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Sculpt and Paint

a Head with
Basic Brushes

Move Brush Inflate Brush

Used for pulling and pushing Used to add volume and create holes

Standard Brush HPolish Brush

Used for sculpting soft forms Used to create flat surfaces

DamStandard Brush Mask Brush

Used for carving and creating edges Used to protect areas of your model

Smooth Brush Transpose Tool

used to soften and simplify your model Performs Move, Rotate and Scale Func-
Base and bottom with the smooth brush. Holding where the mouth will go. You can see the Neck
Start with a DynaMeshed sphere file make down shift will turn on the smoothing brush. mask is a darker grey color on the model. To Next we will pull a neck out
sure that mirror symmetry is turned on use If the sockets need to be a little deeper use invert the mask hold down control and tap from the bottom of the head.
X to toggle mirror on and off. Use the move the move brush to move the socket back outside the model on to the canvas. Now Use the masking brush by
brush to shape the sphere into a skull shape. we are only able to sculpt on the area where holding down shift and draw
Use S on the keyboard to change the size a the mouth will be. Select the inflate brush a mask where the neck will
and hold down ALT. Push in a hole for the come out from. Invert the
mouth. You can see the edge of the mesh mask by holding down CTRL and tap on the
from the side. After you do this smooth the is a little rough. Clear the mask by holding canvas. Select the Move Brush and push S
mesh and DynaMesh the model. Feel free to down CTRL and drag outside of the mod- to increase the size of the brush. Pull out a
DynaMesh the model while you are work- el. Now the model will no longer be the neck from the middle of the unmasked area.
ing. You can do this by using the DynaMesh dark grey color. Now DynaMesh the model Shape the neck with the move brush. You
button or hold down CTRL and pull a small by holding down CTRL and making a small will need to change the size of the brush as
large brushes makes it easier to control the square to the side of the model. This will square on the canvas. See how using Dy- you work. Using the S key is a fast way to
shape. Pull down the front bottom of the keep your model clean while you work. naMesh cleaned up the mouth. Use smooth change the size and the slider will pop up
sphere to make the chin. The Face will be (SHIFT) to soften the mouth shape and Dy- right where you are working. Changing sizes
flatter in the front. Since we will be making a Mouth naMesh again. often will help you get the shapes you want.
female the jaw will narrow towards the bot- To make the cavity a little deeper use the in- Knowing what is the best size will come with
tom. We will use masking to help make the mouth flate brush while pushing ALT. practice. Notice again how the neck is not
cavity. Masking protects very smooth. DynaMesh (CTRL drag off the
Eye Sockets areas we don’t want to To make this hole look more like a mouth we model) the model and use smooth (SHIFT) to
change. It also aids in cre- will close the lips slightly. Don’t get them clean up the neck.
To make the eye sockets select ating shapes while sculpt- too close together or DynaMesh will close
the inflate brush. Hold down ing. Holding down CTRL the hole. Use the move topological brush to Body
alt while sculpting to push in will activate the mask- move the top and bottom lip a little closer to We will use the same mask and pull tech-
a hole. Smooth out the side ing brush. Draw a mask make more of an oval shape. nique to form the body. Mask out the bot-
tom of the neck by holding down CTRL. In- ear. Rotate the view of the model to the top. shaping the base Dy- move the model into place. From the front
vert the mask by CTRL tapping on the canvas Pull the transpose line down with the or- naMesh the mesh again view draw out a new Move Tool line out to
and use the Move Bush to pull a body shape ange circle at the end of the Transpose line. to clean up the mesh the side. Use the middle orange circle to po-
from the bottom of the neck. Pull down and This will rotate the ear out like the hinge of spacing. sition the eye. To separate the eye ball from
then pull again to the side to widen the body. a door. DynaMesh the model and smooth the base mesh. Hold down CTRL and SHIFT
As you shape the body think of making the (SHIFT) the ear. Use the Move tool to shape and tap on the eyeball. This will hide the
shape of a ribcage. Clear the mask and Dy- the ear. This will be just a base to work on
Eyes base mesh. In the Tools Menu open the Sub-
Next we sculpt some simplified eyes into our
naMesh the model. Now smooth out the we will add the details later so it does not Tool Palette. In the Split submenu push the
base mesh. To start out will create an eyeball
model. If needed add some volume with the have to be perfect. Split Hidden button. This will separate the
that will separate from our base mesh so we
eyes from the base mesh. Notice how the
will not accidently sculpt on it. The Insert
Nose eyes the base are displayed on the SubTool
mesh brush create new shape where we draw
Now we will make a basic nose shape. Mask list. You can select them by clicking on the
it out on the base. Select the insert mesh
inflate brush. Continue to shape the model out a square where the nose will be by hold- tool in the SubTool list. When you select the
brush, and push M to bring up the shapes
using the move brush. As you make major ing down CTRL. Soften the mask slightly base mesh in the SubTool list any sculpting
that are part of this tool. Make sure the
changes DynaMesh the model. by CTRL tapping on the mask. Invert the we do will no longer effect the eyes. If you
sphere mesh is selected. Where the eye will,
mask(CTRL tap off the canvas). With the would like you can use the rename button to
drag down until the sphere is about the size
Ear move brush pull out the nose. Pulling from name your SubTools.
