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CSE331: Data Structures and Algorithms


Find Your Way

Name ID

Nada Wagdy Mohamed 20P3253

Ahmed Tarek Aboelmakarem Ahmed 20p6897

Mina Fadi Mohsen Awadallah 20P6996

Omar Hisham Gouda Elsayed 20P6484


Concept .................................................................................................. 3
Implemented Data structures ................................................................ 3
Project Data Structures Code ................................................................. 4
▪ Graph.h ............................................................................................. 4
▪ Graph.cpp.......................................................................................... 9
Game GUI ............................................................................................. 14
Find your way is a game where the player will be given a path to walk
through. Each way or (node) will either make them lose points or gain.
Depending on a particular algorithm the fastest way to get to the end
point with best score is the best target they can reach.

Implemented Data structures

In order to implement this game, we used Graphs and algorithms to find
the shortest path and calculate the number given to the player at the start
of the game
Project Data Structures Code
▪ Graph.h
#include "Graph.h"

Graph::Graph(vector<Edge> const& edges, int n) : nodes_number(n) ,edges_number(0)


for (auto& edge : edges)

int src = edge.src;
int dest = edge.dest;
int weight = edge.weight;

adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));

void Graph::addNode(int n) {
adjList.resize(adjList.size() + n);

bool Graph::connectNode(int src, int dest, int weight) {

// case 1: src && dest exist
if (src < adjList.size() && dest < adjList.size() && src != dest) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 2: src || dest exists

else if ((src == adjList.size() && dest < adjList.size())
|| (dest == adjList.size() && src < adjList.size())) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 3: src && dest don't exist

else if ((src == adjList.size() && dest == adjList.size() + 1)
|| src == adjList.size() + 1 && dest == adjList.size()) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 4: else return false

else return false;

int Graph::nodes_count()
return nodes_number;

void Graph::printGraph()
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_number; i++)
for (Pair v : adjList[i]) {
cout << "(" << i << ", " << v.first << ", " << v.second << ") " << endl;
cout << "nodes count is : " << nodes_number << " edges count is : " << edges_number;

bool Graph::erase(int node)

if (node >= adjList.size() || node < 0)return false;
edges_number -= adjList[node].size();
adjList.erase(adjList.begin() + node); //remove the node from the vector
for (auto& srcs : adjList) {
list<Pair>::iterator edge = srcs.begin();
while ( edge != srcs.end()) {
if (edge->first == node) {
auto temp = edge;
srcs.erase(temp); //remove any edge that its source is the node
else if (edge->first > node) {
edge->first--; // decrement any node value more than the node number
else {
return true;

int Graph::BellmanFordSP(int start,int end)

vector<int> dist;
int n = adjList.size();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


dist[start] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)

for (int u = 0; u < n; u++)
for (auto j = adjList[u].begin(); j != adjList[u].end(); j++)
int v = j->first;
int weight = j->second;

if (dist[v] > dist[u] + weight)

dist[v] = dist[u] + weight;

return dist[end];

bool Graph::erase(int src, int dest)

if (src >= adjList.size() || src < 0 || dest >= adjList.size() || dest < 0)return false;
list<Pair>::iterator destination = adjList[src].begin();
while (destination!=adjList[src].end())
if (destination->first == dest) {
return true;
return false;

long int Graph::generateRandomWeights()

long int level_seed = time(0);
int offset = -10; //changed it form 10
int range = 40; //40

for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)

for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
j->second = offset + (rand() % range);
return level_seed;
long int Graph::generateRandomWeights(long int s)

int offset = -10; //changed it form 10
int range = 40; //40

for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)

for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
j->second = offset + (rand() % range);
return s;

void Graph::searchWeight(int n)
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)
for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
if (j->second == n)
cout << "\nThis weight was found between node " << i << " And " << j->first << '\n';
flag = true;

if (flag == false)
cout << "\nThis weight was not found in the graph\n";

bool Graph::empty()
return (nodes_number==0);
▪ Graph.cpp
#include "Graph.h"

Graph::Graph(vector<Edge> const& edges, int n) : nodes_number(n) ,edges_number(0)


for (auto& edge : edges)

int src = edge.src;
int dest = edge.dest;
int weight = edge.weight;

adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));

void Graph::addNode(int n) {
adjList.resize(adjList.size() + n);

bool Graph::connectNode(int src, int dest, int weight) {

// case 1: src && dest exist
if (src < adjList.size() && dest < adjList.size() && src != dest) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 2: src || dest exists

else if ((src == adjList.size() && dest < adjList.size())
|| (dest == adjList.size() && src < adjList.size())) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 3: src && dest don't exist

else if ((src == adjList.size() && dest == adjList.size() + 1)
|| src == adjList.size() + 1 && dest == adjList.size()) {
adjList[src].push_back(make_pair(dest, weight));
return true;

// case 4: else return false

else return false;

int Graph::nodes_count()
return nodes_number;

void Graph::printGraph()
for (int i = 0; i < nodes_number; i++)
for (Pair v : adjList[i]) {
cout << "(" << i << ", " << v.first << ", " << v.second << ") " << endl;
cout << "nodes count is : " << nodes_number << " edges count is : " << edges_number;

bool Graph::erase(int node)

if (node >= adjList.size() || node < 0)return false;
edges_number -= adjList[node].size();
adjList.erase(adjList.begin() + node); //remove the node from the vector
for (auto& srcs : adjList) {
list<Pair>::iterator edge = srcs.begin();
while ( edge != srcs.end()) {
if (edge->first == node) {
auto temp = edge;
srcs.erase(temp); //remove any edge that its source is the node
else if (edge->first > node) {
edge->first--; // decrement any node value more than the node number
else {
return true;

int Graph::BellmanFordSP(int start,int end)

vector<int> dist;
int n = adjList.size();

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


dist[start] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)

for (int u = 0; u < n; u++)
for (auto j = adjList[u].begin(); j != adjList[u].end(); j++)
int v = j->first;
int weight = j->second;

if (dist[v] > dist[u] + weight)

dist[v] = dist[u] + weight;

return dist[end];

bool Graph::erase(int src, int dest)

if (src >= adjList.size() || src < 0 || dest >= adjList.size() || dest < 0)return false;
list<Pair>::iterator destination = adjList[src].begin();
while (destination!=adjList[src].end())
if (destination->first == dest) {
return true;
return false;

long int Graph::generateRandomWeights()

long int level_seed = time(0);
int offset = -10; //changed it form 10
int range = 40; //40

for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)

for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
j->second = offset + (rand() % range);
return level_seed;
long int Graph::generateRandomWeights(long int s)

int offset = -10; //changed it form 10
int range = 40; //40

for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)

for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
j->second = offset + (rand() % range);
return s;
void Graph::searchWeight(int n)
bool flag = false;
for (int i = 0; i < adjList.size(); i++)
for (auto j = adjList[i].begin(); j != adjList[i].end(); j++)
if (j->second == n)
cout << "\nThis weight was found between node " << i << " And " << j->first << '\n';
flag = true;

if (flag == false)
cout << "\nThis weight was not found in the graph\n";

bool Graph::empty()
return (nodes_number==0);
Game GUI

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