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Specifically out of all small grade pupil, majority of the respondents were on the non – reader level
and frustration level. This implies that many of the respondents were having problems in reading or
experiencing difficult in learning to read.

Awareness as Pupil's Perspective:

Respondents have difficulty in reading and learning how to read in terms of honological and
Phonemic Awareness. Their own perspective was supported by teacher's perspective. This implies
that the respondents have difficulty in rhyming words, recognizing and producing sounds and

Reading Difficulty in Terms of Vocabulary

Reading difficulty in terms of vocabulary is one of the reasons for reading difficulty experience by the
respondents which from the pupil's perspective. This result was supported by the teacher's
perspective. This denotes that the respondents have difficulty in understanding words to
communicate effectively. This implies that the pupils had a hard time to find the words that they
need to know to understand what they read. This also implies that a reader cannot understand a
text without knowing what most of the words mean.

Reading Difficulty in Terms of Fluency

Fluency is one of the reading difficulties that the respondents experience in learning how to read.
The pupil's perspective also relates with that of the teacher's perspective. This implies that pupil
respondents have difficulty to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. They were not
confident in reading aloud or silently do not read smoothly and has no proper expression.

Reading Difficulty in Terms of Comprehension

Comprehension is one of the major reasons for reading difficulties the respondents experience in
learning how to read. This result from the pupil's perspective was supported by the teacher's
perspective. This implies that pupil respondents have difficulty in understanding and interpretation
of what is read. They find it hard to decode what they read,had a hard time to make connections
etween what they read and what they already know, and have difficulty to think deeply about what
they have read. This also mean that they do not have a sufficient vocabulary, or their knowing of the
meanings of words is not enough.

Develop a plan to address the problem

This action research was designed to improve students' speaking proficiency using cooperative
storytelling strategy. The results of this research was expected to be useful for the English teacher of
Kamal Model Senior Secondary School especially in teaching speaking teacher could manage
classroom activities communicatively by using cooperative storytelling strategy. For students
themselves, it could motivate them to try to speak English as often as possible, so that they could
improve their ability in speaking skill.


The following are the solutions to reading difficulties that the pupil respondents experience in
STAR Collection

As an intervention program, a child will bring home a copy of a reading selection/story to read at
home. His parents will rate his/her ability to read by putting a Star on the copy of his/her selection.
The teacher will validate the rate of his patents by putting another Star on the copy, thus a child will
be earning Stars depending on his/her reading skill. Reading materials will vary according to different
types of readers (non-readers, frustration level, instructional and independent level).

Reading Buddy

A poor reader will be partnered to a good reader who will serve as his/her reading buddy every
lunch break after meal that will help the student to inhance his/her spoken English and will benefit
the student in future.

Pull Out Approach

Poor readers and non-readers will be pulled out from their class to be tutored/coached by other
reading teacher. Reading related activities may be given by the special reading teacher.

Evaluate the results of action taken

After the implementation of the storytelling technique to develop their proficiency for 4 days, I
conducted the story telling contest to observe their speaking proficiency. The students took part in
the contest and they were able to tell stories that they had heard before. I also administrated post
speaking test to measure their speaking skill. Finally, I analysed the result and found that they
improved their speaking proficiency. After using this technique, I found that my students were
motivated to speaking English in and out of the classroom with their friends. The shy students also
started to speak English in the classroom. I administered pre test and analysed the result of pre-test
as follows:

The result showed that the students scored 57.90% in comprehension, 59% in vocabulary, 52.50% in
grammar, 44.5% in fluency and 45.60% in pronunciation. I found that the students' speaking


comprehension vocabulary grammar pronunciacation


After analyzing the result obtained in the post speaking test, I found that it helped for improvement,
I will continue the techniques and I shared this idea with my fellow teachers and my colleagues in
the school. I followed the action plan as in my action research proposal. My aim was to improve the
students' speaking proficiency. As I conducted my research, I found the result as I assumed. The
interventions I applied in my students really increased the participation in the speaking activities.
Physical domain of textbook-to judge the book on the basis

Size & format The size of the book is durable and can be
assigned easily.
Printing The spacing between lines and paragraphs is
layout proper.
Durability Stable for all.
Quality of The paper quality is fine and pages are durable.
Title cover Soft paper
Back page Soft paper
Exercise – to judge
 It deals with introduction to history in general.
 Begins with Introduction to Archeology on the Basis of
Indian History. Overall the book is to present Indian
history and how to study it along with explaining its
importance in the present world.
 Since the book is for teens and is an introductory
literature, it is packed with interesting graphics and
activities suitable for students.

