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4 parts to cp 10 as 4 things are being varied with different controls in each.

Set up of the experiment-

- Place a piece of pondweed approximately 10 cm long and remove bubbles gently by
rubbing finger and thumb on surface, underwater.
- Cover one side of beaker with aluminum foil to restrict light coming from all sides
- Fill capillary tubing of Photosynthometer with water and attach a syringe.
- Attach paperclip at end of pondweed to position its weight underwater
- Place the funnel end of the tubing in beaker of water and position the pondweed
with cut end at the top of the funnel opening
- As bubbles start to travel, start stopclock

Part 1- light intensity

- Set up experiment as noted above
- Place the lamp at 10 cm away from the beaker.
- Add sodium hydrogen carbonate to water for supply of CO2
- Record the oxygen bubbles collected in the syringe over time of 10 minutes.

Repeat experiment with varying distances of light and beaker to provide different light
intensities and record mean volume of gas collected.
Plot data on graph with Gas collected on y-axis and distance of lamp from beaker ( light
intensities) on x-axis.

Expected to find different amount of gas collected as intensities varies.

- Temperature by using water bath
- CO2 conc using same every repeated time
- Wavelength by using same color filter.
- Same plant

Part 2- light wavelength

- Set up experiment as noted above
- Place lamp at a fixed distance from the beaker
- Add sodium hydrogen carbonate to beaker to supply of CO2
- Record the oxygen bubbles collected in the syringe over time of 10 minutes.
- Add one specific color filter to provide a specific wavelength.

Repeat experiment with different color filters for different wavelengths keeping controls
- Temperature by using water bath
- Distance of light
- CO2 concentration
- Same plant
Plot graph as light wavelengths on x-axis and gas collected on y-axis
Expected to find different gas volumes collected as wavelengths vary.
Part 3- Temperature
- Set up experiment as noted above
- Place the lamp at fixed 10 cm away from the beaker.
- Add sodium hydrogen carbonate to water for supply of CO2
- Record the oxygen bubbles collected in the syringe over time of 10 minutes.

Repeat experiment for different temperatures in water bath keeping controls as:
- Concentration of CO2
- Distance of light from beaker
- Using one color filter to provide one specific wavelength of light.
- Same plant
Plot volume of gas collected on y-axis and temperatures on x-axis .
Expected to find different volumes of gas collected with different temperatures

Part 4- CO2 concentration

- Set up experiment as noted above
- Place the lamp at fixed 10 cm away from the beaker.
- Add sodium hydrogen carbonate to water for supply of CO2
- Record the oxygen bubbles collected in the syringe over time of 10 minutes.

Repeat experiment for different CO2 concentrations, using same pondweed. by changing
mass of added Sodium hydrogen carbonate. Keeping controls as:
- Temperature of water bath
- Using one color filter throughout repeated measures
- Using fixed distance of light
- Same plant
Plot Gas collected on y-axis and CO2 concentration on x-axis
Expected to find different Volume of Gas collected as CO2 conc changes.

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