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Carttieate No, ROT 02.3166.1 DET NORSKE VERITAS Rev. 4 Ref: adg VERIFICATION REPORT INTER-CHANGEABILITY PIPE CLAMP CONNECTORS (PCC's) Ciont DNV Esbjerg (for Marek Oli og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark) Cont rt: ~ DNV'BV. Ordemo: 11462008 (114 3 2478) (1142 3168) Supaied by DNV Esbjerg AS, Esbjerg, Denmark ‘ABB Velco Gray (Grayock®), Gabpert Engineering (6-LokE), Vector Intemational (Techok®) Intended fr: Mazrsk Oe 09 Ges AS, Eeberg, Danmark THIS IS TO CONFIRM that the undersigned Approval Engineer to this Society did at the request of Messrs. Maersk Olie og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark a study for INTER-CHANGEABILITY OF PIPE CLAMP CONNECTORS (PCC’s). = ABB VETCO GRAY (GRAYLOCK®) - GALPERTI ENGINEERING (G-LOK®) “VECTOR INTERNATIONAL (TECHLOK®) 1) Particulars. Client DNV Esbjerg, Esbjerg, Denmark (Tor Maersk Olie og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark) DNV Esbjerg order No, : 710188 Intended for : Maersk Olie og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark Meersk order No. - DNV Rotterdam order No. : 11482005 (114 3 2418) (114 2 3166) 2) General. The reason for this study is to find the degree of inter-changeability for pipe clamp connectors (pco's) from different manufacturers, Inter-changeability is defined by using Hubs, Clamps and Seal-tings from different manufacturers in ‘one connection without reducing the tightness of the connection. ‘The products (Hubs, Clamps and Seal-rings) from the following manufacturers are reviewed in order to determine a degree of inter-changeabilty - ABB Vetco Gray (Graylock®), - Galperti Engineering (G-Lok®), - Vector international (Techlok®). All three manufacturers use the Same way for identifying their products, namely by the number of the Sealing, 3) Scope. She following data of the hubs are considered important for the inter-changeabilty of the connectors: -A Outside diameter of the Hub. -T Total width (thickness) of the Hub shoulder. -0 Angle of the Hub shoulder. =Ds__ Dezaing Hub (Average diameter of sealing area). For the clamps, the following data are important for the inter-changeabilty: Cg Effective Clamp gap. =Ci Inside diameter of the Clamp. =@ Angle of the Clamp — Hub contact area Regarding the Seal-rings, the following data are important for the inter-changeabilty of the connectors: -W_ Width (thickness) of the spacer ring (vertical part of the Sealring) =DS —Désaing Seal-ring (Diameter of the Seal-ring seal area), DNV THE NETHERLANDS, HAASTRECHTSTRAAT 7, NL-3007 Rortenow, THe NETHERLANDS, ‘TELEPHONE: +31 10 292 2600, TELEFAX +31 104796154 Form No.: ROT 4091 ‘SFC-A-4091 A 03/99 SNDATAISPOOLPRODCERTI2006_02102.3168.1 r4.doc Cerificate No. ROT 02.2166 Rav. 4 ‘The size Ds (Average diameter of the sealing area) is the diameter of the line contact between the Hub sealing area and the Seal-ring sealing area, The outside diameter of the Hub (size A), the total width of the Hub-shoulder (size T) and the angle of the Hub shoulder (size @) are important, because these values should compare with the sizes which are considered important for the Clamps. But most important forthe tightness of the connection is the average diameter of the sealing area of the Hub and the average diameter of the sealing area of the Seal-ring. The average diameter of the sealing area of the Seal-ring should be slightly larger than the counterpart of the Hub. When the several Parts of the connection are mounted, the contact sealing area of the Seal-ring will be forced onto the sealing area of the Hub, and will form a contact line. Also, when the pressure increases, the lips of the Seal-rings will be forced onto the sealing area of the Hub, and thus will form a connection with a better tightness. The (available) data from the three manufacturers are compared and this comparison has resulted in the following conclusion. 