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pathogens, and environmental stressors.

They are produced in response to various

stimuli, including damage to the plant,
herbivore feeding, and changes in light or
BIOCHEMISTRY2 temperature. Terpenes can act as
antifeedants, repellents, or toxins to deter
herbivores. Additionally, some terpenes

2021 possess antimicrobial, antifungal, or

antiviral properties, providing protection
against pathogens. Terpenes may also play
a role in communication between plants and
How sucrose und starch other organisms, such as attracting
biosynthesis is regulated in beneficial insects for pollination or repelling
Vitamin A and D play important
Sucrose and starch
roles in metabolism:
biosynthesis in plants are
regulated through a combination of 1. Vitamin A, in the form of retinol, is
transcriptional, post-transcriptional, and essential for vision, growth, immune
post-translational mechanisms. The activity function, and cell differentiation. It acts as a
of enzymes involved in these processes is cofactor for several enzymes involved in
regulated by factors such as light, circadian metabolism, including those responsible for
rhythm, nutrient availability, hormone the synthesis of glycoproteins and
signaling, and gene expression. For sucrose glycolipids. Vitamin A is also involved in
biosynthesis, key enzymes such as sucrose gene regulation, particularly in the
phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase differentiation and maturation of cells.
are regulated by reversible phosphorylation,
2. Vitamin D, primarily obtained through
allosteric regulation, and expression levels.
sunlight exposure, is critical for calcium and
Starch biosynthesis is regulated by the
phosphorus absorption, bone health, and
activity of enzymes like ADP-glucose
immune function. It acts as a hormone and
pyrophosphorylase, starch synthase, and
regulates the expression of genes involved
starch branching enzyme, which are
in calcium metabolism, cell growth, and
influenced by hormones, sucrose levels, and
differentiation. Vitamin D is also important
other metabolic signals.
for maintaining adequate levels of blood
calcium and bone mineralization.
Question b:Terpenes are
defensive tools of plants, Explain? Define Bioenergetics. Explain first
Terpenes are organic compounds
and second law of
synthesized by plants and serve as thermodynamics.
defensive tools against herbivores,

Bioenergetics is the study of energy flow deprivation or high energy demands.
and transformation in living organisms. It
encompasses the processes of energy Write the biosynthesis and
capture, conversion, and utilization within defensive role of Phenolic
cells. The first law of thermodynamics, also
compounds in plants.
known as the law of conservation of energy,
states that energy cannot be created or Phenolic compounds are a diverse group of
destroyed but can only be converted from secondary metabolites synthesized by
one form to another. In the context of plants. They play important roles in plant
bioenergetics, this means that the total defense against pathogens, herbivores, and
amount of energy within a biological system abiotic stressors. Phenolic compounds can
remains constant, and any energy gained or have antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral
lost must be accounted for. properties, inhibiting the growth and
reproduction of pathogens. They can also
The second law of thermodynamics states
act as antioxidants, scavenging reactive
that the entropy, or disorder, of a system
oxygen species and protecting plant cells
tends to increase over time. In
from oxidative damage. Additionally,
bioenergetics, this law explains why energy
phenolic compounds may regulate plant
transformations are not 100% efficient and
growth and development, including seed
why energy is often lost as heat during
germination, root elongation, and flower
metabolic processes. Organisms must
continually acquire and convert energy to
maintain their cellular structures and Q. 4: Define Oxidation and reduction,
perform necessary activities. Explain these with an example in living
Write note on breakdown of
fats/fatty acids in plant cell. Oxidation and reduction are chemical
reactions that involve the transfer of
In plant cells, the breakdown of fats, also electrons. Oxidation refers to the loss of
known as lipolysis, occurs in specialized electrons, while reduction refers to the gain
organelles called peroxisomes. Fatty acids of electrons.
are released from stored lipids through
enzymatic hydrolysis and are subsequently An example of oxidation and reduction in
transported into peroxisomes. Within living tissues is cellular respiration. In this
peroxisomes, fatty acids undergo beta- process, glucose is oxidized to produce ATP,
oxidation, a series of reactions that the main energy currency of cells. Glucose
sequentially remove two-carbon units from undergoes a series of reactions in which it
the fatty acid chain. This produces acetyl- is gradually broken down, releasing
CoA, which can enter the citric acid cycle for electrons. These electrons are transferred
energy production. The breakdown of fats is to electron carriers, such as NAD+
essential for energy metabolism, especially (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide), which
during prolonged periods of nutrient becomes reduced to NADH. The electrons

are then passed along the electron 4. Sucrose synthesis: G3P can be
transport chain, generating ATP through converted into fructose-6-phosphate, and by
oxidative phosphorylation. At the end of the combining fructose-6-phosphate with UDP-
chain, electrons are accepted by oxygen, glucose, the enzyme sucrose phosphate
which becomes reduced to water. synthase catalyzes the formation of
sucrose-6-phosphate. Sucrose-6-phosphate
Write the Pathway for the is then dephosphorylated to form sucrose,
synthesis of sucrose in plant cell? which can be transported and stored in
different parts of the plant.
The synthesis of sucrose in plant
cells occurs through a pathway known as b) Explain biosynthesis,
the Calvin cycle or the light-independent classification and role of nitrogen
reactions of photosynthesis. The key steps containing secondary metabolites?
involved in this pathway are as follows:
Nitrogen-containing secondary
1. Carboxylation: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is
metabolites are a diverse group of
combined with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate
compounds synthesized by plants. They
(RuBP), a 5-carbon molecule, in the
play critical roles in plant growth,
presence of the enzyme RuBisCO (ribulose-
development, and defense against
1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase).
pathogens and herbivores. Some common
This reaction yields two molecules of 3-
examples of nitrogen-containing secondary
phosphoglycerate (3-PGA), a 3-carbon
metabolites include alkaloids, cyanogenic
glycosides, glucosinolates, and
2. Reduction: ATP (adenosine triphosphate) phenylpropanoids.
and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine
The biosynthesis of nitrogen-containing
dinucleotide phosphate) generated during
secondary metabolites typically involves the
the light-dependent reactions of
incorporation of nitrogen from amino acids
photosynthesis provide the energy and
or other nitrogen sources into specialized
reducing power, respectively, for the
pathways. These pathways are often
conversion of 3-PGA into glyceraldehyde-3-
regulated by enzyme-catalyzed reactions
phosphate (G3P). This step requires the
and the expression of specific genes.
enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
dehydrogenase. Classification of nitrogen-containing
secondary metabolites is based on their
3. Regeneration: Some of the G3P
chemical structure and can include
molecules are converted back into RuBP
alkaloids (e.g., caffeine, nicotine),
through a series of reactions, including
cyanogenic glycosides (e.g., amygdalin),
phosphorylation and rearrangements. These
glucosinolates (e.g., sulforaphane), and
reactions require ATP and are catalyzed by
phenylpropanoids (e.g., flavonoids). Each
various enzymes, including
class of metabolites has unique properties
phosphoglycerate kinase.
and functions within the plant.

The roles of nitrogen-containing secondary How sucrose and starch synthesis is
metabolites in plants are diverse. They can regulated in plants?
act as defense compounds, deterring
herbivores and pathogens through their QNO.03: The synthesis of sucrose and
toxic or repellent properties. Some nitrogen- starch in plants is regulated through a
containing secondary metabolites also play complex network of enzymes and
a role in plant signaling and communication, regulatory molecules. Sucrose synthesis
such as attracting pollinators or signaling to occurs in the cytoplasm of plants cells,
neighboring plants about herbivore attacks. primarily in the leaves. It involves the
Additionally, certain nitrogen-containing conversion of glucose and fructose into
secondary metabolites have medicinal sucrose through the action of enzymes
properties and are used by humans for such as sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS).
various purposes, such as in traditional
medicine or as pharmaceutical agents.
Starch synthesis takes place in the

2019 chloroplasts of plant cells, mainly in the

leaves and storage organs. It is regulated by
enzymes involved in the conversion of
QNO.2 Define Bioenergetics. Explain glucose-1-phosphate to starch, such as ADP
first and second laws of -glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) and
thermodynamics starch synthase.

