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Competency R

S.No Group Culture Competency Contributor

Glossary of abbreviations :
OTIF=On Time In Full, NCR=Non Conformance Report, AI=Achievent Imagery, RFT=Right First Time, PDCA=Plan-Do-C
SME=Subject Matter Expert

Exhibits understanding of
customer needs, validates
Customer Focus : them with the customer before
Ensuring that external or internal, the duty to striving to fulfil them.
1 understand the customer's needs and exceed
their expectations, is the sole purpose of
Must follow the SOPs not
because he is supposed to
conform, but because he
System Driven : understands the risks of
2 While targets are paramount, they have to be deviation.
achieved by following the processes, not
through short cuts.

Exhibits accurate
Target orientation : understanding of daily/weekly
targets. Monitors himself
Hard work must be aligned towards daily, periodically and stretches
3 weekly, monthly targets derived from voluntarily to achieve OTIF.
organisational GOALS and reviewed
As the hands-on doer, he must
base all his actions on reliable
data. At crossroads, he should
Fact based decision making : follow the escalation matrix
rather than taking intutive
4 All thoughts, words and actions need to be decisions.
data driven and not perceptive. Decisions
need to be timely and unambiguous.
Would be applicable in
prioritizing activities,
Strategic thinking :
Ability to prioritize and have the larger picture
5 in mind. Be able to think long term rather
than just the now and here, fire fighting,

Be open to change. Be positive

and not defensive about being
Review and Re-align : reviewed.
6 Least resistant to change, monitoring and
stock-taking should be seen as enablers to
ensure target achievement.

Urge to take initiative.

Willingness to own his
Willingness to take responsibility : activities. Willingness to accept
7 The sense of urgency and belief in moving on, mistakes/failures.
should be visible in taking initiative. Driving,
rather than being driven.

Religiously practice data

recording. Consciously
Digital discipline : denounce cutting corners and
Genuine affinity to recording and churning follow the rigours of the
8 data for knowledge management. Thrive and digitalised work environment.
embrace the group-wide culture of
information automation.
Be a good and active listener.
Be receptive to all opinions
Value every opinion : from subordinates also.
9 Team player, clearly respecting the
professional merit of individuals rather than
being affiliative on personal grounds.
Competency Rubric
People Manager Manager's Manager Business Leader

ght First Time, PDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act, SMART=Specific-Measurable-Attainable-Relevant-TimeBased

Sets more stringent internal Monitors customer's needs Is able to interface with the
controls than what the closely to work on the trends. customer's world to be able to
customer specifies and drives Also engages with the predict unforeseen demands
his team to 100% OTIF delivery. customer for managing his and also mitigate risks of any
expectations without customer dissatisfaction
compromising on OTIF delivery. leading to loss of market share.

Should monitor total Orchestrate his multiple Avoid temptations to hasten to

adherance to systems and be a reportees into a touch and go piece-meal deviation
role model for compliance. mode of operations by defining approvals. Practice and
Strive for and demonstrate and guiding them on their propagate root cause analysis
auto-pilot mode of working. degrees of freedom without and systemic correction rather
any audit NCRs. than quick fixes.

Must know the weakest link in Should demonstrate and drive Drive the culture of 'what gets
his chain and be willing to the AI culture. Ensure that measured, gets delivered', with
standby or provide backup to targets infuse the adrenaline internal and external partners.
be able to ensure target rush rather than becoming Provide prompt decisions to
achievement under all threatening burdens for all his ensure the game spirit of
circumstances. teams. setting and surpassing targets.

As the first escalation point he Should not allow Usually responsible for
must not compromise on procrastination to creep in. managing ambiguity, critical
seeking facts, under duress. Fact based, calculated risk- thinking will be required. When
Must believe at the core that taking must be demonstrated dealing with the external
fact based decisions can be to ensure the speed and world, facts may not be served
time consuming but lead to RFT vibrancy of operations. on a platter. Hence the art of
and save wastages. connecting the dots will be
Sharing inputs with his team on Ability to look beyond the daily Keeping an accurate tab on the
need to know basis. Using and weekly trackers. Creating business environment,
ones' experience in sensing the win-win situations. Ability to watching the trends in
pulse of the warfield, and being read between the lines. Ability governance. Ability to foresee
aware of any undercurrents. to give in a bit to extract a lot the volcanoes while they are
more. dormant. Ability to foresee and
act upon the opportunities
before anyone else

