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Where: My festival will be in a big park in the city. The park has lots of trees and space.

Bands: I will invite bands that play different types of music, like pop, rock, and local bands.

Extra Activities: Besides music, there will be things to do like drawing, dancing, and trying
different foods.

What to Sell: At the festival, you can buy food like burgers, pizza, and ice cream. There will
also be drinks like soda and juice.

Attendees: The festival is for everyone who likes music, food, and fun. Families, friends,
and people of all ages can come.

Other Details: There will be places to sit and relax, and some areas will have shade for when
it's hot. People will be there to help if you need anything, and there will be a place for
medical help if you feel sick.

Where: My festival will be in a big park in a city.

Bands: I'll have different kinds of music, like singers and bands.

Extra Activities: People can do things like draw, learn new things, and try different foods.

What to Sell: We'll sell food and drinks, like snacks and juices.

Who Will Come: Everyone can come, like families, friends, and people who like music and

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