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Week 1: Counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s

1. A family of 2 adults and 3 children went to the

park. Adults pay an entrance fee of €5 while
children pay €2. How much do they pay in all?

2. Mary baked rainbow-coloured cupcakes for dessert. If she made one box of
cupcakes for each of the 7 colours of the rainbow and each box has 4
cupcakes, how many cupcakes were prepared in all?

3. My grandma baked some cookies. If she baked 5 pans of cookies for 30

minutes each and there are 8 cookies in each pan, how many cookies did she

pg. 1
4. At a Christmas party, the waiters served 42 drinks. Each box of drinks held
6 cans. How many boxes were there in all?

5. My family is planning a party in our backyard. We have 8 tables each having

4 chairs. How many chairs did we have for our guests?

6. At the end of my birthday party, I gave away some gift bags to my 6 closest
friends. Each gift bag had 8 balloons. How many balloons did I purchase in

pg. 2
Week 2: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100.

1. A PlayStation game costs €34, how much would 100

games cost?

2. A farmer was packing apples in different crates. Each crate can hold 100
apples. When he was finished, he had 4 and a half crates. How many apples
were there in all?

pg. 3
3. A mother of triplets gave the children some pocket money. In each pocket
there are 8 coins of 10c. How much money do they all have altogether?

4. A school bought new desks for 100 students. The total price was €2600.
How much did every desk cost?

5. How many €10 notes will you get if you exchange €4630?

6. It costs €2 to feed a rabbit for a week. How much would it cost to feed 10
rabbits for a whole week?

pg. 4
Week 3: Fractions
1. For my birthday, mum baked 36 cookies. My brother ate 1/6 of the cookies.
A. How many did he eat? B. How many cookies left?

2. Sam had €3.50 and spent 2/10 of it on a comic. How much did he spend?

3.There were 36 children in class. ¾ of them played football at lunchtime.

How many children played football?

4. James had a bag of marbles. There were 56 in the bag. He gave away 5/8 of
them. How many did he have left?

pg. 5
5. Twenty-four children went to the park. One quarter of them went on the
slide while three quarters of them went on the swings. How many children
were there on the slide and how many on the swings?

6. Would you rather have 3/8 of a bag of sweets of 32 or 5/7 of a bag of 21

sweets? Explain why.

pg. 6
Word Problems Week 4: Length, Weight, Height
1. My brother is 120cm tall while my sister is 99cm tall. What is the
difference between their height?

2. The distance from Valletta to St. Venera is 4720m. What is the

distance from Valletta to St. Venera and back in km and m?

3. A pirate finds 9 solid gold bars. All the gold bars have the same
mass of 2kg. What is the total mass of the bars in grams?

pg. 7
4. Sally bought a 1kg bag of flour to bake a cake. She only used 345g.
How much flour is left?

5. Jason purchased 200g sugar, 395g almonds and 500g flour. What
is the total weight, which Jason carried in kg and g?

6. My dad is going to paint the house. He needs 10 litres of paint.

Each litre costs €2. What is the total price of the paint used?

pg. 8
Week 5: Time and Calendar

1. My friend and I are going to the cinema. Right now the time is 6
minutes past 10. The movie starts at half past 10. How many more
minutes till the movie starts?

6 minutes past 10 half past 10

10: 06 10:30

2. I booked a flight to London on the 2nd of November. I arrived at

the airport at 2:40pm. The aeroplane had to take off at 2:29pm.
Oh no! By how many minutes did I miss my flight?

pg. 9
3. My mother was doing housework. She started the work at quarter to 9
and finished at 20 minutes past 11. For how long had she been cleaning in
hours and minutes?

quarter to 9 20 minutes past 11

8:45 11: 20

4. My favourite TV programme starts at 6:45pm and it is 1 hour 10 minutes

long. At what time does it end?

pg. 10
5. Today is Monday 16th December, in a week my brother is getting married. On
which date will the wedding be held?

