Sample Literature Review On Employee Motivation

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Title: Sample Literature Review on Employee Motivation

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1. Research: Conducting thorough research to identify relevant studies, theories, and empirical
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2. Analysis: Carefully analyzing each source to understand its key findings, methodologies, and
implications for the broader research area.
3. Synthesis: Integrating the findings from various sources to identify common themes, trends,
and gaps in the existing literature.
4. Critical Evaluation: Critically evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each study, theory,
or model to provide a balanced perspective.

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Along with the theoretical contribution, the study’s findings offer practical implications. Learners’
perspectives on accomplishment and success in language learning are shaped by their perfectionism,
which may be culturally complex. Some employees need motivation, while some Employee Review
Templates are habitually nonprofessional. Moreover, the individual-level associations were
moderated by the country-level religious affiliation, political participation, humane orientation, and
in-group collectivism. This research focuses on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in
China, specifically those enrolled in language learning programs at the postsecondary level, aiming to
explore the intricate relationships between psychological variables, cultural factors, and writing skills.
Room appearance and layout: A popular approach for taking workplace technologies into account is
observing reactions to office layout and equipment. To motivate employees, Cascio and Montealegre
( 2016 ) recommend implementing technologies addressing the needs for autonomy (6), competence
(7), and relatedness (8) based on the Self Determination Theory. The 67 results show that a person-
centered view is still the predominant paradigm. “This is unfortunate, as research in other areas has
documented the importance of both the social environment and work context for a wide range of
outcomes” (Humphrey et al. 2007 ). The number of calls for research on a holistic perspective is
already on the rise. In the current study, this entailed a comprehensive search in relevant databases
across topic areas, in order to ensure, as far as possible, that all relevant contributions were included.
People Technol 11 Siemens L (2005) Motivation in a global economy: lessons from Herzberg. On the
other hand, employee reviews also help in understanding the performing staff and in rendering
notices to the non performers. Employees form the integral part of an organization. The authors
argued that individuals’ competence (H1), autonomy (H2), and social relatedness (H3) positively
relate to their work motivation. The authors used the item to gauge people’s autonomy as this item
indicates the degree to which individual can make their own decisions. The study urges the
municipal directorate of education to make more room for young teacher trainees and interns who
are at the formative stage of their careers to be engaged to augment the experienced staff strength.
Background and context The necessity for fluency in English has grown significantly in recent years
in China due to the country’s expanding global influence. Reliability, a crucial aspect ensuring the
consistency of measurements, was estimated using internal consistency measures, specifically
Cronbach’s alpha, for each latent variable. This definition is sufficiently broad to yield an
understanding of how such forces are behaving differently on different levels of conceptualization.
In the Chinese cultural milieu, language has a purpose beyond essential communication, as it
encompasses a multifaceted fabric of tradition, symbolism, and social stratification. Individuals
exhibiting perfectionist tendencies may possess a greater propensity for generating written work of
superior quality, hence potentially yielding economic ramifications in the domains of proficient
communication, scholastic success, and future job prospects. Perhaps the most obvious understanding
of the indirect influence of technologies is that they can satisfy needs (1). Thus, motivating
employees adequately is a challenge as it has what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the
workplace. These experiments observed how changes in the working conditions influence worker
productivity. Job design and working environment The needs of teachers on the job ought to be
planned properly. During this assessment, we find that that a large part of motivation research has
only marginally considered workplace technologies in their research. The significant importance
placed on academic accomplishment within Chinese culture is closely intertwined with learners’
conceptions of their skills, hence exerting an influence on their motivation and overall academic
performance. Several authors opted for a focused approach and investigated specific technologies.
The performance standards are quantified and pegged against an individual evaluation which is
essential for employee motivation. By improving our knowledge of language learning, this study
benefits psychology and education. This lack of definition can be vexing; however, as most of these
publications are reviews or theory-building papers, there is no imminent need for operationalization.
These efforts have the potential to enhance language instruction practices by making them more
focused and efficient. Employee motivation is a very important area of organisational management
and has a significant impact on organisational success and employee performance. Kirkpatrick 1998
recommended that as many as possible of the four levels of evaluation be conducted. It can be
affected by various factors including salary, additional benefits, and the perception of how much the
organization appreciates them. Understanding master’s thesis writers in a Finnish EMI context:
writing conceptions, apprehension about grammar, self-efficacy for thesis writing and thesis grade.
