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 Setup client in PBX, extensions, voicemail, RG, and Inbound route

 Setup provisioner with all the required settings
o Client Global Settings
 SIP Server/Realm
 Date/Time
o Client Group Settings
 BLF keys including parking
o Devices
 SIP user/pass
 Account name
 MAC Address
 Provision phones

Step-1 Gather all information about the name of the Client,

extensions, voicemail, RG, and Inbound route and create in PBX.
1.1 Create the client in the test PBX - >
- Make sure to follow this SOP in creating client in PBX - SIP Realm vs Portal URL
1.2 Create extensions - Creating extensions
outbound CallerID is correct
outbound CallerID format is correct (new pbx DOES NOT use
brackets <>)
4696208888 CORRECT
<4696208888> WRONG
Voicemails setup as required?
On new pbx, "Require Pin" should be set to NO
1.3 Create Ring groups
1.4 Create Parking especially ensure parking timeout - Creating parking
1.5 Create an inbound route and assign 2 DID’s for the main and secondary.

Step-2 Setup Provisioner - Provisioner setup guide

2.1 Client Global Settings (UtilikoPBX template)
Update Client Global settings SIP server based on new SIP
Realm on New PBX
Ensure all settings are copied to new Client Global Settings i.e.
Config/firmware path if needed
2.2 Client Group (UtilikoPBX template)

Enter MAC addresses, Ext Names, SIP User/Pass

Update Parking keys on new Client Group MPK Keys
Ensure there is NO SIP SERVER specified in Client group. If it has
SIP server then
must default it so it can take value from Client Global Settings
2.3 Double check extension to ensure it has correct SIP Server (P47)
Update each extension with correct SIP User ID (P35) and Auth
Password (P34)

Check each extension BLF keys if all are setup correctly

Step-3 Provision the phones

3.1 Access the phones, normally all new phones are either available in
Hamed's Office (can be access via,
Sam's office ( can be accessed via
Jimmy’s anydesk 864691691
3.2 Copy the config path from Provisioner and paste it in the config server path in
the phones UI.
Look for the client’s name and click view details (Eyes icon).
Then when you access the phones UI, paste the config path under
Maintenance/Upgrade and
Provisioning under config server path.
3.3 From provisioner under devices click on deploy all or deploy each extensions
and click Provision in
the phones UI.

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