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Susan Rivers ¢ Setsuko Toyama OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS Table of Conte: Syllabus iv Do You Remember? vi Classroom Language viii Unit 1 1 Unit 2 7 Unit 3 13 Cross-curricular 1/Project Time 9 Unit 4 2 Unit 5 27 Cross-curricular 2/Project Time 33 Review 1 35 Unit 6 WI Unit 7 U7 Unit 8 53 Cross-curricular 3 /Project Time 59 Unit 9 61 Unit 10 67 Cross-curricular 4/Project Time 73 Review 2 75 Songs and Chants 81 Checklist 1 86 Checklist 2 90 Word List ou Syllabus ' ‘Asking about a | school beside Was there alibrary | Ice Cream in ong | museum's — | library behind beside the post America Prepositions | hours, barbershop ‘across from office? (historical entrance fees, | bank infront of Yes, there wos. reading) andexhibits | hotel near No, there wasmt, over the train station above telephone _| postoffice Sidewalk brid theater 2 | Food Ordering food | orange juice | abotieoforange | Howmuchlemonade | Papa Joe's inaresiaurant | temonade juice did she have? Restaurant ome: roast beef ccanoflemonade | She hadone can of | Opens ‘coke slice of cake lemonade. (magazine ‘chicken soup | apiece of apple pie | How mony cans of | article) fruit salad bowl of chicken lemonade did she iced tea soup hhaver coffee glass oficed tea | She hod three cans of garlic bread | acupof coffee lemonade. ‘pple pie float of gariic bread | (all pronouns) 3. | Dally Shopping fora | walkto school | by myself Tironeda shitby | Bill Forgot! Aciwties | plectabakery | goto thedentst_| by himself myset (story) jo laundry byherself 1 didn't iron a shirt by sprecaym chop vegetables by yourself myself, i na shirt Yourselves ail prov slice fruit by themselves Jeu breno) toke a bus by ourselves ‘wash my hair stay home buy groceries Project Time: Museum Brochure Cross-curricular |: Art_permanent temporary guided tour floor plan landscape esti life portrait realistic abstract 4 | Acivies ata | Moking a ‘wear a wig ‘lw Do youever drivea | Hi, Emily! Movie studio | telephone call_ | drive a sportscar | usually sports car? (posteard) ‘andleovinga | puton makeup | offen Yes, Lalways/usually/ Frequency | message make fiends | sometimes offen/sometimes jet.a sunburn hardly ever drive a sports car. isten tomusic | never Does heer ditved fake a nap sporls car? talon the phone No, he hardly ever/ a drives hhave an accident Teale tele {all pronouns) 5 | Aciviiesin | Talking about | feedthebirds | once day Howfien do you | Deor Gabby Town, theweather | read twice a week readanewspaper? | (advice ‘and inquiring | newspaper three fimesamonth | Ireadanewspaper | column) Frequency | afterfamily | takemedicine | four times a year once a month, gotoacaté How fen does she sito museut swspaper? take the subwey sheresdsa sive a speech aper once fake a math test Hee gee fie paent (all pronouns) Project Time: Fun Fact Poster @ syiars ross-curricular 2: Math sixly seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million Unit | Topic Conversation | Word 1 Focus Time kx Time 6 | Musical Helpinga | tuba well How did he play the tuba? | Sunnyvile Instruments | friend'clean | flute baxty He playedihe tuba well, | Students Give u mbals auie! Spring Pe cciea P yb quietly How did they play the tuba? | SPring : ‘They played the tuba well. xylophone auickly i (magazine slecric Keyboard | slowly (alt pronouns) ariel) harp happily cello sadly recorder trumpet 7 | Anirmats Makingan | tiger un ran | What were you doing when | Welcome to emergency | eagle walk» the baboon walked by? | Sunnyvile Movement | felephone nda walked We were washing he car__| Zoo's Giant cal ar fly-+fiew | "when the baboon walked by. | Panda Home kangaroo hop —» What was he doing when the | (informational parrot hopped heboon veaked E92 sign) moose He was washing he cor when oe the baboon walked by. on (al pronouns) 8 | Young Encouraging | say he alphabet | Annies tal. | When Iwas ile, Dear Stan Childten's | someone'o | throw a ball ‘Annie was | Icould peel an orange. | (personal Adiviies. | iryagain | blow a bubble short. When you were litle, you | leer) i count to ten Ted can play | couldn't peel an orange. Remembering build sand castle | "Soskettole a e ites i basketball. Abii pelle egsketball | (all pronouns) catch a frog Po cutout aheart asetball peel on orange Speak Englis Cross-curricular 3: Music _rockmusic band compose lyrics classical music conductor county music ballad Project Time: Write a Letter 9 | Cities Around | Interviewing | Rome January | When did he go to Hong Welcome to the World ine | Caio February Kr ort New York City, Tokyo ar He went in Apri the Big Apple! Months London April How tong washe there? | (ourit Seoul cy Moy He was there for one week. | brochure) jew Yor june A Ny rh ‘en ay goo Hong Honolulu, ‘August maaan een San Francisco September | How long were they there? Hong Kong Qclober ar | They were there for one December | week (all pronouns) 10 | Actions at — | Discussing | skip iunch hungry IFT skip lunch, Iilbe hungry. | The History of School yesterday's | forget my homework | nervous | ifshe skips lunch, she'lbe | TV timeline) TVprosrams | goioped ale tired) hungry. Consequences it offmy chair | embarrassed | (41 jetagood grade | happy Naz pcnouns)| lose my favorite | sod pencil disappointed mokea mistake | cold fake off my jacket | hot win a prize proud turnoff the fon Cross-curricular 4: Geography confinent Aftica Antarctica Asia Australia Europe North America Project Time: Fun Fact Poster South America continental dif couniry/count Syllabus Pe lt ual lolita ®©*" Listen and repeat. Hi! I’m Annie Day. He’s Ted We're making dinner. We're going to have spaghetti. ~ —a 25 (i'm fourteen. ) ( Lape Yt —~ I’m fourteen, too. ( Welike playing ] [ computer games. T want to program computers. Annie wants to be an engineer. Monkeys and giraffes are my favorite animals. Ted swims really well. on ess «d I love to swim. I’m going to go to the beach in the summer. 