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Security is protection from, or resilience 2.

The agent should act in the best interest of

against, potential harm (or other the principal and not have a conflict of interest
unwanted coercion).
3. The principal can authorize the agent to
PRIVATE SECURITY AGENCY LAW (RA 5487 as perform various or specific functions
4. Agency law is an area of commercial law that
1. The agency manager is automatically the deals with contractual, quasi-contractual
Security Director who shall be responsible for and non-contractual fiduciary relationships
the entire operation and
administration/management of the security. CODE OF ETHICS OF SECURITY GUARDS

1. As a security agent, his fundamental duty is

Security Agency shall appoint a staff officer as - to serve the interest or mission of his agency in
2. Security Training Officer compliance with the contract entered into with
~ who shall be rsponsible for the training of the the clients of the agency he is supposed to
Agency’s security personnel in accordance with serve.
the requirements of RA 5487 and the IRR

3. Staff Director for Operations 2. He shall be honest in thoughts and deeds

~ is the staff assistant of the security manager both in his personal and official actuations,
for the efficient operation of the agency obeying the law of the land and the regulations
prescribed by his agency and those established
4. Staff Director for Administration by the company he is supposed to protect.
~ is the staff assistant of the agency manager
for the effective and efficient administration 3. He shall not reveal any confidential matter
and management of the agency. that is confided to him as security guard and
such other matters imposed upon him by law.
5. Detachment Commander
~ Is the field or area commander of the agency 4. He shall act at all times with decorum and
shall not permit personal feelings, prejudices
6. Chief Inspector and undue friendship to influence his actuation
~ shall be responsible for inspecting the entire in the performance of his official functions.
area covered by the detachment

7. Security Inspector 5. He shall not compromise with criminals and

~ Is responsible for the area assign by the Chief other lawless elements to the prejudice of the
Inspector of the Detachment Commander customer or his client but assist the government
in its relentless drive against lawlessness and
8. Post-in-Charge other forms of criminality.
~ Is responsible for the entire detailed security
office within a certain establishment 6. He must carry his assigned duties as security
guard or watchman as required by law to the
9. Shift-in-Charge best of his ability and safeguard life and
~ Is responsible for the security officer who are property to the establishment he is assigned.
scheduled in a certain shift for a particular 7. He shall wear his uniform, badge, patches
period and insignia properly as a symbol of public trust
and confidence as an honest and trustworthy
10. Security Guard security guard, watchman and private detective.
~ Is the one actually posted as watchman and
or guard
8. He must keep his allegiance first to the
THE PRINCIPLE OF AGENCY LAW government, to the agency he is in, and to the
establishment he is assigned to serve with
1. an agent can act on behalf of a principal to loyalty and dedicated service.
create legal relations with a third party
9. He shall diligently and progressively 9. He shall immediately notify the police in case
familiarize himself with the rules and of any sign of disorder, strike, and riot or any
regulations laid down by his agency and that of serious violation of the law
the customer or clients.
10. He or his group of guards shall not
10. He shall at all times be courteous, participate or integrate with any disorder,
respectful and salute to his superior officers, strike, riot or any serious violations of the law
government officials and officials of the
establishment where he is assigned and the 11. He shall assist the police in the preservation
company he is supposed to serve. and maintenance of peace and order and in the
protection of life and property, having in mind
that the nature of his responsibilities is similar
11. He shall report to perform his duties always to that of the latter.
in proper uniform and neat in his appearance.
12. He shall familiarize himself by heart with the
12. He shall learn at heart or memorize and Private Security Agency Law (RA 5487 as
strictly observe the laws and regulations amended )
governing the use of firearms.
13. When issued a firearm, he should not lend

