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Waylinding for People With Dementia: A Review

of tiio Reie ot Arciiitecturai Design
Gesine Marquardt, Dr-Ing

has a significant influence on residents' spatial orientation and <

Abstract ; wayfinding. Additional interventions such as signage, furnlsh-

' ing, lighting, and coiors are additional supporting features but •.
they cannot compensate for an adverse architectural design.
Objective: This paper provides an overview of the available
Conclusions: For the creation of a supportive, dementia- í
literature on architectural wayfinding design for people with
friendly environment, both aspects of architectural design must
dementia in nursing homes. The results were to be summa-
be considered. Design guidelines to support the wayfinding '
rized and substantiated through an interdisciplinary interpreta-
abilities of people with dementia were developed to synthesize i
tion, taking into account changes in the orientation process of
.both. I
people with dementia.
, Key Words: Dementia, wayfinding, orientation, architecture, \
Background: Spatial disorientation and declining wayfinding
; nursing home '.
abilities are among the early symptoms of dementia, limiting
a person's ability to perform activities of daiiy living (ADLs)
independently and ultimately, perhaps leading to institutional-
ization. A prerequisite to maintaining residents' quality of life in Introduction
a nursing home is their ability to orient themselves within their Finding one's way is an essential ability and a
new environment.
Approach: The available literature on wayfinding design for
prerequisite for autonomy and independence,
people with dementia in nursing homes was reviewed. Two thereby promoting self-sufficiency and self-es-
aspects of interventions for residents' wayfinding abilities
teem. However, spatial disorientation and declin-
were identified: the design of the floor plan typology and
environmental cues. ing wayfinding abilities are among the frequently
Results: The design of the physical environment plays a mentioned early symptoms of dementia. In 2002,
major role in supporting the wayfinding abilities of people with
the prevalence of dementia among individuals
dementia. The floor pian design of a nursing home in particular
aged 71 and older was 13.9% and comprised 3.4
Author Affiliation: Dr. Marquardt is Chair of Social- and Healthcare Build- million individuals in the United States (Plass-
ing and Design in the Department of Architecture at Dresden University of
Technology in Dresden, Germany.
mann et al., 2007). The prevalence increases dra-
Corresponding Author: Dr. Gesine Marquardt, Technische Universität matically with age: approximately 5% to 8% of
Dresden, Fakultät Architektur Lehrstuhl für Sozial- und Gesundheitsbauten,
01062 Dresden, Germany ( individuals over the age of 65, 15% to 20% of


individuals over the age of 75, and 25% to 50%

of individuals over the age of 85 years are affected A decline in orientation limits
(Kawas & Katzman, 1999). a person's ability to perform
By definition of the American Psychiatric Asso- daily activities independently;
ciation (APA, 2007), the essential features of a therefore, it is a prime reason
dementia are multiple acquired cognitive deficits
that usually include memory impairment and at for institutionalization.
least one of the following phenomena in the ab-
sence of a delirium that might explain the deficit: Stage 3 indicates a mild cognitive decline. Spatial
aphasia (inability to speak), apraxia (disorder of skills in familiar environments might remain in-
motor planning), agnosia (inability to recognize tact at this point (Liu et al., 1991). At Stage 4 of
objects, shapes, persons, etc.), or a disturbance mild dementia, disorientation also can occur in
in executive functioning (the ability to think ab- familiar locations. A decline in orientation lim-
stractly and to plan, initiate, sequence, monitor, its a person's ability to perform activities of daily
and stop complex behavior). Dementia of the living (ADLs) independently (such as self-care,
Alzheimer's type, commonly referred to as Al- including feeding oneself, bathing, dressing, and
zheimer's disease, is the most common dementia, grooming, as well as work, homemaking, and lei-
accounting for 50% to 75% of the total number sure). Therefore, spatial disorientation is a prime
of cases, the percentage increasing with age (APA, reason for institutionalization (McShane et al.,
2007). 1998).

