Gamified Education System

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Gamified Education System

Our problem statement is simple which many people faces everyday

like, if you want to learn anything like you want to learn Front End
Web Development then you face two major problems:-
1. One creator teach HTML best, Another one CSS best and other
one JAVA Script best. Then it’s very hard to find a sequence and
structure to learn from YouTube.
2. Learner can also be distracted
MANIPALby other videos
HACKATHON ‘23 like, comedy videos,
shorts, and many more contents to be distracted.

A research found that 90% of user face this problem when thay study
from YouTube.
Solution of The Problem
Educational Video Aggregator Website: The core of the solution is a
dedicated website designed to aggregate educational videos. Users
can visit this platform to search for specific topics they want to learn.
Content Curation: The website employs a robust algorithm that
curates and filters videos for each part of the chosen topic. Videos are
selected based on factors such as views, likes, comments, and the
reputation of the instructor. This ensures that users have access to the
highest quality and most relevant content. ‘23

Instructor Quality Assessment: The algorithm also assesses the

quality and reputation of instructors for each topic. This feature helps
users identify videos taught by instructors who are considered experts
in their respective fields.
Eliminating Distractions: The platform eliminates distractions commonly
found on general video-sharing platforms, such as unrelated content like
comedy sketches and vlogs. This ensures that users can stay focused on
their learning journey.
Interactivity: To make the learning experience more engaging and
enjoyable, the platform incorporates interactive elements. This includes
quizzes related to the topic being studied, enhancing retention and
Personalization with AI: The platform employs AI to personalize the
learning experience. It takes into account the user's interests, preferred
learning style, and skill level to provide recommendations and generate
jokes and quizzes that align with the user's unique profile.

User-Centric Approach: The solution prioritizes the user's learning

experience by simplifying the process of finding the right educational
content, reducing distractions, and infusing elements of fun and interactivity
into the learning journey.
Proof of Concept
Flowchart and API Integration: Our platform's detailed flowchart illustrates
the seamless flow of modules, from user search to content curation. We
integrate APIs like YouTube's Data API for video data retrieval and OpenAI's GPT-
3 API for generating personalized quizzes and jokes. The YouTube API provides
video metadata, and GPT-3 generates engaging quizzes and jokes tailored to the
user's interests.
Algorithm and Frameworks: We employ a content filtering algorithm to assess
video quality, and instructor expertise is determined using sentiment analysis.
We utilize the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) for the
website's backend and frontend, ensuring robustness and scalability.
UI/UX Design: Our UI/UX designs prioritize
MANIPAL user-friendliness.
HACKATHON ‘23 The interface is
intuitive, featuring a clean layout for easy navigation and an interactive
dashboard for quizzes and jokes.
Technical Implementation: Our solution leverages the YouTube Data API for
video selection, GPT-3 API for AI-driven content, and sentiment analysis libraries
for instructor assessment. The MERN stack powers the website, providing a
smooth user experience.
Solution Architecture
Component Interaction :-
User Interface AI Module
Search Module Quiz & Joke Generator
Backend User Profile
Filtering Algorithm Dashboard
Content Repository Feedback Loop

Algorithm Explanation :-
Filtering Algorithm: Utilizes sentiment analysis to
assess instructor quality based on user reviews.
Videos are ranked using a weighted score derived
from views, likes, comments, and instructor
reputation. This algorithm ensures the most relevant
and high-quality content is presented to users.
Curated Quality: Our product stands out by curating high-quality
educational content, saving users the hassle of sifting through
numerous videos.
Personalization: AI-driven personalization tailors the learning
experience, making it engaging and relevant to each user's interests.
Distraction-Free Learning: We eliminate distractions, offering a
focused environment for skill acquisition.
Comprehensive Solution: Our platform integrates search, curation,
quizzes, and jokes, providing a holistic
MANIPAL learning
HACKATHON ‘23 experience.
Real-Life Applications: Our product can revolutionize education
across various fields, from coding and language learning to
academic subjects, vocational skills, and employee training. It
simplifies the learning process for individuals, students, and
professionals alike.
Technology Stack
MERN Stack: Employing MongoDB for data storage, Express.js for the
backend, React for the frontend, and Node.js for server-side scripting.
YouTube Data API: Integrating this API to fetch video metadata and links.
OpenAI's GPT-3 API: Utilizing GPT-3 for generating personalized quizzes
and jokes.
Sentiment Analysis Libraries: Employed to assess instructor quality
based on user reviews.
Frontend Frameworks: Utilizing popular frontend frameworks and
libraries for responsive and user-friendly design.
Backend Tools: Incorporating development
‘23 and packages for
efficient server-side operations.
AI Integration: Leveraging AI and ML libraries for personalized content
generation and recommendations.
Database Management: Using database management systems for
efficient data handling and retrieval.
Market Potential
Education Industry: A vast market with a growing demand for online
learning platforms.
E-Learning Trends: The shift towards online learning, accelerated by
recent events, creates a favorable market environment.
User Frustration: Widespread user frustration with disorganized content
on existing platforms highlights the need for a solution.
Target Audience:-
Students: K-12 and higher education students seeking supplementary
learning materials.
Professionals: Those lookingMANIPAL
to upskill or reskill‘23
HACKATHON in various fields.
Instructors: Content creators and educators seeking a platform to
showcase their expertise.
Corporate Training: Companies seeking a more organized and effective
training solution for employees.
Lifelong Learners: Individuals interested in continuous self-
improvement across diverse subjects.
Risks/ Challenges / Dependencies
Content Quality: Dependency on third-party content quality and
User Adoption: Convincing users to switch from existing platforms to
API Reliability: Reliance on external APIs for video data and AI content
Competition: Competing with established e-learning platforms.
Data Privacy: Ensuring user data security and privacy compliance.
Technical Scaling: Scaling infrastructure to accommodate growing user
Monetization: Developing a sustainable revenue model without
alienating users.

Open AI API :-

YouTube API :-

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