Be habitual to PDCA. Propagate Appreciate calculated risk- Drive the nimble-footedness of

the advantages of review as an taking, condone genuine their domains by embracing
opportunity to correct rather mistakes and reprimand casual validated change initiatives.
than feeling exposed. errors. Ability to watch for Initiate SMART review
trends in periodic reviews and parameters that are cost and
initiate systemic changes. time saving

Visible traits of sharing the Exhibiting as a role model that Since the stakes would be
successes with his team and authority brings in an equal much higher, some of them
accepting the team failures, as share of responsibility. uncontrollable too, the balance
his own. Practicing the above, visibly, between authority and
while delegating. responsibility would have to be
carefully evaluated.

Religiously practice data Ensure the usage and complete Walk the talk for everyone to
mining, supported by the exploitation of Technology. emulate. Strive for all critical
digitalised work environment. Hand-hold his team into the business partners to get
Propagate paperless working. global work environment and connected. Strive to reduce
train them to enjoy the travel by embracing virtual
information era. connections.

Understanding the difference Creating an openness where Trying not to look at employees
between listening to and people can express. Accepting through hiearchial filters.
accepting any view. the fact that the best Gathering pieces of coal to be
innovations have happened by worked upon and transformed
allowing fair expression of into diamonds.


May have multiple customers,

usually internal. Internal
customers need more careful
attention and as a specialist he
may be required to handle
conflicting customers,

As a champion of niche
processes, avoid killing
innovation and out of box
thinking by distinguishing
controllable and un-
controllable parameters, while
being system driven.

Usually goverened by external

factors, he has to organise and
ensure all internal inputs are
taken well within time to be
able to meet the deadlines
without creating crisis.

As a specialist, the tolerances

will always be limited. Ability to
access accurate information,
quickly, will be a winner
Ability to tweak his niche
processes to automate them.
Ability to update himself to
avoid obsolecence.

Understanding the fact that the

specialist would usually have to
be taking charge of his own
review and re-alignment.
Networking with relevant

By the nature of his role he

would have to take the
responsibility and not buckle
under the pressure.

Religiously record all processes

and steps into the knowledge
management pool. Ability and
rigour to maintain complete
trail of activities.

Ability to accept that even a

generalist may have a valid
opinion about his area of
Competency Based Interviewing for
S.No Group Culture Competency Individual Contributor

Glossary of abbreviations :
OTIF=On Time In Full, NCR=Non Conformance Report,
AI=Achievent Imagery, RFT=Right First Time,
PDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act, SMART=Specific-Measurable-
Attainable-Relevant-TimeBased, SME=Subject Matter
Expert, VED=Vital-Essential-Desirable

Exhibits understanding of
customer needs, validates them
Customer Focus : with the customer before striving
Ensuring that external or internal, the to fulfil them.
1 duty to understand the customer's
needs and exceed their expectations, is
the sole purpose of existence.

Must follow the SOPs not

System Driven : because he is supposed to

2 While targets are paramount, they have conform, but because he

understands the risks of
to be achieved by following the deviation.
processes, not through short cuts.
Exhibits accurate understanding
of daily/weekly targets. Monitors
Target orientation : himself periodically and stretches
Hard work must be aligned towards voluntarily to achieve OTIF.
3 daily, weekly, monthly targets derived
from organisational GOALS and
reviewed frequently.
As the hands-on doer, he must
base all his actions on reliable
data. At crossroads, he should
Fact based decision making : follow the escalation matrix
rather than taking intutive
All thoughts, words and actions need to decisions.
4 be data driven and not perceptive.
Decisions need to be timely and
Would be applicable in
prioritizing activities, sometimes.
Strategic thinking :
Ability to prioritize and have the larger
5 picture in mind. Be able to think long
term rather than just the now and here,
fire fighting, approach.
Be open to change. Be positive
Review and Re-align : and not defensive about being
6 Least resistant to change, monitoring
and stock-taking should be seen as
enablers to ensure target achievement.
Urge to take initiative.
Willingness to take responsibility: Willingness to own his activities.
The sense of urgency and belief in Willingness to accept
7 moving on, should be visible in taking mistakes/failures.
initiative. Driving, rather than being
Religiously practice data
recording. Consciously denounce
Digital discipline : cutting corners and follow the
Genuine affinity to recording and rigours of the digitalised work
churning data for knowledge environment.
management. Thrive and embrace the
group-wide culture of information

