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International Journal of Occupational Safety

and Ergonomics
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The Use of Tacit Knowledge in Occupational

Safety and Health Management Systems
Daniel Podgórski
Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-
PIB), Poland
Published online: 08 Jan 2015.

To cite this article: Daniel Podgórski (2010) The Use of Tacit Knowledge in Occupational Safety and Health
Management Systems, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 16:3, 283-310

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International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3, 283–310

The Use of Tacit Knowledge in Occupational

Safety and Health Management Systems
Daniel Podgórski

Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Poland

A systematic approach to occupational safety and health (OSH) management and concepts of knowledge
management (KM) have developed independently since the 1990s. Most KM models assume a division of
knowledge into explicit and tacit. The role of tacit knowledge is stressed as necessary for higher performance
in an enterprise. This article reviews literature on KM applications in OSH. Next, 10 sections of an OSH
management system (OSH MS) are identified, in which creating and transferring tacit knowledge contributes
significantly to prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. The roles of tacit knowledge in OSH MS are
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

contrasted with those of explicit knowledge, but a lack of a model that would describe this process holistically
is pointed out. Finally, examples of methods and tools supporting the use of KM in OSH MS are presented
and topics of future research aimed at enhancing KM applications in OSH MS are proposed.

knowledge management tacit knowledge explicit knowledge knowledge exploration

occupational safety and health OSH management OSH management system
risk assessment risk management behaviour-based safety worker participation
OSH performance OSH training narratives community of practice

1. INTRODUCTION performance, when the competitive potential

of total quality management (TQM), business
1.1. Concepts of Knowledge Management process re-engineering (BPR) or downsizing had
been exhausted [2].
A new management concept called knowledge
When the concept of KM was being developed,
management (KM) emerged in the world of
the notion of knowledge was distinguished from
business in the last two decades of the 20th
narrower terms like data and information. As
century. Its aim was to improve business
data, we understand sets of numerical values,
performance, competitiveness and innovativeness
descriptions of facts, drawings, pictures, voice
in the era of globalisation. Many socioeconomic
recordings, etc. Information is data presented in
and technological factors contributed to the
an organised, summarised and interpreted manner.
creation of KM, including broadly spreading
Whereas the term knowledge currently does not
implementation of IT systems in enterprises,
have a single broadly accepted definition, in the
information overload and chaos, communication
field of business management it is understood
bottlenecks in computer networks, segmentation
mostly as “fluid mix of framed experience,
and specialisation of skills, mobility of the
values, contextual information, and expert insight
workforce and loss of intellectual assets as well
that provides a framework for evaluating and
as challenges resulting from competition in
incorporating new experiences and information.
business environments [1]. The development
It originates from and is applied in the minds
of KM was also influenced by a search for new
of its owners. In organisations it often becomes
management concepts that could improve business

Correspondence and requests for offprints should be sent to Daniel Podgórski, CIOP-PIB, ul. Czerniakowska 16, 00-701 Warszawa,
Poland. E-mail: <>.

embedded not only in documents or repositories Simultaneously with the development of

but also in organisational routines, processes and KM concepts several models that describe the
norms” (p. 5) [3]. process of generating, processing, disseminating
An understanding of the process of creating and using knowledge in organisations have
organisational knowledge is the basis of KM been proposed. To support enterprises
in enterprises. Organisational knowledge (also in implementing KM, suitable methods,
known as organisational memory) is a result of technologies and informational tools have also
the learning process within a given organisation. been developed. Examples of such solutions are
This notion includes information and knowledge enterprise KM portals, data warehouses and data
processed by the organisation and defines mining systems, methods of knowledge space
processes by which its members can achieve, visualisation, workflow-based business process
sustain, process and store knowledge [4]. management systems, e-learning tools, business
Organisational knowledge is one of three intelligence applications and managerial decision
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types of knowledge, where the other two support systems. These tools, however, allow us
are individual and structural knowledge [5]. to manage mainly explicit knowledge. Reaching
Individual knowledge can be found in human tacit knowledge and using it for the benefit of an
minds and is hard to grasp, whereas structural enterprise remain very important issues in KM
knowledge is a fairly easily accessible codified practice.
knowledge, the kind that can be found in various
databases, reports, instructions, procedures, 1.2. First Attempts at Adopting KM
etc. Nonaka and Takeuchi [6] define structural Principles to OSH Management
knowledge as explicit or formal, whereas
Regardless of the developments in KM discussed
knowledge that is informal, hard to gain and
in section 1.1., since 1995 there has been a
codify is defined as tacit knowledge. Usually the
movement in several industrialised countries
management of enterprises concentrates mainly
towards implementing a systematic approach to
on explicit knowledge, whereas achieving higher
managing occupational safety and health (OSH)
management effectiveness requires accessing
issues in enterprises. This development has
tacit knowledge resources and their conversion
involved setting voluntary standards that include
into formal and available knowledge. However,
OSH management system (MS) specifications
according to Davenport and Prusak “tacit,
complex knowledge, developed and internalized based on the continuous im­provement cycle
by the knower over a long period of time, is Plan–Do–Check–Act (PDCA). When seeking
almost impossible to reproduce in a document new ways of making enterprises competitive
or a database. Such knowledge incorporates so and increasing their innovativeness, attempts
much accrued and embedded learning that its were made to use the principles of KM not only
rules may be impossible to separate from how to improve basic business processes (such as
designing products and services, production,
an individual acts” (p. 70) [3]. Additionally,
marketing or sales), but also to use those principles
in the case of tacit knowledge its owners are
in OSH. According to literature applying KM
often unaware of the knowledge they have and
principles has led to an improvement in the
of its value to others and to the organisation
effectiveness of an environmental management
for which they act. That is why acquisition of
system (EMS), which is based on a model similar
tacit knowledge and its use for the benefit of an
to that in OSH MS. This approach allowed the
organisation can be extremely difficult. Some
enterprise to decrease energy consumption as well
estimates indicate that tacit knowledge makes
as emission of pollutants into the atmosphere and
up as much as 80% of the total vital knowledge,
water [8, 9], proving at the same time that KM can
which may be useful for organisations to ensure
increase the potential of the enterprise with regard
their sustainable position on competitive markets
to green competitiveness.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


However, the literature specifically on OSH 2. BASIC CONCEPTS AND MODELS

management does not yet provide sufficient OF KM
evidence on similar successes in using KM in
this area, though there have been a few attempts In the last 20 years, several conceptual models
to adapt and use KM principles in OSH. In this have been developed that describe generating,
article there is an overview of those selected processing, disseminating and using knowledge
KM applications in OSH management on the in organisations. The following three approaches
enterprise level (section 3). The most important were the most important ones in the initial stage
common conclusions that can be derived from of the development of the concept of KM:
these few studies is the necessity of attributing
• the Japanese model of creating knowledge [6,
high importance to acquiring and exchanging
tacit knowledge that concerns different aspects of
• the KM cycle [11, 12];
OSH. These processes should constitute a part of
• the process-based model [13].
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organisational learning and lead to effective OSH

management in enterprises.
Taking this into consideration, the general 2.1. Japanese Model of Creating
objective of this article is to present a general Organisational Knowledge
overview of leading KM concepts and, on the Nonaka and Takeuchi divided organisational
basis of this review, to show the particular knowledge into two categories, explicit and tacit
and potential role of acquiring and using tacit [10]. This division was based on the assumption
knowledge in OSH MS. Section 2 brings a brief that organisational knowledge could not be
overview of KM concepts and models, whereas seen only as a collection of explicit data and
in section 3 there is a review of literature on information gathered in the form of documents
using KM in OSH management. Section 4 and computer databases. Organisational knowl­
presents the results of an analysis of OSH MS edge also contained some hard to capture
specifications that identified sections of the individual and group values and beliefs as well
system where the use of tacit knowledge is as behaviours that resulted from nondocumented
particularly important. On that basis, the potential experiences of the members of an organisation.
roles of tacit knowledge in the system are An adaptation of the concept of tacit
described and contrasted with the use of various knowledge introduced by the contemporary
forms and contents of explicit knowledge. philosopher Polanyi was the basis for this
In section 5 there is an overview of practical approach [14]. According to his theory,
methods and tools that can be used to stimulate, knowledge always contains a certain tacit
enhance and promote tacit knowledge in OSH and personal component. Some researchers
MS in enterprises. The conclusions from those (e.g., Hildreth and Kimble [15] and Grant
reviews and analyses are discussed in the last [16]) claimed that Polanyi did not suggest a
section, which also contains propositions of clear division of knowledge into explicit and
topics of further research necessary to explore tacit because knowledge is a continuum, in
further the potential, methodologies and which sometimes explicit and sometimes tacit
practical aspects of the use of tacit knowledge components dominate.
in OSH MS. This section also underlines the Nonaka claimed that KM should include not
need to develop a holistic model that would only processing of already existing knowledge
describe the role of KM processes within OSH but should also focus on creating new knowledge
MS, in particular processes related to creating, and its use within organisation together with
converting and transferring tacit knowledge. previously acquired knowledge [2]. In the
process of creating organisational knowledge
there is an exchange of two complementary
types of knowledge, tacit and explicit. This