Parker et al. (2013) found that intrinsic motivation of non-self-determined, but not of self-
determined, individuals decreased continuously over settings where work control (autonomy) was
high. An overview of the extended historical research on related subjects is provided. To determine
the quality of the scientific articles, we consulted the most recent editions of the VHB Jourqual
published by the German Association of Business Professors, the AJG from the British Chartered
Association of Business Schools, and the JCR Impact Factor provided by Web of Science. The
implications of this discovery go beyond science. Seventeen studies were identified as contributing
to the topic, and four meta-narratives were identified from these studies. Future studies can examine
how Chinese EFL students’ comprehension, reading, listening, and verbal skills are fine-
tuned.Subsequent investigations may also include the use of longitudinal methodologies in order to
investigate the dynamic characteristics of the discovered connections. While there were not enough
studies available to make valid claims on the effects of work context characteristics on motivation, a
positive effect of both work conditions and ergonomics on attitudinal outcomes and a negative
effect of physical demand on behavioral outcomes can be assumed (Humphrey et al. 2007 )—this
finding is in line with the publications we subsumed under the “technology as a hygiene factor”
section. Greenberg J (1988) Equity and workplace status: a field experiment. Advances in Design,
Music and arts II. EIMAD 2022. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. Volume 25. Cham:
Springer; 2023.. Chapter Google Scholar Wan S, Lin S, Li S, Tu S, Qin G. Analyse and challenges of
teaching writing among the English teachers. Introduction:Performance assessment means to measure
the public presentation of employees that they are executing their occupations up to the criterion of
the organisations or non. It should be said that the nature of the school setting is basically a function
of internal management and leadership. This document discusses human resource management and
its role in contemporary organizations. It therefore encourages organizations to understand the
motivating need of each employee to improve performance. More should be done to make the
profession attain some level of autonomy in the discharge of duty to breed the next genre of
innovative educators in the municipality. Although there is a great deal of interest in engagement,
there is also a good deal of confusion. Housand and Housand ( 2012 ) also focus on training
applications—placing emphasis on educational purposes. Therefore, the literature review discusses
the relevant research that is useful to the objectives of this research project. Considering that in-
group collectivism promotes individuals’ prosocial behaviors of individuals, people who are
competent, autonomous, and socially related to collective societies are less likely to be demotivated
at the workplace. The influence of cultural psychology on web-based customization. Literature
review This research effort is targeted at finding the effects of social media on students’
performance. Training enhances productivity through socialization and multitasking. Adopting new
technologies and designing workplaces requires high investments and educated managerial decisions
to integrate them into the companies’ strategies (Chan et al. 2007; Kampschroer and Heerwagen
2005; Schmid 2020; Vischer 2007 ). Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has
what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace. The remaining question is then; how
does situational motivation behave differently from job motivation.
Interestingly, it seems that it is not the examined environmental aspects themselves that are the
contributor to motivation, but the opportunity to control them. Literature Review Employee
performance appraisal is an effective tool or vehicle for assessment of employee performance and
implementation of strategic initiatives for the improvement of employee performance (Lawler and
McDermott, 2003). Recognition (10) as a facilitator for motivation is closely connected to feedback
(5) and rewards as they can be perceived as symbols of recognition for the performance. The
incorporation of mediation and moderation effects implies that the relationship between
Perfectionism and Writing Proficiency is influenced not only by other psychological factors, as
shown in Model 2, but also by cultural factors. The communication and interaction among people
help them grasp the government’s developmental strategies, motivating them to work harder. This
study adds to our knowledge of how these factors interact within a unique language and cultural
setting by exploring the experiences of Chinese EFL learners. CRC Press, Boca Raton Hartog L,
Weijs-Perree M, Appel-Meulenbroek R (2017) The influence of personality on user satisfaction:
multi-tenant offices. When people perceive that they are cared for and loved by others, they tend to
create positive outcomes for common benefits to deserve the kindness received, thereby motivating
them to work harder. Cultural Influence and Self-Reflection complicate the investigation. They
tested their model for predicting motivational value on 67 jobs and found that the motivational value
of tasks in a job correlated only moderately with the motivational value of jobs, indicating that
although there is a positive relationship between motivation for tasks and motivation for jobs, job
motivation is not simply an aggregation of task motivation. Nowadays, job design is the central focus
of managers and human resource researchers. This literature review on reward systems encompasses
the areas of performance related CRITICAL REVIEW OF LITERATURE ON CHANGE
MANAGEMENT ON EMPLOYEES PERFORMANCE 1 Job satisfaction and motivation are
overviewed as an outgrowth of achievement, recognition, the challenging work itself, responsibility
and advancement. In the present study, questionnaire were used as an instrument of primary data
collection.For clear analysis, the study centers on two. All documents published in peer-review
journals, as conference papers, or as accepted dissertations were included in initial screening. There
are several steps in the process of management development. It helps in creating the learning culture
within the organization. Just download them and customize to complete an employee review. The
Matthew Effect advocates that even if employees struggle to make good, their past assessment
studies will know apart their hereafter advancement. The study incorporated a diverse set of
variables, such as Writing Proficiency (WP), Perfectionism (PERFECT), Learning Self-Efficacy
(LSE), Motivation (MOT), Study Habits (SH), Self-Reflection (SR), and Cultural Influence (CI).