I will use the rotate transpose tool to pull the bottom of the nose will create a ta-
out an ear from the model. Use masking pered shape. Use the move brush to shape Eyelids
(CTRL) to draw out an ear shape on the side the nose. Then DynaMesh the model and of an eyeball. We will use the Move Tool to To start sculpting the lids we will create
of the head. Soften the mask by holding smooth the mesh. DynaMesh the model put the eyeball in the correct place. Rotate bump where the eyes will go. Hide the eyes
down CTRL and tap inside the masked area again to clean things up. You can continue the model view to the side (Holding down with the solo button or click on the little
and then invert the mask( CTRL tap off the to use the Move brush to shape the model. SHIFT while you rotate the view will lock the eye on the SubTool palette next to the eye
model). Select the Rotate transpose tool Zoom back and look at the entire model you view to side). Push W on keyboard draw out SubTool. Hold CTRL and draw a circle mask
by pressing R on the keyboard. Draw out a can still make major changes as you move a line from the center of the eyeball. Then about the size of the where the eyes will stick
transpose line from the starting edge of the the major shapes around. When you finish use the middle orange circle on the line to out. CTRL tap on the mask to smooth out
the mask. Invert the mask and use the in- shape the eye. Pull the inner corner slight- crisp edges you can turn on the Polish but- CTRL click on the canvas to invert the mask.
flate brush to make a bulge. The mesh might ly in. Look at the model from the side and ton in the DynaMesh menu. Now every time With the inflate brush give some volume to
inflate into itself as you do this, so use the shape the side of the eye. It will look like a you DynaMesh the model it will polish those the sides of the nose.
smooth brush to clean it up. DynaMesh the wedge shape. From the front move the mesh strong edges. With the DamStandard brush will define end
model. Hold CTRL and draw out a mask in around into an eye shape. Resize your brush Move your view to look from underneath the edge of the wing and define the nasolabial
the shape of an eye. CTRL tap on the canvas as you are working to help get the right model. Select the move tool and move the fold. Sculpt a line behind the wing of the
to invert the mask. Use the Move brush to shape. To help define the edges better open lids to match the shape of the eyeball. Do the nose. starting at the top of the wing sculpt
push a hole back into the head. If you hold the Geometry palette and push the Clay- same thing looking down from the top. a line the goes down the face at an angle.
down ALT while you use the move brush it Polish button. This will emphasize and hard Use the DamStandard brush to make a slight Check yourself in a mirror to see how this
will move perpendicularly to the surface of edges and smooth out the model. Using this crease above the eye. With the same Brush line interacts with your mouth. This is the
the model. You don’t need button masks the edges so CTRL drag off the define the brow ridge. Finally DynaMesh nasolabial fold or smile line. Go over this
to push it in really deep just model to clear the mask. To be able to start again to finish up the eye. Inspect the eye line a few times to define it. You have to be
to give enough room to holding more detail with the mesh we need lids again to make sure they follow the shape really careful to really smooth this out for
sculpt the lids and not pro- to increase the resolution of the DynaMesh. of the eyeball and use the Move brush as young characters or they will look old.
