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by secing and hearing. Television, Video Tape, Movie film with sound ete is the example of audio-visual aids. These are more effective to give health education than audio or visual media alone because the process of hearing and seeing takes Place at a time. Differentiate between: oe 13 ly budget and Family income mily Budget Family Income 1 plan prepared| Salary or wages eared by) | simply to distribute future | family members, income income resources to items] from land, animals, ren, of expenditures, saving and] share etc. are included in debis of the family this. Anything received free of cost also counted with it 14, Bio statistics and Vital statistics Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree ‘Supplementary Examinations May 2014, Question No: 15 15, Primary prevention and Secondary prevention Primary prevention | Secondary prevention | Refers to the steps taken [Steps which check the growth to prevent the onset of the | of disease in itsinitial stage and disease. avoid complications. Modes of interventions | Modes of interventions are early health promotion and spe- | diagnosis and treatment. cific protection Intervention in the pathogenesis Intervention in the pre-| phase of the disease. pathogenesis phase of a disease. Define the following: (2-6) 16. Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), pattems and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations. 17. Community health nursing Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Dest Supplementary Examinations July 2014, Question No: 1 18. Voluntary health agencies Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Se Nursing De Examinations September 2013, Question No: 1 second Year Post B.S ¢ Nursing Degre ¢ Exami September 2014 Community Health Nursing ime :3 Hours sina n answer all. questions i (2x10=20) | pefine supervision. Explain the methods of supervision in community health nursing, etait supervision is defined as an educational Process in which a person : alone —_ = process : —_ - seeing takes 2e at a time. ee Terentiate between: Family budget and Family income (3*3=9) Family Budget Family Income _| Salary or wages eared by family members, income from land, animals, rent, share etc. are included in this. Anything received free of cost also counted with it Bio statistics and Vital statistics Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations May 2014, Question No: 15 A. financial plan prepared simply to distribute future income resources to items of expenditures, saving and debts of the family Primary prevention and Secondary prevention Primary prevention Secondary prevention Refers to the steps taken to prevent the onset of the disease. Modes of interventions health promotion and spe- cific protection Intervention in the pre- Steps which check the growth of disease in itsinitial stage and avoid complications. Modes of interventions are early diagnosis and treatment. Intervention in the pathogenesis phase of the disease. pathogenesis phase of a disease. efine the following: i. Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study and analysis of the distribution (who, when, and where), patterns and determinants of health and disease conditions in defined populations. (32-6) . Community health nursing Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degre? Supplementary Examinations July 2014, Question No: ! Voluntary health agencies Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Dest? Examinations September 2013, Question No: 1 iin rcs Refer Second Year P ‘ost B, asic .Sc Nursing Degree Sup y Examinations April 2014, Question No: 14 12.Concepts of community health Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementa ry Examinations April 2014, Question No: 1 Differentiate between: (3x3=9) 13.Peri natal mortality and Infant mortality Perinatal mortality Infant mortality The number of perinatal deaths | Infant mortality is the death of per 1000 total births young children under the age A perinatal death is a fetal of death (stillbirth) or an early _| This death toll is measured by neonatal death, the infant mortality rate IMR) which is the number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births. The perinatal mortality rate is calculated as: (¢ of perinatal deaths / total # of births (stillbirths + live births)) x 1000 14.Active and Passive immunity Refer Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examina tions July 2013 Question No: 16 15.Case control studies and Cohort studies Refer Second Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examina tions July 2013, Question No: 17 Define the following: (3x2=6) 16.Community health nursing Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2012, Question No: J 17.Health team Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations September 2014, Question No: 9 ee 13. Problem solving approach and evidence based approach 14. 