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SID 43210 1

Assignment Cover Sheet: Electronic Submission

Title of work Ethical Considerations Option 1

Module title Ethics

Module code MOD008099

Aru college Student ID 43210

Submission deadline 9/03/2023

Word count 1478 words

(excluding references)

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system you have used: Harvard,

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SID 43210 2


Ethical considerations refer to using principles and values in decision-making

to ensure that the outcome is aligned with the positive side of human affairs. How a

person's behaviour impacts the well-being of those around him warrants ethical

consideration. Alternatively, ethical systems are a set of moral principles that

influence people's decision-making processes in a societal setup (IGI Global, n.d.). In

the option 1 case study, Robin is caught up in a dilemma that requires her to think

critically and utilize ethical considerations to ensure that her decision positively

impacts herself and her unborn baby. The case study also raises a critical question that

Robin should contemplate; whether the value of human life is equal to that of animals.

Ethical Considerations and Risk: Potential Harm and Informed Consent

In Robin's case, there are risks involved regarding the decisions she will

resolve. The risks encompass the proper development of her unborn child and its

overall health. She is in a dilemma on whether to drastically change her lifestyle

adopted 10 years ago for her unborn baby's health or to maintain her perceived ethical

lifestyle of veganism and opt for prenatal vitamins. Citing the doctor's advice, and

incorporating animal products into her diet is a sound decision from a professional

perspective but is also the one she least favours. Alternatively, the decision to stick to

veganism and opt for prenatal vitamins most favours her situation but puts the unborn

child's health and development at risk. Therefore, the primary ethical considerations

faced by Robin are 'Potential harm' and 'Informed Consent.'

The doctor has advised her to alter her diet and revert to consumption of

animal products; therefore, she will have to utilize ‘informed consent’ as an ethical

consideration to obtain crucial information regarding the benefits of doing so and the
SID 43210 3

risks of sticking to a vegan diet (Carby-Hall, 2020). The doctor is a trained

professional, and his proposal is more credible than the online content. Also, she will

have to utilize 'potential harm' as an ethical consideration to ensure that her decision

presents the most negligible adverse effect on her unborn child. Her baby's health is at

stake, considering either decision has no health effects on herself. According to Beck

(2022), ethical veganism has been considered a philosophical belief by law in the UK

since 2020. Nevertheless, the law does not conflict with either ethical consideration

because it emphasizes non-discrimination regarding protected characteristics

stipulated in the Equality Act of 2010.

Ethical System: Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism refers to a theory of ethics that distinguishes right deeds from

wrong ones by emphasizing the results of an action. It is a principle of ethics that

urges a person to consider the consequences of their action towards surrounding

people. Utilitarianism champions actions that lead to happiness as an outcome,

whereas opposing the ones that harm or trigger unhappiness in other people. It also

encourages a person to reason beyond self-interests and consider other people's

interests without bias before making a decision. Also, it is a principle based on reason

and critical analysis of a situation concerning probable outcomes (Stuart Mill, 2015).

It stipulates that a person should make the best decision regardless of emotions,

cultural practices, or rules.

The theory of utilitarianism was conceptualized by Jeremy Bentham and John

Stuart Mill between the late 18th century and early 19th century (West & Duignan,

2022). According to Tardi (2022), the theory encompasses three principles. The first

principle states that the only factor that possesses inherent value is happiness or
SID 43210 4

pleasure (Tardi, 2022). Stating that a factor encompasses 'intrinsic value' means that it

is good and brings happiness. On the other hand, the instrumental value varies from

the intrinsic value in that it shows that something is an effort toward achieving

something (Tardi, 2022). The second principle states that a person's actions can be

classified as correct if they attract and prolong happiness and wrong if they bring

along or promote unhappiness (Tardi, 2022). The second principle is disputable, citing

that it suggests that an action's moral quality is determined by the degree of its

repercussion. The controversy is also sparked by the fact that utilitarianism cares less

about the outcomes of a decision so long as it benefits the biggest number of people

possible, regardless of the motive (Scanlon, 1982). Many people can discredit this

second principle because it is agreeable that the moral quality of a deed relies upon

the motive or objective that propels it.

