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Sara Llansó and Clara Puigcorbé

Speaking test

C- HI Sara! I haven’t seen you for a long time. What’s up?

S- Yes, it’s true! I’m fine thanks! Guess what.

C- What? Tall me, I’m curious to know

S - Well so, yesterday I was going to the supermarket and I saw Myke Towers, I was
absolutely surprised

C- Oh! Are you kidding me? You probably were extremely happy, you love this
amazing singer.

S- Yes, by the time I saw him i was shocked but more late I went to talk with him and
I took a photo

C- When I was ten, I had already seen him five times because we both went to Ibiza
for holidays. And this year I saw him once in a concert. He is an incredibly wonderful

S-Yes, and he is as tall as i have imagine. Also I saw that he recently got a knew
tatto, it was the cute face of Miu, the little teddy that he used to play with when he
was a kid.

C-Oh that is so swet! How do you know that much of his personal life?

S- Because last week I have been watching a documentary about his live and I learn
a lot of thinks about his childhood.

C- Did you ask him about his new album?

S-Yes, he told me that he have been working in new music for a long time and know
he is totally excited to post the new album.

C-I’m really looking forward to listent him sing a different stile from what he used to

S- Yes, me too. If you want, we can go to the next concert together, I’ts going to be in
C- Yes that would be an unforgettable experience.Once I dreamed about going to a
concert in Paris

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