both a national and international level. digital transformation of the chemical industry. Possible applications
The expansion of sharing economy business models could have a BASF is in a position to make significant contributions toward of digital technologies and solutions are evaluated along the entire
long-term impact on demand in individual customer industries. At achieving the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, particularly value chain and implemented throughout the company, for
the same time, higher demands on product features can also create regarding climate neutrality, through new technologies, innovative example, in production, logistics, research and development,
opportunities for innovation. We are therefore addressing these products and processes and its broad product portfolio. business models and corporate governance.
topics in research and investment offers for the sustainable transfor- For more information on innovation, see page 54 onward
mation of BASF.
To strengthen our competitiveness, we are continuously improving We expect the trend toward increased sustainability requirements in
our production processes, streamlining our administration and our customer industries to continue. Our aim is to leverage the
simplifying processes. Our research and business focus is on highly resulting opportunities in a growing market with more sustainable
innovative businesses and differentiation through sustainability innovations. The key areas are products with a lower or even
advantages to make our customers and BASF more successful. net-zero carbon footprint, circular economy solutions, and safe and
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 182

Procurement and supply chain deviations in actual developments from our assumptions. Mitigation raw materials, is increasingly viewed critically by the public. This
Strategic risks in procurement are of great importance to BASF, as plans are in place where risks are substantial. increases the risk for the industry that job vacancies may not be
they can impact the company’s long-term competitiveness and filled or may be filled only after a delay, and therefore not enough
positioning. Strategic risks include structural changes on the global Investments in more sustainable technologies represent a long-term qualified talent can be attracted, recruited and retained.
markets, climate change and political developments. Supply opportunity, even though they may not be competitive or profitable
security for raw materials, energy and services is increasingly in the short term, depending on the market and the prevailing We address these risks with opportunities to strengthen our
affected by trade disputes, protectionism, sanctions and regulatory framework. employer branding and our reputation (for example, our “Change for
geopolitical conflicts. To counter these risks, BASF relies on close For more information on our investment projects, see page 172 onward the climate” campaign). At local level, we are taking steps to
cooperation with strategic suppliers and continuous monitoring of strengthen employee engagement and we are implementing offers
markets and trends. such as succession planning, knowledge management and
Acquisitions/divestitures/cooperations initiatives to improve the balance between personal and professional
We are also seeing an expansion of the regulatory framework In the future, we will continue to expand and refine our portfolio life and promote healthy living. This increases BASF’s appeal as an
affecting us and our suppliers (for example, the German Supply through smaller, bolt-on acquisitions that promise above-average employer and retains our employees in the long term.
Chain Due Diligence Act or the E.U. Corporate Sustainability Due profitable growth, are innovation-driven or offer a technological For more information on individual initiatives and our targets, see page 132 onward
Diligence Directive). Potential noncompliance by our suppliers may differentiation and help achieve a relevant market position, and
lead to a reduced supplier base. make new, sustainable business models possible.
All risks are continuously analyzed and appropriate strategies and The evaluation of opportunities and risks plays a significant role Ongoing climate change also poses opportunities and risks for
measures developed to avert risks or minimize the impact on BASF. during the assessment of acquisition targets. A detailed analysis BASF. As an energy-intensive company, climate-related risks arise
For more information on supplier management, see page 158 onward and quantification is conducted as part of due diligence. Examples particularly from regulatory changes, such as in carbon prices
of risks include increased staff turnover, delayed realization of through emissions trading systems, taxes or energy legislation. In
synergies, or the assumption of obligations that were not precisely addition, BASF’s emissions footprint and intensity could lead to a
Investments quantifiable in advance. If our expectations in this regard are not negative perception and reduced appeal among external
We expect growth in chemical production in emerging markets to met, risks could arise, such as a need for impairment. Opportunities stakeholders such as customers, investors and skilled workers. We
remain above the global average in the years to come. This will could also arise, for example, from additional synergies. We are also counter these risks with our carbon management measures and by
create opportunities that we want to exploit by expanding our local continuing to develop our portfolio through carve-outs and transparently disclosing our positions on and contributions to
presence. In addition, regional value chains help mitigate risks from divestitures. In this context, risks could arise as a result of potential climate protection, for example, in the form of political demands or
trade conflicts and barriers that pose a challenge to global markets warranty claims or other contractual obligations, such as long-term through progress in the implementation of our climate strategy, in
and supply chains. supply agreements. publicly accessible sources such as this annual report or on the
For more information on our acquisitions and divestitures, see page 45 BASF website, and in direct dialog with external stakeholders.
Decisions on the type, scope and location of our investment
projects are made on the basis of established comprehensive To assess the changing physical risks for our sites from climate
assessment processes. They take into account long-term forecasts Personnel change, climate data based on the latest scenarios of the
for the market, margin and cost development, and raw materials BASF anticipates growing challenges in attracting and retaining Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were compiled
availability, as well as country, currency, sustainability and qualified employees in the medium and long term. This is due to for our sites in cooperation with an external partner. This enables the
technology risks. Opportunities and risks arise from potential demographic change, particularly in North America and Europe. In sites to assess the potential physical impact of climate change in the
addition, the chemical industry, which is heavily dependent on fossil coming decades. Here, we focus on a climate protection scenario,
BASF Report 2023 Combined Management’s Report – Opportunities and Risks 183

supplemented by two scenarios with medium and high levels of

global warming.1 The most common potential impact is an increase
in heat and drought. The sites are supported by this information in
the development of their strategies. In the current reporting year, a
specific analysis of physical climate risks was also carried out at
selected sites. It is planned to expand this approach to all of BASF’s
key sites in the next few years.

In addition to climate-related risks, there are also opportunities. Our

broad product portfolio includes, among other things, solutions for
the circular economy and climate protection, such as insulation
foams for buildings, materials for electromobility or bio-based
products. Increased societal demands and the resulting regulations
offer additional market opportunities for these products. We are
working with numerous scientific and public organizations and
initiatives on solutions for sustainable agriculture that meet
economic, environmental and social demands over the long term.
For more information on our sustainability concept, see page 48 onward
For more information on energy and climate protection, see page 102 onward
For more information on opportunities and risks from energy policies, see page 177
For more information on our positions on and contributions to climate protection,

1 The assessment model was based on the IPCC climate change scenario SSP1-2.6, supplemented by SSP2-4.5 (medium global warming scenario) and SSP5-8.5 (high global warming scenario).

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