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Created by Dr Clare Le Roy

Director: The Little Design Corner

Copyright The Little Design Corner 2023

About Dr Clare Le Roy + The Little Design Corner
I’m an interior designer, educator and Mum of 3 boys (one with complex special

I have a PhD in business but left the corporate world 10 years ago to pursue my dreams
of starting my own interior design business.

In that time I’ve gone from working for free for a few friends to building a multi-million
dollar business that now makes money while I sleep.

I started my business helping clients 1:1 as

a designer, so I understand exactly how
your business works. Over time I started to
get lots of questions about how I was
running my business and creating my

So I built online courses, resources and

workshops that would allow me to support
other designers and architects who
wanted to start, grow and scale their own
interior design, architecture or decoration

I take a unique approach to online

education and I pride myself on making
my programs fun and engaging. No boring
learning here :)

My ultimate goal is to help designers and

architects find more clients, make more
money and enjoy their businesses!

Business Short Courses for Designers + Architects

Our business short courses are created specifically for designers and architects and the
type of work that you do. All our courses are highly actionable and come with video
trainings, workbooks and resources plus free lifetime access to our business community
platform where you can ask questions and get support with your design business.

This client questionnaire template is just one of the free resources you get on that
community platform. We also have heaps of other free courses, templates, email scripts
and other valuable resources you can drop straight in your business today.
As an interior designer, decorator or and architect you literally have
an unlimitless amount of content to share on social media.

Start using this template by picking out prompts from the lists in the
following pages and applying these to your posts.

To do this create new images or videos to share with your audience

(e.g. finished projects, before and after shots, behind the scenes,
mood boards or colour palettes, day in the life videos, interviews,
supplier/showroom visit videos, images or videos of your
studio/office) and then use the prompts in the pages below to create
your captions.

A few tips to remember:

be helpful (e.g. I love this grey kitchen isn't helpful!)

share bite sized tips - don't put too many ideas in one post
give your audience quick wins
share your best tips and advice (they won't steal it!)
write like you speak - sound like an approachable human
vary your content - e.g. video, carousel posts, single image posts

In the template you will find lots of prompts where I ask you to share
your top tips or an example of “…”.

What I mean by the “…” is that you literally have hundreds of options
and the best thing to do is to apply that prompt to something that
has recently happened or you have recently been working on.

For each of these “…” prompts I give you a few examples to get your
creative ideas going, so pick one of these or choose other topics to
2 apply the prompt to.
Share your top 5 tips for ...
Renovating a bathroom
Designing a kitchen/laundry/kids bedroom
Creating a family friendly home
Bringing in more natural light
Choosing a shower head
Designing the perfect walk in wardrobe
Working with architects
Removing wallpaper
Choosing paint colours
Creating a high end finish on a budget
Reading architecture plans
Working out how much storage you need
Choosing the right carpet
Preparing your house for sale/inspection
Landscaping a garden

Share 5 things to avoid when ...

Working with suppliers
Renovating your bathroom
Designing a new home
Choosing appliances
Renovating on a budget
In the middle of construction

The best advice you’ve ever received about ...

Designing joinery
Styling a home
Buying/selling a home

Three things you love about ...

Your job
Working with clients
Starting a new project
Working with suppliers

3 Your local area (where you live or work)

Share your top 3 favourite Instagram accounts for design
Share a story about something crazy that happened during one
of your projects or with a client
Share something impactful that has happened in the past year in
your business
Share a myth that people have about … and why they are wrong
for example...renovating design, styling, choosing tiles,
working with designers)
Share an image of a space you have visited with great design
and point out what you love about it and what works well in the
design (i.e. tips that people can apply to their own designs)
for example; a local café, shop, garden, friend’s house
Share something that you find frustrating about ... [your niche]
Host a giveaway (e.g. with a product a supplier might give you
for this)
Share a funny or inspiring quote
Create an educational carousel post
Promote your services/products
Share images of your completed projects and share tips about ...
what works well
how you designed the space
how you brought in more light
how you chose the finishes
the suppliers you used
the paint colours you used
the finishes you used
the fixtures you used
how you tied the design together with other parts of the
Share something that people think is easy about your niche but is
actually hard to get right (i.e. give them a tip about something
you know and help them understand why they need you to be
their expert!!)