The reason for spatial disorientation in dementia The prevalence of dementia in nursing home ad-
might be found in memory deficits (Monacelli, missions was found to be 50% (Magaziner et al.,
Cushman, Kavcic, & Duffy, 2003), visuospatial 2000); among those already residing in a nursing
deficits (Liu, Gauthier, & Gauthier, 1991), and home, it was 62% (Matthews & Dening, 2002).
dementia-specific changes in orientation strate- Residents' ability to orient themselves within the
gies and in the loss of planning abilities (Passini, nursing home is a prerequisite for maintaining
Rainville, Marchand, & Joanette, 1998). Getting quality of life (González-Salvador et al., 2000;
lost in unfamiliar locations is already mentioned at Hoe, Hancock, Livingston, & Orrell, 2006).
Stage 3 of the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) This paper provides an overview of the available
(Reisberg, Ferris, de Leon, & Crook, 1982). The literature on wayfinding design for people with
GDS is a seven-stage rating scale used to assess dementia. If particular studies involved enroll-
whether a person has cognitive impairments that ing only people with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's
are related to dementia. It ranges from no cogni- disease, this is noted. However, this should be
tive decline (Stage 1) to severe dementia (Stage 7). regarded with caution because the definitive di-



agnosis of Alzheimer's disease requires both the "conditioned by the innate physical and percep-
clinical syndrome and microscopic examination tual-cognitive abilities of the person as well as by
of the brain at autopsy (APA, 2007). the spatial and sensory information provided by
the environment in which the person finds her-
But with Alzheimer's disease accounting for the self" (p. 117). From these factors the authors de-
majority of the total number of cases of demen- rived four areas of transaction critical to success-
tia and an even greater proportion of cases in the ful wayfinding, each of them essential to success:
higher age ranges (APA, 2007), it can be assumed
that in all studies the majority of participants 1. Cognitive ability to process spatial information
were people with dementia of the Alzheimer's 2. Cognitive ability to process sensory informa-
type. Additionally, the focus of this literature re- tion
view will be on nursing homes because most of 3. Physical ability to ambulate the spatial organi-
the empirical evidence available is from those set- zation
tings. Also, the majority of people with dementia 4. Physical ability to perceive sensory informa-
are institutionalized at some point during their tion
disease (Gaugler, Kane, Kane, Clay, & Newcom-
er, 2002; Hébert, Dubois, Wolfson, Chambers, However, with old age and the symptoms of
& Cohen, 2000). Design guidelines for demen- dementia, all four areas of transaction can be
tia-friendly environments that promote wayfind- compromised: cognitive abilities may be limited
ing and spatial orientation conclude the article. because of dementia, and physical abilities may
be reduced by sensory impairment, such as poor
Wayfinding in Dementia vision. Therefore, a supportive design of the en-
The process of finding one's way includes know- vironment is needed. Furthermore, the lack of
ing where you are, knowing your destination, good wayfinding abilities may be related to other
knowing (and following) the best route to the negative symptoms of dementia, such as wander-
destination, recognizing the destination upon ar- ing (or restless walking): poor performance on
rival, and finding the way back (Brush & Calkins, simple wayfinding goals and global wayfinding
2008). Even the first step of this process can be strategies were the deficits most associated with
challenging. As Örluv points out, people with wandering.
dementia suffer from "disorientation to an ex-
tent that has made independent living impossible How problems with spatial orientation are related
[but it] does not preclude a remaining capacity to to wandering behavior is not yet understood; fur-
approach, in a constructive and systematic way, ther research on the matter is necessary (Algase et
the issue of where one is" (Örluv, 2010, p. 39). al., 2004). Yet supporting the wayfinding abilities
Further steps in the wayfinding process are, as of people with dementia is an important therapeu-
Diaz Moore, Geboy, and Weisman (2006) stated. tic goal of environmental design. Although people


