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Title: Mastering the Art of Crafting a Literature Review on Economic Development in Nigeria

Embarking on the journey of writing a literature review on economic development in Nigeria can be
both daunting and challenging. It requires a meticulous approach, extensive research, critical analysis,
and synthesis of existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. From
navigating through vast academic databases to identifying relevant scholarly articles and
publications, the process demands time, effort, and expertise.

One of the primary challenges faced by researchers is the sheer volume of literature available on the
topic. With an abundance of scholarly articles, books, reports, and other resources, sifting through the
information to extract key insights can be overwhelming. Furthermore, ensuring the credibility and
reliability of the sources adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Crafting a literature review also entails synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings to present a
coherent narrative. Researchers must critically evaluate each source, identify common themes,
conflicting viewpoints, and gaps in the existing literature. This process requires analytical skills,
attention to detail, and the ability to draw meaningful conclusions from the data.

Moreover, maintaining clarity, coherence, and relevance throughout the literature review is essential
to effectively communicate the findings to the audience. Striking the right balance between
providing a comprehensive overview and avoiding information overload is crucial in ensuring the
readability and impact of the review.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review on economic development in
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In conclusion, writing a literature review on economic development in Nigeria is a complex and

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Furthermore, the Impulse Response and Variance Decomposition test indicate both positive and
negative shocks which are consistent with our findings from the vector error correction model and
Granger causality analysis. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The measures introduced in Nigeria to alleviate
poverty were targeted at employment generation, provision of. The constant demand of the citizenry
of the country to have access to higher education also continues to create more pressure to expand
the capacity of higher education in Nigeria. Nigeria must increase investment in education and
modern infrastructure to converge to South Africa's growth trajectory. See Full PDF Download PDF
ONODUGO CHRIS The Nigerian economy has for decades precariously leaned on the fragile leg of
crude oil. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. This study therefore predicts an
imminent collapse of the Nigerian non-oil sector in the nearest future if immediate remedial measures
are not taken to strengthen the sector. This shows that a rise in human capital boosts the return on
physical investment. Social exclusion is a denial of membership and participation in community or
social life to certain people for reasons of. These raise certain issues: the need for an alternative,
non-income, measure of. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely,
please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The result was cross tabulated against the socio-
demographic characteristics of the people in the two locations. The study employed quarterly data
from 1995Q1 to 2021Q4. In this study, the authors explored a narrative review, analysis, and
synthesis of prior researches that focused on monitoring of employee IT and Internet usage.
Government should try to create a conducive environment for investment through the provision of
the basic socioeconomic infrastructure in place, because investment is one of the driving forces of
economic development. However, the absolute values of the variables in the first-difference is greater
than the Mackinnon Critical value as provided by EVIEWS Package, which means that we fail to
reject the null hypotheses for the non-stationary series. This study through the use of Ordinary Least
Squares and Granger Causality econometric techniques investiages the infrastructural development
and economic growth nexus in Nigeria. Adobe Express Go from Adobe Express creation to Issuu
publication. The conclusion that high growth rate is not a sufficient condition for poverty alleviation
has become even more. Social Posts Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. In practice
however, this is likely to be less of an issue because, in general, countries which experience high. But
they are resources which can also be misused or abused. To address this issue, there have been
renewed calls for developing countries to diversify their economies so as to protect, mitigate and
reduce the external shocks that results from depending on a single source of revenue. Bijker
Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Thus, the study recommended amongst others that the Nigeria government
should increase funding of the education sector to meet education, scientific and cultural
organization minimum requirement. The empirical investigation has been carried out by Pairwise
Granger Causality and Vector Autoregression (VAR) modelling using modern econometrics
techniques of unit root test since macroeconomic time series data was used which is frequently non
stationary. It follows from the above findings that investing in health and education has positive
effects on poverty. The research adopted an econometric design and sourced secondary data from
Central Bank of Nigeria, National Bureau of Statistics publications and World Bank Development
Higher Education funding has been described as the process of procuring and disbursing financial
resources to tertiary institutions, for the provision of education of a given standard. For insurance
industry in Nigeria to exert a significant and positive influence on the Nigeria economy, government
insurance policies covering compulsory insurance for all Nigerian, mainly non-life and, health
insurance cover should be strictly enforced and implemented. UTOMO Basic concepts of
Development: Lecture Note Basic concepts of Development: Lecture Note Henok Gebremedhin
Teka What's hot ( 20 ) Does Inequality Matter for Poverty Reduction. Hence, there is an evidence of
positive long-run relationship between the variables of cointegrating equations. More Features
Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and
more. The intention is simply to draw lessons from countries who have failed to make the
diversification and from those who have made the diversification. Our research interest here is tilted
more to the casual factors of poverty as opposed to its effects because it is only when an illness has
been clinically diagnosed that the right medications could be administered. They find that incomes of
the poor rise proportionately with (overall). Common emphasis when discussing pro-poor growth is
that growth should expand opportunities for and. Nigeria as one of the less-developing economies in
the Sub-Saharan exhibits some characteristics such as Low income (per capita income) inequality,
poor health and inadequate education, high population growth rate, high level of poverty and rising
unemployment rate, etc. Thus, this suggests that all the variables tend to move together in the long
run. Agricultural GDP to total GDP during the period under review stayed at an annual. Dataover
the period 1986-2014 were analyzed using econometric technique based on the Vector Error
Correction Model. Also, Trace test indicates 2 cointegrating equations at 5 percent level of
significance. The former is proxied by Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) while the latter is
proxied by Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Homenaje a Victoria Solanilla Demestre, ed. C.
