Cross-Cultural Literature Review

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Writing a literature review, especially on a complex and nuanced topic like cross-cultural studies, can

be an arduous task. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and synthesis of various scholarly
works to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. From identifying relevant
sources to analyzing their findings and discussing their implications, every step demands meticulous
attention to detail and a deep understanding of the field.

One of the main challenges in writing a literature review is the sheer volume of literature available.
With countless studies, articles, books, and other resources addressing cross-cultural issues from
different perspectives, sifting through this vast amount of information can be overwhelming.
Moreover, ensuring that the selected sources are credible, relevant, and up-to-date adds another layer
of complexity to the process.

Another difficulty lies in effectively organizing and presenting the information gathered. A literature
review should not only summarize existing research but also provide a coherent narrative that
highlights key themes, debates, and gaps in the literature. This requires careful planning and
structuring to ensure that the review flows logically and engages the reader.

Furthermore, writing a literature review requires strong analytical and critical thinking skills. It's not
enough to simply summarize the findings of previous studies; one must also evaluate the strengths
and limitations of each source, identify patterns and trends in the literature, and offer insightful
interpretations and conclusions.

Given the challenges involved, many students and researchers seek assistance with writing their
literature reviews. ⇒ ⇔ offers professional writing services tailored to meet the
specific needs of individuals working on cross-cultural literature reviews. Our team of experienced
writers is well-versed in the latest research and methodologies in this field, ensuring that your
literature review is comprehensive, well-researched, and academically rigorous.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while still receiving a high-
quality literature review that meets the highest standards of academic excellence. Whether you need
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experts are here to help you every step of the way. Don't let the challenges of writing a literature
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Promoting such conversations among employees is a priority for the company to enhance
productivity and foster a positive work environment. The leaders of USA tend to put value on work
and put a lot of emphasis on planning as to decide what to do and when to do. During the course of
the course of the present study the main focus happens to be on China, USA and Japan (Simons,
2011, p.275). China has been selected because it is one of the most emerging economies in the
world. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. United States of America: McGraw
Hill. Carey, J. (2008). Communication as culture: Essays on media and society. Enhancing Cross-
Cultural Communication is the only solution to tackle the obstacles presented by communication and
cultural barriers within a company. However, not every company succeeds in the international
market. Provide short cultural information in notes to explain the story. By clicking “Check Writers’
Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. When communicating with someone
who speaks a different language or comes from a different culture, it's not safe to assume that they'll
understand everything you say or do. These sources can have a significant impact on effective
communication, making it essential to identify and address them. 1. Assumption of similarities It is a
common misconception to assume that one's own behavior, thoughts, and actions are universally
accepted and perceived in the same way around the world. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Cross-cultural communication has
become increasingly important in today's globalized world. The benchmarks will include a
commitment to treating everyone with equality and prohibiting any discrimination based on cultural
differences. CATESOL Occasional Papers, (10), 1-16. Madhani, B. (December 6, 1999). Staying
relevant in the face of demographic change. Although many of the previous researches have limited
their focus to the cultural dimensions of the international businesses. Within this framework, five
significant barriers emerge, each posing challenges to effective intercultural understanding.
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unavailable. Moreover, there are also such places which have low propensity of trust. This research is
based on the hypotheses that HCN employees are connected and have high organization
identification. Surprises, inherent in cross-cultural communication, should be anticipated and
embraced, underscoring the ongoing commitment required for successful intercultural interactions.
Language Language is a bridge between various cultures. Selected information from the reviewed
literature was relevant to the topic and the scope of the literature 's contents was consistent with the
scope of the article's aim. Leadership can be defined as the art of influencing followers. Long Term
Vs. Short Term This is “Hofstede’s Dimension” which explains that long term orientation cultures are
those that follow subjective approach. As a result, the same words or gestures in the United States'
majority culture may have different meanings to individuals from other cultures. Harlow: Pearson.
Buelens, M., Sinding, K., Waldstrom, C., Krietner, R. and Kinicki, A. 2011. Organisational
Behaviour. This article is dedicated to provide the definitions of cross-cultural communication, its
importance to communicate for international Business and how to improve effective communicative
competency in order to be an effective communicator for the success of doing international business.
Some examples of cross-cultural communication include being mindful of differences in language,
customs, and nonverbal communication. Literature Review and Hypothesis Cross cultural
management is a challenging task for multinational companies as managing host country nationals of
an overseas subsidiary leads to problematic situation.