Be a good and active listener. Be

receptive to all opinions from
Value every opinion : subordinates also.
Team player, clearly respecting the
9 professional merit of individuals rather
than being affiliative on personal
d Interviewing for an Individual Contributor
Suggested Questions
Way to use these questions
1. These are open ended questions, that will need the candidate to recall and narrate actual experiences.
2. Any 1 or 2 questions per Competency may be asked, depending upon the VED category for the specific role.
3. When the candidate has given his narration, there must be validating questions asked to ascertain the correctne
of the data/incident narrated.
4. More time needs to be spent in examining the Vital and Essential Competencies.
5. Never challenge the candidate during the interview for any wrong data/answers. You always have the final word
whether to shortlist the candidate or not. Their self-respect cannot be demolished by the interviewer, under any

1. Can you recall any customer (internal or external) who demanded something, while you delivered something else? Do you
think something went wrong?

2. Do you think Customers are in the habit of continuously adding to their demands? How do you tackle them?

3. Known Customers, particularly internal, have a certain quality expectation. Have you faced a situation where you misjudge
their needs? Tell us what was your learning?

1. Performing the jobs systematically as per the laid down processes, can be time consuming. So how do you manage your tim

2. SOPs are very helpful for new joiners, right? Can you tell us what do you do when you've mastered a certain process, doing
for years? Do you still follow the SOP?

1. Sometimes the goals and targets that come from the top are difficult to understand. What do you do in such a situation,
continue your hard work or seek clarification? Why?

2. In your opinion what should be the right interval for task reviews - daily, weekly, monthly or need based? Why?

3. Apart from keeping the seniors updated, do you think review and monitoring really helps in anything?

1. From your routine work life can you tell us of a situation where directions were not available and you had to take a decisio
Describe the steps you took.

2. As an action oriented person, have you faced a situation where either you could take a decision based on your own
assessment or escalate the matter to your superiors? What did you do and why?

3. While being taken around the plant during his induction on day one, Suresh saw a lose nut on a conveyor chain link. He
immediately picked-up the spanner, from the nearest toolbox and tightened the nut on the moving conveyor. Comment on t
1. Can you think of a real life experience where you had to choose between an essential activity and another, that had becom
vital? What did you do and why?

2. It is the last hour of your shift and for some critical reason you cannot stay back. There is a leaking oil filter, a worn-out fan
belt and a oil pressure guage thats showing wrong readings. Tell us how will you prioritise which one to attend first?

1. Can you recall on a review meeting with your seniors after which you had to change your action plan? Why did that happen
Was the change benefitial?

2. Have you experienced a change of plan that made you happy? Can you share, why?

3. Do you think plans once made should remain unchanged so that one can achieve the targets Right First Time?

1. Do you accept your mistakes? Tell us an instance when you accepted your mistake and how it all went about?

2. Have you faced a situation at work when a critical activity involving you, was just going to stop? What did you do?

3. Tell us about a few initiatives that you have taken, as an action person, to ensure the ball keeps rolling.

1. Have you worked and for how long, in an automated environment? What are the data points that get recorded for your
process? What reports does your software, churn out regularly? Do you record any other data, seperately?

2. Do you have any system automations that are not being used? How do you manage when the system is by-passed?

3. Working on Excel is so much easier, is'nt it? Then why do you think working inside a system is required?

1. It will be interesting to hear from you a recent suggestion/idea given by your subordinate. Can you recall any?

2. Since you work at an area where lot of action happens, there are a lot of views, opinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,
wanted or unwanted. How do you manage?

3. Tell us, if you can recall, about an unwelcome and unagreeable view point brought-up by a colleague or peer and what did
you do?

narrate actual experiences.

