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2022 – 2023 First Term Examination

Question Paper
Time allowed: 1 hour

Name: _______________________________ Class: F. _____ Class no.: ______

Total no. of pages: 6 Total Marks: 50
Use of calculators is allowed in this examination.


1. This paper consists of Section A, B, C and D. Answer ALL questions.

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (8 marks)

Section B Fill in the Blanks (5 marks)
Section C Short Questions (12 marks)
Section D Data-response Questions (25 marks)

2. For multiple choice questions, please follow the instruction below.


Mark your answers as follows:

Wrong marks should be
completely erased with a clean

3. Write your answers on the Answer Book provided. Do not write in the margins.

4. You are reminded that this subject emphasizes the ability to present and support points of view in a

clear, concise and logical manner, rather than the ability to recall facts.

5. Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request. Write your name, class and class number

on each sheet and put it INSIDE the Answer Book.

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (8 marks)

1. Which of the following is the cooperation plan between Hong Kong and other cities in Mainland China?
A. The Belt and Road Initiative
B. The Lantau Tomorrow Vision
C. The Northern Metropolis
D. The Youth Development Blueprint

2. Which of the following is the best description of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)?
A. The annual income of employees in a city.
B. The production value of a region during a period of time.
C. The rate of increase in prices over a given period of time.
D. The financial ability to buy products or services.

3. Which of the following is not a feature of Hong Kong as an international financial centre?
A. Sound legal system
B. Free flow of capital
C. Large pool of financial talents
D. High tax rate

4. Which of the following is an incorrect description of quality of life?

A. It involves objective measurements only.
B. It is an abstract concept.
C. There is no single way to measure quality of life.
D. It involves material enjoyments and spiritual experiences.

5. Which of the following is not an indicator of the social aspect of quality of life?
A. Mortality rate
B. Unemployment rate
C. Stress Index
D. Literacy rate

6. Which of the following phenomena could be observed during economic growth?

A. Increasing population
B. Increasing unemployment rate
C. Increasing consumption power of citizens
D. Increasing migration rate

7. Which of the following is the correct formula of calculating unemployment rate?

A. Unemployed population: Total population
B. Unemployed population: Employed population
C. Unemployed population: Labor force
D. Employed population: Unemployed population

8. Which of the following indicators are types of poverty?
(i) Absolute poverty
(ii) Relative poverty
(iii) True poverty
(iv) Employment poverty

A. (i) and (ii) only

B. (i) and (iii) only
C. (ii), (iii) and (iv) only
D. All of the above

Section B Fill in the blanks (5 marks)

Fill in the blanks below with the most suitable word(s). Each blank carries equal weight.

1. The Greater Bay Area comprises the two Special Administrative Regions of (a) and (b)
and nine Mainland cities in Guangdong Province.
2. (c) refers to how long people can live. It is one of the indicators of social aspect of quality of life.
3. Farming, fishing and mining are examples of (d) production.
4. Households that have at least one employed person and earn a monthly household income of less that
half of the median income are defined as (e) families.

Section C Short Questions (12 marks)

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. State and explain one policy that boosted the economic development of Hong Kong after the outbreak of
SARS in 2003. (3 marks)
2. Name three industries of knowledge-based economy in Hong Kong. (3
3. State two features of blue-collar jobs. (2 marks)
4. State and explain one harm of being externally-oriented on the economic development of Hong Kong
with one example. (4

Section D Data-response Questions (25 marks)
1. Consider the following sources:
Source A: Adapted from the Rating and Valuation Department

Price Index of Private domestic* in Hong Kong from

2013 to 2021
383 381.2 392.7
400 377.3

350 333.9
296.8 286.1





2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

*Price index of private domestic refers to the index indicating the average price of private housing

Source B: A subdivided flat in Hong Kong

Source C: Adapted from South China Morning Post dated 19 October 2022
Hong Kong citizens spend 50.25 percent of their monthly income on rent, which is the highest percentage
in the world. The study also shows that the average rent per square foot for residential units on Hong Kong
Island is the most expensive, which costs HK$52.60. So the average rent of a 300-square-foot unit on Hong
Kong Island is around HK$16,000.

“Light Public Housing” scheme designated to create 30,000 transitional homes in Hong Kong in a bid to
bridge the supply and demand gap is promised in the Policy Address 2022. The scheme offers larger
temporary flats, built on short-term sites with cheaper rents. It is hoped the scheme would help reduce the
waiting time for public housing from 6 years to 4.5 years by 2026-27.

People who have been on the waiting list for public housing for three years or more would be eligible to
apply for the scheme, and priority would be given to those with families. The rent would be set at 90
percent of the cost of newly built public housing in the same district. A 300-square-foo t unit in Yuen Long,
for example, would cost tenants HK$1,500 a month.

(a) Describe the trend of the price index of private domestic in Hong Kong as shown in Source A. (4 marks)

(b) Identify and explain one problem of subdivided flat as shown in Source B. (3 marks)

(c) With reference to Sources B and C and your own knowledge, identify and elaborate on two impact of the
“Light Public Housing” scheme on the quality of life of Hong Kong people. (6 marks)

2. Consider the following sources:
Source A: Adapted from RTHK dated 22 July 2022 and Hong Kong Free Press dated 25 March 2018
A group focusing on the rights of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong said that ethnic minorities have been
negatively affected during the fifth COVID wave, experiencing far higher unemployment rate than the
general population.

Currently, there are about 451,000 ethnic minorities living in Hong Kong. Many ethnic minority children
find it difficult to pick up the language as there is not enough support in Chinese language learning. It is a
must for applicants to obtain Level 3 in Chinese Language in HKDSE for civil servant application. The
lack of proficiency in Chinese of ethnic minorities often limits their job choices.

Meanwhile, discrimination also remains as big an issue as it ever was in job searching. Employers in Hong
Kong do not welcome ethnic minorities in general due to misunderstanding. For example, they may be
reluctant to hire ethnic minorities who need to observe periods of prayers at particular times during the day.
Ethnic minorities are often less likely to be employed and promoted in the workplace.

Source B: Adapted from dated 1 September 2021 and dated 27 October 2019
The Education Bureau has implemented the “Professional Enhancement Grant Scheme for Chinese
Language Teachers” by offering subsidies to teachers who enroll in the relevant programmes. The scheme
aimed to enhance the professional capability of teachers in teaching ethnic minority students Chinese.

The Home Affairs Department has implemented the District-based Programmes for Racial Harmony to
encourage interaction and exchange between ethnic minorities and local residents. It is expected that the
activities can provide local residents with the opportunity to understand the values of other ethnic groups
and encourage ethnic minorities to better integrate into the community.

(a) With reference to Source A and your own knowledge, identify and explain two factors leading to the high
unemployment rate of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. (6 marks)

(b) With reference to the sources and your own knowledge, suggest and explain two ways how Hong Kong
government can resolve the poverty of ethnic minorities. (6


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