15. Problem solving approach Evidenced based approach ‘A systematic approach to defining the problem and creating a vast number of possible solutions without judging these solutions. The Evidence-based —ap- proach is the conscien- tious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual pa- tients. One of the problem solving approach is EBP ‘Steps involved: identify is- sues, understand everyone’s interest, list possible options, evaluate the options, select the feasible option or op-| information/evidence, tions, document the agree ment, agree on contingency, | tion with own clinical setting monitoring and evaluation records and reports SS Records Steps in EBP = raise the question, find information/ , | evidence to answer the ques- | tion, critically appraise the Inte- ;- | grate the appraised informa- and evaluate Reports Record is highly confidential, Jegal document by means of which physician, nusses, so- cial worker and health team member, communicate about the client A report is a system of com munication aimed at trans- ferring essential, information necessary for safe and:holis- tic patient care Tris can be only in form of] ‘writing document It can be oral and written Eg: Student records Staff records Eg: Census report Reports on mistakes and ac- cidents ‘Academic and administrative records Nursing unit records Change of shift reports Inter departmental reports A ‘Allopathy and homoeopathy ‘Allopathy Homeopathy Based on germ theory of disease if they were given to a healthy person Tris assumed cured by medicine that will cause similar symptoms | Side effects are more while comparing with, homeopathy Less side effects Getting fast result with adminis- tration of medicines Problem solving approach | Evidenced based approach Evidence-based ap- is the conscien- A systematic approach to|The defining the problem and | proach creating a vast number of| tious, explicit and judicious possible solutions without | use of current best evidence judging these solutions. in making decisions about the care of individual pa- tients. One of the problem solving approach is EBP Steps involved: identify is-|Steps in EBP : raise the sues, understand everyone’s | question, find information/ interest, list possible options, | evidence to answer the ques- evaluate the options, select | tion, critically appraise the the feasible option or op-| information/evidence, Inte- tions, document the agrec-| grate the appraised informa- ment, agree on contingency, | tion with own clinical setting 4. 15. monitoring and evaluation _ | and evaluate Records and reports a a Re] a ee Jegal document by means of} munication aimed at trans- which physician, nusses, so- | ferring essential information cial worker and health team! necessary for safe and:holis- member, communicate about | tic patient care the client Tt is can be only in form of It can be oral and written writing document Eg: Student records Eg: Census report Staff records Reports on mistakes and ac- cidents “Tcademio and administrative | Change of shift reports records Inter departmental reports ‘Nursing unit records ‘Allopathy and homocopathy Allopathy Based on germ theory of disease ‘Homeopathy Tris assumed cured by medicine that will cause similar symptoms if they were given to a healthy person Less side effects | Side effects are morewhile comparing with, homeopathy Getting fast result with adminis tration of medicines | Comparatively slow action immunization «Participate actively in the maintenance of system cold chain a Vaccine vial monitor rentiate betw: rentiate een (4x2=8) ESI and CGHS ESI CGHS sit is a unique piece of social|*To provide comprehensive legislation in India medical benefit to central govt. + The act provides for employees medical care in cash and kind | « Based on the cooperative + Provides pension for effort by the employees and the dependents employer + The act covers = rpployees e mow ovine Wages not exceeding | extended to autonomous or- . 15000 per month. ganizations Gram sabha and gram panchayat Gram Sabha Gram panchayat ¥ Assembly of all adults of the} v Executive organ of the Gi village sabha ¥ Meets at least twice a year ¥ The office holdsa periodof 34 ¥ Population is 1000, (one vi} YES . ings) ¥ Population is 5000- 15000 V Blectmembers of Gram Sabha | “Agency for planning and de- velopment ¥ Consider the proposal for am : nual programmes ¥ They cover the entire field o civil administration Anganwadi worker and ASH. | e > Under NRHM scheme st under the ICDS Scheme + One worker for 1000 population. + Selected from the same community + Funetionsare health check ups, immunization, supplementary education, non formal preschool education and referral services. [A worker ASHA worker +Qne worker for 1000 Popuk, tion. In tribal area one ASH, . per habitation +Selected from the same ¢o munity hte + Functions are frequt visits, immunization, treat ment of minor ailments, refer- ral services NRHM and NUHM NRHM + Improve the health services in Tural area, + For providing better rural health services + Increase participation and ownership by the community. * Involve ASHA workers based community + Involve NUHM + Improve the health care services in cities. + To improve health status of urban poor + Enhance the role of urban lo} cal bodies and capacity