CP 9 and 10

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This is a titration reaction between propanone and iodine with sulfuric acid as its catalyst.
A large excess of both propanone and sulphuric acid are used so that thwir concentrations
remain effectively constant furing the reaction. This allows us to measure the influence of
iodine alone pn the rate of reaction

1. Add 25cm3 of sulfuric acid to 25cm3 of propanone in a beaker and mix well.
2. Add 50 cm3 of 0.02 iodine solution to the beaker and immediately start the timer
3. Using a pipette, remove 10cm3 of sample micture to a conccal flask add a sparuka of
hydrogencarbonate immeidatlry after removing it from the flash to quench the
recation. Note the time sodium hydrogen carbonate was added.
4. Withdraw tsample every three minutes and repeat this process.
5. Titrate these samples agaist sodium tiosulphate (Na2S2o3), using a starch indicator.
The indicator will turn from blue-black to colorless as idonine reacts with
6. Repeat for all samples to fins their concentrations
7. Use thses results to plit a graph of concentration against time

- Propanones is an irritant and highly flammable. Kjeep away from flames
- Sodium thiosulphate releases suphur dioxide when it reacts. Make room well-

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