6. Today is 2nd January and it’s a holiday. Christmas holidays end in a week and
2 days. On which date will we return to school?

pg. 11
Week 6: 2d Shapes
1. What is the measurement of 3 sides of an octagon which has a total outside
perimeter of 64cm?

2. One edge of an octagon measures 3cm. What is the measurement of all the
edges together?


3. One edge of a pentagon measures 4cm and two edges of a hexagon measure
12cm. What is the measurement of all the edges together?

pg. 12
4. The smallest edge of an isosceles triangle is 3cm and is named A. Another
side named B measures double the length of side A. If side C = B, what is the
measurement of side B and C together?

5. Find the perimeter of a hexagon if one side is 4cm.


6. It took me 2 minutes 30 seconds to run along one side of our square school
yard. How long would it take me to run around all the yard?

2 mins 30 sec

pg. 13
Week 7: Frequency Tables & Pictographs

1. In a frequency table, 14 children preferred football, 11 preferred basketball,

7 chose swimming and 8 voted for volleyball. How many children voted in all?

2. In a survey about health, of the respondents did not answer the questions.
There were 54 questionnaires in all. How many respondents did not complete
the survey?

3. In a Maths test, ¾ of 24 children got all the answers correct. The other ¼ got
80% correct answers. How many students got a 100% score?

pg. 14
4. 50 adults took part in a questionnaire about Holiday destinations, consisting
of 5 options. 12 choose England, 9 chose Italy, 4 chose Japan and 6 chose
Australia. How many chose France?

5. 120 children took part in a survey where they had to choose their favourite
out of 6 colours. 14 children chose green, 22 children chose blue, 25 chose
red, 9 chose orange and 19 chose yellow. How many children chose pink?

6. 136 children were asked to choose their favourite food out of 6 options. 15
chose salad, 21 chose meat, 7 chose fish, 32 chose pizza and 22 chose chicken.
How many children chose pasta?

pg. 15
Week 8: Rounding & Adding HTU

1. A mother bought new school bags for her three children. Each bag costs
€18.35. Find the total cost and round it to the nearest 10.

2. My grandma is preparing food for a whole day. For morning she needs
227g flour for pancakes, for lunch she needs 642g flour for pies and for
dinner time she needs 362g flour to bake a cake. Find the total amount of
flour needed and round it to the nearest 10.

3. In a car park there are 150 red cars, 65 blue ones and 107 green cars.
How many cars are there altogether?

pg. 16
4. If we have 69 tennis balls, 87 footballs and 91 rugby balls, how many
balls do we have?

5. In a small school there are 386 girls and 459 boys. How many children are
there in total?

6. We went on Safari and saw 50 camels, 91 flamingos, 180 elephants, and

67 giraffes. How many animals did we see altogether?

pg. 17
Week 9: Subtraction and Subtracting Multiples of 10

1. Amy saved €231. She buys a Bluetooth speaker for €60. How much money
does she have left?

2. 482 people went to a strawberry market. At 11am 90 of them went home.

How many people remained at the market?

3. An air travelling company made an overbooking mistake. The aeroplane

can hold 45 passengers, but 92 passengers booked the flight. How many
people are going to have to be refunded?

pg. 18
4. A hotel was preparing ice cream cups for a wedding celebration. They had
3 large trays of 145 cups each when accidentally, a waitress dropped 200
ice cream cups. How many ice cream servings were left?

5. A school has a population of 485 students. During the first break 6

classes of 25 children each go out to play in the yard. How many children
are left in their class?

25 children 25 children 25 children 25 children 25 children 25 children

6. 4 school classes of 19 children each are going on an outing. The teachers

booked 3 buses, each holding 30 students each. How many empty seats will
there be for the teachers?

pg. 19
Week 10: Odd and Even, Doubling and Halving

1. Ms. Clarke has 18 children in class, Ms. Williams has 20 and Mr.
Roberts has 17. Which 2 classes can we add together to get an even

2. Find 3 odd numbers that together make a total of 93.

3. 342 persons were invited to a wedding and they all went with a
friend. How many guests were there in all?

pg. 20
4. 420 people went to the market on Wednesday, but on Friday only
half of that amount visited. How many visitors were there on

5. A large number of people visited a shopping complex in Sliema and

they all parked their cars in the parking garage. There were 248 cars
in all, and for each car, there was one passenger together with the
driver. How many people visited the complex in all?