1. He shall carry with him at all times during his 14. He shall always be in proper uniform and
tour of duty his, license and identification card shall always carry with him his basic
and duty detail order with an authority to carry requirements and equipment such as writing
firearms notebook, ballpen, night stick(baton) and/ or
2. He shall not use his licenses and other
privileges, if any to the prejudice of the public, 15. He shall endeavor at all times, to merit and
the client, the customer or his agency be worthy of the trust and confidence of the
agency he represent and the client he serves
3. He shall not engage in any unnecessary
conversation with anybody except in discharge
of his duties;or sit down unless required by
nature of his work, and shall at times keep
himself alert during his tour of duty
4. He shall refrain from reading newspapers,
magazine, books etc. While actually performing 1. To take charge of this post and all company
his duties properties in view and to protect/preserve
the same with utmost diligence.
5. He shall not drink any intoxicating liquor
immediately before and during his tour of duty
2. To walk in an alert manner during my tour of
duty, keeping always on the alert and observing
6. He shall know how to operate any fire
everything that takes place within sight or
extinguisher at his post
7. He shall know the location of fire alarm bow
near his post and sound the alarm in case of fire 3. To report all violations of orders I am
or disorders. instructed to enforce.

8. He shall know the location of the telephone 4. To relay all calls from posts more distant
and/or telephone numbers of the police from the guard house than my own.
precincts as well as the telephone numbers of
the fire stations in locality
5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the 2. Structural Barrier
relieving me all orders from company officers ~ These are features constructed by man
or officials, supervisors, post-in-charge or shift regardless pf their original intent that tends to
leaders. delay the intruder.

3. Human Barrier
7. To talk to no one except in line of duty.
~ Persons being used in providing a guarding
system or by the nature of their employment
8. To give the alarm in the case of fire or and location, fulfill security functions.
4. Animal Barrier
9. To call the superior officer in any case not ~ Animals are used in partially providing a
covered by instructions. guarding system Dogs are usually trained and
utilized to serve as guard dogs. German
Shepherd are the best suited for security
10. To salute all company officials, superiors in functions. Goose and Turkeys could also be
the agency, ranking public officials and officers included
of the Philippine National Police.
5. Energy Barrier
11. To be especially watchful at night and ~ It is the employment of mechanical, electrical,
during the time for challenging, to challenge all electronic energy imposes a deterrent to entry
persons on or near my post, and to allow no one by the potential intruder or to provide warning
to pass or loiter without proper authority. to guard personnel. These are proctive lighting,
alarm system and any electric devices as barriers

THREE MAJOR AREA OF SECURITY Information Security programs are build

around 3 objectives, commonly known as CIA –
1. Physical Security Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.
~ pertains to all physical barriers employed
orinstalled to secure assets Confidentiality – means information is not
disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities
2. Personnel Security and process. For example if we say I have a
~ refers to the procedure followed inquiries password for my Gmail account but someone
conducted, and criteria applied to determine saw while I was doing a login into Gmail
the work suitability of a particular applicant of account. In that case my password has been
the retention of a particular employee compromised and Confidentiality has been
3. Document and Information Security
~ refers to policies, regulation, doctrines, Integrity – means maintaining accuracy and
andpractices enforced to safeguard the completeness of data. This means data cannot
contents and integrity of any classified be edited in an unauthorized way. For example
information or document from compromise or if an employee leaves an organisation then in
loss that case data for that employee in all
departments like accounts, should be updated
Political Security to reflect status to JOB LEFT so that data is
~ Is another category that relate to social complete and accurate and in addition to this
relationships involving governments or entities only authorized person should be allowed to
that hold authority or power. edit employee data.

