Portfolio: Neurology and Mental Health Block

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Neurology and mental

health Block

‫آﯾﺎت رﻋﺪ راھﻲ‬

Sixth Stage
University of Kufa
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Education Unit
Personal and Professional Development program
Reflective Diary

Student name ‫الحسن‬

: ‫ﯾﺎﺳر‬ ‫رﻋد عبد‬
‫راھﻲ‬ ‫آﯾﺎتحسني‬
University NO : Med170160
University email : med170160@student.uokufa.edu.iq
Clinical block : Neurology and Mental health block
Personal tutor ‫الحارس‬
: Dr. ‫ندى‬.‫ د‬Saeed Rashid

1- Short Report about the learning activity ( Brief description of the

situation )?
Wednesday 17 16/3/2022
5 , we had our first clinical psychiatric session in Al Hakeem
hospital, It was one of the amazing sessions , we saw many cases of delusion,
hallucinations, and formal thoughts disorder.

2-Reflection should include self evaluation ( your strengths and

weaknesses ? this what you learn about yourself .
Psychology is quite subject and contains a lot of difficult terms but with explanations and
seeing cases make it easy .
3- formulating Smart goal ?
Re-reading the subject after seeing a real case always make a difference.

3- Reflection should include an action plan to achieve your goal

((improve your strengths ( to be better and better ) and to overcome
your weaknesses))
Taking history form patients with psychiatric illnesses differ accordingly to the case ,as I
took history from a depressed patient and it was really hard to obtain information from
him .While patient with schizophrenia or mania are less difficult.

5- Demonstrate evidence of achievement (learning progress )

Second and Third day of our clinical course , we started to take the history and write
our findings in their files , thanks to Dr.Hafidh’s efforts and encouragement.
University of Kufa
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Education Unit
Personal and Professional Development program
Reflective Diary

Student name ‫الحسن‬

: ‫ﯾﺎﺳر‬ ‫رﻋد عبد‬
‫راھﻲ‬ ‫آﯾﺎتحسني‬
University NO : Med170160
University email : med170160@student.uokufa.edu.iq
Clinical block : Neurology
Neurology andand Mental
Mental healthhealth
block block
Personal tutor : Dr. Ammar
‫الحارس‬ ‫ندى‬.‫ د‬Saeed Rashid

1- Short Report about the learning activity ( Brief description of the

situation )?
On Wednesday 30/3/2022,
11 5 In the neurological center we had to make a morning tour
around the patients and take a brief history form them ,in order to discuss it with the

2-Reflection should include self evaluation ( your strengths and

weaknesses ? this what you learn about yourself .
I tried to take history from an elderly female when I asked her about her name , she
replied with improper words , then I asked how is she , also replied the same .she was
very confused , I took some information from her relatives .
3- formulating Smart goal ?
It’s was a very interesting case .I examine her consciousness and orientation, it turn out
that it’s an acute confusion state , patient was disoriented to time , place and person .

3- Reflection should include an action plan to achieve your goal

((improve your strengths ( to be better and better ) and to overcome
your weaknesses))
Quite difficult to take a good history from such a patient and their relatives sometimes
provide nothing helpful for you to make a conclusion.

5- Demonstrate evidence of achievement (learning progress )

I followed up the patient for about a week , as she had a history of abnormal body
movements, which might be the cause of her acute condition.
University of Kufa
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Education Unit
Personal and Professional Development program
Reflective Diary

Student name : ‫آﯾﺎت رﻋد راھﻲ ﯾﺎﺳر‬

University NO : Med170160
University email : med170160@student.uokufa.edu.iq
Clinical block : Neurology and mental health block
Personal tutor : Dr. Ammar Saeed Rashid

1- Short Report about the learning activity ( Brief description of the

situation )?
Monday 4/4/2022, I attended a clinical session at the outpatient of the neurological
department, we saw several cases in which some of them or not related to the nervous
system at all , some were unique and other were vague for me.

2-Reflection should include self evaluation ( your strengths and

weaknesses ? this what you learn about yourself .
One of the cases was third nerve palsy and we were asked to examine the patient and
differentiate whether it’s third nerve palsy or third plus fourth , no one among us answer
the questions. So the Dr. explain what to do in examination in order to distinguish.
3- formulating Smart goal ?
I had to read about it in more details , so that I become fully aware of the subject .

3- Reflection should include an action plan to achieve your goal

((improve your strengths ( to be better and better ) and to overcome
your weaknesses))
Two days later , I took a case of stroke with hemiparesis involonng only the left side of
face , and had third nerve palsy , so I did the examination with the new step we learnt in
the outpatient clinic .

5- Demonstrate evidence of achievement (learning progress )

Learning how to differentiate between surgical and medical causes of third nerve palsy
was also a new challenge .
University of Kufa
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Education Unit
Personal and Professional Development program
Reflective Diary

Student name : ‫آﯾﺎت رﻋد راھﻲ ﯾﺎﺳر‬

University NO : Med170160
University email : med170160@student.uokufa.edu.iq
Clinical block : Neurology and mental health block
Personal tutor : Dr. Ammar Saeed Rashid

1- Short Report about the learning activity ( Brief description of the

situation )?
On Thursday 7/4/2022, I went to the plasmapharesis room , I learnt about its uses and
how the procedure is done .

2-Reflection should include self evaluation ( your strengths and

weaknesses ? this what you learn about yourself .

I asked one of the nurses to explain the whole process briefly, how the machine works ,
whom to treat with and time needed for each patient .
3- formulating Smart goal ?
Knowing more about this process help us as students to understand it and even explain
it to a patient or his relatives when we asked about it .

3- Reflection should include an action plan to achieve your goal

((improve your strengths ( to be better and better ) and to overcome
your weaknesses))
I also wondered about the common complications seen after the process or during it ,
and how they deal with it .

5- Demonstrate evidence of achievement (learning progress )

I attend a session with my patient who was diagnosed with Guillain Barré syndrome and
explain to her the procedure, its benefit and what complications she might face during it .
University of Kufa
Faculty of Medicine
Medical Education Unit
Personal and Professional Development program
Reflective Diary

Student name : ‫آﯾﺎت رﻋد راھﻲ ﯾﺎﺳر‬

University NO : Med170160
University email : med170160@student.uokufa.edu.iq
Clinical block : Neurology and Mental health block
Personal tutor : Dr. Ammar Saeed Rashid

1- Short Report about the learning activity ( Brief description of the

situation )?
Monday 11/4/2022 , I went to EMG/ NCS room , and the present doctor demonstrated a
lot of things about the device and procedure.

2-Reflection should include self evaluation ( your strengths and

weaknesses ? this what you learn about yourself .
She Explained how to do it , how to read it and explained the numbers we see in an
EMG/NCS study .
3- formulating Smart goal ?

Well , I still had a lot of still of questions about it .And I needed to see some
Videos to understand how the device work.

3- Reflection should include an action plan to achieve your goal

((improve your strengths ( to be better and better ) and to overcome
your weaknesses))
Dr.Hasanain also explain the topic for us and answered our questions.

5- Demonstrate evidence of achievement (learning progress )

I could now differentiate between both tests EMG and NCS , their advantages and
which conditions can be diagnosed by them .

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