2,0 Tlike to ski. I went skiing in the winter. ‘Annie skis really well. Our friends are here! Is it time to eat? CT some. | delicious! ) Well, we cooked the spaghetti, made the salad, and set the table. Yes, let’s eat! ( Study English with us and have fun! Classroom Langu ©" Listen and repeat. Please number your papers from one to J Joe, will you turn on the CD five. We're going to have a spelling test. player, please? Go to track ten. T” Gee Qaaeae a, We're going on a field trip on Friday. Please ask your parents to sign your permission form. Annie, please stay after class ( Have a good weekend, class! Don’t and finish your homework. forget, your projects are due on Monday. @3" Listen and repeat. Point to the speakers. Then listen again. Good morning, Sunnyville Museum. How can I help you a @ ) (Hit What are your hours? ae ? A It’s three dollars for adults and two dollars for children. Children under five are fre Yes, it does. Tours are at 10:00, 2:00, and 5:00. _ You're welcome. \ Have anice day. } Role-play the conversation. Telephoning a museum @*""" Listen and repeat. I. school 2. library 3, barbershop 4. bank 5. hotel 6. train station | 7. post office 8. sidewalk 9. bridge 10. theater Focus Time A. ©" Listen and repeat, @ 3. across from 4. in front of 5. near B. ©" Listen and repeat. @ Was there a library beside the post office? | was. wasn’t. C. ©3" Look at page 2. Listen and point. Prepositions Unit 1 6 §° Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Was there a bank near the school? Yes, there was. ‘1. school/beside/library? Look at page 2. Practice with a partner. ®‘}' GENS Listen and chant. (See “Yes, There Was! No, There Wasn't!” onpage 6) @ Was there a bank near the school? A. @® Listen and read along. lee os in/America cream churn. The first ice cream factory opened in Baltimore in 1851. A man in St. Louis made the first ice cream cone in 1896. Ice cream is now one of America’s favorite desserts.. The first ice cream shop opened in New York in 1876. Now there is an ice cream shop in every town, and you can buy ice cream at every grocery store. You can find a flavors, from tomato to pickle. vF lotof ss < 7 nilla invent history first churn factory cone every a lot of flavor vanilla |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4, True False 2! Listen and circle True or False. C. Read the question. Write the answer. 1, When did the first ice cream shop open? 2. Who invented the first ice cream churn? 3. Where did the first ice cream factory open? 4. What flavors are America’s favorites? YceCreamin America Unit: @ » (e} A. © Listen and answer the questions. 2. 3. 4 B. Pairwork. Fill in the chart, Then tell your partner about your town. Your Partner |. There’sa__a_ beside the _b_. 2. There’sa__¢__ in front ofthe_d_. 3. There’sa__e across from the _f_. 4. There’sa_g__near the _h_. a. b. c d. e f. 9. h. C. Review. Read and write the answers. 1. Do you like going to museums? 2. Is there a bookstore beside your school? 3. How do you go to school? 4, Where do you get a haircut? © doit Your Time: tn town Good! I'm in the mood for spaghetti. I’ll have that. Role-play the conversation. Ordering food ———— TT @5®' Listen and repeat. Point and say the words. |. orangejuice 2. lemonade © Listen and point 3. roast beef 4. cake 5. chicken soup 6. fruit salad 3 _| 7. iced tea 8. coffee 9. garlic bread 10. apple pie @ & A. @©39" Listen and repeat. @ ie |. a bottle of 2. acanof 3. aslice of 4. a piece of orange juice lemonade cake apple pie 5. a bowlof 6. aglass of 7. acup of 8. aloaf of chicken soup iced tea coffee garlic bread B. @%® Listen and repeat. oO much How | mene et | lemonade did she have? one can Shehad | GreSa" | of temonade. C. ©" Look at page 8. Listen and point. Quantities unit? © A. ©5° Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. How much garlic bread did he have? He had six loaves of garlic bread. ieces of apple pie/they? |» 2. bowls of chicken soup/sh« - pieces of apple pie/ they? en soup c 3. lemonade/ you? aaa 4. roast beef/she? J Tywocans J" Sy | Pwo slices 7 fa 6. iced tea/you? I= i aos = p ) 7, fruit salad/ you? ~~ (8. slices of cake/he? “one bowl } ¢ (one —” re / J B. Look at page 8. Practice with a partner. C. ©" @SXGED Listen and chant. (See “How Much? How Many?” ‘on page 81.) © vni2 sow much oc ren ide hove? Reading Time 52" Listen and read along. PAPA JOE’S RESTAURANT OPENS apa Joe's is a new Italian restaurant in downtown Sunnyville. It opened on May 5th. Who is Papa Joe? Is it the owner, Mr. Minelli? No! The real Papa Joe is Mr. Minelli’s father. Papa Joe is the chef at Papa Joe's Restaurant. eS CeCe RSs tt! DEES MCC nt tse score "Their pizza is the best pizza in town,” Kelly said, DeeDee said, “I'm going to bring my children here. Kids under five eat free!” Papa Joe's is clean and 7 NewWords PebsCeecieeeen The address is 12 Pine JR Ttalian Rrocutccns et Cre ico BLUE Mam PUP Rew vst a acd real lunch and dinner. downtown — owner chef best price serve AM. PM, @5' Listen and circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False Read the question. Write the answer. |. What is the name of the restaurant? . Where is Papa Joe’s? . Who is Papa Joe? fF on . When is Papa Joe’s open? Papa Joe's Restaurant Opens ©" Listen and answer the questions. 2, 3. hy B. Ask your classmates. Write their names and circle Yes or No. Do you want a slice of roast beef for dinner? (Food Name Yes/No |. aslice of roast beef Yes No 2. a bowlof fruit salad Yes No 3. apiece of apple pie Yes No 4. a bowl of soup Yes No C. Review. Read and write the answers. |. Did you have a piece of apple pie for breakfast today? 2. Do you like garlic bread? 3. What’s your favorite food? 4. Did you have a glass of milk this morning? ©@® vwir2 your time: Food ©" Listen and repeat. Point to the speakers. Then listen again. Good morning. Can I help you? ) U Tv) (We have lemon, peach, and blueberry. Yes, please. What kinds of pie do you have today? \( Sorry. We're out of cherry. But the blueberry pies are very nice. Role-play the conversation. Great! I'll get a fresh pie for you. ) Buying a pie TT as tg_B. Point and say the words. @% Listen and repeat. walk to school 2._go to the dentist © Listen and point. ! 3. do laundry 4. chop vegetables f 5. iron a shirt 6. slice fruit 2 7. take a bus 8. wash my hair 9. stay home 10. buy groceries € 1. by myself 2. by himself 3. by herself 4. by yourself 5. by yourselves 6. by themselves 7. by ourselves walk» walked — go-»went do did chop-+ chopped iron + ironed slice sliced take-+took wash» washed stay + stayed buy + bought 8" Listen and repeat. & | ironed didn’t iron | a shirt by myself. 