Simmons Caldas y M. Valls i Garcia (Lincoln, Nebraska: Zea Books, 2023). The result of the
parsimonious ECM indicates that though the one period lag government expenditure on health has a
significant and positive impact on the per capita income, it has a low elasticity. See Full PDF
Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. The result demands
that more efforts should be geared towards the improvement of electricity generation and
transmission technology in Nigeria and the various power projects should be completed with state of
the art technology. In such case, OLS is no longer efficient among linear. Social Posts Create on-
brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Privacy Adam Moore In this article I address the tension
between evaluative surveillance and privacy against the backdrop ofthe current explosion of
information technology. Government expenditure is proxied with government capital and recurrent
expenditure on health, government capital and recurrent expenditure on education and other social
and community services while human development is proxied with human development index. The
study attempts to answer one critical question: Does education, which is one of the priority sectors in
South Africa, drive economic growth. Specifically, it examines the extent to which changes in key
indicators of economic performance like exchange rate, private sector credit, trade openness and
inflation rate explain industrial output performance in Nigeria. This paper recognizes the fact that in
spite of this mandate, tertiary institutions in Africa find it difficult to provide the enabling
environment for the actualization of their mission, largely because of absence of quality teaching and
non-teaching staff. Also, policy makers should focus on stabilising the economy to reduce the
macroeconomic uncertainties especially exchange rate and inflation volatility, that impede the growth
of private investment. This can be done by ensuring it does not produce either too much of one good
or too little of another,the government of Nigeria through various investment schemes and programs
that are tax exempt can promote the practice of saving in the country. The study recommends that the
government and the pri.
Table 1: Poverty and Economic Growth in Nigeria, 1970-2009. The study recommends that Nigeria
should formulate and implement economic policies that promote investment in infrastructure and
human capital development to accelerate economic growth in Nigeria. This paper however,
attempted to seek out how diversification of the economy will enhance stable and viable economic
growth in Nigeria. In this paper, we attempt to further clarify how ICT is conceptualized in
development and its impact on the economy of the nation. Poverty and InequalityMeasuring
povertyTo.docx ECON 22134. Poverty and InequalityMeasuring povertyTo.docx 8098 article text-
17124-3-10-20190301 8098 article text-17124-3-10-20190301 Mec-105 2015-16 Free Ignou
Assignment Mec-105 2015-16 Free Ignou Assignment Population Growth And Economic Growth
Essay Population Growth And Economic Growth Essay Youth Unemployment and Poverty in
Nigeria: Effective Social Protection as a P. Specifically, it examines the extent to which changes in
key indicators of economic performance like exchange rate, private sector credit, trade openness and
inflation rate explain industrial output performance in Nigeria. Homenaje a Victoria Solanilla
Demestre, ed. C. Simmons Caldas y M. Valls i Garcia (Lincoln, Nebraska: Zea Books, 2023).
Government should invest more on other social and community services. Ofir Shmueli Download
Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job
Board We're Hiring. The study employed ex-post facto research design and secondary data were
utilized. Hence specifically, infrastructural development on road and communication show a positive
relationship with the Nigerian economic growth for the period under review, while private
investment, degree of openness and education produced negative relationship with economic growth.