with early Alzheimer's disease show little differ- ment designed to be dementia-friendly Ecologi-
ence in orientation when compared with healthy cal gerontology explains this relationship through
subjects (Jheng & Pai, 2009), a compensating en- established models such as person-environment
vironment becomes increasingly important as de- fit. This model describes the degree to which a
mentia progresses. Even nursing home residents person or his or her personality is compatible
in advanced stages of dementia are able to find with the environment, a prerequisite to using
certain destinations within their nursing home— one's full potential (Kahana, 1982).
if the environment encompasses supportive design
features (Marquardt &c Schmieg, 2009; Passini, The Environmental Docility Hypothesis, how-
Pigot, Rainvilie, & Tétreaul, 2000), which is dis- ever, indicates that people who are subject to re-
cussed in this article. These environmental design strictions on their health or cognitive ability can-
features relate to the variables of the environment not always adapt the environment to their specific
identified by Weisman (1987), which also relate needs. Therefore, they are more dependent on the
to each of the transactions by Diaz Moore and external environment (Lawton & Simon, 1968).
colleagues (2006). They include architectural dif- This implies that people with dementia have a
ferentiation, signs, floor plan configuration, and lesser capacity to regulate environmental factors,
perceptual access. Through design considerations so their environment should be designed in such
each of these variables can contribute to facilitat- a way that it meets their specific needs. Figure 1
ing the experiential attributes defined above and suggests a dementia threshold that accounts for a
thus support successful wayfinding.
Other interventions to promote spatial Adaption Scope
orientation and wayfinding include the
use of location maps and behavioral
Zone of
training techniques (McGilton, Rivera, Maximum
8i Dawson, 2003). Capability

Dementia-Friendly Design
Not only wayfinding abilities are af-
fected by architectural design. Many
Dementia Threshold
other symptoms of dementia, such as
agitation, aggression, and temporal
weak < Environmental Pressure > strong
disorientation are targeted by environ-
mental interventions that are imple- Figure 1. Dementia threshold.
Source: Gutzmann, H. (2003). Therapeutische Ansätze bei Demenzen.
mented in nursing home design. Resi- In C. Wächtler (Ed.), Demenzen. Frühzeitig erkennen, aktiv behandeln,
dents' well-being and behavior also can Betroffene und Angehörige effektiv unterstützen. Stuttgart, Germany:
be supported by a physical environ- Thieme. Reprinted with permission.



sign, privacy, safety, and accessibility bave been S

Environmental interventions empirically linked to a bigber level of indepen-
that promote wayfinding dence, less agitation and aggression, and fewer
psycbotic problems (Cbafetz & Namazi, 2003;
can be implemented on Namazi & Jobnson, 1992; Smitb, Matbews, &
two levels: the design of Gresbam, 2010; Zeisel et al., 2003). Tbe appear-
ance of a tberapeutic environmental design in
the floor plan typology and nursing facilities bas been published in design
environmental cues, which books and articles and is mostly based on exten-
sive practical experience and qualitative researcb
comprise signage, furnishings, (Brawley, 1997; Coben ÔC Weisman, 1991; Diaz
lighting, colors, etc. Moore et al., 2006; Judd, Marsball, & Pbippen,
1998; Warner, 2000). The most significant crite-
diminisbed ability to adapt (or adaption scope) to ria resulting from these publications are sbown
environmental stress: witb increased competence, in Table 1.
an individual's adaption scope for environmental
stress increases. Tbe competence of people witb Architectural Features That Promote
dementia is limited by a dementia tbresbold, thus Wayfinding
resulting in a diminished ability to adapt to envi- Environmental interventions tbat promote way-
ronmental stress. finding can be implemented on two levels: tbe
design of tbe fioor plan typology and environ-
By means of tberapeutic environmental design, mental cues, wbicb comprise signage, furnisbings,
wbicb considers tbe limited ability of people ligbting, colors, etc. Even common materials tbat
witb dementia to adapt to tbeir environment, can be manipulated or used, sucb as groceries,
their well-being and functionality can be affected water, and materials for bandicrafts, can support
residents' orientation (Topo & Kotilainen, 2009).
positively (Day & Calkins, 2002; Day, Carreon,
Tbe arcbitectural design of nursing bomes bas
& Stump, 2000; Tilly & Reed, 2008). Pbysical
been the subject of some empirical studies, but
features sucb as small group size, residential de-
only five tbat focus on tbe
Table 1. Criteria of a Therapeutic Environment design of floor plans were
Legibility Famiiiarity Autonomy Sensory Social
Stimulation Interaction identified. An overview of
logical room biographical barrier-free, encouragement privacy tbese studies and additional
syntax reference compensating
environment interventions for residents'
furnishing homogenous safety and avoidance of belonging
and small security overstimulation orientation tbat are dis-
groups cussed later in tbis article
fixtures and noninstitutional orientational access to the communication
fittings character cues outdoors are sbown in Table 2.