build- ing of stakeholders, Sroups and USHA and Rogi Kalvan samitis, a Supetvision of the records 2rentiate between (4x2=8) Epidemiological approach and problem solving approach Epidemiological Approach _| Problem solving approach: This approach to problems Identify, explore, , set of health is based on 2 major | goals, look atalternatives, foundations select best alternative, a) Asking questions: health implement, evaluate , event, health action. a) Rationale problem solving b) Making comparison: ran- | b) Lateral or creative problem domization, matching solving Publicatio > 28 = aa 2 eeeeeeaO shegnaa gcSSESSESRRRR| FZESSSS a ge > 3 ga peerasssSe | 83828 ~°2 BS -fZEBeRRBER Be ¢ 38 Sot GEG eSe BR 2° 9% g BQge ee BS ob g2 25 = Pegs es CliBER) 84 Ba Se 2BBSyR sack 28 28 e B.RISPRBES PETS BSR|ESERREELE ISS Bu BSesas S2klS° SS sa 5 58 FARIS ES SauZEh oe SsMPlreserP SBC EaES ov foundations nent, evaluate 1a) Rational health | implk 8) Asking questions problem le problem solving ) Lateral or ereati solving 3 event, health action z E 3 exte To # Toprovideservices through. the appointment of ASHA of urban poor Facilitati health care, « Revising + Building public rship Community based ig and insurance mechanism Active involvement of Tocal bodies ‘STRATEGIES: Core Strategies: Egy enhance the capacity of| to manage + Supplementary Strategies: to regulate private sector including the rural practi ‘of quality ser pple at reasonable ‘STRATEGIES. * to strengthening urban! primary health structure ifferentiate between , , 3. Urban health services and Rural health services Rural health services Provides health services to rural population eg: PHC’'s, CHC’s, vil health guide, Dais TBA nwadi worker, ASHA, 5 facilities, less staff Provides health services to urban population - eg: dispensaries and district hospitals, urban sub centers, family welfare centers, spe cialty hospital, teaching L scheme hospital etc Poe Publication Etiolog cotton fiber dust over & period of time S/S: chronic cough, progres- sive dyspnea, chronic bron- chitis and emphysema fever, initially acute. -Occurs in textile employees Family planning and Family long Family planning Voluntary planning regard- ing child birth by couples Planning for responsible par- enthood According to the recommen- dation of Bhore - Broader concept committee (1943)- narrow concept - Target oriented & time Byssinosis and Bagassosis Bagassosis Etiology: Inhalation of ba. gasse or sugar cane dust S/S: breathlessness, Cough, haemoptysis, light diffus, bronchitis Occurs in sugar cane factory workers welfare Family welfare Control and planning over birth as well as the complete healthcare of family is in cluded Planning for a complete health care of family, quality of life. After 1977 name changed to family welfare ine the following: Health team bounded Target free (x26) Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations September 2014, Question No: 9 Examinations - October 2015, Question No: 14 14, Rates and Ratio Ratio Same units are taken in ( comparison Ratiof two quantities are ex. pressed in terms of “io” the symbol “:”” Rate Different units are taken into comparison Rate of two quantities are ex- pressed in terms of “per” or the symbol ‘/” Example: 100 miles per hour | Example: 3 apples to 2 cups of milk. This can be ex- pressed as 3:2 15. Live vaccine and Killed vaccine Live vaccine Killed vaccine Live attenuated vaccines |Dead inactivated vaccines, consist of weakened viruses | are quite stable and do not or bacteria and are therefore | pose. the risk of dead mi- highly unstable. They require | crobes mutating. Therefore mandatory refrigeration so] they can be stored without that the microbes remain | refrigeration. weakened and the chances of mutation are lower live vaccines elicit a strong |Dead. vaccines produce @ immune response, similar to| comparatively weak 1 fighting the actual disease, | sponse and therefore repeat” and therefore a single dose is | ed booster doses are required Sufficient to last a lifetime | periodically to refresh the immune system's memory. Fince live vaccines are unsta- ble, they cannot be given to individuals with suppress er hand, are completely ‘and can be administered to damaged, or weakened im-] those with weak or damaged mune systems, stich as AIDS | immune system: : patients or those undergoi chemotherapy, as the reac- tion {o the live microbe could cause the actual disease itself well. mene the following: of through recovery and Pe licy Development, Per onal protection in emergencies, etc olicy 9 are essential. sen x2=8) erentiate between ) Records and reports Refer Final Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, September 2014, Question No: 14 NUHM and NRHM Refer Final Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, June 2015, Question No: 15 Eradication and control programme Disease control Disease eradication Disease control aims at| Termination of all transmis- ongoing operations to reduce | sions of infections by exter- the incidence of diseases, | minating the infectious agent. duration of diseases, the risk of transmission, effects of