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


exchange is possible due to dynamic interactions A spiral loop indicating a change of explicit
between members of an organisation, groups knowledge into tacit knowledge on successive
and organisational levels. There are four types of stages of its creation and recreation in an
knowledge conversion (see Figure 1): organisation is a very important element of
Nonaka’s model [2, 3]. In this way knowledge
• socialisation: change of individual tacit
conversion should lead to a continuous expansion
knowledge into group knowledge co-
of knowledge resources in the organisation.
perceptible by members of the organisation;
In Nonaka’s model, the most critical and most
• externalisation: conversion of tacit knowledge
difficult to realise is the stage of socialisation,
of the group into formal (explicit) knowledge
because individualised tacit knowledge can
of the group;
remain in the organisation members’ minds
• combination: systematic processing of
or demonstrate itself in their behaviours only.
fragmentary (segmented) formal knowledge
Despite its value, it can be partly subconscious
into formal knowledge (connection of new
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[2, 3]. This is a constraint to Nonaka’s

blocks of knowledge with already existing
model. Hildreth and Kimble argue that if tacit
blocks of formal knowledge into one body of
knowledge of a certain member of organisation
cannot be articulated and it is not shared with
• internalisation: conversion of formal knowledge
other members, the tacit–explicit conversion
into tacit knowledge within the whole
stage simply cannot work [15]. Transfer of
organisation and at the level of its members.
tacit knowledge from master to student in the
This conversion includes an embodiment
course of apprenticeship is an example. It leads
of formal knowledge in concrete practices,
to the development of the student’s individual
processes, activities and strategic initiatives.
knowledge, but it is still tacit and not explicit






Tacit Tacit
l is




Tacit Ex plicit

Tacit Ex plicit


Explicit Explicit








Figure 1. Japanese model of organisational knowledge creation (on the basis of Nonaka [6] and
Nonaka and Takeuchi [10]).

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


knowledge. That is why a slightly different Wiig’s first stage (building knowledge)
division of forms of knowledge into “hard” and consists of obtaining, analysing, reconstructing,
“soft” was suggested [15, 17]. According to synthesising, codifying and modelling know­l­
Hildreth and Kimble each body of knowledge is edge. At this point knowledge is acquired and
both hard and soft. Since both are inexorably and built from various sources: experts and advisers,
inextricably interwoven there is no clear division training courses, procedures and instructions,
between these two forms [15]. research, books, media, inspections and
Hard knowledge is codified and observable observations, as well as individual experience of
formal knowledge, the kind that can be members of the organisation.
found in textbooks, procedures, instructions, Holding knowledge involves remembering it,
programmes, databases, etc. On the other hand, accumulating and embedding it in repositories
soft knowledge is tacit and takes the form of and archiving it. There are different forms of
internalised experience, automated skills and formal knowledge to be acquired, e.g., patents,
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internalised cultural knowledge embedded into research reports and technical documentation.
practice [17]. Changing tacit knowledge into hard This stage also includes holding tacit knowledge
knowledge is in certain circumstances possible that can be found in company members’ minds
but only a part of this knowledge can be made and which can be extracted in the form of
explicit. Moreover, knowledge is embedded practical tips and case studies, etc.
not only in habits and mental models of The third stage, pooling knowledge, assumes
individual employees, but it is a result of current knowledge co-ordination that primarily relies on
relations between certain members of working setting a knowledge resource network structure
teams. Therefore, it is often subconscious and and on defining responsibility for making
distributed across individual members of the certain resources available. Other activities at
organisation [18]. this stage include collecting information about
The following statement expresses well locating knowledge in documents, databases or
problems connected with management of tacit expert networks (assembling knowledge) and
(or soft) knowledge, “people know more than providing access and retrieval of knowledge to all
they can say and more than it results from their employees.
common sense” (p. 205) [19]. That is why The last stage of Wiig’s model, using
instead of focusing on changing tacit knowledge knowledge, concerns ways of using practical
into explicit, and later on trying to manage it with knowledge within an organisation. For example,
methods suitable for formal knowledge, investing this can consist in using knowledge in routine
in soft KM techniques would be more efficient. tasks, production and services but mostly in any
Those techniques consist in developing informal kind of decision-making processes conducted at
methods of sharing this knowledge, without the various management levels. The latter includes
necessity to externalise it [15]. using knowledge to identifying problems
and their potential consequences, choosing
2.2. Wiig’s Model of KM Cycle knowledge suitable for solving these problems,
searching for alternative solutions, assessing the
Creating and using knowledge in the enterprise advantages and disadvantages of those solutions,
can be made efficient by good organisation of and planning and implementing selected
acquiring and processing knowledge. Taking this solutions.
into account, Wiig proposed an organisational Wiig also proposed classifying manageable
KM cycle of four consecutive stages: (a) knowledge into three principal forms: (a) public
building, (b) holding, (c) pooling and (d) using knowledge, (b) shared knowledge (common
knowledge [11, 12]. This cycle can be presented for organisation members) and (c) personal
in linearly, but some activities within these stages knowledge [11]. Each of these forms was further
can be performed simultaneously or in reverse. divided into passive and active knowledge. Public

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


passive knowledge consisted mainly of books, Knowledge acquisition is another block

standards and websites. Public active knowledge in process-based KM; its aim is to acquire
was made available by recognised experts, expert necessary resources from outside of an
systems, etc. Written information on products, enterprise. This knowledge can be derived
technologies, documented procedures, etc., was from various contacts with clients, suppliers,
passive, shared knowledge. Informative systems partner firms or competitors. Acquisition can
used in an enterprise, including the intranet, also involve purchasing databases or specialist
were active shared knowledge. Whereas personal software, acquiring intellectual property rights
passive knowledge included information, facts (e.g., patents), employing new workers with high
and events stored in an individual’s memory, competencies, employing external experts and
personal active knowledge included skills, habits taking over companies with innovative potential.
and an individual’s interpretation of procedures. Knowledge development is the third block. It
is to enlarge knowledge resources that already
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2.3. Process-Based Approach to KM exist within an organisation as well as those

acquired from the outside. This includes research,
A process-based model of KM is used to describe development and design of new products,
all processes enabling creation, dissemination acquisition of new skills by employees while
and use of knowledge to achieve the goals of they work, support for innovations, increase in
the organisation. The six-block model of key employees’ creativity and generation of group
processes (the building blocks of KM) is a knowledge by delegating tasks to self-managed
frequently-used model based on this approach teams.
[13]. This model assumes that there are tight The next block, knowledge distribution,
connections among all key KM processes; thus consists of processes aimed at transforming
influencing one influences the other ones. single and isolated pieces of information or
According to the said model, knowledge skills into knowledge resources used by the
identification is the block that initiates overall whole organisation. These can be both centrally
KM in the organisation. The processes of this controlled processes of knowledge dissemination
block should concern both knowledge existing among certain employee groups as well as
within the enterprise and external knowledge that knowledge transfer processes between people
is available to that enterprise. These processes and teams. The following techniques can be
should lead to the transparency of knowledge used to distribute knowledge: providing training
resources so that an individual employee can on new work tools, new software, management
localise them easily. An employee who is able to methods, etc.; stimulating employees to share
transform data into knowledge and use it for the knowledge with their colleagues; publishing
benefit of an enterprise is a basic element of its procedures, instructions, newsletters; using
knowledge resources. That is why identification e-mail and the intranet; organising information
of external knowledge includes collecting meetings with employees; using computer
information about expert knowledge held by expert systems and workflow-type systems;
employees as well as creating knowledge maps and organising contacts between employees
(i.e., graphic representations of the organisational and external experts. It is particularly important
structure of intellectual assets and knowledge to create an organisational culture oriented at
sources in an enterprise). reducing psychological barriers involved in
Identifying external knowledge primarily sharing knowledge.
means locating all external experts working Processes in the block of knowledge use should
for an enterprise and making a list of relevant ensure an efficient use of knowledge held by and
informational resources available on the Internet. available to employees to benefit an enterprise.
All employees should have access to those lists These activities are connected with reducing
and maps. psychological and organisational barriers that