Curate your top 10 favourite ... [use a carousel post for this]
Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Kitchens (any type of room)
Media rooms
Black houses
Grey sofas
Kitchen islands
Resort style bathrooms
Joinery finishes
Reading nooks/bench seats
White paints
Joinery handles
Kitchen mixers
Share an image of yourself in one of your finished projects –
what did you love most about the project?
Share 3 ... and ask your audience to choose which one they like –
1,2 or 3?
Types of bed linen
Home exteriors
Kitchen mixers
Which do you prefer? ... Or ...
Kitchen islands with or without sinks?
Black kitchens or white kitchens?
Free standing or built in baths?
Choosing tiles or choosing furniture?
Confession time!! When was the last time you ... (make this
something that people rarely do but often feel they should)
Cleaned your curtains?
Cleaned out your air conditioning filter?
Cleaned out your kitchen cupboards?
Tidied up your Tupperware drawer?

5 Wiped down your skirting boards?

Create a seasonal post – e.g. around the theme of Christmas,
Autumn, Summer
Ask your audience what they need help with and answer their
I’m obsessed with ... who else is the same?
Who else hates it when ...?
Who is dreaming of their next ...?
Who else loves it when ...?
Talk about a pain point you know your audience has and how you
can help them with this
Share an ‘on this day in XXXX’ – throwback to something
interesting/inspiring that happened on this day in a different era
– bonus points if it relates to your niche in some way!
Repurpose other content you have created – e.g. your blog,
podcast, live FB videos. Clip quotes or sections of the video and
share as a post (this is a great option if you’ve got a back
catalogue of blog posts you’ve written – you can create hundreds
of posts out of these)
Answer questions that you get asked all the time by people in
your community – e.g. could be about specific products you’ve
used in a project or about things related to how you work. Make
some questions up if you haven’t been asked any yet!
Share an image that has done well in the past and create a new
caption to go with it – be helpful in the caption!
Share an image of yourself and introduce yourself to your
audience (good to do every few months as your account grows)
Share something new you have learned recently – e.g. from a
book/blog post you’ve read, podcast you’ve listened to
3 ways to save time or money when ...
Working with a designer
Choosing new furniture
Renovating your bathroom

Share a mood board of an upcoming project. Make this helpful –
walk them through the process of how you put it together:
Do you use any software?
Do you do it with physical samples?
Where do you get your inspiration from?
How do you bring it all together?
How long does it take you?
Share a materials/finishes palette of an upcoming project -
make sure you only do this if it will be helpful. For example:
share product suggestions
talk about how you put together a palette for a project
talk about how to lay out a palette for presentation - do you
use a tray?
talk about how you would transport your materials and then
lay them out for a client during a presentation
Give people a tour of a project you are about to start working
on: For example, this could be video tour talking about what you
are going to change, images of the project where you discuss
what is going to do etc.
Share a SketchUp/CAD or other design drawing you are working
Site visit photo/video
Supplier visit photo/video
Tour of your workspace/photo of your desk
10 things people may not know about you
5 things people probably don’t know about being an ... [interior
A day in the life of working as an ... [interior designer/architect]
Share something that happened in your week that people would
find interesting to learn about
Tell people about something that you are going to be doing soon
and why you are excited about it
Share why you started your business
Share a fun fact about you or your business
Share the story of your first ever project

Your favourite books/podcasts/YouTube channels about ...
Running a business
Design inspiration
Your niche
Share the steps involved in…….[different parts of the design
If you have team members – share an image of them and 3 fun
Share a hand drawn sketch
How you plan your day
Before and after photos
Create a time lapse video of you creating or doing something
Design drawings
Styling a room
SketchUp/CAD work
Having a meeting (e.g. with a client or on site)
Shout out another business in your industry and what you like
about them
Share how you prepare for the week ahead
Share what you like to do for fun (when you’re not working!)
Share an award, media feature you have received
Offer a sneak peek of what you’re currently working on
Share a local place you love (this is a great one for those who
work in specific local areas with local clients – e.g. your favourite
café, place to shop, park, walk)
Share your products or services and ask people to DM you for
more information
Encourage people to follow your other social profiles – e.g.
Insight into your office, home office, workspace set up
What tech do you use and why
Do you still do something "old school" - why?