trude in front of the eye. In the Geometry palette move the resolu- needed.
tion slider in DynaMesh submenu to about Next we will define the nostrils. mask out
Select the DamStandard 150. Select the DamStandard brush and over a small circle where the nostril will go and
brush. This brush is useful the Lids again. To help the model hold the
Nose and Ears then Invert the mask. Use the inflate brush
for creating harder edges on a model. We Nose to make the nostril (remember to hold down
will go around the edge of the lids to help I will now go over sculpting the nose and the ALT to make the brush push in). DynaMesh
define where they will go. I will do this sev- ear. We will start by shaping the profile of the the model and smooth out the nostrils. Use
eral time to help build up the form. After nose from the side. Select the move brush the Move brush to shape the nose. Look it
making a pass I will DynaMesh the model and pull the nose to the correct shape. It is from the side as well as the front.
to give me a good mesh to sculpt on and helpful to find reference. To create the wings
smooth as needed. Also sculpt a slight crease of the nose hold down CTRL and mask out a
above the eye. Use the Move Brush to help small circle on the side of the nose. CTRL tap
inside the middle of the mask to soften it.
Ear Mask out the area where the antihelix will
We will now start sculpting the ear. The ear is go. Use the inflate brush to give the antihe-
composed of Three major parts and a couple lix some volume. DynaMesh the model and
of details. we will need a little more detail for smooth slightly. Use the inflate brush to
this mesh so turn up the slider on the Dy- create a small notch at the top of the antihe-
naMesh resolution up to about 200. we will lix. Use the move brush to pull out the tra-
start sculpting the helix. Hold down CTRL to gus and antitragus. This is the little flap that slider until it looks like a tube. At the top of
mask out where the helix will go, then CTRL covers part of the ear hole. DynaMesh the the Tools palette push the Make Polymesh3D
tap on the masked area to soften it. Use the model. Use the move brush to continue to button to turn it into a mesh we can modi-
move brush to pull the helix out from the shape the ear and the Dam standard brush fy. We will use the Move Tool to squish the
be. Invert the mask and use the move and
base of the ear. use DynaMesh and smooth to refine details. Zoom back from your model cylinder. Push W on the keyboard to activate
inflate brush to create the ear lobule. Use
out the area. Use the move Brush to shape and check the size of the ear. If it needs re- the Move tool. Notice how the move icon
DynaMesh and smooth the ear. use the Dam-
the ear as needed. Use the inflate brush to sizing Use the Move brush to shape it. has turned orange at the top of the screen.
Standard brush to define the edge of the
give some volume to the helix. Smooth out You can also access the Move, Rotate and
helix. Mask out a small circle where the ear
the ear and DynaMesh it. Scale tools with these buttons. Draw out a
hole will go, Invert the mask and use the in-
Mask out a small area where the lobule will
flate brush to push in a hole. DynaMesh the Mouth transpose line from the bottom of the model.
model and smooth it. With the DamStandard Teeth Click and pull down on the top orange circle
brush define the front of the ear and also the To help sculpt the lips in the proper place we to squish the cylinder. We will use a selec-
edge of the helix. Hold down CTRL and mask will create some simple teeth to help guide tion to isolate the back of the tube to delete
out the area where the helix curves over. us. They will be a horse shoe shape creat- the back part. from the top view hold down
Soften and invert the mask. With the inflate ed with some ZBrush primitives. In the Tool both CTRL and SHIFT and start to drag out
brush hold down alt and create the edge of menu click on the big icon that looks like a selection square. If you then hold down
the helix. This will define the part of the helix your model. This will open the 3d meshes ALT it will change the box red and will hide
that curls under. DynaMesh the model then menu. Click on the Cylinder3D object, This the part of the mesh in the selection. Hide
smooth out the middle of the inner part of will change our active model to this cylinder. the back part of the tube so it looks like a
the ear. In the initialize palette pull up the inter radius horseshoe. In the Geometry palette open the
modify topology subpallete and push the de- rect size. Use the Move and Rotate Tools to Move the chin and lips as needed. Select need to move the mesh or smooth things
lete hidden button. The Hidden geometry is put the teeth into their proper place. Acti- the Inflate brush and increase the brush size out. Use the DamStandard brush to go over
now gone. Using the Move tool we will now vate the Rotate Tool by pushing R. Draw out Then carefully give the lips more volume. re- any edges you feel need cleaning up. In my
duplicate this to make the lower teeth. Push a line and use the end orange circle to rotate fine the edges of the lips with the DamStan- example I needed to revisit the corners of the
W and draw out a line from the teeth. Hold the teeth. W will active the move tool, Draw dard brush, some of the crispness could have nose the and the ears needed some work to
down CTRL and click and drag on the middle out a transpose line and use the middle circle been lost while inflating the lips. With the bring the detail back. I also refined the edge
orange circle. As you drag down it will du- to move the teeth. same brush define the top of the chin and of the eye lids.