ED category for the specific role.
tions asked to ascertain the correctness

swers. You always have the final word on
shed by the interviewer, under any

le you delivered something else? Do you

How do you tackle them?

ou faced a situation where you misjudged

nsuming. So how do you manage your time?

you've mastered a certain process, doing it

nd. What do you do in such a situation,

monthly or need based? Why?

y helps in anything?

ot available and you had to take a decision?

ake a decision based on your own

lose nut on a conveyor chain link. He

on the moving conveyor. Comment on the
ntial activity and another, that had become

here is a leaking oil filter, a worn-out fan

oritise which one to attend first?

ge your action plan? Why did that happen?


the targets Right First Time?

e and how it all went about?

going to stop? What did you do?

the ball keeps rolling.

data points that get recorded for your

other data, seperately?

ge when the system is by-passed?

e a system is required?

rdinate. Can you recall any?

pinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,

t-up by a colleague or peer and what did

Competency Based Interviewing f
S.No Group Culture Competency People Manager

Glossary of abbreviations :
OTIF=On Time In Full, NCR=Non Conformance Report,
AI=Achievent Imagery, RFT=Right First Time,
PDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act, SMART=Specific-Measurable-
Attainable-Relevant-TimeBased, SME=Subject Matter
Expert, VED=Vital-Essential-Desirable

Sets more stringent internal

controls than what the
Customer Focus : customer specifies and drives
Ensuring that external or internal, the his team to 100% OTIF delivery.
1 duty to understand the customer's needs
and exceed their expectations, is the sole
purpose of existence.

Should monitor total

adherance to systems and be a
role model for compliance.
System Driven : Strive for and demonstrate
While targets are paramount, they have auto-pilot mode of working.
to be achieved by following the
processes, not through short cuts.

Must know the weakest link in

his chain and be willing to
Target orientation : standby or provide backup to
Hard work must be aligned towards be able to ensure target
3 daily, weekly, monthly targets derived achievement under all
from organisational GOALS and reviewed circumstances.
As the first escalation point he
must not compromise on
seeking facts, under duress.
Fact based decision making : Must believe at the core that
All thoughts, words and actions need to fact based decisions can be
4 be data driven and not perceptive. time consuming but lead to RFT
Decisions need to be timely and and save wastages.

Sharing inputs with his team on

need to know basis. Using
ones' experience in sensing the
Strategic thinking : pulse of the warfield, and being
Ability to prioritize and have the larger aware of any undercurrents.
5 picture in mind. Be able to think long
term rather than just the now and here,
fire fighting, approach.

Be habitual to PDCA. Propagate

Review and Re-align : the advantages of review as an
opportunity to correct rather
6 Least resistant to change, monitoring than feeling exposed.
and stock-taking should be seen as
enablers to ensure target achievement.
Visible traits of sharing the
Willingness to take responsibility: successes with his team and
The sense of urgency and belief in accepting the team failures, as
7 moving on, should be visible in taking his own.
initiative. Driving, rather than being
Religiously practice data
mining, supported by the
Digital discipline : digitalised work environment.
Genuine affinity to recording and Propagate paperless working.

8 churning data for knowledge

management. Thrive and embrace the
group-wide culture of information
Understanding the difference
between listening to and
accepting any view.
Value every opinion :
Team player, clearly respecting the
9 professional merit of individuals rather
than being affiliative on personal
Based Interviewing for a People Manager
Suggested Questions
Way to use these questions
1. These are open ended questions, that will need the candidate to recall and narrate actual experiences.
2. Any 1 or 2 questions per Competency may be asked, depending upon the VED category for the specific role.
3. When the candidate has given his narration, there must be validating questions asked to ascertain the correctne
of the data/incident narrated.
4. More time needs to be spent in examining the Vital and Essential Competencies.
5. Never challenge the candidate during the interview for any wrong data/answers. You always have the final word
whether to shortlist the candidate or not. Their self-respect cannot be demolished by the interviewer, under any

1. We often make commitments to our Customers based on the guestimates from our reportees. Can you narrate an experien
where the guestimate went absolutely wrong? How did you manage the customer?

2. Do you think it is really possible to meet 100% of the customer's expectations, always? If yes, how?

3. Have you had a situation where your team member brought in his personal bias and failed to achieve an internal customer
requirements? How did you cope up with the situation?

1. Performing the jobs systematically as per the laid down processes, can be tedious and time consuming. So how do you ens
all your team members adhere to the laid-down sytems, entirely?

2. One of the frequently quoted simplification of SOPs is the self check-in process at the airports. Do you think such examples
are possible in manufacturing processes? Please share an example if you have implemented one.

3. Getting a 95% score by studying hard v/s getting a leaked question paper, the latter is always easier, right? Can you please
1. Canan example
you where
share an you where
example had to you
delegatedyour teamand
a task to discard the easier
it fell apart? What,route?
in your analysis, went wrong?