Share tips about the local building codes. For example; ceiling
heights, floor finishes, space sizes, typical measurements
Share “how to” tips in your niche
Choose curtains, choose tiles, style a bed, style your dining table,
choose a dining chair
Share measurements/dimensions of different elements of spaces
you work on. For example; dining table standard sizes,
Feature an expert in the industry – DM them and ask for their top
tip in a particular area and share their advice. Tag them to give
them a shout out
Share upcoming industry specific events (e.g. sales, fairs) that
your ideal clients might be interested in
Share trends you are noticing in the industry
3 things you don’t like about the industry and how they can be
3 things you love about this industry
Share something you wish you had known when you first started
in the industry
Share something (e.g. a trend, paint colour, piece of furniture)
that everyone else in your niche really likes but you don’t
Share something that lots of other ...[designers/architects] really
hate to do but you love doing
Advice you would give to someone just starting out in your
One thing you couldn’t live without (as it relates to your niche
and would be of interest to your potential clients)
Floor plan layouts for different spaces
Share behind the scenes of an industry specific event – e.g. a
design fair – give them access to something they wouldn’t be
able to experience without being an industry insider
Cross promote with others in your industry – give shout outs and
support others in the industry (e.g. suppliers, other designers,
trades you work with)
Share an image from a well known person in your industry and a
quote from them in the captions

The best 3 places to go in ... [your city/location] for ... (this one
is great for those of you with service based business working in
particular locations)
Soft furnishings
Design inspiration
Things from your niche that people might be searching for
Share a piece of content that positions you as an industry expert
Share what makes you different/better than your competitors

Ask your community questions in your posts to boost engagement
and get them commenting!

How much do you normally pay for ...? [e.g. bed linen,
appliances, tiles, new cushions]
How much time to you normally spend ...? [e.g. shopping for tiles,
choosing new cushions]
How often do you ...?
How often do you wash your curtains?
How often do you clean your shutters?
How often do you change out your throw cushions?
How often do you clean out your wardrobe?
What is one thing you want to accomplish before the end of the
What is one project around the house you want to accomplish
before the end of the year?
What is one DIY project you want to accomplish before the
end of the year?
What is one thing you want to avoid/never want to do again?
What is the one thing from your renovation project that you
never want to do again?
What is the one household chore you avoid and never want to
do again?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do ...?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would be your biggest splurge
in your renovation project?
If money wasn’t an issue, what would you go out and buy
What is your top tip for ...? [e.g. renovating, styling a bedroom,
staying organised, getting kids out of the house in the morning]
What is your favourite app for ...? [e.g. being more productive,
keeping kids occupied, budgeting, renovating]
What do you wish you had more time to do?
What are your top 3 favourite IG accounts to follow for design

Share an image from a supplier’s account and say what you like
about their product
Share an image or video from a showroom visit and why you use
them – what you love about them
Share an image of your key contact and what is great about
them – let people get to know them.
Share an image of their products in the showroom, warehouse
[i.e. behind the scenes of the supplier]
What to avoid when working with suppliers ...
What is great about working with suppliers ...
Get your suppliers to give you the answers to the top 3 questions
they get asked and share these as different posts on your
Get your tradies to give you their top 3 trade tips (as relevant to
your potential clients) and share these with an image of them or
some of their work
Give a shout out to tradies that you work with regularly – share
something fun about them
Take a photo of a tradie on a site visit (or something you have
discussed/worked on with them on site) and give your audience a
tip about what you talked about and how you solved it

Share a client testimonial as an image
Share a story about one of your clients
One of my clients was confused about ... Here’s the advice I gave
them ...
Tell the story of a client who has inspired you
Tell the story of a time you impacted a client’s life with the work
you did with them
Get a video testimonial from your client and share this
Create a short video tour of a completed project (under 1 min)
and share to your page
Share a client transformation story – what life was like before
working with you vs how they are living now
Share the steps involved in working with you
Share the behind the scenes of what’s involved in an initial
design consultation with you
Share what to expect when a client works with you
Share how you prepare to first start working with a client
Share the specific steps involved in a particular project you have
just finished – what went well?
Share before and after images of client projects
Get someone to take an image of you and your client chatting on
site about their project (get your client’s permission of course!)