Bioenergetics is the study of how living The regulation of sucrose and starch
organisms convert and utilize energy. It synthesis is influenced by various factors
encompasses the processes of energy including light, temperature, hormones, and
capture, conversion, and consumption metabolites. Photosynthesis, which is the
within biological systems. primary source of glucose for sucrose and
starch synthesis, is also a major regulator of
The first law of thermodynamics, also
these processes.
known as the law of conservation of energy,
states that energy cannot be created or QNO.04: Terpenes are defensive
destroyed in an isolated system. In
tools of plants, Explain?
biological systems, this means that the total
amount of energy remains constant, but it Terpenes are a diverse group of compounds
can be converted from one form to another. synthesized by plants. They serve as
defensive tools to protect plants against
The second law of thermodynamics states
herbivores, pathogens, and abiotic stresses.
that in any energy conversion process, the
Terpenes can act as repellents, toxic
total entropy (disorder) of a closed system
deterrents, or attractants for beneficial
always increases. This means that energy
transformations are not 100% efficient and
some energy is lost as waste heat. Plants produce terpenes in specialized

structures such as resin canals, glandular breakdown of fats in plant cell
trichomes, and oil glands. These
compounds can have different modes of In plant cells, the breakdown of fats, or
action, including disrupting the feeding or lipids, primarily occurs through the process
reproduction of herbivores, inhibiting of β-oxidation. This process takes place in
microbial growth, or attracting predators or the mitochondria and peroxisomes of plant
parasites of herbivores. cells.

The specific types and quantities of

terpenes produced by plants can vary
During β-oxidation, fatty acids are broken
depending on various factors such as plant
down into acetyl-CoA molecules. This
species, environmental conditions, and
process involves a series of steps, including
interactions with other organisms. Some
the removal of two-carbon units from the
examples of terpenes include menthol,
fatty acid chain, which are converted into
limonene, and carotenoids.
acetyl-CoA through oxidation and hydration
QNO.05: 5. Write the biosynthesis and reactions.
role of Phenolic compounds in plants.
Once converted into acetyl-CoA, it can enter
Phenolic compounds are a diverse group of the citric acid cycle (also known as the
secondary metabolites synthesized by Krebs cycle) to generate energy through the
plants. They have various roles in plant oxidation of the acetyl groups.
physiology, including defense against
The breakdown of fats is an important
pathogens, UV protection, and regulation of
source of energy for plant cells, especially
plant development.
during periods of nutrient deprivation or
The biosynthesis of phenolic compounds stress.
involves a series of enzymatic reactions,
QNO.07: Define Vitamins. What is the
starting from primary metabolites such as
role of Vitamins in plant metabolism.
phenylalanine or tyrosine. These reactions
are catalyzed by enzymes such as Vitamins are organic compounds that are
phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), which required in small amounts by organisms for
converts phenylalanine into cinnamic acid. various metabolic processes. In plant
metabolism, vitamins play essential roles as
The different classes of phenolic
coenzymes or cofactors for enzymes
compounds include flavonoids, lignans, and
involved in various biochemical reactions.
tannins. These compounds can have
antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti- Vitamins are involved in processes such as
inflammatory properties, and are also photosynthesis, respiration, and the
involved in plant signaling and synthesis of various molecules in plants.
communication with other organisms. They are required for the proper functioning
of enzymes, which catalyze these reactions.
QNO.06:. Write note on

Plants can synthesize some vitamins systems and are involved in maintaining
themselves, while others must be obtained redox balance and regulating cellular
from the environment through nutrient processes.
uptake. Examples of vitamins in plants
include vitamin C (ascorbic acid), vitamin E QNO.09: Write the Pathway for
(tocopherol), and various B vitamins such the synthesis of sucrose in plant
as thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2).
Deficiencies or imbalances in vitamin
The synthesis of sucrose in plant cells
concentrations can have detrimental effects
involves a series of enzymatic steps.
on plant growth and development, leading
Sucrose is synthesized in the cytoplasm of
to disorders such as leaf yellowing or
plant cells, primarily in the leaves, and is
reduced photosynthetic activity.
then transported to different parts of the
plant for storage or utilization.
QNO.08: Explain redox reactions
in living system with example? The pathway for the synthesis of sucrose
starts with the conversion of glucose-6-
Redox reactions, also known as oxidation- phosphate to fructose-6-phosphate by the
reduction reactions, involve the transfer of enzyme phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI).
electrons between chemical species. These Fructose-6-phosphate is then converted to
reactions play a crucial role in living fructose-1,6-bisphosphate by the enzyme
systems, as they are involved in energy phosphofructokinase (PFK).
production, cellular respiration, and many
other metabolic processes. Next, fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is cleaved
into two three-carbon molecules:
In a redox reaction, one molecule or atom dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and
loses electrons (oxidation) while another glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) by the
molecule or atom gains the electrons enzyme fructose bisphosphate aldolase.
(reduction). The molecule that loses GAP is then converted to fructose-1,6-
electrons is called the reducing agent, while bisphosphate by several enzymatic steps.
the molecule that gains electrons is called
the oxidizing agent. The final steps involve the synthesis of
sucrose from fructose-6-phosphate and
An example of a redox reaction in living UDP-glucose, catalyzed by the enzyme
systems is cellular respiration, where sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS).
glucose is oxidized to carbon dioxide, and
oxygen is reduced to water. In this process, Overall, the synthesis of sucrose in plant
glucose acts as the reducing agent, cells is a complex process that requires the
donating electrons, while oxygen acts as the coordination of multiple enzymes and
oxidizing agent, accepting the electrons. regulatory factors to ensure the production
and transport of sucrose to meet the
Redox reactions are essential for the metabolic needs of the plant.
transfer and storage of energy in living

Starch and sucrose biosynthesis are
QNO.2 Define Bioenergeties. competing reactions in plants. Starch is a
Explain Energy laws with polymer of glucose and is mainly
synthesized in leaves for storage purposes.
On the other hand, sucrose is a disaccharide
: Bioenergetics refers to the study of energy formed by the condensation of glucose and
flow and transformation in living organisms. fructose. It is primarily synthesized in
It involves understanding how organisms photosynthetic tissues and serves as the
acquire, store, and use energy for various main transport carbohydrate in plants.
biological processes. Bioenergetics is
During periods of high photosynthetic
crucial for understanding the metabolic
activity, when there is an excess of glucose,
pathways and physiological functions of
it is converted into sucrose and transported
living organisms.
to other parts of the plant for storage or
Energy laws are principles that govern the utilization. This process allows for efficient
transfer and transformation of energy in distribution of energy to different tissues.
various systems. The two fundamental When photosynthetic activity decreases, or
energy laws are: there is a demand for energy, stored starch
is broken down into glucose, which can be
1. The First Law of Thermodynamics, also further metabolized for energy production.
known as the law of energy conservation,
states that energy cannot be created or Overall, starch and sucrose biosynthesis are
destroyed in an isolated system. It can only tightly regulated to ensure the proper
be transformed from one form to another or allocation and utilization of energy in plants.
transferred from one system to another. For
example, when a plant undergoes QNO.04 Define Secondary
photosynthesis, it converts light energy into metabolites? How these are
chemical energy in the form of glucose. important for plants?
2. The Second Law of Thermodynamics : Secondary metabolites are organic
states that the entropy (disorder) of a compounds produced by plants that are not
closed system tends to increase over time. directly involved in growth, development, or
This law implies that energy conversions reproduction. These compounds are
are not 100% efficient, and some energy is typically synthesized in specific plant
always lost as heat. For example, during tissues and are responsible for various
cellular respiration, the energy stored in ecological functions such as defense
glucose is not fully converted to usable against herbivores, attraction of pollinators,
energy (ATP), and some is lost as heat. and interaction with other organisms.

QNO.03: QNO.03 Starch and Sucrose Secondary metabolites can have a wide
biosynthesis is competing reaction range of chemical structures, including

alkaloids, terpenoids, phenolics, and esterified to the glycerol backbone to form
flavonoids. They play important roles in monoacylglycerols. Then,
plant adaptation and defense mechanisms. monoacylglycerols are further esterified
For example, alkaloids such as nicotine and with other fatty acids to produce
caffeine act as chemical deterrents against diacylglycerols (DAGs). Finally, the addition
herbivores. Terpenoids, such as essential of another fatty acid to DAGs results in the
oils, can protect plants from pathogens and formation of triglycerides.
Overall, the biosynthesis of fatty acids and
Secondary metabolites also have significant glycerolipids is essential for energy storage,
economic importance as they are used in cell membrane formation, and various
the production of medicines, pesticides, metabolic processes in plant cells.
food additives, and other industrial products.
QNO.06 Write structure and
QNO.05 Write note on biosynthesis of
functions of Phenolic polymers in
fatty acids and glycerolipids in plant
Phenolic polymers are complex organic
The biosynthesis of fatty acids and
compounds found in plants. They are
glycerolipids in plant cells occurs through a
composed of phenolic compounds, which
series of enzymatic reactions in the plastids
are characterized by the presence of one or
(specifically, the chloroplasts and the
more phenol rings. The structure and
endoplasmic reticulum).
functions of phenolic polymers vary
1. Fatty Acid Biosynthesis: It takes place depending on the specific compounds
in the plastids, primarily in the chloroplasts, involved.
and involves several enzymatic steps.
Structure: Phenolic polymers have a diverse
Acetyl-CoA, derived from the breakdown of
range of structures, including lignins,
carbohydrates or fatty acids, is converted
tannins, and flavonoids. Lignins, for
into malonyl-CoA through the action of
instance, are composed of phenylpropanoid
acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Malonyl-CoA is
units joined together through complex
then further processed by fatty acid
interactions such as β-O-4, β-5, and β-β
synthase (FAS) enzyme complex to produce
linkages. Flavonoids contain two aromatic
the fatty acid chains. The fatty acids are
rings connected by a three-carbon bridge.
initially attached to an acyl-carrier protein
(ACP) and undergo elongation and Functions: Phenolic polymers fulfill various
desaturation reactions to form various functions in plants, including:
types of fatty acids.
1. Structural support: Lignins provide
2. Glycerolipid Biosynthesis: strength and rigidity to plant tissues,
Glycerolipids include triglycerides (storage particularly in woody tissues. They help in
lipids) and phospholipids (structural lipids). the formation of cell walls and contribute to
In the endoplasmic reticulum, fatty acids are the overall stability of the plant.