Table 2. Interventions for Residents' Orientation: Features of Floor Plan Typology and Environmental Design
Intervention Level Design features that...
support residents' orientation interfere with residents' orientation
Building structure • Small scale (Marquardt & Schmieg, • Long corridors (Elmstahl, Annerstedt, &
2009; Netten, 1989) Ahlund, 1997; Netten, 1989)
• Direct visual access to reievant piaces • Changes of direction in the circulation
(Marquardt & Schmieg, 2009; Passini system (Marquardt & Schmieg, 2009)
étal., 1998; 2000) • Repetitive elements (Marquardt &
• Simple decision/reference points, Schmieg, 2009; Netten, 1989)
serving as spatial anchor points
(Elmstahl et al., 1997; Marquardt &
Schmieg, 2009; Netten, 1989; Passini
et al., 1998; 2000)
• Places with different and also legible
function ar)d meaning (Marquardt &
Schmieg, 2009; Netten, 1989; Passini
et al., 1998; 2000)
• Spatial proximity of idtchen, dining,
and activity rooms (Elmstahl et al.,
Environmental • Signage (pictograms, resident's name, • Information clutter (Passini et al., 1998)
design portrait photograph, photographic
labels) (Gross et al., 2004; Namazi &
Johnson, 1991; Nolan, Mathews, &
Harrison, 2001; Nolan, Mathews,
Truesdell-Todd, & VanDorp, 2002;
Passini et al., 1998; 2000)
• Personal items on doors (Namazi,
Rosner&Rechlin, 1991)

Design of Supportive Floor Plans were confined to a distinct area for a particular
One of the first empirical studies that concen- subgroup of residents. The seven other homes in
trated on wayfinding for people with dementia the study were called communal homes, characr
in nursing homes was conducted by Netten in terized by a single dining area where all residents
1989. Included in the study were 104 residents ate. In these homes, larger sitting areas tended to
from 13 nursing homes. Their wayfinding abili- be concentrated in one area of the home, away
ties were measured by analyzing which places they from the bedrooms. Long corridors were another
were able to find unaided, those that they needed frequently found characteristic of the communal
some help locating, or those for which they had homes.
to be taken the whole way. The main distinction
among the floor plan typologies of the nursing Results showed that residents who had longer
homes was that six of them were group homes, routes (as in the communal homes) had more dif-
meaning that ADLs such as eating and sleeping ficulty finding their way around. Also, the num-