50° Look at page 14. Listen and point. Alone or with others Practice Time © Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. You walked to school by yourselves. |. I/slice fruit/ myself poy | = ; Look at page 4. Practice with a partner. © GENS) Listen and sing along. (See “I Stayed Home By Myself” on page 82.) @ You walked to school by yourselves. Rea ®$%' Listen and read along. Bill Forgot! “Bill,” said his mother, “will you go to the supermarket for me, please?” She put a grocery list and some money on the table by the door. “No problem, Mom,” said Bill. Bill arrived at the grocery store. “Oh, no!" Bill said. “I forgot the list!” He went home and got the list. Then he ran back to the store. Bill put the groceries in the cart. Then he went to the checkout line. “Oh, no!” he said. “I forgot the money!" He ran home, got the money, and ran back to the store. Then he paid for the groceries and went home. “Hi, Bill," said his mother. “Where are the groceries?" “Oh, no!” he said. "I left them at the store!” supermarket grocery list arrive forget + forgot go home get — got cart checkout line pay > paid leave — left ®S" Listen and circle True or False. I. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4, True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. |. Where did Bill go? . Who wanted Bill to go? 2. 3. Did Bill forget the list? 4. What did Bill leave at the store? Bill Forgo# Unit 3 @ A. ©" Listen and answer the questions. B. Pairwork. What can you do by yourself? Write. Then ask your pariner. You Your Partner I. 2. 3. 4. C. Review. Read and circle True or False. |. Ilike going to the dentist. True False 2. I stayed home on Tuesday. True False 3. I’m going to wash my hair tomorrow. True False 4. I didn’t take a bus to school this morning. True False 5. I buy groceries by myself. True False © voi Your time: Deity act Steere tla Hele A. Do you like to go to art museums? B. © Listen and repeat. C. ©" Listen and read. Many people like to visit art museums. Art museums have permanent exhibits that are always there and temporary exhibits that are there for a short time. Some museums have guided tours, but some people like to use the floor plan and look at the art by themselves. Landscapes are paintings of nature, like forests, mountains, or lakes. Stil ife paintings are paintings of things, like flowers or fruit. Portraits are paintings of people. Leonardo da Vinci's painting, the Mona Lisa, is a very famous portrait. It's realistic. This means that it looks like a person. The portrait of the cubist woman | Permanent temporary is abstract. Do you think it looks like a guided tour floor plan person? Cubist Woman New Words landscape _ still life portrait realistic Mona Lisa D. Isittrue? Write ¥ or X. abstract |. Temporary exhibits show paintings which are always there. |__| . Visitors can look at a floor plan and walk around a museum by themselves. [ _ | . Portraits are paintings of things. [ _ | Fen . Still life paintings are paintings of people. 5. The Mona Lisais an abstract painting. |_| Cross-curricular 1 Project Time: Museum Brochure ne the Metrapoliters| Mastin of Sit Som B. Make a museum brochure. _ Imagine or find out about an art museum. © Where is it? How much is a ticket? @ What days does it open? © What can you see there? 2. Draw or find pictures. Write. The muscu Perm has many. ‘anent ant Schibits, Th ‘porary C. What do you think? Aska partner. "3 every day 1. Do you like to look at art? 2. What are your favorite kinds of paintings? Project Time Conversation Time Ss [Eesaerh 4 a ee had VES Sh Z . ABS SSS a This is Barbara White. I’m going to be late for lunch today. I’ll see him at 1:00. Got it. What’s } your number? Role-play the conversation. Taking a message Pi US © Listen and repeat. Point and say the words. | . wear a wig 2. driveasports car | © Listen and point, . puton makeup 4. make friends get a sunburn 6. listen to music take a nap 8. talk on the phone . sign autographs 10. have an accident 6") Focus Time A. © Listen and repeat. @ ce Ven) Peavey 3. offen Oem n CMe Nea eG wear-+wears drive-+drives put puts. fall+falls get -+ gets listen listens take -+ takes talk» talks sign + signs have» has B. ©" Listen and repeat. @ always m I drive Wess == sally a sports car. pe het || Openly drives ¥ ever drive a sometimes Does he sports car? I drive No, | =— | huey fas @ sports car. he | eae drives | C. ©" Look at page 22. Listen and point. Frequency Units @E) Practice Time © Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Do you ever sign autographs? |. you/listen to music? [m_usually 3. he/drive a sports 1 often 7. he/wear a wig? [PI sometime: Look at page 22. Practice with a partner. Do you ever sign autographs? No, I hardly ever sign autographs. 2. she/talk on the phone? —>———> 4, they/have an accident? }———> T hardly ever PT 8. he/take a'nap? { usually J 3’ @SMEBD Listen and chant. (See “Do You Ever Drive a Sports Car?” on page 82.) © Reading Time A. @' Listen and read along. Cali ni Hi, Emily! I'm having a good time in California with my family. We visited Disneyland yesterday. Today ‘ we visited Hollywood. It was fun! We went to a Emily Chen movie studio. They make all kinds of movies at this studio. Today they were making an adventure movie. We watched the actors rehearse. It was so cool! Then we talked to Debra Pillman (the movie star). She's really tall, She's taller than my dad! Sunnyville Tonight we're going to eat dinner at a nice restaurant. We're going to go to the beach tomorrow. I can't wait! See you on Monday! FE Love, Annie 6 Green Lane have a good time family yesterday today movie studio adventure actor rehearse movie star tonight B. ©" Listen and circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3, True False 4. True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. |. Where is Annie having a good time? 2. What did she watch at the movie studio? 3. Who did she talk to at the movie studio? 4. When did she visit Disneyland? California Unit 4 ® A. © Listen and answer the questions. Lis 2. 3. 4. B. Pairwork. Write. Then ask your partner. Do you ever fake a nap? (é You Your Partner =) |. take a nap 2. wear a wig 3. listen to music 4. talk on the phone ) always often sometimes hardly ever never usually C. Review. Read and write the answers. 