4) Conclusion. The study showed that the dimensions, which are considered important for inter-changeability of the connectors, are all within acceptable tolerances comparable. The results of the comparison are laid down in Appendix 1 rev. 2 (Seal rings), Appendix 2 rev. 4 (Clamps) and Appendix 3 rev. 2 (Hubs). 5) Remarks. The suitability of the connection for the operative design conditions has to be proven by the correct material choice. The materials should fit in the environment of the application (i.e. NACE requirements) and the mechanical properties of the Hub, Ciamp and Seal-ring material have to secure a connection with no doubt regarding integrity concerning the strength of the used materials and thus the tightness of connection, To vindicate the strength of the connection, calculations have to be provided, These calculations can be made according to ASME VIll Div.1 Appendix 24 or ASME Vill Div. 2 Appendix 4. In case other calculation methods will be used, the sufficiency for this calculation method has to be accepted by DNV prior to the start ofthe project. Or otherwise the Hubs, Clamps and Seal-rings are approved by means of a type approval of DNV. Annex 1, 2 and 3 show three tables which give the several type designations of Seal-rings, Clamps and Hubs of ABB Vetco Gray (Graylok®), Galperti (G-Lok®) and Vector international (Techlock®) When the dimension which is important for a tight connection of each individual item shows, within reasonable tolerances, equal values, inter-changeabiliy of the several items can be expected. Note: Where NVA is mentioned in the Annexes, i does not mean that the product is not available, but that the applicable raving is not submitted to DNV Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Therefore, no reference to a product can be given. | Face Rota i ioc Rev.4 - Editorial changes to text above annex 2 changed: Some pos deleted a to rustic Saas Sear tors Ser, Amol de ree e 4 _S)Approval Engineer/Surveyor \ DNV THE NETHERLANDS, HAASTRECHTSTRAAT 7, NL-3007 RoTrERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS, TELEPHONE: +31 10262 2600, TELEFAX: +31 104796154 Form No.: ROT 4091a Page 2 0f2 SFO-A-4091.,03199 SADATA\SPOOLPRODCERT2005_02102.3166.1 r4.doe Certificate No. Det Norske Veritas ror eestees VERIFICATION REPORT res dg INTERCHANGEABILITY PIPE CLAMP CONNECTORS (PCC's) Appendix 1; Seal Rings aT DRY Esa [or HGR OT 05 Gas AS ETN, Daa] Clana DNVEV Owemo. tra 3470 (1142 3168) Supple by [ABB Vetco Gray (Grylok®), Galeri Engineering (G-L0K6), Vector nemationalTechok®) ntende for Nast Ol og Gas AS. Esbjerg, Denmark Seal Ring Sze SealRing Sze Meersk G-lok ® |Techlok ®} Maersk. G-lok ® | Techiok 8} Size Graylok® equivalent! equivalent} Size Graylok® equivalent] equivalent| 4 4 Aa 4 94 94 94 94 5 5 AS 5 97 97 7 97 7 7 AT 7 102, 102 402 102 8 8 8 NA 106, 106, 106 106" 44 41 Alt 44 4112, 112, 112 412 13 13 43, 43, 114 114 114 414 14 14 414 44 420 120. 4120 120 1] 16] Ate —16 122 to2 | 102 122 20_[ 20 | A20—| 20 425 | 125 | Na] 128 23 [23 | 23 | 23 430_| 130 130 | 130 25_| 25 | nos | 25 a4 134] tag] 194 27 27 27 27 137, 137. 437. 137, 31 3 31 31 140, 140, 140 140, 34 34 34 34 142, 142. NA 142, 40 40 40 40 144 144 144 444 42 42. A42 NA 452 152. 152, 152 46 46 46 46 160 160. 160, 160 52 52 52 52 162 162. NA NA 54 54 54 54 164 164 NA NA 56 56 56 56 170. 470. 170 170. 62 62 62 62 172 472 NA NA 64 64 AG4 64 180, 180 180 180, 67 67 67 67 192, 192 192 192 72 72 72 72 194 194 NA NA 76 76 76 76 200 200 200 200, 82, 82 82 82. 