ber of exit points from a route was correlated with degree of confusion or disorientation. However,
the tendency of residents to get lost. Repetitive this study substantiated the association between
elements, such as a large number of doors in a the architectural design of floor plan layout with
corridor, were confusing as well. Simple decision residents' orientation, as well as the importance
points and a larger number of zones (places with of spatial anchor points.
different functions and meanings), such as were
found in the group homes, supported residents' Passini and colleagues conducted two studies ex-
wayfinding abilities. ploring the wayfinding abilities of people with
Alzheimer's disease, one with 14 patients and 28
Elmstahl et al. (1997) investigated psychiatric controls in a hospital (Passini et al., 1998) and
symptoms in people with dementia (n = 105) af- another with 6 patients and 10 staff members in
ter admission to group living units with three dif- a nursing home (Passini et al., 2000). These are
ferent floor plan designs: 14 with a corridor-like the only studies that included wayfinding tasks
design, one with an L-shaped design, and three in which residents had to go to another floor of
with a square or H-shaped design. Although the building.
symbols for orientation were used in the units,
this study demonstrated that architectural design In the nursing home investigated (Passini et al.,
influences the ability to orient. Residents in the 2000), the cafeteria was situated on the ground
L-shaped floor plan had less disorientation than floor, requiring the use of elevators. This proved
the others at the 6-month follow-up. After 1 year, to be a major barrier to most residents. Therefore,
the residents in the corridor-like designed units the staff of the institution tended to take the resi-
had more dyspraxia, lack of vitality, and disori- dents to their destinations if they went outside
entation of identity. The spatial proximity of the the living quarters of the home. From these find-
kitchen, dining room, and activity room in the ings it becomes evident that all places relevant to
L-, H- and square-shaped units was also identi- residents should be located on the same floor.
fied as a supportive feature.
Further, the results of both studies (Passini et al.,
The size of the unit (total area) and the activity 1998; 2000) showed that most participants were
area or other indoor public rooms were not re- incapable of developing an overall plan to solve a
lated to confusion or disorientation. However, wayfinding task and made their decisions on ex-
because all of the buildings analyzed were group plicit architectural information. Passini and col-
living units and the number of residents was six leagues identified two groups of architectural fea-
to eigbt people, only minor variance was expect- tures that affect wayfinding: those related to the
ed in terms of total unit area. Contrary to the spatial organization of a setting, and those that
recommendations in most guidelines, creating a provide the wayfinding person with the informa-
more homelike unit did not seem to reduce the tion necessary for the decision-making process.


According to their studies, the Marquardt and Schmieg (2009)

most important architectural investigated the wayfinding
information for wayfinding in abilities of 450 residents (mild
people with Alzheimer's disease dementia, « = 91; moderate
comprises the identification dementia, n = 183; and se-
of reference points and places. Figure 2. Straight circulation system. vere dementia, n = 176) in 30
An articulated and distinctive nursing homes. The number
architectural environment, di- of residents per living unit in
rect visual access to the com- the homes varied from 8 to 35
mon room, simple circulation people. The layout of the cir-
routes, and small-scale settings culation system was the most
were identified as supportive distinctive variation in the floor
architectural design features in plan typologies, and three ma-
nursing homes. Monotonous, jor typologies were identified:
repetitive architectural features straight circulation systems {n
Figure 3. L-shaped circulation sys-
such as long, undifferentiated = 14, Figure 2), layouts that
tem with a change in direction.
double-loaded corridors inter- featured one shift in direction
fered with residents' wayfind- (e.g., L-shaped circulation sys-
ing ahilities. tems, « = 9, Figure 3), and con-
tinuous paths around an inside

Passini and colleagues also courtyard {n - 7, Figure 4).

highlighted the importance of
reference points in wayfinding In the study, the impact of the
tasks. Reference points can be characteristics of the floor plan
spaces with distinct functions, typology of a nursing home on
such as the nursing station or a resident's wayfinding abili-
the living room, as well as ele- Figure 4. Continuous path around an ties was measured by assess-
ments like furniture or deco- inside courtyard. ing which destinations (e.g.,
rations. Their essential charac- the common room/kitchen.
teristics are distinctions in form, function, and the resident's individual bedroom, and the bath-
if possible, meaning from other environmental room) they were able to reach independently. Re-
elements in the home. Signage also was men- suits showed that the number of residents and the
tioned as an important supportive element, size of the living area constitute the most signifi-
when architectural and interior design features cant factors of a resident's orientation: wayfind-
were not sufficient to provide the necessary in- ing results were best in small units with 8 to 10
formation. residents.