About the book – presentation, organization, teaching aids,

Social science performance, organization, teaching aids, appearance are good.
Which children can easily read and understand. Pictures are given in each
chapter, which will help the child to learn and understand the chapter by
looking at those pictures and it will also help the teachers so that they will be
able to understand the children better about the chapter.
The books given by NCERT are well equipped and designed by them. Their
presentation is aesthetically proven. The NCERT books are well designed such
that it covers all the concepts along with its clarity up to the student
irrespective of their intelligence level and it also meant to clear students to
doubt and polish their basics as well.

The organization of NCERT books includes several departments such
Department as Educational Psychology, Department of School Education,
Department of Education in Science and Mathematics, Department of Text
Books, Department of Teaching Aids, Department of Teacher Education,
Publication Department etc. It has a Survey and Data Processing Unit which
conducts educational. surveys and also assists different departments in their
work. The other units of NIE are National Talent Search Unit, Examination
Research Unit, Examination Reform Unit, Work experience and
Vocationalization of Education Unit and Policy Planning and Evaluation Unit
Library and Documentation Unit of the Campus.

Teaching Aids
Education is an integral part of the society. Everyone must get an education
and teaching students is not an easy profession and even to get knowledge is
not easy as it sounds. So, teaching aids are necessary today. It promotes
students to learn and engage them in learning in various engaging ways. These
teaching aids assist in faster learning, enhance students-teachers' interaction,
make students take active involvement etc. The importance of teaching aids
are high as it combines both textual material with visual matter, audio and
videos to teach students and it enhances the learning experience of students
and teaching experience of teachers. Students tend to learn fast when they are
taught with visual representation. NCERT Books Clear Your Concepts More
Than the Side Books. The ideal way of Studying is to give the first preference to
the NCERT books which are effective in clearing concepts and don't forget to
make handy revision notes for later use. So that in the end days it can help in
quick revisions. The best thing about the NCERT books are they give you better
understanding and clarity of concepts and this is where other books lack. The
Important Questions at The End of Chapters in NCERT Are Mostly Twisted and
Asked In Boards.

If you closely look at the NCERT books you will find extra questions like match
the following, answer in one word and etc. in the end that is the section
students miss while preparing from the NCERT books and these are the ones
twisted and turned by CBSE to ask in the question paper. NCERT Books Save A
Lot Of Time In Exam Preparation. With the ease of language, students can
learn concepts from NCERT books in less time as compared with other books
so it saves a lot of time when it Comes to time management in exam
preparation. The time could be utilized on the topics where the student's lack
or need little practice more. NCERT books are such a saviour.
As you see in NCERT books, font is perfectly maintained so as to compete with
the expectations of the children. As, every child will be able to read it. The
information given in the book is more of knowledge. In the starting pages there
is a separate page of index, acknowledgment. Then the chapters are set
according to index with proper study material and exercises. All of these are
dignified very well and according to students' accessibility. And at the end of
each book references are given. As such the book ends in a very sophisticated
manner. Appearance is quite attractive to gain the attention of the students.
Positive Points

 They are written by a panel of eminent teachers.

 They are in sync with the school syllabus
 They are available at a very low cost.
 They are lightweight and easy to carry.
 Some key benefits of studying NCERT books and NCERT Exemplar
Problems, are
 stated below: Offers in-depth knowledge in easy language.
 Strictly follows the CBSE curriculum.
 Clears all fundamental concepts.
 Best for the CBSE board exam.
 Offers a number of problems to practice.

Negative Points
o Their precise content creates a problem for the slow learners.
o They contain very less illustrations, samples and exercises.
o Availability has always been an issue in the past.
o The model textbooks published by the Council for adoption by school
systems across India have generated controversies over the years. They
have been accused of reflecting the political views of the party in power in
the Government of India.
According to me, the book should have stories related to new and current
issues. And the content should be changed as the old one is based on early
situations but now many things have changed, like the way of living, the way of
thinking and reacting, etc. Such content should be added in the chapters that
can help the students deal with current life issues rather than dramatizing
them. Moreover, ook exercises should also be enhanced accordingly

At last, I would like to conclude by saying that, the book has described the
history in a very magnificent manner, as it not only grabs readers attention but
also creates interest among the readers or students. The book has covered all
the important things one should be aware of and other information needed as
such. Every chapter has a great starting and has ended with a brief conclusion.
Overall, the book is of a great knowledge.
 Size & format: A4
 Printing layout: Graphic Design Book
 Durability: Can last up to 4-5 years if used properly Quality of paper:
good quality paper for study material
 Title cover: Social and political life- II
 Cover page of the book: Same as shown above in picture Back page
cover: Same as shown above in picture

Exercise- to judge
Saying exercises in textbooks sounds like math, chemistry or physics
books. The exercises in a given chapter are there for a reason. Reading
the notes or instructions for a given chapter and not using the exercises
is, in my opinion, not going to help you learn the subject matter. You
need to take a pen/pencil and paper to work out problems until you
learn how to do them step by step. If you study the notes and save the
time by not doing the exercises you're defeating your purpose. They may
take quite a while to work them but that's part of the learning process. It
doesn't matter how much time you take to learn if you want to be
efficient with your course work and pass exams and remember what you
practice on for future use. Hence, exercises are a must for students, so
that they can explore and research for themselves. The given books
includes all the good exercise which students can easily solve for
themselves. Even in some chapters there are hots questions, which are
given to test the intellectual level of students, they are not mandatory,
but helps students to grow their skills.