plicate the object. From the side of the teeth the smooth brush to soften the edge. Use To finish things up I will use the DamStan-
draw out another Transpose line and use the Lips DynaMesh (with the polish still on) to crisp dard brush to define the jaw line where it
middle circle to pull the lower teeth back just sculpting the lips. Use the move brush to pull up those edges. Use the DamStandard brush meets the ear.
slightly. the lips out in front of the teeth. If you hold to define the corner of the mouth where the A couple other details you can add are some
To insert this set of teeth into our base mesh down ALT while using the move brush it will top lip overlaps the bottom lip slightly. Then
pull the mesh out. We will define the edges use the inflate brush to give a little more vol-
of the top and bottom lips with the Dam- ume to the corners and the cheeks as well.
Standard brush. Sculpt the shape of the up-
select your character from the icons in the per lip, create the small dip in the middle and Refine the Details
Tool Palette. In the SubTool palette select decrease the lip width as you approach the The major features have been defined and
the Insert button. This will bring up the 3D corner. For the lower lip start in the middle we just need to revisit each part to face to
Meshes menu. Select your teeth from the and bring the edge to the mouth corner. Use clean things up.
icons shown. This will add the teeth to our the inflate brush to give the upper and low- This is where we start detailing. We will no
list of objects. When inserted the teeth will er lips volume. Use the Move brush to help longer DynaMesh the model so in the Dy-
be too large. Select the scale tool by press- shape the lips. Go to the Geometry Palette naMesh submenu click on the button to turn
ing E. Draw out a line from the center of the and in the DynaMesh submenu turn Polish it off. At the top of the Geometry menu push
teeth. Make sure mirroring is on (X) Click on. DynaMesh the model and this will clean the divide button a couple of times. this will
on the last orange circle on the line and pull up those edges. Look at the model from the allow the model to hold a lot of detail. You
it inward. Do this until the teeth are the cor- side. Use the move Bush to shape the profile. can always lower the subdivision level if you
of the muscles in the neck and collarbone. Select the new sphere and make sure mir- ALT version to give an edge to front of the tinue shaping the hair
mask out the area and use inflate to add vol- roring is on by pushing X on the keyboard. hair. Next I will go around the head and de- with the move brush. To
ume. These details will be subtle so don’t Use the move brush to define the major hair fine the clumps. starting from the part pull help give the hair more
overdo it. You will need to lower the subdi- shape. Turn on DynaMesh for the sphere in a line down following the forms of the mesh. structure and remove
vision levels to smooth it easily. Zoom out the Geometry/DynaMesh submenu. Con- Rotate your model for the best possible some of the blobby look
from your model and look it over. make any tinue to pull the hair to shape it. Remem- view. Think about how the hair would flow we will use the TrimDy-
tweaks as needed. For one final detail I will ber holding ALT and using the move brush down from the head. When you have gone namic brush. Select the
add a little dip in the corner of the eye. This will push the surface in and out. This is really around defining the major clumps DynaMesh Trim Dynamic brush and
completes the sculpting for the head. helpful when defining the front of the hair. the model. To help add weight to the hair move down the length
If you need more volume in the hair use the select the move tool. and pull the hair into of the hair knocking down high points. work
inflate brush. As you pull the hair around shape. Think about how gravity effects the your way around the hair. DynaMesh the
continue to DynaMesh and smooth as need- hair. You can use clay polish or turn polish on model with polish on. Looks around the
ed to keep things clean. DynaMesh to help keep the edges. work your model and use the move brush to refine the
way around the model pulling the curves. shapes and curves. redefine the part with
Use the DamStandard brush to define the using this method often yields better results the DamStandard brush until you just see the
part. Because this is an symmetrical style than trying to sculpt it. Use the DamStan- head though the hair.
