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Institute of Good Manufacturing Practices India

Biomechanics-Introduction Part-2
By : Ajay Singh
Assistant Professor IGMPI

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 Antiquity:
 Aristotle, a student of Plato can be considered the first bio-mechanic,
because of his work with animal anatomy.
 Aristotle wrote the first book on the motion of animals, De Motu
Animalium, or On the Movement of Animals.
 He not only saw animal's bodies as mechanical systems, but pursued
questions such as the physiological difference between imagining
performing an action and actually doing it.
 In another work, On the Parts of Animals, he provided an accurate
description of how the ureter uses peristalsis to carry urine from
the kidneys to the bladder.
 With the rise of the Roman Empire, technology became more popular
than philosophy and the next bio-mechanic arose. Galen (129 AD-210
AD), physician to Marcus Aurelius, wrote his famous work, On the
Function of the Parts (about the human body). This would be the
world's standard medical book for the next 1,400 years.

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 Renaissance
 The next major biomechanic would not be around until 1452, with the
birth of Leonardo da Vinci.

 Da Vinci was an artist and mechanic and engineer. He contributed to

mechanics and military and civil engineering projects.

 He had a great understanding of science and mechanics and studied

anatomy in a mechanics context. He analysed muscle forces and
movements and studied joint functions. These studies could be
considered studies in the realm of biomechanics.

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 In 1543, Galen's work, On the Function of the Parts was challenged
by Andreas Vesalius at the age of 29. Vesalius published his own work
called, On the Structure of the Human Body
 Galileo the father of mechanics and part time biomechanics.
 Galileo Galilei was interested in the strength of bones and suggested
that bones are hollow because this affords maximum strength with
minimum weight. He noted that animals' bone masses increased
disproportionately to their size.
 Consequently, bones must also increase disproportionately in girth
rather than mere size. This is because the bending strength of a tubular
structure (such as a bone) is much more efficient relative to its weight.
Mason suggests that this insight was one of the first grasps of the
principles of biological optimization.

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Biofluid mechanics
 Biological fluid mechanics, or biofluid mechanics, is the study of both gas
and liquid fluid flows in or around biological organisms.
 An often studied liquid biofluid problem is that of blood flow in the human
cardiovascular system.
 When the diameter of the blood vessel is just slightly larger than the
diameter of the red blood cell the Fahraeus–Lindquist effect occurs and
there is a decrease in wall shear stress.
 However, as the diameter of the blood vessel decreases further, the red
blood cells have to squeeze through the vessel and often can only pass in a
single file. In this case, the inverse Fahraeus–Lindquist effect occurs and
the wall shear stress increases.
 An example of a gaseous biofluids problem is that of human respiration.
Recently, respiratory systems in insects have been studied
for bioinspiration for designing improved microfluidic devices.

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Bio tribology
 Bio tribology is the study of friction, wear and lubrication of biological
systems especially human joints such as hips and knees. In general,
these processes are studied in the context of contact
mechanics and tribology.
 Additional aspects of bio tribology include analysis of subsurface
damage resulting from two surfaces coming in contact during motion,
i.e. rubbing against each other, such as in the evaluation of tissue-
engineered cartilage.

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Comparative biomechanics
 Comparative biomechanics is the application of biomechanics to non-
human organisms, whether used to gain greater insights into humans (as
in physical anthropology) or into the functions, ecology and adaptations
of the organisms themselves.
 Common areas of investigation are Animal locomotion and feeding, as
these have strong connections to the organism's fitness and impose high
mechanical demands.
 Animal locomotion, has many manifestations,
including running, jumping and flying. Locomotion requires energy to
overcome friction, drag, inertia, and gravity, though which factor
predominates varies with environment.