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


restrain both employees and managers from implemented in various enterprises (e.g., in
using new knowledge in practice. Methods consulting companies or enterprises focused
supporting the use of knowledge include on innovations). Still, there is no homogeneous
implementation of understandable forms of approach in this area and indicators chosen to
presenting knowledge (e.g., readable reports, assess the level of knowledge vary. Probst et al.
pictures and figures instead of text and easy-to- propose using, e.g., a Balanced Scorecard
use information management systems), training approach [20, 21], multidimensional knowledge
employees in a direct use of knowledge (so- measurement systems [22], assessment of
called action learning), etc. In the process of organisational culture sensibility to knowledge,
knowledge assimilation it is also important to or strategic benchmarking.
ensure a friendly working environment with a
proper organisation of departments and location 2.4. Criticism of KM, and Its Successive
of workstations within an office. Generations
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The last block of the process-based KM model,

At the end of the first decade of KM concept
knowledge preservation, includes activities
development, several publications criticised its
aimed at preserving knowledge acquired in an
usefulness and indicated its failure to fulfil the
enterprise and preventing the enterprise from
original expectations of business and scientific
losing useful knowledge resources in the future.
circles. For example, according to Pollard KM
The activities in this block should focus on
did not meet such expectations as innovation
selecting information that is worth keeping, and
growth in enterprises, productivity and efficiency
on storing and updating information that can be
improvement, relations with clients, employee
useful in the future. Storing knowledge should
education and their retention as well as quality of
not consist of traditional methods of document
managerial decisions [23]. This was so because
filing or creating a company’s electronic
of “the unrealistic expectation that human
repositories only, but it should also involve
organizational behaviour could be changed, in all
storing tacit knowledge that is endangered
kinds of positive ways, by persuading people of
especially if key employees leave. It is possible
the wisdom of capturing, sharing, and archiving
to encourage experts to work in the company
for as long as possible, to have key experts knowledge” (p. 2).
prepare their successors and to create connection Others suggested that KM would not bring
mechanisms with former employees. revolutionary changes in business because it
Probst, Raub and Romhardt’s KM model also was in fact a management fad. According to
includes a feedback loop that makes it possible Ponzi and Koenig, interest in management fads
to achieve KM goals established within the usually waned after an average of 5 years from
enterprise [13]. The goals should involve the the momentum of a given concept [24]. This
overall vision and strategy of the company, its was true for the quality circles’ movement,
position on the market and challenges posed by TQM and BPR. Even though Ponzi and Koenig
ensuring innovativeness and competitiveness. said KM was different, they claimed interest
On the other hand, KM goals should be realistic in KM-related topics peaked in business and
and take into account current conditions of scientific circles in 2002. Wilson, too, predicted
knowledge resources in the enterprises as well that KM should be considered as a management
as the degree to which KM processes have been fad that would go the same way as other fads in
implemented. Therefore, knowledge resources management; this concept was promoted mainly
should be measured and assessed, so that KM by consulting companies and business schools
processes can be adjusted on the basis of those interested in having something new to sell to the
measurements. Measurement of knowledge is business world, and also partly by IT companies
not easy; however, there is information in the and software houses that needed a good name for
literature on knowledge measurement systems their IT products [25].

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


Grant and Grant analysed the criticism of factor related to implementing KM principles
the first phase of KM development; they saw in enterprises [35]. Employees must have
excessive focus on applying IT to KM to be its requisite skills and attitudes (personality traits),
main disadvantage. This resulted in KM turning which is strongly connected with the creation
into information management with no practical and transfer of components of tacit knowledge.
value [26]. Despite this criticism, support of the Other success factors involve creating and
KM concept did not decrease; instead, there were maintaining a suitable organisational culture
a number of successful KM implementations in and work atmosphere, in which employees have
enterprises. There were also failures resulting the permission to act innovatively, to improvise
from mistakes in KM implementation and not and to step beyond established schemes and
from the concept itself [27]. That is why KM scopes of activities to serve the enterprise and it
researchers tried to improve the concept. As a stakeholders as best as they can. Furthermore,
result, new generations of KM were developed: it is very important to motivate employees to
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McElroy’s second-generation KM [28, 29, act intelligently by showing them that their
30], Snowden’s third-generation KM [31, 32] actions will be valuable to the stakeholders, the
and Sveiby’s [33] and Wiig’s [34, 35] next enterprise and to themselves.
generation KM (NGKM). Wiig underlined that “KM must be people
NGKM’s main feature is its strong focus focused, not technology-centric, and must rely on
on human aspects. The basic differences people-related mechanisms such as storytelling,
among NGKM and previous generations of communities of practice (CoP), and social
KM are the degree of integration between networking” (p. 229) [35]. The implementation
NGKM and enterprise philosophy, strategy, of NGKM must be harmonised with culture and
aims, practices and procedures, and the way with joint values of the enterprise, employees and
in which this concept becomes a part of the external stakeholders.
employees’ motivation and their everyday life
[36]. The main characteristics of NGKM are (a)
broad and proactive business philosophy and 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON
management beliefs; (b) knowledge-focused KM IN OSH MS
business strategies and practices; (c) intellectual
3.1. KM in OSH MS in High-Risk
capital stewardship mentality; (d) systematic,
self-sustaining and self-renewing KM practices;
(e) systems perspective of enterprise and Mining, including hard coal mining, is a high-
environment; and (f) vigilant application of risk industry. Working conditions in this sector
state-of-the-art KM practices and infrastructure are very dangerous, which is reflected by a high
capabilities [34, 35]. ratio of occupational accidents and diseases in
First generations of KM were more focused on comparison with other industries and service
technology, systems, or organisational culture, sectors. Therefore, searching for efficient ways
whereas NGKM is focused on how people learn, to improve working conditions in mining is of
remember, make decisions, solve problems and primary importance. That is probably why the
act, and the connection between knowledge and first attempts to introduce KM principles in OSH
workers’ behaviour. When the NGKM principles management were made in this sector. To date
were formulated, research results were used in there have been some studies and implementation
mental models, narrative, conceptual blending, efforts in this area, but few offer ideas on how
decision theory and sense-making. KM concepts can be used in practice to manage
According to Wiig, ensuring that all em­ OSH.
ploy­ees have access to necessary resources of One of those studies used experience gained
professional, craft and navigational knowledge in developing OSH management in Australian
and metaknowledge is a significant success mining to describe an example of a formal KM

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


process implemented to improve strategies of This method is increasingly used not only in
occupational risk management [36]. The most the arts and literature, but also in medicine, or
important steps of this process are (a) mapping science, in general [38]. Thirty rescue veterans
knowledge in the organisation, (b) carrying took part in the study. In the presence of
out a KM audit, (c) identifying knowledge researchers they told their stories about specific
gaps and needs, (d) appointing project teams moments of rescue actions they took part in.
and initialising projects for acquiring and Next, those stories were used to design scenarios
documenting knowledge and, after their of simulated rescue actions that were later used in
completion, (e) overviewing and assessing the training miners, rescuers and people responsible
results in view of a reimplementation of KM for emergency management in mines. Such
processes in accordance with the principle of field training sessions were organised in real
continuous improvement. This process is to be conditions in a U.S. hard coal mine. As a result
applied to various kinds of formal knowledge of this experiment, tacit knowledge hidden in the
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related to risk assessment and management, minds of the rescue veterans was transferred to
particularly to hazard and risk registers; the the minds of a future generation mine rescuers.
scope, completeness and application of safety- Additionally, the rescue veterans’ recorded
related policies and procedures; the effectiveness stories were used as explicit knowledge and a
of current risk controls; investigation and free publication for miners and rescuers was
identification of new controls; development developed [39].
of skills and knowledge inventories; risk Many social sciences researchers have
communication methods, emergency confirmed the success of storytelling as a
management plans, etc. Cater proposed several natural method of knowledge sharing, especially
methods and tools to support KM processes with regard to tacit knowledge. Most people
in practice in risk management, such as remember complicated relations and conditions
benchmarking, peer assistance, workshops and better if they are structured and presented in
discussion groups, after-action reviews, corporate the form of a story. Therefore, this method
yellow pages and OSH knowledge websites; may be very useful for many aspects of KM
and the need to acquire tacit knowledge within applications in organisations; it influences both
risk management activities. However, there the ways in which knowledge is disseminated
was no suggestion of any solutions that would among workers, and in which it is acquired and
ensure effective dissemination and the use of institutionalised [33]. In enterprises that belong
OSH-related tacit knowledge held by individual to high-risk industries, it has been proven that
employees [36]. people learn safety rules faster when those rules
Vaught, Mallett, Brnich, et al. studied are presented in the form of stories than in formal
explorations of tacit knowledge in OSH training or through instructions [40]. However,
management in the USA [37]. This research so far storytelling has not been appreciated or
focused on acquiring tacit knowledge on specific used widely by managers; formal and systematic
behaviours of mine rescuers during mine approaches predominate.
emergency responses. Since some sources of According to Gherardi and Nicolini safety
useful tacit knowledge may exist outside of the knowledge should be perceived as a collective
consciousness of individual employees and may competency or a culture developed within
be distributed across the individuals [18], it was CoP [41]. Wenger, McDermott and Snyder
assumed that such knowledge was transferred define CoPs as informal “groups of people who
among rescue team members and that the process share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion
was manageable. about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge
Narratives (storytelling) were used in National and expertise in this area by interacting on an
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s ongoing basis” (p. 4) [42]. Studies indicate that
research to acquire and cultivate tacit knowledge. formal and model-based approaches are not

