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University Malaysia Kelantan

Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business


Tutorial Group : ____________________________

Lecturer’s Name : Siti Salwani binti Abdullah
Semester/Session : Semester February, Session 2023/2024
Course Code/Name : AAT 20603 (Corporate Finance)
Topic : _____________________________
Group Member : 1) _______________________________________________
2) _______________________________________________
3) _______________________________________________
4) _______________________________________________
5) _______________________________________________
6) _______________________________________________

Learning Goals addressed are:

- Have life-long learning skills
- Have critical thinking and analytical skills (include problem solving and decision making)
- Have technical skills including ICT
- Have communication skills (written)
Traits Performance levels Score Wt. Marks
Excellent (8,9,10) Good (5,6,7) Fair (2,3,4) Poor (1/0) (%)
1 Focus: Purpose Purpose is clear Shows awareness of Shows limited No awareness 10
purpose awareness of purpose
2 Main idea Clearly presents the main There is a main idea Vague sense of a main No main idea 10
idea and supports it supported throughout idea, weakly supported
throughout the paper. most of the paper. throughout the paper.
3 Organization: Well-planned and well- Good overall There is a sense of No sense of 10
Overall thought out. Includes title, organization, includes organization, although organization
introduction, statement of the main organizational some of the
main idea/content, analysis, tools. organizational tools are
transitions conclusion and used weakly or missing
4 Organization: All paragraphs have clear Most paragraphs have Some paragraphs have Para. lack clear ideas 10
Paragraphs ideas, are supported with clear ideas, are clear ideas, support
examples and have smooth supported with some from examples may be
transitions. examples and have missing and transitions
transitions. are weak.
5 Content Exceptionally well-presented Well-presented and Content is sound and Content is not sound 10
and argued; ideas are argued; ideas are solid; ideas are present
detailed, well-developed, detailed, developed, but not particularly
supported with specific and supported with developed or
evidence & facts, thorough evidence and details, supported; some
analysis as well as examples mostly specific. evidence, but usually of
and specific details. a generalized nature.
6 Research (if Sources are exceptionally Sources are well Sources support some The paper does not 10
assignment well-integrated, and they integrated and support claims made in the use adequate
includes a support claims argued in the the paper’s claims. paper but might not be research or if it does,
research paper very effectively. There may be integrated well within the sources are not
component) Quotations and Works Cited occasional errors, but the paper’s argument. integrated well. They
conform to MLA style sheet. the sources and Works There may be a few are not cited
Cited conform to MLA errors in MLA style. correctly according
style sheet. to MLA style, nor
Traits Performance levels Score Wt. Marks
listed correctly on
the Works Cited
7 Style: Sentence Sentences are clear and Sentences are clear but Sentences are generally Sentences aren’t 10
structure varied in pattern, from may lack variation; a clear but may have clear
simple to complex, with few may be awkward awkward structure or
excellent use of punctuation. and there may be a few unclear content; there
punctuation errors. may be patterns of
punctuation errors.

8 Style: Word There is clear use of a There is an attempt at a There is little attempt at No attempt at style 10
choice, Tone personal and unique style of personal style, but style style; reads as flat and
writing, suited to audience of writing may be perhaps uninteresting in
and purpose; the paper awkward or unsuited to content, which is usually
holds the reader’s interest audience and purpose; generalized and clichéd.
with ease. the reader may lose
interest in some
sections of the paper.
9 Style: Details and Large amounts of specific Some use of specific Little use of specific No use of examples 10
Examples examples and detailed examples and detailed examples and details;
descriptions. descriptions. May have mostly generalized
extended examples that examples and little
go on for too long. description.
10 Grammar & Excellent grammar, spelling, A few errors in Shows a pattern of Continuous errors 10
Mechanics syntax, and punctuation. grammar, spelling, errors in spelling,
syntax, and grammar, syntax and/or
punctuation, but not punctuation. Could also
many. be a sign of lack of
Total Marks ∑(Score x weight) 100 /100

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