2. Defense against pathogens and example, vitamin C deficiency can lead to
herbivores: Phenolic polymers, such as scurvy, characterized by bleeding gums and
tannins, can act as a defense mechanism impaired wound healing. Vitamin D
against herbivores and pathogens. They can deficiency can cause rickets in children,
inhibit the feeding of herbivores and leading to bone deformities.
interfere with the growth and development
of pathogens. Hormones:

3. UV protection: Some phenolic polymers, - Hormones are chemical messengers

such as flavonoids, have UV-absorbing produced by specific glands or tissues in
properties. They protect plant tissues from the body.
harmful UV radiation. - They regulate and coordinate various
4. Pigmentation: Phenolic polymers are physiological processes, including growth,
responsible for the pigmentation of flowers, development, metabolism, reproduction,
fruits, and leaves. They contribute to the and response to environmental stimuli.
attractiveness of plants to pollinators and - Hormones are transported through the
seed dispersers. bloodstream to their target tissues or
organs, where they elicit specific biological
QNO.07 Differentiate between
Vitamin and hormones. What are
- Deficiency symptoms for hormones can
the deficiency symptoms for C&D.
vary widely, depending on the specific
Vitamins and hormones are two distinct hormone. For example, deficiency of thyroid
types of organic compounds with different hormones can cause hypothyroidism,
functions and roles in living organisms. characterized by fatigue, weight gain, and
impaired cognitive function.
In summary, vitamins are essential nutrients
- Vitamins are organic compounds required that are not produced by the body and are
in small amounts for the normal required in small amounts for normal
physiological functioning of an organism. physiological functioning, while hormones
are chemical messengers that regulate
- They are essential nutrients that cannot be
various physiological processes.
synthesized by the body and must be
obtained from the diet.
QNO.08 Write the Pathway for the
- Vitamins play important roles as degradation of starch in plant cell?
coenzymes or cofactors in various
metabolic reactions and biochemical The degradation of starch in plant cells
processes. occurs through a series of enzymatic
- Deficiency symptoms for vitamins vary
depending on the specific vitamin. For 1. Starch hydrolysis: Starch is first

hydrolyzed by the enzyme α-amylase, which ribose sugar, and three phosphate groups.
breaks down the starch molecules into
smaller fragments, such as - The three phosphate groups are connected
oligosaccharides and maltose. by high-energy bonds known as
phosphoanhydride bonds.
2. Conversion of oligosaccharides: The
oligosaccharides produced from starch - The bond between the second and third
hydrolysis are further hydrolyzed by the phosphate groups (γ-phosphate) is
enzyme β-amylase, which progressively particularly high in energy.
removes glucose units from the non- ATP Function:
reducing ends of the oligosaccharide chains.
This process continues until maltose is - ATP serves as the primary energy currency
formed. of cells, providing energy for various cellular
3. Maltose hydrolysis: Maltose is then
hydrolyzed by the enzyme α-glucosidase - The energy stored in ATP is released when
(also known as maltase) into two molecules the terminal phosphate group is
of glucose. enzymatically removed, resulting in the
formation of adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
4. Glucose metabolism: The resulting and inorganic phosphate (Pi). This process
glucose molecules can be metabolized is called hydrolysis.
through various pathways to provide energy
for the plant. They can enter glycolysis, the - The energy released during ATP hydrolysis
citric acid cycle, or be stored as glycogen or is utilized by cells to perform work, such as
converted to other carbohydrates for energy muscle contraction, active transport,
storage or biosynthesis. synthesis of macromolecules, and other
cellular processes.
Overall, the degradation of starch provides a
source of glucose for energy production and - ATP can be regenerated through
other metabolic processes in plant cells. processes like cellular respiration or
photosynthesis, where energy from food
QNO.09 Define High energy molecules or light is used to reattach a
Compounds? Explain structure and phosphate group to ADP, restoring it to ATP.
function of ATP.
In summary, ATP is a high-energy
High-energy compounds are molecules that compound that plays a central role in
store and release considerable amounts of cellular energy metabolism, acting as a
energy. One of the most important high- universal energy carrier and providing
energy compounds in living organisms is energy for various biological processes.
adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
QNO.02 How sucrose and
ATP Structure:
starch synthesis is regulated
- ATP is composed of an adenine base, a

in plant cells? with other defense compounds to
enhance the overall defense response of
QNO.02: The synthesis of sucrose and the plant.
starch in plant cells is regulated through
various mechanisms. Sucrose synthesis 2013
is primarily regulated by the enzyme
(a) Draw the scheme for
sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS),
which catalyzes the conversion of breakdown of starch in plants?
fructose-6-phosphate and UDP-glucose
(a) Scheme for breakdown of
into sucrose-6-phosphate. The activity
of SPS is regulated by factors such as
starch in plants:
light, hormones, and metabolites. Starch Starch --(Amylase enzyme)--> Maltose --
synthesis, on the other hand, is (Maltase enzyme)--> Glucose
regulated by enzymes involved in its
biosynthesis, such as ADP-glucose (b) What is the role of mitochondrial
pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) and starch cytochromes in biological system?
synthases. These enzymes are The role of mitochondrial cytochromes in
regulated by factors like light, biological systems is to facilitate oxidative
temperature, and sugar levels in the phosphorylation, which is the process of
plant cell. generating ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in
the mitochondria. Cytochromes are proteins
QNO,03 What is the role of that are part of the electron transport chain
in the inner mitochondrial membrane. They
Terpenes in plant defense?
transfer electrons from one molecule to
QNO.03: Terpenes play a crucial role in another, ultimately leading to the production
of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.
plant defense mechanisms. They are a
diverse group of organic compounds c) Define Alleopathy?
that are synthesized by plants and are
involved in various physiological (c) Alleopathy is a biological phenomenon in
processes. In terms of plant defense, which one plant species produces
terpenes can act as repellents, biochemical compounds called
allelochemicals that inhibit the growth or
deterrents, or toxins against herbivores
development of other nearby plants. These
and pathogens. They can also attract
allelochemicals can be released into the
beneficial insects that help in pollination
environment through root exudates, leaf
or act as predators of herbivores. leachates, or volatilization, and they can
Terpenes can be produced constitutively have various effects on neighboring plants,
or induced in response to herbivory or such as inhibiting seed germination, root
pathogen attack. They can also interact growth, or nutrient uptake.

(d) Cycle of fatty acid can result in various cardiac effects,
including increased contractile force, altered
synthesis in plastids of plant heart rate, and potentially cardiac
cells: arrhythmias or even cardiac arrest.

1. Acetyl-CoA is converted into malonyl-CoA 2015

by the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase.
(a) Mention the name of enzymes and
2. Malonyl-CoA combines with acetyl-CoA to
complexes involved in respiratory chain
form a four-carbon intermediate called 3-
ketoacyl-ACP (acyl carrier protein), (a) The enzymes and complexes involved in
catalyzed by the enzyme β-ketoacyl-ACP the respiratory chain are:
1. Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase or
3. The four-carbon intermediate undergoes NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase)
a series of reactions involving reduction,
dehydration, and reduction again to 2. Complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase or
elongate the carbon chain. succinate: ubiquinone oxidoreductase)