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


suitable in safety KM; it is necessary to include knowledge; organisational learning (including

elements of a human inquiry perspective in the knowledge transfer, sharing and consolidation);
learning process and thus to attribute a greater and knowledge revision, con­cep­tualisation,
role to socially accepted methods of tacit reflection and acting. It is also important that it
knowledge exchange [40]. consider objective knowledge, especially tacit
knowledge that all employees regardless of their
3.2. KM Principles in OSH MS and position have.
3.3. Tacit Knowledge in EMS and OSH MS
Sherehiy and Karwowski made the first attempt
to include KM principles into an existing The internal structures of OSH MS implemented
generic model of OSH MS [43]. The scope on the basis of national voluntary standards or
of this concept goes beyond traditional OSH ILO guidelines [44] are mostly similar to those
boundaries because it also includes managing of EMS (Standard No. ISO 14001:2001 [45]).
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ergonomic interventions in an enterprise. That is The generic models of those systems are based
why the whole area covered by the concept has on the same concept, i.e., PDCA, and their
been denoted as occupational safety, health and formal specifications contain similar functional
ergonomics (OSHE). To indicate the possibilities conceptions of their main elements. Therefore,
and the scope of applying KM principles to it was possible that the exploration and use of
OSHE management, the ILO-OSH 2001 [44] tacit knowledge in EMS would throw light on
organisational framework of the OSH MS model the potential role and use of tacit knowledge in
was adopted. OSH MS.
First of all, Sherehiy and Karwowski assumed The results of a study conducted in eight
that knowledge is a central resource that helps to Canadian industrial enterprises implementing
achieve goals in OSHE management. However, EMS provide some evidence for this thesis
the current approach to management in this area [8]. The study revealed the relevance of
focuses on formal KM, i.e., on legal provisions, tacit knowledge in three areas of EMS: (a)
standards, guidelines, procedures and internal identification of pollution sources, (b) proposals
instructions, registers, etc., whereas to ensure for preventive solutions and (c) management
efficient OSHE management in an enterprise it of emergency situations. These areas can be
is necessary to explore tacit knowledge hidden considered as analogical to the following
in the minds of experienced employees at all elements of OSH MS: (a) hazard identification,
organisational levels. This knowledge is strictly and risk assessment and management; (b)
connected with the working context and is hard prevention and control measures and (c)
to verbalise, e.g., a safety engineer’s experience, emergency prevention, preparedness and
hazard recognition and its practical aspects, response. Moreover, this study showed that
perceptual and cognitive skills, rules of thumb, promoting and sharing tacit knowledge in
intuition and syntheses of facts. EMS appeared within the framework of (a)
Sherehiy and Karwowski emphasised that consultation of the personnel, (b) empowerment,
KM is an important method that should allow (c) training and (d) documentation and retention.
achieving management goals in OSHE [43], The first three of these categories are essentially
although at present there are no validated models analogous with OSH MS sections on worker
of KM applications in this area. KM should participation, and competency and training.
stimulate suitable conditions of knowledge Research on tacit knowledge in EMS has also
exchange, innovative solutions application shown many other findings that can be adequate
and the use of knowledge already existing to view these issues from the perspective of
in an organisation. Moreover, according to OSH MS. First of all, it turned out that workers’
Sherehiy and Karwowski a future KM model personal knowledge greatly influenced the
for OSHE should include creating organisational identification of environmental hazards. This

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


knowledge was based on routine work activities and exploring tacit knowledge can improve the
and physical proximity to those hazards. Tacit effectiveness of hazard identification and risk
knowledge was also useful in seeking preventive management, implementation of prevention
solutions and solutions that would minimise and control measures, emergency prevention,
those hazards. To use that knowledge, however, preparedness and response, and of training
it was necessary to create a suitable climate and other forms of developing competencies.
and conditions in an enterprise, which would Tacit knowledge acquisition processes should
trigger workers’ voluntary participation and support organisational learning and should lead
commitment in those activities. to effective OSH management in enterprises.
Boiral suggested a general framework for However, to achieve these goals it is necessary
managing tacit knowledge in an enterprise. It to develop and disseminate practical tools
consisted of four stages: creation, consultation, supporting enterprises in efficient knowledge
codification and implementation. These exploration and management.
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processes would work only if there were A search for literature on applications of
suitable structures and management habits KM produced several studies on applications
that favoured consultations with employees, of KM to improving the general safety of the
empowerment practices and creation of good public. However, most of them concerned issues
climate for informal exchange of knowledge outside the traditional scope of OSH and focused
[8]. Codification of tacit knowledge could be on societal concerns regarding the influence
difficult. Managers, especially those in formal of industrial development. Thus, there were
management systems, tend to document all numerous attempts to apply KM principles in
activities and thus codify relevant knowledge. industrial safety [46], nuclear safety [47] and
Codification of tacit knowledge may be aviation safety [48]. Some KM applications in
expensive and lead to bureaucracy and excessive these fields include interesting concepts, models
documentation. It may also result in more and tools, but there is no evidence that they will
importance being paid to formal knowledge; thus be applicable to OSH. That is why at present they
both managers and employees might overlook might be considered as sources of ideas that may
the advantages of tacit knowledge. lead to future studies, rather than sources of any
practical conclusions on the role of KM in OSH.
3.4. KM in OSH MS—a Summary
The overview of literature in sections 3.1 and 3.2 4. TACIT KNOWLEDGE IN OSH MS
shows that research on the use of KM principles
in OSH management is still fragmented and 4.1. Systematic Approach to OSH
that it focuses on attempts to use a set of KM Management
methods to support different components of OSH The era of systematic management of OSH
MS. The conclusion regarding the role of tacit started in the mid-1990s. Since then there has
knowledge in this system is that its acquisition been a significant transformation in strategies
and exchange require special attention. This of improving working conditions. This process
type of knowledge may be important in hazard includes a radical change in the approach of
identification and risk control processes, in all stakeholders from enforcing obligatory
efficient training of workers, particularly rescuers compliance with detailed technical provisions
in high-risk industries, etc. on OSH to voluntary implementation of system
The results of research on the role of tacit procedures aimed at continuous improvement.
knowledge in specific areas of EMS (section 3.3) The latest stage of this transformation is reflected
provided an indirect proof of the potential in voluntary national standards on OSH MS, e.g.,
and importance of that knowledge in OSH BS 8800:1996 [49], AS/NZS 4804:1997/2001
MS. A comparison of these areas with their [50] and PN-N-18001:1999/2004 [51]. At an in­
equivalents in OSH MS shows that acquiring ter­national level, dissemination of a systematic

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


approach to OSH management was connected Many consulting companies offer and promote
with the development of the OHSAS 18001 BBS implementation programmes world-wide.
specification [52] and with the establishment of Many studies provide a sufficient amount of
the ILO-OSH 2001 guidelines on OSH MS [44]. scientific evidence that attests to the effectiveness
OSH MS models adopted in the afore­ of behavioural safety initiatives across a variety
mentioned documents are based on the PDCA of industries in many countries [56, 57]. An
or Deming’s cycle. Some of those models were implementation programme in an enterprise
developed for specific industries or activity should cover identification and specification
sectors, e.g., an OSH MS for the construction of employees’ behaviours that are critical for
industry as specified in Standard No. SAA HB53 their safety, observation of these behaviours and
[53]. However, most of those models are generic collection of data that concern their frequency
and can be used in enterprises regardless of the and, finally, implementation of appropriate
economic sector or type of activity. correction and prevention actions for ensuring
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