Managers need to change some practices and policies and system in order to promote cultural
diversity and manage cultural differences, tis leads to improvement in employee performance and
motivation of expatriates. Culture is the set of attitudes, values, beliefs, and behaviors shared by a
group of people, but different for each individual, communicated from one generation to the next
(Matsumoto, 1996: 16 cited by Spencer-Outey). To succeed in any industry, having a well-
established business communication process or system is crucial. Members of the Society for Cross-
Cultural Research receive Cross-Cultural Research as a benefit of membership. This means playing a
creative role in society by disseminating teaching and research on a global scale, the cornerstones of
which are good, long-term relationships, a focus on our markets, and an ability to combine quality
and innovation. Careful reading of a work of literature will lead to a heightened. If you do not
remember the subscription number you may leave it blank, however this may delay the activation of
your subscription. In this context Hofstede has identified that most of the people and the leaders so
to speak in USA tend to be individualists. CATESOL Occasional Papers, (10), 1-16. Madhani, B.
(December 6, 1999). Staying relevant in the face of demographic change. However, very little focus
is provided to the personal needs of the staffs. Success oriented leadership encourages the staffs to
perform work at the highest level. Some cultural aspects to be considered when presenting. However,
in contrast to the Japanese organizations the Americans do not tend to develop emotional
relationships with the employers (Boselie, 2010, p. 299). Adapting to different cultures Globalization
is the buzz word of the modern day business. Stevenson, C. (2007). Breaching the great firewall:
China's internet censorship and the quest for freedom of expression in the connected world. When
host national employees have high organization identification, they perform better in the subsidiary
and stay for long time in the organization. R. M. Thomas, Conducting Educational Research: A
Comparative. Lastly, refraining from judging others based on one's cultural values until a
comprehensive understanding is developed facilitates a more nuanced and accurate interpretation of
behavior. Low Assertive countries have sympathy for weak people and emphasize more on loyalty of
work and relations and solidarity. Since the language and culture are inseparable, the cross cultural
understanding becomes the basic need for the language learners. By clicking “Check Writers’
Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Coca-Cola has its 80% of sales
generated outside the home market and same goes with Procter and Gamble, they generated sales of
65% outside the home market. The cross cultural management by expatriate managers positively
influence HCN organization identification and support positively affect headquarters environment
and subsidiaries from where they have been posted. It's important to exercise cultural sensitivity
when interacting with individuals from different backgrounds. High Humane Oriented -- Such
counties avoid conflicts and support others. E.g. Ireland Culture Influence in Communicating and
Negotiating Business While communicating and negotiating in business, there are several dimensions
that should be considered with respect to diversification of cultures. Without cross-cultural
communication skills, this may lead to misunderstanding among them. Talking in the context of
cross-culture, literature is defined as the literary culture understanding. The ability of intercultural
communication presumes an understanding of the way in which culture influences the expectations,
behaviour and ability to recognise and use the cultural differences as resources to learn and solve the
problems within different contexts. The authority to make critical decisions is heavily centralized.
Objects or products that exist in one society, but not in another. Usually every individual is treated
equally but within these rules people try to discriminate their companions or subordinate.
Individualism -- West appreciates individual performance rather then collectivist performance. This
success if achieved through the managers negotiations done in different regions keeping their culture
in mind. Hence the same approach should be adopted by the managers. What is the Importance of
Cross-Cultural Communication Skills The introduction of Cross-Cultural Communication in the
workplace is necessary because different cultures have unique ways of thinking, analyzing, hearing,
accepting, and interpreting various things. In case of directional leadership the leader prepares
guides for the staff regarding what the staffs should do and how to perform the tasks along with the
functional standards. In today's global setup, the relevance of cross-cultural communication cannot
be overstated. When you choose this option, all subscribed issues are delivered free to your door
step. This includes body language, gestures, eye contact, and postures. In such scenarios the Chinese
managers may have to manage Japanese staffs. One of the most important characteristics of the
leaders is to have an insight to the key happenings within a group in an organization. Literature
Review and Hypothesis Cross cultural management is a challenging task for multinational companies
as managing host country nationals of an overseas subsidiary leads to problematic situation. As
employees are the backbone of any organization, their understanding of different cultural
backgrounds and communication styles is essential for achieving mutual goals and success. This
study will therefore, employ different theories and review of literature to identify the cultural
disparities in the negotiation styles of the Indians and Western business managers. Developing top
managers with international understanding for negotiating in business Usually it is observed that
success of any product depends on the higher consumption and profit generation from host countries
as compared to the home-country of the product. If the Chinese leadership looks to operate the
Japanese subsidiaries in the same way, there would be occurrence of conflict (Henry, 2008, p. 89).
