1st Monthly Examination in SCIENCE 3

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1st Monthly Examination in SCIENCE 3

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: Date:

Grade &

I. Choose and write the letter of the correct answer.

______1. Which form of matter has its own size and shape?
a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. plasma

______2. What liquid is used for washing your hands?

a. gasoline b. kerosene c. water d. oil

______3. You cannot see this form of matter.

a. solid b. gas c. liquid d. butter

______4. Which is a solid?

a. juice b. box c. wind d. water

______5. Which is a liquid?

a. can b. glass c. balloon d. fish sauce

______6. Where can we find gas?

a. wood b. chair c. basketball d. glass

______7. What change takes place when an ice cube becomes water?
a. liquid into solid b. solid into liquid c. liquid into gas d. solid into gas

______8. What is the mass of an object?

a. the size of the object b. the color of the object
c. the length of the object d. the amount of matter in the object

_____9. A big stone was dropped into a glass filled with water. The water the glass
overflowed. Why?
a. Water is heavy b. Water has no weight
c. The stone has no shape d. The stone occupies space

_____10. When water is placed in a freezer, it becomes ice. What change does it show?
a. from solid into liquid b. from liquid into solid
c. from liquid into gas d. from gas into liquid

_____11. When you blew air into a deflated balloon, the balloon became round. Why?
a. The air was round b. The air left the balloon
c. The air moved around d. The air took the shape of the balloon

_____12. Which of the following is not true about matter in liquid form?
a. It has mass b. It occupies space
c. It has definite shape d. It can be changed to gas when heated

_____13. Which is the correct way to handle liquids?

a. Keep poisonous liquids in a safe place
b. Taste the liquid to identify it.
c. Group all liquids with the same color.
d. Smell the liquid to identify it

_____14. Which one does not have a definite shape?

a. paper and a box b. book and air
c. air and water d. water and a box

_____15. Why is it important to group materials according to use?

a. for cleaning b. for decoration c. for safety d. for order

_____16. Which are the organs of sight?

a. eyes b. ears c. nose d. mouth

_____17. Which of these can you see?

a. the color of the flowers b. your father’s voice
c. music from the radio d. your mother’s perfume

_____18. Which shows caring for the eyes?

a. watching T.V. all day b. closing one’s eyes when tired
c. reading inside a moving vehicle d. rubbing one’s eyes with one hand

_____19. When you have trouble, what is the best thing to do?

a. Visit an eye doctor b. Eat nutritious food

c. Wash your eyes with cold water d. Keep your eyes closed always

_____20. Which food is good for the eyes?

a. chocolate b. carrot c. bread d. fish

III. Answer the following questions. Choose your answer in the box.

A. Name two solids that can be changed into liquid.

1._________________________________ 2.________________________________

B. Name two liquids that can be changed into solid.

3. _________________________________ 4. ________________________________

C. Name two liquids that can be changed into gas.

5. _________________________________ 6. ________________________________
D. Give the characteristics of solid.
7. _________________________________ 8. ________________________________

E. Give the characteristics of liquid.

9. _________________________________10. _______________________________

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