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I – Introduction

Thriller genre is a gripping and suspenseful type of storytelling that aims to keep
the audience on the edge of their seats. It typically combines elements of suspense,
mystery, and intense excitement to create an adrenaline-fueled reading or viewing
experience. Thrillers often involve a high-stakes plot featuring dangerous situations, fast-
paced action, and unexpected twists and turns. The genre is marked by its focus on
creating tension and suspense, keeping the audience guessing and wondering what will
happen next. It can be found in various mediums such as books, movies, and TV shows,
and they cover a wide range of subgenres, including psychological thrillers, crime
thrillers, political thrillers, and supernatural thrillers, among others. Each subgenre brings
its own unique elements to the table while maintaining the core characteristics of
suspense and excitement.

II – Objectives

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:

a. know what moral realism is;

b. understand the fundamental concepts in moral realism;
c. appreciate the significance of moral realism to education; and,
d. apply moral realist principles to teaching.

III – Strategies

A. Activity

Directions: The class will be divided into five (5) groups and will be presented
with the moral dilemma shown below. After reading it, each group members will discuss
among themselves the best choice to solve it. Each group will be given the opportunity to
present its work in the most creative way possible. After presenting its choice, each group
will give its reason for choosing it.

There is a runaway trolley barreling down the railway tracks. Ahead, on the
tracks, there are five people tied up and unable to move. The trolley is headed straight for
them. You are standing some distance off in the train yard, next to a lever. If you pull this
lever, the trolley will switch to a different set of tracks. However, you notice that there is
one person tied up in the side track. You have two options:

1. Do nothing, and the trolley kills the five people on the main track; or,
2. Pull the lever, diverting the trolley onto the side track where it will kill only
one person.

Which is the most moral choice? Why?

B. Analysis

Directions: As follow up to the previous activity, answer the following questions.

You may discuss each with your groupmates.

1. Why do you think would most people choose to pull the lever to save five
people over that one person?
2. Is it necessarily bad to do nothing in this scenario? Why or why not?

C. Abstraction

A thriller is a genre of literature, film, and television whose primary feature is

that it induces strong feelings of excitement, anxiety, tension, suspense, fear, and other
similar emotions in its readers or viewers—in other words, media that thrills the
audience. Thrillers often involve the protagonists being at constant risk. This genre of
literature constantly keeps the reader on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists
and turns, and often features a hero who must use their intelligence and resourcefulness
to outwit their opponents. A thriller generally keeps its audience on the "edge of their
seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. The cover-up of important information is a
common element.[2] Literary devices such as red herrings, plot twists, unreliable narrators,
and cliffhangers are used extensively. A thriller is often a villain-driven plot, whereby
they present obstacles that the protagonist or hero must overcome.
Thrillers are an important genre because they exist to excite audiences—their
whole purpose is to induce the strongest emotional responses possible. They allow the
audience to experience feelings that they typically do not feel on a normal basis,
providing a level of fearful excitement that would regularly be difficult and unusual to
achieve. Readers and viewers do not typically want to experience these emotions in their
own daily lives; but because thrillers are fictional, the sensations thrillers produce in the
audience are exhilarating rather than actually threatening.

Types of Thriller
There are a seemingly endless number of types of thrillers, as they can be
combined with nearly any type of conflict to produce emotions that thrill the audience.
Below are the most prevalent types of thrillers:
a. Psychological Thriller
Thrillers that focus on characters that have extreme psychological
disorders, such as psychopaths and people with split personalities. These disorders
accordingly cause serious personal issues, that eventually lead to conflicts with
strangers and other characters. Sometimes, the main character is a psychopath that
serves as both the protagonist and the antagonist.

b. Crime Thriller
Thrillers that have crime and justice as their primary focuses, usually with
topics like murder, kidnapping, drugs, robbery, mistaken identity, etc. Usually,
the main character is a person who is fighting for justice, like a cop, lawyer,
special agent, or even superhero (for example, Batman).

c. Mystery Thriller

A thriller that begins with a mystery that needs to be solved, typically with
negative consequences at stake. Suspense and tension build as the audience gets
closer and closer to learning the answer to the mystery.

Related Terms

Horror is a genre in literature, film and television that has the intention of inducing fear,
anxiety, terror, disgust, and other similar feelings in an audience. They may include
supernatural elements (ghosts, demons, monsters, curses) or focus on things like crime,
morality, nightmares, psychological terrors, and so on. A thriller can be a horror, and vice
versa—the two genres often go hand in hand across all types of media.

Action is a genre in which the characters are faced with an abundance of conflicts or
challenges to overcome, usually involving physical tasks (action). Action movies very
often involve crime, adventure, and topics of heroes and justice, usually with a
protagonist fighting against extreme odds with a small chance of success, all for the
greater good. Like horror, action media frequently overlaps with thrillers, as the two are
oftentimes dependent on each other for the success of the plotline.