Training implies constructive development in such Employee Development Programs are designed to
meet specific objectives, which contribute to both employee and organizational effectiveness. In this
survey, 92 employees were appraised by their directors on two occasions over two hebdomads. Self-
determination theory (SDT) postulates that all humans possess a variety of basic psychological
needs. In the context of EFL education in China, it is crucial to possess a comprehensive awareness
of cultural elements. However, all 17 studies included interesting additional variables and theoretical
contributions that did not make it into the current review, which may have contributed to another
narrative, had they been included. The current review has been carried out in concordance with the
guiding principles of meta-narrative reviews ( Wong et al., 2013 ). This was done by including
research from different research traditions and judging the quality of the studies by rules intrinsic to
their tradition, and by seeking to synthesize higher-order insight from similarities and differences
between research traditions. While writing an article about training in 1959, Kirkpatrick 1996
referred to these four measurement levels as the four steps of a training evaluation. While these
works were not at the center of our research as they do not focus on technology, it is essential to
acknowledge this paradigm as it constitutes a major amount of research. 2. Technology as a hygiene
factor: This is a popular paradigm researching the influence of workplace technology by focusing on
the negative and health related effects. Gender (1 indicating male and 0 indicating female) and
marital status (1 indicating married and 0 indicating other status) were dummy coded. This research
contributes to cross-cultural language learning theories and examines global language education. A
literature review on motivation Research on motivation has attracted academic and corporate entities
over the last two decades.
Government has since the introduction of its flagship program on free senior high education
emphasized the significance of education across all the strata. When people perceive that they are
competent enough to attain goals, they generally feel confident and concentrate their efforts on
achieving their objectives as soon as possible for their self-fulfillment. Therefore, Knight and
Westbrook ( 2015 ) reproduced Herzberg’s critical incidents method with data from telecommuters.