Adoption of an OSH MS model based on improvement of workers’ safety and health [58].
PDCA in such international documents as Implementation of BBS in an enterprise
OHSAS 18001 [52] or ILO-OSH 2001 [44] has where a formal OSH MS already exists and
caused domination of this model in applications is complementary with one of the previously
all over the world. For example, in 2005 OSH described models does not require major
MS certified according to OHSAS 18001 were in changes in the system itself. New components
place in over 15 000 enterprises in 82 countries1. that include BBS can be easily integrated with
The exact number of enterprises with OSH MS the existing management system and output
is not known at present, but as the market for from that system can be used as input into
certification services in OSH MS has grown by behavioural safety interventions and vice versa.
~30–40% per year, the number of enterprises In particular, BBS processes can be a part of a
with this system in place could be estimated at risk management subsystem; e.g., workstations
~50 000 in 2009. or operations identified in a risk management
process as related to significant hazards can be
4.2. Behaviour-Based Safety in OSH MS further analysed to identify critical behaviours
that are needed for hazard prevention. Results
In recent years the behaviour-based safety (BBS) of such analyses can be used for modifying
approach (sometimes called behavioural safety) employees’ behaviours to prevent hazards and to
has become increasingly popular within OSH reduce occupational risks [59].
management. BBS is commonly defined as a
systematic application of psychological research
4.3. Potential Use of Tacit Knowledge in
on human behaviour to the problems of safety
in the workplace [54]. This method assumes that
people tend to take risky actions but these actions Desk research was carried out to find the most
are not a result of an inappropriate approach important areas of OSH MS where processes
towards safety but of a lack of experience. BBS of acquiring, processing, transferring or using
has been successful because ~80% of accidents OSH-related knowledge took place. It consisted
at work result from employees’ inappropriate in an analysis of the detailed specifications
behaviour [55]. Moreover, BBS is focused on of all elements of this system and a review of
observable and measurable behaviours critical to the relevant literature on OSH management
occupational safety in a given enterprise. issues. The model and specifications of OSH
MS laid down in ILO-OSH 2001 [44] were the

1 OHSAS Project Group, 2006, Results of the survey into the availability of OH&S standards and certificates, up until 2005-12-31
[unpublished document].

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


structural framework of this analysis. They were sections. Additionally, the scopes of the explicit
supplemented with a set of management system and tacit knowledge determined in Table 1 for
requirements connected with an implementation the different sections of the system have been
of BBS. Table 1 presents the results of this divided into two parts, for managers (M) and
analysis. To demonstrate the potential role of for workers (W). Because of the different roles
tacit knowledge to be used in the individual of those groups in the management system and
sections of the system more clearly, its scopes with regard to work processes, the types and
are described and contrasted with the types of amount of knowledge possessed or transferred by
formal (i.e., explicit) knowledge relevant to these managers and by workers differ considerably.

TABLE 1. The Use of Knowledge in Sections of an Occupational Safety and Health Management
System (OSH MS)
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

A. Scope of knowledge useful for the Policy section

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge
A1. OSH policy
M Legal regulations and standards on OSH on Personal experience in managing an enterprise
employers’ responsibility for OSH according to established policies and rules
Other requirements (collective agreements, Sense of moral obligation for applying continuous
corporate social responsibility standards, labour improvement rules to OSH
inspectorate recommendations, etc.)
Specifications of OSH MS
Declaration of the enterprise’s OSH policy

W Declaration of the enterprise’s OSH policy No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required

Procedures and instructions implementing OSH
policy and standards at the level of the workplace

A2. Worker participation

M Legal regulations on safety and health committees Personal experience in consulting and/or involving
workers in activities aimed at improving OSH
Arrangements for workers and their safety and
health representatives to participate actively in
OSH management

W Arrangements for workers and their safety and Concerns, ideas and other inputs on OSH submitted
health representatives to participate actively in by workers to be considered within OSH MS
OSH management
B. Scope of knowledge useful for the Organisation section
Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge
B1. Responsibility and accountability
M Legal regulations on employer’s responsibility for Personal experience and leadership skills in
OSH in the enterprise implementing OSH improvement activities
Records on allocation of responsibility,
accountability and authority for the development,
implementation and performance of OSH MS
Definition of managers’ responsibility and
accountability in OSH MS
Arrangements and responsibilities to identify and
control work-related hazards and risks

W Formal rules and procedures related to OSH No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
established at the level of the workplace
Scopes of individual workers’ responsibility and
accountability in OSH management

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


TABLE 1. (continued).

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

B2. Competency and training
M Requirements for OSH competencies defined for all OSH knowledge acquired by managers (including
workstations and organisational levels safety managers) by learning on the job,
mentoring, etc.
Training programmes for managers (including safety
managers) on general OSH issues and their Personal experience in formal and informal
roles in OSH MS methods of transferring OSH-related knowledge
to workers
OSH knowledge acquired by managers from
consultants, journals, books, websites, etc.
Risk management procedures and safety rules

W Training programmes for workers on OSH and their OSH-related knowledge acquired by workers by
roles in OSH management learning on the job, apprenticeship, mentoring,
OSH knowledge transferred to workers in training
courses, and through procedures, instructions, Personal knowledge and awareness of hazards,
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

publications, websites, etc. risks and safety rules acquired from co-workers
B3. OSH MS documentation
M Documented OSH policy and objectives No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
Arrangements, procedures, instructions, etc., within
Allocated key OSH management roles and
responsibilities for OSH MS
Results of hazard identification, risk assessment,
and monitoring active and reactive OSH
Records on workers’ exposure, injuries, ill health,
diseases, incidents, absenteeism, and on
surveillance of workers’ health

W The same types of formal knowledge as for No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
managers, but limited to the scope required for
individual workers at their workstations
B4. Communication
M Arrangements and procedures for receiving, Personal experience and skills in implementing
documenting and responding to internal and OSH-related communication procedures
external communications related to OSH
OSH-related information transferred between
relevant levels, managers and workers

W Arrangements and procedures for internal Personal knowledge and awareness of hazards
communication related to OSH and risks (acquired by learning on the job)
transferred between workers and managers
Documented concerns, ideas and other inputs on
OSH submitted by workers Concerns, ideas and other inputs on OSH
submitted by workers to their safety and health
representatives and managers
C. Scope of knowledge useful for Planning and Implementation* section
Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge
C1. System planning, development and implementation
M Arrangements and procedures for planning of OSH Personal experience and skills in preparing,
improvement activities establishing, implementing and evaluating OSH
improvement plans
Records on risk assessment, OSH monitoring,
workers’ exposure, injuries, ill health, diseases,
incidents, absenteeism, etc., as a basis for OSH
improvement plans
OSH improvement plans adopted in the enterprise
including criteria selected for measuring
achievement of objectives

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


TABLE 1. (continued).

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

W Tasks in OSH improvement plans relevant to Concerns, ideas and other inputs on OSH
individual workers’ work and responsibility submitted by workers and considered in OSH
improvement plans
C2. OSH objectives
M Records on risk assessment, OSH monitoring, No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
workers’ exposure, injuries, ill health, diseases,
incidents, absenteeism, etc., as a basis for OSH
objectives and targets
OSH objectives adopted in the enterprise

W OSH objectives and targets relevant to individual No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
workers’ activity and responsibility

C3. Hazard and risk prevention: prevention and control measures

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M Arrangements, procedures and instructions for Personal knowledge on the effectiveness of

identifying hazards and assessing risks (including preventive and protective measures for the
checklists, software tools, etc.) elimination of hazards and reduction of risks
Regulations, standards and research reports with (acquired by learning on the job)
criteria for estimating risk for various factors (e.g., Personal knowledge of dangerous work processes,
exposure) workstations and work methods, where workers’
Records of measurements of workers’ exposure and behaviours may be critical for their safety
results of risk assessment carried out periodically
or occasionally at workstations
Knowledge of preventive and protective measures
for eliminating hazards and reducing risks
(technical standards, guidelines, handbooks, etc.)