1. Do you ever see a movie by yourself? 2. Do you and your friends ever go to the beach? 3. What did you do yesterday? 4. What are you going fo do tomorrow? vnrs YurTine evict In Town Conversation Time Wow! Do you think i's going to rain? } Td better go home. | Take care, Charlie. ) B. Role-play the conversation. Talking toa neighbor Units EZ) 1 = Word Time | A. @$! Listen and repeat. | |. feed the birds 2. reada newspaper |) C. i Listen and point. 3. take medicine 4. go toacafé _ Bl] i O | 5. visitamuseum 6. take the subway | 7. giveaspeech — 8. take a math test | 9. bake bread 10. get a haircut Monday ] a Sa I. once a day June allo yee Son__Mon. hes Wed. Thre Fl _[__Setober 3. three times a month 4. four times a year B. ©" Listen and repeat. & do you Howiofien | does she | read a newspaper? Tread She reads | a newspaper once a month. C. ©" Look at page 28. Listen and point. ere reseancy wows Practice Time se Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. How often do you visit a museum? I visit a museum four times a year. I. you/get a haircut? 2. she/take medicine? 3, he/feed the birds? 4. they/go to a café? once a day Twice a week 7. they/take a math test? 8. he/give a speech? three times a mor ' four times a yer Look at page 28. Practice with a partner. $7 GS] Listen and sing along. (See “How Often Do You Give a Speech?”, on page 83) @ How often do you visit a museum? A. © Listen and read along. pest bother tell fair without patient crazy attention spend time grow uy B. @5° Listen and circle True or False. e growuP |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. |. What is Crazy’s problem? 2. Who does Crazy’s brother bother? 3. Who tells Crazy to be patient? 4. What does Crazy’s brother want? Dear Gabby units ES) B. Ask your classmates. Write their names and circle Yes or No. Do you take medicine once a day? F Name Yes/No 1. take medicine once a day Yes No 2. read a newspaper once a week Yes No 3. geta haircut once a month Yes No C. Review. Read and write the answers. 1. Do you ever visit a museum? 2. Do you like feeding the birds? 3. How offen do you give a speech? 4. Is there a subway in your town? © voits YourTime: Frequency of activities Gross-curnicular 27 Math) How high can you count? B. ©® Listen and repeat. © Listen and read. ‘Come to visit our wildlife center! “We had 62 different kinds of birds last year and now we have 78 different kinds of birds!” says the manager, Mary Carter. “Last year we only had 81 different kinds of butterflies and now we have 94 different kinds! It's very exciting!" There are lots of fun things to do in Sunnyville! 970 & people came to the Pool Party on Saturday and 2,956 people came to the concert last night! Sunnyville Park is also very popular! There were 52,844 visitors last year! Come to Sunnyville and have fun! sixty seventy nccchles ae 000 cookies J eighty ninety ~ this year. They think they'll sell more = than 3,500,000 cookies next year! hundred thousand million Read and circle the correct number. |. Three thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. 38,057 308,057 3,857 2. Twenty thousand eight hundred and ninety. 2,890 20,890 —-280,890 3. One million forty thousand and thirty-five. 1,040,035 1,400,350 1,004,035 4. Seventy-three thousand five hundred and twenty-two. 73,522 730,522 7,350,022 5. Nine hundred and sixty thousand two hundred and thirteen. 906,213 96,213 960,213 Cross-curricular 2 Teme ge ele A. © Listen and number in order. 303,791, 39,515, 69, 3579, 6900 96c B. Make a fun fact poster. |. Find three facts with large numbers. For example: © How many bones are there in your body? @ How many people live in your city or country? How many months are there in 1000 years? 2. Draw or find pictures. Write. 3. Read your fun facts to the class. (C. What do you think? Ask a partner. |. How many students do you think there are in your school? 2. How many people do you think live in your city? @ Project Time Tea Neer M lL A. @! Listen and circle the correct picture. OLD SUNNYVILLE = * OLD Y ‘OLD SUNNY B. @ 5° Listen and circle the correct answer. 1. 4:10 4:15 4:50 2. 2glasses 3glasses 4 glasses 3.13 33° 30 4. 987-9867 978-9876 987-9876 review of the week. Day: Monday Today I went to a restaurant with Max. He had four slices of roast beef, two bowls of chicken soup, and three pieces of apple pie. Max loves eating! He eats too much. He's always in the mood for ice cream, too. Daye ou --. Today I was busy. | bought groceries, did laundry, and ironed all my shirts. Then I baked bread and made dinner. Max visited me and ate all the bread. He never has dinner by himself! Day: — Today Max and I visited the Food School. We took the subway. There was a baking class. Max baked an apple pie. Max sliced apples by himself. He hurt his finger. It wasn’t serious. Day: Se m Max and I walked to the park today. jy . We took a nap near the lake. Max got a sunburn. Then we fed the birds and Max fell into the lake. Tomorrow I'm going to stay home by myself! B. © Listen and read along. Then look at the pictures and write the days of the week. Doyr_ Today I went to a restaurant with Digger. He had one bowl of fruit salad and a cup of coffee. He doesn’t eat enough. He's too thin. Tomorrow I’m going to go to his house and make dinner with him. Day: i I ate too much at Digger's house on Tuesday night. I had a stomachache this morning. I had a bowl of ice cream for lunch, It was delicious! Ice cream is the best medicine. Doy: There was a baking class at the Food School today. I made an apple pie. I had an accident. I hurt my finger. But my pie was delicious. Digger liked it, too. I'm happy. Day: It was 80 degrees today. I went to Digger's house. He wanted to stay home by himself. I went to the park by myself. It wasn’t fun. Then Digger came to the park because he was bored at home. We had a good time. WUT) A. Read and write the words. . Does he ever take a nap? Yes, he[ 0 f| +t |e (n jtakes a nap. . Your teeth hurt. You go to the . Ican HEH by myself. . Pilhave two pieces of |_| = . She had a slice of cake anda glass of| —_{ Jtea. . There's a library beside the| I. 1 is |by myself. . There's a| | near the train station. B. Look at A. Write the letters in the circles. Unscramble the name of Annie’s lunch. NTT eT eae Le A. Ask your partner