Two studies yielded opposite results, however, with Fang et al. (2020) finding that participants who
experienced autonomy frustration in a task setting, have decreased motivation in the subsequent task
setting, compared to the control group. Employee reviews helps business management to understand
or find the most dedicated individuals. Coetsee ( 2003 ) affirms that the most performing workers
are purposive. In addition, the model would expand upon SDT and the hierarchical model of
Vallerand (1997, 2001) by outlining how cross-task motivation illuminates these temporal aspects of
motivation. The scale measurement of the questionnaires included nominal scale, ordinal and
intervals. Organizational context, such as rewards, training, and culture, can be considered as part of
the framework to enhance the conception of work motivation. 7. Conclusions This study has utilized
a multilevel framework to examine the influence of psychological needs and social context on work
motivation. The Writing ability assessment, which yields scores ranging from 2 to 5, has a mean of
4.2 and a standard deviation of 0.64. The results show that the average level of writing skill among
the sample is relatively high. Along with the theoretical contribution, the study’s findings offer
practical implications. Hypothesis 2a There is a positive relationship between the levels of learning
self-efficacy among EFL learners in China and their ability in English writing. Findings suggest
interesting work and good pay are key to higher employee motivation. The transgender teachers
were foreign teachers who were here on an exchange program. Chinese EFL students’ motivation
stems from a firm conviction that mastering English would open doors to opportunities throughout
the world. The second hypothesis of the research, derived from the literature referenced, is as
follows: Hypothesis 2 A significant correlation exists between the levels of learning self-efficacy,
cultural influences, and EFL writing skills among Chinese learners. Behavior outlines a relationship
of learning the previous measurement le vel to the actualization of doing. Housand and Housand (
2012 ) suggest mentoring networks and online group tasks to promote cooperation. Similarly
perceived training effectiveness is highly correlated with the job satisfaction of employee, supporting
the findings of Tsai et al (2007). First, as some of the results were opposite to the original
propositions based on the theoretical foundations employed, combining different concepts and
approaches is necessary to enhance perspectives of psychological needs and social issues. Explain the
key elements involved in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals The final phase
of the project life cycle is terminating the project. This is against the backdrop that teachers have for
some time now complained about condition of service and with the passage of FWSC bill, one
would have thought that would have impacted on performance of teachers as it has been proven that
motivation leads to satisfaction and ultimately to high performance. Here, it is not the functionality
of the furniture, but its symbolism that influences perceived fairness and extrinsic motivation (Vilnai-
Yavetz et al. 2005 ). Elsewhere, using technology as rewards is mostly based on managerial
recommendations, the scientific value of which is low (DeVoe and Prencipe 2001; O’Donovan 2002;
Sidler 1984 ). The impact of blended learning-based scaffolding techniques on learners’ self-efficacy
and willingness to communicate. McGraw-Hill Inc, New York Rigby CS, Ryan RM (2018) Self-
determination theory in human resource development: new directions and practical considerations.
When end attainment is achieved by the employee, it leads to occupation satisfaction which in bend
leads the employee to go motivated. Additionally, managers should encourage solidarity, support,
and mutual care among employees. Writing programs may be customized to help students overcome
their perfectionist inclinations, build self-confidence, and inspire them to study via relevant activities.
In addition to individual-level antecedents, the social context has also been regarded to have
implications for work motivation. Hence, this paper investigates the moderating effects, including
religious affiliation, political participation, humane orientation, and in-group collectivism, on the
psychological needs-work motivation association.
However, in many instances organisations themselves set their criterions and ends even after confer
withing employees. Utilizing the concept of prosocial motivation and examining it on a country-
level, this paper suggests that prosocial factors promote basic psychological needs satisfaction that
reinforces motivational processes at work. Hence, this paper investigates the moderating effects,
including religious affiliation, political participation, humane orientation, and in-group collectivism,
on the psychological needs-work motivation association. As a result, this can lead to improved
language learning results that are both more efficient and culturally attuned. South-Western College
Cerasoli CP, Nicklin JM, Ford MT (2014) Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic incentives jointly predict
performance: a 40-year meta-analysis. Thus, motivating employees adequately is a challenge as it has
what it takes to define employee satisfaction at the workplace. However, all 17 studies included
interesting additional variables and theoretical contributions that did not make it into the current
review, which may have contributed to another narrative, had they been included. Evidence
pertaining to controlled motivation is less dispositive. A second limitation entails the methodology
of the systematic search. Two studies yielded opposite results, however, with Fang et al. (2020)
finding that participants who experienced autonomy frustration in a task setting, have decreased
motivation in the subsequent task setting, compared to the control group. We will then present
implications for research and management and our conclusion. 2 Theoretical background 2.1
workplace technology. Metacognitive knowledge and openness to diversity and challenge among
Turkish pre-service EFL teachers: the mediating role of creative self-efficacy. Among so many tasks,
it is a pain to write reviews on each employee or member under the team of a team leader. In:
Salvendy G (ed) Handbook of industrial engineering: technology and operations management, 3rd
edn. The first assessment highlighted public presentation and wage while the 2nd one underlined
public presentation and betterment. Researchers interpreted the results as mechanisms inherent in the
individual and group structures affecting employee motivation. The study examines some common
theories of motivation that can be used in an organization to improve employee performance. Full
description Save Save Literature Review on Employee Training and Develop. Training enhances
productivity through socialization and multitasking. To measure the public presentation of employees
it is really of import to set up a proper public presentation assessment system in the organisation and
to give the preparation to. Samani SA, Eskandari A, Zadeh FO, Samani JE (2018) The impact of
environmental design on employee performance at PNPI Group. Alternative working patterns such
as job-rotating, job-sharing, and flexible working have been branded as effective motivational tools
by Llopis (2012). Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best.