PHYSICAL SECURITY (TYPES OF BARRIERS) Availability – means information must be

available when needed. For example if one
1. Natural Barrier needs to access information of a particular
~ It includes bodies of water, mountains, employee to check whether employee has
marshes, ravines, deserts or other terrain that outstanded the number of leaves, in that case it
are difficult to traverse. requires collaboration from different
organizational teams like network operations,
development operations, incident response and possible to trace the actions uniquely to an
policy/change management. entity.
Denial of service attack is one of the factor that advantages to implementing an information
can hamper the availability of information. classification system in an organization’s
information security program:
Apart from this there is one more principle 1. Improved security: By identifying and
that governs information security programs. classifying sensitive information,
This is Non repudiation. organizations can better protect their most
critical assets from unauthorized access or
 Non repudiation – means one party cannot disclosure.
deny receiving a message or a transaction 2. Compliance: Many regulatory and industry
nor can the other party deny sending a standards, such as HIPAA and PCI-DSS,
message or a transaction. For example in require organizations to implement
cryptography it is sufficient to show that information classification and data
message matches the digital signature protection measures.
signed with sender’s private key and that 3. Improved efficiency: By clearly identifying
sender could have a sent a message and and labeling information, employees can
nobody else could have altered it in transit. quickly and easily determine the
Data Integrity and Authenticity are pre- appropriate handling and access
requisites for Non repudiation. requirements for different types of data.
4. Better risk management: By understanding
 Authenticity – means verifying that users the potential impact of a data breach or
are who they say they are and that each unauthorized disclosure, organizations can
input arriving at destination is from a prioritize resources and develop more
trusted source.This principle if followed effective incident response plans.
guarantees the valid and genuine message
5. Cost savings: By implementing appropriate
received from a trusted source through a
security controls for different types of
valid transmission. For example if take
information, organizations can avoid
above example sender sends the message
unnecessary spending on security measures
along with digital signature which was
that may not be needed for less sensitive
generated using the hash value of message
and private key. Now at the receiver side
this digital signature is decrypted using the 6. Improved incident response: By having a
public key generating a hash value and clear understanding of the criticality of
message is again hashed to generate the specific data, organizations can respond to
hash value. If the 2 value matches then it is security incidents in a more effective and
known as valid transmission with the efficient manner.
authentic or we say genuine message There are some potential disadvantages to
received at the recipient side implementing an information classification
 Accountability – means that it should be system in an organization’s information
possible to trace actions of an entity security program:
uniquely to that entity. For example as we 1. Complexity: Developing and maintaining an
discussed in Integrity section Not every information classification system can be
employee should be allowed to do changes complex and time-consuming, especially for
in other employees data. For this there is a large organizations with a diverse range of
separate department in an organization that data types.
is responsible for making such changes and
2. Cost: Implementing and maintaining an
when they receive request for a change
information classification system can be
then that letter must be signed by higher
costly, especially if it requires new hardware
authority for example Director of college
or software.
and person that is allotted that change will
be able to do change after verifying his bio 3. Resistance to change: Some employees may
metrics, thus timestamp with the user(doing resist the implementation of an information
changes) details get recorded. Thus we can classification system, especially if it requires
say if a change goes like this then it will be them to change their usual work habits.
4. Inaccurate classification: Information Information security faces many challenges
classification is often done by human, so it and issues, including:
is possible that some information may be 1. Cyber threats: The increasing sophistication
misclassified, which can lead to inadequate of cyber attacks, including malware,
protection or unnecessary restrictions on phishing, and ransomware, makes it difficult
access. to protect information systems and the
5. Lack of flexibility: Information classification information they store.
systems can be rigid and inflexible, making 2. Human error: People can inadvertently put
it difficult to adapt to changing business information at risk through actions such as
needs or new types of data. losing laptops or smartphones, clicking on
6. False sense of security: Implementing an malicious links, or using weak passwords.
information classification system may give 3. Insider threats: Employees with access to
organizations a false sense of security, sensitive information can pose a risk if they
leading them to overlook other important intentionally or unintentionally cause harm
security controls and best practices. to the organization.
7. Maintenance: Information classification 4. Legacy systems: Older information systems
should be reviewed and updated frequently, may not have the security features of newer
if not it can become outdated and systems, making them more vulnerable to
ineffective. attack.
Uses of Information Security :
Information security has many uses, including:
5. Complexity: The increasing complexity of
information systems and the information
1. Confidentiality: Keeping sensitive they store makes it difficult to secure them
information confidential and protected effectively.
from unauthorized access. 6. Mobile and IoT devices: The growing
2. Integrity: Maintaining the accuracy and number of mobile devices and internet of
consistency of data, even in the presence of things (IoT) devices creates new security
malicious attacks. challenges as they can be easily lost or
3. Availability: Ensuring that authorized users stolen, and may have weak security
have access to the information they need, controls.
when they need it. 7. Integration with third-party
4. Compliance: Meeting regulatory and legal systems: Integrating information systems
requirements, such as those related to data with third-party systems can introduce new
privacy and protection. security risks, as the third-party systems
5. Risk management: Identifying and may have security vulnerabilities.
mitigating potential security threats to 8. Data privacy: Protecting personal and
prevent harm to the organization. sensitive information from unauthorized
6. Disaster recovery: Developing and access, use, or disclosure is becoming
implementing a plan to quickly recover from increasingly important as data privacy
data loss or system failures. regulations become more strict.
7. Authentication: Verifying the identity of 9. Globalization: The increasing globalization
users accessing information systems. of business makes it more difficult to secure
information, as data may be stored,
8. Encryption: Protecting sensitive information processed, and transmitted across multiple
from unauthorized access by encoding it countries with different security
into a secure format. requirements.
9. Network security: Protecting computer
networks from unauthorized access, theft, Two major scopes of personnel security
and other types of attacks. 1. Personnel security investigation
10. Physical security: Protecting information 2. Security Education Key Functions of
systems and the information they store
from theft, damage, or destruction by Personnel Security
securing the physical facilities that house 1. It serves as a screening device in hiring
these systems. suitable employees
Issues of Information Security :
2. It provides background investigation services criminal prosecution or for recovery of asset
of both potential and present employees for losses.
possible assignment to sensitive position.
Background Investigation is expensive but
3. It handles investigation of employees necessary in personnel security.
suspected of wrongdoing. It serves to:
1. to verify information of the application form.
4. It develops security awareness among 2. to ascertain past employment experiences
employees. and
3. to obtain other information pertinent to the
5. It attempts to ensure the protection of decision to employ.
employees from discriminatory hiring or
terminating procedures as well as unfounded Types of Local Agency Check (LAC)
allegations of illegal or unethical activities and
conduct. Personnel Security Investigation: It is 1. Barangay clearance
an inquiry into the character, reputation, 2. City or municipal clearance
discretion, integrity, morals and loyalty of an 3. Local Police clearance
individual in order to determine a person’s 4. Court clearance
suitability for appointment.
Types of National Agency Check (NAC)
Personnel security investigation has general 1. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
techniques: Clearance