illness, complications, and financial burden. Focus on primary or second- It is the cessation of infection ary prevention and disease from the whole world. Disease agent is permitted to persist in the community at a level where it ceases to be| process and not a relative a public health issue. It is a] goal, state of equilibrium between the agent host and environ- Tear out by roots. It is an absolute Eg: Malaria eradication programme ment. Eg: Malaria control pro- gramme =A Publication’ n list and concurrent list 01 it ‘on list contains items uni Union Concurrent list The uni The concurrent list contains for W ich the Centre or union | items for which the Centre or : nment has responsibili- union and state governments gover d concurrent list jon list am EINGY Pubticatic , us e Union list neurrent list anion list contains items ich the Centre or union {has responsibili- The ¥ for’ government T he concurrent list contains items for which the Centre or union and state governments share responsibility ty. Health related list items: «International health relations and administration of port quarantine . Administration of Central Institutes such as All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata. of research «Promotion through research centers + Regulation and of medical, development ceutical, dental and pharmact nursing professions. + Establishment and maintenance of drug standards +Census and collection and publication of other statistical data and * Qimmigration emigration + Regulation of lal working of mines fields * Coordination with and with other mini bor in the and oil states jistries Health related list items * Prevention and control of communicable diseases + Prevention of adulteration of foodstuffs *Control of drugs and poisons * Vital statistics * Labor welfare + Ports other than major «Economic and social planning «Population control and Family Planning «Preparation of health education material for ith awareness creating heal central Health through the C' Education Bureau. «collection, compilation, analysis, evaluation of dissemination ough Bureau of and information thr «The Central Health Intelligenc® « National Medical Library for promotion of health. rr fedia Tor health education Refer Second Post Basic B ge Se Nursin lor | Examinations, Ari 2014, Quesion Ne? SeeeMEy and 12. Transmission of disease Refer Second Year Post p, asic Supplementary Examinations, March ae 4 sing. Degree ‘uesti Differentiate between: eto Bx: 13. Sickness and Illness , os) a Sie eee as | Tiness Sick ae fers 10 a state of| Illness refers not only to the social dysfunction ie. a role presence of a specific dis- jis that the individual Assumes | ease, but also to the individu- sig when ill (sickness tole) | at's perceptions and behavior agh iM response to the disease, as well as the impact of that disease in the psychosocial rhe environment ved sickness is the society’s view, | Iliness is a subjective state of The or the community view of an} the person who feels aware illness or other condition, not | of not being well. not 3 . . : necessarily a medical condi- ay tion. 14. Epidemic and Endemic a EPIDEMIC ENDEMIC } A widespread occurrence A regularly found disease of an infectious disease in] among particular people or sis, a community at a particular] in a certain area [ai Cause a significant damage | Prevalent in a certain region yes to the living organisms with-| or population hey. ina short period of time | ves Rate of infection continuous- | Rate of infection is constant ver ly increases - ea, cial Ex: smallpox, HINI, black] Ex: malaria, tuberculss Plague [chicken pos, ef __—t | PLSSGY Publication) Prophylaxis and Treatment Prophylaxis Prophylaxis implies the protection from, or preven- tion of, disease. This may be achieved by causal prophy- axis or clinical prophylaxis ‘Treatment Treatment implies Mode of} dealing with a person or dis- ease Prophylaxis implies the protection from, or preven tion of, disease. This may be achieved by causal prophy- axis or clinical prophylaxis, ‘A treatment or cure is applied after a medical problem has already started. Causal prophylaxis implies the complete prevention of | infection by the early elimi- nation of the invading or mi- grating causal agent. Clinical prophylaxis implies the prevention of clinical symptoms; it docs not nec- essarily mean climination of| infection. Define the following: 16. Health team ‘Active treatment - that in which specific medical or surgical intervention Occurs, Conservative treatment- that which employs natural means. Eg. Rest.Fluid re- placement. Palliative treat- ment that relieves distressing symptoms but not the dis- ease. Prophylactic treatment’ that aiming to prevent disease or pathology (3x2=6) Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, October 2015, Question No: 9 Epidemiology Refer Second Year Post R Basie B.Sc upplementary Examinations May 2013 Question No: 1 Nursing Degree aids to enhance the effect of health education The sufficient Preparation and Cooperation of the government and voluntary agencies, central health education bureau, state health education