4. This process is repeated multiple times 3. Complex III (Cytochrome c reductase or

until the desired length of the fatty acid ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase)
chain is synthesized.
4. Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase or
5. The final step involves the release of the cytochrome c: oxygen oxidoreductase)
fatty acid from the acyl carrier protein by the
5. ATP synthase (F0F1 ATP synthase)
enzyme thioesterase.
(b) The synthesis of starch and sucrose
(e) Cardenolides have dramatic are competing reactions. Justify it.
effects human heart muscles why?
(b) The synthesis of starch and sucrose are
(e) Cardenolides have dramatic effects on competing reactions because both
human heart muscles because they act as processes involve the conversion of glucose
potent inhibitors of the sodium-potassium molecules. Starch is synthesized in the
ATPase pump, also known as the Na+/K+- chloroplasts of plant cells and used for
ATPase pump. This pump is responsible for energy storage. Sucrose is synthesized in
maintaining the balance of sodium and the cytoplasm and transported to other
potassium ions across the cell membrane, parts of the plant for energy distribution.
which is crucial for normal cardiac function. When the plant has excess glucose, it will
Inhibition of this pump by cardenolides synthesize starch for storage. However,
leads to an increase in intracellular sodium when there is a high demand for energy in
levels and a decrease in potassium levels, other parts of the plant, the stored starch
disrupting the normal electrical signaling will be converted to sucrose and
and contractility of the heart muscle. This transported to meet the energy needs of

those areas. Thus, starch synthesis and produce ATP.
sucrose synthesis compete for the available
glucose molecules. (d) How creatine phosphate is
helpful during muscle contraction?
(c) Write the role of Vitamin B in
energy producing metabolism? (d) Creatine phosphate is helpful during
muscle contraction because it serves as a
(c) Vitamin B (which consists of several rapid and readily available source of high-
different B vitamins) plays a crucial role in energy phosphate groups. During muscle
energy-producing metabolism. Some of the contraction, ATP is rapidly consumed and
specific roles are: converted into ADP (adenosine
diphosphate). Creatine phosphate can
1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): It is essential for quickly donate its phosphate group to ADP,
the conversion of glucose into energy by regenerating ATP. This ATP can then be
facilitating the metabolism of used for further muscle contractions. The
carbohydrates. It is a coenzyme for several regeneration of ATP from ADP by creatine
enzymes involved in the Krebs cycle. phosphate helps provide immediate energy
2. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): It is a component for short bursts of intense muscle activity.
of coenzymes that play a role in the
(e) Draw the cycle of fatty acid
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins. It is involved in the electron biosynthesis in plastids?
transport chain of cellular respiration.
(e) The cycle of fatty acid biosynthesis in
3. Vitamin B3 (Niacin): It is important for the plastids is a complex process involving
metabolism of glucose, fatty acids, and multiple enzymes and reactions. The basic
amino acids. It is a component of steps of the cycle are as follows:
coenzymes involved in electron transfer
1. Acetyl-CoA, produced in the mitochondria,
reactions in the respiratory chain.
is transported into the plastids.
4. Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid): It is a
2. Acetyl-CoA is converted into malonyl-CoA
component of coenzyme A, which is
by the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase.
involved in various energy-producing
metabolic reactions, including the Krebs 3. Malonyl-CoA is then activated and joined
cycle and fatty acid synthesis. with acetyl-CoA by the enzyme fatty acid
5. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): It is involved in
the metabolism of amino acids and the 4. The resulting molecule is a 4-carbon fatty
synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate acid.
5. This 4-carbon fatty acid undergoes a
Overall, Vitamin B helps in the efficient series of reactions, including reduction,
conversion of food into energy and dehydration, and reduction again, to
facilitates various metabolic reactions that elongate the fatty acid chain.

6. The cycle repeats, with the growing fatty synthase. Finally, another molecule of
acid chain being attached to acetyl-CoA and isopentenyl pyrophosphate is added to GPP
elongated in a stepwise manner. by the enzyme geranylgeranyl
pyrophosphate synthase, leading to the
7. Once the desired length of the fatty acid formation of GGPP.
chain is achieved, it can be further modified
and incorporated into various cellular GGPP serves as a precursor molecule for
structures, such as membranes or stored as the biosynthesis of various isoprenoids,
triglycerides. including carotenoids, chlorophylls, prenyl
side chains of proteins, and plant hormones
Note: The specific enzymes and steps such as abscisic acid and gibberellins.
involved in fatty acid biosynthesis may vary These molecules play important roles in
depending on the organism. photosynthesis, pigment synthesis,
signaling pathways, and hormone regulation
QNO.02: Biosynthesis of in plants and other organisms.
QNO.03: Degradation of
GGPP, or geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, is a Triacylglycerols into
key intermediate molecule in the
biosynthesis of various isoprenoids, which
are essential compounds involved in a wide Triacylglycerols, also known as triglycerides,
range of biological processes. GGPP is are a major form of stored energy in
mainly synthesized through the mevalonate organisms, especially in adipose tissues.
pathway, a metabolic pathway that takes When the body requires energy,
place in the cytoplasm of cells. triacylglycerols can be degraded into their
component molecules, fatty acids, and
The biosynthesis of GGPP starts with the
glycerol, through a process called lipolysis.
condensation of acetyl-CoA, a small
These molecules can then be further
molecule derived from glucose metabolism,
metabolized to produce carbohydrates to
into a four-carbon compound called
meet the energy demands of the body.
mevalonate. This reaction is catalyzed by
the enzyme acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. The degradation of triacylglycerols begins
Mevalonate then undergoes a series of with the activation of lipases, enzymes that
enzymatic reactions, including hydrolyze the ester bonds between the fatty
phosphorylation, decarboxylation, and acids and glycerol backbone of
reduction, to form isopentenyl triacylglycerols. Hormones such as
pyrophosphate (IPP). epinephrine, glucagon, and cortisol can
stimulate the release of lipases from
Isopentenyl pyrophosphate, along with its
adipose tissues. The activated lipases
isomer dimethylallyl pyrophosphate
cleave the ester bonds, resulting in the
(DMAPP), is then converted into geranyl
release of three fatty acid molecules and
pyrophosphate (GPP) through the action of
one molecule of glycerol.
the enzyme geranyl pyrophosphate

The fatty acids released from Within the chloroplasts, glucose-6-
triacylglycerols are transported to various phosphate (G6P) is converted into glucose-
tissues, where they undergo beta-oxidation, 1-phosphate (G1P) by the action of the
a series of enzymatic reactions that break enzyme phosphoglucomutase (PGM). G1P
down the fatty acids into acetyl-CoA is then converted into ADP-glucose by the
molecules. Acetyl-CoA can enter the citric enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase
acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle or (AGPase). ADP-glucose serves as the
TCA cycle), a metabolic pathway that activated sugar donor for the synthesis of
produces energy in the form of ATP and starch.
generates reducing equivalents in the form
of NADH and FADH2. 2. Amyloplasts:

Glycerol, on the other hand, is converted ADP-glucose is transported from the

into glucose through a process known as chloroplasts to the amyloplasts, specialized
gluconeogenesis. Glycerol is first organelles responsible for starch storage.
phosphorylated and then converted into Within the amyloplasts, ADP-glucose is
dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), an polymerized by the enzyme starch synthase
intermediate molecule in the glycolysis into amylose and amylopectin, the two
pathway. DHAP is further transformed into major components of starch. Amylose is a
glucose via several enzymatic steps. linear chain of glucose molecules, while
amylopectin is highly branched.
Overall, the degradation of triacylglycerols
into carbohydrates provides a means for the The branching of amylopectin is controlled
body to utilize stored energy reserves to by the enzyme branching enzyme (BE). It
meet its energy needs when glucose catalyzes the transfer of a block of glucan
availability is limited, such as during fasting from one side of a growing chain to another,
or periods of increased physical activity. creating a branch point. These branch
points are crucial for the solubilization and
QNO.04: Synthesis of Starch in granule formation of starch molecules.
Plant Cell Several other enzymes, including
debranching enzymes, phosphorylases, and
Starch is a complex carbohydrate that
branching enzymes, are involved in the fine-
serves as a major form of energy storage in
tuning and regulation of starch synthesis.
plants. It is synthesized within plant cells in
These enzymes play a role in determining
a process called starch biosynthesis. The
the structure and composition of starch
synthesis of starch involves several
molecules, which influence their
enzymes and metabolic pathways, primarily
physicochemical properties and biological
occurring in two main compartments of
functions in plants.
plant cells: the chloroplasts and the
amyloplasts. Overall, the synthesis of starch in plant cells
is a tightly regulated process that requires
1. Chloroplasts:
precise coordination between different

cellular compartments and enzymatic structural integrity of plant cell walls
activities to produce starch granules with through the synthesis of lignin, a complex
appropriate structures for optimal energy phenolic polymer.
storage and use in plants.
Phenolic compounds are also involved in
QNO.05: Biosynthesis and plant responses to environmental stresses,
particularly UV radiation. They absorb UV
Physiological Effects of Phenolic
light, protecting plant tissues from damage.
Compounds Additionally, phenolic compounds have
antioxidant properties, helping plants to
Phenolic compounds are a diverse group of
scavenge reactive oxygen species and
secondary metabolites found in plants. They
prevent oxidative damage.
are derived from the aromatic amino acid
phenylalanine and are synthesized through Furthermore, phenolic compounds have
the phenylpropanoid pathway. Phenolic signaling roles in plant development and
compounds have numerous physiological defense. They are involved in regulating
effects in plants, acting as defensive agents plant growth, flowering, and fruit ripening.
against pathogens, UV radiation protectors, Phenolic compounds can also act as signal
antioxidants, and signaling molecules. molecules in response to biotic and abiotic
stresses, triggering the expression of
The biosynthesis of phenolic compounds
defense-related genes and the synthesis of
starts with the deamination of
other defense compounds.
phenylalanine to cinnamic acid by the
enzyme phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL). The diverse physiological effects of
Cinnamic acid is then converted into p- phenolic compounds make them important
coumaric acid, which is further metabolized for the adaptation, survival, and defense
into various phenolic compounds, such as mechanisms of plants in their natural
flavonoids, lignins, tannins, and stilbenes. environments. They contribute to the health
The enzymes involved in these conversions benefits associated with a diet rich in fruits,
include cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, 4- vegetables, and plant-derived products in
coumarate:CoA ligase, chalcone synthase, humans as well.
and various other pathway-specific