2. Reviews are usually looked at as boring, threatening and time-wasters. What do you think? Please give us an example.

3. Given a choice what would you prefer to review, the critical activities or the weaker links? Please illustrate.
1. Tell us whether you have experienced a situation where you had to take a quick decision, but were not sure of the facts?
What did you do?

2. In a tightly scheduled workday how do you verify the facts? Tell us when you missed a target while checking the validity of
facts. Was it worth it?

3. Have you ever had to postpone taking a decision due to insufficient data? Could you have taken the call on your gut feel?
Please tell us your experience.

1. Total transparency means sharing all information with everybody, right? So what happens when you deliberatly hold back
some information from your team? As a Manager, have you experienced this, sometimes?

2. How do you sense the pulse of your workfloor? Please share an experience where the formal channels of information were
not adequate. What did you do?

3. Who is more action oriented in your view, the one who does not allow any crisis to ocurr or the one who solves them,
quickly? Share an experience of your own, please.

1. If something goes wrong with a Project that is being continuously reviewed and re-aligned, the responsibility is shared by t
senior team also. Do you agree to this statement? Can you share an example?

2. Have you experienced a change of plan that made you happy? Can you share, why?

3. Do you think plans once made should remain unchanged so that one can achieve the targets Right First Time?

1. Do you accept your mistakes? Tell us an instance when you accepted your mistake and how it all went about?

2. Have you faced a situation at work when a critical activity involving you, was just going to stop? What did you do?

3. How do you celebrate a team success?(Pause for the answer). What do you do if your team fails? Please narrate any recen

1. How would you motivate a new joiner in your team who continuously by-passes the digitalised working environment, but i
also your best performer, to get baptised into the culture?

2. What do you do with the routine daily reports for your process? Can you recall any specific slippages, when a daily report h
stopped for some technical issues?

3. Your team member comes to you to say that a certain process parameter is not showing any variability for several months,
hence the parameter does not need to be monitored any more. What would be your advice and why?
1. Since you work at an area where lot of action happens, there are a lot of views, opinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,
wanted or unwanted. How do you manage?

2. Tell us, if you can recall, about an unwelcome and unagreeable view point brought-up by a colleague or peer and what did
you do?

3. When some ideas are not accepted or implemented, people start to withdraw or shy away from expressing. Have you face
this situation as a Manager? How have you handled them?
narrate actual experiences.
ED category for the specific role.
tions asked to ascertain the correctness

swers. You always have the final word on
shed by the interviewer, under any

ur reportees. Can you narrate an experience

ways? If yes, how?

nd failed to achieve an internal customer's

and time consuming. So how do you ensure

the airports. Do you think such examples

mented one.

er is always easier, right? Can you please

our analysis, went wrong?

ou think? Please give us an example.

er links? Please illustrate.

ecision, but were not sure of the facts?

ed a target while checking the validity of

ou have taken the call on your gut feel?

happens when you deliberatly hold back


the formal channels of information were

o ocurr or the one who solves them,

-aligned, the responsibility is shared by the


the targets Right First Time?

e and how it all went about?

going to stop? What did you do?

our team fails? Please narrate any recent

he digitalised working environment, but is

y specific slippages, when a daily report has

howing any variability for several months,

r advice and why?
pinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,

t-up by a colleague or peer and what did

shy away from expressing. Have you faced

Competency Based Interviewing fo
S.No Group Culture Competency Manager's Manager

Glossary of abbreviations :
OTIF=On Time In Full, NCR=Non Conformance Report,
AI=Achievent Imagery, RFT=Right First Time,
PDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act, SMART=Specific-Measurable-
Attainable-Relevant-TimeBased, SME=Subject Matter
Expert, VED=Vital-Essential-Desirable

Monitors customer's needs

closely to work on the trends.
Customer Focus : Also engages with the
Ensuring that external or internal, the customer for managing his
expectations without
1 duty to understand the customer's needs compromising on OTIF delivery.
and exceed their expectations, is the sole
purpose of existence.

Orchestrates his multiple

reportees into a touch and go
System Driven : mode of operations by defining
2 While targets are paramount, they have and guiding them on their
degrees of freedom without
to be achieved by following the any audit NCRs.
processes, not through short cuts.