Therefore the best way to handle the situation would be understand the Japanese culture and the
mindset of the people and develop a communication system accordingly. Interpretation of Time
Punctuality is highly valued in certain cultures such as China and Japan. You can download the paper
by clicking the button above. Taking the time to engage with employees from different cultures and
learning about their experiences can be a beneficial practice for both the employees and the business.
Overcoming the language barrier requires multifaceted strategies. Internationalization of companies
beyond their present territories is a priority for many companies. It gives an idea of something which
connects to the life of individuals. In these cultures, being late may be considered disrespectful or
embarrassing. It's crucial in all industries that require effective communication, as previously
highlighted. While some cultures place great importance on maintaining space during greetings or
meetings as a sign of respect, others may not view it as crucial. 3. Non-verbal Communication In
low-context cultures, content holds greater significance than context. I'm passionate about my work
and constantly strive to learn and improve my skills. Low Assertiveness It defines that how people
tend to be relaxed. However, not every company succeeds in the international market. Individuals
possess a unique communication style that reflects their cultural identity. The women of Saudi Arabia
wear Abayas even if they are wearing high end fashionable attires. Instead, they use their hand as a
non-verbal cue. 3. Awareness To navigate the Cross-Cultural Communication system effectively, it's
important to understand the people you are interacting with.
In USA the employment of friends of family members is not treated as a good act. If you choose this
option, the details of the same and how to access this option will be shared with you after your order
is processed, within one to two weeks. Creating an environment that promotes the understanding of
different cultures and religions is essential not only in the workplace, but also in one's personal life.
Members of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research receive Cross-Cultural Research as a benefit of
membership. These sources can have a significant impact on effective communication, making it
essential to identify and address them. 1. Assumption of similarities It is a common misconception to
assume that one's own behavior, thoughts, and actions are universally accepted and perceived in the
same way around the world. Benefits of culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms slideshow
jan 17. They work on the condition of high performance and uncertainty avoidance, whereas East
part is completely opposite from this theory. Conversely, high-context cultures place greater value on
context over written content. The modern day businesses have become quite complex. Some Literary
works claim to be a real record of their society such. Promoting such conversations among
employees is a priority for the company to enhance productivity and foster a positive work
environment. But in low uncertainty avoidance cultures are more comfortable with ambiguity.
Effective communication is crucial in any workplace, and cultural differences can often hinder this
process. To overcome these barriers, a heightened range of perception is advocated. They avoid
conflicts and try to develop themselves within their own resources and culture. Such countries show
comfort ability to adopt and to lead others to practice their culture and norms which are acceptable
by international laws too. Thirdly, it is essential to seek clarification when uncertainties arise,
fostering an environment conducive to effective cross-cultural communication. This section aims to
come up with a working list of the. Thought Patterns It basically means the type of information that
people gather from their experiences and learning from past or present. Therefore the managers of
different international organizations should obtain knowledge about such cultural characteristics and
differences to execute leadership and decision making tasks with the utmost efficiency and
versatility (Bass, 2000, pp. 19-40). Leadership and Globalization Globalization can be described as
the process where a company looks to enter the international market. As employees are the backbone
of any organization, their understanding of different cultural backgrounds and communication styles
is essential for achieving mutual goals and success. It also presumes the capacity for self-awareness
and to use the abilities and techniques of communication in. Surprises, inherent in cross-cultural
communication, should be anticipated and embraced, underscoring the ongoing commitment
required for successful intercultural interactions. Berkshire: McGraw-Hill Education. Henry, A. 2008.
Understanding Strategic Management. Lanigan (2013a) stated that communication is technically an
account of how human beings use semiotic systems, especially language, to symbolize their
interactive thinking, speaking, and bodily practices, i.e., behavior as culture. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. In these cultures, company activities are less formal and structured,
managers take more risks in fact much more risk is their because of no contingency plans, and
employees have more job mobility. Negotiating businesses in this region is a bit difficult for any
western manager because they belong from short term oriented cultures that follow objective rather
then subjective. It's crucial in all industries that require effective communication, as previously
highlighted. The paper “Understanding How Different Cultures Communicate as an Important Step
to Effective Communication” is an outstanding example of a literature review on communication.
While this may take some time to implement, the positive results make it well worth the effort. 2.
