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Unit 3 Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes IT 402

Important Points
May 20, 2021 by csiplearninghub

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Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Basic ICT Skills MIND MAP – 1

Basic ICT Skills ﴾MIND MAP – 1﴿

Basic ICT Skills MIND MAP – 2

Basic ICT Skills ﴾MIND MAP – 2﴿

Unit 1. Distinguish between different Operating

Operating System : An operating system is a software that serves as
an interface between the user and computer.
an interface between the user and computer.

Functions of Operating system are:

1. It manages all the devices of a computer.

2. It checks whether the device is functioning properly or not.
3. It controls software resources of the computer.
4. It manages the computer memory.
5. It keeps track of the amount of disk space used by a specific file.
6. It allows you to create, copy, move and delete files.

Types of Operating Systems :

1﴿ Interactive ﴾GUI‐based﴿ : A graphical user interface in which commands can be

entered by clicking/double‐clicking/right clicking a mouse. for example Windows

2﴿ Single‐user, single‐task operating system : This type of operating system allows

only one user to do a task on
the computer and one thing at a time.

3﴿ Single‐user, multi‐task operating system : This type of operating system where

a single user can operate on several programs at the same time. for example
Windows, Apple MacOS.

4﴿ Multi‐user : A multi‐user operating system enables multiple users to work on

the same computer at different
times or simultaneously.

5﴿ Real Time : A real time operating system is used to control machinery, scientific
instruments like robots. A real‐time operating system is a computing environment
that reacts to input within a specific period of time. Windows CE and Lynx OS are
examples of real‐time operating systems.

6﴿ Distributed : A distributed operating system combines different computers in

the network into a single integrated computer and storage location. for example
Windows, UNIX, and LINUX .

Some commonly used operating systems are:

1. DOS ﴾Disk Operating System﴿

2. Windows : It is an operating system developed by Microsoft.

3. Linux : It is an operating system designed for personal computers. It is a

3. Linux : It is an operating system designed for personal computers. It is a
free and open‐source software.
4. Mobile operating Systems
Windows Phone

Components of Windows 7 Desktop :

1﴿ Desktop : The first screen that appears on the monitor is called desktop.

2﴿ Wallpaper : A picture for the desktop background is called wallpaper.

3﴿ Icons : Small pictures on the desktop are called icons.

4﴿ Taskbar : The long bar at the bottom of the desktop is called taskbar. The main
components of Taskbar are : Strat button, Active applications, Notification Area,
Date/Time icon

Some of the commonly used icons are :

1﴿ Computer : It displays all storage areas of the computer . Through the

Computer icon, you can access all
drives, files and folders on the computer.

2﴿ Recycle Bin : Files and folders deleted by the user are stored in the Recycle Bin.
From Recycle Bin, you can retrieve files or folders deleted by mistake.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. What is an operating system?

Q2. Mention any three functions of operating system.

Q3. Name any three operating systems for computers.

Q4. Name any three mobile operating systems.

Q4. Name any three mobile operating systems.

Q5. What is the name given to screen that appears after Windows operating
system is loaded?

Q6. Small images on the desktop are called _________

Q7. Name two special icons on the Desktop.

Q8. Name the icon that provides access to all drives, files and folders on a

Q9. Name the button to the left of taskbar.

Q10. Picture for the desktop background is called __________________.

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Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

File concept :
File :

Everything you store on your computer is stored in the form of a file. File system
is a way in which you give name to a file, store it and retrieve it. Files can be
separately placed into groups, called folders/directories

Creating a folder : The steps to create a new folder are:

1. Double‐click the Computer icon.

2. Select the drive in which you want to create a new folder.
3. Click New Folder on the toolbar.
4. Type a name for the folder & Press Enter key.

Right‐click anywhere in the blank area of the right column. A shortcut menu
appears. Select New Folder from the shortcut menu. Type a name for the folder &
appears. Select New Folder from the shortcut menu. Type a name for the folder &
Press Enter key.