Should demonstrate and drive

the AI culture. Ensure that
Target orientation : targets infuse the adrenaline
Hard work must be aligned towards rush rather than becoming
3 daily, weekly, monthly targets derived threatening burdens for all his
from organisational GOALS and reviewed teams.
Should not allow
procrastination to creep in.
Fact based decision making : Fact based, calculated risk-
All thoughts, words and actions need to taking must be demonstrated
4 be data driven and not perceptive. to ensure the speed and
vibrancy of operations.
Decisions need to be timely and
Ability to look beyond the daily
and weekly trackers. Creating
Strategic thinking : win-win situations. Ability to
Ability to prioritize and have the larger read between the lines. Ability
5 picture in mind. Be able to think long to give-in a bit to extract a lot
term rather than just the now and here,
fire fighting, approach.

Appreciate calculated risk-

taking, condone genuine
Review and Re-align : mistakes and reprimand casual
6 Least resistant to change, monitoring errors. Ability to watch for
trends in periodic reviews and
and stock-taking should be seen as initiate systemic changes.
enablers to ensure target achievement.

Exhibiting as a role model that

authority brings in an equal
share of responsibility.
Willingness to take responsibility: Practicing the above, visibly,
The sense of urgency and belief in while delegating.
7 moving on, should be visible in taking
initiative. Driving, rather than being

Ensure the usage and complete

exploitation of Technology.
Digital discipline : Hand-hold his team into the
Genuine affinity to recording and global work environment and
churning data for knowledge train them to enjoy the
8 information era.
management. Thrive and embrace the
group-wide culture of information

Creating an openness where

people can express. Accepting
the fact that the best
Value every opinion : innovations have happened by
Team player, clearly respecting the allowing fair expression of
9 professional merit of individuals rather opinions.
than being affiliative on personal
sed Interviewing for a Manager's Manager
Suggested Questions
Way to use these questions
1. These are open ended questions, that will need the candidate to recall and narrate actual experiences.
2. Any 1 or 2 questions per Competency may be asked, depending upon the VED category for the specific role.
3. When the candidate has given his narration, there must be validating questions asked to ascertain the correctne
of the data/incident narrated.
4. More time needs to be spent in examining the Vital and Essential Competencies.
5. Never challenge the candidate during the interview for any wrong data/answers. You always have the final word
whether to shortlist the candidate or not. Their self-respect cannot be demolished by the interviewer, under any

1. From your valuable experience in managing customers (external or internal) can you tell us a situation where you have had
seriously work upon the customer's undue expectations? Did you need to compromise on the deliverables?
2. Baring the new customers, do you think it is possible to see some trends in the customer's demands? Has any old custome
surprised you some time - please tell us what happened?

3. How do you get into your customer's world? What are your sources of market intelligence?

1. Do you think micro-management is essential in the Indian scenario? Beyond a point how do you juggle several balls togeth
do you find that a gratifying way to work?

2.Given the same end result how would you differentiate between a job done with complete adherence to process verses the
other done with short-cuts? Can you please narrate an actual experience?

1. Tell us about a race for target that you have recently been a part of? Did you enjoy the race or was it a compulsion on you?

2. Reviews are usually unwelcome. They put people and teams on the hot seat. What are your views on this?

3. Have you ever had a situation where a target got more stretched upon review? Please tell us what happened?

1. Postponing an activity under any pretext is a common issue Managers have to tackle for their team members. Can you reca
any recent such incident and how did you overcome it?

2. When the going gets tough, decision making takes a toll. Can you recall any recent situation where you had to choose
between the easy and the difficult option? What led you to the final choice?

3. Sometimes even our seniors give an ambiguous decision. What do you do in such situations?
1. What do you do when your superiors ask for some information and they do not tell you why? Can you recall any such
experience in recent times?

2. Have you ever been involved in a fact-finding or investigative kind of mission? What do you communicate to your team
members to rope them in, effectively?

3. In your opinion should Payroll be handled by Finance or the Compensation and Benefits wing of HR? Justify.

1. Please share any recent experience where you had to change/modify an existing process.

2. It is said 'never kill a good idea waiting for the best'. We would be keen to hear your experience and views?

3. Tell us a situation where you faced resistance to change from your team. How did you go about it?

1. At what stage of delegation do you share the responsibility too? Do share an experience around this.

2. As seniors we all cover-up for some amount of errors of our juniors, right? It will be very interesting to hear from you how
others in the team react to such cover-ups. Do they envy it as some kind of bias or get to understand the real message?