6. 840 guests were invited to a party but due to very bad weather,
only half of them went. How many people were there?

pg. 21
Week 11: Multiplication & Division
1. Jenny has 4 puppies. Each puppy eats 35 cans of dog food in a week.
How many cans do all the puppies eat altogether?

2. Kelly baked 45 small cakes. She put 3 teaspoons of sugar in each

cake. How many teaspoons of sugar were there in all the cakes

3. Mum bought a packet of sweets which had 43. She wanted to share
them equally between her 3 children. How many were left over?

pg. 22
4. How many 7c stickers can you buy with 89c?

5. A class of 23 are going on a boat trip. Each boat can hold 6

children. How many boats are needed and why?

6. The number 71 is divided by a mystery number and there is a

remainder of 5. What could the mystery number be?

pg. 23
Word Problems: Week 12: Fractions and Decimals

1. Michael baked 32 biscuits. He put sprinkles on ¼ of the biscuits. Write how many
biscuits had sprinkles?

2. There were 10 squirrels on a tree. 3 ran away.

a. How many squirrels ran away in fraction and decimal form?

b. How many squirrels remained in both fraction and decimal form?

3. A restaurant chef prepared 2 bowls of pasta. He put extra cheese on one of them.
How many bowls had extra cheese in both decimal and fraction form?

pg. 24
4. Melissa purchased €39 groceries at a store. The cashier gave her €1 change from the
€50 note. Melissa gave the cashier a disappointed look. What did the cashier do wrong?

5. Last week, Blanca’s cupcake shop sold a total of 387 cupcakes. 248 of them had
sprinkles. How many cupcakes were sold without sprinkles?

6. Nate transferred €352 out of his bank account. As a result, the account now has €215
left in it. How much money was in the account before the transfer?

pg. 25
Word Problems Week 14: Area and Perimeter

1. James is going to paint a room. It has 4 walls of the same size of 2m high and 3m long.
A bucket of paint covers 6m². How many buckets will he need?


-- 3m --

2. My uncle bought a pool for his enormous backyard. The pool has a rectangular shape.
1 side measures 6m while the other measures double that length. What is the area of the


3. A window is 40cm wide and 80cm high. What is the area of the window?



pg. 26
4. Marilyn is making a display board for a school trip. The board is 2m by 3m. She needs
to add a ribbon border around the entire display board. What is the length of ribbon



5. Danny has a rectangular rose garden that measures 8m by 10m. One bag of fertilizer
can cover 8m². How many bags are needed to cover the entire garden?



6. Mary wants new carpeting for her dining room. Her dining room is 5m by 9m. How
much carpeting does she need to buy to cover the whole dining room?

5m 9m

pg. 27
Word Problems: Week 15: 3D Shapes and Direction

1. I have 6 flat faces, 12 edges and 8 corners. All my edges are the same length. What
am I?

2. I am a solid 3D shape and I am perfectly round. I don’t have any flat faces or edges.
What am I?

3. I have 6 flat faces, 12 edges and 8 corners. Not all my edges are the same length.
What am I?

4. If the teacher is exactly in front of me in class, in which direction is she from my


5. If the teacher who is in front of me needs to come see my work, in which direction will
is see her walking?

6. My best friend is sitting on my left but in a row in front of me. In which direction is my
friend from me?

pg. 28
Word Problems Week 16: Place Value and Rounding

1. Sixty-eight thousand, nine hundred and twelve, plus three hundred and nineteen.

2. What is ten more than eight hundred and twelve thousand?

3. Henry sold his house for €215,250 and bought another one for €195,628. What is the
difference in words?

4. A Juventus goalkeeper had €3, 840 and he earned €8, 293. How much money does he
own now, to the nearest ten?

pg. 29
5. My father had €8,210 and he earned €1,529. How much money does he own now, to
the nearest hundred?