Creating a file : Steps to create new file are :

1. Right‐click anywhere in the blank area .

2. In the Shortcut menu, click New and select the type of file you want to

Renaming folders and files : Steps to rename file or folder are :

1. Right‐click the file or the folder.

2. From the shortcut menu, select Rename option.
3. Type the new name or edit the existing name and press the Enter key.

1. Select the file/folder and press function key F2.
2. Type the new name or edit the existing name and press the Enter key.

Deleting files or folders : Steps to delete files or folder are :

1. Click the file or the folder.

2. Press the Delete key from the keyboard.

Right‐click and select Delete option from the Shortcut menu.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. Similar types of files can be placed into group called _______________.

Q2. Mention any one way in which you can create a new folder

Q3. To change the name of the folder, right‐click and select __________ option from
the Shortcut menu.
Q4. How can you delete a folder?

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Copying Files and folders : You can copy a file or a folder in any one
of the following ways:

1﴿ Shortcut menu: Steps are

a. Right‐click the file or the folder you want to copy.

b. Select Copy option from the Shortcut menu.
c. Select the drive or the folder where you want to make a copy of the selected file
or folder.
d. Right‐click and select Paste option from the Shortcut menu

2﴿ Drag and Drop method: To copy a file or a folder, hold down the Ctrl key while
copying it to the new

3﴿ Using Keyboard:
a. Select the file or the folder.
b. Press Ctrl + C to copy the file or the folder.
c. Open the destination folder.
d. Press Ctrl + V to paste the copied file.

Moving Files and folders : You can move a file or a folder in any one
of the following ways

1﴿ Shortcut menu:
a. Right‐click the file or the folder you want to copy.
b. Select Cut option from the Shortcut menu.
c. Select the drive or the folder where you want to move the selected file or folder.
d. Right‐click and select Paste option from the Shortcut menu.

2﴿ Drag and Drop method: To move a file or a folder, select the file and drag it to a
new location.

3﴿ Using Keyboard:
a. Select the file or the folder.
b. Press Ctrl + X to cut the file or the folder.
c. Open the destination folder.
d. Press Ctrl + V to paste the copied file.

Permanently Deleting Files : You can permanently delete the contents

of the Recycle Bin in any one of the following ways:

1﴿ Right‐click the Recycle Bin icon and then

2﴿ Click Empty Recycle Bin.

Restore Files/Folder from Recycle Bin

To recover a file from the Recycle Bin, right‐click the file, and then click Restore.
Select the file and click Restore this item.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. What is the difference between moving and copying a folder?

Q2. Differentiate between file and folder.

Q3. Name the set of commands to move a folder from one location to another.

Q4. Name the place where deleted files are placed.

Q5. How can you empty the recycle Bin?

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Unit‐2 Apply Basic Skills for care and Maintenance of Computer

Computer systems require maintenance so that the system works efficiently. Poor
maintenance may lead to system failure.
maintenance may lead to system failure.
Regular care and maintenance may help you detect any issues at an early stage
and keep it functioning well. Computer virus can cause damage to the working of
the computer. If anti‐virus is installed in the computer, and is updated and run
periodically, then any loss of data can be prevented.

Both internal and external parts of the computer system should be taken care of.

1. Keep the computer dust free.

2. Do not eat or drink while working on the computer. .
3. To keep the keyboard clean, make sure your hands are clean before using it.
4. CDs and DVDs should be handled carefully so that they do not get
5. Keep keyboard covered when not in use.

General precautions to be taken while cleaning the computer components are :

1. Always Power Off the computer system before cleaning.

2. Never spray cleaning fluid directly on the component of the computer.
3. Do not allow the cleaning liquid to drip near the circuit board

Regular maintenance of the computer system is very important. Some of the

maintenance activities are:

1. Run anti‐virus periodically.

2. A regular disk defragmentation should be done to remove all unnecessary
information that slows down the computer
3. Take regular backup of the data on your computer.
4. System should be upgraded like increasing RAM, storage space.
5. Temporary internet files should be deleted from time to time.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. What is the possible cause of slowing down of computer?