Against this background, the study therefore examines the extent to which the economic
deregulation policy (embodied in government's structural adjustment programme) impacted on the
performance of the real sector in Nigeria. The findings reveal that trade openness attracts foreign
direct investment and they affect macroeconomic performance in Nigeria through direct and indirect
channels. In the short-to-medium term, public capital expenditure on. The results from the model
therefore, encourages the Nigerian government to develop interest in the nonoil sector of the
economy by strengthen its legislation a nd supervisory framework, so as to ensure maximum
contributions from all sectors of the economy. The paper ends in section six with a summary and
coclusion. Africa’s immiserization and declining development interventions in a globaliz. Some of
these may be categorized as institutional factors. They exacerbate social tensions, limit the
functioning. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of public sector financial
management on the sustainability of economic development in Nigeria. The empirical literature
strongly suggests that more rapid GDP growth is associated with more rapid poverty. The paper
recommends improved funding for the education sector and a review of the primary school curricula
to make it more relevant to the needs of the Nigerian society. Higher Education funding has been
described as the process of procuring and disbursing financial resources to tertiary institutions, for
the provision of education of a given standard. There is a positive relationship between the
government's expenditure on health and the Gross Domestic Product but a negative relationship
between the expenditure of the government, unemployment and Nigeria's GDP. The data are
analyzed using (OLS) multiple regression technique, after using Wilhlems and Fiestas model and
ADF Co-integration test to ensure stationarity and cogency of the data. The paper recommended that
in order to have a sustainable economic development, there is need to formulate policies that
adequately link population trends with socioeconomic development. Results suggest that investing in
education is important for economic growth. The data was sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN) Bulletin and National Bureau of statistics. This has led scholars and practitioners to pose a
significant number of questions about what is legitimate and illegitimate in the day-to-day affairs of
a business. The tests revealed that public expenditures on education Granger cause economic growth
but the reverse is not the case.
To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds
to upgrade your browser. Add Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping
and web links. This hypothesis is tested by identifying two basics channel through which financial
liberalisation is operational-savings and investment, and allocative efficiency. No causal relationship
was established between capital expenditure on education and growth and primary school enrolment
and economic growth. The policy of monitoring and surveillance is likely to have a negative effect
on employee satisfaction and employee privacy though, it is essential to identify and prevent
unacceptable behaviour of employees if any. Download Free PDF View PDF DETERMINANTS OF
POVERTY LEVEL IN NIGERIA Anthony Imoisi Poverty in Nigeria is high and widespread and
has been a severe problem to both individuals and successive governments causing socioeconomic
and political problems in the economy. See Thomas (1997: 431) for a critique of this procedure. The
level testing results reveal that none of the variables were stationary at its levels. This perception is
influenced by management practices such as organisational policy and prevention of misuse. The
financial reform assumes that deregulating the financial market will eliminate the distortion and
fragmentation of the financial market. The reforms promote increased institutional autonomy, greater
system differentiation, strengthened governance, and mechanisms for quality assurance. The
methodology adopted in this paper was first to trace the historical background of the data using such
tests as mean, minimum and maximum values, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis and Jarque-
Bera tests. These include fiscal federalism (aimed at eliminating non-inclusive growth) and increased
transparency in the extractive industry. Download Free PDF View PDF Higher Education Funding in
Nigeria: Issues, Trends and Opportunities Ng Kim-Soon Higher Education is viewed in Nigeria, as in
many other developing nations, as a critical contributor to national development. Equally, the
consistent review of the nation's education policy has influenced the process of identifying and
putting appropriate teaching infrastructure and programmes in place. Nigeria as one of the less-
developing economies in the Sub-Saharan exhibits some characteristics such as Low income (per
capita income) inequality, poor health and inadequate education, high population growth rate, high
level of poverty and rising unemployment rate, etc. Video Say more by seamlessly including video
within your publication. Literature in the area posits that liberalising interest rate and deepening of
the financial market is growth enhancing. This is not discounting the relation of cash income to living
expenses, though rarely an over-riding determinant. Annual time series data were obtained from
theCentral Bank of Nigeria Statisticalfor the period 1981to2019 on the variables used for the study.