One complaint is that thrillers can rely too heavily on formulaic narratives and
predictable twists. Although the thriller genre is popular and well-liked by audiences, it is
not without criticism. This can make the story seem clichéd and less compelling to the
listener. Critics claim that a lack of creativity and invention might detract from the thriller
genre's overall appeal. Another critique is that thrillers tend to concentrate suspense and
plot twists over character development. Some claim that the emphasis on building
suspense and keeping the story moving quickly leaves little chance for delving into the
characters' complexities1. This might result in one-dimensional or undeveloped
characters, making it difficult for the audience to connect emotionally with them.
Some critics also argue that thrillers frequently rely on violence and graphic
imagery to create excitement and shock value. This might result in an overemphasis on
gore and frightening content, potentially alienating viewers or readers who prefer less
graphic material. Another source of criticism is the presentation of specific themes or
stereotypes in the thriller genre. Some contend that thrillers perpetuate harmful
stereotypes and reinforce prejudices, especially among underrepresented groups. Creators
in the genre must be cautious of their portrayals and avoid contributing to harmful
stereotypes or narratives.
The thriller genre's strong emphasis on suspense and fast-paced action may not
appeal to everyone. Some people like more introspective or slower-paced storytelling, so
thrillers may feel overwhelming or stressful. It is worth noting that, despite these
complaints, the thriller genre continues to attract and delight a large audience. It has pros
and drawbacks, just like any other genre, and its success reflects how much fun many
people have with its high-stakes and adrenaline-fueled storytelling.

Thriller in Education
Thriller affects the educational system in terms of the following:
1. Aims of Education
the application of thriller genre components, such as tension, mystery, and
surprising story twists, to achieve specific educational objectives. By bringing
thrillers into the classroom, educators hope to engage and excite pupils,
improve critical thinking and reading abilities, foster creativity and empathy,
and offer moral dilemmas. Thrillers can be used in activities such as reading
thriller novels, analyzing story aspects, and examining moral choices to make
learning more engaging and powerful for students.
2. Educational Methods
Thriller in educational approaches refers to the application of thriller genre
aspects in teaching and learning tactics. This entails introducing suspenseful,
mysterious, and plot-driven elements into instructional activities to captivate
pupils and improve their learning experience. Using exciting storylines and
scenarios, educators may create an immersive and stimulating atmosphere that
encourages critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.
3. Curriculum
Thriller in the curriculum refers to the incorporation of thriller-themed
materials and activities into the overall educational plan. This entails adding
exciting narratives, texts, or media into the curriculum to improve learning
outcomes and meet specific educational objectives. Thrillers can be utilized to
strengthen reading and literacy abilities, stimulate critical thinking and
analysis, encourage creativity and imagination, cultivate empathy and
understanding, and provide ethical quandaries.
D. Application

Directions: Each learner needs to prepare a piece of paper to write on. The class
will then be presented with the question below. The learners are then asked to answer the
question as reflectively as possible. The papers will then be collected and redistributed
where everyone gets a paper with an answer written by someone else. Learners then take
turns reading out what’s on the paper they have.

1. How did Moral Realism affect you as an individual?

2. How will that change or lack thereof affect you as a teacher?

E. Closing
Directions: Read the quotation below. Reflect on it and share your thoughts with
your classmates.
"Writing a thriller is like crafting a puzzle for the reader - every detail matters,
every twist is calculated, and every turn must be strategically placed." - Dan Brown IV


The thriller genre has long attracted and interested audiences with its intriguing
storytelling, unexpected plot twists, and captivating stories. As I investigated this genre in
numerous forms, such as novels, movies, and even educational activities, I saw its great
significance and potential for increasing participation, improving critical thinking,
nurturing creativity, and encouraging empathy and understanding. One of the most
notable characteristics of thrillers is their capacity to attract and engage the audience from
the start. The sense of suspense and mystery keeps us on the edge of our seats, ready to
find out what lies next. This same involvement can be used in education to pique
students' interest and motivate them to learn. When integrated into the curriculum,
thrillers can create instructional activities.

Thrillers frequently have complicated plots, deep plotlines, and multidimensional

characters. This intricacy encourages viewers and readers to study and evaluate the
story's aspects, so developing critical thinking skills. From examining clues to
deciphering character motivations, thrillers urge us to think analytically, connecting dots
and reaching conclusions. In an educational setting, thrillers can be used to help students
improve their analytical and problem-solving skills, helping them to discover hidden
meanings and think critically about the material they're studying.

Thrillers inspire our creativity and imagination by providing us with unexpected

twists and turns. These narratives motivate us to envisage numerous scenarios, consider
alternate conclusions, and even write our own amazing adventures. Using writing
activities or talks about thrillers, instructors can tap into students' creative potential,
pushing them to think beyond the box and strengthen their storytelling skills. This not
only encourages creativity but also improves communication skills as students share their
distinct viewpoints and perceptions. Thrillers frequently delve into the mental processes
and motivations of people, encouraging us to analyze and comprehend the complexity of
human conduct. Exploring these narratives helps us develop empathy by putting
ourselves in the shoes of characters who face difficult situations. This empathy extends
beyond fiction, allowing us to comprehend and empathize with people in real-life
situations. By adding thrillers into education, teachers can generate opportunities for
pupils to study the actions and challenges encountered by characters, promoting greater
empathy and awareness of many perspectives in society.

The thriller genre, with its enticing tales and heart-pounding tension, has
numerous educational benefits. Terrorists have the ability to alter the learning experience
by improving critical thinking and creativity while also encouraging empathy and
participation. By adding this genre into the curriculum, educators may create a vivid and
immersive learning environment that encourages students to think critically, express their
creativity, build empathy, and enjoy the process of learning. As I think on my own
experiences with thrillers, I am certain that include them in school may significantly
improve the educational experience and empower students to become lifelong learners.

Prepared by:

Kyrah Mae Nicole V Delacion

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