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Assignments 2 : AIMS block management

Each assignment is for a group of 5 students

The problem 1 : Management of blocks in AIMS Rwanda

You’re selected as a team of engineers to design the database that will be used to
store data for the management of the blocks of courses in AIMS and follow all
academic activities that happen there.

The aim of this project is to design the database that will host the data from the

You should have at least data on : Teachers, tutors, Students, courses, Tutorials,
quizzes with their marks, assignments with their marks, periods of the blocks.

All the activities that are being done in a block are to be included in the design of
the database.

The students have to

- provide a data dictionary for this problem,

- Provide de ER diagram for the problem (Entities should have as much
details as you can)
- Give the rules and constraints governing the system
- Provide the list of tables and the links between the tables
- Give the role of each chosen table in the system
- Give the SQL script of all the tables
- Fill the database with some sample data
- Provide at least ten queries (in SQL) of great importance for the system

The problem 2 : Learning Management System

An LMS is a software application that facilitates the management, delivery,

and tracking of educational content and resources. Here are key aspects to
consider when designing an LMS database:
1. Data Modeling:
○ Start by defining the entities (tables) that will store relevant
information. Common entities include:
■ Courses: Information about courses offered (e.g., course
ID, title, description).
■ Students: Details of enrolled students (e.g., student ID,
name, email).
■ Instructors: Information about teachers (e.g., instructor
ID, name, specialization).

Assignments 1
■ Enrollments: Links between students and courses (e.g.,
which student is enrolled in which course).
■ Assignments, Grades, and Materials: Tables to manage
assignments, grades, and course materials.
○ Establish relationships (one-to-many, many-to-many) between
these entities.
2. Database Schema:
○ Design the schema by creating tables, specifying primary keys,
and defining foreign key relationships.
○ Normalize the schema to minimize redundancy and improve
data integrity.
3. Course Management:
○ Store course details (syllabus, schedule, prerequisites).
○ Track course progress (completed modules, assignments
4. Student Records:
○ Maintain student profiles (personal information, contact
○ Record student achievements (grades, certificates).
5. Attendance Tracking:
○ Create a table to log student attendance in classes or online
6. Content Management:
○ Store course materials (lecture slides, videos, documents).
○ Associate materials with specific courses and modules.
7. Communication and Notifications:
○ Design tables for messages, announcements, and
○ Link messages to relevant courses or users.

Assignments 2

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