6. My brother had €28, 384 and he bought a new boat for €12, 921. How much money
does he have left in his bank account to the nearest hundred?

pg. 30
Word Problems Week 17: Division, Multiplication,
Doubling and Halving

1. Alexa has a bunch of sweets that come in boxes of 8. How many boxes does she needed
to collect 200 sweets?

2. Mark started a YouTube channel 49 days ago. For how many weeks has he been
posting videos?

3. Grandma has 5 cats. She spends €10 per month for each cat. How much does she
spend for all the cats together for a whole year?

pg. 31
4. How many socks are there if mother washed 28 pairs of socks? Use doubling or halving
to work it out.

5. A busy shoemaker has 462 shoes scattered around in his shop. How many pairs of
shoes does he need to mend? Use doubling and halving to work it out.

6. Samuel is working in a supermarket. There are 63 packets of pasta and 7 shelves. How
many packets of pasta can he place on each shelf?


pg. 32
Word Problems Week 18: Time

1. Luna has 4 kittens. The first is born at 11:00am. The rest were born 60
seconds apart. At what time was the last kitten born?

2. It takes 120 seconds to brush my teeth while by brother takes 150

seconds. How many minutes and seconds do we spend brushing our teeth?

3. It took me 3 minutes to run around the yard, while my friend took 150s.
Who took the longer time to finish?

pg. 33
4. If I take 200s to have breakfast every morning, how many seconds do I
spend eating breakfast in a week?

5. My mother takes 7 minutes and 40 seconds to do the dishes. How many

seconds does she spend washing dishes?

6. My sister takes 9 minutes and 50 seconds to wash her hair. How many
seconds does she spend washing her hair?

pg. 34
Word Problems Week 19: Fractions

1. A teacher had 5 ¼ biscuits. She decided to divide them into quarters and
give them to the students. How many children got a quarter of a biscuit?

2. 2 ¼ cakes were left after a party. My mother cut them in quarters to

share them with my friends. How many friends got a piece of cake?

3. At school, there are ¼ students allergic to nuts and 1/10 student allergic
to seafood. Are there more children allergic to seafood or to nuts?

pg. 35
4. You gave 2 ½ boxes of brownies to Susan. Each box 8 brownies. How
many brownies did she get?

5. Billy made two types of cookies. He used 1/2 cup of sugar for one recipe
and 1/4 cup of sugar for the other. How much sugar did he use in all?

6. Liam and Sam shared a chocolate bar. Liam ate 3/5 and Sam ate 4/10.
Who ate more? How many more?

pg. 36
Word Problems Week 20: Fractions, Division, Bar

1. Mrs. Brown has 24 apples. She ate ¼ of them. How many apples
does she have left?

2. Andrea has a packet of 20 biscuits. He gives ½ of them to Andy

and ¼ of them to Sally. Andrea keeps the rest. How many biscuits
does Andrea keep for himself?

3. Jack has 64 stickers in his football album. He gives 2/8 of his

stickers to his friend. How many stickers does he have left?

pg. 37
4. Determine 2/3 of a collection of 9 balls.

5. Mr. Smith has 36 pigeons. ¾ of them flew away. How many

pigeons does he have left?

6. In a bar graph of 350 pupils, 70 go to school on foot, 80 by car,

10 by bike and the remainder go by bus. How many pupils go to
school by bus?

pg. 38
Word Problems Week 21: Addition

1. Silvan has 82c and spends 20c. He now needs to buy a ticket for
€2. How much more money does he need?

2. My grandma won the lottery. The numbers she had picked were:
9, 7, 1, 5 and 3. What is the total of all the numbers altogether?

3. For Christmas, my parents gave me €20, my grandparents gave

me €30, my uncle gave me €10 and my cousin gave me another
€10. How much money will I be putting in my bank account?

pg. 39
4. My mother is 33 years old; my father is 37 and I am 12. How old
are we together?

5. My mother was born in 1990 and my father was born in 1987.

What is the total of their birth years together?