The most thought-provoking result of the data ity to identify their own rooms (Namazi et al.,
analysis concerning the architectural features of 1991). Also, many people with moderate-to-se-
the floor plans is that the layout of the circulation vere dementia are able to identify written names
system significantly affected the residents' orien- and photographs of themselves. Identifying their
tation and was identified as the most influential own belongings, names, and photographic labels
environmental factor on a resident's wayfinding also can be of help (Gross et al., 2004). A com-
abilities. In straight circulation systems, residents bination of multiple cues was found to be even
were able to find their way better than in any more helpful, for example a portrait-type photo-
layout that featured a shift in direction, such as graph of a resident as a young adult, a sign stating
L-shapes. Numerous shiftis in direction, such as the resident's name, and personal memorabilia
continuous paths around an inside courtyard, in- in a display case outside the room (Nolan et al.,
terfered further with residents' wayfinding abili- 2001; 2002).
Information clutter, such as wayfinding signage
This effect on the resident's wayfinding abilities among meal plans and staff announcements,
was found to apply to all places analyzed in the should be avoided because people with dementia
homes. Well-supplied eat-in kitchens with large are incapable of extracting the relevant informa-
dining tables were found to have great impor- tion (Passini et al., 1998). It also should be noted
tance for residents as spatial anchor points: most that the height of signage needs to be adapted to
residents, even people with severe dementia, were the downward gaze of many elderly people (Na-
able to locate such places. Again, in straight struc- mazi & Johnson, 1991). Placing signage on the
tures, this location was found more easily than in floor could be an option but should be imple-
any other typology. Another contributing factor mented very carefully and preferably tested be-
was the provision of only one eat-in kitchen— forehand. People with dementia might perceive
both the ability to track down this place and over- dark patterns or decisive separations of one area
all orientation in the nursing home increased. from another as three-dimensional and be afraid
of the steps or "holes" in the floor (Passini et al.,
Implementation of Environmental Cues 2000; Namazi, Rosner, & Calkins, 1989).
Whereas the studies presented so far have focused
mainly on the architectural layout and floor plan Safety aspects also have been studied in relation
design of the nursing homes, others targeted a to wayfinding design, especially ways to prevent
resident's immediate environment. Signs and pic- residents from using exit doors. Interventions
tograms were identified as useful in supporting that proved useful included the use of mirrors
the identification of the bathroom (Namazi & on doors (Mayer & Darby, 1991) and a horizon-
Johnson, 1991). Decorating residents' bedroom tal grid of black tape on the floor in front of the
doors with personal items increased their abil- door (Hewawasam, 1996). It also was helpful to


reduce cues for exiting, sucb as biding tbe door

knob bebind a piece of clotb or blocking tbe view Environmental interventions
tbrougb the glass window of a door, using a blind to promote wayfinding are
(Dickinson, McLain-Kark, & Marsball-Baker,
1995). best utilized when they are
combined and address
Environmental interventions to promote way-
finding are best utilized wben tbey are combined different senses.
and address different senses. In tbis manner, an
age-related impairment of one sense (e.g., vision) Tbe tberapeutic value of ligbting also has been
migbt be compensated for by anotber (e.g., bear- questioned (Forbes et al., 2004). However, from
ing). Tbe idea of multiple cueing can be extended tbe existing empirical evidence and practical ex-
to cues for tbe date, time, and place (Bowie & perience in nursing bomes, it becomes evident
Mountain, 1997). The ability to discriminate col- tbat sufficient ligbting (500 lx of ambient light,
ors is affected in Alzbeimer's disease, witb most up to 2000 lx in activity areas) is a prerequisite
errors in tbe blue and green areas and fewer in for good vision and, therefore, for being able to
tbe yellow and red areas (Wijk, Berg, Sivik, & see and interpret tbe environment—wbetber it
Steben, 1999). Vivid color coding may enbance is tbe perception of tbe size and sbape of rooms
short-term memory and improve functional abil- or of cues for orientation—because all tbese ele-
ity (Cernin, Keller, &c Stoner, 2003). Most im- ments are prerequisites to wayfinding and spatial
portant, sufficient ligbting bas been sbown to orientation witbin a nursing bome setting.
be a central aspect of a supportive environment
(Noell-Waggoner, 2002) and also to bave a major So far, all aspects of environmental design to pro-
influence on residents' wayfinding abilities: tbe mote orientation bave focused on wayfinding,
more ligbt (botb artificial and natural) tbere is and tbus on mobile residents. However, reduced
in a nursing bome, tbe more residents are able to mobility is among tbe frequent noncognitive
find tbeir way around (Netten, 1989). symptoms of dementia (Wancata, Benda, Meise,
& Windbaber, 2003). Wben designing nursing
Several studies focused on tbe positive effects of bome environments, tbe needs of immobile resi-
artificial brigbt ligbt (2,000 lux [lx]) and also of dents must be taken into account by allowing for
outdoor natural ligbt on people witb dementia, visual access to activity areas from tbeir bedrooms
botb of wbicb lead to positive effects, includ- or a sitting area close by.
ing increased sleep duration and less aggressive
and agitated bebavior (Calkins, Szmerekovsky, Support of Outdoor Wayfinding
& Biddle, 2007; Riemersma-van der Lek et al., Some guidance is available on tbe design of out-
2008; Sloane et al., 2005, Sloane et al., 2007). door areas and gardens in nursing bomes (Rodiek