Avoid Signaling Using non-verbal communication can be a sensitive issue for some individuals,
particularly those from different cultural backgrounds. Culture is one of the most influential factors
that is profoundly inbuilt in our values and communication styles; and when it comes to share
information among people with different surroundings, a lot of aspects come across. This paper
'Cross-Cultural Literature' tells us that Literature is defined as anything that is based on reality,
creativity, and imagination. It encompasses communication between individuals from different
cultural, societal, or national backgrounds and is relevant in various settings, including businesses,
universities, and schools. Sony is one example of a company that has been very successful on the
global stage through innovation and manpower training. In such cultures, non-verbal cues are given
more importance than language. It is our hope to make clear the importance of these differences to
the broad community of cross-cultural psychologists in finding the ways to move forward the
common programme of understanding the role of culture in human psychological processes and the
specific role of cross-cultural research in that enterprise. In today's global setup, the relevance of
cross-cultural communication cannot be overstated. As employees are the backbone of any
organization, their understanding of different cultural backgrounds and communication styles is
essential for achieving mutual goals and success. This need arises frequently in the workplace, where
cultural diversity is commonplace. These filters encompass the inclination to interpret and evaluate
behavior prematurely, coupled with a predisposition to stereotype groups, preventing nuanced
interpretations. This enables them to communicate effectively, leading to a significant improvement
in the progress chart of the business. There happens to be very less liberty of actions for the
executives and the board members of an American organization as compared to a Japanese company.
The primary focus is on exchanging knowledge rather than the other aspects of communication.
What is the Importance of Cross-Cultural Communication Skills The introduction of Cross-Cultural
Communication in the workplace is necessary because different cultures have unique ways of
thinking, analyzing, hearing, accepting, and interpreting various things. Members of the Society for
Cross-Cultural Research receive Cross-Cultural Research as a benefit of membership. This involves
recognizing the uncertainty regarding others' expectations and what one can expect from them.
While going global or Glocal in business, the management should have the international
understanding of the cultures so that it gets easier for them to communicate with different classes of
people. Sources of Miscommunication To enhance cross-cultural communication, it is important to
avoid the six sources of miscommunication outlined in LarayBarna's communication theory across
cultures. Effective communication is crucial in any workplace, and cultural differences can often
hinder this process. It means that when Chinese, Japanese and Pakistanis say YES while talking to
someone, that doesn’t means that they will follow your commands, it actually means that “YES we
are listening to you”. The little children in Ezeuku?s compound joined the rest in welcoming. This
section aims to come up with a working list of the. Language Language is a bridge between various
cultures. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to prioritize cross cultural communication training
and education for their employees. The teacher has to ask students, after they have read the text, to
think critically. The relationship among the culture and the managers is quite different. Cross Cultural
literature is important because of the consistent changing of trends from West to East. Organizational
researchers have traditionally used deterministic and universal values at the starting point, yet the
emphasis on the need to go beyond these dimensions has increased in the recent years, that is
suggestive of the integration of anthropological perspective of culture into the organizational
literature. It gives idea of something which connects to life of individuals.
Such countries show comfort ability to adopt and to lead others to practice their culture and norms
which are acceptable by international laws too. Believing passionately that engaged scholarship lies
at the heart of any healthy society and that education is intrinsically valuable, SAGE aims to be the
world’s leading independent academic and professional publisher. Cross-cultural communication can
help bridge the gap and promote harmony and productivity within the organization. 3. Management
In today's globalized world, businesses often have operations in multiple countries, making Cross-
Cultural Communication an essential aspect of success. It create the big difference because while
communication there are different meanings of different statements. R. M. Thomas, Conducting
Educational Research: A Comparative. Effective communication is crucial in any workplace, and
cultural differences can often hinder this process. Sony is one example of a company that has been
very successful on the global stage through innovation and manpower training. When employees
come from diverse backgrounds, it's important to understand how to communicate with them in a
way that fosters mutual understanding and respect. For any organization it is important to create
global recognition and to serve people all over the world with their services and the best service can
only be given when organizations work according to the people’s expectations and then nations
welcome such organizations. These sources can have a significant impact on effective
communication, making it essential to identify and address them. 1. Assumption of similarities It is a
common misconception to assume that one's own behavior, thoughts, and actions are universally
accepted and perceived in the same way around the world. One is of Hofstede’s Dimensions and
another is of Trompenaar’s Dimensions. We suumarize several decades of discussion among Russian
and non-Russian advocates of the cultural-historical approach concerning the interpretation of
comparative, cross-cultural studies. Here are some tips for making the most of your international
interactions: Don’t assume that everyone thinks in the same way you do. Leadership styles and
management methods across the world are quite diverse and get heavily influenced by particulars
dominant in the environment. This section aims to come up with a working list of the. They move
forward on the bases of objectives rather than being subjective for any problem. This enables them
to communicate effectively, leading to a significant improvement in the progress chart of the
business. During the course of the course of the present study the main focus happens to be on
China, USA and Japan (Simons, 2011, p.275). China has been selected because it is one of the most
emerging economies in the world. Leaders provide equal importance to the needs of the staffs as
well as the organizational objectives. As it has been discussed both Chinese and Japanese cultures
and organizations are different in nature. It encapsulates cultural competence, necessitating an
understanding of not just what is said but also how, when, where, and why it is expressed. Usually
people when they move from one country to another for work purpose, these types of problems arise.