and fill in the chart. How much roast beef did Annie have? Annie Ted |. roast beef two slices 2. apple pie three pieces 3. garlic bread one loaf 4. orange juice one bottle B. Ask and answer the questions. Does Annie ever fake a nap? Do you ever take a nap? @ Annie Ted You Your Partner ) |. take a nap always 2. listen to music often 3. visita museum hardly ever We talk on the phone usually C. Ask and answer the questions. How often does Annie co laundry? How often do you do laundry? (3 Annie Ted You Your Partner 1. do laundry twice a month 2. bake bread | three times a month 3. feed the pets once a day 4. set the table once a week D. Finished? Compare answers with Student B. LATS A. Ask your partner and fill in the chart. How much roas! bee! did Tec have? Annie Ted |. roast beef one slice 2. apple pie one piece 3. garlic bread two loaves 4. orange juice two bottles JD B. Ask and answer the questions. Does fed ever fake a nap? Do you ever fake a nap? (Gi Annie Ted You Your Partner ) |. take a nap sometimes 2. listen to music sometimes 3. visita museum never 4. talk on the phone often C.. Ask and answer the questions. How often does Tec co laundry? How often do you do loundiy? Gi Annie Ted You Your Partner 1. do laundry twice a month 2. bake bread once a year 3. feed the pets twice a day 4. set the table once a day _) D. Finished? Compare answers with Student A. (6) Conversanon time: Oy re 4 KP Look out! There’s LJ a box behind you! rs Putt over there, by the window. ae . A] Role-play the conversation. Helping a friend Word Time A. ®S% Listen and repeat. int and say the words. 1. tuba 2. flute isten and point. 3. cymbals 4, drums 5. xylophone 6. electric keyboard 7. harp 8. cello 9. recorder 10. trumpet 3. quietly 4. loudly >] ACD 3 5. quickly 6. slowly 7. happily 8. sadly good — well bad —+ badly quiet + quielly loud ++ loudly quick» quickly slow slowly happy -» happily sad + sadly B. © Listen and repeat. @ | he He How did | Hs | play the tuba? They | Played the tuba wel C. © Look at page 42. Listen and point. 9 Adverbs units @&) A. ©* Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. How did he play the recorder? 1. she/xylophone? happily ) He played the recorder sadly. 2. you/drums? 6. she/trumpef? } Py ibadly 8g 8 8. she/cello? "quietly B. Look at page 42, Practice with a partner. C. ©: Gej\lci’s) Listen and chant. © 006 How de pay te ecorder (See “How Did She Play the Flute?” 8 on page 83.) Reading Time A. ©" Listen and read along. Sunnyville Students Give Spring Performance by Laura Lakes — ail Thoffttaants at Sunnyville Elementary School gave their spring Bi performance last night. Students in / the soloist on the violin. + the first and second grades wrote ae and performed a play, Wake Up! A\tter the performance, the school _ Spring Is Here! It was the hit of the had a pizza party at Papa Joe's for the ‘evening. students, their families, and The chomus and orchestra theteamiers: V herformance last performances were very good. The chorus sang lot of songs. Kelly Green was the soloist. She sang well. play hit second perform chorus orchestra soloist after B. ©1® Listen and circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. |. When was the performance? 2. Who sang songs? 3. What did the orchestra perform? 4. What kind of party did the school have? Sunny students ie Spring Peformance nic CB) A. © Listen and answer the questions. Atel Fe RN B. Pairwork. Write. Then ask your partner. What do you do quietly? I sing quietly. (— You Your Partner 1. quietly 2. loudly 3. sadly 4. slowly 5. happily C. Review. Read and circle True or False. |. Iplay the piano loudly every day. True False 2. I did my homework quickly last night. True False 3. Lalways eat breakfast slowly. True False 4. Ican play the violin well. True False 5. Ican play the drums loudly. True False ©] vis our tine:rdves Help! There’s something in my backyard! —— = Role-play the conversation. Calling the emergency services Word Time A. Listen and repeat. B. Point and say the words. 1. tiger 2. eagle C. ®® Listen and point. P73. panda 4. bear L_ 5. kangaroo 6. parrot 7. moose 8. camel —— 9. baboon 10. leopard X . run— ran 2. walk + walked 3. fly > flew 4. hop + hopped wash the car» washing the car read a newspaper ~» reading a newspaper put on makeup -» putting on makeup feed the birds —+ feeding the birds talk on the phone -» talking on the phone chop vegetables + chopping vegetables take a nap — taking a nap watch TV -+ watching TV climb a tree + climbing a tree take out the garbage -» taking out the garbage B. © Listen and repeat. & what | W25Y°4 | doing when the baboon walked by? We were | hing th hen the baboon walked bj Halwa! washing the car when the baboon walked by. C. ©" Look at page 48. Listen and point. Practice Time $22 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. What were you doing when I was chopping vegetables the bear walked by? when the bear walked by. |. you/moose/run? 2. he/panda/walk? talk on the phone f 4, she/kangaroo/hop? take out the garbage oR omar VY Fo Ge 7. it/eagle/fly? climb a tree Look at page 48. Practice with {8° GENEL isten and chant. a partner. (See “What Were You Doing?” ‘on page 84.) What were you doing when the bear walked by? j Time: 5° Listen and read along. Welcome to Sunnyville Zoo’s Giant cnc Home! * When giant pandas are born, they weigh three to five ounces, Adults usually weigh 176 to 276 pounds. ‘* Giant pandas eat bamboo. They don't hibernate in the winter because they have to eat 20 to 40 pounds of bamboo every day. They eat for 12 to 16 hours daily. * Giant pandas walk and run on all four legs. They can climb trees and swim. * Giant pandas live in the mountains of China. They are endangered. Around 700 to 1000 pandas are alive today. giant fact about weigh bamboo hibernate endangered around alive born ).45 kilograms Listen and circle True or False. |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False Read the question. Write the answer. 1. How much do adult giant pandas weigh? no What do giant pandas eat? 2 . Why don’t giant pandas hibernate? = . How many giant pandas are alive today? Welcome to Surinyville Zoo’s Giant Panda Home! La tiaal=} A. Read and write the answers. Choose words from the box. eat a hot dog iron a shirt make dinner walk to school watch TV bake cookies |. What were you doing when the bear walked by? 2. What were you doing when the leopard ran by? 3. What were you doing when the parrot flew by? B. Pairwork. Look at the questions in A. Ask your partner and write your partner's answers. & 3. C. Review. Read and write the answers. |. Do you ever feed the birds? 