W Knowledge of hazards and risks identified and Personal knowledge of hazards and risks at the
assessed at individual workstations within formal workplace (acquired by learning on the job or
risk assessment transferred by co-workers within team work)
Formal safety rules, instructions and technical Personal knowledge of safety-critical behaviours
requirements to be applied by workers when and safety rules (acquired by learning on the job
using protective or preventive measures for or transferred by co-workers within team work)
elimination of hazards and reduction of risks

C4. Hazard and risk prevention: management of change

M Results of evaluation of the impact on OSH of Personal knowledge of the effectiveness of
internal changes (e.g., in staffing, new processes, preventive and protective measures in eliminating
working procedures and organisational structures) hazards and reducing risks
and of external changes (e.g., in national laws,
OSH knowledge and technology) Personal knowledge of dangerous work processes,
workstations and work methods where workers’
Results of identification of hazards and assessment behaviours may be critical for their safety
of risks carried out before any modification or
introduction of new work methods, materials,
processes or machinery

W Knowledge of new hazards and risks identified and Personal knowledge of hazards and risks introduced
assessed at individual workstations in the case of by modification or introduction of new work
modification or introduction of new work methods, methods, materials, processes or machinery
materials, processes or machinery (acquired by learning on the job)
C5. Hazard and risk prevention: emergency prevention, preparedness and response
M Knowledge of potential hazards and OSH risks Personal knowledge of potential impact of hazards
associated with storing, processing, producing and risks associated with storing, processing,
and transporting dangerous materials and goods producing and transporting dangerous materials
(inflammable, explosive, toxic, etc.) and goods on workers’ safety and health
Procedures for identifying potential for major Personal knowledge of emergency rules and
accidents and emergency situations within the evacuation plans acquired by participation in
enterprise and in the neighbourhood training courses and exercises in emergency
Emergency plans and procedures (including
evacuation) and other arrangements for first aid,
medical assistance, firefighting, etc.
Training programmes for all members on emergency
procedures, including plans for regular exercises
in emergency procedures

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


TABLE 1. (continued).

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

W Emergency plans and procedures (including Personal knowledge of potential impact of hazards
evacuation) and other arrangements for first aid, and risks associated with storing, processing,
medical assistance, firefighting, etc. producing and transporting dangerous materials
and goods on workers’ safety and health
Training programmes for all members on emergency
procedures, including plans for regular exercises Personal knowledge of emergency rules and
in emergency procedures evacuation plans acquired by participation in
training courses and exercises in emergency

C6: Hazard and risk prevention: procurement and contracting**

M Legal regulations, standards and internal safety Personal knowledge of hazards and risks that may
and health requirements for goods (machinery, be associated with using goods (machinery,
equipment, tools, personal protective equipment, equipment, tools, personal protective equipment,
etc.) and services to be purchased by the etc.) and services to be purchased by the
enterprise enterprise
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Legal regulations, standards and internal safety and Personal knowledge of potential hazards and risks
health requirements established in the enterprise brought by contractors’ workers
for selecting contractors
Contractors’ reports on OSH, including identified
hazards and risks, results of OSH monitoring,
records of injuries, ill health, diseases, incidents,
absenteeism, etc.

W OSH procedures established by the enterprise for Personal knowledge of hazards and risks at the
contractors’ workers workplace (acquired by contractors’ workers by
learning on the job or transferred by co-workers)
Training programmes on OSH provided for
contractors’ workers prior to commencing work Personal knowledge of safety-critical behaviours
and safety rules (acquired by contractors’
workers by learning on the job or transferred by
D. Scope of knowledge useful for the Evaluation section
Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge
D1. Performance measurement and evaluation
M Procedures for monitoring, measuring and recording Personal knowledge of dangerous work processes,
OSH performance of the enterprise workstations and work methods, where workers’
behaviours may be critical for their safety
Results of proactive OSH monitoring, including,
e.g., systematic inspections of work systems,
premises end equipment, surveillance of workers’
health, achievement of OSH-related plans, and
of compliance with national regulations and other
Results of reactive OSH monitoring, including,
e.g., statistics on work-related injuries, ill health,
diseases and incidents, data on damage to
property and other losses, decisions of labour
inspectors, and results of programmes of
workers’ rehabilitation and behaviour-based
safety programmes

W Procedures for monitoring, measuring and recording Personal knowledge of hazards and risks at the
OSH performance of the enterprise relevant to workplace (acquired by learning on the job or
individual workers’ at their workstations transferred by co-workers within team work)
Personal knowledge of safety-critical behaviours
and safety rules (acquired by workers by
learning on the job or transferred by co-workers
within team work)

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


TABLE 1. (continued).

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

D2. Investigation of work-related accidents, diseases and incidents
M Reports from internal investigations on the origin Personal knowledge of and experience in
and underlying causes of work-related injuries, ill methods and techniques of carrying out internal
health, diseases and incidents investigations on the origin and underlying
causes of work-related injuries, ill health,
Reports of external OSH investigative agencies, diseases and incidents
e.g., labour inspectorates and social insurance
Results of investigations communicated to the
safety and health committee and to responsible
persons for corrective actions

W Reports from internal investigations on the origin Personal knowledge of the origin and underlying
and underlying causes of work-related injuries, causes of work-related injuries, ill health,
ill health, diseases and incidents (relevant to diseases and incidents reported by individual
individual workers’ at their workstations) workers
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

D3. Audit
M Arrangements, programmes and procedures related Personal experience and skills in methods and
to conducting periodic audits of all components techniques necessary to carry out periodic
of OSH MS audits of OSH MS
Reports from periodic audits of OSH MS with
conclusions for persons responsible for
corrective actions

W Reports from periodic audits of OSH MS with Personal knowledge of failures and deficiencies in
conclusions for persons responsible for OSH MS
corrective actions (relevant to individual workers’
workstations) Workers’ ideas for corrective and preventive
actions to improve OSH MS

D4. Management review

M Analysis of the effectiveness and compliance of No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required
OSH MS, including results of investigations of
work-related injuries, ill health, diseases and
incidents; results of monitoring performance,
measurements and audits; and other internal and
external inputs and organisational changes, that
could affect OSH MS and OSH policy
Findings of OSH management review
communicated to persons responsible for
relevant elements of OSH MS, to the safety
and health committee, workers and their

W Findings of OSH management review No OSH-specific tacit knowledge required

communicated to persons responsible for
relevant elements of OSH MS, to the safety
and health committee, workers and their
E. Scope of knowledge useful for the Action for Improvement section
Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge
E1. Preventive and corrective action
M Arrangements, procedures and plans for preventive Personal knowledge and experience in methods
and corrective actions resulting from OSH and techniques for investigation of root
monitoring, OSH MS audits and management causes of OSH MS nonconformities with its
reviews specifications and documentation, as well as
with OSH regulations and enterprise OSH policy
Analysis of root causes of OSH MS nonconformities
with their specifications and documentation, with
OSH regulations and OSH policy
Reports on implementation and effectiveness of the
preventive and corrective actions

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


TABLE 1. (continued).

Formal (Explicit) Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

W Results of analysis of root causes of OSH MS Personal knowledge of workers on failures and
nonconformities with their specifications and deficiencies in OSH MS
documentation, and with OSH regulations and
OSH policy (relevant to individual workers’ Workers’ ideas for corrective and preventive
workstations) actions to improve OSH MS procedures

E2. Continuous improvement

M Arrangements and procedures for continuous Sense of moral obligations for applying rules of
improvement of elements of and whole OSH MS continuous improvement to OSH
Recommendations from comparing OSH Personal knowledge and experience in methods
enterprise’s performance and processes in OSH and techniques of implementing principles
with others (benchmarking) of continuous improvement at the level of
enterprise or department
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W Instructions for implementing principles of Personal knowledge and experience in methods

continuous improvement at the level of the and techniques of implementing principles of
workstation continuous improvement at the level of the
Notes. M—managers, W—workers. *—the provisions of ILO-OSH 2001 [44] in area C contain specifications
for the Initial Review section (clause 3.7). This section was not analysed here, since it includes activities
carried out before OSH MS is implemented; **—specifications for Procurement and Contracting are
presented separately in the ILO-OSH 2001 guidelines (clauses 3.10.4 and 3.10.5, respectively). For the
purpose of simplification, they were analysed jointly here.

An overview of Table 1 shows that the right The right part of Figure 2 contains a complete
column (tacit knowledge) has fewer descriptions list of the consecutive sections of OSH
of scopes of knowledge than the left column. management incorporated into the model of the
However, this does not mean that processing and system according to the concept and structure
transferring tacit knowledge are less important in ILO-OSH 2001 [44]. The left part represents
in managing OSH; tacit knowledge is difficult Nonaka’s cycle of creating organisational
to grasp, define, explore and describe, because knowledge [6, 10], which is widely used in
it is stored and distributed in the minds of the literature to explain the difference between
members of the organisation. Therefore, it is hard tacit and explicit knowledge and to introduce
to unequivocally assign it to individual elements the concept of mutual conversion of those two
of OSH MS. types of knowledge (see section 2.1). The spiral
loop within this model shows the direction of
4.4. Tacit Versus Explicit Knowledge in subsequent steps in the creation and recreation
OSH MS of knowledge within OSH MS. Therefore, this
The overall aim of the study on the possible and cycle may be considered as a kind of engine
actual applications of KM principles in OSH MS driving the whole OSH MS towards substantial
was to determine how the management of tacit improvement by injecting new amounts of vital
knowledge might contribute to such a system and, organisational knowledge.
as a consequence, how it might potentially benefit The links and arrows running from left to right
the enterprise that has implemented that system. do not represent a flow of any real knowledge.
A literature review on that issue (section 3) and Both tacit and explicit already exist and/or are
a desk analysis of the detailed specifications of being created within the sections of OSH MS.
OSH MS components (section 4) resulted in an The purpose of the dark and light grey arrows
identification of the main roles of tacit knowledge is to indicate the sections where relevant bodies
in this system, particularly in contrast to the of tacit and explicit knowledge are particularly
usually well-defined scope of the use of explicit important for ensuring the overall effectiveness
knowledge. Figure 2 is a graphic representation of and improvement of the whole system.
the results of this study.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