Phenolic compounds play important roles in

plants' defense mechanisms against
pathogens and herbivores. They act as 2017
antimicrobial agents, inhibiting the growth
of bacteria, fungi, and other QNO.2 Write Structure & function of
microorganisms. They also have four complexes in Mitochondrial
insecticidal properties, deterring herbivores membrane?
from feeding on plants. Additionally,
phenolic compounds contribute to the QNO.2: Mitochondrial membrane contains
four complexes that are involved in the

process of oxidative phosphorylation, which Invertase: This enzyme cleaves sucrose into
produces ATP. The complexes are: glucose and fructose directly.

Complex I (NADH dehydrogenase): This The resulting glucose and fructose can then
complex accepts electrons from NADH and be used in various metabolic pathways in
transfers them to coenzyme Q (CoQ). It also plant cells, such as glycolysis for energy
pumps protons across the inner production or the synthesis of other
mitochondrial membrane, creating a proton carbohydrates like starch or cellulose.
QNO.04 What is the role of Vitamin A &
Complex II (Succinate dehydrogenase): This D in metabolism?
complex oxidizes succinate, generating
FADH2, which then donates electrons to QNO-04: Vitamin A and Vitamin D play
CoQ. It does not pump protons. important roles in metabolism.

Complex III (Cytochrome bc1 complex): Vitamin A: Vitamin A is involved in various

This complex transfers electrons from CoQ metabolic processes, including vision, gene
to cytochrome c, while also pumping expression, cell differentiation, and immune
protons across the inner mitochondrial function. It is needed for the synthesis of
membrane. visual pigments in the retina, the regulation
of gene transcription, and the maintenance
Complex IV (Cytochrome c oxidase): This of healthy epithelial tissues.
complex receives electrons from
cytochrome c and transfers them to oxygen, Vitamin D: Vitamin D plays a crucial role in
generating water. It also pumps protons. calcium and phosphorus metabolism. It
helps in the absorption of calcium and
These complexes work together to transfer phosphorus from the intestine and their
electrons from NADH and FADH2, deposition in bones, thus promoting bone
generated during cellular respiration, to health. Vitamin D also plays a role in cell
oxygen, producing ATP through oxidative growth, immune function, and modulation of
phosphorylation. inflammation.

ONO-03 How Sucrose is degraded QNO.05 How fats are converted into
in Plant cell? sugars in plants.

ONO-03: Sucrose is degraded in plant cells QNO-05: Fats are not directly converted into
through a process called sucrose cleavage. sugars in plants. However, during the
This process involves the action of two process of photosynthesis, plants use
enzymes: carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight to
produce glucose, which can be converted
Sucrose synthase: This enzyme breaks into other sugars if needed. Fats, on the
down sucrose into glucose and fructose. other hand, are stored energy molecules in
Glucose-1-phosphate is also produced as a plants and are broken down during cellular
by-product. respiration to produce ATP.

QNO.06 Discuss the classification, of hydrogen atoms. Example: The oxidation
Biosynthesis & role of Terpenes in plant of glucose during cellular respiration, where
Defense✓ glucose is broken down to produce carbon
dioxide and water, releasing energy.
QNO-06: Terpenes are a large and diverse
class of organic compounds found in plants. C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O
They play important roles in plant defense
Reduction: It refers to the gain of electrons
against pathogens and herbivores.
by a molecule, atom, or ion. In biological
Terpenes are classified based on the
systems, reduction often involves the gain
number of isoprene units they contain:
of hydrogen atoms. Example: The reduction
Hemiterpenes: Contain one isoprene unit. of oxygen during cellular respiration, where
oxygen accepts electrons to form water.
Monoterpenes: Contain two isoprene units.
2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O
Sesquiterpenes: Contain three isoprene
units. QNO.08 Write the Pathway for the
synthesis of Starch in plant cell?
Diterpenes: Contain four isoprene units.
QNO-08: Starch synthesis in plant cells
Triterpenes: Contain six isoprene units. occurs through the following pathway:
Tetraterpenes: Contain eight isoprene units. Glucose-1-phosphate is converted to ADP-
Terpenes are biosynthesized through the glucose by the enzyme ADP-glucose
assembly of isoprene units. They are pyrophosphorylase.
synthesized in various plant tissues, ADP-glucose is polymerized by the enzyme
including the leaves, flowers, and roots. starch synthase, forming a linear chain of
Terpenes play important roles in plant glucose molecules called amylose.
defense by acting as repellents, toxins, or
attractants for beneficial insects. They also Amylose is further branched by the enzyme
contribute to the aroma and flavor of many branching enzyme, forming amylopectin.
The newly synthesized starch is then stored
QNO.07 Define Oxidation and reduction. in plastids, such as chloroplasts or
Explain these with an example in living amyloplasts, as granules.
QNO.09 Explain the biosynthesis of
QNO-07: Oxidation and reduction are Phenolic compounds in cell?
chemical processes that involve the transfer
QNO-09: Phenolic compounds are a class of
of electrons.
secondary metabolites found in cells. They
Oxidation: It refers to the loss of electrons are biosynthesized through a series of
by a molecule, atom, or ion. In biological enzymatic reactions:
systems, oxidation often involves the loss

Shikimate pathway: The biosynthesis of catalyzes the conversion of glucose-1-
phenolic compounds starts with the phosphate and ATP to ADP-glucose, which
conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate and is a precursor for starch synthesis.
erythrose-4-phosphate into chorismate
through the shikimate pathway. Chorismate Additionally, the levels of signaling
is an important intermediate in the molecules, such as sucrose and glucose-6-
biosynthesis of various phenolic phosphate, can regulate the synthesis of
compounds. sucrose and starch. These signaling
molecules can act as feedback inhibitors,
Phenylpropanoid pathway: Chorismate is controlling the activity of enzymes involved
then converted into p-coumaroyl-CoA by in the synthesis pathways.
several enzymatic steps. This p-coumaroyl-
CoA serves as a precursor for the Environmental factors, such as light and
biosynthesis of various phenolic temperature, also regulate the synthesis of
compounds, including flavonoids, lignin, and sucrose and starch in plants. Light
tannins. stimulates photosynthesis, which provides
the necessary energy and substrates for
Phenolic compounds play important roles in sucrose and starch synthesis. Temperature
plant defense against pathogens, UV affects the activity of enzymes involved in
radiation, and oxidative stress. They also these processes, and extreme temperatures
contribute to the color, taste, and aroma of can alter the synthesis pathways.
many fruits and vegetables.
Overall, the synthesis of sucrose and starch
in plants is regulated by a combination of
substrate availability, enzyme activity,
2016 signaling molecules, and environmental
QNO.2 How sucrose and starch
synthesis is regulated in plants? QNO.03 Define Bioenergetics. Explain
first and second laws of
QNO.2: The synthesis of sucrose and starch
in plants is regulated by several factors. One thermodynamics.
of the key factors is the availability of
QNO.03: Bioenergetics is the study of how
substrates, such as glucose and fructose,
living organisms acquire, transform, and
which are necessary for the synthesis of
utilize energy. It focuses on the flow of
sucrose. The enzyme sucrose phosphate
energy through biological systems and the
synthase plays a crucial role in catalyzing
conversion of energy from one form to
the formation of sucrose by combining
glucose and fructose.
The first law of thermodynamics, also
The activity of enzymes involved in starch
known as the law of conservation of energy,
synthesis, such as ADP-glucose
states that energy cannot be created or
pyrophosphorylase, also plays a role in
destroyed in an isolated system. It can only
regulating starch synthesis. This enzyme

be converted from one form to another. In other microorganisms.
biological systems, energy is constantly
being transformed from chemical potential In addition to their defensive role, terpenes
energy in food molecules to various forms, also contribute to the aroma and flavor of
such as heat, mechanical work, or storage. fruits, flowers, and spices. They attract
pollinators and seed dispersers, helping in
the reproduction and survival of plants.