2. What's your favorite animal? Why? 3. What were you doing at 6:00 last night? 4, What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? @ voi? voortine king both pos ) Ea How many female pilots Captain West, we'd like to interview you for our school newspaper. Could we ask you a few questions? Oz. Do you ever fly abroad? Yes. [have an \ N overseas flight | once a month. —a~“iby ae fi | Fre /[2 at a Do you fly the plane by yourself? jat@ ao Ce No. I always have a copilot ——— Role-play the conversation. Interviewing a pilot (—— ©* Listen and repeat. Point and say the words. . D2 43, 4 | 1. Rome 2. Cairo ® Listen and point. 3. Tokyo 4. London 8. Seoul 6. New York City 7. Paris 8, Honolulu 9. SanFrancisco 10. Hong Keng a 5 around the world A. @8%' Listen and repeat. ® B. © Listen and repeat. @ F he When did | they | go to Hong Kong? Piar was he He was Hewllang | were they | rare? They were C. @%® Look at page 62. Listen and point. | went in April. | there for one week. sons nts ©® Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. When did you go fo San Francisco? I went in March. How long were you there? I was there for two days. I. you/Cairo? 2. he/ Paris? I April ma PC Lg , December ) one week | = ( three days 4. you/London? |, January ( one day 7 5. you/ Seoul? , August 5 ¢ four days )y, July MN (five days B. Look at page 62. Practice with C. © GENE Listen and chant. a partner. (See “When Did You Go to Paris?” ‘on page 85.) @ nits wena you got son roncst l A. Listen and read along. WELCOME TO NEW YORK CITY, Yo) oe me 0 ) J Pp yoy op} THE BIG APPLE! ad 3 ver 30 million people visit New York City every year. Why? Because it’s one of the world’s most exciting places. There are 18 thousand restaurants, 10 thousand shops, and 150 museums. Basketball, opera, theater, jazz New York City has it alll Visit the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building, Get tickets for a show at a Broadway theater. Have a sandwich at Carnegie Deli. Don’t forget to shop at Macy's! It’s the world’s biggest department store. Walking tours, boat tours, and New Words bus tours are available daily, |__ | For information, call us at million world | 1 (800) 555-2112; We ean | most exciting thousand help you find a hotel room, . buy plane tickets, or renta car. | OPEr Jazz available information \rent B. ®©® Listen and circle True or False. | |. True False 2. True False 3. True False 4. True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. 1. How many museums are in New York City? 2. Why do people visit New York City? 3. What kinds of tours are available? 4. What is the “Big Apple”? Maconetonew okey vii Your Time A. ©® Listen and answer the questions. 2. 3. a, B. Pairwork. Read the questions. Write the answers. Then ask your partner. 1. Where did you go on your favorite trip? 2. When did you go to ? 3. How long were you there? You Your Partner C. Review. Read and write. 1. Isometimes in April. in September. 2. Lalways ———e in October. 3. Inever a is my favorite month. a, @ Unit'9 Your Time: Holidays So) t non time ‘3° Listen and repeat. Point to the speakers. Then listen again. & Where were you yesterday afternoon? alll A Aw, I missed it. | Was it good? Yeah, it was. The gorillas were really cool. No, my mom was watching the news. Besides, I don’t Me, neither. It’s not as fun as watching a real game. I can’t. My mom won't let me watch TV on a school night. Fa tonight. Do you want to come over? nt Role-play the conversation. ee Too bad. Oh! There's the bell. Time for class! Talking about last night ®® Listen and repeat. Point and say the words. 2. forgetmy homework = == ®%® Listen and point. 1. skip lunch a 3. golobedlate 4. fall off my chair 5. getagood grade 6. lose my favorite pencil Vz 7. makeamistake 8. take off my jacket 9. win a prize 10. turn off the fan 8. cold 9. hot 10. proud B. ©" Listen and repeat. @ Iskip if | she skips ru she'll | be hungry. | lunch, C. © Look at page 68. Listen and point. Consequences. Unit10 @) A. ©® Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. If you take off your jacket, you'll be cold. 2. she/lose her favorite pencil/sad -—— B. Look at page 68. Practice with C. @Y Listen and sing along. a partner. (See “H-A-P-P-Y” on page 85.) @ ® Unit 10 Ifyou take off your jacket, you'll be cold. Reading Time A. © Listen and read along. BUR SRR mk Re CoOL , TV? How much do you know about the history of TV? Read this and find out! 1954 / 1953 194] qu 1939 Color broadcasting 50 percent Public broadcasting begins The first begins in the of American televisions United States. A go on sale. 1956 a 2009 The first 99 percent \/ The average American televisions with il) of American \\ person watches 38 hours remote control homes have | \o rn al website findout goonsale public broadcasting begin average percent remote control B. @{ Listen and circle True or False. |. True False 2, True False 3. True False 4. True False C. Read the question. Write the answer. |. What percent of American homes had a TV in 1994? 2. When did color broadcasting begin? 3. What did Neil Armstrong do? 4. When did the first televisions with remote control go on sale? The history of TV. Unit 10 @ A. ©® Listen and answer the questions. 2 3. 4. B. -Write four feelings. Ask your classmates. Write their names and circle Yes or No. If you win a prize, will you be embarrassed? NG make a mistake Feeling Name Yes/No 1. win a prize Yes No 2. goto bed late Yes No 3. geta good grade Yes No Yes No C. Review. Read and write the answers. 1. Do you ever skip lunch? 2. Were you happy yesterday? 3. Did you go to bed late last night? 