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Actividad 14

Name: Diego Alonso Pérez Tovar

Enrollment: 2921872

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What do you think is missing in the blanks?
the a a a
My mother is AN English teacher. I am A student. When I get home from school, I watch A
lot of programs on TV. That’s THE best part of my day. THE programs I watch are for
children. I´m A child, so I think they are funny.

I’m Alittle excited because it’s A great day today. There are A lot of good shows on TV
today. The program I usually watch on TV is at 4:30 pm. It’s THE TV show about animals.
Also, I’m excited today because my mother is making A delicious dishes for dinner.

Later, after eating dinner and doing homework, I go to my room and read AN article for 20
minutes. Then, I play A very good videogame, I think it is THE best videogame so far.
Next, I turn off THE light and go to THE bed.

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