JOHN JOSE-My Classroom Management Plan

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My Classroom Management Plan

Teacher: JOHN L. JOSE I

School: Ilagan South Central School
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan


I feel that being teacher I should be the leader of the classroom. The role of the leader must
not mimic that of a dictatorship. As the leader I must value all students and their needs. As their
leader I should not call role as a drill sergeant, but recognize each student’s presence as they enter
the classroom. This is one small gesture that I believe I can use to promote student worth in the
classroom. It has been my philosophy that it is important that the teacher creates a safe and
welcoming environment in which student success is recognized.


Students are expected to follow the rules and procedures that will be outlined for them on
the first day of school. Students will be expected to respect the teacher and their peers. It is
important that students recognize the talents of their peers and celebrate these. Students will be
given opportunities to demonstrate their strengths and will be given team building exercises to
encourage respect through collaboration. Students will be responsible for participating in the
classroom experience. Students will participate by being ready at the beginning of the class period
and through involvement in the class discussions and activities. I will not give up on the students,
and the students are expected to persevere and not give up on themselves.

I plan to begin with a set of core rules. The students will have the opportunity to discuss the
rules, the reasons for the rules, and any additional rules that they feel in necessary to a safe
classroom environment. These are the rules that I will have:

1. Be in your assigned seat when the class starts.

2. Be prepared for class; bring textbook and materials.
3. Participate in all classroom activities.
4. Follow directions the first time they are given.
5. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.


The arrangement of my classroom will be a front centered design with tables facing the
board or projector screen. The tables will be divided into three rows with an equal number of
students at each row of tables. There will enough space for me to move about the room to increase
proximity to students when needed. Since my subject tends to focus on explanation and
presentation of solutions the students will all face the board so that they will all have the same
ability to view the material that is being presented. Having the students in the rows will allow me to
quickly handout papers as they can be passed down the rows from student to student with me only
making three stops. There will a space in my classroom where labs will be performed as well. This
portion of the class will not be used unless we are engaged in a lab, and will be made up of counter
space. I will have my desk placed in the corner of the class but I will not be at that location during the
class. I prefer the room to be open so that I can move around and help students that may need my
attention. I feel that this makes the learning more personal and can help students to feel more
comfortable to ask questions. The ability to move around the class will also reduce the amount of
behavioral issues that can occur because of the ability to move near to students that are beginning
to act out.


I believe that most classroom misbehavior can be handled unobtrusively with mild verbal
and non-verbal responses. For more serious misbehavior where mild responses are insufficient,
more direct, intrusive intervention may be necessary.

But I am a teacher who rather anticipates misbehavior. I move around the room and be
physically near the students, and maintain a good field of vision to see all students wherever you
stand. Move around during seat work to check on student progress. The effectiveness of
“withitness” is increased when the teacher can correctly identify the student who is the instigator of
an incident.


It is important that all students feel safe in the classroom, this is my everyday priority.
Therefore, I will see to it that all the set rules will be implemented to ensure a safe, nonthreatening
atmosphere is maintained throughout the school year. I will always be guided by the line in our
DepEd Mission that students should learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating


I always post results of tests and examinations in a corner called “Pupils Achievements”.
Through this, I believe that slow performers will be motivated to exert effort in order to improve
their performance.

Students should be rewarded for their good behaviors in the classroom. These are the
students who always behave well and work hard; who always do their best and are willing to take a
back seat when someone else needs your attention. They always put their hands up when you ask a
question and tidy away the resources in exactly the way you had asked. I always do the “special
mention” technique to also motivate others.

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