6. At the supermarket, I bought sugar for 47c, yoghurt for 43c,

pasta for 81c and a bottle of water for 49c. How much did I spend
in all?

pg. 40
Word Problems Week 22: Properties of Numbers

1. A 7-year-old boy is colouring a pattern on his number chart. He

has coloured the numbers; 24, 8, 32 and 16. What are the next 5
numbers he is going to colour?

2. Sarah is making a number pattern; 125, 150, 175. What are the
next five numbers?

3. I am a multiple of 2 and 5. I am between 8 and 15. Which

number am I?
Multiples of 2: 2 6 10 14 20
Multiples of 5: 5 15 25 35 50

pg. 41
4. I am a common multiple of 7 and 8. Which number am I?
Multiples of 7: 7 28 49 70
Multiples of 8: 8 40 80

5. I am a common multiple of 2, 3, 4 and 5. Which number am I?

6. I am a multiple of 8 and 9. Which number am I?

pg. 42
Week 23: Timetables

1. If the movie Spiderman starts at 6:20pm and I arrive at the cinema at

6:02pm. How long do I have to wait?

2. The bus to school leaves at 7:30am, but I went on the bus stop at 7:52.
How many minutes was I late?

3. The first train leaves at 4:17pm and the second one leaves at 4:23. What
is the time difference between the two trains?

pg. 43
4. The train leaves High Park at 5:10 and arrives at Snowville at 5:50pm.
How long did the train take to arrive to Snowville?

5. The bus stops at Hamrun at 9:20am and then at Valletta at 9:45am. How
long does the bus take to arrive from Hamrun to Valletta?

6. The teacher starts the Maths lesson at 9:30am and break time starts at
10:30am. How long is the Maths lesson?

pg. 44
Week 24: Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and
Multiplication by halving and doubling.

1. My brother had a tiny fish measuring 0.3cm. A month later, the fish grew
10 times its length. How long is it now?

2. Roxanne started a bank account with €35. After 4 years saving money she
had 100 times that amount. How much money does she have now?

3. I baked 16 trays of cookies. Each tray had 35 cookies. How many cookies
did I bake?

pg. 45
4. Mr. Jones bought 60 boxes of pencils for his class. If each box contained
50 pencils, how many pencils were there in all?

5. A pet store has 15 fish tanks. Each fish tank contains 18 goldfish. What is
the total number of goldfish?

6. If Tim's cat drinks 45ml every day, how much milk will it drink in 12 days?

pg. 46
Week 25: Multiplying, multiplying by 5, 50, 25,
dividing by 4, 8 and dividing by halving first

1. Daniela has saved some 50c coins in a piggy bank. The piggy bank
contains 26 coins. How much money did she save?

2. Sam saved some 25c coins in his money box. He has 50 coins in all. How
much money did he save?

3. The teacher bought a present which costs 5e for each of her 25 students.
How much does she spend in all?

pg. 47
4. My cousin went to the pet store and bought 8 fish, each costing 30c. How
much did she spend?

5. My mother bought four t-shirts that together cost €52. How much does
every t-shirt cost if they have the same price?

6. Grandma bought a packet of 96 sweets for her 8 grandchildren. How

many sweet will they each get?

pg. 48
Word Problems Week 27: Angles

1. My mum wakes me up at 7am, but I get out of bed after the minute hand
turns two right angles. At what time do I get up?

2. It is 9:15am. My grandma is baking a cake in the oven. She asked me to

remind her to take the cake out after the minute hand moves 180° clockwise.
At what time shall I remind her about the cake?

3. The English examination starts at 10:45am and ends at 11:45am. How long
is the exam in: hours, minutes, degrees and angles?

pg. 49
4. If you add all the angles inside a square, how many degrees would you get?

5. A windmill turns 3 full turns in a minute. How many degrees does it turn
in 2 minutes?

6. Tom is editing a photo on this laptop. He wants to turn it half a turn. He

turns it 60°. How much further does he need to rotate it?


pg. 50
Week 28: Decimals and Fractions

1. Jake walks 1 ¾ of a km to school every morning. How far does he walk as

a decimal?