The second law of thermodynamics states Overall, terpenes are a crucial part of plant
that the entropy of an isolated system tends defense mechanisms, providing protection
to increase over time. Entropy can be against various threats and contributing to
understood as a measure of the disorder or the overall fitness and survival of plants.
randomness in a system. In biological
systems, this means that energy QNO.05 Write note on breakdown of
transformations are accompanied by an fats in plant.cell.
increase in entropy. For example, during
QNO.05: The breakdown of fats in plant
cellular respiration, energy is released from
cells occurs through a process called β-
glucose molecules to form ATP, but some
oxidation. This process takes place in the
energy is always lost as heat, leading to an
mitochondria of plant cells and is similar to
overall increase in entropy.
the breakdown of fats in animal cells.
In summary, the first law of
During β-oxidation, the fatty acids are first
thermodynamics states that energy is
activated by attaching coenzyme A (CoA),
conserved in biological systems, while the
forming fatty acyl-CoA. The fatty acyl-CoA is
second law states that energy
then transported into the mitochondria,
transformations are accompanied by an
where it undergoes a series of four
increase in entropy.
QNO.04 Terpenes are defensive tools
1. Oxidation: The fatty acyl-CoA is oxidized
of plants, Explain.
by removing two hydrogen atoms, resulting
QNO.04: Terpenes are defensive tools of in the formation of trans-delta 2-enoyl-CoA.
plants that play a crucial role in protecting
2. Hydration: The trans-delta 2-enoyl-CoA
them against herbivores, pathogens, and
is hydrated by adding a water molecule,
other stresses. They are a diverse group of
which converts it to L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA.
organic compounds synthesized from the
basic building block called isoprene. 3. Oxidation: The L-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA is
oxidized by removing another hydrogen
Terpenes can act as repellents, deterring
atom, resulting in the formation of 3-
herbivores from feeding on plants. They can
also act as toxic compounds, inhibiting the
growth and survival of pathogens. Some 4. Thiolysis: The 3-ketoacyl-CoA is cleaved
terpenes have antimicrobial properties and by the enzyme thiolase, breaking it down
can inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and

into acetyl-CoA and a shorter chain fatty Furthermore, phenolic compounds are
acyl-CoA. involved in plant defense mechanisms. They
can function as allelochemicals, inhibiting
These reactions are repeated until the entire the growth of competing plants. They can
fatty acid molecule is broken down into also act as repellents or toxins against
multiple acetyl-CoA molecules. The acetyl- herbivores, deterring them from feeding on
CoA can then enter the citric acid cycle plants.
(Krebs cycle) to generate ATP and other
metabolites. Phenolic compounds also play a role in
plant pigmentation. They contribute to the
The breakdown of fats in plant cells is an coloration of flowers, fruits, and leaves,
important process for energy production attracting pollinators and seed dispersers.
and the utilization of stored fats for growth
and development. It also plays a role in the Overall, phenolic compounds are important
synthesis of various compounds, such as for plant adaptation and survival. They
hormones and signaling molecules, in contribute to defense against pathogens
plants. and herbivores, provide protection against
oxidative stress, and play a role in
QNO.06 Write the biosynthesis and role pollination and reproduction.
of Phenolic compounds in plants.
QNO.07 Deline Vitamins. What is the
QNO.06: Phenolic compounds are a diverse role of Vitamins in plant metabolism.
group of secondary metabolites
synthesized by plants. They are derived QNO.07: Vitamins are organic compounds
from the amino acid phenylalanine and have that are required in small amounts for the
various roles in plant biology. normal growth and development of plants.
They are essential for various metabolic
Biosynthesis of phenolic compounds starts processes and act as coenzymes or
with the conversion of phenylalanine to cofactors in enzymatic reactions.
cinnamic acid by the enzyme phenylalanine
ammonia-lyase (PAL). Cinnamic acid can Vitamins participate in plant metabolism by
then be further transformed into a wide assisting enzymes in catalyzing
range of phenolic compounds through biochemical reactions. For example,
different enzymatic reactions, such as thiamine (vitamin B1) is a coenzyme for
hydroxylation, methylation, and enzymes involved in carbohydrate
glycosylation. metabolism. Niacin (vitamin B3) is a key
component of the coenzymes NAD and
Phenolic compounds have multiple NADP, which play a crucial role in redox
functions in plants. They can act as reactions in plants. Vitamin C acts as a
antioxidants, protecting plant cells against cofactor for enzymes involved in the
oxidative stress caused by reactive oxygen synthesis of proteins and other metabolites.
species. They also have antimicrobial
properties and can inhibit the growth of Vitamins also have antioxidant properties
pathogens. and can protect plants against oxidative

stress caused by reactive oxygen species. 2. Conversion of PGA to triose phosphates:
They can scavenge free radicals and PGA is phosphorylated and converted into 3
prevent damage to cellular components. -phosphoglycerate (3-PG). This compound
is then reduced to glyceraldehyde-3-
In addition to their metabolic roles, vitamins phosphate (G3P) through a series of
are important for the overall health and enzymatic reactions.
vigor of plants. They are involved in the
regulation of plant growth, development, 3. Triose phosphate utilization: G3P is
and defense mechanisms. subsequently converted into fructose-6-
phosphate (F6P) and glyceraldehyde-3-
While plants can synthesize some vitamins phosphate (GA3P).
de novo, others need to be obtained from
external sources, such as the soil or 4. Sucrossynthase phosphate synthesis:
surrounding environment. The availability of G3P and F6P are combined by the enzyme
vitamins can vary depending on factors sucrose phosphate e (SPS), resulting in the
such as soil composition, nutrient formation of sucrose-6-phosphate. Sucrose-
availability, and environmental conditions. 6-phosphate is then dephosphorylated to
form sucrose, which is transported
In summary, vitamins play a crucial role in throughout the plant via the phloem.
plant metabolism by acting as coenzymes
or cofactors in enzymatic reactions. They Overall, the synthesis of sucrose in plant
contribute to the overall health and vigor of cells involves the integration of carbon from
plants and are essential for growth, photosynthesis and respiration, utilizing
development, and defense mechanisms. carbon fixation, glycolysis, and other
metabolic pathways. The enzymes involved
QNO.08 Write the Pathway for the in these reactions are crucial for the
synthesis of sucrose in plant cell? efficient production and transport of
sucrose within plants.
QNO.08: The synthesis of sucrose in plant
cells occurs through a series of enzymatic QNO.09 Explain redox reactions in
reactions in the cytoplasm. The pathway for living system with example?
sucrose synthesis involves the integration
of carbon from various sources, including QNO.09: Redox reactions, also known as
photosynthesis and respiration. oxidation-reduction reactions, are chemical
reactions that involve the transfer of
The major steps in the synthesis of sucrose electrons from one molecule to another.
in plant cells are as follows: They are essential for cellular metabolism
1. Photosynthesis: Carbon dioxide is fixed and energy production in living systems.
by the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate In redox reactions, one molecule loses
carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) during electrons and is oxidized, while another
photosynthesis. This results in the molecule gains electrons and is reduced.
production of phosphoglycerate (PGA), a The molecule that donates electrons is
three-carbon compound. called the reducing agent, while the

molecule that accepts electrons is called
the oxidizing agent.

An example of a redox reaction in living

systems is cellular respiration, specifically 2022
the oxidation of glucose:
Qa. What is the difference hetween
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O plant alkaloids and terpenoids?
In this reaction, glucose is oxidized (loses A. Plant alkaloids and terpenoids are both
electrons) to form carbon dioxide, while natural compounds found in plants, but they
oxygen is reduced (gains electrons) to form have some distinct differences.
water. The transfer of electrons from
glucose to oxygen releases energy, which is
used to produce ATP, the energy currency
1. Composition: Plant alkaloids are derived
of the cell.
from amino acids and contain a nitrogen
Another example of a redox reaction in atom, while terpenoids are derived from
living systems is photosynthesis, where the isoprene units and do not contain nitrogen.
reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose
2. Structure: Alkaloids often have a complex
and diverse structure, consisting of a
6CO2 + 6H2O + energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2 heterocyclic ring system with nitrogen
atoms. Terpenoids, on the other hand, are
In this reaction, carbon dioxide is reduced composed of repeating isoprene units and
(gains electrons) to form glucose, while can have a linear, cyclic, or polycyclic
water is oxidized (loses electrons) to structure.
produce oxygen. The energy required for
this reaction comes from sunlight, which is 3. Function: Plant alkaloids generally have a
captured during the light-dependent defense or signaling role in plants. They can
reactions of photosynthesis. function as toxins to deter herbivores or as
chemical signals to attract pollinators.
Redox reactions are fundamental to the Some alkaloids also have medicinal
functioning of living systems. They are properties. Terpenoids, on the other hand,
involved in energy production, metabolism, have a wide range of functions including
and the synthesis of various biomolecules. defense against herbivores, attraction of
The electron transfer in these reactions pollinators, and involvement in plant growth
plays a crucial role in maintaining the and development.
balance of energy and redox potentials
within cells and organisms. 4. Examples: Examples of plant alkaloids
include caffeine, morphine, and nicotine.
Examples of terpenoids include essential
oils, such as menthol and limonene, and
pigments, such as carotenoids.