Christopher Lee and others, 'Examining Employee Retention and Motivation: The Employee
Motivation and Productivity: a Review of Literature and This research report examines employee
motivation and its impact on employee performance. Here, the focus of the studies was on the
cognitive aspects of cross-task motivation, such as memory ( Philippe et al., 2019 ) and attention (
Ratelle et al., 2005; Becker et al., 2019; Newton et al., 2020 ). The study by Philippe et al. (2019)
found that memories of need satisfaction predicted increased self-determined motivation in a
subsequent task, which supports a carryover effect of motivation that is sustained by memory
processes. In addition to this, the workplace has become increasingly complex, with more diverse
dimensions ( Man and Lam, 2003 ). Lawrence Erlbaum Tabachnick BG, Fidel S (2013) Using
multivariate statistics. Similarly, the moderating effects of social contexts such as religious affiliation
and in-group collectivism should be further examined to obtain a more in-depth comprehension of
the roles of contextual circumstances and cultural values in individual-level relationships. It can be
considered as the desire within a individual doing him or her to move. Efforts aimed at fostering
cultural interaction, facilitating open discourse, and cultivating mutual understanding among students
have the potential to create a pleasant environment that enriches the language-learning process.
Literature review This research effort is targeted at finding the effects of social media on students’
performance. An overview of the extended historical research on related subjects is provided.
Employee empowerment can be advocated by encouraging them to make their own decisions at the
workplace, providing constructive criticisms rather than instilling the fear of failure. While this
approach is specific and comprehensive at the same time, details on technological tools and
characteristics are lacking. The incorporation of English as a second language has initiated a nuanced
interplay between enduring cultural norms and the worldwide linguistic requirements of the
contemporary day. However, a considerable literature stream also suggests that there exist
dissatisfaction in From the bulk of management literature available on performance measurement,
comprehensive review outlines have the aim of delineating performance in a manner that echoes
strategic organization goals (Taticchi, 2010). Impact of perfectionism and self-compassion feelings of
undergraduate students on their foreign language speaking anxiety. Yet another perspective on the
topic highlights the emotional component of feeling motivated. The samples of this study were based
on the availability of national-level data for the moderators and individual-level data for the measures
of independent and dependent variables. Employee motivation is a very important area of
organisational management and has a significant impact on organisational success and employee
performance. If, on the other hand, the chosen form of motivation does not satisfy the needs of the
employee, the benefit decreases. This is so as the workers have the feeling that they do matter to the
organisation and that their demands are being taken into consideration. However, a taxonomy would
offer the opportunity to change the focus of the investigation without changing the terminology. An
integrated method is used to understand better the many processes that influence EFL writers’
abilities. Wiley Google Scholar Howard JL, Gagne M, Bureau JS (2017) Testing a continuum
structure of self-determined motivation: a meta-analysis. Download citation Received: 01 July 2020
Accepted: 21 October 2020 Published: 04 November 2020 Issue Date: February 2022 DOI: Share
this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a
shareable link is not currently available for this article. The performance standards are quantified and
pegged against an individual evaluation which is essential for employee motivation. The role of
perfectionism in music performance anxiety within University piano Majors in China. No matter how
workplace technologies are defined, many researchers emphasize the need for individualization.
Although level one is the least complex of the measures of evaluation developed by Kirkpatrick, no
studies were found that reported use of level one as a sole measure of training. The authors argued
that individuals’ competence (H1), autonomy (H2), and social relatedness (H3) positively relate to
their work motivation. For Later 55% (22) 55% found this document useful (22 votes) 28K views
14 pages Literature Review On Employee Training and Development Uploaded by. The relationship
between perfectionism and test anxiety of junior high school students: the mediating role of self-
efficacy and trait anxiety. The triggers of motivation may include such factors such as compensation
packages, job design and working environment, performance management system and training and
development which are controlled and autonomous factors as crucial elements for motivation.