210 210 210 210 84 84 84 84 (220 220 220 220 87 87 87 67 223 223 NA 223 91 97 91 ot NA Not available Bi - Pace Rotterdam the Netherands wid bate, (oo a4 23) 008 6-1) 2oke-17 ‘Arnold de Groot Pp Ssuveyor! Approval ng Det Norske Veritas B.V., P.O, Box 9599, NL-3007 AN, ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS Tel, 43110292 2600 Fax. +31 10479 6154 Det Norske Veritas VERIFICATION REPORT INTER-CHANGEABILITY PIPE CLAMP CONNECTORS (PCC's) Certitcate No, ROT 02.3166.1 Rov. 4 ret: adg ‘Appendix 2; Clamps — Graylok® G-lok ® |Techiok @| ize equivalent] equivalent} 1412 41/2 15 14/2 in 6 6 6 6in X6 NA NA X6 in 40H 10H 10H ‘Hi0in 12M 42M 12M ‘Hi2in X12M X12M NA’ XH12 in 5P_ 5P Eid ‘Hi4 in X14 X14 X14 Li4in X16, X16 X16 Li6 in s Ss s Hi6 in wv 3V 3V ‘H22 in X24, X24 X24 NA DetNonke Vets BV. Box 989, NL-3007 AN, ROTTERDAM IE NETHER ADS Tel. #31 102922600 Fax. #31 104796154 Certificate No. Det Norske Veritas ee VERIFICATION REPORT fet: adg INTERCHANGEABILITY PIPE CLAMP CONNECTORS (PCC’s) ‘Appendix 3; Hubs Tent DNV Esbjera (for Mearsk Ol og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark) sent ref, = ONY BY. Order. 11432478 (11423166) Supplied by {ABB Vetco Gray (Graylock®), Galpert Engineering (G-LokS), Vector Intemational (Techiok®) Intended fr Marsk Oi og Gas AS, Esbjerg, Denmark Hub Size Hub Size Marek GioK® | _Techiok® Maorsk Geko] Techn Size Graylok® equivalent _| equivalent Size Graylok® equivalent_| equivalent Tora_|—iGRa_—|1GR-Aa | tne ieMet_| WA WA NA TGR |—1GRS—|—1GR-AS_| 15 XvaMni2 |—_WA WA WA 1GR7_[_1GR7__|1GR-A7_[-—tin7 XiaGRII2| KTaGRTIZ | -XTAGRTID | WA GRIT |_1GRtt | GRAM [tint xiaGRta0|-xtaGRT20_|-x1aGRT20_| NA TaGRiT | izeRit | 75GRAIT | 1 5in KiaGRIz2|_X14GRIZ2_|_X1AGRIZ2 | NA TAGRIS | TAGRIS_| 1SGRATS | —1.5In-15 X14GRIS0|_X14GR130_|_X14GR190_|_—_NA TUGRT4 | AGRA | 1SGRATE | —1.5In-14 XiaGRIs4|_XVGRIS4 | XIAGRIS4 | NA ZGRT4 | 2GRi4 | 2GR-At4 | aint sp102_ | _NA sp102 | Taint 02 ZGR16_| 2GRI6 | 2GR-Ate_| —2int6 5P108_| NSP 105_[—5P106 | Htainto6 2GR20_| 2GR20 | 2GR-Az0_| —2in20. sp1i2—| NSP 112] —sP112—] Hain 12 3GR23_| Be3GRI0_| 25GR-Az0 | —sinz0. sP120—| NSP 120 | —sPi20 | raiNT20 ‘3GR25_[2%-3GR25 |" 3GR-A25 3in25_ X16GR137|_X16GR137_|_Xi6GR137_[LIGINI37(ST)| 3GR27_ | 2%-3GR27_ 3GR27) Sinz XI6GRI40| XIGGR140_ | XI6GR140_|CTSINT40(ST)} aGRor_|—4GR27 | —4GR27_| ana XieGRa2| NA NA NA 4GR31_| 4GRa1_| —4GR31_| INST KisGRr44| KTGGRTAA_| KTEGRIAE | WA aGRa4_|aGRo4 | 4GR94 | —ainsa Ki6GRIE2| KI6GRIS2Z | X16GRIS2 |___NA 4GRa0_|—4GR40_—| 4GRA0_[4inad Sit4 WA 768114 WA eGRA6 | 6F46 | —6GR46 | —Gin46, S120 WA S120 | Hieini2o eGRs2 | _6r52__| 6GRs2_| — 6Insz. S125: NA NA NA 6GRS4_| _6F54_ | 6GR54_| —6In54. S130 NA S130, WA. eGRs6 | 6F56 | —6GRs6—|_ 6Ins6(ST) S134_| NS S134_| SATS | ATBINTSa eGR62 | Fez | —6GRe2 | ins S137_[ NS S137_| __ St37__|_ HAeINI37 XeGRae | NA NA. NA S140_[ NS S140_| S140 | HH6INT40 aGR64 | SGREE_| —SGREA | BineAST) S142, WA NA NA SGR67_|—aGRe7_|8GR67—[_sin67 Stad—| WS S144 | Sta |HTBINAST) ‘aGR72_|_—aGR72_|__aGRr2_| —8inr2 Sis2_| NS Sis2_| S162] HieiNise ‘3GR76_| —aGR76_| _8GRT6_| —in76. S160_| NS S160_| S160, NA, ‘sGRa2 | —aGRa2—| —aGRe2—| sins S162| NS St62_| NS SteZ_| NA TOH62 | NA NA NA S164 NA WA WA “1oH64—| NA NA NA. S170 NA WA WA “10H76—| —ToH76__| —ToH76 | Hroin7e(ST} aviea [NA ave NA *1oHe2 | —10He2 | —10He2 | ToIne avis2—[ NA 3vise NA “roHe4 | 1oHea | —10H84—| Toned 3V160_| X2OGRT6O_| —3v60 WA OHS _| tHe | —10H9T NA 3v170—|-x20GR170 | SVT WA ioHs4—| 04 —[10H4 [Tons WeaGR2IO| NA | X2aGR270 | —_WA i9H87 | —10H@7 —[-—10H97 | —tomna7 X2aGRZ00| NA | X24GR220 | __WA TorT0z| —toH102—| —tor102—| Tonto X2aGR223| NA WA WA ‘avige | —1aMoa | taMiea —[Ht2ing4iST) 3vi72_| WA WA WA ‘awa? | —1aMer—_[ tas? —[H12ns7(St) 3v180_| WA By 160 WA aMi0_[—amtoz—|—taMroz | faintoz vie | WA ayi82 WA ‘aM106_[—1aM06__|—raMi06_—|“Frizintoe ayiea_| NA NA NA Tamia [amit [tami | aizint te 3200 NA 3200 WA ratia_[ NA TaMita [NA 3210 | WA 3Y210, WA ‘2M1z0_| —TaM1z0 | —taMrat | —Taint2o xiaMe7_ [NA NA a NA Not available = Place Rotterdam, the Net Date (20080424 2008 rd Surveyor! Approval Fas anaes epen epee ori parece renee ee aaa | Det Norske Veritas B.V., P.O. Box 9599, NL-3007 AN, ROTTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS | Tel, +31 10.292 2600 "Fax, +31 104796154

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