3. Many professionals feel suffocated in highly structured and process driven environments. Have you ever felt the same?
(Please share actual situations rather than just opinion)

1. Nobody enjoys recording data, in India particularly - millenials the least. Tell us a situation where you had to handle such an
issue. Could you convince your team appropriately?

2. In repetitive processes there can be a lot of data points to be recorded. How would you identify which ones are necessary a
which are not? Quote an example if you can recall please?

3. India has been exposed into the era of digital discipline, majorly, in the BPOs, IT and ITES sectors. Why then is it such a
challenge in the manufacturing sector?

1. We all experience the inhibition to express what we really believe in, don't we? Tell us your experience is helping someone
overcome this fear. What was your learning in the process?

2. Tell us an instance from your recent past where you found yourself in total disagreement to a peer or subordinate's
viewpoint. What did you do?

3. Being democratic is of-course not always possible, right? While working how often do you find yourself torn between being
soft and accommodative v/s being firm and pushing? Whats the best way out?
narrate actual experiences.
ED category for the specific role.
tions asked to ascertain the correctness

swers. You always have the final word on
shed by the interviewer, under any

ou tell us a situation where you have had to

se on the deliverables?
stomer's demands? Has any old customer


nt how do you juggle several balls together -

omplete adherence to process verses the

y the race or was it a compulsion on you?

t are your views on this?

ease tell us what happened?

kle for their team members. Can you recall

t situation where you had to choose

ll you why? Can you recall any such

at do you communicate to your team

nefits wing of HR? Justify.


ur experience and views?

you go about it?

rience around this.

e very interesting to hear from you how

et to understand the real message?

nments. Have you ever felt the same?

ituation where you had to handle such an

d you identify which ones are necessary and

nd ITES sectors. Why then is it such a

ell us your experience is helping someone

eement to a peer or subordinate's

n do you find yourself torn between being

Competency Based Interviewi
S.No Group Culture Competency Specialist

Glossary of abbreviations :
OTIF=On Time In Full, NCR=Non Conformance Report,
AI=Achievent Imagery, RFT=Right First Time,
PDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act, SMART=Specific-Measurable-
Attainable-Relevant-TimeBased, SME=Subject Matter Expert,

May have multiple customers,

usually internal. Internal
customers need more careful
Customer Focus : attention and as a specialist he
Ensuring that external or internal, the may be required to handle
1 duty to understand the customer's needs conflicting customers,
and exceed their expectations, is the sole amicably.
purpose of existence.

As a champion of niche
processes, avoid killing
innovation and out of box
System Driven : thinking by distinguishing
2 While targets are paramount, they have controllable and un-
to be achieved by following the controllable parameters, while
processes, not through short cuts. being system driven.

Usually goverened by external

factors, he has to organise and
Target orientation : ensure all internal inputs are
Hard work must be aligned towards taken well within time to be
3 daily, weekly, monthly targets derived able to meet the deadlines
from organisational GOALS and reviewed without creating crisis.
As a specialist, the tolerances
will always be limited. Ability to
Fact based decision making : access accurate information,
All thoughts, words and actions need to quickly, will be a winner
4 be data driven and not perceptive. competency.
Decisions need to be timely and

Ability to tweak his niche

processes to automate them.
Strategic thinking : Ability to update himself to
Ability to prioritize and have the larger avoid obsolecence.
5 picture in mind. Be able to think long
term rather than just the now and here,
fire fighting, approach.
Understanding the fact that the
Review and Re-align : specialist would usually have to
be taking charge of his own
6 Least resistant to change, monitoring review and re-alignment.
and stock-taking should be seen as Networking with relevant
enablers to ensure target achievement. SMEs.