I will now turn off mirroring (X) . Using the dard brush to emphasize edges. and con-
move brush I will pull the hair to the side
keeping in mind where I want to place the
select your character model. Use the inflate
part. Continue moving the hair around and
brush to add a little volume to the chest.
shape the front of the hair be sure to look
Push the solo button so that just the main
at the sides and pull the hair back if needed.
Hair Use the DamStandard brush to start to de-
mesh is showing. Hold down CTRL and use
For the hair we will insert a sphere as a base the masking brush to draw where the cloth-
fine the shapes. With it default setting the
to sculpt from. In the Sub tool palette push ing will go. If you hold down CTRL and ATL
brush will cut a crease and holding ALT will
the insert button and select the Sphere3D. at the same time it will erase the mask. Con-
help you to define an edge. I will use the
This will put the sphere in our SubTool list. tinue to refine the mask. In the SubTool pal-
ette open the extract submenu. Pushing use the Fill object button. The up and down and pick a color for the and paint the edge of the eye lids moving
the extract button will give you a preview of arrow keys will move you up and down the lips. Paint a large area outward and upward towards the edge. to
the extracted mesh. The default settings will SubTool list. over the lips this way smooth out any painting you do you need
work fine for this example. Push the Accept you won’t have to paint to turn off the sculpting properties on the
button the extract button and this will create To get a good painting result you will need in those tight spaces. smooth brush. while holding down SHIFT
a clothing SubTool. to subdivide your meshes. Push the divide Use the C button on the Click on the Add button. Now when you
button in the geometry menu. You want the keyboard to activate the smooth it won’t affect your model.
color picker. select the flesh color from the Using masking also works for painting. Hold
model. use S to resize your brush and draw down CTRL and draw an eyebrow shape
Polypaint around the lips with this flesh color. to tone above the eye. Use C to select the color of
We are going to cover adding color and ma-
the lips like the skin. reduce the RGB intensi- the hair. Invert the mask and paint the eye-
terials to your character. ZBrush uses a sys-
ty to around 20 and use the fill object button brows over the unmasked area. Use the
tem called polypaint that allows us to paint
a couple of time to get the colors to match smooth brush to soften the edge of the eye-
directly on the model. From the material
better. brow.
palette select the SkinShade4 material. since
we have not filled any objects with the ma-
Next we will paint the eyes. Select the eye
terial this will show up on all of them. This
tool in the Sub tool Palette. Hold down CTRL
material will allow is to see the colors more
and draw a circle where the iris will go. CTRL
clearly as we paint. To start adding color the
Next I will add blushing to the cheeks nose tap on the canvas to invert the mask. Select
models we fill each one with a solid color.
and ear. Use the color picker to select the lip black and paint the entire iris black. Select a
Click on the colored square below the color
color and draw over the cheeks nose and dark blue and paint the middle of the iris be-
picker, it will pop up with a larger version of
ear. The reduced color intensity will keep this ing careful to leave some black on the edge.
the color picker. We will start with the body.
objects to look smooth but don’t overdo it. subtle. also add just a little bit to the fore- Select a slightly lighter blue and paint to-
Pick a skin color and use the Fill Object but-
A couple of subdivisions is usually enough. head. Select a light purple color and paint a wards the bottom. for the Pupil select black
ton below the colors to fill the entire object
subtle coolness around the eyes. and make a circle in the center of the iris. For
with that single color. Move down the list of
Select the paint Brush in the bottom menu For the eyelashes select a very dark color a slight highlight select a lighter blue and
SubTools picking an appropriate color and
paint a little bit just towards the bottom. Us- light helps with the skin continue to detail the hair as you like.