Conceptual framework and hypothesis development In this section, the study harmonizes the
components of the SDT theory into a conceptual framework on motivation and performance
connection. These variables were assessed using established instruments adapted from prior research,
ensuring comprehensive insights into the complex dynamics influencing EFL writers’ competence in
Chinese. This discovery highlights the motivating significance of people’s self-assurance in their
language acquisition aptitude. Learn Cult Social Interact. 2023;43:100775. Guo Y, Wang Y, Ortega-
Martin JL. A questionnaire was also completed after the training. Seventeen studies were identified
as contributing to the topic, and four meta-narratives were identified from these studies.
Therefore, work motivation is an antecedent of the self-actualization of individuals and the
achievement of organizations. The results of their study indicated a significant positive association,
indicating that those who possess high personal standards are more likely to have superior writing
skills. Model fit indices, including but not limited to chi-square, Comparative Fit Index (CFI), and
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), were assessed to determine the overall fit of
the structural equation model.The use of this complete method assures the strength and accuracy of
our measuring model while also offering significant insights into the intricate relationship between
several elements that impact the writing skills of EFL learners in the Chinese setting. Front Psychol.
2023a;14:1234905. Stoeber J. How other-oriented perfectionism differs from self-oriented and
socially prescribed perfectionism. Motivation can be a key-contributing factor in employee
performance. Literature review In a complex and dynamic environment, leader of the organization
used to create the environment in which employee feel trusted and are empowered to take decisions
in the organization which leads to enhance motivation level of employee and ultimately
organizational performance are enhanced. The implications for Chinese and foreign language
instructors, policymakers, and practitioners are enormous. To understand more about intrinsic
motivation, the authors examined individuals’ psychological needs. Furthermore, mediating and
regulating elements enhance the theoretical framework. Employee Motivation: An Empirical Review
and Focus on Future Research Directions ABSTRACT This paper presents an empirical review and
deep analytics of the latest researches done on the concept of. The authors declare that they have no
competing interests. It is a crucial function of management or human resource management. The
methods used by organizations to motivate its employees are essential in determining how they
affect employee performance. Thus, the 678 teachers become the population in the municipality.
With high intrinsic motivation in an initial task, subsequent motivation is either high due to carryover
effects or lowered due to psychological contrasting. Accessed 10 October 2020 Becker FD, Steele F
(1995) Workplace by design: mapping the high-performance workscape, 1st edn. What people value
and enjoy is influenced by many factors, including the influence of different cultural backgrounds.
The academic interpretation presented in this research greatly strengthens the methodological rigor
and deepens our comprehension of the psychological notions being examined. Perryer et al. ( 2016 ),
for example, argue that one aspect of gamification applications is extrinsic prizes or
badges—depending on the game design—that can be won. Most of these publications are not peer
reviewed research and those that are have an average JCR rating of 2.2. 4. Technology as an
influencer of mediators: The majority of publications claim an indirect relationship between
workplace technology and motivational outcomes. Providing endless options to create individual
workplace settings will be neither financially nor organizationally feasible. The concept describes a
cognitive state of focus and enjoyment, like intrinsic motivation. Issues concerning outliers (i.e., very
high and low scores) was dealt with given the fact that multiple regression is sensitive to them.
Meanwhile, labor shortages and other challenges in recruiting and retention management are
affecting human resources (HR) and strategic management processes (Cascio and Montealegre 2016
). In this environment, where employees must portion out resources between multiple, differing tasks,
how does motivation vary through the workday. Individuals exhibiting perfectionist tendencies may
possess a greater propensity for generating written work of superior quality, hence potentially
yielding economic ramifications in the domains of proficient communication, scholastic success, and
future job prospects. However, little attention has been given to the temporal aspects of job
motivation, as motivation within the work domain traditionally has been studied as a fixed
contextual phenomenon. J Multiling Multicultural Dev. 2022.. Silvia PJ, Wigert B, Reiter-Palmon R,
Kaufman JC. To provide the groundwork for future inferential investigations in the study, the offered
descriptive statistics provide a thorough understanding of the measures of central tendency and
dispersion for each variable. In: Salvendy G (ed) Handbook of industrial engineering: technology and
operations management, 3rd edn.

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