bureau, directorate of audio visual publicity, workers etc. flerentiate between local leaders, teachers, health (4x2=8) Food adulteration and food fortification Food fortification Food adulteration The process whereby nutrients are added to foods to maintain or improve the quality of the diet of a group, a community ora popu- lation.” WHO Food adulteration is the process of decrease in the food quali- ty due to addition of the lower quality products or due to the extraction of the important in- gredient. Ithas positive effect on health Ithas negative effect on health It is supposed to increase or im- prove the nutritional status of the People status of the people [people Status OF OO Tt is supposed to decrease or de- teriorate the health and nutrition DIN 13. Impairment and yhandicap Tmpairment “The term impairment refers (0 person's actual_ abnormality ‘or condition. Impairment is he specific problem with the Per son's body. es ey Disability X aisabiity is the restriction or fimitavion caused by the impair tment, In other words, disability fofers to the person's inability or reduced ability to perform a par- fieutar function. A disability is a functional limitation. The World Health Organization defines impairment as ‘any TOss or abnormality of psychologt tal, physiological or anatomical structure or function The World Health Organization defines disability as ‘any restric- tion or lack of ability to perform ‘an activity in the manner. or ‘within the range considered nor- ‘mal for a human being’ ‘Anti- adult and anti- larval 1 easures of mosquito control ‘Anti larval Anti adult Girecied against larvae —used of insect contro! measures de- signed to destroy larval insects, especially discase-transmitting mosquitoes. Directed against adult mosqui- to - Mosquito control manages the population of mosquitoes to reduce their damage to human health + Drainage- stagnant water: ‘urban of rural drainage of in- fested water. « Filling: by filling water collec- tion area + Land leveling by transformation of impounding margins. + Velocity alteration in the streams and drainage + Solid waste management: destruction or alteration of containers ~ breeding places of vectors > ChemicalControl: Residual sprays + Genetic Control + Sterile male technique + Cytoplasmic incompatibility + Chromosomal translocation + Sex distortion + Gene replacement TE 15. DGHS and central coy DGHS The Directorate Genera op Health Services (Die Gig) jg 4 repository of technical know). edge concerning Public Health, Medical Education and Hea, Care. It is an attached organiza. tion of the Ministry of Health g Family Welfare neil OF heatth [Cental ep Ouncil of Fea * advisory body set Mer Article 263 ofthe Con- Sttuton to provide support and Advice to the Depanment of Health, Ministry of Heath and Family Welfare on policy for Mulation and to consider and ‘commend broad lines of poli- oy in regard to matters concem- ing health. up ‘The Dte.GHS is headed by Di- rector General of Health Servic es (DGHS), an officer of Central Health Services, who_ renders technical advice on all medi- cal and public health matters to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare... Union Minister of Health is the chainman and State Health Min- isters are its members. Organizational Stricture of Council Chairperson: Union Minister for Health & Fomily Welfare, Vice-Chainperson: Minister of| State for Health & Family Wel- fare The Directorate co-ordinates with the Health Directorates of all States/UTS for implementa- tion of yarious National Health Programmes through its Region- al Offices of Health and Family Welfare, It also addresses health concems of the people through ils Subordinate Offices/Insti- Purpose is to promote the coor- dination between the Center and States in the implementation of| national programmes and meas- ures pertaining to health tutes spread all over the country me ro Differentiate between: 13. Mechanica} haz, Mechanicay hazards The mechanical hazards | industry center Tound ia. chinery, protrudin : ‘ 8 and moy. Ing parts and the like. 14. Records and reports Refer Final Yea, rT BSc Ny September 2014, : ‘ursing D, . Question No: jy © Peeree Examinations, bal an Y 5. Verbal id nonverbal Communication Verbal Communication Communication by word of] Cc ‘ommunicati i mouth or written and printed Out words, “iy bi mnatiae * Bodily move- ments, Postures, gestures, facial expressions et mmunication c. efine the following: (3x2 = i. Primary health care 9 Refer Second Post Basic BSc Nursing Degree Examinations, September 2013, Question No;3 » Epidemic Refer Second Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations May 2013, Question No: 8 Health team Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, October 2015, Question No: 9 (4%2=8) Differentiate between 12, WHO and world bank: iO) World Bank — amontal, non pe-| Specialized ABS” of United Tntergovermental, nO" PO Saas july litical health agency of United Nations Constitution came into the force 1948 7th April Hain objective the attain-| Helping Tess developed raise Wey of the| their living standards and) ‘ment by all