About the book- presentation, organization, teaching aids, appearance

1. Presentation
The books given by NCERT are well equipped and designed by them.
Their presentation is aesthetically proven. The NCERT books are well
designed such that it covers all the concepts along with its clarity up to
the student irrespective of their intelligence level and it also meant to
clear students to doubt and polish their basics as well. 2. Organization

The organisation of NCERT books includes several departments such

Department of as Educational Psychology, Department of School
Education, Department of Education in Science and Mathematics,
Department of Text Books, Department of Teaching Aids, Department of
Teacher Education, Publication Department etc. It has a Survey and Data
Processing Unit which conducts educational. surveys and also assists
different departments in their work. The other units of NIE are National
Talent Search Unit, Examination Research Unit, Examination Reform
Unit, Work-experience and Vocationalization of Education Unit and
Policy Planning and Evaluation Unit Library and Documentation Unit of
the Campus .
Teaching Aids
Education is an integral part of the society. Everyone must get an
education and teaching students is not an easy profession and even to
get knowledge is not easy as it sounds. So, teaching aids are necessary
today. It promotes students to learn and engage them in learning in
various engaging ways. These teaching aids assist in faster learning,
enhance students-teachers' interaction, make students take active
involvement etc. The importance of teaching aids are high as it combines
both textual material with visual matter, audio and videos to teach
students and it enhances the learning experience of students and
teaching experience of teachers. Students tend to learn fast when they
are taught with visual representation. NCERT Books Clear Your Concepts
More Than the Side Books. The ideal way of studying is to give the first
preference to the NCERT books which are effective in clearing concepts
and don't forget to make handy revision notes for later use. So that in
the end days it can help in quick revisions. The best thing about the
NCERT books are they give you better understanding and clarity of
concepts and this is where other books lack. The Important Questions at
The End of Chapters in NCERT Are Mostly Twisted and Asked In Boards.
resolved to constitute India into a 'ISOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC] and to secure faith and worship: FRATERNITY
assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and OURSELVES THIS

If you closely look at the NCERT books you will find extra questions like
match the following, answer in one word and etc. in the end that is the
section students miss while preparing from the NCERT books and these
are the ones twisted and turned by CBSE to ask in the question paper.
NCERT Books Save A Lot Of Time In Exam Preparation. With the ease of
language, students can learn concepts from NCERT books in less time as
compared with other books so it saves a lot of time when it comes to
time management in exam preparation. The time could be utilized on
the topics where the student's lack or need little practice more.

As you see in NCERT books, font is perfectly maintained so as to
compete with the expectations of the children. As, every child will be
able to read it. The information given in the book is more of knowledge.
In the starting pages there is Preamble of India, a separate page of index,
acknowledgment. Then the chapters are set according to index with
proper study material and exercises. All of these are dignified very well
and according to students' accessibility. And at the end of each book
references are given. As such the book ends in a very sophisticated
manner. Appearance is quite attractive to gain the attention of the

Positive points
Some key benefits of studying NCERT books and NCERT Exemplar
Clears all fundamental concepts. Best for the CBSE board exams.
Offers a number of problems to practice.

Negative points
The model textbooks published by the Council for adoption by school
systems across India have generated controversies over the years. They
have been accused of reflecting the political views of the party in power
in the Government of India.

According to me, the book should also deal with the things happening in
society, it deals with constitution, rules and regulations. But what about
the current issues? Is everyone following those rules or those
constitutional amendments? On daily basis we see happenings around
the world. The things written in the constitution should not be only in
written but should also be implemented.


At last, I would like to conclude by saying that, the book has described
the history in a very magnificent manner, as it not only grabs readers
attention but also creates interest among the readers or students. The
book has covered all the important guidelines one should be aware of
and other information needed as such. Every chapter has a great starting
and has ended with a brief conclusion. Overall, the book is of a great

Physical domain of textbook-to judge the book on the basis

Size & format The size of the book is durable and can be
assigned easily.
Printing The spacing between lines and paragraphs is
layout proper.
Durability Stable for all.
Quality of The paper quality is fine and pages are durable.
Title cover Soft paper
Back page Soft paper

Exercise – to judge
 It deals with introduction to geographical in general.
 Begins with Introduction to Geographical view of world.
Overall and how to study it along with explaining its
importance in the present world.
 Since the book is for teens and is an introductory
literature, it is packed with interesting graphics, maps
and activities suitable for students.