Qb. Differentiate between reducing and HO-CH2-CHOH-CHOH-CHOH-COH
non-reducing sugars with examples
B. Reducing sugars and non-reducing
sugars are two types of carbohydrates with
different properties. Qd .What are these functional groups (-
1. Reducing sugars: These are sugars that
OH), (-CHO), (CO) groups. In which
have a free aldehyde or ketone functional plant molecules are they present?
group and can undergo oxidation reactions.
D. The functional groups mentioned are:
They can reduce certain chemicals, such as
Benedict's solution or Fehling's solution, - (-OH): This is the hydroxyl group, which
resulting in color changes. Examples of consists of an oxygen atom bonded to a
reducing sugars include glucose and hydrogen atom. It is present in alcohols and
fructose. carbohydrates.

2. Non-reducing sugars: These are sugars - (-CHO): This is the aldehyde group, which
that do not have a free aldehyde or ketone consists of a carbonyl group bonded to a
functional group and cannot undergo hydrogen atom. It is present in aldehydes.
oxidation reactions. They cannot reduce
Benedict's solution or Fehling's solution. - (CO): This is the carbonyl group, which
However, they can be converted into consists of a carbon atom double-bonded
reducing sugars through hydrolysis. to an oxygen atom. It is present in ketones
Examples of non-reducing sugars include and carboxylic acids.
sucrose and lactose. These functional groups are present in
various plant molecules. For example, the
Qc. Describe structure of D-fructose.
hydroxyl group is present in sugars,
C. D-Fructose is a monosaccharide, alcohols, and phenols. The aldehyde group
specifically a ketohexose sugar. It has the is present in some sugars, such as glucose
chemical formula C6H12O6 and the and ribose. The carbonyl group is present in
structural formula: ketones, such as fructose, and carboxylic
acids, such as citric acid.

Q.2:Q. 2:- Deseribe the bioenergetic

compounds. How energy change takes
place in biological system, explain with

Bioenergetic compounds are molecules

involved in energy storage and transfer in
| biological systems. They play a crucial role
in various metabolic processes, such as

cellular respiration and photosynthesis. 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy → C6H12O6 +
One example of energy change in a
biological system is the conversion of In this reaction, carbon dioxide is reduced to
glucose to ATP during cellular respiration. glucose, gaining electrons and hydrogen
Glucose, a carbohydrate, is broken down in atoms, while water is oxidized, losing
a series of enzymatic reactions, ultimately electrons and hydrogen atoms. This
yielding ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The process allows plants to store energy in the
energy released during this process is used form of glucose, which can be utilized in
to perform various cellular functions. various metabolic pathways.

In this example, glucose acts as the energy Q.4:Q. 4:- Write a comprehensive note
source and is oxidized to produce ATP. The on protein metabolism in plants. Draw
energy released is captured and stored in the diagram of relevant cycles with
the high-energy phosphate bonds of ATP, equations.
which can then be used for cellular work.
The overall reaction can be represented as: Protein metabolism in plants involves the
synthesis, breakdown, and recycling of
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide +
proteins. It plays a crucial role in various
Water + ATP
physiological processes, including plant
Q.3:Q.3:- In which plant part, the growth and development, stress response,
and defense mechanisms.
oxidation and reduction mechanism
operate? Elaborate with reference to Key cycles and pathways involved in protein
breakdown of carbohydrates metabolism include:

Oxidation and reduction mechanisms 1. Protein synthesis: This involves the

operate in various plant parts, including transcription of DNA into messenger RNA
leaves, stems, and roots. However, the (mRNA) and translation of mRNA into
specific breakdown of carbohydrates proteins. It occurs in the ribosomes and
primarily occurs in the leaves through a involves various enzymes and cofactors.
process called photosynthesis.
2. Protein degradation: This includes the
During photosynthesis, plants convert breakdown of proteins into amino acids
carbon dioxide and water into glucose and through processes like proteolysis. The
oxygen, using the energy from sunlight. This resulting amino acids can be used for new
process involves a series of redox reactions, protein synthesis or other metabolic
where carbon dioxide is reduced to glucose pathways.
(oxidation reaction), and water is oxidized to
produce oxygen (reduction reaction). 3. Protein recycling: This involves the
reutilization of amino acids from degraded
The overall reaction of photosynthesis can proteins. The amino acids can undergo
be represented as: deamination, where the amino group is
removed and converted into ammonia,

which is then utilized in the synthesis of 3. Glucose molecules are then converted
new amino acids or other nitrogenous into glucose-6-phosphate in a reaction
compounds. catalyzed by the enzyme hexokinase.

4. Post-translational modifications: 4. Glucose-6-phosphate is converted into

Proteins can undergo various modifications glucose-1-phosphate by the enzyme
after translation, including phosphorylation, phosphoglucomutase.
glycosylation, and acetylation. These
modifications can alter protein function, 5. Glucose-1-phosphate is converted into
stability, and localization. UDP-glucose by the enzyme UDP-glucose
The diagram of relevant cycles and
equations in protein metabolism would 6. UDP-glucose serves as the activated form
depend on the specific pathway or aspect of glucose and is used as a substrate for
that needs to be illustrated. However, a starch synthesis.
general diagram could include the following 7. Starch synthesis occurs through the
components: catalytic action of the enzyme starch
- DNA → mRNA (transcription) synthase, which adds glucose molecules to
the growing starch chain.
- mRNA → protein (translation)
8. The final product of this pathway is
- Protein degradation (proteolysis) starch, which is composed of glucose units
linked by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds in amylose
- Amino acids → new protein synthesis and α-1,4-glycosidic bonds with α-1,6-
- Amino acids → ammonia (deamination) glycosidic branch points in amylopectin.

- Ammonia → new amino acids or Q.6:Q. 6:- Differentiate between

nitrogenous compounds vitamins and fats. Write in detail the
classification and role of vitamins and
Q. 5:- Draw and explain the pathway of their deficiency symptoms.
sucrose to starch conversion in plants.
Vitamins and fats are two distinct types of
The pathway of sucrose to starch nutrients with different structures and
conversion in plants involves several functions.
enzymatic steps. Here is a simplified
explanation of the process: 1. Vitamins: Vitamins are organic
compounds that are essential for normal
1. Sucrose is transported from physiological functions but are required in
photosynthetic tissues, such as leaves, to small amounts. They are classified into two
storage organs, such as roots or seeds. categories:
2. In the storage organs, sucrose is - Fat-soluble vitamins: These can be
hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose by the dissolved and stored in fat. They include
enzyme invertase.

vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins proper physiological functions, while fats
are involved in various cellular functions, are lipids that serve as an energy source
including vision, bone health, antioxidant and have various structural and functional
activity, and blood clotting regulation. roles in the body. Deficiency of vitamins can
lead to specific deficiency symptoms, while
- Water-soluble vitamins: These are soluble excessive consumption of certain fats can
in water and are not easily stored in the negatively affect health.
body. They include vitamins B and C. Water-
soluble vitamins play important roles in
energy metabolism, nerve function, immune 2023
function, and collagen synthesis.
Qa. Differentiare between plant cell
Deficiency symptoms of vitamins include respiration and plant food
night blindness (vitamin A deficiency), manufacturing with example.
rickets or osteomalacia (vitamin D
deficiency), anemia (vitamin B12 and folate Qa. Plant cell respiration and plant food
deficiency), scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), manufacturing are two different processes
and impaired blood clotting (vitamin K that occur in plant cells.
Plant cell respiration is the process by
2. Fats: Fats, also known as lipids, are a which plants break down organic molecules,
class of biomolecules that include such as glucose, to release energy for
triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols. cellular activities. This process involves a
They are composed of fatty acids and series of metabolic reactions that take
glycerol. place in the mitochondria of the cells. The
glucose molecules are oxidized to produce
Fats serve multiple functions in the body, ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the
including energy storage, insulation, main energy currency of the cell. The
cushioning of organs, and absorption of fat- equation for plant cell respiration is:
soluble vitamins. They are also essential in
the production of hormones and cell Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide +
membranes. Water + ATP

Fats are classified based on their chemical Example: During aerobic respiration,
structure into saturated fats (no double glucose is broken down in the presence of
bonds), monounsaturated fats (one double oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water,
bond), and polyunsaturated fats (multiple and ATP. This process occurs in all plant
double bonds). Consumption of excessive cells and is essential for the survival and
saturated and trans fats is associated with growth of plants.
an increased risk of cardiovascular
Plant food manufacturing, also known as
photosynthesis, is the process by which
In summary, vitamins are essential organic plants convert light energy into chemical
compounds required in small amounts for energy in the form of glucose. This process

occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells, active transport.
specifically in the green pigment called
chlorophyll. The equation for Exergonic reactions, on the other hand, are
photosynthesis is: energy-releasing reactions in which the
products have less energy than the
Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light Energy -> reactants. These reactions are spontaneous
Glucose + Oxygen and release energy. Examples of exergonic
reactions in plant cell metabolism include
Example: In the presence of light energy, cellular respiration, degradation of complex
plants use carbon dioxide and water to molecules, and ATP hydrolysis.
produce glucose and oxygen. This glucose
serves as a source of energy for the plant Qd. In What is the significance of first
and is used for various metabolic processes, and second law of thermodynamics for
including growth and reproduction. living organisms.
Qb. Write examples for four, five and Qd. The first and second laws of
six carbon sugar with example thermodynamics have significant
formulas. implications for living organisms.

