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Writing a literature review for an audit committee can be an incredibly challenging task.

It requires a
comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, the ability to critically analyze existing literature,
and the skill to synthesize information from various sources into a coherent and insightful review.

The process of conducting a literature review involves extensive research, reading numerous
academic papers, journals, and other relevant publications. It also requires the writer to evaluate the
credibility and reliability of the sources, identify key themes and trends, and present a well-
structured review that adds value to the existing body of knowledge.

Moreover, writing a literature review for an audit committee requires a deep understanding of
auditing principles, practices, and regulations. It necessitates the ability to identify gaps in the
existing literature and propose areas for further research or improvement in auditing practices.

Given the complexity and rigor involved in writing a literature review for an audit committee, it is
advisable to seek professional assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert writing services tailored
to meet the specific needs of audit committees. Their team of experienced writers specializes in
conducting thorough literature reviews and delivering high-quality, well-researched content that
meets the highest standards of academic excellence.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can ensure that your literature review is meticulously
crafted to provide valuable insights and contribute to the advancement of auditing knowledge and
practices. Save time and effort by entrusting your literature review needs to the experts at ⇒ ⇔.
It should consider: the significant accounting policies that have been used, and whether these are
appropriate any significant estimates or judgements that have been made, and whether these are
reasonable the method used to account for any significant or unusual transactions, where alternative
accounting treatments are possible the clarity and completeness of the disclosures in the financial
statements. In general the purpose of external auditors in society is to give reasonable assurance on
fairnes the truthfulness of financial statements. Burlington, Elsevier., C. (2006). United States and
European Union auditor independence regulation implications for regulators and auditing practice.
Compensation committees have heard the call of those interested in corporate governance. This
article focuses on the role of auditor and auditing committee in corporate governance and securing
interest of shareholders. Though neither SOX nor pre-SOX research addressed the issue of industry
expertise, in a post-SOX study, Cohen et al. ( 2010b ) found a significant negative association
between earning management and audit committee industry expertise. This article seeks to
underscore the pivotal importance of auditing and the function of audit impartiality in guaranteeing
the dependability and credibility of financial information utilized in credit and investment
resolutions. Canberra, ANU E Press.Dunne, P., and Morris, G. D. (2008). Non-executive directors
handbook. Source: Audit committee has thus become one of the main
pillars of the corporate governance system in public companies. Source: As required by
uk good corporate governance, member of audit committee need to be independence, and one of
them need to be financial experts. The audit committee and internal control The board is responsible
for the total process of risk management, which includes ensuring that the system of internal control
is adequate and effective. Meetings should be held as often as required but there should. We adhere
to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct. Audit committee has thus
become one of the main pillars of the corporate governance system in public companies. For
example, post-SOX researchers have documented inconsistent findings regarding the association
between the audit committee monitoring process and the different forms of compensation for audit
committee members. In these cases, a general pre-approval might be given for certain classes of
work, and if the external auditor is engaged to provide any such services, this should then be ratified
at the next audit committee meeting. Internal audit provides objective assurance and insight on the
effectiveness and efficiency of risk management, internal control, and governance processes. This
literature review is conducted based on published articles during the period 1976-2013 in nine
leading journals related to auditing. The audit committee should review the significant financial
reporting issues and judgements in connection with the preparation of the company's financial
statements. All the cash balances are presented chronologically in the balance sheet auditing:
Peregrine: Twenty Years of Fraudulent Cash The U. It's vital for the audit process to remain
confidential until financial. The following factors are relevant: The board should decide how much
responsibility it wishes to delegate to the audit committee. The Smith Guidance on audit committees
recommends that the committee meet with internal auditors at least once a year, without management
present, to discuss audit-related matters. The extant audit committee literature reflects an enormous
body of knowledge. They reported that relative to the pre-SOX period, there has been a shift in
auditor experience in the post-SOX period. The relationship between internal control and corporate
governance can be explained with the although employed by the company, internal auditors are
functionally independent and usually report to the audit committee. Strengthening the role of audit
committee; Auditor in corporate governance role though the auditor is not engaged in the work of
management, but still he has the oversight of among the major corporate governance roles that an
auditor may presume are included the following incorporation in the audit plan rossiter highlights.
While summarizing the post-SOX literature, this study also focuses on selected pre-SOX studies to
compare the research issues and findings of pre- and post-SOX literature and to show how
governance reforms shape the literature’s domain. I am limiting my write-up to the provisions to the
Act, and I request the readers to refer relevant rules, if any, before. Deangelo Business, Economics
1981 5,216 Highly Influential PDF 4 Excerpts Save Client Importance, Nonaudit Services, and
Abnormal Accruals H. H. Chung Sanjay Kallapur Business, Economics 2003 The economic theory of
auditor independence (DeAngelo 1981b) suggests that auditors' incentives to compromise their
independence are related to client importance. Farnham, Surrey, England, Gower.Beattie, V.,
Fearnley, S. and Hines, T. (2011). Reaching Key Financial Reporting Decisions: How Directors and
Auditors Interact.
The policy may also set fee limits generally or for particular classes of non-audit work. Audit
committee plays a key role in assisting the board to fulfill its oversight responsibilities in area such as
entities, financial reporting, internal control system risk management system and the internal and
external audit functions. The uk corporate governance code states that the audit committee as a
whole should have competence relevant to the sector in which the company operates. The audit
committee should review both its terms of reference and its effectiveness annually, and recommend
any necessary changes to the board. (The board should also review the effectiveness of the audit
committee annually.) To do its work properly, the audit committee must be kept properly informed