mentia and controls identified similar features
The explanation for these in the physical environment, and no significant
differences in the use of landmarks or other fea-
results can be attributed to
tures of the physical environment were identified.
changes in the orientation Although no difference in the basic use of signs
process of people with was found between the groups, the study showed
that people with early dementia might be more
dementia. dependent on adequate signage to perform way-
finding tasks.
& Schwarz, 2008). However, there has been very
little empirical research on designs to support the Mitchell et al. (2003) identified potential design
wayfinding abilities of people with dementia. The solutions that would enable older people with
location of a garden or balcony at a nursing home dementia to continue to negotiate and use their
has been investigated by Marquardt & Schmieg local neighborhoods by applying current knowl-
(2009). Results showed that with an increasing edge of best practice for internal environments
number of residents per living area, the number of to outdoor environments. From their findings,
residents able to use outdoor areas independently familiarity, legibility, distinctiveness, accessibility,
decreased. Organizational factors are assumed to comfort, and safety seem to have a major influ-
play an important role here, but architectural fea- ence on the wayfinding abilities of people with
tures also determine the location of an outdoor dementia. In urban design, this would mean that
space. If it is accessed from the eat-in kitchen, the small street blocks with direct, connected routes
outdoor space seems to be more accessible to the and good visual access, a varied urban form and
residents, compared with access from any other architectural features, and distinctive, unambigu-
point of the circulation system. If a terrace or a ous environmental cues could enhance successful
balcony with a sitting area that accommodates a orientation and wayfinding.
larger number of residents is located close to the
exit from the living area, the ability to locate the Interpretation of the Studies' Results
outdoor space increases significantly. The studies presented here produced different
results regarding whether floor plans designed as
Public outdoor wayfinding was investigated by straight corridors interfere with residents' way-
Sheehan, Burton, and Mitchell (2006) in a sam- finding abilities (Elmstahl et al., 1997; Netten,
ple of 13 community-dwelling elderly with early 1989) or not (Marquardt &C Schmieg, 2009). The
dementia and 10 healthy controls. Results of this reason for this controversy might be found in the
study also showed that people with dementia fact that the length of corridors, lighting intensity,
generally performed worse on wayfinding tasks, architectural differentiation, natural light, views
even in familiar areas. However, people with de- to the outside, and other sensory stimulation have