4. How offen do you fall off your chair? @ vvi120 Your Time: situations and feelings OSS-CU| lar. 4: Geography A. Where do you live in the world? B. ©® Listen and repeat. C. @®" Listen and read. a 2 SS intarciita Almost thirty percent of the Earth is land. Asia is the largest continent. Itis The land is divided into seven continents. about thirty percent of all the land They are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, on Earth. It also has the most people. Australia, Europe, North America, and Africa has the most countries. It has the South America. The continents are hottest weather, too. North America has always moving, but very, very slowly. the biggest lake. Antarctica is the coldest This is called continental drift. Scientists and the windiest continent. People can’t think that millions of years ago, live there. If’s too cold! California and Australia were neighbors! continent Africa D. Isit true? Write V or X. Antarctica Asia . About fifty percent of the Earth is land. |_| Australia Europe . The land on Earth is divided into nine continents. North America — South America continental drift . Aftica is the largest continent and has the most people. [ _] \.country/countries . Continental driftis the continents moving slowly. | _] o £ ow . The coldest and windiest continent is Antarctica. croeerieors @B) Project Time: Fun Fact Poster A. © Listen and number in order. se a B. Make a fun fact poster about ‘one continent. 1. Choose a continent. Find out about it. For example: How many countries are there? How many people live there? What is the biggest city? What is the highest mountain or longest river? 2. Draw or find pictures. Write. 3. Include a map in your poster. Denali and t C. what do you think? Ask a partner. 1. Which continent do you live on? 2. Which continent do you want to visit? QD roe tine the Longest ri STN Bd item Ula A. ©® Listen and circle the correct picture. Le I. nextto — behind in front of 2. 39 49 99 B. ©" Listen and circle the correct answer. 3, Tuesday yesterday Friday 4. Cairo Seoul Hong Kong A. ©® Listen and read along. Then number the pictures. —— DOGS’ DAILY January Music Special 1. Reporter: Digger: Reporter: Digger: Reporter: Digger: 2. Reporter: Digger: Reporter: Digger: 3. Reporter: Digger: Reporter: Digger: Reporter: Digger: @ reiew: 1 SeN Ted Twas the soloist on the flute. Max You play the flute very well, Digger. Thank you. When I was little, I couldn’t play well. But practice makes perfect! You went to New York City, right? Yes, I did. I went in December. How long were you there? Twas there for two weeks. New York is the most exciting city in the world! Thad a good time. Did you go to New York by yourself? No, I went with Max and our E orchestra. We gave our winter performance. Oh! Were there any soloists? was the soloist on the cymbals How did he play the cymbals? He played the cymbals very loudly! It was funny. How many dogs are in your orchestra? Five. How often do you rehearse? We rehearse three times a week. Do you ever play the cello, Digger? No, I can’t play the cello. It's too big. Do you ever play the trumpet? Yes! I love playing the trumpet. What's your favorite kind of music? I like jazz. We're going to give a jazz performance on television in March. Sounds great! Thanks for your time, Digger. My pleasure. Tai ia (Sou Pdi¢)¢(=14 Review 2 Ua ated Listen and read along. Then number the pictures. —— DOGS’ DAILY March Music Special - Reporter: Max, I'd like to interview you for Dogs’ Daily newspaper. Wow! Okay. How often do you and Digger play abroad? Max: Our orchestra plays abroad about six times a year. We went to Rome in February! How long were you there? I think we were there for one week I don’t remember. But the food was delicious! + Did you give a performance in Rome? Well, yes. I was nervous and | fell off my chair. I was so embarrassed! What was Digger doing when you fell off your chair? Max: He was playing the flute. He was the soloist. The performance was a hit. . Reporter: That's great! Let’s talk about the cymbals now. You play the cymbals. Is it hard? Max: No, it’s easy. I'll show you. Reporter: You play the cymbals loudly, Max! Max: Are you okay? Reporter: My ears hurt. | Max: I'm sorry! | |. Reporter: It’s okay. So, are you going to perform in Sunnyville soon? Max: Yes! We're going to give a performance at the Sunnyville Theater. It willbe | on TY, too! | Oh, yes, I remember now. I’m going to buy a ticket. Max: Its free! Reporter: Great! Thanks for your time, Max. Max: You're welcome. Reporter review? 1S <\ (Nad eC BRAM A. Look and write. B. Read and complete the puzzle. Across—»> 1. Pm not hungry. I’m going to lunch. 2. They played the___loudly. @2 —p 3. When he was litle, he could a ball. = 4, Ifl my favorite pencil, I'll be sad. Down | 5. Hecancutouta__. gy : 6. He played the electric_ well. Pccast 7. She was talking on the phone te, when the ___ hopped by. — 8. She was blowing a bubble when the __ran by. @ review Les eel a ele siee UN A. Ask your partner and fill in the chart. How did Annie play the recorder at the school performance? (— Annie Ted |. recorder badly 2. drums loudly 3. cello happily 4. flute quietly D) B. Tell your partner. Then listen and fill in the chart. When Annie was little, she could say the alphabet. Annie Ted You Your Partner |. say the alphabet could 2. count to ten could 3. speak English could 4. peel an orange couldn't J C.. Ask and answer the questions. Then fill in the blanks. When did Ms. Day go to New York City? How long was she there? I went to New York City in . I went to Paris in . Twas Iwas there for - Iwentto there for . I studied art. a lot of museums. is oO I went to Cairo in May. I was there for two weeks. I saw my mom and dad. D. Finished? Compare answers with Student B. I went to Honolulu in January with Grandma Day. We were there for two weeks. review? (B) LAA A. Ask your partner and fill in the chart. How did Ted play the recorder at the school performance? Estrela ay Annie Ted » |. recorder well 2. drums well 3. cello slowly 4. flute sadly B. Tell your partner. Then listen and fill in the chart. When Ted was litle, he couldn't say the alphabet. Annie Ted You Your Partner |. say the alphabet couldn’t 2. countto ten couldn't 3. speak English could 4. peel an orange couldn't C. Ask and answer the questions. Then fill in the blanks. When did Mr. Lee go to Cairo? How long was he there? T went to New York City in Augu: st. was there for one week. I went to a lot of museums, T went to Cairo in .1was for . I saw my mom and dad. there went to Paris in October. I was there for two months. I studied art. I went to Honolulu in with Grandma Day. We were there for D. Finished? Compare answers with Student A. @ roves Yes, There Was! No, There Wasn‘t! Was there a theater beside the school? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’t! Was there a barbershop beside the school? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’t! Was there a post office near the bank? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’t! Was there a train station near the bank? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’t! Was there a library across from the bridge? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’t! Was there a hotel across from the bridge? Yes, there was! No, there wasn’! {| it Tec How much roast beef did you have? Thad one slice. How many slices? One slice. I had one slice of roast beef. How much chicken soup did you have? Thad two bowls. How many bowls? Two bowls. I had two bowls of chicken soup. How much iced tea did you have? Thad four glasses. How many glasses? Four glasses. I had four glasses of iced tea. © | Stayed Home By Myself (Melody: Michael, Row the Boat Ashore) I stayed home by myself. By yourself. She stayed home by herself. By herself. We did laundry by ourselves. By yourselves. They did laundry by themselves. By themselves. I walked to school by myself. By yourself. He walked to school by himself. By himself. We took a bus by ourselves. By yourselves. They took a bus by themselves. By themselves. ] sorse ond chante Do You Ever Drive a Sports Car? Do you ever drive a sports car? Yes, I often drive a sports car. Do you ever have an accident? No, I never have an accident. Do you ever put on makeup? Yes, I usually puton makeup. Do you ever wear a wig? No, I hardly ever wear a wig. Do you ever talk on the phone? Yes, I always talk on the phone. Do you ever get a sunburn? Yes, I sometimes get a sunburn. How Often Do You Give a Speech? (Melody: When the Saints Go Marching In) How often do you give a speech? I give a speech three times a year. How often do you get a haircut? Tget a haircut once a month. How often does he feed the birds? He feeds the birds four times a month. How often does he take a math test? He takes a math test twice a week. How often do they bake bread? They bake bread three times a day. How offen do they take the subway? They take the subway twice a day. How Did She Play the Flute? How did she play the flute? She played the flute quickly. How did she play the cello? She played the cello slowly. How did she play the trumpet? She played the trumpet loudly. How did she play the harp? She played the harp quietly. How did he play the drums? He played the drums happily. How did he play the tuba? He played the tuba sadly. How did he play the xylophone? He played the xylophone badly. How did he play the recorder? He played the recorder well. @ What Were You Doing? What was she doing when the tiger ran by? She was talking on the phone when the tiger ran by. What was he doing when the tiger ran by? He was taking out the garbage when, the figer ran by. What were you doing when the parrot flew by? We were climbing a tree when the parrot flew by. What was it doing when the parrot flew by? Itwas taking a nap when the parrot flew by. What were they doing when the panda walked by? They were doing laundry when the panda walked by. What were you doing when the panda walked by? I was watching TV when the panda walked by. When They Were Little (Melody: Auld Lang Syne) When I was litile, Icouldn’t spell. Icouldn’t spell a word. When I was little, Icouldn’t spell. couldn't spell a word. When I was little, I couldn’t count. I couldn’t count to ten. When I was little, I couldn’t count. I couldn’t count to ten. He couldn't spell a word. She couldn’t count to ten. He couldn't spell, she couldn’t count, but they could catch a frog. © When Did You Go to Paris? When did you go to Paris? I went to Paris in September. How long were you there? Iwas there for eight days. I played tennis in Paris. When did you go to London? Twentto London in October. How long were you there? Iwas there for a week. I played soccer in London. When did you go to Tokyo? I went to Tokyo in May. How long were you there? Iwas there for two weeks. I bought a yo-yo in Tokyo. When did you go to Honolulu? IT went to Honolulu in April. How long were you there? Iwas there for a day. I bought some shoes in Honolulu. © H-A-P-P-Y (Melody: B-I-N-G-O) =| Ifhe gels: a good grade, he'll be very happy. H-A-P-P-Y, H-A-P-P-Y, H-A-P-P-Y, He’ll be very happy. If she goes to bed late, she'll be very tired. T-ERE-D, TIRED, TIRED. She'll be very tired. If he takes off his jacket, he'll be very cold. C-O-L-D, C-O-L-D, C-O-L-D. He'll be very cold. If she wins a prize, she'll be very proud. P-R-O-U-D, P-R-O-U-D, P-R-O-U-D. She'll be very proud. felted a) fy A. Ican say these patterns. @ coecstista O Was there a park beside the library? No, there wasn’t. Was there a park across from the library? Yes, there was. Was there a dentist beside the barbershop? Yes, there was. Was there a bank near the barbershop? No, there wasn’t. How much apple pie did he have? He had four pieces of apple pie. How many pieces of apple pie did you have? Ihad one piece of apple pie. How many glasses of lemonade did you have? Thad two glasses of lemonade. How much coffee did she have? She had one cup of coffee. I sliced fruit by myself. He sliced fruit by himself. I didn’t go to the dentist by myself. They went fo the library by themselves. Do you ever get a sunburn? Yes, I often get a sunburn. Does he ever get a sunburn? No, he never gets a sunburn. Do they ever have an accident? Yes, they sometimes have an accident. Do you ever have an accident? No, I hardly ever have an accident. How often does he get a haircut? He gets a haircut once a month. How often does she get a haircut? She gets a haircut twice a year. How often does she take a nap? She takes a nap three times a day. How often do you feed the birds? We feed the birds twice a week. chectists. QD foe eal el - can talk about this picture. |__| B b- C. Look at the picture. Write the numbers. [| I listen to music 2. wash her hair 3, bridge 4, drive a sports car 5. read a newspaper 6. take a bus 7. sidewalk 8. slice fruit 9. coffee 10. take a nap apple pie lemonade Checklist1 ma

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