peop! : rishestHevel of heath. they give loan to the project , highest : aes conse of _ | Responsibility to sive loans | evention, control of ais: to lestie PEN road, rail- S Proved providing health | way and agriculture F services 13, EStand CGHS Refer Final Year B.Se Nursing Degree Supplementary Exam ‘nations, June 2015, Question No: 12 414, Sub-centre and primary health centre Refer Second Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2012, Question No: 13 15, Flash cards and flannel graph Flash Card Flannel Graph Paper pencil colors are re-| Aboard, Khadi cloth to make quired to make the Flash | the Flannel] Card Size is 10cm * 12" for | Card 1.5x1.5m widely used smaller group, 22cm x28" for bigger group, not over 30 people “The message can be brief on| Photos, slogans by pasting the flash card and should be | them over logical sequencé for giving| these in a logical soquene? health education for giving the health education — — . Union list and concurrent list Refer (4x2=8) inal Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, May 2016, Question No: 15 . NRHM and NUHM- Refer. Final Year- B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, June 2015, Question No: 15 . Drug dependence and drug resistance Drug Dependance Drug Resistance A State, psychic and some- times also physical, results from the interaction between a living organism and a drug. A person may be dependent on more than one dug Drug resistance means that certain strains of causative organisms of a specific dis- ease are not killed by the spe- cific drugs given during the treatment of those diseases Some strains may be r to more than one drug called istant multi drug resistance. ZODIAC — —_—_—_—_ Characterized by behavioral and other responses that al- ways include compulsion to take the drug ona continuous or periodic basis in order to its psychic ef- experience fects, and sometimes to avoid the discomfort of its absence. ‘Alcohol, Opioids, Cannabi- noids, Sedatives! Hypnotics, Cocaine, _Tobacco,ete are usual dependence producing drugs. Identification of addicts, de- toxification, counseling and rehabilitation are the usual modes of treatment. Drug resistance may be of two types. Primary or pre treatment resistance and secondary of acquired resistance. Primary resistance is the resistance shown by a microorganism in a patient who has not received the drug in question before. Secondary resistance is the one in which the micro organisms sensitive to the drug at the start of the treatment and became were resistant to the drug during the course of the treatment. ‘Drug’ resistance d by incorrect prescription, ir- cal regular supply of drugs, non of treatment, and lack of supervision and follow up. Hereditary trans- ference through -episomes and infection of patients with drug resistant bacilli are also compliance responsible. Den Dental Cai es [ Also known as Tooth desoot a8 Tooth decay or cavities, is a breakdown of | teeth due to acids made by bacteria. The cavities may be a number of different colors from yellow to black. The cause of caries is acid from bacteria dissolving the hard tissues of the teeth, Saries and dental flourosig DentaliFiuorosis| | An irreversible and incurabiy dental problem due to Excess fluorides levels beyond 1.5 me/L in drinking water Toothache, sensitivity to food stuffs, Pus formation with se- vere Pain, swelling in cheek, fever, gingivitis etc are the usual manifestations. Mottling of teeth, foss of ase ter of enamel, rough, opaque and chalky white teeth, yet. lowish discolouration, chip. ing of teeth, etc are the Tecognizable signs, Children under 10 years (6- 11 years) are most vulnera- ble, Dental fluorosis is the easiest measure of fuorosis ina community. Prevention of dental caries includes regular cleaning of| the teeth, a diet low in sugar, and small amounts of fluo- tide. Co-trimoxazole Par- acetamol, Saline gargles and Mouthwash for good oral Hygiene, referrals as needed, removal of the Teeth etc are Prevention is the only means to tackle the issue. Safe potable water and treatment plants of water, Deffuoridation of water, TEC activities ete are the usual strategies. the Usual Management. ZODIAC & 15. Group discussion and panel discussion Bed Fc mines Group Discussion Panel Discussion ‘A group discussion is a verbal presentation about a specific topic among @ group of peo- ple. There is no participation of any outside audience. The ideal number of people in # group discussion is between six and eight. Each person puts forward his/her views on the topic decided upon. A panel discussion involves the discussion of a topic by a group in front of an augi. tice. This discussion usually features a moderator who jg responsible for guiding the members to take the discus. sion forward in the right dis. cussions = Topical Group Discussions + Case-studies. + Abstract Group Discussions Examples of panel discus. sions include television shows or academic, business or scientific conferences, Define the following: 16. Community health Gx2=6) Refer Second Year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2012, Question No: 1 17. Pandemic ‘A