ing a blue color I will add just a hint of make- tone of the character.
up to the skin. Select the Face tool and paint To finish up the painting we will add a cou-
just a little blue above the eyes. Keep it sub- Now I will show you how ple of details. Select the lip color and select
tle. you can modify your we will need to change our brush back to a lighter shade. Use that color to paint the
paint bush to paint some normal. In the stroke menu select dots, and top part of the lower lip. Select white, turn
To create a warmer look to your charter we freckles. With the paint in the alpha menu pick Alpha Off. off mirroring and add a little highlight to the
can use lighting to fake sub surface scatter- brush selected click on the Paint some of the hair color next to the ears. bottom lip. I also will add a subtle highlight
ing. This will mimic how light travels though stroke menu- It is the one Remember to turn mirroring back on with (X) to the tip of the nose.
translucent skin. open the light palette on below the brush icon on
click on the light bulb below the one that is the left. from this menu To make the eye look shiny we will change I will change the material of the hair to Soft-
select the DragRectangle the eye material. Select the ToyPlastic mate- Plastic. Select the M material button on the
option. Bellow that click rial from the material menu. On the top list top bar. and the Soft plastic material from the
on the alpha menu and of icons click the M button. Make sure the material menu. Use the fill object button to
select alpha7 it is the one eye SubTool is selected. now use the Fill Ob- fill the hair with this material.
that has the soft dots. Se- ject to fill the eyes with this material. Select This material did darken my hair color so
lect a dark orange color. the Face tool and fill that tool with the skin I will select a light shade of red and fill my
Then click and drag to pull out the dots. For shade 4 material. model. The RGB intensity has been lowered
this we don’t want symmetry to turn that to about 25% also make sure you turn Rbg
off with X on the keyboard. Continue to add Now will add some additional color back on the menu bar at the top.
activated. This will turn the light on select the freckles to your model change the color to to the hair. Select the hair tool and
light. Click the button again to make it the add variation. Selecting a lighter color helps use the solo button to hide every-
selected light. There will be a white border to create a nice skin texture. thing else. Select a slightly darker color of
around the one you have selected. Click on the hair. Paint the underside of the hair and
the white square below the sphere and pick a To help integrate the hair and the skin paint the roots this color. Select a lighter color and
reddish color. notice how the addition of this some of the hair color next to the ear. First paint a highlight that goes across the forms
of the hair. also highlight the tips of the hair.
your render again by using the BPR button. set it for 32 rays. The higher the number of
It is pretty common while working in 3D to rays the longer the render will take. Push
Rendering test your render many times as you adjust the BRP button for the final render. When it
I will go over some of the set-
the settings. is finished click on the document menu and
tings to help you get nice ren-
push the Export button. This will allow is to
ders out of ZBrush Core. When
In ZBrush Core the shadow position is cal- save the rendered image.
you push the BPR button ZBrush
culated by the position of the light in the
Core will calculate the shadows
top left corner. Notice how the shadows I hope you have enjoyed going through my
and lighting to give you a final render. BPR
change as you move this light position on process of sculpting and painting a character.
stands for best preview render. To help get a
the sphere. I want to point out that MatCap Happy ZBrushing.
nice render I will dock the Render and Light-
materials will not be affected by moving the
ing palettes to the side so I will have access
lights. To get the benefits of light position
to all the settings I need when rendering.
you will need to use Standard Materials on
You can dock the palettes by clicking on the
your models.
menu item at the top of the screen then click
on the little circle with an arrow in it.
To change the color of the background Open
the Document menu at the top of the screen.
Click on the BPR button to render the image.
Click and hold on the back button and this
An orange progress bar will move across the
will bring up a pick icon. It is a good idea to
top as it renders. Notice how the shadows
pick a color with the color square before you
are dark and crisp. For this render I want to
push the back button so you will have a color
make the shadows softer and a lighter. In
to pick from on the screen.
the render menu move down the Gstrength
slider to lighten the shadow. I will move it
For our final render we will increase the num-
down to about .5. To soften the edge of the
ber of shadow rays in the render palette.
shadow I need to increase the shadow angle.
This will improve the shadow quality. I will
Move the Angle slider to about 25. Check

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