by the executive management. The audit committee is one such control and features in many
Corporate Governance recommendations. The main objective of this study is to review and
synthesize the growing volume of audit committee literature in the post-SOX era. Farnham, Surrey,
England, Gower.Beattie, V., Fearnley, S. and Hines, T. (2011). Reaching Key Financial Reporting
Decisions: How Directors and Auditors Interact. Wines Business 2007 Accounting represents a
process of communication, with this communication primarily achieved via the financial reporting
function. The committee should listen to the views of the auditors on these matters. A balanced
scorecard is a strategic management performance metric used to identify and improve various internal
business functions and their resulting external outcomes. Meetings should be held as often as
required but there should. If the company does not have an internal audit function: the committee
should consider annually whether there is a need for an internal audit function and make a
recommendation to the board, and the reasons for the absence of an internal audit function should be
explained in the relevant section of the annual report. A valuable resource for every internal audit
department library. Decade after decade financial auditing has helped companies to Materiality in
auditing Introduction In every organization, financial auditing plays a vital role. For audit
independence's antecedents, intrinsic ethical concentration and extrinsic stimulus outstandingly play
important roles. The current momentum to establish publicly owned companies in Ethiopia is also
considered as the need for examining auditors' independence. The role and responsibilities should be
set out in written terms of reference. The provision of non-audit services must not impair the
independence or objectivity of the auditors. Audit committees serve as representative of shareholder
interests. Learn about our audit committee, from membership to operations to authority, duties, and
responsibilities. They reported that a change in audit committee composition to being fully
independent is associated with a significant increase in the quality of reporting and a significant
decrease in the probability of restatements. We organize our review around four main threats to
auditor independence, namely, (a) client importance, (b) non-audit services, (c) auditor tenure, and
(d) client affiliation with audit firms. For each of the threats, we discuss findings related to the
incentives, perceptions, and behaviors of the auditor and the client, as well as the effects of each
threat on the actual and perceived quality of audits and financial reports. Likewise, audit quality and
credibility significantly influence on reputation that is also related to sustainable success. This article
focuses on the role of auditor and auditing committee in corporate governance and securing interest
of shareholders. Table of contents for The literature review - Library of? Role of the Audit
Committee in Corporate Governance. Strengthening the role of audit committee; Source: The audit committee plays a major role in corporate governance regarding
the organization's direction, control, and accountability. Bingley, Emerald. Lehman, C. R. (2010).
Ethics, Equity, and Regulation. The book adopts self-study approach and has been written in student-
friendly manner. Source: Tips for effective audit committees.
Table of contents for The literature review - Library of? Download Free PDF View PDF Audit
independence Just a Dreamer chox Audit independence, quality, and credibility: effects on
reputation and sustainable success of CPAs in Thailand. Canberra, ANU E Press.Dunne, P., and
Morris, G. D. (2008). Non-executive directors handbook. The main objective of this study is to
review and synthesize the growing volume of audit committee literature in the post-SOX era. The
committee should listen to the views of the auditors on these matters. This report contains the
description of the steps that were done in the process of maintenance auditing of the plant.
Information for this study was obtained from secondary sources to include journals, text books and
other internet materials. We adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical
conduct. As required by uk good corporate governance, member of audit committee need to be
independence, and one of them need to be financial experts. For example, post-SOX researchers
have documented inconsistent findings regarding the association between the audit committee
monitoring process and the different forms of compensation for audit committee members. Audit
committee composition and effectiveness: a review of post-SOX literature. Source: The role of an internal audit is to test that those controls are effective. How
effective the audit committee is in checking compliance and internal controls depends primarily on
how it is constituted. We conclude that the mixed evidence, together with recent regulatory changes,
provides opportunities for future research on auditor independence and audit quality. Strengthening
the role of audit committee; 1990, the role of internal auditor communication with the audit
committee, internal auditing fall 6(2): The role and responsibilities should be set out in written terms
of reference. A corporate identity or corporate image is the manner in which a corporation, firm or
business enterprise presents itself to the public. An auditor must be watchful to any harmful impacts
on his planning, investigation, or reporting to preserve independence under the numerous pressures
from clients. This article focuses on the role of auditor and auditing committee in corporate
governance and securing interest of shareholders. Both theoretical and managerial contributions are
explicitly provided. I am limiting my write-up to the provisions to the Act, and I request the readers
to refer relevant rules, if any, before. Unlike studies in developed countries, few of the previous
studies in developing countries were not motivated by notable failure of companies and audit firm
scandals, but they indicated that there is a frequent appeal of major financial statement users such as
taxing authorities and banks that are in a difficult situation of accepting audited financial reports as a
credible and dependable for financial and economic decisions. The audit committee is a committee
of the board of directors consisting entirely of independent non-executive directors (NEDs) (at least
three in larger companies), of whom at least one has had recent and relevant financial experience.
The global auditing world is ruled by 5 auditing firms (called the Big Five) that have the capability
to audit the largest public companies in the world. You can download the paper by clicking the
button above. Finally, we stand for the future of research with suggestions for new researches. See
Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Auditor Independence and
Audit Quality: A Literature Review Richard Francis This article presents a comprehensive review of
academic research pertaining to auditor independence and audit quality. As required by uk good
corporate governance, member of audit committee need to be independence, and one of them need
to be financial experts. Obviously, the role of the committee becomes less important where the points
made above are not dealt with correctly. They showed that industry expertise combined with
accounting or supervisory financial expertise contributes to a lower likelihood of restatement. In
contrast to the findings of Magilke et al. ( 2009 ), their results suggested that when an audit
committee’s stock-based compensation increases, the quality of financial reporting also increases.

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