2. On her birthday, Doreen ate 1/10 of her cake while her friends ate 1/2 of
it. How much cake is left in fraction and decimal form?

3. In a survey 2/10 like pizza with pepperoni, 2/5 like pizza with mushrooms
and the rest don't like pizza at all. How many children don’t like pizza in
fraction and decimal form?

pg. 51
4. I have 8 bags of sweets. My brother eats 1.5 of them. How many do I
have left?

5. My sister baked 6 cakes for a fundraising event. When she came home,
she only has 2.5 cakes left. How many of the cakes were eaten?

6. If an anaconda snake measures 429cm and a cobra measures 308cm.

What is the measurement of both snakes together in decimal form?

pg. 52
Week 29: Addition and subtraction

1. Polly saved €394 in her bank account and then received a bill of €39. How
much money does she have left?

2. I had €823 in my bank account. For Christmas I received €55. How much
money do I have now?

3. On a train to Paddington Station in London, there were 238 passengers.

49 persons got off the train. How many passengers remained onboard?

pg. 53
4. A shop has sold €837 worth of products. At exactly closing time, a 30-
year old man went and quickly bought a coffee table that costs €98. How
much did the shop sell on that day?

5. A newly opened store is selling PlayStation 6. At the beginning of the day,

they had 392 consoles and by the end of the day, they sold 198. How many
devices remain?

6. A book shop had 4523 books and sold 743. Work out how many books are

pg. 54
Week 30: Properties of numbers, odd & even and
square numbers

1. A library has 35 shelves. On each shelf there are 24 books. How many
books are there in the library?

2. A shopkeeper is restocking his shop. He needs to buy tuna cans to fill 7

shelves. Each shelf can hold 35 cans. How many tuna cans does he need?

3. Alisha was organising her room and realised that she had 12 pairs of
shoes each costing 15 euros. Does she have an odd or even number of shoes
and how much did she spend on shoes?

pg. 55
4. Mr. Huntley wants to replace the school's footballs. Each ball costs 13
euros and he wants to order 34 balls. How much will they cost?

5. Brandon watches football 17 times in a month. How many times does he

watch the football over 1 year?

6. If Riley eats 7 biscuits a day, how many does she eat in a whole week?

pg. 56
Word Problems: Week 31: Multiplying, rounding,
adding and subtracting decimals.

1. Ben weighs 7.3kg. His older brother is 3 times as heavy. How much does
his older brother weigh?

2. Carlos needs to buy 6 coloured pens, each costing €2.50. How much
would he spend in all?

3. My aunt has 2 bags of flour. The smaller bag contains 0.75 kg of flour and
the bigger bag has 1.14 kg more flour. How much flour does she have in

pg. 57
4. 99 people are going on a boat ride. Each boat can carry 8 persons. How
many trips does the boat need to make to accommodate all the people in

5. After autumn harvest, a farmer has collected 7.2kg of apples from one of
the apple trees. After checking the apples, he discovers that 2.4kg of apples
were rotten. How many of good apples did the farmer pick up?

6. A florist prepares a bouquet of flowers with stems that are 9.3cm long by
cutting off 4.2cm of stem from each flower. How long are the flowers after
they have been trimmed?

pg. 58
Week 32: Adding & Subtracting decimals

1. A balloon rises 1.7m from the ground and it goes up another 1.3m. How
much further must it rise to reach 10m?

2. My sister found 2 little snails. If one snail measures 2.3cm and the two
together are 5.7cm long. How long is the second snail?

3. I went to buy a packet of stickers from the stationery. The price was
€2.70, so I handed the cashier a €10 note. How much change should I get?

pg. 59
4. Find the total price of the items I bought together if I bought bread for
€1.75 and cheese for double the price of bread.

5. The price for an adult cinema ticket is €9.67 and a child’s ticket is €3.43.
What is the price difference?

6. Last Saturday, I had €30 in my purse. During the day, I bought a large
bottle of water for €1.75, a salad for €8.40 and a pair of shoes for €15.60.
How much money did I have left?

pg. 60

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