A. Policy

A1. OSH policy

A2. Worker participation

B. Organisation
B1. Responsibility and

B2. Competence and training

B3. OSH management system


B4. Communication
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EXPLICIT C. Planning and implementation

KNOWLEDGE C1. System planning , development
and implementation
C2. OSH objectives


C3. Hazard prevention : Prevention and

control measures
C4. Hazard prevention : Management
of change
C5. Hazard prevention : Emergency
prevention, preparedness and
TACIT C6. Hazard prevention : Procurement
and contracting
D. Evaluation
D1. Performance measurement
and evaluation

D2. Investigation of work -related

accidents, diseases and incidents

D3. Audit

D4. Management review

E. Action for improvement

E1. Preventive and corrective action

E2. Continuous improvement

Figure 2. The main roles of tacit and explicit knowledge in an occupational safety and health (OSH)
management system.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


4.4.1. Tacit knowledge to OSH and, in consequence, actions for OSH

improvement imposed by managers to fulfil
First, tacit knowledge plays an important role
those needs and demands will be better received
in those activities within OSH MS that focus
and implemented by workers.
on building individual workers’ and managers’
Similar roles are assigned to tacit knowledge in
awareness of hazards and risks in the workplace,
E1, where using this knowledge to identify root
disseminating efficiently OSH knowledge and
causes of any inconsistencies or nonconformities
shaping safety culture (B2 and B3 in the system).
within OSH MS will lead to better reaction to
Second, the exploration of tacit knowledge
and more efficient correction of those failures.
may significantly contribute to the quality of
In E2, the role of tacit knowledge relies on its
hazard identification and risk assessment carried
contribution to shaping durable habits and skills
out at individual workstations, preferably in
of routine application of continuous improvement
consultation with and participation of workers
principles by all members of the enterprise. This
and their safety and health representatives. Next,
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

can apply to work processes as well as to other

tacit knowledge is necessary for appropriate
activities, e.g., improving operating machinery
selection and application by workers of
or other production devices, and improving
preventive and protective measures and, in
management procedures or OSH administration.
consequence, it may significantly influence their
Tacit knowledge in E2 may thus substantially
effectiveness in eliminating and/or reducing
benefit the enterprise by increasing the scope and
hazards and risks (C3, C4, C5 and C6).
efficiency of all activities aimed at continuous
Workers’ tacit knowledge in the form
improvement of OSH MS.
of awareness of hazards and risks at their
workstations may be a valuable input into
measuring and evaluating OSH performance of 4.4.2. Explicit knowledge
enterprises, particularly in the scope of proactive Table 1 and Figure 2 show that explicit
and reactive OSH monitoring (D1) and in knowledge is important in almost all sections of
investigating work-related accidents, diseases OSH MS. This observation is evident since the
and incidents (D2). The profound knowledge whole concept of implementing OSH MS in the
obtained in this way will be useful in developing enterprise is based on a systematic acquisition
and implementing OSH improvement plans, and use of explicit knowledge. This knowledge
including planning and implementing preventive is strictly codified and disseminated in various
and corrective actions. Those actions will be documents, procedures, instructions, etc.,
better adapted to dealing with real irregularities, according to specifications of OSH MS used
nonconformities and other failures identified in an enterprise (e.g., ILO-OSH 2001 [44]). In
within OSH MS. principle, explicit knowledge in OSH MS can be
Figure 2 also shows directions of the divided into three categories: (a) external explicit
potential use of tacit knowledge, which are not knowledge that influences managing OSH in
directly linked with assessing and preventing the enterprise, (b) internal explicit knowledge
occupational risks, but with assuring efficient on the operation of OSH MS and (c) practical
functioning and improving overall OSH MS knowledge on identifying hazards, assessing risk
(the relevant sections of the system are indicated and using preventive and protective measures.
with dotted arrows). In A2, tacit knowledge is The forms of explicit knowledge listed in
embedded in concerns, ideas and other inputs Table 1 are mostly passive sets of information,
on OSH matters that are generated by workers records and formal data. They are necessary
for inclusion into OSH MS activities. Exploring to run OSH MS and to provide evidence to
and using this tacit knowledge may bring good external OSH surveillance bodies or certification
results in the short term: proposals for OSH companies that the system is in place and
improvements submitted by workers will better complies with relevant specifications. However,
reflect their real needs and demands with regard this knowledge will be of little or no use for

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


OSH if it is not converted and embedded in the solution; it may even lead to a deterioration in
workers’ and managers’ minds as awareness OSH conditions since it hinders an informal
of hazards and risks in the workplace and as exchange of tacit knowledge and leads to an
their internal motivation to act pro-safety. increase in unsafe behaviours.
This conversion belongs to the domain of tacit Effective teaching of safe work is based on
knowledge and attests to its dominant role in acquiring practical experience and on using
OSH MS. all senses rather than on acquiring cognitive
knowledge [60]. Newly employed workers
on construction sites learn better to recognise
5. TACIT KNOWLEDGE IN OSH hazards and to behave according to certain rules
MS; PRACTICAL METHODS AND through observing, listening, talking, feeling
TOOLS and acting than through formal training with
traditional educational methods. Efficient OSH
Results of literature reviews and analyses in
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

training of new workers should include transfer

sections 3 and 4 demonstrate, discuss and
of tacit knowledge. This could be an element of
evaluate the actual and potential roles of tacit
an apprenticeship, in which experienced masters
knowledge in OSH MS, and particularly indicate
indicate hazards and risks at work and show how
those sections of OSH management where this
to avoid them. They may even use work-related
type of knowledge might be useful and beneficial
accidents to successfully instruct apprentices
for the enterprise. Unfortunately, as attempts
about their mistakes and the real consequences of
to use KM principles in OSH management
breaking rules and provisions of safe behaviours
have been rare (see section 3), this concept is
not yet very popular among managers. There
With regard to introducing training methods
is little experience and scientific evidence to
and passing on OSH tacit knowledge it is useful
provide practical support to enterprises willing
to refer again to narratives (section 3.1.). People
to manage OSH knowledge, and particularly to
tend to learn safety rules better while listening
explore the potential of OSH tacit knowledge.
to stories than in formal training courses or by
These concepts should be actively promoted
reading instructions [41]. Stories help to pass
among employers, managers, consultants,
on tacit knowledge holistically, in a way that is
OSH authorities, etc. However, to fulfil this
easily understood and remembered. People like
objective it is necessary to provide enterprises
listening to stories; this is a useful method in
with knowledge on practical methods and tools
creating a sense of community and in building
for acquiring, exploring, transforming and
interpersonal relations.
disseminating tacit knowledge.
Moreover, traditional OSH training courses
do not usually take into account local culture of
5.1. Training in OSH, and Acquiring Tacit the workplace and concentrate on cognitively
Knowledge acquired competencies rather than on transferring
Training in and development of competencies knowledge on the conditions of a specific
in OSH are important components of OSH MS. workplace [62]. To create conditions that will
The employer should implement and maintain facilitate informal but successful methods of
organisational solutions that would guarantee transferring OSH knowledge it is useful to
all people to hold competencies necessary to use the social learning concept of CoP [60,
fulfil their duties and responsibilities [44]. This 63]. Such communities can exist within a
component should also include acquisition and single organisation, within a single discipline
dissemination of tacit OSH-related knowledge. or they can cover several organisations. CoP
However, research on the use of tacit knowledge assumes close co-operation among members of
shows that a systematic and formal approach to a community to achieve common aims and to
employees’ learning and training is not a good exchange knowledge, especially tacit knowledge.