About the book – presentation, organization, teaching aids,

Social science performance, organization, teaching aids, appearance are good.
Which children can easily read and understand. Pictures are given in each
chapter, which will help the child to learn and understand the chapter by
looking at those pictures and it will also help the teachers so that they will be
able to understand the children better about the chapter.
The books given by NCERT are well equipped and designed by them. Their
presentation is aesthetically proven. The NCERT books are well designed such
that it covers all the concepts along with its clarity up to the student
irrespective of their intelligence level and it also meant to clear students to
doubt and polish their basics as well.

The organization of NCERT books includes several departments such
Department as Educational Psychology, Department of School Education,
Department of Education in Science and Mathematics, Department of Text
Books, Department of Teaching Aids, Department of Teacher Education,
Publication Department etc. It has a Survey and Data Processing Unit which
conducts educational. surveys and also assists different departments in their
work. The other units of NIE are National Talent Search Unit, Examination
Research Unit, Examination Reform Unit, Work experience and
Vocationalization of Education Unit and Policy Planning and Evaluation Unit
Library and Documentation Unit of the Campus.

Teaching Aids
Education is an integral part of the society. Everyone must get an education
and teaching students is not an easy profession and even to get knowledge is
not easy as it sounds. So, teaching aids are necessary today. It promotes
students to learn and engage them in learning in various engaging ways. These
teaching aids assist in faster learning, enhance students-teachers' interaction,
make students take active involvement etc. The importance of teaching aids
are high as it combines both textual material with visual matter, audio and
videos to teach students and it enhances the learning experience of students
and teaching experience of teachers. Students tend to learn fast when they are
taught with visual representation. NCERT Books Clear Your Concepts More
Than the Side Books. The ideal way of Studying is to give the first preference to
the NCERT books which are effective in clearing concepts and don't forget to
make handy revision notes for later use. So that in the end days it can help in
quick revisions. The best thing about the NCERT books are they give you better
understanding and clarity of concepts and this is where other books lack. The
Important Questions at The End of Chapters in NCERT Are Mostly Twisted and
Asked In Boards.

If you closely look at the NCERT books you will find extra questions like match
the following, answer in one word and etc. in the end that is the section
students miss while preparing from the NCERT books and these are the ones
twisted and turned by CBSE to ask in the question paper. NCERT Books Save A
Lot Of Time In Exam Preparation. With the ease of language, students can
learn concepts from NCERT books in less time as compared with other books
so it saves a lot of time when it Comes to time management in exam
preparation. The time could be utilized on the topics where the student's lack
or need little practice more. NCERT books are such a saviour.
As you see in NCERT books, font is perfectly maintained so as to compete with
the expectations of the children. As, every child will be able to read it. The
information given in the book is more of knowledge. In the starting pages there
is a separate page of index, acknowledgment. Then the chapters are set
according to index with proper study material and exercises. All of these are
dignified very well and according to students' accessibility. And at the end of
each book references are given. As such the book ends in a very sophisticated
manner. Appearance is quite attractive to gain the attention of the students.
Positive Points

 They are written by a panel of eminent teachers.

 They are in sync with the school syllabus
 They are available at a very low cost.
 They are lightweight and easy to carry.
 Some key benefits of studying NCERT books and NCERT Exemplar
Problems, are
 stated below: Offers in-depth knowledge in easy language.
 Strictly follows the CBSE curriculum.
 Clears all fundamental concepts.
 Best for the CBSE board exam.
 Offers a number of problems to practice.

Negative Points
o Their precise content creates a problem for the slow learners.
o They contain very less illustrations, samples and exercises.
o Availability has always been an issue in the past.
o The model textbooks published by the Council for adoption by school
systems across India have generated controversies over the years. They
have been accused of reflecting the political views of the party in power in
the Government of India.
According to me, the book should have stories related to new and current
issues. And the content should be changed as the old one is based on early
situations but now many things have changed, like the way of living, the way of
thinking and reacting, etc. Such content should be added in the chapters that
can help the students deal with current life issues rather than dramatizing
them. Moreover, exercises should also be enhanced accordingly

At last, I would like to conclude by saying that, the book has described the
history in a very magnificent manner, as it not only grabs readers attention but
also creates interest among the readers or students. The book has covered all
the important things one should be aware of and other information needed as
such. Every chapter has a great starting and has ended with a brief conclusion.
Overall, the book is of a great knowledge.

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