Employing time series for the period 1981 to 2016 data from the World Development Indicators, the
study found that the drivers of economic diversification were improved infrastructure, increased
credit from financial sector, reduction in lending rate and increased domestic investment while
deterrents of diversification were over dependence on natural resources, trade openness, school
enrollment, exchange rate depreciation and the size of the economy. There is also the absolute
definition of pro-poor growth which considers only the incomes of the poor. According. In the two
locations, the respondents were capable of using radio and television very well. Secondly, it is a
complex process, and economic diversification needs an enabling environment, the right institutional
mix (financial, legal, regulatory and market institutions), the necessary infrastructure, human capital
development, entrepreneurship combined with the right policy mix sustained over a considerable
period of time. The study analysed socio-demographic differences in access and use of ICTs using
Sen’s capability approach. Download Free PDF View PDF Infrastructure Development and
Economic Growth Nexus in Nigeria Olasunkanmi Owolabi-Merus The impact and significance of
infrastructure development towards the economic growth of a country cannot be overemphasised.
Hence, the study examines improving the Nigerian investment climate for enhanced economic
growth. Wikis, weblogs, forums, social-networking websites, and instant messaging are no longer
strictly leisure time technologies -they have become vital business resources used in marketing,
research, and communication. For the second equation, GDP, total savings deposits in the Nigerian
deposit money banks and capital expenditure were regressed against internal debt, the result showed
that all the variables have significant relationship with internal debt. The study recommends that the
federal government should find more sources of generating more revenue and the government
spending should pass through proper accountablity and transparent process.
In other words, if the incomes of the poor grow faster, this would lead to a more rapid. Its usage in
Nigeria and how it can bridge the digital gap between the Northern and Southern protectorates. The
empirical results obtained were highly statistically significant and our adjusted R-Squared (R 2)
systematically explained the various exogenous variables, while the model demonstrated a good fit as
reflected in the probability of the F-statistic value. This study through the use of Ordinary Least
Squares and Granger Causality econometric techniques investiages the infrastructural development
and economic growth nexus in Nigeria. UTOMO Africa’s immiserization and declining development
interventions in a globaliz. The study reveals that the implication of diversification of non-oil export
product on the economic growth was moderate and not all that heartening as a unit increase in non-
oil export product impacted positively by 38% on the productive capacity of goods and services in
Nigeria during the period. The short run regression result showed that external debt has a negative
and insignificant impact on the economic growth in Nigeria. Mono-economy needs to give way to
the productive development of various sectors of the economy. The ARDL bound test was adopted in
the testing of hypotheses formulated for the study. The study employed ex-post facto research design
and secondary data were utilized. Moreover, there will be certain kinds of evaluative monitoring that
violate privacy rights and should not be used in most cases. The study therefore concluded that the
shifting effects from positive in the short run to negative in the long run, is attributable to lack of
continuity in the implementation of financial deregulation reforms and absence of competition in the
industry. The data was tested for stationarity followed by co-integration, and Vector Error Correction
Model (VECM) was employed for the analysis. The study tested for stationarity and it was found
that the variables are stationary at mixed order. This was chiefly due to the fact that the male
respondents in the two locations were more educated than the females. Abnormalities of hormones
and inflammatory cytokines in women affected with p. Our estimated results are presented in two
parts representing the short-run (static) model and its short-long. The study relied on secondary data
spanning through the period 1990 to 2014. It examines two different channels through which human
capital can affect long run economic growth in Nigeria. In conclusion, this paper argues that a
transformed education system can provide the knowledge base essential for promoting and
sustaining economic growth. Stationarity of residuals implies that variables in the equation that
generates the residuals are cointegrated. These. This is not discounting the relation of cash income to
living expenses, though rarely an over-riding determinant. The study likewise revealed that
government capital and recurrent expenditure on other social and community services has significant
positive effect on human development in Nigeria. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free
reading experience with a simple link. Annual time series data for the period 1981-2013 by the
Central Bank of Nigeria was used to estimate both long and short-run relationship as well as causal
effects. Privacy Adam Moore In this article I address the tension between evaluative surveillance and
privacy against the backdrop ofthe current explosion of information technology. The causality test
results indicate uni-directional causality which runs from economic growth to education. The
empirical findings revealed run relationship The study recommends that Government should increase
the budgetary allocation to the growth and development of a Nation. No causal relationship was
established between capital expenditure on education and growth and primary school enrolment and
economic growth. Consequently, it has had a chequered growth trajectory driven by the vicissitudes
of oil prices.

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