1. Background Investigation: 2. PNP Directorate for Intelligence (DI)

A check made on a individual usually seeking Clearance
employment through subject’s records in the
police files, educational institutions, place of 3. Intelligence Service, AFP (ISAFP) Clearance
residence and former employers.
Components of a Complete Background
2. Positive Vetting Investigation
It is the process of inspecting or examining with 1. Applicant’s Name
careful thoroughness. The essence of vetting is a 2. Date of Birth
personal interview that it based on information 3. Present Residence Address
given by the applicant. 4. LAC
3. Profiling 5.NAC
It is the process whereby a subject’s reaction in 6.Personal history
a future critical situation is predicted by 7. Marital history
observing his behavior or by interviewing him or 8. Residence history
analyzing his responses to a questionnaire such 9. Citizenship history
as honesty test. 10. Physical date
11. Educational history
4. Deception Detection Techniques – 12. Organizational membership
the process of using devices in detecting 13.Neighborhood investigation
deception during the interview stage. It includes 14. Character reference
the use of polygraph, psychological stress 15. Employment history
evaluator and voice analyzer. 16. Military history
17. Foreign travel and connection history
5. Financial and Lifestyle inquiry 18. Criminal record
– seeks to gather information on income and 19. Credit records
mode of living, sometimes referred to as 20. Applicant’s signature
earning-to-debt ratio. 21. Date of application

6. Uncover investigation Security Education – is conducted to develop

– the placement of an agent in a role in which security awareness among employees of the
the agent’s true identity and role remains company. It should cover all employees,
unknown in order to obtain information for regardless of rank or position.
Security Awareness results in -- All personnel entering and leaving should be
identified and checked for their authorization.
Better understanding of the relationship Each personnel should be identified by badge
between security and successful operation.  or pass, using of several systems:
1. Single Pass System Wherein the badge or
Knowledge of personal obligations under the pass coded for authorization to enter specific
security program.  areas is issued to employees who keep it in his
Understanding of the relation between security possession until his authorization is charge or
program objectives and measures.  he terminates.