pandemic is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of individuals 18. Eligible Couple ‘An “eligible couple” is @ newly married couple wherein the wife is in the reproductive age between 15 and 45 years (Child bearing age). Zs » Training to Health Personne}, » Inputs ego vehicles, equipment and diagnostic kits Differentiate between (42-8) 12. Problem solving approach — evidence based approach Refer Final Year B.Sc Nursin, ber 2014, Question No; 13 43, Lepromin test and Mantoux test 1g Degree Examinations, Septem- Lepromin test Mantoux test ‘The lepromin skin testis used| The Mantouy wat ay Mem to determine what type of| del-Mantoux test (also known leprosy a person has, a8 the Mantoux screening It involves the injection of a|®5% tuberculin sensitivity 5 standardized extract of the | ®t Pirquet test, or PPD test innctivated “leprosy baci |!" purified protein. deriva- Ius",(Mycobacterium leprae] tive) is a tool for screening or "Hansen's Bacillus") under | £r tuberculosis (TB) and for ose tuberculosis diagnosis. The standard recommended tuberculin testis the Mantoux test, which is administered by induration after 48hrs B)} injecting a 0.1 mL of liquid Positive reaction means. A) 10mm or more Smm or above nodule containing 5 TU (tuberculin after 21 days. units) PPD (purified protein derivative into the top layers of skin of the forearm. An extract sample of inacti-| Skin tests should be read 48- vated Hansen's 72 hours after the injection. The basis of the reading of| the skin test is the presence or absence and the amount of in- on the forearm, so that a small | qyration (localized swelling). lump pushes the skin upward. Bacillus is injected just under the skin, usually Yr Anti-adult measures and antiarval measures of mosquitg oF a control. Final Refer Final Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, Octobe, 2016, Question No: 14 Cases and carriers Cues Carriers time: 3 Person of animal with appar-| A person ot animal withoyy ent diseases and shows sign | apparent disease who harbors and symptoms of it a. specific infectious agent : and is capable of transmitting Essay! the agent to others, 1D Th epidemiology, set of crite-|The carrier. state may o¢- 0 ria used in making a decision | cur in an individual with an R as to whether an individual | infection that is inapparent E has a disease or health event | throughout its course or dur. 2d of interest ing the incubation period, 8 convalescence, and post con. ‘ valescence of an. individual I with a clinically recognizable s disease. 1 The case state may of short |The carrier state may be of ! or long duration short or long duration (tran- Shor sient carrier or chronic carri- 3. er). 4 5. te betw qanenoy between tia’ fer \d NRHM_ ie HM an N er Final Year BSc Nursing Degree Supplementary B jaminations, June 2015, Question No: 15 x! a a a MMR MR and e IMR MMR ity rate is de- Number of maternal deaths ony ee ee of infant | in a given period per 100,000 oe registered in a given | women of reproductive age a to the total number of | during the same time period. jive births registered in the : game year. Usually expressed fs arate per 1000 live births Orphanage and old age home Orphanage Old age home Km orphanage is a residential | Typically, each person or ‘nstitution, or group home,|couple in the home has an devoted to the care: of or-| apartment-style room or suite phans and other children who | of rooms. were separated from their bi- ological families Ts a multicresidence housing | Additional facilities are pro- facility intended for the el-| vided within the building derly . Food adulteration and food fortification Refer Final Year B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations, October 2016, Question No: 12 w 12 Scope of family heatth = Refer Second Post Basic B,Se Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations, April 2914, Question No: 2 pifferentiate between; (3x3=9) 13+ 14, 15. Define the following: 16. 17. 18. Infection and infest: [Infection | __—__—infestation | The entry and develop-| For persons or animals the ment or multiplication of an| lodgement, development & infectious agent in the body| reproduction of arthropods of man or animals. on the surface of the body or in the clothings Verbal and non-verbal communication Refer Second Year Post Basic BSc Nursing Degre Supplementary Examinations, April 2017, Question No: 15 Vaccination and immunization Vaccination Immunisation Vaccination “is the | Immunisation is the process administration of antigenic | by which an individuals im. material (a vaccine) to| mune system becomes forti stimulate an individuals] fied against an agent(known immune system to develop| as immunogen). adaptive immunity to a pathogen. (Gx2=6) Cold chain Refer Second Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations May 2013, Question No: 18 School health Refer Second Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2012, Question No: 1 Surveillance Refer Second Year Post Basic B:Sc Nursing Degree Supplementary Examinations April 2014 Question No: 4 EEN Publication) B.Sc Nu afer Final Year Ee 2017, Que Examinations