The ratio of trust is higher because they have to deal with the western world. Social Organization
When people work in team or as units, they get closer to one another and they tend to fill gaps
between two different cultures. However, this isn't always the case and can hinder progress and the
ability to initiate conversations. Working and negotiating with such managers is easier because they
tend to be more calm while dealing and managing things. English literature is any literary work
written in English language. Each team member will be held to the same standards of conduct as
developed by the company's executives. Some examples of cross-cultural communication include
being mindful of differences in language, customs, and nonverbal communication. To overcome
these barriers, a heightened range of perception is advocated.
Pizza Hut in Saudi Arabia has separate dining rooms divided by genders and Saks made a separate
floor for women only. Cultural shock is one of those challenges which main occurs when a company
attempts to launch the marketing campaign. This article is dedicated to provide the definitions of
cross-cultural communication, its importance to communicate for international Business and how to
improve effective communicative competency in order to be an effective communicator for the
success of doing international business. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Low
Assertive countries have sympathy for weak people and emphasize more on loyalty of work and
relations and solidarity. Although many of the previous researches have limited their focus to the
cultural dimensions of the international businesses. However, in contrast to the Japanese
organizations the Americans do not tend to develop emotional relationships with the employers
(Boselie, 2010, p. 299). Adapting to different cultures Globalization is the buzz word of the modern
day business. Companies are taking steps to implement programs that prioritize employee benefit and
growth in this area. This means playing a creative role in society by disseminating teaching and
research on a global scale, the cornerstones of which are good, long-term relationships, a focus on
our markets, and an ability to combine quality and innovation. For India where majority is the
follower of Hinduism, this statement is not effective because it’s hitting their cultural values.
Uncertainty Avoidance It is also “Hofstede’s Dimension” which states the avoidance of any problem
in advance or to make contingency plans. It is also a way to change perception regarding one’s
culture and instead of stereotyping, people should learn the beliefs of others. Buchanan, D. and
Huczynski, A. 2010. Organizational Behaviour. There are certain cultural variables that need to be
studied while communicating with different people; Attitudes It means stereotyping. It encapsulates
cultural competence, necessitating an understanding of not just what is said but also how, when,
where, and why it is expressed. The leaders of USA tend to put value on work and put a lot of
emphasis on planning as to decide what to do and when to do. The paper “Understanding How
Different Cultures Communicate as an Important Step to Effective Communication” is an
outstanding example of a literature review on communication. For the point of view of the
organizations, in case of any discrepancies related to knowledge or skills, the workers are thoroughly
trained. Observing without immediate interpretation and evaluation, seeking clarification when in
doubt, and clarifying intentions when speaking are key practices. Managers tend to be people that
get things done and the corporate culture happens to be the mechanism that is used by the managers
to understand the way they should communicate with the team members. Cross Cultural
understanding is important because it makes people to recognize, react, perceive and to interpret the
situations and dilemmas that causes misunderstanding due to cultural differences. It Includes China,
Japan, Taiwan, Pakistan, India because these places are more subjective oriented rather then
objective. Overall the Chinese leaders primarily follow the directional leadership (Sekaran and
Bougie, 2009, p.121). Leadership Styles in US Companies The American CEOs or the leaders look
to use one of the five leadership models such as the directive, participative, charismatic and
empowering. London: McGraw Hill. Boxall, P. and Purcell, J. 2007. Strategy and human resource
management, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd edition. Cross-Cultural literature is important
because of the consistent changing of trends from West to East. Sources of Miscommunication To
enhance cross-cultural communication, it is important to avoid the six sources of miscommunication
outlined in LarayBarna's communication theory across cultures. Secondly, addressing other
intercultural barriers serves as a proactive approach to reduce overall stress. Unleashing the Power of
AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Not only general information are available
in this book but it is also supported by specific views of how the culture and communication are held
by the different societies. This is due to the good communication of managers in order to create good
relations globally.

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