not been measured. However, all of the studies ful, autobiographical mental visual images have
identified the importance of good visual access. demonstrated a cerebral network including the
mind's eye (Donix et al., 2010; Poettrich et al.,
The explanation for these results and also for 2009). This map and mental visual images have
the outcomes on floor plan typologies can be at- been shown to play a very important role over
tributed to changes in the orientation process of the entire life span (Donix et al., 2010) and in
people with dementia. Their overall decline in preclinical Alzheimer's disease (Poettrich et al.,
spatial orientation and wayfinding performance 2009). Furthermore, these studies showed reduc-
is caused by their impaired cognitive spatial skills, tions in the metabolism of the brain, including
including mental spatial representation (Liu et in the area of the precuneus, the mind's eye. This
al., 1991). These internal representations of the implies that with advancing dementia, residents
environment in one's mind are called cognitive may encounter great difficulty in retrieving a
maps, which are a prerequisite to orient oneself mental visual image of a place that they cannot
and to the successful location of places. see, rendering them unable to generate, main-
tain, and use a cognitive map.
A cognitive map contains environmental infor-
mation on places that lie beyond the perceptual Concerning the layout of circulation systems, the
range of vision (Kitchin, 1994). The mental visual importance of direct visual access to all places rel-
representations of those objects, places, and routes evant to residents becomes evident. Another im-
are produced by an area of the brain called the pedimentary aspect of several changes of direction
precuneus. Because it is involved with visuospatial in a hallway is that it takes longer to track down a
processing and memory, it is called the mind's eye place and, during that process, the aim of the trip
(Fletcher et al., 1995). Because there is an overall undertaken may soon be forgotten. However, a
decline of cognitive abilities in dementia, it is ex- central corridor can have negative effects on the
pected that the prerequisite to orientation, which vitality of residents, as found in a study by Elm-
is cognitive mapping, also is limited. However, stahl and colleagues (1997). Therefore, sensory
this might not be the case in the early stages of stimulation through natural light and views to
dementia, because in most studies, those peoples' the outside, through spaces that promote interac-
level of orientation is still very high. With the tion and communication, and others need to be
progress of dementia, orientation declines, and it integrated into linear corridor designs.
is hypothesized that this can be ascribed to the
fact that the cognitive map deforms and breaks The absence of a cognitive map can be partially
apart, causing deteriorating orientation. compensated for by using other kinds of orienta-
tion strategies. Residents may orient themselves al-
Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging locentrically, from one decision point to the next.
studies of the neural basis of personally meaning- In straight circulation systems, this orientation



entation, interventions such as signage, furnish-

Four guidelines could be ings, lighting, and colors cannot compensate for
implemented in all designs to an adverse architectural design (Elmstahl et al.,
1997; Marquardt & Schmieg, 2009; Passini et.
support the wayfinding abilities al., 1998; 2000). For the creation of a dementia-
of people with dementia. friendly, supportive environment, the synthesis
of both aspects of architectural design must be
strategy can be efficiently and successfully used considered. The following four guidelines could
because only simple directional vectors between be implemented in all designs to support the
the point of origin and destination are required. wayfinding abilities of people with dementia:
To navigate changes of direction within the cor-
ridor, several subsequent vectors are required. This 1. No needfor new or higher skills. Because of their
implies that allocentric orientation strategies can- cognitive decline, people with dementia are lim-
not be used efficiently in more complex structures ited in the ability to perform higher skills or learn
or that multiple cues are needed for orientation. new skills. Therefore, the navigation of the floor
plan of a demenda-friendly setting should not
As has been shown in the preceding studies, such require higher skills, such as reading and inter-
cues are most effective if they serve as spatial an- preting signage. Also, the typology of the build-
chor points with a function or meaning that is ing should be a familiar design and not require
relevant to the residents. The fact that a small the acquisition of new orientation strategies, as
number of spatial anchor points (e.g., having only it does, for example, in typologies with continu-
one eat-in kitchen) is a supportive design feature ous paths. A simple, clear layout of the floor plan
also may be ascribed to cognitive mapping: a less and well-defined, geometrically simple rooms
detailed cognitive map that is easier to generate, are structural prerequisites to successful orienta-
maintain, and use would be the result. Further tion and wayfinding in nursing homes.
differentiation between similar elements—which 2. Allow visual access and overview. Because of the
becomes increasingly difficult with advancing degeneration of their brains, people with demen-
dementia—is no longer necessary. tia cannot mentally represent spatial situations
that they cannot see directly. Therefore, all places
Recommendations for Design and relevant to them should allow for visual access,
Conclusion and it should be possible for them to oversee
From the findings of the studies discussed here, their entire immediate living environment.
it can be hypothesized that floor plan designs 3. Reduce decision making. It becomes increasing-
significantly support the spatial orientation and ly difficult for people with dementia to make a
wayfinding of people with dementia. Although hierarchical decision. Therefore, crossing hall-
they play an important role in such people's ori- ways and several changes in direction should


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