May School health services Refer Second Post Bas October 2012, Question No: | ferentiate between ursing Degree Supplementay stion No: 11 B.Sc Nursing Degree Examination, (4 x28) Public and private health sectors are owned, controlled and managed by the government or other state-run’ bodies. Public Hospitals are hospi- tals owned and funded by the government ai Gee Private health sectors Nee ae ell Private sector organisations are owned, controlled ang managed by individuals, groups or business entities, Private hospitals are hospi- tals that are owned by an in- dividual or a group of people Public hospitals are afforda- ble Private hospitals are not eas- ily affordable is not up to the mark Public hospitals offer health- | care services but the quality Private hospitals do - have benefits as they are equipped with the latest technology and healthcare materials Refer Second Post Basic B, Examinations, April 2014, NUHM and NRHM Refer Final Year B Examinations, June 20 Sc 14, 15. Primary and secondary prevention Se Nu 15, Morbidity and Mortality Refer Second Yei Supplementary Ex Nursing Degree Supplementary Question No: 15 rsing Degree Supplementary Question No: 15 Refer Second Post Basic BSc Nursing Degree Examinations October 2012, Question No: 1 10, Training of MPHW Refer Final Year BSc Nursing Degree Supplementaty Examinations May 2016, Question No: 1 National health policy ul 14. Clinies and camps. Clinies ‘Camps The word clinie refers fo ‘place | Health Camps are mobile and ew outdoor paticns come are conducted in iferent To to physicians and members of | cations by qualified doctors, health team for treatment and nurses, and paramedics and follow-up treatment. According | community health workers. In {0 another concept clinic is the | most cases, these health camps Place where the patients who| are funded by NGO's, Trusts cannot move about are of insti-| or renowned Hospitals. Health tutionalized come for check up | camps are organized to help the ~~ and treatment poor to get healthcare free of E cost TIPES OF CLINICS Types * General clinic These are ar-| « SERVICE CAMPS : For spe- ranged for the examination, d-| calsed services such as camps agnosis and treatment of all mi- til nor ailments. Thus many beat] tng peer eatsac suerte activities can be conducted ‘Antenatal acelin through these clinics Immuni-| Antena! camps to o! zation clinic,X ray clinic,dental vice guidance, reat or re eae clinic ete are examples Eat cores Foy os camps for tl + maternal and child heath cin-|Yeetomy are gaa ee ios: Antenatal clinic Postnatal] 7 oi protection rate cinic Under five clinic Family planning clinic Child guidance clinic Reproductive and child health clinic + SPECIALITY CLINICS :]* EDUCATION AND TRAIN- Medical and counselling ser-]ING CAMPS: To provide in vives for certain specific service tning and orienta ders are provided through these | tion® to village leaders such ax clinics. Specialist doctors and } community health workers,vol nurses are essential for conduct-| unteers,Dais informal leaders ing these clinics Diabetic clini, | ete STD clinic, Tb clinic, Nutt tion clinic ete or. CODE: 412010. enintary Examinations ear B'Se Nursim May 20° aaa 1g Degree ‘suppl p3(2016 scheme) zi realth Nursing IL 1 ‘Final Y s and camps. Clinics ‘Camps The word clinic refers to a place where outdoor patients come to physicians and members of health team for treatment and follow-up treatment. According to another concept ,clinic is the place where the patients who cannot move about are of insti- tutionalized come for check up and treatment Health Camps are mobile and are conducted in different lo- cations by qualified doctors, nurses, and paramedics and community health workers. In most cases, these health camps are funded by NGO's, Trusts or renowned Hospitals. Health camps are organized to help the poor to get healthcare free of cost. TYPES OF CLINICS * General clinic These are ar- ranged for the examination, agnosis and treatment of all mi- nor ailments, Thus many health activities can be conducted through these clinics Immuni- zation clinic,X ray clinic,dental clinic etc are examples + maternal and child health clin- ics: Antenatal clinic Postnatal cinic Under five clinic Family planning clinic Child guidance clinic Reproductive and child health clinic + SPECIALITY CLINICS Medical and counselling ser- vices for certain specific disor- ders are provided through these clinics. Specialist doctors and nurses are essential for conduct- ing these clinics Diabetic clinic, STD clinic, Tb clinic, Nutri- tion clinic etc Types: + SERVICE CAMPS : For spe- cialised services such as camps to® diagnose eye pathology and perform cataract surgeries Antenatal camps to offer® ad- vice guidance, reat or refer com- plicated cases Family planning camps for tubal ligation and® vasectomy are organised to in- crease couple protection rate + EDUCATION AND TRAIN- ING CAMPS : To provide in service training and orienta- tion® to village leaders such as community health workers, vol- unteers,Dais informal leaders ete Me Publication

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