Q2. Why keyboard should be covered if not in use?

Q3. What general precautions should you take while cleaning the computer/

Q4. List some of the maintenance activities for the computer system..

Q5. Why regular disk defragmentation should be done?

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Protecting computer against viruses :

A computer virus is a software program that attaches itself to other programs and
alters their behavior. VIRUS is an acronym for Vital Information Resource Under
Seize. A virus may get attached to e‐mail messages and spread from one
computer to another.

To prevent our computer from virus, we should install anti‐virus software, run it
periodically and keep it updated. examples of antivirus software are McAfee Virus
Scan, Norton AntiVirus, Microsoft Security essentials, and Quick Heal..

A computer can get infected with virus in any of the following ways:

1. Infected files
2. Infected pen drives
3. Infected CD‐ROMs/DVD‐ROMs
4. Through infected file attachment of e‐mails

A computer virus cannot do the following:

• It cannot infect files on CD or DVD, if they are closed for writing.
• It cannot infect computer hardware like, keyboard, mouse, etc.

Common signs of a virus attack are:

1. Computer runs very slow

2. There is change in the file size
3. Computer often stops responding
4. There is an increase in number of files ﴾unusual﴿
5. Unusual error message appears on the screen
6. Computer restarts on its own

The following points should be kept in mind to prevent virus


1. Install and use anti‐virus software.

2. Keep anti‐virus software updated.
3. Scan all the files that you download from the Internet
4. Do not open e‐mails of an unknown person/sender
5. Don’t allow any untrustworthy person to use your system.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. Mention few ways in which a computer gets infected with virus

Q2. Can computer virus infect hardware?

Q3. What are the common signs of a virus attack?

Q4. How can you prevent your computer from virus infection?

Q5. What is the use of antivirus software? Name any two commonly used anti‐
virus software.

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Removing Temporary Files :

Temporary files are created when you are running computer programs. Microsoft
Windows and Windows programs often create a .TMP file as a temporary file.
Temporary files are also created by web browsers to store your web browser
history. These temp files take up a large amount of disk space so should be
removed to clear space.

The steps to remove temporary files are:

The steps to remove temporary files are:

1. Double‐click Computer icon on the desktop.

2. The Computer Window opens.
3. Right‐click Local Disk C: and select Properties option from the Shortcut
4. The Properties window opens. Click Disk Cleanup.
5. The Disk Cleanup for C: window appears
6. Click the Check box next to Temporary Files, Temporary Internet files, etc.
that you want to delete.
7. Click OK.
8. A confirmation message will appear
9. Click Delete Files.
10. Windows will delete all the temporary files on the computer.

Removing files of Temporary Folder : The steps to remove files of

temporary folder are:

1. Press Windows button + R on the keyboard.

2. The Run dialog box appears.
3. Type %temp%
4. The Temp folder opens. Click Ctrl + A to select all the files in the folder.
Press Delete key.
5. A message box appears. Click Yes to confirm.
6. All the files in the Temp folder will be deleted.

Firewall :

Computer firewall could be a programmable device or a software or a network security

system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on
user‐defined security rules.

Cookies :

Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer when you visit a
website on the internet. These files typically contain information about your visit
to the webpage or record your login information. This may not always be bad.

For example, if you are exploring an online shopping website, most of the online
retailers use cookies to keep track of the items in a user’s shopping cart,
otherwise, your shopping cart would be reset to zero every time you click on a
new link on the website.

Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

Q1. How are temporary files created in computer?

Q2. Why we should remove temporary files from the computer?

Q3. Identify which of the following is a temporary file.

a. Project.docx
b. Mathsite.tmp

Q4. How can you select all the files in a folder using the keyboard?

Q5. Which key combination will you press to get the Run dialog box?

Q6. What command will you write in the Open text box to open the Temp folder?

Q7. What are cookies?

Q8. What is a firewall in computing?

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Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes

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“Basic ICT Skills Class 10 Notes“
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