Familiarization with the sources in carrying out 2. Pass Exchange System Which he exchange
personal and departmental responsibilities one color coded pass at the entrance to the
under the security program.  controlled area for another which carries a
different color specifying the limitations of his
Compliance with statutory and regulatory authorization. Upon leaving, he surrenders his
requirements as well as contract obligations. controlled area badge in exchange for his basic
authorization identification.
Ways in conducting a Security Education:
1. initial interview – the first contact of the 3. Multiple Pass System Which provide an extra
prospective employee wherein the interviewer measure of security by requiring that an
determines the suitability of the applicant for exchange take place at the entrance to each
employment through given answer on the restricted area within the controlled area.
different type of question being conducted.
Badge and Pass Control
2. training and orientation – this stage a new 1. The system should have a complete record of
employee receive detailed presentation of all badges and identification cards issued,
personnel security policy. return, mutilated or lost by serial number and
cross-indexed alphabetically.
3. refresher conferences – it is design to remind
employees about their responsibilities, review 2. The list should be checked by the supervisor
the guidelines, policies and regulations is being from time to time for its accuracy and
implemented. authenticity.

4. security reminders – an indirect approach of 3. Passes and badges reported lost should be
educating the employees such as posting invalidated and security guards at entrance be
security posters and distributing fliers. informed through conspicuous posting.

5. security promotion – the act of emphasizing Types of Controlled Areas

the importance and role of security achieving 1. Controlled Areas – those areas access is
the company goals and objectives. restricted as to entrance or movement by all
but authorized personnel and vehicles. It
Personnel Identification and Movement Control should additionally marked by a fence or other
The most practical and accepted system of barrier, and access to it should be limited to a
personnel identification is the use of few guest as possible.
identification cards, badges or passes. This help
the security personnel to eliminate the risk of 2. Limited Areas – those within the controlled
allowing the access of unauthorized personnel area where a greater degree of security is
within the establishment. required.

Types of Personnel Identification 3. Exclusion Areas - are used only for handling
and storage of high value cargo and classified
1. Personal recognition documents. The number of people authorized
2. Artificial recognition – identification cards, to enter this area should be strictly limited, and
passes. Password, etc. the area should be under surveillance at all
Pass or Badge System
Traffic Control System Controlling traffic in and 4. If a personnel/visitor loses the package tag,
out within a facility is essential to its security report immediately to the package counter for
program. Traffic controlling includes: the said problem.

1. Identification of employees Vehicle Movement Control

2. Visitor and directing or limiting their Vehicular traffic within the boundaries of any
movements facility must be carefully controlled for safety
3. Control of all incoming and outgoing as well as to control the transporting of good
packages from the premises. Thus:
4. Control of trucks 1. Private owned vehicles of personnel/visitor
5. Private vehicles should be registered and are subject to the
identification and admittance procedure.
Personnel Identification 2. Visitor card in vehicle should give the
The most practical and general accepted duration of stay, person to be visited and other
system is the use of badges and identification information.
cards. This system designate when and where 3. Pavement direction signs, marking in the
and how passes should be displayed and to parking, street signs should made so that the
whom, what is to be done in case of lost, and a flow of traffic will be smooth and orderly
system in cancellation and re issue of all passes.
To be effective:
1. Badges must be tampered, which means that Arrest
they should be printed or embossed on a ~ is the act of apprehending and taking a
distinctive stock with a series of design difficult person into custody
to reproduce.
2. They should contain a clear and recent Search
picture of the bearer, preferably in color. ~ involves law enforcement officers going
3. Should additionally contain vital statistics, through part or all of individual's property, and
such as date of birth, height, weight, color of looking for specific items that are related to a
hair and eyes, sex and thumbprints. crime that they have reason to believe has
been committed.
Visitor Movement Control
Security should establish the proper methods Seizures
of establishing the authority for admission of ~ happens if the officers take possession of
visitor as well as the limitation thereat. items during the search.
1. Visitor log book be filled up, with the name
of visitors, nature and duration of visit.
2. If the visitor has any camera, firearms or any
authorized things is prohibited and should be
left in the care of security with corresponding
3. All visitors to any facility should be required
to identify themselves and give temporary
passes or ID’s by security.

Package Movement Control

1. No package shall be authorized to be
brought inside the industrial installation, offices
and work area without proper authority.

2. Outgoing packages carried by a personnel

should closely inspected, those in vehicle
should also be checked
3. Any personnel/visitor with a package must
deposits said item and in return receives a
numbered tag.

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