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Computational biomechanics
 Computational biomechanics is the application of engineering
computational tools, such as the Finite element method to study the
mechanics of biological systems.
 Computational models and simulations are used to predict the
relationship between parameters that are otherwise challenging to test
experimentally, or used to design more relevant experiments reducing
the time and costs of experiments.
 Mechanical modeling using finite element analysis has been used to
interpret the experimental observation of plant cell growth to
understand how they differentiate, for instance.[8]
 In medicine, over the past decade, the Finite element method has
become an established alternative to in vivo surgical assessment.

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 One of the main advantages of computational biomechanics lies in its

ability to determine the endo-anatomical response of an anatomy,
without being subject to ethical restrictions.

 Computational biomechanics is an essential ingredient in surgical

simulation, which is used for surgical planning, assistance and training.

 Experimental biomechanics

 Experimental biomechanics is the application

of experiments and measurements in biomechanics

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 .Continuum biomechanics
 The mechanical analysis of biomaterials and biofluids is usually carried forth
with the concepts of continuum mechanics.
 This assumption breaks down when the length scales of interest approach the
order of the micro structural details of the material.
 One of the most remarkable characteristic of biomaterials is
their hierarchical structure.

 In other words, the mechanical characteristics of these materials rely on

physical phenomena occurring in multiple levels, from the molecular all the
way up to the tissue and organ levels.
 Biomaterials are classified in two groups, hard and soft tissues. Mechanical
deformation of hard tissues (like wood, shell and bone) may be analysed
with the theory of linear elasticity.
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 Sports biomechanics

 In sports biomechanics, the laws of mechanics are applied to human

movement in order to gain a greater understanding of athletic performance
and to reduce sport injuries as well.
 It focuses on the application of the scientific principles of mechanical
physics to understand movements of action of human bodies and sports
implements such as cricket bat, hockey stick and javelin etc.
 Elements of mechanical engineering (e.g., strain gauges), electrical
engineering (e.g., digital filtering), computer science (e.g., numerical
methods), gait analysis (e.g., force platforms), and clinical
neurophysiology (e.g., surface EMG) are common methods used in sports
 Biomechanics in sports can be stated as the muscular, joint and skeletal
actions of the body during the execution of a given task, skill and/or

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 Vascular biomechanics
 The main topics of the vascular biomechanics is the description of the
mechanical behaviour of vascular tissues.
 It is well known that cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
death worldwide.
 Vascular system in the human body is the main component that is
supposed to maintain pressure and allow for blood flow and chemical
 Studying the mechanical properties of this complex tissues improves
the possibility to better understanding cardiovascular diseases and
drastically improve personalized medicine.
 It is also necessary to premise that the vascular wall is a dynamic
structure in continuous evolution. This evolution directly follows the
chemical and mechanical environment in which the tissues are
immersed like Wall Shear Stress or biochemical signalling.

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Basic Determinants of Myocardial Stress and Strain Geometry:

 Structure 3D shape -Wall thickness, Curvature etc.

 Tissue structure- Muscle fibres architecture Connective tissue organization


 pressure –Filling pressure(preload) Arterial pressure (afterload)etc.

 Constraints -Effects of inspiration and expiration etc.

 Material Properties -Resting or passive Nonlinear finite elasticity

Quasilinear viscoelasticity

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Factors Affected by Myocardial Stress and Strain:

 Direct Factors -Regional muscle work Myocardial oxygen demand and

energetics Coronary blood flow.
 Electrophysiological responses- Action potential duration (QT interval)
Repolarization (T wave morphology) Excitability Risk of arrhythmia.
 Development and morphogenesis- Growth rate Cardiac looping and
septation Valve formation.
 Vulnerability to injury -Ischemia Arrhythmia Cell dropout.
 Progression of disease -Transition from hypertrophy to failure
Ventricular dilation Infarct expansion Response to reperfusion

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Significance of Biomechanics in Clinical Engineering:
 Biomechanics knowledge is very much essential to design any
kind of artificial medical device to serve mankind health
issues such as implants, artificial bones, cardiac stunts, heart
pace maker, devices to handicap persons etc.

 Selection of suitable material for manufacturing.

 Manufacturing process development and validation etc.

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