Terms of Reference

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£° social development | Oepannert 2 Socal Developer ey ePuaUC OF SoU AFRICA. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Terms of Reference for the Change Management Forum 4, Project Objective ‘The objective of the Change Management Forum is to provide advises and guidance in the development and implementation of change management processes, interventions and strategies to the department to improve the organisational culture. 2. Purpose of the Change Management Forum ‘The purpose of the change management forum is to facilitate a process through which the needs and views of staff in each branch will be represented throughout all the phases of this project 3. Composition and functioning 3.1Each branch will nominate two representatives to serve on the change management forum. 3.2 The functions of the Change Management Forum will be to: ‘a. Develop a detailed change management plan. b. Facilitate the dissemination of project information and updates to branches. ©. To bring issues from branches that require the attention of Project Management Team and Project Steering Committee. 3.3 Change champions wil: a. Be fully committed to and supportive of the project in their role of championing the project amongst their peers. b. Be highly motivated and energized individuals who generally have a positive outlook on life. ¢. In addition to their normal jobs, listen to staff and their concems, correct misconceptions about the project, support staff, empathise with staff: Encourage staff to raise issues and concems through the correct channels. Be as objective as possible where personal agendas are not followed. Monitor and report on the status of change management and communication activities within their branches. 9. Evaluate and help address resistance within their branches. roe 3.4 Chairperson and Secretariat * The Director: OD & HR Planning will provide chairperson role by leading the reflections in all scheduled meetings. * OD &HRP will provide secretariat services to the Change Management Forum. £° social development Bepormant (EB). / Sect Decrspneen ey PUNE OF SoU AFRCA 3.5 Frequency of Meetings a. The meetings shall be scheduled once every second month. b. Depending on the urgent need, change champions may convene a special meeting within their respective branches to communicate decisions. c. Minutes will be taken by the secretariat, which must reflect the content of discussions, the decisions taken, the actions agreed upon, the responsible person for the action and an indication of the time limit for the action to be finalized. d. Full copies of the minutes, including attachments, shall be provided to Project steering committee members no later than a week after the meeting. e. approval of minutes will be a standard item on every scheduled meeting 3.6 Agenda Items ‘a. All agenda items must be forwarded timeously to the project manager before the scheduled meeting. b. Documents must be distributed timeously before the scheduled meeting. 3.7 Attendance at Meetings ‘a. Members who cannot attend the meetings shall send an apology through email to the Secretariat before the date of the meeting. 4, Approval of Terms of Reference 41 The Terms of Reference have been developed by the Branch: Corporate Support Services. Ke ‘A VOKWANA DIRECTOR: OD & HR PLANNING DATE {04 | 3033 social development |) beparne ‘See Developed REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, 4. Approval of Terms of Reference 4.1. The Terms of Reference have been developed by the Branch: Corporate ‘Support Services. MR DEVEN CHINAPPAN CHIEF DIRECTOR: HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT DATE: Approved / Not Ayproved | KHUMBULA NDABA DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL: CORPORATE SUPPORT SERVICES DATE: eee 10-2 2

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