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


There are many examples of how CoP can 5.3. Practical Techniques and Tools
be used in enterprises and how it positively Supporting the Use of Tacit
influences organisational performance [42, 64, Knowledge
65, 66]. However, there are few publications on
The discussion on the various aspects of tacit
CoPs in OSH [63, 67].
knowledge in OSH management indicates that
the use of tacit knowledge has good prospects
Since CoPs should be wholly voluntary, it is
and can benefit an enterprise, particularly if
more appropriate to talk about the cultivation
rules of people-focused NGKM (see section
of CoPs than about their implementation.
2.4) are used. However, dissemination of this
Nonetheless, it is necessary for the management
concept will depend on managerial knowledge
to be involved and to initiate activities that would
and availability of relevant methods and tools
cause CoPs to achieve a level of sustainability
that support the use of tacit knowledge in OSH
and bring advantages. To build CoPs managers management. Literature on KM shows that
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can, e.g., use Wenger’s seven principles of there are solutions in this area, but so far their
cultivating CoPs [42] or consider McDermott’s dissemination has been minimal and they have
critical factors [68]. not been verified in practice yet. Sections 5.3.1.,
5.3.2. and 5.3.3. bring examples of easy-to-adapt
5.2. Tacit Knowledge, BBS and OSH
5.3.1. Narratives

In general, safety knowledge can improve As mentioned before, narratives (storytelling) are
the level of safety in an enterprise because it a successful way of transferring tacit knowledge
reduces employees’ unsafe behaviours. On in OSH. If this method is used well, it has many
the other hand, relying only on formal training advantages, more than standard communication
and workers’ professionalism may lower techniques. However, implementing this in­for­
mal method into routine procedures of OSH
this level because it can increase the number
management is a problem, as is guaranteeing
of unsafe behaviours [61]. This means that
a good and sustainable flow of information and
there is potential in using BBS-related tacit
the use of tacit knowledge. OSH-related stories
knowledge in OSH MS (see section 4.2). The
can be recorded and disseminated with various
relationship between knowledge use and BBS
media: verbally, in writing, as films or pictures.
programmes is two-directional. On the one hand,
For example, in Shell International Exploration
tacit knowledge transferred and disseminated
and Production there was a formalised
among workers may influence the modification programme of gathering and popularising
of identified critical safety behaviours. On implemented narratives [69]. It consisted in
the other, BBS programmes are an efficient employees submitting voluntarily via the intranet
mechanism that supports organisational learning stories of various length and complexity on
within the scope of safety management. These aspects of their work. However, according to
programmes encourage learning via observations, other studies this kind of simple recording and
coaching and mentoring. Studies on safety archiving in databases is not effective because
behaviours within reactor plants carried out it loses “recipient design”, a valuable feature
in the UK confirmed this [57]. They showed of oral stories [70]. Recipient design means
that BBS approaches increased possibilities of that storytellers adjust to their listeners and to
organisational learning through communication their relations with them. A partial solution to
and exchange of knowledge among employees. this problem would be to use a computer-based

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


learning system that selected and supplied stories 5.3.3. Wiki-type corporate encyclopaedia
(also visual) most suitable to the listeners’ needs.
A corporate encyclopaedia is based on the
Better results can be also achieved through
wiki concept, i.e., a special knowledge-
creating various social interactions and events
sharing software tool with which users upload
with their natural conditions for storytelling (e.g.,
information to the Internet or intranet and
anniversaries, campfires and retirement parties)
edit materials uploaded by others. Wikipedia2
is the most famous example of this concept,
whereas Shell wiki, Shell’s corporate internet
5.3.2. Thematic seminars and interviews encyclopaedia, is an example of how wiki can
Thematic seminars or workshops and interviews be used in KM and organisational learning.
are a slightly more formal method of acquiring Shell wiki focuses on a voluntary exchange of
and transferring tacit knowledge. The former knowledge by all employees. Its most popular
can be especially useful in experts passing features are easy updates, and filling the content
Downloaded by [University of New Hampshire] at 11:05 12 February 2015

their knowledge to young or new workers. For of documents and direct links to other documents
example, there can be two- or three-day seminars that provide, e.g., terminology of additional
on selected KM-related topics [71]. Their par­ explanations [73]. The development of this
tic­ipants should have an opportunity to mingle platform and employee co-operation is promoted
with experts from various departments to see by company management and experts from
who knows what and who they want to learn various disciplines who, anonymously or not,
from. It would also be useful to pass on practical take part in this process by creating a unique KM
behaviour rules, especially golden rules that community focused on exchanging knowledge
often have the form of a metaphor. During such and personal experience.
seminars case studies connected with respective
narratives could be discussed, too. 5.3.4. Virtual reality
Interviewing is a good method of acquiring
Virtual reality (VR) technologies provide
valuable tacit knowledge from competent retiring
promising results as support tools in acquisition
employees. It is advisable that the interviewers
and transfer of tacit knowledge. Current VR
know interview techniques and have an area of
systems can generate virtual environments (VEs)
expertise similar to the interviewee. Interviews
that effectively simulate various conditions of
should have a certain fixed structure and should
work and life and, at the same time, successfully
be similarly documented, but half-standardised
support learning processes. The more senses are
interviews are a good approach, too [71]. The
involved in the learning process and the greater
latter consist of several fixed questions with
the brain activity, the better the processed
other ones asked freely depending on the context.
information will be stored and remembered.
Interviewing then may resemble storytelling
Therefore, VR applications enhance human
and help to acquire tacit knowledge of greater
abilities and motivation to absorb new
value. Shell’s Retention Of Critical Knowledge
knowledge and to modify inefficient and false
programme is an example of using interviews to
working procedures [71].
acquire tacit knowledge from employees leaving
According to a European study, VR
an enterprise or retiring; interviews are carried
applications can have a potentially large impact
out to identify so-called knowledge nuggets that
on learning processes and KM [73]. Hendrix and
should remain in the enterprise [72].
Johannsen described possible VR applications of
those processes that proved the unique usefulness
of VEs in transferring tacit knowledge. They also
said that “in many cases, therefore, VEs could
be a valuable substitute for real experiences,


JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


providing first-person experiences and allowing Tacit knowledge contributes to building

people to acquire tacit knowledge that otherwise workers’ and managers’ awareness of hazards
could not be transferred through traditional and risks in the workplace. It is also important
methods” (p. 328). for disseminating efficiently OSH knowledge and
VR could also be successfully used in shaping safety culture within the enterprise. Tacit
transferring tacit knowledge through narratives, knowledge can also improve hazard identification
particularly in OSH management [71]. It is easy and risk assessment at workstations, and improve
to picture narratives being used to create scenarios selection and application of preventive and
of real-life stories, case studies, work processes or protective measures (including those associated
rescue missions that could be precisely simulated with emergency prevention, preparedness and
in a VE. Vaught et al.’s study (section 3.1), response). Thus, elimination, prevention and
in which narratives were used to train miners, reduction of occupational hazards and risks can
rescuers and people responsible for emergency be reduced.
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management in mines [37], is a good example. Workers’ tacit knowledge on hazards and risks
at their workstations is essential in providing
input to measuring and evaluating OSH in an
6. CONCLUSIONS enterprise, particularly in proactive and reactive
OSH monitoring. Improvement plans and any
The literature review on KM in OSH
corrective and preventive actions, which will be
management, followed by a desk analysis,
based on this knowledge, will reflect workers’
identified sections of OSH MS in which acquiring,
real concerns and needs more successfully and
creating, processing and transferring tacit
better address irregularities within OSH MS.
knowledge was important and could substantially
Workers’ tacit knowledge is also embedded in
contribute to the core objectives of the system,
ideas or other inputs into OSH matters that are
i.e., preventing or reducing occupational injuries,
submitted under the general concept of worker
incidents, diseases and ill health. Those sections
participation. However, both the managers
(according to the structure of system specifications
and the whole enterprise will appreciate the
in ILO-OSH 2001 [44]) are
usefulness of that knowledge if workers are
• competency and training; motivated to be involved actively in OSH
• communication; management activities, and if all their suggestions
• hazard and risk prevention (including for OSH-related improvements are suitably
prevention and control measures, management received, considered and responded to.
of change, emergency prevention, In the section on preventive and corrective
preparedness and response, procurement and action, tacit knowledge may play an
contracting); important role in identifying root causes
• performance measurement and evaluation; of any inconsistencies or nonconformities
• investigation of work-related accidents, within OSH MS, which will then lead to a
diseases and incidents. better reaction and more efficient correction
of those failures. Finally, tacit knowledge in
Tacit knowledge is also important in three continuous improvement activities should
other sections of OSH MS. They are not directly also be highlighted, because it relies on its
linked with identifying, assessing and preventing valuable potential to shape habits and skills of
hazards and risks; however, they concern routine application of continuous improvement
managerial activities aimed at proper functioning techniques by all members of the enterprise.
and improvement of OSH MS. They are The review of literature carried out to identify
• worker participation; and analyse KM applications (section 3) showed
• preventive and corrective action; that they are fragmentary and selective. The
• continuous improvement. summary of this review indicates that to date

JOSE 2010, Vol. 16, No. 3


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