Qb. Four carbon sugar: An example of a four The first law of thermodynamics, also
carbon sugar is erythrose. Its chemical known as the law of conservation of energy,
formula is C4H8O4. states that energy cannot be created or
destroyed, but it can be converted from one
Five carbon sugar: An example of a five form to another. Living organisms rely on
carbon sugar is ribose. Its chemical formula the constant flow of energy and the ability
is C5H10O5. to convert it into usable forms. For example,
Six carbon sugar: An example of a six plants capture sunlight energy during
carbon sugar is glucose. Its chemical photosynthesis and convert it into chemical
formula is C6H12O6. energy in the form of glucose. This energy is
then used by the plant for growth and other
Qc. In plant cell metabolism, which are metabolic processes.
endergonic and exerganic reactions.
The second law of thermodynamics states
Qc. In plant cell metabolism, both that the entropy, or disorder, of a closed
endergonic and exergonic reactions occur. system tends to increase over time. In living
organisms, this means that energy
Endergonic reactions are energy-requiring transformations are not 100% efficient, and
reactions in which the products have more some energy is lost as heat in each transfer.
energy than the reactants. These reactions This is why organisms need a constant
are not spontaneous and require an input of supply of energy to maintain their biological
energy. Examples of endergonic reactions in processes and to counteract the increase in
plant cell metabolism include entropy.
photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and

Q2. Explain vitamin in plants. Describe Overall, vitamins in plants are essential for
their bio synthesis and explain their the growth, development, and overall health
significance. of plants.

Q2. Vitamins in plants are organic Q3. Explain in details the carbohydrate
compounds that are required in small metabolism. How breakdown of six
quantities for the growth and development carbon sugar given energy to biological
of plants. They are essential for various system? Explain with diagram.
physiological processes and play a crucial
role in plant metabolism.

Bio synthesis of vitamins in plants occurs Q3. Carbohydrate metabolism refers to the
through two main pathways: de novo biochemical processes through which
synthesis and salvage pathways. In the de carbohydrates are converted and utilized by
novo synthesis pathway, plants can organisms to produce energy. The
synthesize vitamins from simple precursor breakdown of a six-carbon sugar molecule,
molecules through a series of enzymatic such as glucose, provides energy to the
reactions. For example, plants can biological system through a series of steps
synthesize vitamins such as vitamin C known as glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and
(ascorbic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and oxidative phosphorylation.
some forms of vitamin E (tocopherols and
1. Glycolysis: In glycolysis, glucose is
tocotrienols) through de novo synthesis
converted into two molecules of pyruvate
through a series of enzymatic reactions.
On the other hand, salvage pathways in This process occurs in the cytoplasm and
plants involve the recycling or reactivation produces a small amount of ATP and NADH.
of vitamins from their inactive forms. Plants
2. Krebs cycle: Pyruvate molecules are
can take up inactive forms of vitamins from
transported into the mitochondria where
the environment and convert them into
they undergo further metabolism in the
active forms through various enzymatic
Krebs cycle. The pyruvate is oxidized to
reactions. This allows plants to efficiently
produce carbon dioxide, while generating
utilize the available vitamin resources.
Vitamins in plants have significant
3. Oxidative phosphorylation: The NADH and
biological significance. They serve as
FADH2 molecules produced in the Krebs
crucial co-factors for many enzymes
cycle are used in oxidative phosphorylation,
involved in various metabolic reactions. For
which occurs in the inner membrane of
example, vitamin B6 is involved in amino
mitochondria. During this process, the
acid metabolism, vitamin C acts as an
electron transport chain generates a proton
antioxidant, and vitamin E is involved in lipid
gradient, which is used to synthesize ATP
metabolism. Additionally, vitamins also play
through ATP synthase.
a role in plant defense mechanisms, stress
tolerance, and signal transduction pathways. This energy produced through the

breakdown of glucose in carbohydrate structures, such as indole alkaloids, tropane
metabolism can be utilized by the organism alkaloids, and isoquinoline alkaloids.
for various biological processes, such as
muscle contraction, cellular respiration, and Physiological effects: Alkaloids have a
synthesis of complex molecules. wide range of physiological effects in
humans. Some alkaloids, such as morphine
Diagram: and codeine, have analgesic properties and
can act as painkillers. Others, like caffeine
and nicotine, have stimulant effects on the
nervous system. Alkaloids can also have
toxic effects, with some being poisonous in
high doses.

Types of alkaloids: Alkaloids can be

classified into several groups based on their
chemical structures. Some common types
of alkaloids include pyridine alkaloids
(nicotine), quinoline alkaloids (quinine),
isoquinoline alkaloids (morphine), and
indole alkaloids (strychnine).

Benefits to humans: Alkaloids have been

utilized by humans for various purposes.
Some alkaloids, like morphine and codeine,
are used for their pain-relieving properties in
medicine. Other alkaloids, such as quinine,
Q4. Discuss chemical nature, have been used to treat malaria.
physiological effects and types of Additionally, alkaloids like caffeine and
nicotine have stimulatory effects and are
alkaloids. What benefits they provide to
consumed in various forms, such as coffee
and tobacco.
Q4. Alkaloids are a class of naturally
Q5. What are Phytochromes? Elaborate
occurring organic compounds that contain a
nitrogen atom in a cyclic structure. They are
their role in plant growth.
found in various plant species and exhibit Q5. Phytochromes are a class of
diverse chemical structures and photoreceptor proteins found in plants.
physiological effects. They play a crucial role in regulating various
aspects of plant growth and development in
Chemical nature: Alkaloids are
response to light.
characterized by their basic and nitrogen-
containing structure. They can be classified Phytochromes have two main forms: Pr
into various groups based on their chemical (red light absorbing) and Pfr (far-red light

absorbing). The Pr form absorbs red light The conversion of sucrose to starch allows
(around 660 nm), converting it to the Pfr plants to efficiently store excess sugars
form, while Pfr absorbs far-red light (around produced during photosynthesis. This is
730 nm), converting it back to the Pr form. particularly important for plants that
experience fluctuating environmental
The role of phytochromes in plant growth is conditions or seasonal changes in resource
diverse and includes the regulation of seed availability. By converting excess sucrose
germination, stem elongation, flowering, into starch, plants can store energy for
and photoperiodic responses. For example, periods when photosynthesis is limited,
phytochromes can promote seed such as during winter or drought.
germination when exposed to red light, and
inhibit it when exposed to far-red light. The process of starch biosynthesis starts
Phytochromes also play a role in with the breakdown of sucrose into glucose
photoperiodic responses, where they and fructose by the enzyme invertase.
regulate the timing of flowering in response Glucose molecules are then phosphorylated
to the length of daylight. by the enzyme hexokinase to form glucose-
6-phosphate. Further enzymatic reactions
Phytochromes achieve these effects by convert glucose-6-phosphate into glucose-1
interacting with various signaling pathways -phosphate, which is then added to a
and transcription factors. Upon absorption growing chain of glucose molecules by the
of light, phytochromes undergo enzyme starch synthase, resulting in the
conformational changes that allow them to formation of amylose or amylopectin.
translocate into the nucleus and interact
with target proteins, influencing gene Starch biosynthesis also involves other
expression and ultimately leading to enzymes, such as branching enzymes and
changes in plant physiology. debranching enzymes, which determine the
structure and properties of the starch. The
Q6. What benefits plants get by inter- final product, starch, is stored in specialized
conversion structures called amyloplasts or plastids,
primarily in the roots, tubers, and seeds of
of sucrose to starch. Describe in details
the bio synthesis of starch.
Overall, the inter-conversion of sucrose to
Q6. The inter-conversion of sucrose to starch allows plants to efficiently store and
starch provides several benefits to plants. utilize energy, ensuring their survival and
Sucrose is a transport sugar that is growth even under adverse environmental
produced in the leaves through conditions.
photosynthesis and transported to other
parts of the plant for growth and storage.
Starch, on the other hand, is a storage form
of glucose that can be broken down and
utilized as an energy source when needed.


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