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Name of Office: Siquijor Provincial Engineering Office

Section: Administrative Support Services Section

Procedure Person/Unit Timeline

Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt
of suPPorting
1. Validation Checks whether the DailY Time Record
documents for PaYrolls is consistent with the Biometric. {Clerk lV}
Administrative Asst. upon receipt
Checks wether suPPorting documents are

complete. (Computer Operglg!)

Laboratory Aide I on or before the 5th
Forwards the DTR and supporting docu-
day of the succeeding
ments to the HRMO staff.
Applicant/ atleast 1 month after
First Claim a.) Submits requirements for first claim.
Employee signing of the
Appointing Officer
b.) Checks completeness of requirements. Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt
(Clerk lV)

c.) Forwards the requirements to the HRMO Administrative Asst. ll within 3 working daYs
Staff. (Clerk lV)
d.) Records in the logbookthe outgoing docu- Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt ofthe
ments with complete name, signature, time (Clerk lV) receiving office
and date.
3. Longevity a.) Submits requirements for Loyalty claim. Claimant/ after 10 years of active
Employee service and every 5
years thereafter

b.) Checks completeness of requirements' Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt

{Clerk lV}
c.) Forwards the requirements to the HRMO Administrative Asst. ll within 3 working days
Staff. (Clerk lV)
d.) Records in the logbook the outgoing docu- Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt ofthe
ments with complete name, signature, time (Clerk lV) receiving office
and date.
4. Step lncrements a.) Reviews data of step increments for each Administrative Asst. ll prior to Budget Call
employee. (Clerk lV)
b.) lndicates the specifics for the step incre- Administrative Asst. ll Prior to July 15
rnents in the Personnel Schedule (PS). (Clerk lV)
c.) Approves the PS. Department Head Prior to July 15
d.) Forwards the PS to the HRMO Staff, Administrative Asst. ll Prior to July 15
{Clerk lv)
e.) Records in the logbook the outgoing docu- Administrative Asst. ll upon receiptofthe
ments with complete name, signature, time {Clerk lV} receiving office
and date.
5. lncoming Document/s a.) Receives the document/s. Administrative Asst. ll upon receipt
(Clerk lV)
b.) Encodes/records the details of the docu- Administrative Asst. I upon receipt
ment/s in the logbook/tracking system. (Computer Operator l)
Note: Enfries ore arronged chronolagically by
dote and time with the following docu-
ment control number, source of docu-
men, title and subject.
c.) Forwards the document/s to the Depart- Laboratory Aide I after recording in the
ment Head. incoming logbook
d.) Forwards the documents to the concerned Laboratory Aide I within 1 day
division or section for appropriate action.
5. Outgoing Document/s a.) Records outbound document/s in the log- Laboratory Aide I before the transmittal
book/tracking system. of the outgoing
Note: Beceivrn g unit, complete nome, dote re- document
leased, date and time of receipt.
b.) Receives the outbound document/s and Receiving Office upon receipt
signs the outgoing logbook
7. Budget Controlling a.) Records in the Journal the Particulars and Administrative Asst. I after the approval of
amount in the Purchase Request (PR). (Computer Operator l) the PR
b.) Conducts periodic analysis of Expenditures Administrative Asst. I every quarter
versus the Actual Budget. {Computer Operator l)
c.) Communicates the result of the periodic Administrative Asst. I every quarter
(Computer Operator l)

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