By the nature of his role he

Willingness to take responsibility: would have to take the
The sense of urgency and belief in responsibility and not buckle
7 moving on, should be visible in taking under the pressure.
initiative. Driving, rather than being
Religiously record all processes
Digital discipline : and steps into the knowledge
Genuine affinity to recording and management pool. Ability and
rigour to maintain complete
8 churning data for knowledge trail of activities.
management. Thrive and embrace the
group-wide culture of information
Ability to accept that even a
generalist may have a valid
Value every opinion : opinion about his area of
Team player, clearly respecting the specialisation.
9 professional merit of individuals rather
than being affiliative on personal
cy Based Interviewing for a Specialist
Suggested Questions
Way to use these questions
1. These are open ended questions, that will need the candidate to recall and narrate actual experiences.
2. Any 1 or 2 questions per Competency may be asked, depending upon the VED category for the specific role.
3. When the candidate has given his narration, there must be validating questions asked to ascertain the correctne
of the data/incident narrated.
4. More time needs to be spent in examining the Vital and Essential Competencies.
5. Never challenge the candidate during the interview for any wrong data/answers. You always have the final word
whether to shortlist the candidate or not. Their self-respect cannot be demolished by the interviewer, under any

1. As a specialist, can you recall any customer (usually internal) who needed to be explained or educated about what could be
best served to them under certain compliance parameters ? Have you had difficulties with such people?

2. Tell us if you have faced a situation where you had to meet with differing customer requirements? How do you tackle such

1. As a specialist you have strict procedures to follow as well as norms laid down by your company. It would be interesting to
hear from you if you've ever had to choose between the two?

2. Between all the boundary conditions that you have to perform as a specialist, how do you ensure that you do not become
slave to the rules and procedures? Do you still find room for innovation? Tell us your experience.

1. As a specialist your targets are defined by governance factors, which are usually external, beyond your control. However,
unless you get all the data from various internal agencies, in time, you may fail in meeting the external targets, correct? So te
us how do you manage this tug-o-war?

2. When you are responsible for certain specific critical processes you tend to enjoy a special status in the team as well. So te
us any recent incident where you had to use your special status to get things done?
1. When you are a specialist people start looking up to you and usually take your word. What does that mean to you?

2. Do you think in this information era the importance of specialists is getting diluted? Any and all information is quickly
available to everybody. So where does that leave you?

1. Do you enjoy people running up to you all the time for specific data/information that you hold/process? Why?

2. As a specialist your's is usually the last word, right? How do you ensure it remains that way? What do you do?

3. Let us assume that you have just updated yourself on some significant change of legislation that may not or may affect you
organisation in some future quarter. What would you do?

1. Do you think specialists need to keep themselves updated, more than the generalists? Why? Can you share a recent
experience with us?

2. Tell us how do you keep yourself updated? Is the internet and social media really useful in this respect?

3. When you are a specialist what in your opinion is more important - knowledge of the law or how to circumvent it?

1. Do you accept your mistakes? Tell us an instance when you accepted your mistake and how it all went about?

2. Have you faced a situation at work when a critical activity involving you, was just going to stop? What did you do?

3. Tell us about a few initiatives that you have taken, as an action person, to ensure the ball keeps rolling.

1. Have you worked and for how long, in an automated environment? What are the data points that get recorded for your
process? What reports does your software, churn out regularly? Do you record any other data, seperately?

2. Do you have any system automations that are not being used? How do you manage when the system is by-passed?

3. Working on Excel is so much easier, is'nt it? Then why do you think working inside a system is required?

1. It will be interesting to hear from you a recent suggestion/idea given by your subordinate. Can you recall any?

2. Since you work at an area where lot of action happens, there are a lot of views, opinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,
wanted or unwanted. How do you manage?

3. Tell us honestly, in your role as a specialist do you get to hear some suggestions also, particularly in your area of
specialization? It would be very interesting to hear from your a real incident and what did you do?
narrate actual experiences.
ED category for the specific role.
tions asked to ascertain the correctness

swers. You always have the final word on
shed by the interviewer, under any

plained or educated about what could be

s with such people?

er requirements? How do you tackle such

your company. It would be interesting to

w do you ensure that you do not become a


xternal, beyond your control. However,

eeting the external targets, correct? So tell

a special status in the team as well. So tell

rd. What does that mean to you?

? Any and all information is quickly

hat you hold/process? Why?

that way? What do you do?

egislation that may not or may affect your

ists? Why? Can you share a recent

useful in this respect?

the law or how to circumvent it?

e and how it all went about?

going to stop? What did you do?

the ball keeps rolling.

data points that get recorded for your

other data, seperately?

ge when the system is by-passed?

e a system is required?

rdinate. Can you recall any?

pinion, ideas also that keep dropping in,

so, particularly in your area of

at did you do?

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