Share a tip from another trade on site (bonus points for being
brave and capturing this on video – most will be happy if you’re
brave enough to ask and it makes great content!)
Get a picture of you standing on site talking with client
Take close up images of details that are coming together
Take an image of something that was discussed and talk about
the problem and how it was resolved (e.g. how to choose where
to position power points in an island bench, what to do when
things are different on site than what was expected)
Do a quick live video after a site visit (e.g. from your car or
before you leave) and tell your audience what you did and the
problems/solutions you resolved

Share your favourite guilty pleasures (let people get to know you)
– e.g. Netflix show, wine, food
Use the DM me sticker
Share a photo/video of you participating in your favourite hobby
(get to know you post)
Use the poll sticker
Before and after images of projects that may not be quite at a
level you would want to share on your website or Instagram page
Share a book you’re currently reading or podcast you’re currently
listening to
Talk about a new product or service you are offering
Use the questions sticker – ask your audience something you
might need to know (good for market research!) or ask them
something to get them engaging with you (e.g. have a question
about bathrooms? Ask me anything!)
Share a post that someone else has tagged you in on their
stories (good for social proof and also to give the other person
some additional exposure)
"How to" videos or tutorials – bite sized pieces of educational
content that is both entertaining and helpful. You would have
endless examples of this when you are working on site or with
clients – things like how to lay out a mood board, how to think
about a bathroom design, what height to hang a vanity, how to
style a bed, how high to hang a picture…there’s literally an
endless supply of this sort of content. Brainstorm 20 ideas to
start with as this will help give you lots of things to get going
with (you can do this on the next page!)
Announcements – e.g. if you have a new product or service you
are going to be offering, if you are pre-launching something, to
remind people about your design services. Don’t do this often as
it can be spammy and you want to be helpful! But it’s totally fine
to use your stories for this
A quiz – this is great if you want to find out more about your
audience and people generally like to give you their opinion on

Collaborations – e.g. do a Q&A with one of the suppliers you use
regularly and cover the main things people ask about
Contests, competitions or give-aways – partner with one of your
suppliers and do a give away of one of their products.
Go Live on Instagram Live – for example:
Go live from a site visit and share everything that has been
Go live from your car after a client meeting and share a tip
that you think people would benefit from learning
Have an interview with someone – e.g. client, supplier, trade –
and share
Family or other content to let people get to know you. Don’t
spam with family posts but if something seems authentic to your
brand and is worth sharing to help them get to know you then go
for it!
Add captions to your stories to increase the number of people
who watch (most people look on Instagram with their sound off)
Templates – this has been a trend going around for a while now.
You put up a branded template and your audience can screen
shot and fill this out on their own story. This is great for brand
awareness if people complete it and post it up while tagging
Share a quote or something that you find inspiring
Share a countdown using the countdown timer sticker
Give a shout-out to an account you like – screenshot their page
and post it in your stories, tag them

Want more? Here’s even more ideas that may get you thinking about
things you can share. Remember – nobody sees things the way that
you see them. Share what you know and provide value freely to your
audience. Here's some ideas:

Mark ups on design drawings

Journal entries
Notebook entries
Things that inspire you
Work in progress
Your day-to-day process
Trade/insider secrets
Tools/materials that you use

This final list above has been adapted from ‘Show your work’ by
Austin Kleon, which is great book on the topic of sharing your
creative process with the world. I would highly recommend you read

Need more help?

Fast track your progress...

My business short courses have been created for designers and architects who want
to find more clients, make more money and ultimately enjoy working in their business.

The outcome of these courses is simple:

To help you build a more professional and more profitable design or architecture

This isn’t about expensive paid advertising, tricky tech or complicated strategies. It’s
about taking strategic, consistent, messy action on the actual tasks that will move you

What you have learned in this resource is WHAT you need to do.

My business short courses (+ free business community) will teach you HOW to
implement these strategies.


Or reach out in Instagram DM if you have questions @thelittledesigncorner

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