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[Podcast Music]

Michelle: Good evening and welcome to this very special program of the AY University:
Table Talk, as part of our celebration of AY University’s anniversary! I'm your host,
Michelle, and joining me today are three remarkable young individuals who have been
part of this institution. Together, we will explore their learnings, the benefits of AY
University, and how they see truth and Jesus through this program. Without further ado,
let's introduce our guests.
[Music fades]

Michelle: [Introduce Juphet]

Juphet: [Short Greetings]
Michelle: [Introduce Julie]
Julie: [Short Greetings]
Michelle: [Introduce Shannel]
Shannel: [Short Greetings]

Michelle: They will be sharing their thoughts and insights about different
subjects/topics. But before that, I request Sis. Shannel to lead us in prayer
Shannel: [Prayer]

Michelle: Can you give a little background first about AY University so that our viewers
will have idea?
Juphet: AY University is an educational and training program of Manapla SDA Church
for our young people aimed to Affirm the Truth, Expose Deceptions, and Lift Jesus. This
was initiated by one of our elders, bro. Sunnie Consulta on 2021 and until today this
program is continuing.
Julie: The AY University is teaching 12 courses: (1) Religion, Bible, and Theology (2)
Church Ministry and Leadership (3) Philosophy (4) Finance and Economics (5)
Psychology (6) Society and Politics (7) Music (8) Language and Literature (9) Media,
Arts, and Technology (10) History (11) Science (12) Health and Medicine.
Shannel: And our motto: “Lux Lucet in Tenebris” which means “Light that shines out of
darkness”. God calls us out of darkness into this marvelous light through the wonderful
truths that we are studying as it is in His Word.
Michelle: So basically, every Sabbath School (during Sabbath school lesson hour) and
sometimes during Sabbath Afternoon AY Program we study different topics/subjects to
better educate and equip the young people. But not only this University is all about
lectures, there are also Exams (theory/written exam), Group projects/assignments,
personality tests, fun activities (like the U-week, games, cooking, quiz bee), art and
writing activities. Indeed, we provide holistic training for our young people.

Michelle: What are your favorite subject/learnings at the University?

(Spontaneous discussion)
Juphet: [Share] – let others comment/share
Julie: [Share] – let others comment/share
Shannel: [Share] – let others comment/share
Michelle: [Share and enumerate the topics/subjects that were not mentioned]

Michelle: Well said guys, so how was your experience? how has AY University
contributed to on the intellectual, social, and spiritual development?
Juphet: [Share spiritual development]
Julie: [Share about intellectual development]
Shannel: [Share social/relational development]
Michelle: [Share]

Michelle: So this time, I’ll give a quiz if really you are really attending/listening to the

1.) A political philosophy according to which the highest values of the political
commonwealth are to do with serving the common good, the readiness to sacrifice
one’s own good for the collective, and respect for diversity to achieve freedom.
Answer: Liberalism/Progressive (Topic: Religious Liberty)

2.) It means using the words of the text in Scripture, through the lens of their original
context, to determine their intent.
Answer: Exegesis (Topic: How to Study the Bible)
3.) An experience of instantaneous conversion and the lifelong growth of Christian
living, all through by faith in Christ.
Answer: Righteousness by Faith (Topic: Righteousness by Faith)

4.) This type of sermon is an explanation of three or more verses. It could be a

paragraph, chapter, or a book. It often follows the order of the passage. It generally
leads to in-depth preaching that explores the mind of the Bible writer.
Answer: Expository Sermon (Topic: How to prepare a Sermon)

5.) What do you call this argument that presents that God truly exists both in mind and
in reality, God is defined as a “Being that which none greater can be imagined”, a being
that exists in the mind and reality is greater than a being that exists only in the mind.
Answer: Anselm’s Ontological Argument (Topic: Medieval Philosophy)

Michelle: I know that the Courses are not yet finished. What topics/subjects are you
looking forward to learn?
[Everyone share]

Michelle: Finally, can you share a final thought/message you’d like to share to our
viewers and to your fellow youth.
Juphet: I would like to encourage the young people, to take advantage of programs like
AY University and other training programs. Engaging with a diverse range of subjects
can open new avenues for growth and understanding. Through these programs, we can
develop a strong foundation in our faith, gain knowledge, and be better equipped to live
out our calling as disciples of Jesus.
Julie: I echo Juphet’s sentiment. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow in various
areas. There are many programs that could provide a platform to expand your horizons
and discover how different subjects can deepen your faith and understanding of truth.
Let your curiosity guide you as you explore the richness of knowledge and its
connection to Jesus.
Shannel: Let’s not be afraid to integrate your passions and talents into your faith
journey. Whether it's through theology, history, science, music, literature, or any other
interest, allow these expressions to draw you closer to Jesus and to connect with
Michelle: Thank you, young people, for sharing your experiences and insights with us
today. It's been an enlightening conversation. And to our listeners, we hope this short
talk has inspired you to explore the many subjects and opportunities for growth.
Remember, the pursuit of truth and a deeper understanding of Jesus is a lifelong
journey. Join us next time for more thought-provoking discussions. Until then, take care
and God bless!
[Closing Music]

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