The third principle emphasizes happiness; it states that each person's happiness

equally counts (Stuart Mill, 2015). It was conceptualized at a time when some

people's happiness mattered more than that of others. This principle has since been a

driving force behind the formulation of government policies that strive to achieve

equality regardless of a person's social status. According to Tardi (2022), Jeremy

Bentham expressed his “greatest happiness principle” in the 1789 publication

‘Principles of Morals and Legislation’ by stating that: “Nature has placed mankind

under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them

alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do." In

Robin's case, she is in a situation where pleasure is the 'governance master' since she

is supposed to make a decision that will guarantee her long-term happiness. The

happiness of giving birth to a healthy baby with no complications overshadows the

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temporal lifestyle change proposed by the doctor, even though it also compromises

her moral stand. Robin's best choice would be to go against the doctor's suggestions

and stick to veganism while utilizing prenatal vitamin supplements to strike a balance

(Scanlon, 1982). The ethical system of utilitarianism justifies the action of resolving

to use prenatal vitamin supplements so that both her happiness and that of her baby

equally count.

Ethical System: Ethics of Care

Care ethics state that moral conduct depends on interpersonal connections and

that kindness or care is a virtue. According to Burton and Dunn (2019), care ethics

are centred on feminist perceptions of philosophy in that they utilize an approach

based on relations and contexts toward morality. Contrary to utilitarianism which

emphasizes consequence, ethics of care is a unique approach that insists on the

importance of relationship, responsibility, and concern (Encyclopedia of Science,

Technology, and Ethics, 2019). The theory of care ethics was conceptualized by

female philosophers, including Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings. Carol Gilligan's 'In

a Different Voice' work, published in 1982, challenged Lawrence Kohlberg's works

on the psychology of moral development (Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and

Ethics, 2019). Gilligan stated, "While an ethics of justice proceeds from the premise

of equality-that everyone should be treated the same-an ethic of care rests on the

premise of nonviolence-that no one should be hurt" (Encyclopedia of Science,

Technology, and Ethics, 2019).

Gilligan perceived ethics of care in three progressive phases. The initial phase

characterizes individuals as caring more for themselves than for others. In the second

phase, a person emphasizes care for others instead of concern for oneself. In the third
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phase, an individual resolves to strike a balance between his care and the care for

others (Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, 2019). In all three phases,

however, personal relationships remain paramount and mutual between an individual

and others. Nel Noddings furthered the theory of care ethics by arguing that caring is

the foundation of morality (Burton & Dunn, 2019). By suggesting that caring is a

human attribute, she ascertained that a caring relationship is fundamental to humans

based on ethics. Noddings noted that a caring relationship involves two or more

people, one party giving the care while the other receives it (Furler & Palmer, 2010).

According to Noddings, the person giving the care acts relative to a perceived

need by the one being cared for in such relations (Furler & Palmer, 2010). In Robin’s

situation, there are two needs in consideration: the need to stick to her moral

principles and the need to ensure her unborn child's good health and development to

eliminate any potential defects at birth. Considering that the unborn child is innocent

and solely depends on Robin's decisions, she is supposed to act relative to the baby's



Sticking to vegan diets with prenatal vitamins is a perceived ideal option by

Robin, but by doing so, she will have prioritized her care and concern over that of the

unborn child. In Robin's situation, any decision involving caring for the baby

concurrently involves caring for herself because the baby is nourished through the

components of her diet. To strike a balance between her concerns and the care of the

baby as per the third phase of care ethics highlighted by Noddings, Robin is left with

the option of temporarily consuming animal products as the best option.

Alternatively, she can stick to veganism while utilizing prenatal vitamin

SID 43210 7

supplements, the second-best option that would perceivably put her concerns before

the baby.
SID 43210 8


Beck, P. (2022, January 1). Veganism, Employment and Protected Characteristics.

PACT HR.,-employment,-and-



Burton, B., & Dunn, C. P. (2019). Ethics of care | ethics and philosophy. In

Encyclopædia Britannica.

Carby-Hall, J. (2020) “Ethical veganism is deemed a « protected

characteristic » in British Discrimination Law,” Revue de droit comparé

du travail et de la sécurité sociale, (4), pp. 214–219. Available at:

Duignan, B., & West, H. R. (2022, October 19). Utilitarianism - Effects of

utilitarianism in other fields. Encyclopedia Britannica.


Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics. (2019). Ethics of Care |


Furler, J.S. and Palmer, V.J. (2010) “The ethics of everyday practice in primary

medical care: Responding to social health inequities,” Philosophy, Ethics, and

Humanities in Medicine, 5(1), p. 6. Available at:


IGI Global. (n.d.). What is Ethical System | IGI Global.

SID 43210 9

Scanlon, T.M. (1982) “Contractualism and utilitarianism,” Utilitarianism and Beyond,

pp. 103–128. Available at:

Stuart Mill, J. (2015) “What utilitarianism is,” On Liberty, Utilitarianism and Other

Essays [Preprint]. Available at:

Tardi, C. (2022, June 10). Utilitarianism Definition. Investopedia.


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